Document Types in English language

What are the types of documents in English language?
  1. Agendas

  2. Acknowledgement

  3. Application forms (form document)

  4. Brief

  5. Books

  6. Certificate

  7. Contract

  8. Detailed report and summary

  9. Documentation (Manuals)

  10. Dictionary

  11. Electronic mail

  12. E-book

  13. Educational resources on the Internet

  14. Form (document)

  15. Gazette (journal)

  16. Hypertext document

  17. Identity document

  18. Instructions and procedures

  19. Interrogatories

  20. Journals

  21. Literature reviews

  22. Letters

  23. Linguistics

  24. License

  25. Manifest

  26. Mock-up

  27. MSDS

  28. Mutual nondisclosure agreement (MNDA)

  29. Meeting documents

  30. Meeting follow-up document

  31. Memoranda

  32. Nondisclosure agreement (NDA)

  33. Notebooks

  34. Newspapers

  35. News reports

  36. Notice

  37. Oral Presentations

  38. Packing slip

  39. Photograph

  40. Proposal (report or letter)

  41. Quota document

  42. Quote

  43. Ration book

  44. Receipt

  45. Request for proposal (RFP)

  46. Proposals

  47. Press releases

  48. Progress Report

  49. Profile/Résumés

  50. Public Notice

  51. Quota per person

  52. Research Documents

  53. Reports

  54. Recreational website

  55. Script

  56. Spread sheet

  57. Summons

  58. Specifications (Manufacturing)

  59. Statement of purpose

  60. Schools, colleges, and universities on the Internet

  61. Style guides

  62. Testimonial

  63. Theses

  64. User guide

  65. White paper