ICD-10-CM Volume 2 Tabular Index >
Starting with 'C' (716) >
- Cachexia R64
- Café, au lait spots L81.3
- Caffey's syndrome Q78.8
- Caisson disease T70.3
- Cake kidney Q63.1
- Caked breast(puerperal, postpartum) O92.79
- Calabar swelling B74.3
- Calcaneal spur - see Spur, bone, calcaneal
- Calcaneo-apophysitis M92.8
- Calcareous - see condition
- Calcicosis J62.8
- Calciferol(vitamin D) deficiency E55.9
- Calcification
- Calcified - see Calcification
- Calcinosis(interstitial) (tumoral) (universalis) E83.59
- Calciphylaxis - see also Calcification, by site E83.59
- Calcium
- Calciuria R82.99
- Calculi - see Calculus
- Calculosis, intrahepatic - see Calculus, bile duct
- Calculus, calculi, calculous
- Calicectasis N28.89
- Caliectasis N28.89
- California
- Caligo cornea - see Opacity, cornea, central
- Callositas, callosity(infected) L84
- Callus(infected) L84
- Calorie deficiency or malnutrition - see also Malnutrition E46
- Calvé-Perthes disease - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
- Calvé's disease - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine
- Calvities - see Alopecia, androgenic
- Cameroon fever - see Malaria
- Camptocormia(hysterical) F44.4
- Camurati-Engelmann syndrome Q78.3
- Canal - see also condition
- Canaliculitis(lacrimal) (acute) (subacute) H04.33-
- Canavan's disease E75.29
- Canceled procedure(surgical) Z53.9
- Cancer - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
- Cancer(o)phobia F45.29
- Cancerous - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Cancrum oris A69.0
- Candidiasis, candidal B37.9
- Candidid L30.2
- Candidosis - see Candidiasis
- Candiru infection or infestation B88.8
- Canities(premature) L67.1
- Canker(mouth) (sore) K12.0
- Cannabinosis J66.2
- Canton fever A75.9
- Cantrell's syndrome Q87.89
- Capillariasis(intestinal) B81.1
- Capillary - see condition
- Caplan's syndrome - see Rheumatoid, lung
- Capsule - see condition
- Capsulitis(joint) - see also Enthesopathy
- Caput
- Car sickness T75.3
- Carapata(disease) A68.0
- Carate - see Pinta
- Carbon lung J60
- Carbuncle L02.93
- Carbunculus - see Carbuncle
- Carcinoid(tumor) - see Tumor, carcinoid
- Carcinoidosis E34.0
- Carcinoma(malignant) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant
- Carcinoma-in-situ - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site
- Carcinomaphobia F45.29
- Carcinomatosis C80.0
- Carcinosarcoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Cardia, cardial - see condition
- Cardiac - see also condition
- Cardialgia - see Pain, precordial
- Cardiectasis - see Hypertrophy, cardiac
- Cardiochalasia K21.9
- Cardiomalacia I51.5
- Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa E74.02
- Cardiomegaly - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
- Cardiomyoliposis I51.5
- Cardiomyopathy(familial) (idiopathic) I42.9
- Cardionephritis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal
- Cardionephropathy - see Hypertension, cardiorenal
- Cardionephrosis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal
- Cardiopathia nigra I27.0
- Cardiopathy - see also Disease, heart I51.9
- Cardiopericarditis - see Pericarditis
- Cardiophobia F45.29
- Cardiorenal - see condition
- Cardiorrhexis - see Infarct, myocardium
- Cardiosclerosis - see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic
- Cardiosis - see Disease, heart
- Cardiospasm(esophagus) (reflex) (stomach) K22.0
- Cardiostenosis - see Disease, heart
- Cardiosymphysis I31.0
- Cardiovascular - see condition
- Carditis(acute) (bacterial) (chronic) (subacute) I51.89
- Care(of) (for) (following)
- Caries
- Carious teeth - see Caries, dental
- Carneous mole O02.0
- Carnitine insufficiency E71.40
- Carotid body or sinus syndrome G90.01
- Carotidynia G90.01
- Carotinemia(dietary) E67.1
- Carotinosis(cutis) (skin) E67.1
- Carpal tunnel syndrome - see Syndrome, carpal tunnel
- Carpenter's syndrome Q87.0
- Carpopedal spasm - see Tetany
- Carr-Barr-Plunkett syndrome Q97.1
- Carrier(suspected) of
- Carrion's disease A44.0
- Carter's relapsing fever(Asiatic) A68.1
- Cartilage - see condition
- Caruncle(inflamed)
- Cascade stomach K31.2
- Caseation lymphatic gland(tuberculous) A18.2
- Cassidy(-Scholte) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) E34.0
- Castellani's disease A69.8
- Castration, traumatic, male S38.231
- Casts in urine R82.99
- Cat
- Catabolism, senile R54
- Catalepsy(hysterical) F44.2
- Cataplexy(idiopathic) - see - Narcolepsy
- Cataract(cortical) (immature) (incipient) H26.9
- Cataracta - see also Cataract
- Catarrh, catarrhal(acute) (febrile) (infectious) (inflammation) - see also condition J00
- Catatonia(schizophrenic) F20.2
- Catatonic
- Cat-scratch - see also Abrasion
- Cauda equina - see condition
- Cauliflower ear M95.1-
- Causalgia(upper limb) G56.4-
- Cause
- Caustic burn - see Corrosion, by site
- Cavare's disease(familial periodic paralysis) G72.3
- Cave-in, injury
- Cavernitis(penis) N48.29
- Cavernositis N48.29
- Cavernous - see condition
- Cavitation of lung - see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary
- Cavities, dental - see Caries, dental
- Cavity
- Cavovarus foot, congenital Q66.1
- Cavus foot(congenital) Q66.7
- Cazenave's disease L10.2
- Cecitis K52.9
- Cecum - see condition
- Celiac
- Cell(s), cellular - see also condition
- Cellulitis(diffuse) (phlegmonous) (septic) (suppurative) L03.90
- Cementoblastoma, benign - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic
- Cementoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic
- Cementoperiostitis - see Periodontitis
- Cementosis K03.4
- Central auditory processing disorder H93.25
- Central pain syndrome G89.0
- Cephalematocele, cephal(o)hematocele
- Cephalematoma, cephalhematoma(calcified)
- Cephalgia, cephalalgia - see also Headache
- Cephalic - see condition
- Cephalitis - see Encephalitis
- Cephalocele - see Encephalocele
- Cephalomenia N94.89
- Cephalopelvic - see condition
- Cerclage(with cervical incompetence) in pregnancy - see Incompetence, cervix, in pregnancy
- Cerebellitis - see Encephalitis
- Cerebellum, cerebellar - see condition
- Cerebral - see condition
- Cerebritis - see Encephalitis
- Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome Q87.89
- Cerebromalacia - see Softening, brain
- Cerebroside lipidosis E75.22
- Cerebrospasticity(congenital) G80.1
- Cerebrospinal - see condition
- Cerebrum - see condition
- Ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal E75.4
- Cerumen(accumulation) (impacted) H61.2-
- Cervical - see also condition
- Cervicalgia M54.2
- Cervicitis(acute) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (senile (atrophic)) (subacute) (with ulceration) N72
- Cervicocolpitis(emphysematosa) (see also Cervicitis) N72
- Cervix - see condition
- Cesarean delivery, previous, affecting management of pregnancy O34.21
- Céstan(-Chenais) paralysis or syndrome G46.3
- Céstan-Raymond syndrome I65.8
- Cestode infestation B71.9
- Cestodiasis B71.9
- Chabert's disease A22.9
- Chacaleh E53.8
- Chafing L30.4
- Chagas'(-Mazza) disease (chronic) B57.2
- Chagres fever B50.9
- Chairridden Z74.09
- Chalasia(cardiac sphincter) K21.9
- Chalazion H00.19
- Chalcosis - see also Disorder, globe, degenerative, chalcosis
- Chalicosis(pulmonum) J62.8
- Chancre(any genital site) (hard) (hunterian) (mixed) (primary) (seronegative) (seropositive) (syphilitic) A51.0
- Chancroid(anus) (genital) (penis) (perineum) (rectum) (urethra) (vulva) A57
- Chandler's disease(osteochondritis dissecans, hip) - see Osteochondritis, dissecans, hip
- Change(s) (in) (of) - see also Removal
- Changing sleep-work schedule, affecting sleep G47.26
- Changuinola fever A93.1
- Chapping skin T69.8
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis or syndrome G60.0
- Charcot's
- CHARGE association Q89.8
- Charley-horse(quadriceps) M62.831
- Charlouis' disease - see Yaws
- Cheadle's disease E54
- Checking(of)
- Check-up - see Examination
- Chédiak-Higashi(-Steinbrinck) syndrome (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) E70.330
- Cheek - see condition
- Cheese itch B88.0
- Cheese-washer's lung J67.8
- Cheese-worker's lung J67.8
- Cheilitis(acute)
(angular) (catarrhal) (chronic) (exfoliative) (gangrenous) (glandular)
(infectional) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (vesicular) K13.0
- Cheilodynia K13.0
- Cheiloschisis - see Cleft, lip
- Cheilosis(angular) K13.0
- Cheiromegaly M79.89
- Cheiropompholyx L30.1
- Cheloid - see Keloid
- Chemical burn - see Corrosion, by site
- Chemodectoma - see Paraganglioma, nonchromaffin
- Chemosis, conjunctiva - see Edema, conjunctiva
- Chemotherapy(session) (for)
- Cherubism M27.8
- Chest - see condition
- Cheyne-Stokes breathing(respiration) R06.3
- Chiari's
- Chicago disease B40.9
- Chickenpox - see Varicella
- Chiclero ulcer or sore B55.1
- Chigger(infestation) B88.0
- Chignon(disease) B36.8
- Chilaiditi's syndrome(subphrenic displacement, colon) Q43.3
- Chilblain(s) (lupus) T69.1
- Child
- Childbirth - see Delivery
- Childhood
- Chill(s) R68.83
- Chilomastigiasis A07.8
- Chimera 46,XX/46,XY Q99.0
- Chin - see condition
- Chinese dysentery A03.9
- Chionophobia F40.228
- Chitral fever A93.1
- Chlamydia, chlamydial A74.9
- Chlamydiosis - see Chlamydia
- Chloasma(skin) (idiopathic) (symptomatic) L81.1
- Chloroma C92.3-
- Chlorosis D50.9
- Chlorotic anemia D50.8
- Chocolate cyst(ovary) N80.1
- Choked
- Chokes(resulting from bends) T70.3
- Choking sensation R09.89
- Cholangiectasis K83.8
- Cholangiocarcinoma
- Cholangiohepatitis K83.8
- Cholangiohepatoma C22.0
- Cholangiolitis(acute) (chronic) (extrahepatic) (gangrenous) (intrahepatic) K83.0
- Cholangioma D13.4
- Cholangitis(ascending) (primary) (recurrent) (sclerosing) (secondary) (stenosing) (suppurative) K83.0
- Cholecystectasia K82.8
- Cholecystitis K81.9
- Cholecystolithiasis - see Calculus, gallbladder
- Choledochitis(suppurative) K83.0
- Choledocholith - see Calculus, bile duct
- Choledocholithiasis(common duct) (hepatic duct) - see Calculus, bile duct
- Cholelithiasis(cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) - see Calculus, gallbladder
- Cholemia - see also Jaundice
- Choleperitoneum, choleperitonitis K65.3
- Cholera(Asiatic) (epidemic) (malignant) A00.9
- Cholerine - see Cholera
- Cholestasis NEC K83.1
- Cholesteatoma(ear) (middle) (with reaction) H71.9-
- Cholesteatosis, diffuse H71.3-
- Cholesteremia E78.0
- Cholesterin in vitreous - see Deposit, crystalline
- Cholesterol
- Cholesterolemia(essential) (familial) (hereditary) (pure) E78.0
- Cholesterolosis, cholesterosis(gallbladder) K82.4
- Cholocolic fistula K82.3
- Choluria R82.2
- Chondritis M94.8X9
- Chondroblastoma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign
- Chondrocalcinosis M11.20
- Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis or anthelicis - see Perichondritis, ear
- Chondrodysplasia Q78.9
- Chondrodystrophy, chondrodystrophia(familial) (fetalis) (hypoplastic) Q78.9
- Chondroectodermal dysplasia Q77.6
- Chondrogenesis imperfecta Q77.4
- Chondrolysis M94.35-
- Chondroma - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, benign
- Chondromalacia(systemic) M94.20
- Chondromatosis - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, uncertain behavior
- Chondromyxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant
- Chondro-osteodysplasia(Morquio-Brailsford type) E76.219
- Chondro-osteodystrophy E76.29
- Chondro-osteoma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign
- Chondropathia tuberosa M94.0
- Chondrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant
- Chordee(nonvenereal) N48.89
- Chorditis(fibrinous) (nodosa) (tuberosa) J38.2
- Chordoma - see Neoplasm, vertebral (column), malignant
- Chorea(chronic) (gravis) (posthemiplegic) (senile) (spasmodic) G25.5
- Choreoathetosis(paroxysmal) G25.5
- Chorioadenoma(destruens) D39.2
- Chorioamnionitis O41.12-
- Chorioangioma D26.7
- Choriocarcinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Chorioencephalitis(acute) (lymphocytic) (serous) A87.2
- Chorioepithelioma - see Choriocarcinoma
- Choriomeningitis(acute) (lymphocytic) (serous) A87.2
- Chorionepithelioma - see Choriocarcinoma
- Chorioretinitis - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal
- Chorioretinopathy, central serous H35.71-
- Choroid - see condition
- Choroideremia H31.21
- Choroiditis - see Chorioretinitis
- Choroidopathy - see Disorder, choroid
- Choroidoretinitis - see Chorioretinitis
- Choroidoretinopathy, central serous - see Chorioretinopathy, central serous
- Christian-Weber disease M35.6
- Christmas disease D67
- Chromaffinoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Chromatopsia - see Deficiency, color vision
- Chromhidrosis, chromidrosis L75.1
- Chromoblastomycosis - see Chromomycosis
- Chromoconversion R82.91
- Chromomycosis B43.9
- Chromophytosis B36.0
- Chromosome - see condition by chromosome involved
- Chromotrichomycosis B36.8
- Chronic - see condition
- Churg-Strauss syndrome M30.1
- Chyle cyst, mesentery I89.8
- Chylocele(nonfilarial) I89.8
- Chylomicronemia(fasting) (with hyperprebetalipoproteinemia) E78.3
- Chylopericardium I31.3
- Chylothorax(nonfilarial) I89.8
- Chylous - see condition
- Chyluria(nonfilarial) R82.0
- Cicatricial(deformity) - see Cicatrix
- Cicatrix(adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) - see also Scar L90.5
- CIDP(chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ) G61.81
- CIN - see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, cervix
- Cinchonism - see Deafness, ototoxic
- Circle of Willis - see condition
- Circular - see condition
- Circulating anticoagulants - see also - Disorder, hemorrhagic D68.318
- Circulation
- Circulatory system - see condition
- Circulus senilis(cornea) - see Degeneration, cornea, senile
- Circumcision(in absence of medical indication) (ritual) (routine) Z41.2
- Circumscribed - see condition
- Circumvallate placenta O43.11-
- Cirrhosis, cirrhotic(hepatic) (liver) K74.60
- Cistern, subarachnoid R93.0
- Citrullinemia E72.23
- Citrullinuria E72.23
- Civatte's disease or poikiloderma L57.3
- Clam digger's itch B65.3
- Clammy skin R23.1
- Clap - see Gonorrhea
- Clarke-Hadfield syndrome(pancreatic infantilism) K86.8
- Clark's paralysis G80.9
- Clastothrix L67.8
- Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2
- Claude's disease or syndrome G46.3
- Claudication, intermittent I73.9
- Claudicatio venosa intermittens I87.8
- Claustrophobia F40.240
- Clavus(infected) L84
- Clawfoot(congenital) Q66.89
- Clawhand(acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, clawhand
- Clawtoe(congenital) Q66.89
- Clay eating - see Pica
- Cleansing of artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- Cleft(congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
- Cleidocranial dysostosis Q74.0
- Cleptomania F63.2
- Clicking hip(newborn) R29.4
- Climacteric(female) - see also Menopause
- Clinical research investigation(clinical trial) (control subject) (normal comparison) (participant) Z00.6
- Clitoris - see condition
- Cloaca(persistent) Q43.7
- Clonorchiasis, clonorchis infection(liver) B66.1
- Clonus R25.8
- Closed bite M26.29
- Clostridium(C.) perfringens, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.7
- Closure
- Clot(blood) - see also Embolism
- Clouded state R40.1
- Cloudy antrum, antra J32.0
- Clouston's(hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4
- Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis M89.40
- Clubbing of finger(s) (nails) R68.3
- Clubfinger R68.3
- Clubfoot(congenital) Q66.89
- Clubhand(congenital) (radial) Q71.4-
- Clubnail R68.3
- Clump, kidney Q63.1
- Clumsiness, clumsy child syndrome F82
- Cluttering F80.81
- Clutton's joints A50.51
- Coagulation, intravascular(diffuse) (disseminated) - see also Defibrination syndrome
- Coagulopathy - see also Defect, coagulation
- Coalition
- Coalminer's
- Coalworker's lung or pneumoconiosis J60
- Coarctation
- Coated tongue K14.3
- Coats' disease(exudative retinopathy) - see Retinopathy, exudative
- Cocainism - see Dependence, drug, cocaine
- Coccidioidomycosis B38.9
- Coccidioidosis - see Coccidioidomycosis
- Coccidiosis(intestinal) A07.3
- Coccydynia, coccygodynia M53.3
- Coccyx - see condition
- Cochin-China diarrhea K90.1
- Cockayne's syndrome Q87.1
- Cocked up toe - see Deformity, toe, specified NEC
- Cock's peculiar tumor L72.3
- Codman's tumor - see Neoplasm, bone, benign
- Coenurosis B71.8
- Coffee-worker's lung J67.8
- Cogan's syndrome H16.32-
- Coitus, painful(female) N94.1
- Cold J00
- Coldsore B00.1
- Colibacillosis A49.8
- Colic(bilious) (infantile) (intestinal) (recurrent) (spasmodic) R10.83
- Colicystitis - see Cystitis
- Colitis(acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (noninfective) (hemorrhagic) - see also Enteritis K52.9
- Collagenosis, collagen disease(nonvascular) (vascular) M35.9
- Collapse R55
- Collateral - see also condition
- Colles' fracture S52.53-
- Collet(-Sicard) syndrome G52.7
- Collier's asthma or lung J60
- Collodion baby Q80.2
- Colloid nodule(of thyroid) (cystic) E04.1
- Coloboma(iris) Q13.0
- Coloenteritis - see Enteritis
- Colon - see condition
- Colonization
- Coloptosis K63.4
- Color blindness - see Deficiency, color vision
- Colostomy
- Colpitis(acute) - see Vaginitis
- Colpocele N81.5
- Colpocystitis - see Vaginitis
- Colpospasm N94.2
- Column, spinal, vertebral - see condition
- Coma R40.20
- Comatose - see Coma
- Combat fatigue F43.0
- Combined - see condition
- Comedo, comedones(giant) L70.0
- Comedocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, breast, malignant
- Comedomastitis - see Ectasia, mammary duct
- Comminuted fracture - code as Fracture, closed
- Common
- Commotio, commotion(current)
- Communication
- Compartment syndrome(deep) (posterior) (traumatic) T79.A0
- Compensation
- Complaint - see also Disease
- Complete - see condition
- Complex
- Complication(s) (from) (of)
- Compressed air disease T70.3
- Compression
- Compulsion, compulsive
- Concato's disease(pericardial polyserositis) A19.9
- Concavity chest wall M95.4
- Concealed penis Q55.69
- Concern(normal) about sick person in family Z63.6
- Concrescence(teeth) K00.2
- Concretio cordis I31.1
- Concretion - see also Calculus
- Concussion(brain) (cerebral) (current) S06.0X-
- Condition - see Disease
- Conditions arising in the perinatal period - see Newborn, affected by
- Conduct disorder - see Disorder, conduct
- Condyloma A63.0
- Conflagration - see also Burn
- Conflict(with) - see also Discord
- Confluent - see condition
- Confusion, confused R41.0
- Confusional arousals G47.51
- Congelation T69.9
- Congenital - see also condition
- Congestion, congestive
- Congestive - see Congestion
- Conical
- Conjoined twins Q89.4
- Conjugal maladjustment Z63.0
- Conjunctiva - see condition
- Conjunctivitis(staphylococcal) (streptococcal) NOS H10.9
- Conjunctivochalasis H11.82-
- Connective tissue - see condition
- Conn's syndrome E26.01
- Conradi(-Hunermann) disease Q77.3
- Consanguinity Z84.3
- Conscious simulation(of illness) Z76.5
- Consecutive - see condition
- Consolidation lung(base) - see Pneumonia, lobar
- Constipation(atonic) (neurogenic) (simple) (spastic) K59.00
- Constitutional - see also condition
- Constitutionally substandard F60.7
- Constriction - see also Stricture
- Constrictive - see condition
- Consultation
- Consumption - see Tuberculosis
- Contact(with)) - see also Exposure (to
- Contamination, food - see Intoxication, foodborne
- Contraception, contraceptive
- Contraction(s), contracture, contracted
- Contusion(skin surface intact) T14.8
- Conus(congenital) (any type) Q14.8
- Conversion hysteria, neurosis or reaction F44.9
- Converter, tuberculosis(test reaction) R76.11
- Conviction(legal), anxiety concerning Z65.0
- Convulsions(idiopathic)) - see also Seizure(s R56.9
- Convulsive - see also Convulsions
- Cooley's anemia D56.1
- Coolie itch B76.9
- Cooper's
- Copra itch B88.0
- Coprophagy F50.8
- Coprophobia F40.298
- Coproporphyria, hereditary E80.29
- Cor
- Corbus' disease(gangrenous balanitis) N48.1
- Cord - see also condition
- Cordis ectopia Q24.8
- Corditis(spermatic) N49.1
- Corectopia Q13.2
- Cori's disease(glycogen storage) E74.03
- Corkhandler's disease or lung J67.3
- Corkscrew esophagus K22.4
- Corkworker's disease or lung J67.3
- Corn(infected) L84
- Cornea - see also condition
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome Q87.1
- Cornu cutaneum L85.8
- Cornual gestation or pregnancy O00.8
- Coronary(artery) - see condition
- Coronavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.29
- Corpora - see also condition
- Corpulence - see Obesity
- Corpus - see condition
- Corrected transposition Q20.5
- Corrosion(injury) (acid) (caustic) (chemical) (lime) (external) (internal) T30.4
- Corrosive burn - see Corrosion
- Corsican fever - see Malaria
- Cortical - see condition
- Cortico-adrenal - see condition
- Coryza(acute) J00
- Costen's syndrome or complex M26.69
- Costiveness - see Constipation
- Costochondritis M94.0
- Cotard's syndrome F22
- Cot death R99
- Cotia virus B08.8
- Cotton wool spots(retinal) H35.81
- Cotungo's disease - see Sciatica
- Cough(affected) (chronic) (epidemic) (nervous) R05
- Counseling(for) Z71.9
- Coupled rhythm R00.8
- Couvelaire syndrome or uterus(complicating delivery) O45.8X-
- Cowperitis - see Urethritis
- Cowper's gland - see condition
- Cowpox B08.010
- Coxa
- Coxalgia, coxalgic(nontuberculous) - see also Pain, joint, hip
- Coxitis - see Monoarthritis, hip
- Coxsackie(virus) (infection) B34.1
- Crabs, meaning pubic lice B85.3
- Crack baby P04.41
- Cracked nipple N64.0
- Cracked tooth K03.81
- Cradle cap L21.0
- Craft neurosis F48.8
- Cramp(s) R25.2
- Cranial - see condition
- Craniocleidodysostosis Q74.0
- Craniofenestria(skull) Q75.8
- Craniolacunia(skull) Q75.8
- Craniopagus Q89.4
- Craniopathy, metabolic M85.2
- Craniopharyngeal - see condition
- Craniopharyngioma D44.4
- Craniorachischisis(totalis) Q00.1
- Cranioschisis Q75.8
- Craniostenosis Q75.0
- Craniosynostosis Q75.0
- Craniotabes(cause unknown) M83.8
- Cranium - see condition
- Craw-craw - see Onchocerciasis
- Creaking joint - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC
- Creeping
- Crenated tongue K14.8
- Creotoxism A05.9
- Crepitus
- Crescent or conus choroid, congenital Q14.3
- CREST syndrome M34.1
- Cretin, cretinism(congenital) (endemic) (nongoitrous) (sporadic) E00.9
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome(with dementia) A81.00
- Crib death R99
- Cribriform hymen Q52.3
- Cri-du-chat syndrome Q93.4
- Crigler-Najjar disease or syndrome E80.5
- Crime, victim of Z65.4
- Crimean hemorrhagic fever A98.0
- Criminalism F60.2
- Crisis
- Crocq's disease(acrocyanosis) I73.89
- Crohn's disease - see Enteritis, regional
- Crooked septum, nasal J34.2
- Cross syndrome E70.328
- Crossbite(anterior) (posterior) M26.24
- Cross-eye - see Strabismus, convergent concomitant
- Croup, croupous(catarrhal) (infectious) (inflammatory) (nondiphtheritic) J05.0
- Crouzon's disease Q75.1
- Crowding, tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.31
- CRST syndrome M34.1
- Cruchet's disease A85.8
- Cruelty in children - see also Disorder, conduct
- Crural ulcer - see Ulcer, lower limb
- Crush, crushed, crushing T14.8
- Crusta lactea L21.0
- Crusts R23.4
- Crutch paralysis - see Injury, brachial plexus
- Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis, disease or syndrome K74.69
- Cruveilhier's atrophy or disease G12.8
- Crying(constant) (continuous) (excessive)
- Cryofibrinogenemia D89.2
- Cryoglobulinemia(essential) (idiopathic) (mixed) (primary) (purpura) (secondary) (vasculitis) D89.1
- Cryptitis(anal) (rectal) K62.89
- Cryptococcosis, cryptococcus(infection) (neoformans) B45.9
- Cryptopapillitis(anus) K62.89
- Cryptophthalmos Q11.2
- Cryptorchid, cryptorchism, cryptorchidism Q53.9
- Cryptosporidiosis A07.2
- Cryptostromosis J67.6
- Crystalluria R82.99
- Cubitus
- Cultural deprivation or shock Z60.3
- Curling esophagus K22.4
- Curling's ulcer - see Ulcer, peptic, acute
- Curschmann(-Batten) (-Steinert) disease or syndrome G71.11
- Curse, Ondine's - see Apnea, sleep
- Curvature
- Cushingoid due to steroid therapy E24.2
- Cushing's
- Cusp, Carabelli - omit code
- Cut(external) - see also Laceration
- Cutaneous - see also condition
- Cutis - see also condition
- Cyanosis R23.0
- Cyanotic heart disease I24.9
- Cycle
- Cyclencephaly Q04.9
- Cyclical vomiting - see also Vomiting, cyclical G43.A0
- Cyclitis - see also Iridocyclitis H20.9
- Cycloid personality F34.0
- Cyclophoria H50.54
- Cyclopia, cyclops Q87.0
- Cyclopism Q87.0
- Cyclosporiasis A07.4
- Cyclothymia F34.0
- Cyclothymic personality F34.0
- Cyclotropia H50.41-
- Cylindroma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Cylindruria R82.99
- Cynanche
- Cynophobia F40.218
- Cynorexia R63.2
- Cyphosis - see Kyphosis
- Cyprus fever - see Brucellosis
- Cyst(colloid) (mucous) (simple) (retention)
- Cystadenocarcinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Cystadenofibroma
- Cystadenoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Cystathionine synthase deficiency E72.11
- Cystathioninemia E72.19
- Cystathioninuria E72.19
- Cystic - see also condition
- Cysticercosis, cysticerciasis B69.9
- Cysticercus cellulose infestation - see Cysticercosis
- Cystinosis(malignant) E72.04
- Cystinuria E72.01
- Cystitis(exudative) (hemorrhagic) (septic) (suppurative) N30.90
- Cystocele(-urethrocele)
- Cystolithiasis N21.0
- Cystoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Cystoplegia N31.2
- Cystoptosis N32.89
- Cystopyelitis - see Pyelonephritis
- Cystorrhagia N32.89
- Cystosarcoma phyllodes D48.6-
- Cystostomy
- Cystourethritis - see Urethritis
- Cystourethrocele - see also Cystocele
- Cytomegalic inclusion disease
- Cytomegalovirus infection B25.9
- Cytomycosis(reticuloendothelial) B39.4
- Cytopenia D75.9
- Czerny's disease(periodic hydrarthrosis of the knee) - see Effusion, joint, knee