P.O.Box 408052 Chicago, IL. 60640-8052

Criminal White Racist

Many years ahead, a white woman initiated a conversation with me in Chicago.

"Excuse me,"A white male has gone missing,"she said. "He has been finished"

“What do you mean?” I asked.

"They have killed him," she stated. “They are going to kill all white males in America.

At this point I became serious. "They are going to kill all white males in America, Why?"

It’s because of the secret report. White males in America have been secretly inflicting harm on others.” She shrugged.“Now, they have all joined together and are going to kill all white males in America.”

For any white male who has inflicted harm, it is better to punish that particular person instead of punishing all white males in America. So why did those who had been harmed choose to punish all white males in America? They did so because the white males in America had tried to shield the criminal white males.

What do you think?