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Employees Union

Sometimes a state employees' union is good for the economy, sometimes it is not. The employees' union needs to get answers to these questions.

Are the head of the state and his associates good charactered, well behaved, and competent?
If the answer is no, you need to get the head of the state and his associates replaced.

How are they enhancing essential sectors of the economy?
What do they have to do to enhance the economy?

Q: What are the essential ingredients of an economy?
A. Food.
B. Clothing.
C. Construction.
D. Maintenance services.
E. Health care.
F. Security.
G. Transportation.
H. Consumer goods.
I. Communications.
J. Education.

The concept of finance has to be replaced with a concept of economy and budget, with a quota-based allotment. Technology, management, and marketing are requirements.
The Department of Finance should be abolished.
A Department of Economy and Budget is essential.

Q: What is essential is each sector, starting from the highest priority to the lowest?
A. Food: Drinkable water, grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, Consumable protein like eggs, poultry, mutton, beef, fish, milk, edible oil, sugar, salt, spices.
B. Clothing: Climate-specific clothing.
C. Construction: Urban planning and development, water, energy resources, building materials, buildings, roads, railways, airports, others.
D. Maintenance services: Water reservoirs, food warehouses, clothing, buildings, energy resources, railways, road maintenance.
E. Health care: Competent medical doctors who can offer correct diagnoses and treatment, nursing, social service, lab techs, operating theaters, intensive care units, supportive resources and services for medical doctors. Hospital Supplies.
F. Security: Intelligence.
G. Transportation: Railways, trucks, ships, airlines, tractors, buses, electric vehicle.
H. Consumer goods: Cooking ranges, cooking utensils, refrigerators, janitorial items.
I. Communications: Internet, satellite, telephone, postal service.
J. Education: Industry-specific, situation-specific education training and development.

Q: What aren't essential ingredients of the economy?
A. Entertainment.
B. Tourism.
C. Nonessential handicrafts.
D. Wildlife sanctuaries.
E. Religious institutions not imparting situation-specific education.
F. Non-health related sports.
G. Lottery.
H. Ineffective, harmful social services.
I. Harmful property management burdening police, courts, health care resources.
J. Banks and other institutions that try to get involved in loans, funding, financing.
K. Banks that don't integrate with industry-specific, situation-specific education resources and display publicly.
Department of economy and budget is essential.

Q: How should workers or, employees serve to enhance the economy and budget?
A: You need to identify essential and non-essential ingredients of the economy.
If the purpose is non-essential ingredients of the economy, don't provide resources, including electricity, water, and other items. Supplying food stuffs to hotels is bringing disaster to the economy and budget.

Q: Should you provide electricity, water, and other resources to activities that harms the economy, budget, and rights?
A: No.

How many workers are there?
How many workers are at the four corners of the state?
How many workers are at the airport?
What is the number of workers as per each sector?
What is their profile as per duty and responsibility?

What should be the focus of the strike?
1. To replace the fraudulently placed, bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent head of the state and his associates.
2. To cut off resources to the bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent head of the state and his associates, including aircraft and airport facilities that are being used unfairly.
3. To replace those connected to these harmful people.
4. To organize the state properly by implementing this urban planning and development.
Take a look at this.
5. To provide proper food, clothing, housing, maintenance services, health care, security, transportation, consumer goods, communications, industry-specific and situation-specific education, training, and development for those enhancing essential ingredients of the economy.
6. Those who have been involved in non-essential ingredients of the economy should be redirected to properly enhance essential ingredients of economy.
7. Those involved in harms should be punished.

Q: How do you make sure workers' or employees' union leaders are good charactered, well behaved, uncorruptible, and competent before endorsing them?
Q: How do you detect if workers' or employees' union leaders have been corrupted?
Q: How do you detect if workers' or employees' union leaders have malicious understanding with a fraudulently placed, bad charactered, badly behaved, incompetent head of the state and his associates?
Q: How do you replace them?