Q: What kind of global medical college does this world require?

A: Qureshi Medical College International.

Who says medical education hasn't changed?

International standards are emerging across international boundaries.
Evaluation permits the critical question to be asked and answered: have the goals and objectives of new curriculum been met?

State Medical Council
Association of Global Medical Colleges (Coming Soon)
Association of American Medical Colleges (World wide alert. Association of American Medical Colleges is declared as a racist, harmful organization)
What are your duties and responsibilities?
How would this question have been answered in 1950?
    In 1950, There were no microchips.
    There were no central processing units.
    There was no World Wide Web.
How should this question be answered in 2009?

One of the medical doctors mentions that our primary duty as clinicians is to treat the ailing.

Will you do symptomatic treatment?
Will you do empirical treatment?
Or will you reach a scientific correct diagnosis and then treat the patient?
Correct diagnosis is essential.
Without correct diagnosis, treatment can be harmful or ineffective.

It's better to see one patient per day and reach a correct diagnosis and treatment than to see dozens of patients per day and give wrong diagnoses with wrong treatments.

Diagnosis audit, treatment audit, conduct audit, procurement audit, vicarious liability: incompetence is been taken seriously worldwide.