Age 1-12 years, comprehensive health assessment of a child.
What is the mailing address of individual/individuals’ source/sources of this medical history?
_________________________ How is this individual related to the child? _________________________ Where does this child (with name, date of birth mentioned) live at this point? _________________________ How long has the child lived at this location? _________________________ Who is the caregiver for the child at this location? _________________________ What is the profile of the caregiver at this location? _________________________ What best describes the caregiver for this individual? _________________________ Mother Father Foster mother Foster father Legal guardian Other (specify) Feeding History Who feeds the child every day? _________________________ Has the caregiver taken parenting classes? _________________________ What food does the child get every day? _________________________ How many times is the child fed every day? _________________________ How long does the child’s feeding last? _________________________ Developmental History Do you know the birth weight of this child? _________________________ What was the birth weight of this child? _________________________ What is the weight record of the child every six months after birth? _________________________ What is the record of the yearly length of the child? _________________________ CPT Codes for Developmental Screening 1. Pediatric Patient at Preventive Care Visit 2. Perform Surveillance Eliciting and Attending to the Parents' Concerns Maintaining a Developmental History “What changes have you seen in your child's development since our last visit?” Making Accurate and Informed Observations of the Child Identifying the Presence of Risk and Protective Factors Documenting the Process and Findings 3. Does Surveillance Demonstrate Risk? 4. Is This a 9-, 18-, or 30-Month* Visit? 5a and 5b: Administer Screening Tool 6a and 6b: Are the Screening-Tool Results Positive/Concerning? 7. Make Referrals for Developmental and Medical Evaluations and Early Developmental Intervention/Early Childhood Services 8. Developmental and Medical Evaluations Developmental Evaluation Medical Evaluation Early Developmental Intervention/Early Childhood Services 9. Is a Developmental Disorder Identified? 10. Identify as a Child With Special Health Care Needs and Initiate Chronic-Condition Management Choosing Developmental Screening Tools Incorporating Surveillance and Screening in the Medical Home |