ICD-10-CM Volume 2 Tabular Index >
Starting with 'S' (684) >
- Saber, sabre shin or tibia(syphilitic) A50.56
- Sac lacrimal - see condition
- Saccharomyces infection B37.9
- Saccharopinuria E72.3
- Saccular - see condition
- Sacculation
- Sachs' amaurotic familial idiocy or disease E75.02
- Sachs-Tay disease E75.02
- Sacks-Libman disease M32.11
- Sacralgia M53.3
- Sacralization Q76.49
- Sacrodynia M53.3
- Sacroiliac joint - see condition
- Sacroiliitis NEC M46.1
- Sacrum - see condition
- Saddle
- Sadism(sexual) F65.52
- Sadness, postpartal O90.6
- Sadomasochism F65.50
- Saemisch's ulcer(cornea) - see Ulcer, cornea, central
- Sahib disease B55.0
- Sailors' skin L57.8
- Saint
- Salaam
- Salicylism
- Salivary duct or gland - see condition
- Salivation, excessive K11.7
- Salmonella - see Infection, Salmonella
- Salmonellosis A02.0
- Salpingitis(catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic) N70.91
- Salpingocele N83.4
- Salpingo-oophoritis(catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative) N70.93
- Salpingo-ovaritis - see Salpingo-oophoritis
- Salpingoperitonitis - see Salpingo-oophoritis
- Salzmann's nodular dystrophy - see Degeneration, cornea, nodular
- Sampson's cyst or tumor N80.1
- San Joaquin(Valley) fever B38.0
- Sandblaster's asthma, lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8
- Sander's disease(paranoia) F22
- Sandfly fever A93.1
- Sandhoff's disease E75.01
- Sanfilippo(Type B) (Type C) (Type D) syndrome E76.22
- Sanger-Brown ataxia G11.2
- Sao Paulo fever or typhus A77.0
- Saponification, mesenteric K65.8
- Sarcocele(benign)
- Sarcocystosis A07.8
- Sarcoepiplocele - see Hernia
- Sarcoepiplomphalocele Q79.2
- Sarcoid - see also Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoidosis D86.9
- Sarcoma(of) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
- Sarcomatosis
- Sarcosinemia E72.59
- Sarcosporidiosis(intestinal) A07.8
- Satiety, early R68.81
- Saturnine - see condition
- Saturnism
- Satyriasis F52.8
- Sauriasis - see Ichthyosis
- SBE(subacute bacterial endocarditis) I33.0
- Scabs R23.4
- Scabies(any site) B86
- Scaglietti-Dagnini syndrome E22.0
- Scald - see Burn
- Scalenus anticus(anterior) syndrome G54.0
- Scales R23.4
- Scaling, skin R23.4
- Scalp - see condition
- Scapegoating affecting child Z62.3
- Scaphocephaly Q75.0
- Scapulalgia M89.8X1
- Scapulohumeral myopathy G71.0
- Scar, scarring - see also Cicatrix L90.5
- Scarabiasis B88.2
- Scarlatina(anginosa) (maligna) (ulcerosa) A38.9
- Scarlet fever(albuminuria) (angina) A38.9
- Schamberg's disease(progressive pigmentary dermatosis) L81.7
- Schatzki's ring(acquired) (esophagus) (lower) K22.2
- Schaufenster krankheit I20.8
- Schaumann's
- Scheie's syndrome E76.03
- Schenck's disease B42.1
- Scheuermann's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine
- Schilder(-Flatau) disease G37.0
- Schilling-type monocytic leukemia C93.0-
- Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia - see Mastopathy, cystic
- Schistosoma infestation - see Infestation, Schistosoma
- Schistosomiasis B65.9
- Schizencephaly Q04.6
- Schizoaffective psychosis F25.9
- Schizodontia K00.2
- Schizoid personality F60.1
- Schizophrenia, schizophrenic F20.9
- Schizothymia(persistent) F60.1
- Schlatter-Osgood disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia
- Schlatter's tibia - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia
- Schmidt's syndrome(polyglandular, autoimmune) E31.0
- Schmincke's carcinoma or tumor - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant
- Schmitz(-Stutzer) dysentery A03.0
- Schmorl's disease or nodes
- Schneiderian
- Scholte's syndrome(malignant carcinoid) E34.0
- Scholz(-Bielchowsky-Henneberg) disease or syndrome E75.25
- Schönlein(-Henoch) disease or purpura (primary) (rheumatic) D69.0
- Schottmuller's disease A01.4
- Schroeder's syndrome(endocrine hypertensive) E27.0
- Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome C96.5
- Schultze's type acroparesthesia, simple I73.89
- Schultz's disease or syndrome - see Agranulocytosis
- Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheim disease G24.1
- Schwannoma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign
- Schwannomatosis Q85.03
- Schwartz(-Jampel) syndrome G71.13
- Schwartz-Bartter syndrome E22.2
- Schweniger-Buzzi anetoderma L90.1
- Sciatic - see condition
- Sciatica(infective)
- Scimitar syndrome Q26.8
- Sclera - see condition
- Sclerectasia H15.84-
- Scleredema
- Sclerema(adiposum) (edematosum) (neonatorum) (newborn) P83.0
- Scleriasis - see Scleroderma
- Scleritis H15.00-
- Sclerochoroiditis H31.8
- Scleroconjunctivitis - see Scleritis
- Sclerocystic ovary syndrome E28.2
- Sclerodactyly, sclerodactylia L94.3
- Scleroderma, sclerodermia(acrosclerotic) (diffuse) (generalized) (progressive) (pulmonary) - see also Sclerosis, systemic M34.9
- Sclerokeratitis H16.8
- Scleroma nasi A48.8
- Scleromalacia(perforans) H15.05-
- Scleromyxedema L98.5
- Sclérose en plaques G35
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
- Scoliosis(acquired) (postural) M41.9
- Scoliotic pelvis
- Scorbutus, scorbutic - see also Scurvy
- Scotoma(arcuate) (Bjerrum) (central) (ring) - see also Defect, visual field, localized, scotoma
- Scratch - see Abrasion
- Scratchy throat R09.89
- Screening(for) Z13.9
- Scrofula, scrofulosis(tuberculosis of cervical lymph glands) A18.2
- Scrofulide(primary) (tuberculous) A18.4
- Scrofuloderma, scrofulodermia(any site) (primary) A18.4
- Scrofulosus lichen(primary) (tuberculous) A18.4
- Scrofulous - see condition
- Scrotal tongue K14.5
- Scrotum - see condition
- Scurvy, scorbutic E54
- Sealpox B08.62
- Seasickness T75.3
- Seatworm(infection) (infestation) B80
- Sebaceous - see also condition
- Seborrhea, seborrheic L21.9
- Seckel's syndrome Q87.1
- Seclusion, pupil - see Membrane, pupillary
- Second hand tobacco smoke exposure(acute) (chronic) Z77.22
- Secondary
- Secretion
- Section
- Segmentation, incomplete(congenital) - see also Fusion
- Seitelberger's syndrome(infantile neuraxonal dystrophy) G31.89
- Seizure(s) - see also Convulsions R56.9
- Selenium deficiency, dietary E59
- Self-damaging behavior(life-style) Z72.89
- Self-harm(attempted)
- Self-mutilation(attempted)
- Self-poisoning
- Semicoma R40.1
- Seminal vesiculitis N49.0
- Seminoma C62.9-
- Senear-Usher disease or syndrome L10.4
- Senectus R54
- Senescence(without mention of psychosis) R54
- Senile, senility - see also condition R41.81
- Sensation
- Sense loss
- Sensibility disturbance(cortical) (deep) (vibratory) R20.9
- Sensitive, sensitivity - see also Allergy
- Sensitiver Beziehungswahn F22
- Sensitization, auto-erythrocytic D69.2
- Separation
- Sepsis(generalized) (unspecified organism) A41.9
- Septate - see Septum
- Septic - see condition
- Septicemia A41.9
- Septum, septate(congenital) - see also Anomaly, by site
- Sequelae(of) - see also condition
- Sequestration - see also Sequestrum
- Sequestrum
- Sequoiosis lung or pneumonitis J67.8
- Serology for syphilis
- Seroma - see also Hematoma
- Seropurulent - see condition
- Serositis, multiple K65.8
- Serous - see condition
- Sertoli cell
- Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor - see Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Serum
- Sesamoiditis - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
- Sever's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus
- Severe sepsis R65.20
- Sex
- Sextuplet pregnancy - see Pregnancy, sextuplet
- Sexual
- Sexuality, pathologic - see Deviation, sexual
- Sézary disease C84.1-
- Shadow, lung R91.8
- Shaking palsy or paralysis - see Parkinsonism
- Shallowness, acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip
- Shaver's disease J63.1
- Sheath(tendon) - see condition
- Sheathing, retinal vessels H35.01-
- Shedding
- Sheehan's disease or syndrome E23.0
- Shelf, rectal K62.89
- Shell teeth K00.5
- Shellshock(current) F43.0
- Shield kidney Q63.1
- Shift
- Shifting sleep-work schedule(affecting sleep) G47.26
- Shiga(-Kruse) dysentery A03.0
- Shiga's bacillus A03.0
- Shigella(dysentery) - see Dysentery, bacillary
- Shigellosis A03.9
- Shin splints T79.6
- Shingles - see Herpes, zoster
- Shipyard disease or eye B30.0
- Shirodkar suture, in pregnancy - see Pregnancy, complicated by, incompetent cervix
- Shock R57.9
- Shoemaker's chest M95.4
- Short, shortening, shortness
- Shortsightedness - see Myopia
- Shoshin(acute fulminating beriberi) E51.11
- Shoulder - see condition
- Shovel-shaped incisors K00.2
- Shower, thromboembolic - see Embolism
- Shunt
- Shutdown, renal N28.9
- Shy-Drager syndrome G90.3
- Sialadenitis, sialadenosis(any gland) (chronic) (periodic) (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis
- Sialectasia K11.8
- Sialidosis E77.1
- Sialitis, silitis(any gland) (chronic) (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis
- Sialoadenitis(any gland) (periodic) (suppurative) K11.20
- Sialoadenopathy K11.9
- Sialoangitis - see Sialoadenitis
- Sialodochitis(fibrinosa) - see Sialoadenitis
- Sialodocholithiasis K11.5
- Sialolithiasis K11.5
- Sialometaplasia, necrotizing K11.8
- Sialorrhea - see also Ptyalism
- Sialosis K11.7
- Siamese twin Q89.4
- Sibling rivalry Z62.891
- Sicard's syndrome G52.7
- Sicca syndrome M35.00
- Sick R69
- Sick-euthyroid syndrome E07.81
- Sickle-cell
- Sicklemia - see also Disease, sickle-cell
- Sickness
- Sideropenia - see Anemia, iron deficiency
- Siderosilicosis J62.8
- Siderosis(lung) J63.4
- Siemens' syndrome(ectodermal dysplasia) Q82.8
- Sighing R06.89
- Sigmoid - see also condition
- Sigmoiditis - see also Enteritis K52.9
- Silfversköld's syndrome Q78.9
- Silicosiderosis J62.8
- Silicosis, silicotic(simple) (complicated) J62.8
- Silicotuberculosis J65
- Silo-fillers' disease J68.8
- Silver's syndrome Q87.1
- Simian malaria B53.1
- Simmonds' cachexia or disease E23.0
- Simons' disease or syndrome(progressive lipodystrophy) E88.1
- Simple, simplex - see condition
- Simulation, conscious(of illness) Z76.5
- Simultanagnosia(asimultagnosia) R48.3
- Sin Nombre virus disease(Hantavirus) (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome) B33.4
- Sinding-Larsen disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella
- Singapore hemorrhagic fever A91
- Singer's node or nodule J38.2
- Single
- Singultus R06.6
- Sinus - see also Fistula
- Sinusitis(accessory) (chronic) (hyperplastic) (nasal) (nonpurulent) (purulent) J32.9
- Sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus(syndrome) (triad) Q89.3
- Sipple's syndrome E31.22
- Sirenomelia(syndrome) Q87.2
- Siriasis T67.0
- Sirkari's disease B55.0
- Siti A65
- Situation, psychiatric F99
- Situational
- Situs inversus or transversus(abdominalis) (thoracis) Q89.3
- Sixth disease B08.20
- Sjögren-Larsson syndrome Q87.1
- Sjögren's syndrome or disease - see Sicca syndrome
- Skeletal - see condition
- Skene's gland - see condition
- Skenitis - see Urethritis
- Skerljevo A65
- Skevas-Zerfus disease - see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone
- Skin - see also condition
- Slate-dressers' or slate-miners' lung J62.8
- Sleep
- Sleep hygiene
- Sleeping sickness - see Sickness, sleeping
- Sleeplessness - see Insomnia
- Sleep-wake schedule disorder G47.20
- Slim disease(in HIV infection) B20
- Slipped, slipping
- Slocumb's syndrome E27.0
- Sloughing(multiple) (phagedena) (skin) - see also Gangrene
- Slow
- Slowing, urinary stream R39.19
- Sluder's neuralgia(syndrome) G44.89
- Slurred, slurring speech R47.81
- Small(ness)
- Small-and-light-for-dates - see Small for dates
- Small-for-dates(infant) P05.10
- Smallpox B03
- Smearing, fecal R15.1
- Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome E78.72
- Smith's fracture S52.54-
- Smoker - see Dependence, drug, nicotine
- Smoker's
- Smoking
- Smothering spells R06.81
- Snaggle teeth, tooth M26.39
- Snapping
- Sneddon-Wilkinson disease or syndrome(sub-corneal pustular dermatosis) L13.1
- Sneezing(intractable) R06.7
- Sniffing
- Sniffles
- Snoring R06.83
- Snow blindness - see Photokeratitis
- Snuffles(non-syphilitic) R06.5
- Social
- Sodoku A25.0
- Soemmerring's ring - see Cataract, secondary
- Soft - see also condition
- Softening
- Soldier's
- Solitary
- Solvent abuse - see Abuse, drug, inhalant
- Somatization reaction, somatic reaction - see Disorder, somatoform
- Somnambulism F51.3
- Somnolence R40.0
- Sonne dysentery A03.3
- Soor B37.0
- Sore
- Soto's syndrome(cerebral gigantism) Q87.3
- South African cardiomyopathy syndrome I42.8
- Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever A91
- Spacing
- Spade-like hand(congenital) Q68.1
- Spading nail L60.8
- Spanish collar N47.1
- Sparganosis B70.1
- Spasm(s), spastic, spasticity - see also condition R25.2
- Spasmodic - see condition
- Spasmophilia - see Tetany
- Spasmus nutans F98.4
- Spastic, spasticity - see also Spasm
- Speaker's throat R49.8
- Specific, specified - see condition
- Speech
- Spencer's disease A08.19
- Spens' syndrome(syncope with heart block) I45.9
- Sperm counts(fertility testing) Z31.41
- Spermatic cord - see condition
- Spermatocele N43.40
- Spermatocystitis N49.0
- Spermatocytoma C62.9-
- Spermatorrhea N50.8
- Sphacelus - see Gangrene
- Sphenoidal - see condition
- Sphenoiditis(chronic) - see Sinusitis, sphenoidal
- Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia G90.09
- Sphericity, increased, lens(congenital) Q12.4
- Spherocytosis(congenital) (familial) (hereditary) D58.0
- Spherophakia Q12.4
- Sphincter - see condition
- Sphincteritis, sphincter of Oddi - see Cholangitis
- Sphingolipidosis E75.3
- Sphingomyelinosis E75.3
- Spicule tooth K00.2
- Spider
- Spiegler-Fendt
- Spielmeyer-Vogt disease E75.4
- Spina bifida(aperta) Q05.9
- Spindle, Krukenberg's - see Pigmentation, cornea, posterior
- Spine, spinal - see condition
- Spiradenoma(eccrine) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
- Spirillosis A25.0
- Spirillum
- Spirochetal - see condition
- Spirochetosis A69.9
- Spirometrosis B70.1
- Spitting blood - see Hemoptysis
- Splanchnoptosis K63.4
- Spleen, splenic - see condition
- Splenectasis - see Splenomegaly
- Splenitis(interstitial) (malignant) (nonspecific) D73.89
- Splenocele D73.89
- Splenomegaly, splenomegalia(Bengal) (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) (tropical) R16.1
- Splenopathy D73.9
- Splenoptosis D73.89
- Splenosis D73.89
- Splinter - see Foreign body, superficial, by site
- Split, splitting
- Spondylarthrosis - see Spondylosis
- Spondylitis(chronic) - see also Spondylopathy, inflammatory
- Spondylolisthesis(acquired) (degenerative) M43.10
- Spondylolysis(acquired) M43.00
- Spondylopathy M48.9
- Spondylosis M47.9
- Sponge
- Sponge-diver's disease - see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone
- Spongioblastoma(any type) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Spongioneuroblastoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Spontaneous - see also condition
- Spoon nail L60.3
- Sporadic - see condition
- Sporothrix schenckii infection - see Sporotrichosis
- Sporotrichosis B42.9
- Spots, spotting(in) (of)
- Spotted fever - see Fever, spotted N92.3
- Sprain(joint) (ligament)
- Sprengel's deformity(congenital) Q74.0
- Sprue(tropical) K90.1
- Spur, bone - see also Enthesopathy
- Spurway's syndrome Q78.0
- Sputum
- Squamous - see also condition
- Squashed nose M95.0
- Squeeze, diver's T70.3
- Squint - see also Strabismus
- St. Hubert's disease A82.9
- Stab - see also Laceration
- Stafne's cyst or cavity M27.0
- Staggering gait R26.0
- Staghorn calculus - see Calculus, kidney
- Stähli's line(cornea) (pigment) - see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior
- Stain, staining
- Stammering - see also Disorder, fluency F80.81
- Standstill
- Stannosis J63.5
- Stanton's disease - see Melioidosis
- Staphylitis(acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) K12.2
- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome L00
- Staphylococcemia A41.2
- Staphylococcus, staphylococcal - see also condition
- Staphyloma(sclera)
- Stargardt's disease - see Dystrophy, retina
- Starvation(inanition) (due to lack of food) T73.0
- Stasis
- State(of)
- Status(post) - see also Presence (of)
- Stealing
- Steam burn - see Burn
- Steatocystoma multiplex L72.2
- Steatohepatitis(nonalcoholic) (NASH) K75.81
- Steatoma L72.3
- Steatorrhea(chronic) K90.4
- Steatosis E88.89
- Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease or syndrome G23.1
- Steinbrocker's syndrome G90.8
- Steinert's disease G71.11
- Stein-Leventhal syndrome E28.2
- Stein's syndrome E28.2
- STEMI - see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation I21.3
- Stenocardia I20.8
- Stenocephaly Q75.8
- Stenosis, stenotic(cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- Stent jail T82.897
- Stercolith(impaction) K56.41
- Stercoraceous, stercoral ulcer K63.3
- Stereotypies NEC F98.4
- Sterility - see Infertility
- Sterilization - see Encounter (for), sterilization
- Sternalgia - see Angina
- Sternopagus Q89.4
- Sternum bifidum Q76.7
- Steroid
- Stevens-Johnson disease or syndrome L51.1
- Stewart-Morel syndrome M85.2
- Sticker's disease B08.3
- Sticky eye - see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent
- Stieda's disease - see Bursitis, tibial collateral
- Stiff neck - see Torticollis
- Stiff-man syndrome G25.82
- Stiffness, joint NEC M25.60
- Stigmata congenital syphilis A50.59
- Stillbirth P95
- Still-Felty syndrome - see Felty's syndrome
- Still's disease or syndrome(juvenile) M08.20
- Stimulation, ovary E28.1
- Sting(venomous) (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) - see Table of drugs and chemicals, by animal or substance, poisoning
- Stippled epiphyses Q78.8
- Stitch
- Stokes-Adams disease or syndrome I45.9
- Stokes' disease E05.00
- Stokvis(-Talma) disease D74.8BD>
- Stoma malfunction
- Stomach - see condition
- Stomatitis(denture) (ulcerative) K12.1
- Stomatocytosis D58.8
- Stomatomycosis B37.0
- Stomatorrhagia K13.79
- Stone(s) - see also Calculus
- Stonecutter's lung J62.8
- Stonemason's asthma, disease, lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8
- Stoppage
- Storm, thyroid - see Thyrotoxicosis
- Strabismus(congenital) (nonparalytic) H50.9
- Strain
- Straining, on urination R39.16
- Strand, vitreous - see Opacity, vitreous, membranes and strands
- Strangulation, strangulated - see also Asphyxia, traumatic
- Strangury R30.0
- Straw itch B88.0
- Strawberry
- Streak(s)
- Strephosymbolia F81.0
- Streptobacillary fever A25.1
- Streptobacillosis A25.1
- Streptobacillus moniliformis A25.1
- Streptococcus, streptococcal - see also condition
- Streptomycosis B47.1
- Streptotrichosis A48.8
- Stress F43.9
- Stretching, nerve - see Injury, nerve
- Striae albicantes, atrophicae or distensae(cutis) L90.6
- Stricture - see also Stenosis
- Stridor R06.1
- Stridulous - see condition
- Stroke(apoplectic) (brain) (embolic) (ischemic) (paralytic) (thrombotic) I63.9
- Stromatosis, endometrial D39.0
- Strongyloidiasis, strongyloidosis B78.9
- Strophulus pruriginosus L28.2
- Struck by lightning - see Lightning
- Struma - see also Goiter
- Strumipriva cachexia E03.4
- Strümpell-Marie spine - see Spondylitis, ankylosing
- Strümpell-Westphal pseudosclerosis E83.01
- Stuart deficiency disease(factor X) D68.2
- Stuart-Prower factor deficiency(factor X) D68.2
- Student's elbow - see Bursitis, elbow, olecranon
- Stump - see Amputation
- Stunting, nutritional E45
- Stupor(catatonic) R40.1
- Sturge(-Weber) (-Dimitri) (-Kalischer) disease or syndrome Q85.8
- Stuttering F80.81
- Sty, stye(external) (internal) (meibomian) (zeisian) - see Hordeolum
- Subacidity, gastric K31.89
- Subacute - see condition
- Subarachnoid - see condition
- Subcortical - see condition
- Subcostal syndrome, nerve compression - see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified site NEC
- Subcutaneous, subcuticular - see condition
- Subdural - see condition
- Subendocardium - see condition
- Subependymoma
- Suberosis J67.3
- Subglossitis - see Glossitis
- Subhemophilia D66
- Subinvolution
- Sublingual - see condition
- Sublinguitis - see Sialoadenitis
- Subluxatable hip Q65.6
- Subluxation - see also Dislocation
- Submaxillary - see condition
- Submersion(fatal) (nonfatal) T75.1
- Submucous - see condition
- Subnormal, subnormality
- Subphrenic - see condition
- Subscapular nerve - see condition
- Subseptus uterus Q51.2
- Subsiding appendicitis K36
- Substernal thyroid E04.9
- Substitution disorder F44.9
- Subtentorial - see condition
- Subthyroidism(acquired) - see also Hypothyroidism
- Succenturiate placenta O43.19-
- Sucking thumb, child(excessive) F98.8
- Sudamen, sudamina L74.1
- Sudanese kala-azar B55.0
- Sudden
- Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome - see Algoneurodystrophy
- Suffocation - see Asphyxia, traumatic
- Sugar
- Suicide, suicidal(attempted) T14.91
- Suipestifer infection - see Infection, salmonella
- Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia(acquired) (with methemoglobinemia) D74.8
- Sumatran mite fever A75.3
- Summer - see condition
- Sunburn L55.9
- SUNCT(short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing) G44.059
- Sunken acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip
- Sunstroke T67.0
- Superfecundation - see Pregnancy, multiple
- Superfetation - see Pregnancy, multiple
- Superinvolution(uterus) N85.8
- Supernumerary(congenital)
- Supervision(of)
- Supplemental teeth K00.1
- Suppression
- Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition
- Supraeruption of tooth(teeth) M26.34
- Supraglottitis J04.30
- Suprarenal(gland) - see condition
- Suprascapular nerve - see condition
- Suprasellar - see condition
- Surfer's knots or nodules S89.8-
- Surgical
- Surveillance(of) (for) - see also Observation
- Susceptibility to disease, genetic Z15.89
- Suspected condition, ruled out - see also Observation, suspected
- Suspended uterus
- Sutton's nevus D22.9
- Suture
- Swab inadvertently left in operation wound - see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
- Swallowed, swallowing
- Swan-neck deformity(finger) - see Deformity, finger, swan-neck
- Swearing, compulsive F42
- Sweat, sweats
- Sweating, excessive R61
- Sweeley-Klionsky disease E75.21
- Sweet's disease or dermatosis L98.2
- Swelling(of) R60.9
- Swift(-Feer) disease
- Swimmer's
- Swimming in the head R42
- Swollen - see Swelling
- Swyer syndrome Q99.1
- Sycosis L73.8
- Sydenham's chorea - see Chorea, Sydenham's
- Sylvatic yellow fever A95.0
- Sylvest's disease B33.0
- Symblepharon H11.23-
- Symond's syndrome G93.2
- Sympathetic - see condition
- Sympatheticotonia G90.8
- Sympathicoblastoma
- Sympathogonioma - see Sympathicoblastoma
- Symphalangy(fingers) (toes) Q70.9
- Symptoms NEC R68.89
- Sympus Q74.2
- Syncephalus Q89.4
- Synchondrosis
- Synchysis(scintillans) (senile) (vitreous body) H43.89
- Syncope(near) (pre-) R55
- Syndactylism, syndactyly Q70.9
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Synechia(anterior) (iris) (posterior) (pupil) - see also Adhesions, iris
- Synesthesia R20.8
- Syngamiasis, syngamosis B83.3
- Synodontia K00.2
- Synorchidism, synorchism Q55.1
- Synostosis(congenital) Q78.8
- Synovial sarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
- Synovioma(malignant) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
- Synoviosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
- Synovitis - see also Tenosynovitis
- Syphilid A51.39
- Syphilis, syphilitic(acquired) A53.9
- Syphiloma A52.79
- Syphilophobia F45.29
- Syringadenoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
- Syringobulbia G95.0
- Syringocystadenoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
- Syringoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
- Syringomyelia G95.0
- Syringomyelitis - see Encephalitis
- Syringomyelocele - see Spina bifida
- Syringopontia G95.0
- System, systemic - see also condition