Annotation or definition. |
Examples of hostage situation. |
Escaping hostage situation. |
Reporting the incident. |
Managing hostage crisis. |
Media reports in the state and outside the state. |
English language relevant to hostage crisis. |
Investigations of hostage crisis. |
Police procedures: What are the basic principles of hostage negotiation? |
Rescue by negotiations, rescue by force. |
Behavioral consequences of victims of abduction, kidnapping, hostage taking. |
Post-incident interventions for individual hostages and their families. |
Annotation or definition Abduction, kidnapping: What is the difference? Abduction is another word for kidnapping. Abduction, kidnapping, in some regions is interpreted as taking away a person through threat of deadly force or through fraudulent persuasion, a criminal offense. The abductor intend to prevent the liberation of the abductee. Abductee can be a child, adolescent, or adult who the abductor intends to subject to prostitution or illicit sexual activity or hold for ransom, or many more situations of harms. Abduction, hostage taking: What is the difference? Abduction is not another word for hostage taking. Hostage taking is interpreted as restraining a person at a specific location to secure the demands of the taker. Abduction is a Scottish law word; kidnapping has an English law word origin. Abduction, kidnapping, missing report can be filed if the whereabouts are not known. In a hostage taking, a rescue team arrives at specific location. What is hostage taking? A person held by someone in a conflict who threatens to kill them if they do not get what they want. A person who seizes one or more hostages is known as a hostage-taker. Is there a difference between abduction and hostage? Yes. Examples of hostage situation. What should you do in this situation? Stay away from this situation. Run, hide, tell others. If there is an exit, walk away. Wait until all clear. If you cannot run, hide. If police arrive and asks you to raise or show your hand, show your hands. Distinguish yourself from attackers. Who is good and who is bad in the situation? What are the chances there will be abduction or hostage situation? Very little. This is due to the fact that every state has enhanced policing everywhere. Examples of hostage situation. Here is an example. What was the date of incident? Friday, November 20, 2015 at 7 in the morning. Where did the incident happen? Mali, Africa. When was the hostage-taking situation over? Friday, November 20, 2015 7 PM How many individuals were killed in the incident? 21 Who reported from Mali, Africa? State media circulated reports to others. How many total individuals were in the building? 170 people - 140 guests and 30 employees - had been there as the attack began. How did the gunmen enter the building? Gunmen entered using diplomatic cars with diplomatic plates. Reporting the incident Reporter: What can you tell us? There were two gunman who were in two diplomatic cars with AK47 assault rifles. Mali, Africa received help to resolve the situation. How long can a hostage crisis last? On November 20, 2015 the Mali, Africa, hostage crisis lasted for 12 hours. Hostage crisis has been reported to last for few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or more. Managing hostage crisis How do you survive an abduction or hostage situation? Hostage under intimidation. Hostage under gunpoint. For example, gagged in the back of a speeding van. How should police in the state or outside the state and other departments in the state manage a hostage crisis? Identify exact location of hostage crisis. Do not panic. Block all roads to the building. Do not do anything during hostage crisis that will inflict further harms. Identify the number of floors of the building. Reach the top of the building. Place officer at the top of the building. Do not delay rescue. Ask these questions Are captors armed or unarmed? How many captors are there? How many hostages are there? What are the demands of the captors? How should police in the state go ahead in this situation? Rescue by negotiation, rescue by force, or any other method? English language relevant to hostage crisis What is the meaning of the word hostage? A person seized or held at a specific location, against his/her will to secure the demands of the taker. What is another word for hostage? Captive Victim What is the opposite of hostage? Captor What is the plural of hostage? The plural form of hostage is hostages. Investigations of hostage crisis What should investigators keep in mind while investigating a hostage crisis? Be aware of facts in a stage-managed hostage crisis. A group of individuals maliciously create hostage crisis and then the head of the gang disguised as a fraudulently placed harmful individual issues a statement of coming forward as a savior of the hostages. They have their monopoly media network also to enhance their malicious agenda. They must know that investigators know all the tricks of harms and then come forward as saviors. Media reports in the state and outside the state In what state and continents or location has there been an incident? On November 20, 2015 in Mali, Africa, an incident happened of public health emergency. The head of state of Mali, Africa, head of the police of Mali, Africa, and head of the department of health of Mali, Africa, and other relevant essential departments should circulate a press release. From North America, immediate circulation of team of media relations officers from North America, henceforth called American officials having focus on various American states must go ahead. From Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America, state heads _______ in the continents must circulate press release. Doctor Asif Qureshi can be reached via email at What are the captors’demands? If captors do not have any demands, than this is a captor psychotic case scenario. If captors have demands, this can be due to harms or without any harms. Behavioral consequences of victims of abduction, kidnapping, hostage taking. What are the behavioral consequences on victims of abduction, kidnapping, hostage taking? Acute stress reaction. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Treatment plan should go ahead relevant to specific situation and case. |