Annual performance report, individual.
Name: Asif Qureshi
Attached photograph:
Abilities, skills details: Executive level abilities, executive guide.
Achievements: Take a look at this. Http://
Address: Asif Qureshi, 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. (1999-2014)
Behavior: Always well behaved.
Competence: Able to guide 611 professions.
Date of Birth: March 30, 1967
Date of entry into the service: April 14, 1991
Educational Qualification: 1986-1991, medical college; 1971-1986, high school, doctorate level experience.
Emergency in case: You need to update state of Illinois
Fax: (773)337-9107
Gender: Male
Height: 5 feet 10 inches.
Home address: Asif Qureshi, 5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237, Chicago, Illinois 60640. (1999-2014)
Home phone: (773)561-6102
Identification number: (various regions have social security, ID number)
Internet Address:
Languages spoken: English
Last updated: June 14, 2014.
Number of children: Up to June 14, 2014 I did not have any children.
Occupation/Profession: Medical doctor, executive guide.
Office address: Home office.
Professional post: Executive Guide
Publications: I have authored more than 40 books.
Relationship status:
Religion: Islam
Truthfulness: Always truthful
Weight: 175 lbs.
Work Experience: Doctor of medicine with 7 years hospital experience. This has taken 13 years (2001-2014) to establish
Work phone: (773)561-6102 (Home office)
How are this individual’s English language spoken, written, understanding, and reading abilities?
Spoken: Fluent.
Written: Excellent.
Understanding: Excellent.
Reading: Excellent.
Truthfulness: Always truthful.
Exercise: Every day.
Type of exercise every day: Brisk walk, walking up stairs, weights.
Hygiene: Normal every day.
Politeness: Excellent every day.
Health rating: 100% physically fit, 100% mentally fit.
Recommendations: Recommendations should be relevant to food, clothing, housing, healthcare, transportation, security, education, or any issues an individual is having that depend on the requirement or situation. International travel. Travel within continent.

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