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What is a Team?
What types of teams are not recommended?
What are the types of team?
How big does my team have to be?
How do I create a team?
How do I join a team?
What should this team accomplish?
What is a success for us?
What kind of teamwork will be necessary to do this job right?
How are we going to support each other?
If something goes wrong, how are we going to get things back on track?
Who would do what?
How would we make decisions?
What are the different ways we could do this project?
Which of these ideas excites you?
Which of these are you ready to do now?
How much time do you think we'll need?
If this were the last minute, would we do this assignment differently?
What are the milestones we need to reach?
When do we need to reach them?
Do you think all members of the team have enough infirmation to participate?
What do we already know?
What do we need to know?
Whom should we talk to?
What can go wrong with this team or this project?
How can we prevent it from going wrong?
What will you do to help prevent problems from coming up?
How can we make this work more fun and faster?
What is the big picture?
What are the industry trends?
What are the economic trends?
What ideas do you have about new products or services?
What is the history of a particularly successful team project you've worked on?
If you had a chance to redo your last team project, what would you do differently?
How are things going to change?
What will be the benefit of the change?
How will things be better?
Is there anything on your mind?
Where are the bottlenecks in our company?
What is the level of knowledge in the group?
What information needs emphasis?
How do you know if you are successful?
What is your track record on projects you're been in charge of?
What are your strengths as a team member?
How are you going to keep management in the loop?
What quality control will you put in place?
What training is needed to work on this team?
What makes you think so?
What areas are you willing to improve on?
Do you meet your deadlines?
What is a team?
A team is a group where members are focused on a common goal.

A group is not necessarily a team. A group can have individuals with varied interests, attitude as well as thought processes. It is not necessary that the group members would have a common objective or a common goal to achieve.

A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project.

Teams differ from other type of groups in that members are focused on a joint goal or product, such as a presentation, completing in-class exercises, taking notes, discussing a topic, writing a report, or creating a new design or prototype.

Meetings function most efficiently when members come prepared and ground rules are laid out.

What types of teams are not recommended?
Sports teams

What are the types of team?
Engineer team
Team of doctors
Team of Teachers
Counselors’ Team
Lawyers Team (Imam team)
Police Team
Military officers team
Other Teams

What are the important teamwork skills?

Teamwork is a learned skill.

Ten Qualities of an Effective Team Player

Demonstrates reliability
Communicates constructively
Listens actively
Functions as an active participant
Shares openly and willingly
Cooperates and pitches in to help
Exhibits flexibility
Shows commitment to the team
Works as a problem-solver
Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner

Team Skills

Effective team members need the following three basic skills:

1.Communication and Negotiation - Team members need the ability to state ideas or questions clearly, listen to others attentively, and to resolve disagreements in a non-confrontational manner.

2.Analytic and Creative Skills - Team members need to evaluate information and propose creative solutions.

3.Organization - The team needs to be able to track and complete all its tasks on time. Tensions can often arise if deadlines are missed.

Communication Tips

1.Listen actively.
2.Ask questions.
3.Give constructive feedback - the list below can help students:
    a.Don't express an opinion as a fact
    b.Explain your reasons
    c.Restate the original idea to be sure it's understood
    d.Compliment another's idea
    e.Respond, don't react
    f.Don't interrupt
    g.Critique the idea, not the person
    h.Be courteous
    i.Avoid jargon
4.Awareness of body language and tone.
5.Appropriate humor.
6.Some chit-chat in meetings.

Organization Tips

1.Define a common goal for the project.
2.List tasks to be completed.
3.Assign responsibility for all tasks.
4.Develop a timeline.
5.Develop and post a checklist.
6.Set up a central repository for all electronic files.
7.Maintain a central archive for all communications.
8.Post or send all team meetings.
9.Send reminders when deadlines approach.
10.Send confirmation when tasks are completed.

Characteristics of Effective Teams

There is a clear unity of purpose.
A Clear and Elevating Goal (Vision)
Results–Driven Structure
Competent Team Members
Unified Commitment
Collaborative Climate
Standards of Excellence
External Support and Recognition
Principled Leadership
Last Updated: March 1, 2017