What is Group Counseling? Who can benefit from Group Counseling? How will Group Counseling help? What typically happens in group counseling? How much should I share? How does confidentiality work in group counseling? Shouldn’t I be in individual counseling instead of group? How do I know which group is right for me? How do I join a group? How much does group therapy cost? How does group work? If someone is in a group, do they also need individual therapy? How is group therapy different from support groups and self-help groups? Why is group therapy useful? When someone is thinking about joining a group, it is normal to have questions or concerns. What am I going to get out of this? Will there be enough time to deal with my own problems in a group setting? What if I don’t like the people in my group? What kinds of people should participate in group therapy? Will there be people with similar problems in my group? What kind of commitment do I need to make? What if I’m uncomfortable discussing my problems in front of others? What does group cost? How do I find a good group therapist? What do I ask the group therapist? * What is your background? * Given my specific situation, how do you think group would work for me? * What are your credentials as a group therapist? * Do you have special training that is relevant to my problem?