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Where should an adjective be placed in s simple declarative sentence?
Can two or more adjectives be placed together in a simple declarative sentence?

Position of adjectives

a) Usually in front of a noun: A beautiful girl.

b) After verbs like "to be", "to seem" , "to look", "to taste":


  • The girl is beautiful
  • You look tired
  • This meat tastes funny.

c) After the noun: in some fixed expressions:


  • The Princess Royal
  • The President elect
  • a court martial

d) After the noun with the adjectives involved, present, concerned:


  1. I want to see the people involved/concerned (= the people who have something to do with the matter)
  2. Here is a list of the people present (= the people who were in the building or at the meeting)

Be careful! When these adjectives are used before the noun they have a different meaning:

  • An involved discussion = detailed, complex
  • A concerned father = worried, anxious
  • The present situation = current, happening now

Form of Adjectives


1. Adjectives are invariable:
They do not change their form depending on the gender or number of the noun.

A hot potato Some hot potatoes

2. To emphasise or strengthen the meaning of an adjective use 'very' or 'really':

A very hot potato

Some really hot potatoes.

 Adjectives are words used to describe nouns.
 Adjectives give more information about a noun.
 Use adjectives to make your writing more interesting.

 "Fast, fun, new, old, red, ugly" are all adjectives. They describe a noun.
   It's a fast car.    It's a fun car.   It's a new book.
   It's an old book.   It's a red book.   It's an ugly ______.

Adjectives can come BEFORE the NOUN (adjective + noun)
   It's an expensive book.    It's a _______ing book.   It's a red book.

Adjectives can come AFTER a BE verb. (BE + adjective)
   The butterfly is pretty.    The butterfly is blue.   Butterflies are interesting.

Nouns can also work as adjectives. A noun can help describe an object.
   It's a business meeting.    They're having a job interview.   It's a school conference.

Present participles (-ing verbs) can also work as adjectives.
   Football is an exciting game.    Football is interesting.   It's an interesting game.

Past participles (verb 3) can also work as adjectives.
   The man is tired.    The exhausted man fell asleep.   He was worn out by work today.

Adjectives can be hyphenated.
 The computer-generated error message made the program freeze.
 My friend isn't very good at do-it-yourself projects.                    

Numbers can be used as adjectives.
   That's a three-ton truck.                                            
The man is a thirty-seven-year-old trucker.             
In his 20-year career, he's never had an accident.

Adjectives can be used to compare things.
Cats are softer than dogs.  My cat is the cutest cat I know.