Grooming Checklist: Head to Toe! Hint: You will probably want to dress like you're going to work. You'll want your future boss to envision you working for him. See Interview Skills ___ Hair combed and in an appropriate style ___ Hats...usually best left behind. Worn outdoors only ___ Face clean. (Girls should wear minimal make-up) ___ Scent free, that is no perfume or after shave lotion ___ Deodorant ___ Teeth brushed and flossed ___ Neck- free of jewelry ___ Neck- if you have an open shirt, only top button is open ___ Neck clean- you may want to use rubbing alcohol (keeps dress shirt color clean) ___ Neck tie-appropriate for business setting ___ Collar- is it buttoned ___ Hands clean with limited jewelry ___ Clean and well manicured fingernails ___ Watch-usually worn on left hand. Correct time? ___ Belt- should be same color as shoes ___ Belt- did you put it through all the loops ___ Belt length-should be 5 inches longer than your waist ___ Pants-ironed?(Kurta payjama) ___ Pants-buttoned in front and back(Kurta payjama) ___ Shoes-shined ___ Shoes-same color as belt ___ Most important!!! Your smile!