Develop an Action Plan What is the overall objective and ideal situation? What is needed in order to get there from here? What actions need to be done? Who will be responsible for each action? How long will each step take and when should it be done? What is the best sequence of actions? How can we be sure that earlier steps will be done in time for later steps which depend on them? What training is required to ensure that each person knows how to execute each step in the plan? What standards do we want to set? What resources are needed and how will we get them? How will we measure results? How will we follow up each step and who will do it? What checkpoints and milestones should be established? What are the make/break vital steps and how can we ensure they succeed? What could go wrong and how will we get around it? Who will this plan affect and how will it affect them? How can the plan be adjusted without jeopardizing its results to ensure the best response and impact? How will we communicate the plan to ensure support? What responses to change and other human factors are anticipated and how will they be overcome? Considerations Have you considered what resources will be needed? Have you developed contingency plans for the most critical action steps? Are the necessary people aware of the contingency plan?