How do you do a diagnosis and treatment audit? What were the symptoms? What were the signs? When did the symptoms or any sign start? How did the symptoms or any sign start? Who reported the symptoms, signs, or problem? Did the medical condition interfere with daily activities? Was the medical condition corrected with any treatment? What is the diagnosis? Who diagnosed and treated him or her? Where and when did he or she first diagnose him or her? How did the doctor reach this diagnosis? Why was this treatment recommended? What would happen if this treatment was not recommended? How would events happen if this treatment was not recommended? What questions need to be answered to reach to correct diagnosis? Where is he at this point as of February 16, 2011? Where is he at this point as of ________ __, 2011? Who informed you? How did you get this information? This will help to find out credibility of information. What is the most likely diagnosis? Who recommended the medical procedure? How will the patient improve after the medical procedure? What investigations are required? Is there any update about his well-being?