# Allen Setters
# Altsteirers
# Amberlinkss
# Ambers
# Ameraucanas
# American Game Bantam
# American Game Fowl
# Anconas
# Andalusians
# Antwerp Belgian bantams
# Appenzellers, Spitzhauben and Barthuhner
# Araucanas
# Ardenners
# Åsbos
# Aseels
# Asils
# Assendelfters
# Asturian Painted Hen
# Augsburgers
# Australian Games
# Australian Pit Fowl
# Australorps
# Autosexing Breeds
# Ayam Bekisar
# Ayam Cemani
# Ayam Kampung
# Ayam Kedu
# Ayam Pelung
# Barbu d'Anvers
# Barbu de Grubbe
# Barbu d'Everberg
# Barbu de Watermaal
# Barnevelders
# Barred Hollands
# Barred Plymouth Rocks
Barred Plymouth Rock hen
# Barred Rock bantams
# Barthuhners
# Basque Hens
# Bassettes
# Bearded Chickens
# Belgian d'Everberg bantams
# Belgian Quail bantams
# Bengals
# Berat
# Bergische Kraeher
# Bergische Schlotterkaemme
# Bielefelders
# Bigawi
# Black Australorps
# Black Jersey Giants
# Black Marias
# Black Rosecomb bantams
One of my Black Rosecombs has earned the name Garfield: he'll fly up onto the head or shoulders of anyone he suspects may be carrying some form of food! Click here for a 3 second, 455K movie of Garfield eating.
[B&W drawing of Black Rosecomb cock]
Black Rosecomb
# Black Shumens
# Black Stars
# Blomme Höna
# Blue Andalusians
# Blue-footed Chickens
# Blue Hen Chickens
# Booted bantams
# Brabançonne
# Brabanters
# Braekels
# Brahmas
# Brazilian chickens
# Brazilian Game Fowl
# Breda Fowl
# Bresse
# Brinkotters
# broilers
# Buckeyes
# Burmese bantams
# Burmese Game Fowl
# Buttercups
# Cafe-Jaeraedak
# California Grays
# California Whites
# Cambars
# Campines
# Caribbean Chickens
# Castellana Negra
# Catalanas
# Caumont
# Cemani
# Chaamse
# Chabo (Japanese bantams)
# Chanteclers
# Chick Marley
# Chilean Chickens
# Chilean Cresteds
# Chim Gye
# China Game Fowl
# Chity
# Cochins, bantam
# Cochins, large fowl
# Collonca
# Colombian Chickens
# Colombian Games
# Corals
# Cornish
# Cornish crosses
# Coucou de Rennes
# Crested Old Polish
# Crevecoeurs
# Criolla
# Cubalayas
# Czubatka Staropolska
# Dandarawi
# Dang Dak
# Danske Landhøne
# Danske Luttehøne
# d'Anvers bantams
# Delaware Blues
# Delawares
# Denizli fowl
# Dominiques
[photo: A Dominique cock]
"Michigan" the Dominique rooster
# Domnicks
# Donghae-Jaeraedak
# Dorkings
# Dresdners
# d'Uccle bantams
# Dutch bantams
# East Frisian Gulls
# Easter Egg chickens
# Empordanesa
# Estaires
# Famennes
# Faverolles
# Fayoumi
# Finnish Chickens
# Flower Hens
# Friesians
# Frizzles
[photo: A Black Frizzle cock]
My Black Frizzle cock "Feather Boa"
# Ga Noi
# Gallina di Polverara
# Gallo Fino
# Game Bantam, American
# Game Bantam, Old English
# Game Fowl, American
# Game Fowl, Australian
# Game Fowl, Australian Pit
# Game Fowl, Brazilian
# Game Fowl, Burmese
# Game Fowl, China
# Game Fowl, Colombian
# Game Fowl, Indian
# Game Fowl, Irish
# Game Fowl, Madagascar
# Game Fowl, Modern
# Game Fowl, Modern bantams
# Game Fowl, Old English
# Game Fowl, Pama
# Game Fowl, Puerto Rican
# Game Fowl, Spanish
# Game Fowl, Thai
# Gangwon-Jaeraedak
# Ga Tre
# Gauloise
# Ggok Dak
# Golden Comets
# Gold Stars
# Gotlands
# Gournay
# Greek chickens
# Groningen Gulls
# Groninger Meeuwen
# Grubbe bantams
# Guelderlands
# Hamburgs
# Hanayee
# Hawaiian chickens
# Hedemora Hens
# Herves
# Hollands
# Hollands Hoens
# Houdans
# Hsian
# Huiyuang Bearded Chickens
# Hungarian Yellows
# Hwacho Dak
# Icelandic Fowl
# Indian Games
# Índio Gigante
# Iowa Blues
# Iranian Chickens: Chity, Hanayee, Kabotary, Siyahe Kantony, Talayee, Zireh E.
# Irish Game Fowl
# ISA Browns
# Ixworths
# Jærhøns
# Japanese bantams
# Javanaise
# Javas
# Jersey Giants
# Jitokko
# Junglefowl, Ceylon
# Junglefowl, Gray
# Junglefowl, Green
# Junglefowl, Red
# Junglefowl, Sonnerat's
# Kabotary
# Kedu
# Key West chickens
# Kiko
# Ko Shamo
# Koekoeks
# Koeyoshi
# Korean Bantam
# Korean Native Chicken
# Kosova Longcrower
# Kraaikops
# Kraienkoppe
# Kuro Gashiwa
# La Fleche
# Lakenvelders
# Lamonas
# Langshans
# Legbars
# Leghorns
# Liliputy
# Lincolnshire Buffs
# Longcrowers: Berat, Bergische Kraeher, Denizli , Koeyoshi, Kosova Longcrower , Kuro Gashiwa, Pelung
Tomaru , Totenko , Yurlov Crower
# Longtails: Jitokko, Kuro Gashiwa, Minohiki, Ohiki , Onagadori, Phoenix, Satsumadori, Shokoku , Tomaru , Totenko , Yokohama
# Madagascar Game Fowl
# Malays
# Malaysian Chickens
# Malines
# Mantes
# Manx Rumpies
# Marans
# Marsh Daisy
# meat birds
# Mechels
# Merlerault
# Mille Fleur d'Uccle bantams
[Image of a Mille Fleur cock]
Mille Fleur bantam
# Minohiki
# Minorcas
# Modern Games
# Modern Game bantams
# Moonies
# Naked Necks
# Naledi
# Nankin bantams
# New Hampshires
# Niederrheiners
# Norfolk Greys
# North Holland Blues
# Norwegian Jærhøns
# Ogye
# Ohiki
# Ölands
# Olansk bantams
# Old Dutch bantams
# Old English Game bantams
[photo of OEG rooster]
"Syllable," a Blue-Silver Duckwing OEG bantam cock
# Old English Game Fowl
# Old English Pheasant Fowl
# Old Polish Bantams
# Old Polish Cresteds
# Olmec
# Onagadori
# Orloffs
# Orpingtons
# Orusts
# Ostfriesische Moewe
# Ovambos
# Owlbeards
# Paduans (Polish)
# Pama Game Fowl
# Partridge Fowl, Green-legged
# Partridge Fowl, Yellow-legged
# Pavilly
# Pekins
# Pelung
# Penedesenca
# Pheasant Fowl
# Phoenix
[Image of a Phoenix cock]
Japanese Phoenix cock
# Pinta Asturiana
# Plymouth Rocks
# Polish (Polands)
# Polska Kura Dworska
# Polverara
# Porcelain Mille Fleur bantams
# Posavina Crested Hens
# Posavska kukmica
# Prat
# Production Blacks
# Production Reds
# Puetro Rican Gamefowl
# Pyncheons
# Quail bantams
# Quechua
# Quetro
# Rapanui
# Red Sex-links
# Red Stars
# Redcaps
# Rhinelanders
# Rhode Island Reds
[photo: Rhode Island Red hen]
# Rhode Island Whites
# Rhodebars
# Rijlanders
# Rocks
# Rosecomb bantams
[photo: Black Rosecomb cock]
# Rooster Black
# Ruhlaer Bantams
# Rumpless Fowl
# Sabelpoot
# Sachsenhuhn
# Saipan "Jungle Fowl"
# Salmon Faverolles
# Samcheok-Jaeraedak
# Satsumadori
# Saxonians
# Scots Dumpy
# Scots Grays
# Sebright bantams
# Seramas
# Sex-Links
# Shamos
# Shepherd's Plaid
# Shokoku
# ShowGirls
# Shumenska
# Sicilian Buttercups
# Silkies
[drawing of Silkie cock]
White Silkie rooster
# Siyahe Kantony
# Sombor Crested
# Somborska Kaporka
# Spanish Game Fowl
# Spanish, White-faced Black
# Spite Hens
# Spitzhauben
# Sri Rama
# Styrians, Old-fashioned
# Sulmtalers
# Sultans
# Sumatras
# Sussex
# Svart Höna
# Swedish Black Hens
# Swedish Spotted hens
# Talayee
# Thai Game Fowl
# Thueringer Barthuhn
# Thuringian Bearded Chickens
# Tomaru
# Totenko
# Tournaisis
# Transylvanian Naked Necks
# Turkens
# Tuzo
# Twentse Hoens
# Vendas
# Vietnamese Bantams
# Vikons
# Vorwerks
# Watermael bantams
# Welbars
# Welsummers
# Westfalische Totleger
# White Rocks
# White-faced Black Spanish
# Wyandottes
[photo of Wyandotte cock]
"Benny," a Silver Laced Wyandotte bantam cock
# Wybars
# Yamato Gunkei
# Yeonsan Ogye
# Yokohamas
# Yurlov Crowers
# Yurlowers
# Zielononozka Kuropatwiana
# Zingem Layers
# Zireh E.
# Zoltonozka Kuropatwiana
# Zottegems