You should have experience in diagnosis and treatment.
You should be able to reply to all questions.
You should be able to display your competence publicly by answering questions.
You should maintain an Internet presence with answers to relevant questions as proof of your competence.
You should explain why if you do not have Internet presence or an e-mail address.
Your absence on the Internet is one proof of your incompetence.
You should be able to prove that your services are better than other services.
Your reply to questions is proof of your competence.
You should have skills and knowledge of state economy, budget, and rights.
You should be able to guide others by answering relevant questions.
You should have insight of state planning and development.
You should have insight of medical malpractice, vicarious liability, and other relevant legal concepts.
You should know global advanced technologies and utilize them to enhance health care without burdening the economy and budget.
You should be able to guide in production of health care products in the state.
You should practice good character.
You should practice good behavior.