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How important is Aerospace Engineering to today's society?

Aeronautical Engineering is a very diverse subject that furthers a large variety of skills, predominantly mathematic and physics based. An Aeronautical Engineer applies the theoretical and practical skills obtained from a university course such as the one at Qureshi and applies them to research, design and manufacturing of current aeronautical programs from modern aircraft to satellites.

Without Aeronautical Engineers the aircraft people use for business would not be in the sky, it cannot be contested that society depends heavily on travel via aircraft.

In the current climate of concern over environmental issues, society also expects the aviation industry to play its part in helping to decrease the level of CO2 emissions. Again it is the Aeronautical Engineer that will provide the solution to increase overall aircraft efficiency, thereby helping to drive down the levels of emissions current aircraft produce.

Aeronautical Engineers also help put the satellites in to space, the satellites we rely on for weather information, geospatial mapping data, environmental monitoring, telecommunications and research. So in answer to the question I feel aerospace engineering plays a major role in society, producing and developing a lot of the technology we rely on heavily.

Atmospheric Properties
Flight Dynamics
Aircraft Performance
Vehicle Design
Shipping & Hydrodynamics
Aerospace History
Natural History
Accident Investigations
Conspiracy Theories
Aerospace Careers

How fast does an average commercial airline plane go when it is taking off from the runway before takeoff?

Why is it that when an airplane is at a bank angle of 60 degrees, the loading on it has been doubled regardless of its speed?

What is the fastest jet on earth?

What is the world's fastest fighter plane?

What is the world's fastest single engine turbojet aircraft?

What is the fastest four-engine propeller-driven plane in the world?

What is the fastest passenger aircraft on commercial flights?

Now that Concorde has been retired, what is the fastest passenger aircraft in current service?

How long does a military jet take to fly from New York to London compared to a commercial plane? What is the longest range airplane in the world? What is the longest range helicopter?
Airframe Components
Avionics & Instruments
Builder Supplies
Engine Items
Hoses, Tubing & Assemblies
Landing Gear
Oxygen Systems
Pilot Supplies
