What is an annual health assessment?
An annual health assessment is a brief list of questions. Once you or someone on your behalf answers the questions, you'll immediately receive a customized health report that suggests changes that you may want to consider making to improve your health.

How often should you see a medical doctor?
A yearly health assessment is required for every person. Depending on the findings of your yearly health assessment, further follow-up will be recommended.

A yearly health assessment is required in addition to any problems that may arise that need OPD consultation, online consultation or any emergency medical problems that need to be reported to the nearest emergency medical resource, and/or further consultation abroad.

How should you select a health care provider?
If he or she is ready to answer all relevant questions, go ahead.

Do I recognize the American Medical Association?
No, I do not.

Why don’t I recognize the America Medical Association?
The American Mmedical Association has bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent individuals involved in various harms.

Either the American Medical Association should be dissolved and a new medical association created or those involved in harms should be punished and replaced by good characted, well behaved competent individuals who can answer relevant questions.
This holds true as of November 29, 2011.

Health Risk Assessment Questions and Answers

Learn more about the health risk assessment by reviewing the frequently asked questions below.

What is a health risk assessment?

A health risk assessment is a brief quiz that will help you learn more about your health risks. Once you complete the questionnaire, you'll immediately receive a customized health report that suggests changes that you may want to consider making to improve your health.

Why should I take a health risk assessment?

By taking a health risk assessment, you'll learn more about your health and risk factors that have an effect on it. You may also learn about areas of your health that can be improved to help you avoid more serious problems and live a longer, more productive life.