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Types of Numbers
    List of types of numbers
    Even and Odd Numbers
    Rational and Irrational Numbers
    Decimal Places
    Prime Numbers
    World's Largest Known Prime Number
    Cardinal, Ordinal, and Nominal Numbers
    Numerical Prefixes
    Mean and Median
    Rounding Numbers
    More than a Million
    The First Thousand Digits of Pi
    Roman Numerals
    Roman Numeral Challenge
Calorie Counting Quiz
What are complex numbers?
What's Special About This Number?
Prime Numbers
How is math relevant to me?

What do numbers convey?

How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?

What are properties of whole numbers?

What are different ways to count?

What are efficient ways to count?


In what ways can items be grouped?

How do units within a system relate to each other?

How does the position of a digit in a number affect its value?

In what ways can numbers be composed and decomposed?

How are place value patterns repeated in numbers?

How can place value properties aid computation?

What are strategies to make a reasonable estimate?


What are different models of and models for addition and subtraction?

What questions can be answered using addition and/or subtraction?

What are efficient methods for finding sums and differences?

What are different models of and models for multiplication and division?

What questions can be answered using multiplication and division?

What are efficient methods for finding products and quotients?


How do the four operations related to one another?

How are parenthesis used in numeric expressions?

What computation tools are best suited to which circumstances?

Fractions, decimals, and percents How can fractions be modeled, compared, and ordered?

How are common fractions, decimals and percents alike and different?

How is computation with rational numbers similar and different to whole number computation?