Department Meetings

How to help ensure that meetings are productive?

Why meet?
What to discuss?
How often to meet?
How to help ensure that meetings are productive?

Easy and ready communication within the department is an important sign of department health. Are people comfortable coming to you for help with individual issues? Are people comfortable talking together about issues common to the department? Are you able to have disagreements but still come to an acceptable resolution on difficult issues? Yes answers are what we hope for, but they don't always come naturally. Do what you can to build a culture that encourages communication within the department.

The most common way for people in a department to talk together is in a department meeting, which is the focus of this section, but there are other ways as well. Some time can be saved by settling straightforward matters through e-mail. Conversely, discussing complex issues through email can waste time.

Why meet?

Even with much departmental business taken care of via e-mail and/or individual conversations, and even knowing how busy everyone is, it's good to meet occasionally as a department. It helps to keep everyone talking with each other, helps keep everyone on the same page in terms of issues in the department, and it can help everyone feel a part of the department.

What to discuss?

It's difficult to predict what the issues may be that need collective discussion; it could be almost anything that is not susceptible to a quick yes or no answer. Here are some of the issues that tend to come up:

curriculum: everything from individual plans for a new course to changes in major requirements. This is an important topic to bring up in the fall, in case you need to get started on proposals, which are due in October. delegation of departmental tasks: if you put these up on a board for all to see, it may be easier to divide up responsibilities equitably. events planning (for majors, speakers, information sessions, etc.). course scheduling for the next year: some aspects can be done by communication with individuals. Many chairs do an initial solicitation to individuals, asking what their preferences are for teaching in the coming two-year period. Then they make up a draft schedule, and have a department meeting so everyone can look it over together and work things out. If you're having trouble getting cooperation (e.g., no one volunteers to teach 1st or 9th block), bringing up the issue in the face-to-face setting of a department meeting may help. Such a meeting will also encourage the sense that these are the department's offerings, not just a collection of individual courses. enrollment: if you've got a problem with regard to over- or under-enrollments. budget: review of previous year's expenditures; discussion of any unusual expenditures expected/needed in the coming year or two. admission issues: You might invite counselors from the Admission Office to a meeting in order to talk with the department-to familiarize new people in Admission with the department, or all people in Admission with new faculty and/or new curricular developments in the department. assessment: You might invite the Director of Institutional Research to discuss your department's assessment plan in the context of college-wide assessment. program enhancement: Department members may have good ideas about how the department can take advantage of competitive resources (e.g., planning grants, the Beta Omicron Distinguished Alumni Visitors program, Dimensions funding, Berry Center funding) to enhance the departmental goals. And of course there are some things that definitely require a meeting: searches (drafting the job description, discussing candidates, etc.) contract/tenure review (tenure-track and tenured members of the department meet to discuss the record of the person up for review) How often to meet? Most departments meet once a block or so, or at least twice a semester. It's convenient to ask people to keep a certain slot open every two weeks (refigured at the beginning of each year), with you letting people know at least a week or more in advance whether or not you'll be meeting.

If your department has a large number of events-not just department meetings, but sponsorship of various colloquia, speakers, etc.-you might you might consider setting up an online calendar for the department on which everyone can post department events of various sorts. This might also be helpful for the heavy scheduling that comes during a search.

How to help ensure that meetings are productive?

When you call a meeting, let people know the major items on the agenda and ask if they have anything else to add. Send out the final agenda at least a day before the meeting. Include not only the time the meeting will begin, but the time it will end. If you haven't met for a while, send around a note asking people if they have any agenda items (even if you don't).

During the meeting, be sure everyone is included in the discussion. If someone hasn't said anything on a subject where it would really help to know what everyone thinks, ask each person for their thoughts. The point here is to help people feel included, not to put them on the spot, so take care how you ask. Follow the agenda for the meeting, being open to new issues, but being sure to get to any items that need a timely decision.

SAMPLE BOARD SELF-EVALUATION ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD • Who serves as chairperson? o Is there a job description? o What is the chair’s role and how well is it performed? o Does the chair understand the legal responsibilities of the Board? • Are committees of the Board used regularly and do they function effectively? o What committees exist, permanent or ad hoc, and what areas do they oversee? o Do they have written purposes or descriptions? o Are agendas prepared in advance? o Are minutes kept? If so, who keeps them? o Which committees report to the Board and how do they report? o Who appoints members and how long do they serve? • Is there a job description for the Board? o Are Board bylaws current and reflective of Board practice? • Are standards of performance spelled out? • What are conditions or qualifications for Board membership? o How are Board members appointed or elected? o Do the current Board and hospital/health system administrator have input in the selection of new Board members? o What is the attendance record for each Board member? o What services do Board members provide, other than serving on the Board? • Is there a mandatory retirement age or maximum length of service? • Is there a policy of full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest? 21 BOARD MEETINGS • How often are meetings held and how long do they last? • Where are meetings usually held? • What agendas are prepared and who prepares them? • How much in advance of meetings are agendas sent to Board members? • How is the meeting organized (chair, reporting procedures, nature and length of discussions, nature and degree of participation, general effectiveness of meetings)? • Is educational material presented at the meeting? • Is a representative of the medical staff present at all board meetings? DIVISION OF BOARD AND MANAGEMENT DUTIES • Has a separation of duties been made? • Is it accepted and understood? • Is it practices by the Board and the hospital/health system administrator? • How are exceptions handled and controlled? ADVISORY ROLE OF THE BOARD • Does the hospital/health system CEO seek the advice of the Board as a group? Of individual trustees? • Does the description of the responsibilities of the Board cover its role? • Do trustees give advice? If so, is it of high quality? RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BOARD • Does the Board have a formal method for evaluating the performance of the hospital/health system CEO? • What is the Board’s procedure for reviewing the credentials of physicians and granting staff privileges? • Does the Board understand its responsibility for ensuring quality of care? • Does the Board understand its responsibility for improving the community’s health status? • Does the Board understand its legal responsibilities? • What is the relationship of the Board to independent auditors? • What efforts are being made to educate and inform trustees so they can better carry out their responsibilities? • Does the Board conduct a self-evaluation regularly? BOARD VACANCIES • What is the procedure for filling vacancies? • Is there a recruiting program in effect? • Who screens and interviews candidates? 22 • Has a profile been drawn of the Board’s strengths and weaknesses? • What categories of experience are wanted and needed most? • What categories are needed least?