Is the client likely to benefit from inpatient treatment?
Are there potential adverse consequences of inpatient treatment? What is the gender of the patient?
How old is the patient?
What seems to be the problem?
How did it start?

Is the patient conscious, oriented in time, space, and person?
What specific questions should you ask in this context?
Where is the patient?
Can the patient talk?
Can the patient respond to verbal questions accurately?
Does the patient respond to painful stimulus?
Where are you now?
What time is it?
What is your name?
What is your real, birth name?
Where and when were you born?
How old are you?

Can the patient walk on his/her own?
Is the patient able to eat on his own?
Can patient go to the toilet on his/her own?
Who referred the patient?
What is the reason for referral?
What are the vital signs?
What are the findings after a physical examination?
Is he or she able to take at least two meals on his or her own every day?
Is he or she able to go to the toilet and clean on his or her own every day?
Does he or she have any non-psychiatric medical condition?
Is he or she able to prepare meals, buy food and consumer goods from the store, and utilize public transportation on his or her own?

What are included in activities of everday living?
1. Clean the bed
2. Clean the floor
3. Clean the stove
4. Clean the kitchen
5. Clean the refrigerator
6. Clean the sinks
7. Clean the tub
8. Clean the toilet
9. Put out the garbage
10. Exercise
11. Brush your teeth
12. Take a bath
13. Change your clothes
14. Prepare meals
15. Eat meals
16. Use the toilet

What are included in activities of weekly living?
1. Do the laundry
2. Procure food and consumer goods.

Who prepares meals?
Do you have enough meal preparation resources and storage, including cooking range, utensils, and refrigerator?
Is the patient able to cook meals every day?
Is the patient able to go to the toilet and clean everyday?
Is the patient able to go to procure food and clothes within walking distance?
Is the patient able to use public transport?
Is the patient able to have at least two meals a day?
Is the patient able to do activities of everyday living?
Is the patient able to clean the bed, floor, oven, kitchen, sink, and toilet, put out garbage, brush teeth, take a bath, and put on new clothes everyday?
Does the patient interact or converse with others at least once a week?
Does the patient get angry without any provocation?
Does the patient shout without provocation or deprivation of rights?
Does the patient assault others without provocation or deprivation of rights?

When does a case need legal counseling, adjudication, or restoration of rights instead of psychiatric treatment?

Behavioral health is a better term than mental health.
If a normal person is subject to deprivation of rights or suffers harms, he or she will not behave normally.
He or she will protest in different patterns.
He or she will manifest consciously or unconsciously in various patterns.
Does this person have mental illness?
No, he or she does not.
It is a scenario of enforced intentional harms and suffering.
Does this person have the right to protest in civilized manner?
Yes, he or she does.

Make sure you ask these questions before diagnosing and treating any psychiatric medical condition.

Is anyone provoking you to pick a quarrel?
Is anyone harassing you?
Do you feel your rights have been or are being deprived or violated?
If yes, what are the further details?
Do you have enough food, clothing, housing need, maintenance services, health care, security, transportation, consumer goods, communications, education, family and social support?
Are you happy with your everyday activity?
If no, occupational adjustment is necessary.
If no, what are the further details?
What are the types of harms?

    What questions should petitioners answer?
    Do you have the duty and responsibility to serve this individual?
    Did you fulfill your duty and responsibility?
    How much are you involved in enhancing harm?
    What are your duties and responsibilities?
    What are the results?
    Where are the results?
    Are you involved in negligence, discrimination, racism, deprivation of rights, or exclusion?
    If your answer is No.
    Where are the solutions?
    Where are the remedies?
    What is your ethnicity?
    What is the ethnicity of the individual?
    Did the individual make you think of negligence, discrimination, racism, deprivation of rights, or exclusion?
    Did you fail to bring in remedies and results?
    Why did you fail?
    Do you know that making a false statement on this petition is a Class A Misdemeanor?
    Should there be international supervision and intervention in any case where local authorities show racism, bias, or incompetence?
    What's the background of this case?
    What is source of your remuneration/income?
    How much is your remuneration/income per year?
    What is your salary?
    Do you think you are worth this salary?
    What's the difference between a protest and threatening behaviour or conduct?
    Did anyone direct you to file this petition?
    Who did direct you?
    Where are they located?
    Should there be an attorney in hospital to take testimony and follow up?
    Should there be an on-site public defender?
    Which administrations are involved in these harms?
    Which hospitals are involved in such malpractice?
    Which facilities are involved in such malpractice?
    Which businesses are involved in such harms?
    Take a look at this.
    Do you know any administrators or any hospitals involved in similar malpractice or harms?
Here are further guidelines.

    Do you use any of the following?
    Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco products.

    Did you ever face any one of the following?
    1) Psychological Torture
    2) Physical Torture
    3) Discrimination
    4) Deprivation of rights
    5) Malicious provoking and crushing techniques
    6) Malicious harassment, stress, entrapment techniques
    7) Disruption
    8) Exclusion
    9) Negligence
    10) Oppression
    11) Administrative abuse

    Did you challenge any? Who? How? When? Where?
    Did you face retaliation?
What would be the correct answer?
What are your recommendations?

Don't over-prescribe.
Bupropion Hydrochloride (wellbutrin), Modafinil (Provigil), Paroxetine Hydrochloride (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), Aripiprazole (Abilify), Risperdal, Clonazepam, Ambien, Sertraline (Zoloft), Carbamazepine (Tegretol), etc.
Don't prescribe so as to subject individuals to any drug side effects.
Don't diagnose Depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Schizophrenia, Paranoid Delusions, Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Exclude all of the above.

Punish oppressors to relieve oppressive pain and harm.
Put individuals in a safe place with their families.
Make sure individuals are surrounded by people from the same religion.
Initiate regenerative counselling.
Take into account the family and the central community for any specific counseling.

A racist endorses the wrong diagnosis of the racist.
Does that make it a correct diagnosis?

An incompetent doctor endorses wrong diagnosis of his incompetent colleague.
Does that make it a correct diagnosis?

Is the American Board Certified license number important or is competence more essential? When can a person be subject to involuntary judicial admission to a psychiatric facility?
When can a person not be subject to involuntary judicial admission to a psychiatric facility?
Psychiatry Book Does the patient have new psychiatric condition?

Questions for Patients

* Have you ever attempted suicide?
* How long have you thought about suicide before coming here?
* What has happened to lead you to such a thought?
* Have you had any losses in the last few months?
* How would you commit suicide if you decide to try to do it?

Evaluation of Patient Responses

* Has the patient described a detailed suicide plan, or is it more of a casual thought?
* If there is a plan, is it well thought out and potentially lethal?
* Does the patient have the means available to carry out the plan?
* Is there anything (e.g., religious belief) that will stop a suicide attempt?
* Do you feel that life is worth living?
* Do you wish you were dead?
* Have you thought about ending your life?
* If yes, have you gone so far as to think about how you would do so?
* Do you have access to a way to carry out your plan?
* What keeps you from harming yourself?

Cognitive disorders

'Have you found yourself getting more forgetful?'
'Are you able to follow and engage in conversations like normal?'
'Administer MMSE and cognitive testing'

Affective disorders

'Have you been depressed or gone through a long period of having low mood?' (Dysthymia / Depression)
'Have you ever had a period of feeling extreme elation, with more confidence and energy that normal that you began behaving out of character?' (Mania / Hypomania)

Psychotic disorders

'Have you had any abnormal or irrational feelings, thoughts or experiences?'
'Have you ever heard, seen or smelt anything others couldn't?'
'Do often you think others are observing and commenting about you?

Neurotic / Somatic Disorders

'Do you experience prolonged or inexplicable anxiety, fear or worry?'
'Have you ever had an intense rush of fear and apprehension or felt impending doom?'
Do you ever get annoying thoughts come into your head that distress you?
'Have you had medically unexplained illness?... tell me more?'

Suicidality / Self Harm

'What are your hopes / plans for the future? 'Do you ever feel like there nothing worth living for?'
'Have you ever had any ideas of ending it all?'
'Have you ever acted on these ideas.. made any plans, taken any action?'
'Have you ever intentionally caused yourself any harm...?' Eating disorders
'Have you ever felt unhappy about your body image and tried to loose weight?'
'What to you think of you current body image / weight?'
'Have you ever had a binge where you felt you couldn't control your eating?'
'Do you ever feel you urgently have to reduce your weight... what do you do?'

Substance misuse

'Administer CAGE (Cutting down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye opener)
'Have you used any recreational drugs like ecstasy, marijuana, LSD, heroin, cocaine, mushrooms…?'
'Are you currently taking taking a medicines?'
'Do you have injections given to you on a regular basis?'
'Do you take any health supplements? herbal remedies? alternative medicine?'
'Have you ever had a reaction to any medication or anything else?'

Birth / Infancy

* Birth timing and complications
* Breastfed or bottle fed
* Any separation from mother
* Growth and developmental targets
'Were you and early or late baby?'
'Were you told if you smiled, talked, walked, ate when you should have?'
'Were you ever told of complications at your birth?'


* Family relationships in upbringing
* Nursery and early schooling
* Socialising and befriending
* Academic and sporting abilities
'Tell me a bit about you background, where you grew up and what it was like?'
'How many siblings do you have, how did you get on with them?'
'What did your parent do for a living?'
'What happened when you disobeyed them?'


* School life and academic achievements
* Pubertal development (physically and psychological)
* Peer relationships (including sexual)
* Have you experimented with Alcohol, drugs, antisocial behaviour
'Did you enjoy school?'
'Did you have a best friend?'
'When did you begin having an interest in the opposite sex?'
'How you were at school work, what did you like?'
'Did you ever drink, take drugs or get into trouble with the police?'


* Martial and sexual history (list of past relationships, children, bereavements)
Occupational history (list of jobs, promotions, satisfaction) *
Support network *
Future goals and plans
'How has you __________ (relationship) been?'
'Why did you choose this career?'
'Do you have any children? What are they like?'
'Do you like your work?'