Practice Quiz for Rh Blood Types No. of Questions= 9 INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. You can also learn by reading the feedback for incorrect answers. 1. Which of the following statements is true of the Rh blood system? a) It was the first blood type system to be discovered. b) It is more complex genetically than the ABO system. c) There are 45 Rh blood types. d) b and c Answer: b) It is more complex genetically than the ABO system. ## CORRECT --> The Rh system apparently is much more complex genetically since it involves 45 different antigens on the surface of red cells that are controlled by 2 closely linked genes on chromosome 1. In most cases, the ABO system is controlled by only 2 antigens. 2. The greatest medical problem with the Rh blood group is: a) transfusion incompatibility b) chronic anemia for Rh negative individuals c) chronic anemia for Rh positive individuals d) none of the above Answer:d) none of the above ## CORRECT --> The most life threatening problem is the result of an Rh blood type incompatibility between a mother and her developing fetus. 3. Mother-fetus Rh blood type incompatibility problems can occur if the mother is _____ and her fetus is _____ . a) Rh positive; Rh positive b) Rh positive; Rh negative c) Rh negative; Rh positive d) Rh negative; Rh negative e) b and c Answer: c) Rh negative; Rh positive ## CORRECT --> In order for the fetus to be Rh positive, the father must also be Rh positive. As a result, when the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive (or his Rh type is unknown), doctors usually assume that there will be a serious medical problem. 4. Which of the following is true of Rh positive people? a) They are either homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait. b) They are all homozygous dominant (DD). c) They are all homozygous recessive (dd). d) They are either homozygous recessive (dd) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait. Answer: a) They are either homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait. ## CORRECT --> The Rh blood factor is a dominant trait. Therefore, both DD and Dd people have the Rh antigen on the surface of their red cells which makes them Rh positive. 5. Who is at greatest risk for Rh mother-fetus incompatibility problems? a) Europeans b) Africans c) Native Americans d) all are equally at risk Answer: Europeans ## CORRECT --> Europeans have the highest frequency of Rh negative people (40%), which puts them at the highest risk for this problem. About 13% of newborn Europeans are at risk, but we can now prevent the life threatening complications in most cases. 6. If the father of a fetus is Rh positive and the mother is Rh negative, what are the chances that there will be a mother-fetus incompatibility problem? Assume that the couple has already had a child and that there has been no medical treatment to prevent this problem. Help Getting Started a) 100% b) at least 50% c) less than 50% d) 0 % Answer: b) at least 50% ## CORRECT --> If the father is homozygous dominant (DD) the chances of the fetus being Rh positive and an incompatibility problem occurring will be 100%. If the father is heterozygous (Dd), the chances are 50%. There will be no problem if the fetus is Rh negative. 7. Mother-fetus incompatibility problems result from: a) the mother's antibodies agglutinating the fetus' Rh positive red blood cells b) the fetus' antibodies agglutinating its own red blood cells c) the fetus' antibodies agglutinating its mother's red blood cells Answer: a) the mother's antibodies agglutinating the fetus' Rh positive red blood cells ## CORRECT --> As a result of fetal blood entering the mother`s system during her first pregnancy with an Rh positive baby, she will regularly produce antibodies to Rh antigens. They will pass through the placental barrier into her fetus and agglutinate its blood. 8. When a fetus' blood is agglutinated by its mother's Rh antibodies, the severe anemia that results is called: a) immunization b) ectopic pregnancy c) erythroblastosis fetalis Answer: c) erythroblastosis fetalis ## CORRECT --> In addition to suffering life threatening anemia, they also are usually jaundiced, fevered, quite swollen, and have an enlarged liver and spleen. 9. Which of the following are true of mother-fetus Rh incompatibility problems? a) They can be prevented by injecting Rho-GAM into the mother's blood system. b) They are much less likely to occur during the first pregnancy compared to later pregnancies. c) Medical treatment can be nearly 100% effective in preventing such problems. d) all of the above Answer: d) all of the above ## CORRECT --> Look at the other answers to see explanations.