Traditionally, the major emphasis of the K-8 mathematics curriculum has been to teach children arithmetic - how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Number of zeros Scientific community Other regions
3 thousand thousand
6 million million
9 billion 1000 million (1 milliard)
12 trillion billion
15 quadrillion 1000 billion
18 quintillion trillion
21 sextillion 1000 trillion
Units of Weight
1 pound = 16 ounces (oz)
1 ton (T) = 2000 pounds (lb)
Units of Mass
1 gram = 1000 milligram (mg)
1 kilogram = 1000 grams (g)
1 metric ton (t) = 1000 kilograms (kg)
Units of Temperature
Degree Fahrenheit
Degree Celsius
Practice Questions:
1. How many inches in 23 cm?
2. How many inches in 0.7 cm?
3. How many centimeters in 5 inches?
4. How many centimeters in 0.45 inches?
5. How many centimeters in 23 inches?
6. How many feet in 43 meters?
7. How many meters in 2.5 feet?
8. How many feet in 0.5 meters?
9. How many miles in 42 km?
10. How many kilometers in 42 miles?
11. How many kilometers in 10 miles?
12. How many yards in 42 feet?
13. How many miles in 300 feet?
14. How many feet in 12 miles?
15. How many square inches in 34 square centimeters?
16. How many square feet in 34 square meters?
17. How many square feet in 34 square yards?
18. How many acres in 345 hectares?
19. How many square meters in 1.5 square feet?
20. How many square miles in 14 hectares?
21. How many liters in 15 quarts?
22. How many liters in 4.2 quarts?
23. How many quarts in 10 liters?
24. How many quarts in 0.45 liters?
25. How many cubic feet in 10 liters?
26. How many gallons in 5 liters?
27. How many liters in 5 cubic yards?
28. How many gallons in 15 cubic feet?
29. How many meters in 15 inches?
30. How many yards in 15 meters?
31. What is a knot?
32. What is a nautical mile?
33. How do I read a ruler?
34. How many square feet is one acre?
35. How many acres is one hectare?
36. How many square feet is one hectare?
37. How many square meters is one hectare?
38. How much is one metric ton in kilograms?