What is a Symptom?

Symptom: Any subjective evidence of disease. A symptom is a phenomenon that is experienced by an individual. Anxiety, lower back pain, and fatigue are all symptoms. They are sensations only the patient can perceive. In contrast, a sign is objective evidence of disease. A bloody nose is a sign. It is evident to the patient, doctor, nurse, and other observers.

What is a Sign?

Sign: Any objective evidence of disease. A sign can be detected by a person other than the affected individual. Gross blood in the stool is a sign of disease. It can be recognized by the patient, doctor, nurse, or others. In contrast, a symptom is, by its nature, subjective. Abdominal pain is a symptom. It is something only the patient can know.

As you talk with the patient, you must learn to elicit and organize all of these elements of the patient's health. Bear in mind that during the interview this information will not spring forth in this order!

As you gain experience assessing patients in different settings, you will find that new patients in the office or in the hospital merit a comprehensive health history, however, in many situations a more flexible focused, or problem oriented, interview may be appropriate. The patient's concerns and problems, your goals for assessment, the clinical setting (inpatient, outpatient, primary care, etc); and the amount of time available.

What kind of global medical college does this world require?

Qureshi Medical College International.

Who says medical education hasn't changed?

International standards are emerging across international boundaries.
Evaluation permits the critical question to be asked and answered: have the goals and objectives of new curriculum been met?

Association of Global Medical Colleges (Coming Soon)
What are your duties and responsibilities?
How would this question have been answered in 1950?
    In 1950, There were no microchips.
    There were no central processing units.
    There was no World Wide Web.
How should this question be answered in 2009?
One of the medical doctors mentions that our primary duty as clinicians is to treat the ailing.

Will you do symptomatic treatment?
Will you do empirical treatment?
Or will you reach a scientific correct diagnosis and then treat the patient?
Correct diagnosis is essential.
Without correct diagnosis, treatment can be harmful or ineffective.

It's better to see one patient per day and reach a correct diagnosis and treatment than to see dozens of patients per day and give wrong diagnoses with wrong treatments.

Diagnosis audit, treatment audit, conduct audit, procurement audit, vicarious liability: incompetence is been taken seriously worldwide.

How do you update your skills and knowledge?
How do you impart skills and knowledge to others?
Teaching, research, continuing education.

What should be the focus of treatment?
Use of drugs and surgical procedures aren't the only treatment options.
Counseling can help. Physical rehabilitation can cure.
Start with counseling and physical rehabilitation; after that, drug use or surgical option.

How do you reach a correct diagnosis?
How do you treat cases according to international standards and recent advances, and to the preventive and curative aspects of medicine?
Here are important guidelines for admission to Qureshi Medical College International.

What is the difference between allopathic medicine and homeopathic medicine?
What subjects do they study?
What questions do they address?
What problems do they solve?
What cases do they diagnose?
What cases do they manage?
What international standards, recent advances, preventive and curative concepts of medicine do they follow?
Is cardiology allopathic medicine or homeopathic medicine?
Is internal medicine allopathic medicine or homeopathic medicine?
Is gastroenterology allopathic medicine or homeopathic medicine?
Is emergency medicine allopathic medicine or homeopathic medicine?