ICD-10-CM Volume 2 Tabular Index >
Starting with 'N' (202) >
- Naegeli's
- Naegleriasis(with meningoencephalitis) B60.2
- Naffziger's syndrome G54.0
- Naga sore - see Ulcer, skin
- Nägele's pelvis M95.5
- Nail - see also condition
- Nanism, nanosomia - see Dwarfism
- Nanophyetiasis B66.8
- Nanukayami A27.89
- Napkin rash L22
- Narcolepsy G47.419
- Narcosis R06.89
- Narcotism - see Dependence
- NARP(Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis pigmentosa) syndrome E88.49
- Narrow
- Narrowing - see also Stenosis
- Narrowness, abnormal, eyelid Q10.3
- Nasal - see condition
- Nasolachrymal, nasolacrimal - see condition
- Nasopharyngeal - see also condition
- Nasopharyngitis(acute) (infective) (streptococcal) (subacute) J00
- Nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal - see condition
- Natal tooth, teeth K00.6
- Nausea(without vomiting) R11.0
- Navel - see condition
- Neapolitan fever - see Brucellosis
- Near drowning T75.1
- Nearsightedness - see Myopia
- Near-syncope R55
- Nebula, cornea - see Opacity, cornea
- Necator americanus infestation B76.1
- Necatoriasis B76.1
- Neck - see condition
- Necrobiosis R68.89
- Necrolysis, toxic epidermal L51.2
- Necrophilia F65.89
- Necrosis, necrotic(ischemic) - see also Gangrene
- Necrospermia - see Infertility, male
- Need(for)
- Neglect
- Neisserian infection NEC - see Gonococcus
- Nelaton's syndrome G60.8
- Nelson's syndrome E24.1
- Nematodiasis(intestinal) B82.0
- Neonatal - see also Newborn
- Neonatorum - see condition
- Neoplasia
- Neoplasm, neoplastic - see also Table of Neoplasms
- Neovascularization
- Nephralgia N23
- Nephritis,
nephritic(albuminuric) (azotemic) (congenital) (disseminated)
(epithelial) (familial) (focal) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic)
(infantile) (nonsuppurative, excretory) (uremic) N05.9
- Nephroblastoma(epithelial) (mesenchymal) C64-
- Nephrocalcinosis E83.59
- Nephrocystitis, pustular - see Nephritis, tubulo-interstitial
- Nephrolithiasis(congenital) (pelvis) (recurrent) - see also Calculus, kidney
- Nephroma C64-
- Nephronephritis - see Nephrosis
- Nephronophthisis Q61.5
- Nephropathia epidemica A98.5
- Nephropathy - see also Nephritis N28.9
- Nephroptosis N28.83
- Nephropyosis - see Abscess, kidney
- Nephrorrhagia N28.89
- Nephrosclerosis(arteriolar)(arteriosclerotic) (chronic) (hyaline) - see also Hypertension, kidney
- Nephrosis, nephrotic(Epstein's) (syndrome) (congenital) N04.9
- Nephrosonephritis, hemorrhagic(endemic) A98.5
- Nephrostomy
- Nerve - see also condition
- Nerves R45.0
- Nervous - see also condition R45.0
- Nervousness R45.0
- Nesidioblastoma
- Nettleship's syndrome Q82.2
- Neumann's disease or syndrome L10.1
- Neuralgia, neuralgic(acute) M79.2
- Neurapraxia - see Injury, nerve
- Neurasthenia F48.8
- Neurilemmoma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Neurilemmosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant
- Neurinoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Neurinomatosis - see Neoplasm, nerve, uncertain behavior
- Neuritis(rheumatoid) M79.2
- Neuroastrocytoma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
- Neuroavitaminosis E56.9
- Neuroblastoma
- Neurochorioretinitis - see Chorioretinitis
- Neurocirculatory asthenia F45.8
- Neurocysticercosis B69.0
- Neurocytoma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Neurodermatitis(circumscribed) (circumscripta) (local) L28.0
- Neuroencephalomyelopathy, optic G36.0
- Neuroepithelioma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Neurofibroma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Neurofibromatosis(multiple) (nonmalignant) Q85.00
- Neurofibrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant
- Neurogenic - see also condition
- Neuroglioma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
- Neurolabyrinthitis(of Dix and Hallpike) - see Neuronitis, vestibular
- Neurolathyrism - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant
- Neuroleprosy A30.9
- Neuroma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Neuromyalgia - see Neuralgia
- Neuromyasthenia(epidemic) (postinfectious) G93.3
- Neuromyelitis G36.9
- Neuromyopathy G70.9
- Neuromyotonia(Isaacs) G71.19
- Neuronevus - see Nevus
- Neuronitis G58.9
- Neuroparalytic - see condition
- Neuropathy, neuropathic G62.9
- Neurophthisis - see also Disorder, nerve
- Neuroretinitis - see Chorioretinitis
- Neuroretinopathy, hereditary optic H47.22
- Neurosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant
- Neurosclerosis - see Disorder, nerve
- Neurosis, neurotic F48.9
- Neurospongioblastosis diffusa Q85.1
- Neurosyphilis(arrested) (early) (gumma) (late) (latent) (recurrent) (relapse) A52.3
- Neurothekeoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Neurotic - see Neurosis
- Neurotoxemia - see Toxemia
- Neutroclusion M26.211
- Neutropenia, neutropenic(chronic) (genetic) (idiopathic) (immune) (infantile) (malignant) (pernicious) (splenic) D70.9
- Neutrophilia, hereditary giant D72.0
- Nevocarcinoma - see Melanoma
- Nevus D22.9
- Newborn(infant) (liveborn) (singleton) Z38.2
- Newcastle conjunctivitis or disease B30.8
- Nezelof's syndrome(pure alymphocytosis) D81.4
- Niacin(amide) deficiency E52
- Nicolas(-Durand)-Favre disease A55
- Nicotine - see Tobacco
- Nicotinic acid deficiency E52
- Niemann-Pick disease or syndrome E75.249
- Night
- Nightmares(REM sleep type) F51.5
- Nipple - see condition
- Nisbet's chancre A57
- Nishimoto(-Takeuchi) disease I67.5
- Nitritoid crisis or reaction - see Crisis, nitritoid
- Nitrosohemoglobinemia D74.8
- Njovera A65
- Nocardiosis, nocardiasis A43.9
- Nocturia R35.1
- Nocturnal - see condition
- Nodal rhythm I49.8
- Node(s) - see also Nodule
- Nodule(s), nodular
- Noma(gangrenous) (hospital) (infective) A69.0
- Nomad, nomadism Z59.0
- Nonautoimmune hemolytic anemia D59.4
- Nonclosure - see also Imperfect, closure
- Noncompliance Z91.19
- Nondescent(congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital
- Nondevelopment
- Nonengagement
- Nonexanthematous tick fever A93.2
- Nonexpansion, lung(newborn) P28.0
- Nonfunctioning
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NEC - see Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin
- Non-working side interference M26.56
- Nonimplantation, ovum N97.2
- Noninsufflation, fallopian tube N97.1
- Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia E72.51
- Nonne-Milroy syndrome Q82.0
- Nonovulation N97.0
- Nonpatent fallopian tube N97.1
- Nonpneumatization, lung NEC P28.0
- Nonrotation - see Malrotation
- Nonsecretion, urine - see Anuria
- Nonunion
- Nonvisualization, gallbladder R93.2
- Nonvital, nonvitalized tooth K04.99
- Noonan's syndrome Q87.1
- Normocytic anemia(infectional) due to blood loss (chronic) D50.0
- Norrie's disease(congenital) Q15.8
- North American blastomycosis B40.9
- Norwegian itch B86
- Nose, nasal - see condition
- Nosebleed R04.0
- Nose-picking F98.8
- Nosomania F45.21
- Nosophobia F45.22
- Nostalgia F43.20
- Notch of iris Q13.2
- Notching nose, congenital(tip) Q30.2
- Nothnagel's
- Novy's relapsing fever A68.9
- Noxious
- Nucleus pulposus - see condition
- Numbness R20.0
- Nuns' knee - see Bursitis, prepatellar
- Nursemaid's elbow S53.03-
- Nutcracker esophagus K22.4
- Nutmeg liver K76.1
- Nutrient element deficiency E61.9
- Nutrition deficient or insufficient - see also Malnutrition E46
- Nutritional stunting E45
- Nyctalopia(night blindness) - see Blindness, night
- Nycturia R35.1
- Nymphomania F52.8
- Nystagmus H55.00