Who received these facts? Coordinator Kari Choy 217-851-6806 kari.choy@illinois.gov Senior Vocational Counselor Mr. Ramon Cabeza. Ramon.Cabeza@illinois.gov Illinois Department of Human Services 6200 N. Hiawatha, 3rd Floor Chicago, IL 60646 Phone: (773) 989-5000 TTY: (888) 440-8997 Fax: (773) 628-0109 When did they receive these facts? November 24, 2023 What did they receive? Take a look at this: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/certifiedrehabilitationcounselor.html. Dr. Asif Qureshi provides guidelines for certified rehabilitation counselors that are displayed via the internet. These guidelines have been available for many years, but someone is trying to get stuck in a revolving door, leading to the same ineffective outcome. To address this situation, Dr. Asif Qureshi does not need rehabilitation or a rehabilitation counselor. He needs a job title of program director or better, with a salary of at least $75,000 as well as retroactive credits that include reimbursement for the last 22 years of research that will count toward his retirement. Please place this information on the record: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. I can guide 19 specific types of physicians. Take a look at this. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html Everything is displayed at these resources. I can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, specific physicians, and law enforcement. I can guide 33 specific types of lawyers. Take a look at this. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/lawyers.html I can guide 60 specific categories of skills. I spend 8 hours per day, 56 hours per week, conducting executive public health emergency investigations or research. The resources I have produced are available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html Take a look at this. What types of guidelines has Dr. Asif Qureshi established for residents and professionals? 1. Abilities/Skills: Guidelines for 650 human abilities. https://qureshiuniversity.com/abilitiesworld.html 2. Departments: Guidelines for 132 essential departments inside and outside the state. https://qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html 3. Occupations: Guidelines for 1000 occupations, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, and physicians. https://qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html 4. Products: Guidelines for 130 products, including computers, road vehicles, and aircraft. https://qureshiuniversity.com/productsworld.html 5. States: Guidelines for 330 states in the world. https://qureshiuniversity.com/states.html 6. Subjects: Guidelines for 150 subjects, including English, math, science, social studies, and forensic medicine. https://qureshiuniversity.com/subjects.html 7. Programs: Public service programs. https://qureshiuniversity.com/programs.html 8. Administrators: I can guide administrators like governors. https://qureshiuniversity.com/administrators.html 9. Case managers: I can guide case managers at various locations. https://qureshiuniversity.com/casemanager.html 10. Engineers: I can guide 22 types of engineers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/engineers.html 11. Farmers: I can guide 4 specific types of farmers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/farmers.html 12. Governors: I can guide various governors of the state. https://qureshiuniversity.com/governor.html 13. Journalist: I can guide English language journalists. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/journalist.html 14. Lawyers: I can guide 33 specific types of lawyers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/lawyers.html 15. Government executives: I can guide legislative services of the government at the executive level. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/legislativeserviceworld.html 16. Military officers: Here are further guidelines. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/military.html 17. Physicians: I can guide 69 specific types of physicians. https://qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html 18. Police officers: I can guide various law enforcement officers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/police.html 19. Staff relevant to aviation: Here are further guidelines. https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aviation.html 20. Teachers: I can guide 4 specific types of teachers. https://qureshiuniversity.com/teacher.html 21. Many more https://qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html My skills and knowledge are relevant to a program director position. My skills and knowledge are relevant to a position as director of the Central Intelligence agency. A program director researches, plans, develops, implements, and circulates one or more of the professional training programs or professional services. Illinois and United States government executives: What do you have to do relevant to these issues? Employer of Dr. Asif Qureshi: Illinois and United States governments Job title: Program director or better. Central Intelligence Agency director or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Dr. Asif Qureshi has developed guidelines for at least 150 government departments. Take a look at this: www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Provide earned income for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Provide an executive job title for me as a program director or executive administrator, or the equivalent, relevant to my abilities, experience, and research (see the guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi). Provide retroactive credits that will count toward my retirement. Provide reimbursement. Provide retroactive relief. Develop a plan of action for the future. Job title: Program director or the equivalent Salary: $7,176 - $10,602 per month or better My profile or biodata is available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/biodata.html. My address: Dr. Asif Qureshi, 5042 North Winthrop Ave. Unit 237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Telephone: 773-561-6102 Email: admin@qureshiuniversity.com