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Human healthcare
Alphabetical listing of human diseases and medical conditions.
What are other names for this type of listing?
International classification of diseases.
International classification of diseases and medical conditions.
Medical topics.

What will you find at this resource?
All diseases and medical conditions are listed here.
All diseases and medical conditions listed in International classifications of diseases (ICD) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV DSM-V) are listed here.
The number attached to every disease or medical condition in ICD or DSM keeps on changing depending on the version of ICD or DSM.
You can quote the number attached to every disease and medical condition at this resource.
An alphabetical listing of diseases and medical conditions is at this resource.
Doctors have guidelines to reach a correct diagnosis and treatment in various healthcare settings at this resource.
What should doctors, including psychiatrists and clinicians know about the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV DSM-V), published by the American Psychiatric Association?
DSM-IV DSM-V does not teach you how to reach a correct diagnosis and treatment in various healthcare settings.
DSM-IV DSM-V has various deficiencies and errors.
DSM-IV DSM-V has been withdrawn support due to various deficiencies.

What is on the alphabetical listing of human Diseases and medical conditions?
Take a look at this.
  1. A, Hemophilia (Hemophilia)

  2. A, Hepatitis (Hepatitis A)

  3. AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm)

  4. Aarskog's syndrome

  5. AAT (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  6. AATD (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  7. Abandonment - see Maltreatment

  8. Abasia (-astasia) (hysterical)

  9. Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome (cystinosis)

  10. Abdomen, abdominal - see also condition

  11. Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue)

  12. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

  13. Abdominal Cramps (Heat Cramps)

  14. Abdominal Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  15. Abdominal Migraines in Children and Adults

  16. Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment)

  17. Abdominalgia - see Pain, abdominal

  18. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck ( Abdominoplasty))

  19. Abduction contracture, hip or other joint - see Contraction, joint

  20. Aberrant (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital

  21. Aberration

  22. Abetalipoproteinemia

  23. Abiotrophy

  24. Ablatio, ablation

  25. Ablation Therapy for Arrhythmias

  26. Ablation, Endometrial (Endometrial Ablation)

  27. Ablation, Uterus (Endometrial Ablation)

  28. Ablepharia, ablepharon

  29. Abnormal Heart Rhythms (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  30. Abnormal Liver Enzymes (Liver Blood Tests)

  31. Abnormal Vagnial Bleeding (Vaginal Bleeding)

  32. Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly

  33. Abnormity (any organ or part) - see Anomaly

  34. Abocclusion

  35. Abolition, language

  36. Aborter, habitual or recurrent - see Loss (of), pregnancy, recurrent

  37. Abortion (complete) (spontaneous)

  38. Abortus fever

  39. Aboulomania

  40. Abrami's disease

  41. Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis (acute isolated myocarditis)

  42. Abrasion (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  43. Abrasion

  44. Abrism - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant

  45. Abruptio placentae

  46. Abruption, placenta - see Abruptio placentae

  47. Abscess (connective tissue) (embolic) (fistulous) (infective) (metastatic) (multiple) (pernicious) (pyogenic) (septic)

  48. Abscessed Tooth Guide

  49. Abscesses, Skin (Boils)

  50. Absence (of) (organ or part) (complete or partial)

  51. Absence of Menstrual Periods (Amenorrhea)

  52. Absorbent Products Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  53. Absorbent system disease

  54. Absorption

  55. Abstinence Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  56. Abstinence symptoms, syndrome

  57. Abulia

  58. Abulomania

  59. Abuse

  60. Abuse, Child (Child Abuse Facts)

  61. Abuse, Steroid (Anabolic Steroid Abuse)

  62. Abyssinian Tea (Khat)

  63. Academic Problem

  64. Acculturation Problem

  65. Acute Stress Disorder (Acute stress reaction)

  66. Acai Berry - Does it Really Work

  67. Acalculia

  68. Acanthamebiasis (with)

  69. Acanthocephaliasis

  70. Acanthocheilonemiasis

  71. Acanthocytosis

  72. Acantholysis

  73. Acanthosis (acquired) (nigricans)

  74. Acapnia

  75. Acarbia

  76. Acardia, acardius

  77. Acardiacus amorphus

  78. Acardiotrophia

  79. Acariasis

  80. Acarodermatitis (urticarioides)

  81. Acarophobia

  82. Acatalasemia, acatalasia

  83. Acathisia (drug induced)

  84. Accelerated atrioventricular conduction

  85. Accentuation of personality traits (type A)

  86. Accessory (congenital)

  87. Accident

  88. Accident and Trauma Care ( Trauma Care and Accident )

  89. Accidental - see condition

  90. Accommodation (disorder) - see also condition

  91. Accouchement - see Delivery

  92. Accreta placenta

  93. Accretio cordis (nonrheumatic)

  94. Accretions, tooth, teeth

  95. Acculturation difficulty

  96. Accumulation of Fluid in the Abdominal Cavity (Ascites)

  97. Accumulation secretion, prostate

  98. Acephalia, acephalism, acephalus, acephaly

  99. Acephalobrachia monster

  100. Acephalochirus monster

  101. Acephalogaster

  102. Acephalostomus monster

  103. Acephalothorax

  104. Acerophobia

  105. Acetaminophen After Vaccination in Infants ( Should Acetaminophen be Given Routinely After Vaccination in Infants? )

  106. Acetaminophen Liver Damage (Tylenol Liver Damage)

  107. Acetonemia

  108. Acetonuria

  109. Achalasia

  110. Achalasia (cardia) (esophagus)

  111. Ache (s) - see Pain

  112. Acheilia

  113. Aches (Aches, Pain, Fever)

  114. Aches, Pain, Fever

  115. Achilles Tendon Rupture

  116. Achillobursitis - see Tendinitis, Achilles

  117. Achillodynia - see Tendinitis, Achilles

  118. Aching Back ( Back Pain )

  119. Aching Tooth ( Toothache / Pain in the Tooth )

  120. Achlorhydria, achlorhydric (neurogenic)

  121. Achluophobia

  122. Acholia

  123. Acholuric jaundice (familial) (splenomegalic) - see also Spherocytosis

  124. Achondrogenesis

  125. Achondroplasia

  126. Achondroplasia (osteosclerosis congenita)

  127. Achondroplastic Dwarfism (Achondroplasia)

  128. Achroma, cutis

  129. Achromat (ism), achromatopsia (acquired) (congenital)

  130. Achromia parasitica

  131. Achromia, congenital - see Albinism

  132. Achylia gastrica

  133. Acid

  134. Acid Maltase Deficiency ( Pompe Disease / Glycogenosis Type 2 )

  135. Acid Peptic Disease ( Peptic Ulcer Disease )

  136. Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD))

  137. Acid Reflux in Infants and Children (GERD in Infants and Children)

  138. Acidemia Acidity, gastric (high)

  139. Acidocytopenia - see Agranulocytosis

  140. Acidocytosis

  141. Acidopenia - see Agranulocytosis

  142. Acidosis (lactic) (respiratory)

  143. Aciduria

  144. Acladiosis (skin)

  145. Aclasis, diaphyseal

  146. Acleistocardia

  147. Aclusion - see Anomaly, dentofacial, malocclusion

  148. Acne

  149. Acne ( Pimples / Zits )

  150. Acne Cystic (Boils)

  151. Acne Rosacea (Rosacea)

  152. Acne Scars (Scars)

  153. Acnitis (primary)

  154. Acosta's disease

  155. Acoustic - see condition

  156. Acoustic Neuroma

  157. Acousticophobia

  158. Acquired - see also condition

  159. Acquired Brain Injury (Brain Damage: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment)

  160. Acquired Bronchiectasis (Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital))

  161. Acquired Epileptic Aphasia (Landau-Kleffner Syndrome)

  162. Acquired Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  163. Acrania

  164. Acroangiodermatitis

  165. Acroasphyxia, chronic

  166. Acrobystitis

  167. Acrocephalopolysyndactyly

  168. Acrocephalosyndactyly

  169. Acrocephaly

  170. Acrochondrohyperplasia - see Syndrome, Marfan's

  171. Acrochordon (Skin Tag)

  172. Acrocyanosis

  173. Acrodermatitis

  174. Acrodynia - see Poisoning, mercury

  175. Acromegaly

  176. Acromegaly, acromegalia

  177. Acromelalgia

  178. Acromicria, acromikria

  179. Acronyx

  180. Acropachy, thyroid - see Thyrotoxicosis

  181. Acroparesthesia (simple) (vasomotor)

  182. Acropathy, thyroid - see Thyrotoxicosis

  183. Acrophobia

  184. Acroposthitis

  185. Acroscleriasis, acroscleroderma, acrosclerosis - see Sclerosis, systemic

  186. Acrosphacelus

  187. Acrospiroma, eccrine - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  188. Acrostealgia - see Osteochondropathy

  189. Acrotrophodynia - see Immersion

  190. ACTH ectopic syndrome

  191. ACTH-dependent Hypercortisolism (Cushing's Syndrome)

  192. ACTH-independent Hypercortisolism (Cushing's Syndrome)

  193. Actinic - see condition

  194. Actinic Keratosis

  195. Actinobacillosis, actinobacillus

  196. Actinomyces israelii (infection) - see Actinomycosis

  197. Actinomycetoma (foot)

  198. Actinomycosis, actinomycotic

  199. Actinoneuritis

  200. Action, heart

  201. Activated protein C resistance

  202. Active - see condition

  203. Acupuncture

  204. Acupuncture for Hot Flushes in Menopausal Women ( Hot Flushes can be treated with Acupuncture in Menopausal Women / Can Acupuncture Cure Hot Flushes in Menopausal Women? )

  205. Acupuncture for Sleep Disorders ( Sleep Disorders and Acupuncture ) Acustic Neuroma (Vertigo Overview)

  206. Acute - see also condition

  207. Acute and Chronic Bursitis

  208. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  209. Acute Bronchitis ( Bronchitis-Acute )

  210. Acute Compartment Syndrome (Compartment Syndrome)

  211. Acute Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B)

  212. Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Porphyria)

  213. Acute Kidney Failure / Acute Renal Failure ( Renal Failure-Acute )

  214. Acute Lung Injury (ARDS)

  215. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ( Lymphoblastic Leukemia -Acute )

  216. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (Leukemia)

  217. Acute Myeloid Leukemia ( Myeloid Leukemia-Acute / Leukemia - Acute Myeloid )

  218. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Leukemia)

  219. Acute Pancreatitis (Pancreatitis)

  220. Acute Porphyria (Porphyria)

  221. Acute Radiation Syndrome | Acute Radiation Sickness

  222. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) ( Respiratory Distress Syndrome )

  223. Acyanotic heart disease (congenital)

  224. Acystia

  225. Ad14 (Killer Cold Virus (Adenovirus Infection, Ad14))

  226. Adair-Dighton syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera, deafness)

  227. Adamantinoblastoma - see Ameloblastoma

  228. Adamantinoma - see also Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  229. Adamantoblastoma - see Ameloblastoma

  230. Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni)

  231. Adaption reaction - see Disorder, adjustment

  232. ADD (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  233. Addiction - see also Dependence

  234. Addiction (Drug Abuse)

  235. Addiction, Sexual (Sexual Addiction)

  236. Addison Anemia (Pernicious Anemia)

  237. Addison Disease

  238. Addison’s Disease ( Hypocorticism / Hypocortisolism / Adrenal Insufficiency )

  239. Addison-Biermer anemia (pernicious)

  240. Addisonian crisis

  241. Addison's

  242. Addison-Schilder complex

  243. Additional - see also Accessory

  244. Additives of Food ( Food Additives )

  245. Adduction contracture, hip or other joint - see Contraction, joint

  246. Adenitis - see also Lymphadenitis

  247. Adenoacanthoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  248. Adenoameloblastoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  249. Adenocarcinoid (tumor) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  250. Adenocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  251. Adenocarcinoma-in-situ - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site

  252. Adenofibroma

  253. Adenofibrosis

  254. Adenoidectomy Surgical Instructions

  255. Adenoiditis (chronic)

  256. Adenoids - see condition

  257. Adenoids (Adenoids and Tonsils)

  258. Adenoids and Tonsils

  259. Adenolipoma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  260. Adenolipomatosis, Launois-Bensaude

  261. Adenolymphoma

  262. Adenoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  263. Adenomatosis

  264. Adenomatous

  265. Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (Gardner Syndrome)

  266. Adenomatous Polyposis of the Colon (Gardner Syndrome)

  267. Adenomyoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  268. Adenomyometritis

  269. Adenomyosis (Uterine Fibroids)

  270. Adenomyosis

  271. Adenopathy (lymph gland)

  272. Adenosalpingitis - see Salpingitis

  273. Adenosarcoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  274. Adenosclerosis

  275. Adenosine (Exercise Stress Test)

  276. Adenosine Stress Test For Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  277. Adenosis (sclerosing) - see Fibroadenosis, breast

  278. Adenovirus Infection (Killer Cold Virus (Adenovirus Infection, Ad14))

  279. Adenovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  280. Adentia (complete) (partial) - see Absence, teeth

  281. ADHD in Adults (Adult ADHD)

  282. ADHD in Children

  283. ADHD Learning Disability – Advice from Occupational Therapist ( Kids With ADHD Learning Disability - Handling With Care )

  284. ADHD Parenting Tips (Parenting a Child With ADHD)

  285. Adherent - see also Adhesions

  286. Adhesions After Surgery (Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue))

  287. Adhesions, adhesive (postinfective)

  288. Adiaspiromycosis

  289. Adie (-Holmes) - see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil

  290. Adiponecrosis neonatorum

  291. Adiposis - see also Obesity

  292. Adiposity - see also Obesity

  293. Adiposogenital dystrophy

  294. Adjustment

  295. Adjustment Disorder Unspecified

  296. Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety

  297. Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood

  298. Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct

  299. Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood

  300. Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct

  301. Adult Antisocial Behavior

  302. Adverse Effects of Medication NOS

  303. Administration of tPA (rtPA)

  304. Admission (for) - see also Encounter (for)

  305. Adnexitis (suppurative) - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  306. Adolescent Depression ( Depression-Adolescent )

  307. Adolescent X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

  308. Adolescents (Teenagers)

  309. Adolescents Need Immunization: Child and Adolescent Week Message ( Immunization for Adolescents )

  310. Adoption and Inducing Lactation (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  311. Adrenal (gland) - see condition

  312. Adrenal Cortex Cancer ( Adreno Cortical Carcinoma / Adreno Cortical Cancer / Cancer of the Adrenal Cortex )

  313. Adrenal Gland Tumor (Pheochromocytoma)

  314. Adrenal Insufficiency ( Addison’s Disease / Hypocorticism / Hypocortisolism )

  315. Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison Disease)

  316. Adrenal Pheochromocytoma (Pheochromocytoma)

  317. Adrenalism, tuberculous

  318. Adrenalitis, adrenitis

  319. Adrenarche, premature

  320. Adreno Cortical Cancer ( Adreno Cortical Carcinoma / Cancer of the Adrenal Cortex / Adrenal Cortex Cancer )

  321. Adrenocortical syndrome - see Cushing's, syndrome

  322. Adrenogenital syndrome

  323. Adrenogenitalism, congenital

  324. Adrenoleukodystrophy

  325. Adrenomyeloneuropathy

  326. Adult Acne (Rosacea)

  327. Adult ADHD

  328. Adult Behavior Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  329. Adult Brain Tumors

  330. Adult Onset Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

  331. Adult Onset Still (Still's Disease)

  332. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Caused by Increased Interferon Stimulated Gene (ISG) Expression when WBC’s dysfunction ( Increased Interferon Stimulated Gene (ISG) Expression Linked to Neutrophil Dysfunction in ARDS )

  333. Adult Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  334. Adult-Onset Asthma

  335. Adult-Onset Diabetes ( Type 2 Diabetes / Diabetes - Type 2 / Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) )

  336. Adults, Abdominal Migraine (Abdominal Migraines in Children and Adults)

  337. Adults, Autism (Autism and Communication)

  338. Adults, Jaundice (Jaundice in Adults)

  339. Advance Medical Directives

  340. Advantages of Eating Fish Foods ( Fish Food-Advantages )

  341. Adventitious bursa - see Bursopathy, specified type NEC

  342. Adverse effect - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, categories T36-T50, with 6th character 5

  343. Advice - see Counseling

  344. Adynamia (episodica) (hereditary) (periodic)

  345. Aeration lung imperfect, newborn - see Atelectasis

  346. Aerobullosis

  347. Aerocele - see Embolism, air

  348. Aerodermectasia

  349. Aerodontalgia

  350. Aeroembolism

  351. Aerogenes capsulatus infection

  352. Aero-otitis media

  353. Aerophagy, aerophagia (psychogenic)

  354. Aerophobia

  355. Aerosinusitis

  356. Aerotitis

  357. Affection - see Disease

  358. Afibrinogenemia - see also Defect, coagulation

  359. AFP Blood Test (Alpha-fetoprotein Blood Test)

  360. African Salad (Khat)

  361. Aftercare - see also Care

  362. After-cataract - see Cataract, secondary

  363. Agalactia (primary)

  364. Agammaglobulinemia (acquired (secondary)) (nonfamilial)

  365. Aganglionosis (bowel) (colon)

  366. Aganglionosis (Hirschsprung Disease)

  367. Age (old) - see Senility

  368. Age Related Macular Degeneration ( Macular Degeneration )

  369. Age-Related Cognitive Decline

  370. Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder

  371. Age Spots (Freckles)

  372. Ageing and Sleep ( Sleep Disorders in Elderly )

  373. Agenesis

  374. Age-related Hearing Loss ( Presbycusis )

  375. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Macular Degeneration)

  376. Ageusia (Taste Disorders)

  377. Ageusia

  378. Aggressive Personality Types at Higher Risk of Hypertension and Stroke ( Hypertension and Stroke )

  379. Agitated - see condition

  380. Agitation

  381. Aglossia (congenital)

  382. Aglossia-adactylia syndrome

  383. Aglycogenosis

  384. Agnosia (body image) (other senses) (tactile)

  385. Agnosia, Facial (Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia))

  386. Agoraphobia

  387. Agrammatism

  388. Agranulocytopenia - see Agranulocytosis

  389. Agranulocytosis (chronic) (cyclical) (genetic) (infantile) (periodic) (pernicious) - see also

  390. Agranulocytosis (Neutropenia)

  391. Agraphia (absolute)

  392. Ague (dumb) - see Malaria

  393. Agyria

  394. Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome

  395. Aichomophobia

  396. AIDS ( HIV - Health Education )

  397. Ailment heart - see Disease, heart

  398. Ailurophobia

  399. Ainhum (disease)

  400. AIPHI (acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants (over 28 days old))

  401. Air

  402. Air Pollution and Cancer Incidence: a Danish Cohort Study

  403. Air Sick (Motion Sickness (Sea Sickness, Car Sickness))

  404. Air travel - During Travel

  405. Air travel: To fly or not to fly

  406. Airplane sickness

  407. Airplanes –Ticket to Infection? - During Travel

  408. Akathisia (drug-induced) (treatment-induced)

  409. Akinesia

  410. Akinetic mutism

  411. AKU (Alkaptonuria)

  412. Akureyri's disease

  413. Alactasia, congenital

  414. ALAD Porphyria (Porphyria)

  415. Alagille's syndrome

  416. Alastrim

  417. Albers-Schönberg syndrome

  418. Albert's syndrome - see Tendinitis, Achilles

  419. Albinism ( Hypopigmentation / Albinos )

  420. Albinism (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  421. Albinism, albino

  422. Albinismus

  423. Albinos ( Albinism / Hypopigmentation )

  424. Albright (-McCune)(-Sternberg)

  425. Albuminous - see condition

  426. Albuminuria, albuminuric (acute) (chronic) (subacute) - see also Proteinuria

  427. Albuminurophobia

  428. Alcaptonuria (Alkaptonuria)

  429. Alcaptonuria

  430. Alcohol Abuse

  431. Alcohol Dependence

  432. Alcohol Intoxication

  433. Alcohol Intoxication Delirium

  434. Alcohol Withdrawal

  435. Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium

  436. Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  437. Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder

  438. Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

  439. Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia

  440. Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  441. Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  442. Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  443. Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder

  444. Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS

  445. Alcohol abuse ( Alcohol dependence / Alcoholism )

  446. Alcohol Addiction and Women

  447. Alcohol and Driving ( Driving and Alcohol )

  448. Alcohol and Teens

  449. Alcohol dependence ( Alcohol abuse / Alcoholism )

  450. Alcohol Dependence (Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)

  451. Alcohol Facts-Bubbles and Brews ( Bubbles and Brews - Alcohol Facts )

  452. Alcohol Intoxication in Teens (Alcohol and Teens)

  453. Alcohol Poisoning in Teens (Alcohol and Teens)

  454. Alcohol, alcoholic, alcohol-induced

  455. Alcohol, Pregnancy (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS))

  456. Alcoholic Liver Disease ( Liver Disease-Alcoholic )

  457. Alcoholism ( Alcohol abuse / Alcohol dependence )

  458. Alcoholism (chronic) (without remission)

  459. Alder (-Reilly) anomaly or syndrome (leukocyte granulation)

  460. Aldosteronism

  461. Aldosteronoma

  462. Aldrich (-Wiskott) syndrome (eczema-thrombocytopenia)

  463. Alektorophobia

  464. Aleppo boil

  465. Aleukemic - see condition

  466. Aleukia

  467. Alexander Technique for Childbirth (Childbirth Class Options)

  468. Alexia

  469. Algoneurodystrophy

  470. Algophobia

  471. Alienation, mental - see Psychosis

  472. Alike (SALA or LASA) Drugs )

  473. ALK (Keratoplasty Eye Surgery (ALK))

  474. Alkalemia

  475. Alkalosis

  476. Alkaptonuria

  477. ALL (Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)

  478. All Play Makes Kids With Learning Disability Smart ( Interactive Sports Helps to Make ADD kids Smart )

  479. Allen-Masters syndrome

  480. Allergic Asthma (Asthma Overview)

  481. Allergic Asthma (Allergy)

  482. Allergic Cascade

  483. Allergic Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

  484. Allergic Granulomatosis And Angiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome)

  485. Allergic Purpura (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura)

  486. Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)

  487. Allergic Rhinitis

  488. Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

  489. Allergic Rhinitis (Allergy)

  490. Allergies (Allergy)

  491. Allergy Eye Drops ( Eye Drops for Allergy )

  492. Allergy Shots

  493. Allergy to Drugs (Drug Allergies)

  494. Allergy to Milk (Lactose Intolerance)

  495. Allergy Treatment Begins At Home

  496. Allergy, allergic (reaction) (to)

  497. Allergy, Diaper (Diaper Rash)

  498. Allergy, Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

  499. Allergy, Eye (Eye Allergy)

  500. Allergy, Food (Food Allergy)

  501. Allergy, Insect (Insect Sting Allergies)

  502. Allergy, Latex (Latex Allergy)

  503. Allergy, Plant Contact (Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac)

  504. Allergy, Rash (Rash)

  505. Allergy, Skin Test (Skin Test For Allergy)

  506. Allescheriasis

  507. Alligator skin disease

  508. Allocheiria, allochiria

  509. Almeida's disease - see Paracoccidioidomycosis

  510. Alopecia (hereditaria) (seborrheica)

  511. Alopecia Areata

  512. Alpers' disease

  513. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

  514. Alpha Thalassemia

  515. Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  516. Alpha-1 Related Emphysema (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  517. Alpha-fetoprotein Blood Test

  518. Alpha-galactosidase Deficiency (Fabry's Disease)

  519. Alpine sickness

  520. Alport syndrome

  521. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

  522. ALT Test (Liver Blood Tests)

  523. ALTE (apparent life threatening event)

  524. Alternating - see condition

  525. Alternative Medicine - Ginseng ( Ginseng )

  526. Alternative Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

  527. Alternative Treatments for Hot Flashes

  528. Altitude, high (effects) - see Effect, adverse, high altitude

  529. Aluminosis (of lung)

  530. Alveolar Osteitis (Dry Socket Overview)

  531. Alveolitis

  532. Alveolus Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  533. Alveolus, alveolar - see condition

  534. Alymphocytosis

  535. Alymphoplasia, thymic

  536. Alzheimer Disease Risk Can be Lowered by Vit B Pill ( phVit B Pill Can Help to Keep Alzheimer’s Disease at Bay )

  537. Alzheimers Day

  538. Alzheimers Disease (Alzheimer's Disease Causes, Stages, and Symptoms)

  539. Alzheimer's disease or sclerosis - see Disease, Alzheimer's

  540. Alzheimer's Disease Patient Caregiver Guide

  541. AMA (Antimitochondrial Antibodies)

  542. Amastia (with nipple present)

  543. Amathophobia

  544. Amaurosis (acquired) (congenital) - see also Blindness

  545. Amaurotic idiocy (infantile) (juvenile) (late)

  546. Amaxophobia

  547. Ambiguous genitalia

  548. Amblyopia ( Lazy Eye )

  549. Amblyopia (congenital) (ex anopsia) (partial) (suppression)

  550. Ameba, amebic (histolytica) - see also Amebiasis

  551. Amebiasis

  552. Ameboma (of intestine)

  553. Amelia

  554. Ameloblastoma - see also Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  555. Amelogenesis imperfecta

  556. Amenorrhea

  557. Amentia - see Disability, intellectual

  558. American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease)

  559. Ametropia - see Disorder, refraction

  560. Amianthosis

  561. Amimia

  562. Amino Acid, Homocysteine (Homocysteine)

  563. Amino-acid disorder

  564. Aminoacidopathy

  565. Aminoaciduria

  566. AML (Leukemia)

  567. Ammonia Dermatitis (Diaper Rash)

  568. Ammonia Rash (Diaper Rash)

  569. Amnes (t)ic syndrome (post-traumatic)

  570. Amnesia ( Memory Loss / Loss of Memory )

  571. Amnesia

  572. Amniocentesis

  573. Amnion, amniotic - see condition

  574. Amnionitis - see Pregnancy, complicated by

  575. Amniotic Fluid (Amniocentesis)

  576. Amoebiasis ( Amoebic Dysentery )

  577. Amoebic Dysentery ( Amoebiasis )

  578. Amok

  579. Amoral traits

  580. Ampulla

  581. Amnestic Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  582. Amnestic Disorder NOS

  583. Amphetamine Abuse

  584. Amphetamine Dependence

  585. Amphetamine Intoxication

  586. Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium

  587. Amphetamine Withdrawal

  588. Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  589. Amphetamine-Induced Mood Disorder

  590. Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  591. Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  592. Amphetamine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  593. Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder

  594. Amphetamine-Related Disorder NOS

  595. Amputation - see also Absence, by site, acquired

  596. Amputee (bilateral) (old)

  597. Amsterdam dwarfism

  598. Amusia

  599. Amyelencephalus, amyelencephaly

  600. Amyelia

  601. Amygdalitis - see Tonsillitis

  602. Amygdalolith

  603. Amyloid heart (disease)

  604. Amyloidosis

  605. Amyloidosis (generalized) (primary)

  606. Amylopectinosis (brancher enzyme deficiency)

  607. Amylophagia - see Pica

  608. Amyoplasia congenita

  609. Amyotonia

  610. Amyotrophia, amyotrophy, amyotrophic

  611. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

  612. ANA (Antinuclear Antibody)

  613. Anabolic Steroid Abuse

  614. Anabolic Steroids

  615. Anacidity, gastric

  616. Anaerosis of newborn

  617. Anaesthesia - History ( History of Anaesthesia )

  618. Anaesthesia - History and Origins

  619. Anaesthesia - Local ( Local Anaesthesia )

  620. Anal Cancer ( Cancer of Anal )

  621. Anal Fissure

  622. Anal Itching

  623. Anal Tear (Anal Fissure)

  624. Anal Warts

  625. Analbuminemia

  626. Analgesia - see Anesthesia

  627. Analphalipoproteinemia

  628. Analysis of Urine (Urinalysis)

  629. Anaphylactic

  630. Anaphylactoid Purpura (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura)

  631. Anaphylactoid shock or reaction - see Shock, anaphylactic

  632. Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy

  633. Anaphylaxis

  634. Anaphylaxis - see Shock, anaphylactic

  635. Anaplasia cervix - see also Dysplasia, cervix

  636. Anaplasmosis, human

  637. Anaplastic Astrocytomas (Adult Brain Tumors)

  638. Anaplastic Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer)

  639. Anarthria

  640. Anasarca

  641. Anastomosis

  642. Anatomical narrow angle

  643. Ancylostoma, ancylostomiasis (braziliense) (caninum) (ceylanicum) (duodenale)

  644. Andersen's disease (glycogen storage)

  645. Anderson-Fabry disease

  646. Andes disease

  647. Andrews' disease (bacterid)

  648. Androblastoma

  649. Androgen insensitivity syndrome - see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity

  650. Androgen resistance syndrome - see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity

  651. Android pelvis

  652. Andropause ( Male Menopause / Menopuase - Male )

  653. Androphobia

  654. Anectasis, pulmonary (newborn) - see Atelectasis

  655. Anemia ( Low Heamoglobin )

  656. Anemia (essential) (general) (hemoglobin deficiency) (infantile) (primary) (profound)

  657. Anemia In Pregnancy – Diet to be Taken Food to Avoid ( Diet For Anemia In Pregnancy And What Foods To Avoid )

  658. Anemia in Pregnancy - Iron & Folate Deficiency Anemia ( Iron & Folate Deficiency - Anemia in Pregnancy )

  659. Anemia in Pregnancy ( Pregnancy - Anemia )

  660. Anemophobia

  661. Anencephalus (Anencephaly)

  662. Anencephalus, anencephaly

  663. Anencephaly

  664. Anencephaly (Spina Bifida and Anencephaly)

  665. Anergasia - see Psychosis, organic

  666. Anesthesia Dental ( Dental Anesthesia )

  667. Anesthesia Related Hyperthermia (Malignant Hyperthermia)

  668. Anesthesia, anesthetic

  669. Anesthesia-General ( General Anesthesia )

  670. Anesthesia-Spinal and Epidural ( Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia )

  671. Anetoderma (maculosum) (of)

  672. Aneurin deficiency

  673. Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (saccular) I72.9 Aneurysm (Brain Aneurysm)

  674. Aneurysm of Aorta (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm)

  675. Angelman Syndrome

  676. Anger

  677. Angiectasis, angiectopia

  678. Angiitis (Vasculitis)

  679. Angiitis

  680. Angina (attack) (cardiac) (chest) (heart) (pectoris) (syndrome) (vasomotor)

  681. Angina Symptoms

  682. Angioblastoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  683. Angiocholecystitis - see Cholecystitis, acute

  684. Angiodysgenesis spinalis

  685. Angiodysplasia (cecum) (colon)

  686. Angioedema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria)

  687. Angioedema (Hives)

  688. Angioendothelioma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  689. Angioendotheliomatosis

  690. Angiofibroma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  691. Angiogram Of Heart (Coronary Angiogram)

  692. Angiohemophilia (A) (B)

  693. Angioid streaks (choroid) (macula) (retina)

  694. Angiokeratoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  695. Angioleiomyoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  696. Angiolipoma - see also Lipoma

  697. Angioma - see also Hemangioma, by site

  698. Angiomatosis

  699. Angiomyolipoma - see Lipoma

  700. Angiomyoliposarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  701. Angiomyoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  702. Angiomyosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  703. Angiomyxoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  704. Angioneurosis

  705. Angioneurotic edema (allergic) (any site) (with urticaria)

  706. Angio-Osteohypertrophy Syndrome (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  707. Angiopathia, angiopathy

  708. Angioplasty (Coronary Angioplasty)

  709. Angiosarcoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  710. Angiosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis

  711. Angiospasm (peripheral) (traumatic) (vessel)

  712. Angiospastic disease or edema

  713. Angiostrongyliasis

  714. Angle Closure Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  715. Anguillulosis - see Strongyloidiasis

  716. Angulation

  717. Angulus infectiosus (lips)

  718. Anhedonia

  719. Anhidrosis

  720. Anhydration, anhydremia

  721. Anhydremia

  722. Anidrosis

  723. Aniridia (congenital)

  724. Anisakiasis (infection) (infestation)

  725. Anisakis larvae infestation

  726. Aniseikonia

  727. Anisocoria (pupil)

  728. Anisocytosis

  729. Anisometropia (congenital)

  730. Ankle - see condition

  731. Ankle Pain and Tendinitis

  732. Ankle, Swollen (Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet)

  733. Ankyloblepharon (eyelid) (acquired) - see also Blepharophimosis

  734. Ankyloglossia

  735. Ankylosing Spondylitis

  736. Ankylosis (fibrous) (osseous) (joint)

  737. Ankylostoma - see Ancylostoma

  738. Ankylostomiasis - see Ancylostomiasis

  739. Ankylurethria - see Stricture, urethra

  740. Annular - see also condition

  741. Annulus Support (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  742. Ano Rectal Malformation ( Malformation-Ano Rectal )

  743. Anodontia (complete) (partial) (vera)

  744. Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type)

  745. Anomia

  746. Anonychia (congenital)

  747. Anophthalmos, anophthalmus (congenital) (globe)

  748. Anopia, anopsia

  749. Anorchia, anorchism, anorchidism

  750. Anorexia Nervosa

  751. Antisocial Personality Disorder

  752. Anxiety Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  753. Anxiety Disorder NOS

  754. Anorexia Nervosa ( Eating Disorder - Anorexia Nervosa )

  755. Anorexia

  756. Anorgasmy, psychogenic (female)

  757. Anosmia ( Loss of Smell )

  758. Anosmia

  759. Anosognosia

  760. Anosteoplasia

  761. Anovulation (Vaginal Bleeding)

  762. Anovulatory cycle

  763. Anoxemia

  764. Anoxia (pathological)

  765. Anoxia Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  766. Anserine Bursitis (Knee Bursitis)

  767. Anteflexion - see Anteversion

  768. Antenatal

  769. Antenatal Counseling ( Hydronephrosis )

  770. Antenatal Counselling ( Prenatal Diagnosis / Diagnosis of Prenatal )

  771. Antepartum - see condition

  772. Anterior - see condition

  773. Anterolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  774. Antero-occlusion

  775. Anteversion

  776. Anthophobia

  777. Anthracosilicosis

  778. Anthracosis (lung) (occupational)

  779. Anthrax

  780. Anthropoid pelvis

  781. Anthropophobia

  782. Anti-Ageing

  783. Antibiotic Resistance

  784. Antibiotic-Caused Colitis (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  785. Antibiotic-Resistant Tuberculosis (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB))

  786. Antibiotic-Resistant Tuberculosis XDR-TB (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB))

  787. Antibodies, maternal (blood group) - see Isoimmunization, affecting management of pregnancy

  788. Antibody

  789. Anticardiolipin Antibody (Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

  790. Anticardiolipin syndrome

  791. Anti-CCP (Citrulline Antibody)

  792. Anti-citrulline Antibody (Citrulline Antibody)

  793. Anticoagulant, circulating (intrinsic) - see also - Disorder, hemorrhagic

  794. Anticoagulants ( Blood Thinners )

  795. Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody (Citrulline Antibody)

  796. Antidepressants in Dementia - Less Benefit, More Side Effects

  797. Antidiuretic hormone syndrome

  798. Antiemetics

  799. Antimicrosomal Antibody Test (Thyroid Peroxidase Test)

  800. Antimitochondrial Antibodies

  801. Antimonial cholera - see Poisoning, antimony

  802. Anti-nausea (Antiemetics)

  803. Antinuclear Antibody

  804. Anti-oxidants and Herbs that Fight Cancer ( Herbs and Anti-oxidants that Fight Cancer )

  805. Antiphospholipid

  806. Antiphospholipid Syndrome

  807. Anti-Reflux Surgery (Fundoplication)

  808. Antisocial Personality Disorder

  809. Antisocial personality

  810. Antithrombinemia - see Circulating anticoagulants

  811. Antithromboplastinemia

  812. Antithromboplastinogenemia

  813. Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody Test (Thyroid Peroxidase Test)

  814. Antitoxin complication or reaction - see Complications, vaccination

  815. Antitrypsin (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  816. Anti-vomiting (Antiemetics)

  817. Antlophobia

  818. Antoni's Palsy (Facial Nerve Problems)

  819. Antritis

  820. Antro-duodenal Motility Study

  821. Antrum, antral - see condition

  822. Anuria

  823. Anus, anal - see condition

  824. Anusitis

  825. Anxiety

  826. Anxiety Disorder (Anxiety)

  827. Anxiety, Separation (Separation Anxiety)

  828. Aorta, aortic - see condition

  829. Aortectasia - see Ectasia, aorta

  830. Aortic Dissection

  831. Aortic Heart Valve Replacement (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  832. Aortic Stenosis

  833. Aortic Valve Stenosis

  834. Aortitis (nonsyphilitic) (calcific)

  835. Apathetic thyroid storm - see Thyrotoxicosis

  836. Apathy

  837. APC (Gardner Syndrome)

  838. APD (Auditory Processing Disorder in Children)

  839. Apeirophobia

  840. Apepsia

  841. Aperistalsis, esophagus

  842. Apertognathia

  843. Apert's syndrome

  844. Apgar Score

  845. Aphagia

  846. Aphakia (acquired) (postoperative)

  847. Aphasia

  848. Aphasia (amnestic) (global) (nominal) (semantic) (syntactic)

  849. Aphasia with Convulsive Disorder (Landau-Kleffner Syndrome)

  850. Aphonia (organic)

  851. Aphthae, aphthous - see also condition

  852. Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores)

  853. Apical - see condition

  854. Apiphobia

  855. Aplasia - see also Agenesis

  856. Aplastic Anemia

  857. Apnea, apneic (of) (spells)

  858. Apnea, Sleep (Sleep Apnea)

  859. Apneumatosis, newborn

  860. Apocrine metaplasia (breast) - see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC

  861. Apophysitis (bone) - see also Osteochondropathy

  862. Apophysitis Calcaneus (Sever Condition)

  863. Apoplectiform convulsions (cerebral ischemia)

  864. Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic

  865. Appearance

  866. Appendage

  867. Appendectomy

  868. Appendicitis

  869. Appendicitis (pneumococcal) (retrocecal)

  870. Appendicopathia oxyurica

  871. Appendix (Appendicitis)

  872. Appendix, appendicular - see also condition

  873. Appetite

  874. Apple Cider Vinegar: The Controversial Health Tonic ( Controversial Health Tonic - Apple Cider Vinegar )

  875. Apple peel syndrome

  876. Apprehension state

  877. Apprehensiveness, abnormal

  878. Approximal wear

  879. Apraxia (classic) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (motor) (verbal)

  880. Aprosencephaly (Anencephaly)

  881. Aptyalism

  882. Apudoma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  883. Aquatherapy

  884. Aqueous misdirection

  885. Arabicum elephantiasis - see Infestation, filarial

  886. Arachnitis - see Meningitis

  887. Arachnodactyly - see Syndrome, Marfan's

  888. Arachnoiditis

  889. Arachnoiditis (acute) (adhesive) (basal) (brain) (cerebrospinal) - see Meningitis

  890. Arachnophobia

  891. Arboencephalitis, Australian

  892. Arborization block (heart)

  893. ARC (AIDS-related complex)

  894. Arches - see condition

  895. Arcuate uterus

  896. Arcuatus uterus

  897. Arcus (cornea) - see Degeneration, cornea, senile

  898. Arc-welder's lung

  899. ARDS

  900. Areflexia

  901. Areola - see condition

  902. Areola (Breast Anatomy)

  903. Argentaffinoma - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  904. Argininemia

  905. Arginosuccinic aciduria

  906. Argyll Robertson phenomenon, pupil or syndrome (syphilitic)

  907. Argyria, argyriasis

  908. Argyrosis, conjunctival

  909. Arhinencephaly

  910. Ariboflavinosis

  911. Arm - see condition

  912. Arm Cramp (Muscle Cramps)

  913. Arnold-Chiari disease, obstruction or syndrome (type II)

  914. Aromatic amino-acid metabolism disorder

  915. Arousals, confusional

  916. Arrest, arrested

  917. Arrest, Cardiac (Sudden Cardiac Death)

  918. Arrhenoblastoma

  919. Arrhythmia (auricle)(cardiac)(juvenile)(nodal) (reflex)(sinus)(supraventricular)(transitory)(ventricle)

  920. Arrhythmia (Irregular Heartbeat)

  921. Arrhythmia Treatment (Ablation Therapy for Arrhythmias)

  922. Arrhythmias And Palpitations ( Palpitations And Arrhythmias )

  923. Arrillaga-Ayerza syndrome (pulmonary sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension)

  924. Arsenic Poisoning

  925. Arsenical pigmentation

  926. Arsenism - see Poisoning, arsenic

  927. ART (Infertility)

  928. Arterial - see condition

  929. Arteriofibrosis - see Arteriosclerosis

  930. Arteriolar sclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis

  931. Arteriolith - see Arteriosclerosis

  932. Arteriolitis

  933. Arteriolosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis

  934. Arterionephrosclerosis - see Hypertension, kidney

  935. Arteriopathy

  936. Arteriosclerosis (Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease))

  937. Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (diffuse) (obliterans) (of) (senile) (with calcification)

  938. Arteriospasm

  939. Arteriovenous - see condition

  940. Arteriovenous Malformation

  941. Arteritis (Vasculitis)

  942. Arteritis

  943. Artery, arterial - see also condition

  944. Arthralgia (allergic) - see also Pain, joint

  945. Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis ( Rheumatoid Arthritis )

  946. Arthritis Day

  947. Arthritis In Children ( Oligoarthritis / Childhood Arthritis / Juvenile Arthritis )

  948. Arthritis Physical and Occupational Therapy

  949. Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

  950. Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (nonpyogenic) (subacute)

  951. Arthritis, Gout (Gout (Gouty Arthritis))

  952. Arthritis, Infectious (Septic Arthritis)

  953. Arthritis, Juvenile (Juvenile Arthritis)

  954. Arthritis, Lyme (Lyme Disease)

  955. Arthritis, MCTD (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)

  956. Arthritis, Plant Thorn (Plant Thorn Synovitis)

  957. Arthritis, Pseudogout (Pseudogout)

  958. Arthritis, Psoriatic (Psoriatic Arthritis)

  959. Arthritis, Quackery (Quackery Arthritis)

  960. Arthritis, Reactive (Reactive Arthritis)

  961. Arthritis, Reiters (Reactive Arthritis)

  962. Arthritis, Rheumatoid (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

  963. Arthritis, Sarcoid (Sarcoidosis)

  964. Arthritis, Sjogren Syndrome (Sjogren's Syndrome)

  965. Arthritis, SLE (Systemic Lupus)

  966. Arthritis, Still (Still's Disease)

  967. Arthrocele - see Effusion, joint

  968. Arthrocentesis (Joint Aspiration)

  969. Arthrodesis status

  970. Arthrodynia - see also Pain, joint

  971. Arthrodysplasia

  972. Arthrofibrosis, joint - see Ankylosis

  973. Arthrogryposis (congenital)

  974. Arthrokatadysis

  975. Arthropathy - see also Arthritis

  976. Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement Surgery Of The Hand)

  977. Arthropyosis - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic

  978. Arthroscopy

  979. Arthrosis (deformans) (degenerative) (localized) - see also Osteoarthritis

  980. Arthus' phenomenon or reaction

  981. Articular - see condition

  982. Articulation, reverse (teeth)

  983. Artificial

  984. Artificial Kidney (Hemodialysis)

  985. Artificial Limbs ( Prosthetic Limbs )

  986. Artificial Pancreas to Improve the Life of Type 1 Diabetics

  987. Arytenoid - see condition

  988. AS (Asperger Syndrome)

  989. Asbestosis

  990. Asbestosis (Asbestos-Related Disorders)

  991. Asbestosis (occupational)

  992. Asbestos-Related Disorders

  993. Ascariasis

  994. Ascaridosis, ascaridiasis - see Ascariasis

  995. Ascaris (infection) (infestation) (lumbricoides) - see Ascariasis

  996. Ascending - see condition

  997. Ascending Aorta Dissection (Aortic Dissection)

  998. ASC-H (atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear)

  999. Aschoff's bodies - see Myocarditis, rheumatic

  1000. Ascites

  1001. Ascites (abdominal)

  1002. Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C )

  1003. ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance on cytologic smear)

  1004. Aseptic - see condition

  1005. Aseptic Necrosis

  1006. Asherman's syndrome

  1007. Asialia

  1008. Asiatic cholera - see Cholera

  1009. Asimultagnosia (simultanagnosia)

  1010. Askin's tumor - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  1011. ASL (Sign Language)

  1012. Asocial personality

  1013. Asomatognosia

  1014. ASPA Deficiency (Canavan Disease)

  1015. Aspartoacylase Deficiency (Canavan Disease)

  1016. Aspartylglucosaminuria

  1017. ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  1018. Asperger Disorder (Asperger Syndrome)

  1019. Asperger Syndrome

  1020. Asperger's Disorder

  1021. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS

  1022. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type

  1023. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

  1024. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type

  1025. Autistic Disorder

  1026. Avoidant Personality Disorder

  1027. Asperger's disease or syndrome

  1028. Asperger's Syndrome (Asperger Syndrome)

  1029. Aspergilloma - see Aspergillosis

  1030. Aspergillosis (with pneumonia)

  1031. Aspergillus (flavus) (fumigatus) (infection) (terreus) - see Aspergillosis

  1032. Aspermatogenesis - see Azoospermia

  1033. Aspermia (testis) - see Azoospermia

  1034. Asphyxia, asphyxiation (by)

  1035. Aspiration

  1036. Aspiration, Joint (Joint Aspiration)

  1037. Asplenia (congenital)

  1038. Assault, sexual - see Maltreatment

  1039. Assisted Reproductive Technology (Infertility)

  1040. Assmann's focus NEC

  1041. AST Test (Liver Blood Tests)

  1042. Astasia (-abasia) (hysterical)

  1043. Asteatosis cutis

  1044. Astereognosia, astereognosis

  1045. Asterixis

  1046. Asteroid hyalitis - see Deposit, crystalline

  1047. Asthenia, asthenic

  1048. Asthenopia - see also Discomfort, visual

  1049. Asthenospermia - see Abnormal, specimen, male genital organs

  1050. Asthma

  1051. Asthma Complexities

  1052. Asthma During Pregnancy: Its Symptoms, Effects and Medication ( Pregnancy and Asthma )

  1053. Asthma in Children

  1054. Asthma in Children ( Childhood Asthma )

  1055. Asthma Medications

  1056. Asthma Overview

  1057. Asthma Risk in Offspring with Use of Electrical Devices During Pregnancy ( Pregnant Women Should Minimize Usage of Electrical Devices )

  1058. Asthma Treated Successfully With Lebrikizumab ( Lebrikizumab treats Asthma Successfully )

  1059. Asthma, Adult-Onset (Adult-Onset Asthma)

  1060. Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic)

  1061. Asthma, Exercise-Induced (Exercise-Induced Asthma)

  1062. Asthma: Over The Counter Treatment

  1063. Astigmatism

  1064. Astigmatism (compound) (congenital)

  1065. Astigmatism Overview

  1066. Astraphobia

  1067. Astroblastoma

  1068. Astrocytoma (Brain Tumor)

  1069. Astrocytoma (cystic)

  1070. Astroglioma

  1071. Asymbolia

  1072. Asymmetry - see also Distortion

  1073. Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  1074. Asynergia, asynergy

  1075. Asystole (heart) - see Arrest, cardiac

  1076. At risk

  1077. Ataxia

  1078. Ataxia, ataxy, ataxic

  1079. Ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar)

  1080. Atelectasis (massive) (partial) (pressure) (pulmonary)

  1081. Atelocardia

  1082. Atelomyelia

  1083. Atheroembolism

  1084. Atheroma, atheromatous - see also Arteriosclerosis

  1085. Atheromatosis - see Arteriosclerosis

  1086. Atherosclerosis - see also Arteriosclerosis

  1087. Atherosclerosis (Peripheral Vascular Disease)

  1088. Atherosclerosis Prevention (Heart Attack and Atherosclerosis Prevention)

  1089. Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  1090. Athetosis (acquired)

  1091. Athlete Foot (Athlete's Foot)

  1092. Athlete's

  1093. Athlete's Foot

  1094. Athletes Foot ( Tinea Pedis )

  1095. Athrepsia

  1096. Athyrea (acquired) - see also Hypothyroidism

  1097. Atkins Diet ( Diet - Atkins Diet )

  1098. Atonia, atony, atonic

  1099. Atonic Seizure (Seizure)

  1100. Atopic Dermatitis

  1101. Atopic Dermatitis ( Skin Disorder - Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema )

  1102. Atopy - see History, allergy

  1103. Atransferrinemia, congenital

  1104. Atresia, atretic

  1105. Atrial Fib (Atrial Fibrillation)

  1106. Atrial Fibrillation

  1107. Atrial Flutter (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  1108. Atrial Tachycardia, Paroxysmal (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  1109. Atrichia, atrichosis - see Alopecia

  1110. Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia (Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome)

  1111. Atrophia - see also Atrophy

  1112. Atrophie blanche (en plaque) (de Milian)

  1113. Atrophoderma, atrophodermia (of)

  1114. Atrophy, atrophic (of)

  1115. Atrophy, Vaginal (Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy)

  1116. Attack, attacks

  1117. Attention (to)

  1118. Attention Deficit Disorder (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  1119. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD in Children)

  1120. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  1121. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults (Adult ADHD)

  1122. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Parenting (Parenting a Child With ADHD) Attrition

  1123. Atypical, atypism - see also condition

  1124. Auditory - see condition

  1125. Auditory Brainstem Response (Newborn Infant Hearing Screening)

  1126. Auditory processing disorder (Learning Disability)

  1127. Auditory Processing Disorder in Children

  1128. Augmentation of Breast ( Breast Augmentation )

  1129. Augmentation, Lip (Lip Augmentation)

  1130. Aujeszky's disease

  1131. Aural Hematoma (Hematoma)

  1132. Aurantiasis, cutis

  1133. Auricle, auricular - see also condition

  1134. Auriculotemporal syndrome

  1135. Austin Flint murmur (aortic insufficiency)

  1136. Autism

  1137. Autism (Autism and Communication)

  1138. Autism and Communication

  1139. Autism Screening and Diagnosis

  1140. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  1141. Autism, autistic (childhood) (infantile)

  1142. Autodigestion

  1143. Autoerythrocyte sensitization (syndrome)

  1144. Autographism

  1145. Autoimmune

  1146. Autoimmune Disorders

  1147. Autoimmune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP))

  1148. Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)

  1149. Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)

  1150. Autointoxication

  1151. Automatic Behavior (Narcolepsy)

  1152. Automatism

  1153. Autonomic Neuropathy, Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  1154. Autonomic, autonomous

  1155. Autonomous Thyroid Nodule (Thyroid Nodules)

  1156. Autopsy

  1157. Autopsy ( Post-Mortem Examination / Obduction / Necropsy )

  1158. Autosensitivity, erythrocyte

  1159. Autosensitization, cutaneous

  1160. Autosomal Dominant PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  1161. Autosomal Recessive PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  1162. Autosome - see condition by chromosome involved

  1163. Autotopagnosia

  1164. Autotoxemia

  1165. Autumn - see condition

  1166. Avascular Necrosis (Aseptic Necrosis)

  1167. Avellis' syndrome

  1168. Aversion

  1169. Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

  1170. Aviator's

  1171. Aviophobia - Travel Tips

  1172. Avitaminosis (multiple) - see also Deficiency, vitamin

  1173. AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation)

  1174. AVNRT (atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia)

  1175. AVRT (atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia)

  1176. Avulsion (traumatic)

  1177. Awareness of heart beat

  1178. Axenfeld's

  1179. Axilla, axillary - see also condition

  1180. Axillary Hyperhidrosis (Hyperhidrosis)

  1181. Axonotmesis - see Injury, nerve

  1182. Ayerza's disease or syndrome (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension)

  1183. Azoospermia (organic)

  1184. Azotemia

  1185. Aztec ear

  1186. Azygos

  1187. B, Hemophilia (Hemophilia)

  1188. Baastrup's disease - see Kissing spine

  1189. Babesiosis

  1190. Babington's disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia)

  1191. Babinski's syndrome

  1192. Baby

  1193. Baby Blues (Postpartum Depression)

  1194. Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  1195. Baby Movement Week-by-Week (Fetal Movement: Feeling Baby Kick Week-by-Week)

  1196. Baby Shoes - How to Choose ( How to Choose the Right Shoes for Your Baby / Right Shoes for Your Baby - How to Choose )

  1197. Baby with Health Problems: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  1198. Bacillary - see condition

  1199. Bacillary Dysentery ( Shigellosis / Shigella Infection )

  1200. Bacilluria

  1201. Bacillus - see also Infection, bacillus

  1202. Back - see condition

  1203. Back Pain ( Aching Back )

  1204. Back Pain (Low Back Pain)

  1205. Back Pain at Workplace: Prevention and Exercises ( Ergonomics for Back Pain )

  1206. Back Pain Management (Pain Management)

  1207. Back Surgery (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion)

  1208. Backache (postural)

  1209. Backflow - see Reflux

  1210. Backward reading (dyslexia)

  1211. Baclofen Pump Therapy

  1212. Bacteremia

  1213. Bacterial Arthritis (Septic Arthritis)

  1214. Bacterial Endocarditis (Endocarditis)

  1215. Bacterial Gastroenteritis (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  1216. Bacterial Vaginosis

  1217. Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment)

  1218. Bactericholia - see Cholecystitis, acute

  1219. Bacterid, bacteride (pustular)

  1220. Bacterium, bacteria, bacterial

  1221. Bacteriuria, bacteruria

  1222. Bacteroides

  1223. Bad Breath ( Halitosis / Oral Malodor )

  1224. Baelz's disease (cheilitis glandularis apostematosa)

  1225. Baerensprung's disease (eczema marginatum)

  1226. Bagasse disease or pneumonitis

  1227. Bagassosis

  1228. Baker Cyst

  1229. Baker's cyst - see Cyst, Baker's

  1230. Bakwin-Krida syndrome (craniometaphyseal dysplasia)

  1231. Balance (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  1232. Balancing side interference

  1233. Balanitis (circinata) (erosiva) (gangrenosa) (phagedenic) (vulgaris)

  1234. Balanoposthitis

  1235. Balanorrhagia - see Balanitis

  1236. Balantidiasis, balantidiosis

  1237. Bald tongue

  1238. Baldness - see also Alopecia

  1239. Baldness (Hair Loss)

  1240. Balkan grippe

  1241. Balloon Angioplasty Of Heart (Coronary Angioplasty)

  1242. Balloon disease - see Effect, adverse, high altitude

  1243. Balloon Endoscopy

  1244. Balloon Enteroscopy (Balloon Endoscopy)

  1245. Balloon Mitral Valve (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  1246. Balloon Valvuloplasty (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  1247. Ballooning Mitral Valve Syndrome ( Mitral Valve Prolapse / Floppy Valve Syndrome )

  1248. Balo's disease (concentric sclerosis)

  1249. Bamberger-Marie disease - see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified type NEC

  1250. Bamboo Food ( Food - Bamboo )

  1251. Bananas Health Benefits ( Health Benefits of Bananas )

  1252. Bancroft's filariasis

  1253. Band (s)

  1254. Bandemia

  1255. Bandl's ring (contraction)

  1256. Bang's disease (brucella abortus)

  1257. Banned Drugs

  1258. Bannister's disease

  1259. Banti's disease or syndrome (with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension)

  1260. Bar, median, prostate - see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate

  1261. Barber Itch (Ringworm)

  1262. Barcoo disease or rot - see Ulcer, skin

  1263. Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery ( Bariatrics Weight Loss Surgery - Can it Cure Diabetes )

  1264. Bariatrics Weight Loss Surgery - Can it Cure Diabetes ( Does Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Cure Diabetes? ! Diabetes and Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery | Diabetes - Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery )

  1265. Barium Enema

  1266. Barium Swallow (Upper GI Series)

  1267. Barlow's disease

  1268. Barlow's Syndrome (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  1269. Barodontalgia

  1270. Baron Münchausen syndrome - see Disorder, factitious

  1271. Barosinusitis

  1272. Barotitis

  1273. Barotrauma

  1274. Barraquer (-Simons) disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy)

  1275. Barré-Guillain disease or syndrome

  1276. Barrel chest

  1277. Barré-Liéou syndrome (posterior cervical sympathetic)

  1278. Barrett Esophagus (Barrett's Esophagus)

  1279. Barrett's

  1280. Barrier Methods of Birth Control

  1281. Bársony (-Polgár) (-Teschendorf) syndrome (corkscrew esophagus)

  1282. Barth syndrome

  1283. Bartholinitis (suppurating)

  1284. Bartonella henselae Infection (Cat Scratch Disease)

  1285. Bartonellosis ( Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) | Cat Scratch Fever )

  1286. Bartonellosis

  1287. Barton's fracture

  1288. Bartter's syndrome

  1289. Basal - see condition

  1290. Basal Body Temperature Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  1291. Basal Body Temperature Methods to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  1292. Basal Cell Cancer of the Skin | Basal Cell Carcinoma ( Rodent Ulcer / Tear Cancer )

  1293. Basal Cell Carcinoma (Skin Cancer Overview)

  1294. Basan's (hidrotic)

  1295. Baseball finger - see Dislocation, finger

  1296. Basedow's disease (exophthalmic goiter) - see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter

  1297. Basic - see condition

  1298. Basics of Baby Food | Baby Food - Basics

  1299. Basilar - see condition

  1300. Basketful of summer - Summer Tips

  1301. Bason's (hidrotic)

  1302. Basopenia - see Agranulocytosis

  1303. Basophilia

  1304. Basophilism (cortico-adrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary)

  1305. Bassen-Kornzweig disease or syndrome

  1306. Bat ear

  1307. Bateman's

  1308. Bath Salts Abuse and Addiction

  1309. Bathing cramp

  1310. Bathophobia

  1311. Batten (-Mayou)

  1312. Batten-Steinert syndrome

  1313. Battered - see Maltreatment

  1314. Battered Men (Domestic Violence)

  1315. Battered Women (Domestic Violence)

  1316. Battey Mycobacterium infection

  1317. Battle exhaustion

  1318. Battle of the Bulge - Top Five Tips to Fight That Extra Flab ( Top Five Tips to Fight That Extra Flab - Battle of the Bulge )

  1319. Battledore placenta

  1320. Battle's Sign (Brain Concussion)

  1321. Baumgarten-Cruveilhier cirrhosis, disease or syndrome

  1322. Bauxite fibrosis (of lung)

  1323. Bayle's disease (general paresis)

  1324. Bazin's disease (primary) (tuberculous)

  1325. BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder)

  1326. Beach ear - see Swimmer's, ear

  1327. Beaded hair (congenital)

  1328. Béal conjunctivitis or syndrome

  1329. Beard's disease (neurasthenia)

  1330. Beat (s)

  1331. Beat the heat with a glowing skin!! - Summer Tips

  1332. Beat the Heat!!! - Summer Tips

  1333. Beau's

  1334. Beauty and Herbs - Top Ten ( Top Ten Herbs to Promote Beauty / Herbs and Beauty - Top Ten )

  1335. Bechterev's syndrome - see Spondylitis, ankylosing

  1336. Becker's

  1337. Beck's syndrome (anterior spinal artery occlusion)

  1338. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

  1339. Becoming Pregnant (Trying to Conceive)

  1340. Bed Bugs

  1341. Bed confinement status

  1342. Bed sore - see Ulcer, pressure, by site

  1343. Bedbug bite (s) - see Bite(s), by site, superficial, insect

  1344. Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by - see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to, mechanical, trapped

  1345. Bednar's

  1346. Bedridden

  1347. Bedsore - see Ulcer, pressure, by site

  1348. Bedwetting

  1349. Bedwetting - see Enuresis

  1350. Bedwetting ( Enuresis )

  1351. Bedwetting in Children

  1352. Bee (Insect Sting Allergies)

  1353. Bee and Wasp Sting

  1354. Bee sting (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) - see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, bee

  1355. Beer drinker's heart (disease)

  1356. Begbie's disease (exophthalmic goiter) - see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter

  1357. Behavior

  1358. Behavioral Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  1359. Behcet Syndrome (Behcet's Syndrome)

  1360. Behcet’s Syndrome | Behcet’s Disease

  1361. Behçet's disease or syndrome

  1362. Behcet's Syndrome

  1363. Behr's disease - see Degeneration, macula

  1364. Beigel's disease or morbus (white piedra)

  1365. Bejel

  1366. Bekhterev's syndrome - see Spondylitis, ankylosing

  1367. Belching - see Eructation

  1368. Belching (Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence))

  1369. Bell´s Palsy Benefits of Meditation [Meditation Therapy] ( Meditation-Benefits [ Meditation Therapy] )

  1370. Bell's

  1371. Bell's Palsy (Facial Nerve Problems)

  1372. Bence Jones albuminuria or proteinuria NEC

  1373. Bends

  1374. Benedikt's paralysis or syndrome

  1375. Benefits of Olive Oil ( Olive Oil and Its Benefits )

  1376. Benign - see also condition

  1377. Benign Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  1378. Benign Essential Tremor (Tremor)

  1379. Benign Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri)

  1380. Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome | Hyperlaxity ( Hypermobility Syndrome / Extreme-Flex )

  1381. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (Vertigo Overview)

  1382. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

  1383. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

  1384. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

  1385. Benign Tumors of the Uterus (Uterine Fibroids)

  1386. Bennett's fracture (displaced)

  1387. Benson's disease - see Deposit, crystalline

  1388. Bent

  1389. Bereavement

  1390. Bereavement (uncomplicated)

  1391. Bergeron's disease (hysterical chorea)

  1392. Berger's disease - see Nephropathy, IgA

  1393. Beriberi (dry)

  1394. Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic)

  1395. Berlock (berloque)

  1396. Bernard-Horner syndrome

  1397. Bernard-Soulier Disease

  1398. Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia

  1399. Bernhardt (-Roth) - see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica

  1400. Bernheim's syndrome - see Failure, heart, congestive

  1401. Berries for a Healthy and Beautiful You

  1402. Berry Aneurysm (Brain Aneurysm)

  1403. Bertielliasis

  1404. Berylliosis (lung)

  1405. Besnier - Boeck disease ( Sarcoidosis )

  1406. Besnier-Boeck (-Schaumann) - see Sarcoidosis

  1407. Besnier's

  1408. Bestiality

  1409. Best's disease

  1410. Beta Thalassemia

  1411. Beta-Globin Type Methemoglobinemia (Methemoglobinemia)

  1412. Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating

  1413. Beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria

  1414. Better Back Pain Management using Stratified Approach According to Prognosis ( Treatment of Back Pain may be More Clinical as Well as Cost-Effective If Stratified Approach is Used ) Better Flour - Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour! ( Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour - Which is the better option? )

  1415. Betting and gambling

  1416. Beuren Syndrome (Williams Syndrome)

  1417. Bezoar

  1418. Bezold's abscess - see Mastoiditis, acute

  1419. BH4 Deficiency (Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency)

  1420. Bianchi's syndrome

  1421. Bicarbonate (Electrolytes)

  1422. Biceps Femoris Muscle (Hamstring Injury)

  1423. Bicornate or bicornis uterus

  1424. Bicuspid aortic valve

  1425. Biedl-Bardet syndrome

  1426. Bielschowsky (-Jansky)

  1427. Biermer's (pernicious)

  1428. Biett's disease

  1429. Bifid (congenital)

  1430. Biforis uterus (suprasimplex)

  1431. Bifurcation (congenital)

  1432. Big spleen syndrome

  1433. Bigeminal pulse

  1434. Bilateral - see condition

  1435. Bile

  1436. Bile Duct Cancer ( Cancer of Bile Duct )

  1437. Bile Duct Cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma)

  1438. Bilharziasis - see also Schistosomiasis

  1439. Biliary - see condition

  1440. Biliary Cirrhosis ( Liver Cirrhosis Biliary )

  1441. Biliary Colic (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  1442. Biliary Drainage (Duodenal Biliary Drainage)

  1443. Bilirubin metabolism disorder

  1444. Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic

  1445. Bilirubinuria

  1446. Biliuria

  1447. Billowing Mitral Valve (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  1448. Bilocular stomach

  1449. Binge Drinking and Teens (Alcohol and Teens)

  1450. Binge Eating : The Pleasure and Pain

  1451. Binge Eating Disorder

  1452. Binswanger's Disease

  1453. Bioelectric Therapy

  1454. Biofeedback Treatment for Anxiety, Migraine and Blood Pressure

  1455. Biological Agent (Bioterrorism)

  1456. Biological Disease (Bioterrorism)

  1457. Biological Therapy

  1458. Biological Valve (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  1459. Biopsy - Endometrial ( Endometrial Biopsy )

  1460. Biopsy - Introduction

  1461. Biopsy - Skin ( Skin Biopsy )

  1462. Biopsy - Specimen Processing

  1463. Biopsy Of Cervix (Colposcopy)

  1464. Biopsy of Liver ( Liver Biopsy )

  1465. Biopsy of Lung ( Lung Biopsy ) Biopsy of Prostate ( Prostate Biopsy )

  1466. Biopsy, Breast (Breast Biopsy)

  1467. Biopsy, Liver (Liver Biopsy)

  1468. Biopsy-Bone Marrow ( Bone Marrow Biopsy )

  1469. Biopsy-Small Intestine ( Small Intestine Biopsy )

  1470. Biorhythms

  1471. Bioterrorism

  1472. Bioterrorism Anthrax (Anthrax)

  1473. Biotherapy (Biological Therapy)

  1474. Bi-PAP (Sleep Apnea)

  1475. Biparta, bipartite

  1476. Bipolar Disorder

  1477. Bipolar Disorder ( Mood Swing Disorder )

  1478. Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

  1479. Bipolar Disorder NOS

  1480. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, In Full Remission

  1481. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, In Partial Remission

  1482. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Mild

  1483. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Moderate

  1484. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe With Psychotic Features

  1485. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  1486. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Unspecified

  1487. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic

  1488. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, In Full Remission

  1489. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, In Partial Remission

  1490. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Mild

  1491. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Moderate

  1492. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Severe With Psychotic Features

  1493. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  1494. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Unspecified

  1495. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, In Full Remission

  1496. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, In Partial Remission

  1497. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Mild

  1498. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Moderate

  1499. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Severe With Psychotic Features

  1500. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  1501. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Unspecified

  1502. Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified

  1503. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, In Full Remission

  1504. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, In Partial Remission

  1505. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Mild

  1506. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Moderate

  1507. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Severe With Psychotic Features

  1508. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  1509. Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Unspecified

  1510. Bipolar II Disorder

  1511. Bird Facies ( Pierre Robin Syndrome )

  1512. Bird Flu ( Avian Influenza )

  1513. Birth

  1514. Birth Control Methods

  1515. Birth Control Patch ( Contraceptive Patch )

  1516. Birth Control Patch (Hormonal Methods of Birth Control)

  1517. Birth Control Pills ( Contraceptive Pills )

  1518. Birth Control Pills (Hormonal Methods of Birth Control)

  1519. Birth Defect - Genetic ( Genetic - Birth Defect )

  1520. Birth Defect - Hypospadias ( Hypospadias )

  1521. Birth Defect - Multifactorial ( Multifactorial Birth Defects )

  1522. Birth Defect - Structural Defects ( Structural - Birth Defect )

  1523. Birth Defects

  1524. Birth Defects - Induced by Drugs ( Drug-Induced Birth Defects )

  1525. Birth defects - Infections ( Infections causing Birth defects )

  1526. Birth Defects - Introduction

  1527. Birth Defects - Myelomeningocele ( Myelomeningocele )

  1528. Birth Defects- Environmental ( Environmental Birth Defects )

  1529. Birth Defects-Metabolic ( Metabolic Defects-Birth Defects )

  1530. Birthing Classes (Pregnancy: Birthing and Parenting Classes)

  1531. Birthmark

  1532. Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems

  1533. Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome

  1534. Bisalbuminemia

  1535. Biskra's button

  1536. Bite (s) (animal) (human)

  1537. Bite Counter - A Gadget that Helps Stop Overeating ( Stop Overeating with the Help of New Bile Counter Gadget )

  1538. Bite, Chigger (Chiggers (Bites))

  1539. Bite, Dog (Dog Bite Treatment)

  1540. Bite, Snake (Snake Bite)

  1541. Biting, cheek or lip

  1542. Biventricular failure (heart)

  1543. Biventricular Pacemaker

  1544. Björck (-Thorson) syndrome (malignant carcinoid)

  1545. Black Eye

  1546. Black Hairy Tongue (Tongue Problems)

  1547. Black Mold (Mold Exposure)

  1548. Black Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  1549. Black Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  1550. Black Tarry Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  1551. Blackfan-Diamond anemia or syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia)

  1552. Blackhead

  1553. Blackheads (Acne)

  1554. Blackout (Fainting)

  1555. Blackout

  1556. Bladder - see condition

  1557. Bladder Cancer ( Cancer of Bladder )

  1558. Bladder Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence)

  1559. Bladder Infection

  1560. Bladder Pain Syndrome ( Interstitial Cystitis / Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome / Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) )

  1561. Bladder Spasms

  1562. Bladder Stones ( Stone in Urinary Tract - Management & Prevention / Kidney Stones / Renal Stones / Ureteric Stones Nephrolithiasis )

  1563. Blast (air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater)

  1564. Blastoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  1565. Blastomycosis, blastomycotic

  1566. Bleb (s)

  1567. Blebitis, postprocedural

  1568. Bleeder (familial) (hereditary) - see Hemophilia

  1569. Bleeding - see also Hemorrhage

  1570. Bleeding Disorder (Hemophilia)

  1571. Bleeding Disorders

  1572. Bleeding Gums ( Gum Disease - Bleeding Gums )

  1573. Bleeding in the Eye (Subconjunctival Hemorrhage)

  1574. Bleeding Nose ( Nose Bleed / Epistaxis )

  1575. Bleeding Nose (Nosebleed)

  1576. Bleeding Varices

  1577. Blennorrhagia, blennorrhagic - see Gonorrhea

  1578. Blennorrhea (acute) (chronic) - see also Gonorrhea

  1579. Blepharelosis

  1580. Blepharitis

  1581. Blepharitis (angularis) (ciliaris) (eyelid) (marginal) (nonulcerative)

  1582. Blepharochalasis

  1583. Blepharoclonus

  1584. Blepharoconjunctivitis

  1585. Blepharophimosis (eyelid)

  1586. Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  1587. Blepharoptosis

  1588. Blepharopyorrhea, gonococcal

  1589. Blepharospasm - Eye Twitching ( Eye Twitching - Blepharospasm )

  1590. Blepharospasm (Dystonia)

  1591. Blepharospasm

  1592. Blepharospasm Treatment, Botox (Botox Treatment)

  1593. Blighted ovum

  1594. Blind - see also Blindness

  1595. Blindness

  1596. Blindness (acquired) (congenital) (both eyes)

  1597. Blindness, Face (Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia))

  1598. Blister (nonthermal)

  1599. Bloated Stomach (Ascites)

  1600. Bloating (Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence))

  1601. Bloating

  1602. Bloch-Sulzberger disease or syndrome

  1603. Block, blocked

  1604. Blockage - see Obstruction

  1605. Blocked Lymph Vessels (Lymphedema)

  1606. Blocked Tear Duct ( Dacryostenosis )

  1607. Blocq's disease

  1608. Blood

  1609. Blood Cancer ( Leukemia / Cancer of the Blood )

  1610. Blood Cell Cancer (Leukemia)

  1611. Blood Clot in the Leg (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  1612. Blood Clot in the Lung (Pulmonary Embolism)

  1613. Blood Clots

  1614. Blood Count (Complete Blood Count)

  1615. Blood Donation ( Donation of Blood )

  1616. Blood Donor Day

  1617. Blood Group

  1618. Blood Group Diet ( Diet for Blood Group )

  1619. Blood in Ejaculate (Blood In Semen)

  1620. Blood In Semen

  1621. Blood In Stool (Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding))

  1622. Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding)

  1623. Blood in the Urine Health

  1624. Blood In Urine

  1625. Blood in Urine ( Hematuria )

  1626. Blood Liver Enzymes (Liver Blood Tests)

  1627. Blood Poisoning (Sepsis)

  1628. Blood Pressure - Low Blood Pressure ( Low Blood Pressure / Hypotension )

  1629. Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Hypertension)

  1630. Blood Pressure Can be Reduced by Seaweeds ( Effect of Seaweeds on Blood Pressure in Children / Can Seaweeds Reduce Blood Pressure? )

  1631. Blood Pressure Help by Fruits ( Fruits to Help Lower Blood Pressure )

  1632. Blood Pressure Of Pregnancy (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)

  1633. Blood Pressure Pills Cause Diabetes?

  1634. Blood Pressure Screening ( Screening for Blood Pressure )

  1635. Blood Pressure Tablets - Benefits on your Health ( Hypertension Tablets - Benefits on your Health )

  1636. Blood Pressure Treatment (High Blood Pressure Treatment)

  1637. Blood Pressure, Low (Low Blood Pressure)

  1638. Blood Test, Ferritin (Ferritin Blood Test)

  1639. Blood Test, Thyroid (Thyroid Blood Tests)

  1640. Blood Thinners ( Anticoagulants )

  1641. Blood Transfusion

  1642. Blood White Cell Count (Complete Blood Count)

  1643. Blood, Bicarbonate (Electrolytes)

  1644. Blood, Chloride (Electrolytes)

  1645. Blood, CO2 (Electrolytes)

  1646. Blood, Electrolytes (Electrolytes)

  1647. Blood, Hematocrit (Complete Blood Count)

  1648. Blood, Hemoglobin (Complete Blood Count)

  1649. Blood, Low Red Cell Count (Anemia)

  1650. Blood, Platelet Count (Complete Blood Count)

  1651. Blood, Potassium (Electrolytes)

  1652. Blood, Red Cell Count (Complete Blood Count)

  1653. Blood, Sodium (Electrolytes)

  1654. Blood-forming organs, disease

  1655. Bloodgood's disease - see Mastopathy, cystic

  1656. Bloody Diarrhea (Diarrhea)

  1657. Bloody Nose (Nosebleed)

  1658. Bloom (-Machacek)(-Torre)

  1659. Blount's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

  1660. Blue Baby Syndrome (Methemoglobinemia)

  1661. Blue Cohosh

  1662. Blue Light Therapy (Photodynamic Therapy)

  1663. Blueness - see Cyanosis

  1664. Blues, postpartal

  1665. Blunt Trauma

  1666. Blurring, visual

  1667. Blushing (abnormal) (excessive)

  1668. BMI

  1669. BMI status and Educational Status of Parents – Can Affect Children’s Nutritional Status ( Does Parents’ BMI and Educational Status Affect Children’s Nutritional Status? )

  1670. BMS (Burning Mouth Syndrome)

  1671. Boarder, hospital

  1672. Bocavirus Infection

  1673. Bockhart's impetigo

  1674. Bodechtel-Guttman disease (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)

  1675. Boder-Sedgwick syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia)

  1676. Body Clock (Biorhythms)

  1677. Body Dysmorphic Disorder

  1678. Borderline Intellectual Functioning

  1679. Borderline Personality Disorder

  1680. Body Mass Index (BMI)

  1681. Body Types and Befitting Workouts ( Types of Body and Befitting Workouts

  1682. Body Wraps for Slimmer, Sexier You

  1683. Boeck's

  1684. Boerhaave's syndrome (spontaneous esophageal rupture)

  1685. Boggy

  1686. Boil - see also Furuncle, by site

  1687. Boils

  1688. Boils ( Skin Abscess )

  1689. Bold hives - see Urticaria

  1690. Bombé, iris - see Membrane, pupillary

  1691. Bone - Fibrous dysplasia ( Fibrous dysplasia of the bone )

  1692. Bone - see condition

  1693. Bone Broken (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1694. Bone Cancer Overview

  1695. Bone Density Scan

  1696. Bone Marrow

  1697. Bone Marrow Biopsy ( Biopsy-Bone Marrow )

  1698. Bone Marrow Transplant (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant)

  1699. Bone Marrow Transplantation ( Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation )

  1700. Bone Marrow Transplantation for Breast Cancer

  1701. Bone Sarcoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  1702. Bone Spurs

  1703. Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome

  1704. Bonnier's syndrome

  1705. Bonvale dam fever

  1706. Bony block of joint - see Ankylosis

  1707. BOOP (bronchiolitis obliterans organized pneumonia)

  1708. Borderline

  1709. Borderline High Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Hypertension)

  1710. Borderline Personality Disorder

  1711. Borna disease

  1712. Bornholm disease

  1713. Boston exanthem

  1714. Botalli, ductus (patent) (persistent)

  1715. Bothriocephalus latus infestation

  1716. Botox Injections (Botox Treatment)

  1717. Botox to Treat Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  1718. Botox Treatment

  1719. Botox Treatment (Botox Treatment)

  1720. BOTOX: The Magic Toxin

  1721. Bottle Gourd or Lauki - Nutritional Guard ( Nutritional Guard - Bottle Gourd or Lauki )

  1722. Botulism

  1723. Botulism (foodborne intoxication)

  1724. Bouba - see Yaws

  1725. Bouchard's nodes (with arthropathy)

  1726. Bouffée délirante

  1727. Bouillaud's disease or syndrome (rheumatic heart disease)

  1728. Bourneville's disease

  1729. Boutonniere deformity (finger) - see Deformity, finger, boutonniere

  1730. Bouveret (-Hoffmann) syndrome (paroxysmal tachycardia)

  1731. Bovine heart - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

  1732. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  1733. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)

  1734. Bowel - see condition

  1735. Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy

  1736. Bowen's

  1737. Bowing

  1738. Bowleg (s) (acquired)

  1739. Boxer's Ear (Cauliflower Ear)

  1740. Boyd's dysentery

  1741. BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

  1742. BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

  1743. BPPV (Vertigo Overview)

  1744. Brachial - see condition

  1745. Brachycardia

  1746. Brachycephaly

  1747. Brachytherapy

  1748. Bradley Method for Childbirth (Childbirth Class Options)

  1749. Bradley's disease

  1750. Bradyarrhythmia, cardiac

  1751. Bradycardia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  1752. Bradycardia (sinoatrial) (sinus) (vagal)

  1753. Bradykinesia

  1754. Bradypnea

  1755. Bradytachycardia

  1756. Brailsford's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, radius

  1757. Brain - see also condition

  1758. Brain Aneurysm

  1759. Brain Cancer

  1760. Brain Concussion

  1761. Brain Damage: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

  1762. Brain Exercises to Improve Memory ( Memory Improvement with Brain Exercises / Improve Memory with Brain Exercises )

  1763. Brain Hemorrhage

  1764. Brain Injury ( Head Injury )

  1765. Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain)

  1766. Brain Metastasis (Brain Tumor)

  1767. Brain Shrinkage / Mental Decline )

  1768. Brain Shrinkage Can occur due to Poor Lifestyle ( Poor Lifestyle Causes

  1769. Brain Stem Gliomas (Adult Brain Tumors)

  1770. Brain Tumor

  1771. Brain Tumor - Glioma ( Glioma - Brain Tumor )

  1772. Brain Tumor ( Tumor in Brain )

  1773. Brain Wave Test (EEG - Electroencephalogram)

  1774. Branched-chain amino-acid disorder

  1775. Branchial - see condition

  1776. Branchial Cyst

  1777. Branchiogenic remnant (in neck)

  1778. Brandt's syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica)

  1779. Brash (water)

  1780. Bravais-jacksonian epilepsy - see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures

  1781. Braxton Hicks Contractions

  1782. Braxton Hicks contractions - see False, labor

  1783. Braxton Hicks Contractions (Braxton Hicks Contractions)

  1784. BRBPR

  1785. Break, retina (without detachment)

  1786. Breakbone Fever (Dengue Fever)

  1787. Breakdown

  1788. Breast - see also condition

  1789. Breast (Breastfeeding)

  1790. Breast Anatomy

  1791. Breast and Pagets Disease ( Pagets disease of the breast )

  1792. Breast Augmentation

  1793. Breast Augmentation ( Augmentation of Breast )

  1794. Breast Biopsy

  1795. Breast Biopsy | Biopsy of Breast

  1796. Breast Cancer - A Novel Drug

  1797. Breast Cancer - Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Important in Breast Cancer Patients ( Sexual Dysfunction - Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Important in Breast Cancer Patients )

  1798. Breast Cancer ( Carcinoma of the Breast )

  1799. Breast Cancer (Facts, Stages)

  1800. Breast Cancer and Coping With Stress

  1801. Breast Cancer and Lifestyle ( Lifestyle and Breast Cancer )

  1802. Breast Cancer and Lymphedema

  1803. Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

  1804. Breast Cancer During Pregnancy

  1805. Breast Cancer Follow-Up Self-Exam

  1806. Breast Cancer Genetic Testing (Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer)

  1807. Breast Cancer in Men (Male Breast Cancer)

  1808. Breast Cancer in Young Women

  1809. Breast Cancer Management: Recent Advances ( Recent Advances in the Management of Breast Cancer )

  1810. Breast Cancer Prevention

  1811. Breast Cancer Recurrence

  1812. Breast Cancer Screening using Mammogram ( Mammogram in Breast Cancer Screening )

  1813. Breast Cancer Screening with Clinical Breast Examination ( Screening for Breast Cancer with Clinical Breast Examination )

  1814. Breast Feeding - Importance ( Importance Of BreastFeeding )

  1815. Breast Feeding and Problems

  1816. Breast Implants (Breast Augmentation)

  1817. Breast Infection ( Mastitis )

  1818. Breast Infection: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  1819. Breast Lumps ( Lumps in Breast )

  1820. Breast Lumps In Women

  1821. Breast Lumps in Women - Symptom Evaluation ( Symptom Evaluation of

  1822. Breast Lumps in Women )

  1823. Breast Lumps-Screening ( Lumps in Breast-Screening )

  1824. Breast Milk Jaundice (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  1825. Breast Reconstruction

  1826. Breast Reconstruction Without Implants

  1827. Breast Reduction Surgery ( Reduction Mammaplasty Surgery )

  1828. Breast Self Exam

  1829. Breastfeeding

  1830. Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  1831. Breastfeeding Classes (Pregnancy: Birthing and Parenting Classes)

  1832. Breastfeeding Jaundice (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  1833. Breastfeeding Positions (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  1834. Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges

  1835. Breasts - Structures and Types ( Types and Structures of Breast )

  1836. Breath

  1837. Breath Test, Hydrogen (Hydrogen Breath Test)

  1838. Breath Test, Urea (Urea Breath Test)

  1839. Breath, Bad (Bad Breath)

  1840. Breathing

  1841. Breathing (Lungs Design And Purpose)

  1842. Breathing Disorders, Sleep Related (Sleep Related Breathing Disorders)

  1843. Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder

  1844. Brief Psychotic Disorder

  1845. Bulimia Nervosa

  1846. Breathing Tube (Endotracheal Intubation)

  1847. Breathlessness

  1848. Breda's disease - see Yaws

  1849. Breech presentation (mother)

  1850. Breech Presentation and Delivery

  1851. Breisky's disease

  1852. Brennemann's syndrome

  1853. Brenner

  1854. Bretonneau's disease or angina

  1855. Breus' mole

  1856. Brevicollis

  1857. Briakinumab is effective in Psoriasis ( New Drug Briakinumab May Be the Answer for Psoriasis )

  1858. Brickmakers' anemia

  1859. Bridge, myocardial

  1860. Bridges

  1861. Bridges–Good Syndrome ( Chronic Granulomatous Disease | Chronic Granulomatous Disorder / Quie Syndrome )

  1862. Brief Psychotic Disorder

  1863. Bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR)

  1864. Bright's disease - see also Nephritis

  1865. Brill (-Zinsser) disease (recrudescent typhus)

  1866. Brill-Symmers' disease

  1867. Brion-Kayser disease - see Fever, parathyroid

  1868. Briquet's disorder or syndrome

  1869. Brissaud's

  1870. Brittle

  1871. Broad - see also condition

  1872. Broad- or floating-betalipoproteinemia

  1873. Brock's syndrome (atelectasis due to enlarged lymph nodes)

  1874. Brocq-Duhring disease (dermatitis herpetiformis)

  1875. Brodie's abscess or disease

  1876. Broken Blood Vessel in the Eye (Subconjunctival Hemorrhage)

  1877. Broken Bone (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1878. Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures)

  1879. Broken Finger

  1880. Broken Foot

  1881. Broken Hip (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1882. Broken Index Finger (Broken Finger)

  1883. Broken Leg (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1884. Broken Phalange (Broken Finger)

  1885. Broken Shoulder (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1886. Broken Toe

  1887. Broken Wrist ( Colle’s Fracture )

  1888. Broken Wrist (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  1889. Bromhidrosis, bromidrosis

  1890. Bromidism, bromism

  1891. Bromidrosiphobia

  1892. Bronchi, bronchial - see condition

  1893. Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital)

  1894. Bronchiectasis (cylindrical) (diffuse) (fusiform) (localized) (saccular)

  1895. Bronchiolectasis - see Bronchiectasis

  1896. Bronchiolitis (acute) (infective) (subacute)

  1897. Bronchitis (Acute)

  1898. Bronchitis (diffuse) (fibrinous) (hypostatic) (infective) (membranous)

  1899. Bronchitis and Emphysema (Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Colds)

  1900. Bronchitis, Acute (Bronchitis (Acute))

  1901. Bronchitis, Chronic (Chronic Bronchitis)

  1902. Bronchitis-Acute ( Acute Bronchitis )

  1903. Bronchoalveolitis

  1904. Bronchoaspergillosis

  1905. Bronchocele meaning goiter

  1906. Broncholithiasis

  1907. Bronchomalacia

  1908. Bronchomycosis

  1909. Bronchopleuropneumonia - see Pneumonia, broncho

  1910. Bronchopneumonia - see Pneumonia, broncho

  1911. Bronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho

  1912. Bronchopulmonary - see condition

  1913. Bronchopulmonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho

  1914. Bronchorrhagia (see Hemoptysis)

  1915. Bronchorrhea

  1916. Bronchoscopy

  1917. Bronchospasm (acute)

  1918. Bronchospirochetosis

  1919. Bronchostenosis

  1920. Bronchus - see condition

  1921. Brontophobia

  1922. Bronze baby syndrome

  1923. Bronze Diabetes (Iron Overload)

  1924. Brooke's tumor - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  1925. Brow Lift Cosmetic Surgery

  1926. Brown enamel of teeth (hereditary)

  1927. Brown Fat to Fight Flab ( Fight Flab with Brown Fat )

  1928. Brown's sheath syndrome

  1929. Brown-Séquard disease, paralysis or syndrome

  1930. Bruce sepsis

  1931. Brucellosis (infection)

  1932. Bruck-de Lange disease

  1933. Bruck's disease - see Deformity, limb

  1934. Brugsch's syndrome

  1935. Bruise (skin surface intact) - see also Contusion

  1936. Bruised Eye (Black Eye)

  1937. Bruises

  1938. Bruit (arterial)

  1939. Brush burn - see Abrasion, by site

  1940. Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia

  1941. Bruxism

  1942. Bruxism ( Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia

  1943. BSE (Mad Cow Disease)

  1944. Bubbles and Brews - Alcohol Facts ( Alcohol Facts-Bubbles and Brews )

  1945. Bubbly lung syndrome

  1946. Bubo

  1947. Bubonic plague

  1948. Bubonocele - see Hernia, inguinal

  1949. Buccal - see condition

  1950. Buccal Mucosa Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  1951. Buchanan's disease or osteochondrosis

  1952. Buchem's syndrome (hyperostosis corticalis)

  1953. Bucket-handle fracture or tear (semilunar cartilage) - see Tear, meniscus

  1954. Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis)

  1955. Budgerigar fancier's disease or lung

  1956. Buds

  1957. Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)

  1958. Buerger's Disease (Vascular Disease)

  1959. Bug Bites and Stings

  1960. Bulbar - see condition

  1961. Bulbus cordis (left ventricle) (persistent)

  1962. Bulimia (nervosa)

  1963. Bulimia Nervosa

  1964. Bulimia Nervosa ( Eating Disorder - Bulimia Nervosa )

  1965. Bulky

  1966. Bulla (e)

  1967. Bullet wound - see also Wound, open

  1968. Bullous Pemphigoid

  1969. Bullying

  1970. Bullying at School - Tips For Parents ( Tips For Parents - Bullying at School )

  1971. Bullying at School - Tips For Schools ( Tips For Schools - Bullying at School )

  1972. Bumps (Bruises)

  1973. Bundle

  1974. Bunion - see Deformity, toe, hallux valgus

  1975. Bunions

  1976. Buphthalmia, buphthalmos (congenital)

  1977. Burdwan fever

  1978. Bürger-Grütz disease or syndrome

  1979. Buried

  1980. Burke's syndrome

  1981. Burkitt

  1982. Burn (electricity) (flame) (hot gas, liquid or hot object) (radiation) (steam) (thermal)

  1983. Burnett's syndrome

  1984. Burning

  1985. Burning Mouth Syndrome

  1986. Burning Tongue Syndrome (Tongue Problems)

  1987. Burnout - Kill it Before it Kills You! ( Ways to Prevent Burnout ) Burns ( Skin Injury - Burns )

  1988. Burn-out

  1989. Burns

  1990. Burns' disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, ulna

  1991. Burns patient and Regulating Body Temperature ( Regulating Body Temperature in a Burns Patient )

  1992. Bursa - see condition

  1993. Bursitis

  1994. Bursitis Of The Hip (Hip Bursitis)

  1995. Bursitis, Calcific (Calcific Bursitis)

  1996. Bursitis, Shoulder (Shoulder Bursitis)

  1997. Bursopathy

  1998. Burst stitches or sutures (complication of surgery)

  1999. Buruli ulcer

  2000. Bury's disease

  2001. Buschke's

  2002. Busse-Buschke disease

  2003. Buttock - see condition

  2004. Button

  2005. Buttonhole deformity (finger) - see Deformity, finger, boutonniere

  2006. Buzzing in the Ear (Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears))

  2007. Bwamba fever

  2008. Bypass Surgery, Heart (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

  2009. Bypass, Stomach (Gastric Bypass Surgery)

  2010. Byssinosis

  2011. Bywaters' syndrome

  2012. C Diff (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  2013. C. Difficile Colitis (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  2014. CA 125

  2015. Cabbage Diet ( Diet - Cabbage Diet )

  2016. CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

  2017. Cachexia

  2018. CAD (Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease))

  2019. Café, au lait spots

  2020. Caffeine ( Decaffeination )

  2021. Caffeine Intoxication

  2022. Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  2023. Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder

  2024. Caffeine-Related Disorder NOS

  2025. Caffey's syndrome

  2026. Caffey-Silverman disease ( Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis )

  2027. Caisson disease

  2028. Cake kidney

  2029. Cake Munching Raises Women’s Cancer Risk ( Munching Cakes Can Raise Women’s Cancer Risk )

  2030. Caked breast (puerperal, postpartum)

  2031. Calabar swelling

  2032. Calcaneal spur - see Spur, bone, calcaneal

  2033. Calcaneo-apophysitis

  2034. Calcareous - see condition

  2035. Calcicosis

  2036. Calciferol (vitamin D)

  2037. Calcific Bursitis

  2038. Calcification

  2039. Calcified - see Calcification

  2040. Calcinosis (interstitial) (tumoral) (universalis)

  2041. Calciphylaxis - see also Calcification, by site

  2042. Calcium

  2043. Calcium and Vitamin Supplements ( Vitamin Supplements and Calcium ) Campylobacteriosis

  2044. Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (Pseudogout)

  2045. Calcium Supplements (Vitamins and Calcium Supplements)

  2046. Calcium, Elevated (Hypercalcemia)

  2047. Calciuria

  2048. Calculi - see Calculus

  2049. Calculosis, intrahepatic - see Calculus, bile duct

  2050. Calculus, calculi, calculous

  2051. Calendar Method to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  2052. Calendar Rhythm Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  2053. Calf Cramp (Muscle Cramps)

  2054. Calicectasis

  2055. Calicivirus Infection (Norovirus Infection)

  2056. Caliectasis

  2057. Caligo cornea - see Opacity, cornea, central

  2058. Callositas, callosity (infected)

  2059. Callus (infected)

  2060. Calorie deficiency or malnutrition - see also Malnutrition

  2061. Calvé-Perthes disease - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

  2062. Calvé's disease - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

  2063. Calvities - see Alopecia, androgenic

  2064. Cameroon fever - see Malaria

  2065. Campomelic Dysplasia

  2066. Camptocormia (hysterical)

  2067. Camurati-Engelmann syndrome

  2068. Cannabis Abuse

  2069. Cannabis Dependence

  2070. Cannabis Intoxication

  2071. Cannabis Intoxication Delirium

  2072. Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  2073. Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  2074. Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  2075. Cannabis-Related Disorder NOS

  2076. Canal - see also condition

  2077. Canaliculitis (lacrimal) (acute) (subacute)

  2078. Canavan Disease

  2079. Canavan's disease

  2080. Canceled procedure (surgical)

  2081. Cancer

  2082. Cancer - "Cancer Can Be Prevented Too"

  2083. Cancer - Cut the Risk With Mediterranean Diet

  2084. Cancer - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

  2085. Cancer (o)

  2086. Cancer / Broccoli to Prevent Cancer )

  2087. Cancer / Prostate Cancer - Treatment Options )

  2088. Cancer And Smoking ( Smoking And Cancer )

  2089. Cancer and Women ( Women and Cancer )

  2090. Cancer Causes

  2091. Cancer Day ( World Cancer Day )

  2092. Cancer Day

  2093. Cancer Detection

  2094. Cancer Fatigue

  2095. Cancer Fighting “Super Broccoli” in UK Markets ( Super Broccoli to Fight

  2096. Cancer of Anal ( Anal Cancer )

  2097. Cancer of Bile Duct ( Bile Duct Cancer )

  2098. Cancer of Bladder ( Bladder Cancer )

  2099. Cancer of Cervical ( Cervical Cancer )

  2100. Cancer of Larynx ( Laryngeal Cancer|Laryngeal Carcinoma / Throat Cancer )

  2101. Cancer of Liver ( Liver Cancer )

  2102. Cancer of Lung (Lung Cancer)

  2103. Cancer of Lungs ( Lung Cancer )

  2104. Cancer Of Lymph Glands (Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas)

  2105. Cancer of Maxillary Sinus|Paranasal Sinuses ( Maxillary Sinus

  2106. Cancer of Oral ( Oral Cancer )

  2107. Cancer of Ovary ( Ovarian Cancer )

  2108. Cancer of Pancreas ( Pancreatic Cancer )

  2109. Cancer of Peritoneal ( Peritoneal Cancer )

  2110. Cancer of Prostate - Treatment Options ( Treatment Options for Prostate

  2111. Cancer of Prostate ( Prostate Cancer )

  2112. Cancer of Prostate Pill Brings Hope ( Prostate Cancer Pill Brings Hope )

  2113. Cancer of Salivary Gland ( Salivary Gland Cancer )

  2114. Cancer of Squamous Cells ( Squamous Cell Cancer of the Skin )

  2115. Cancer of Testicles ( Testicular Cancer )

  2116. Cancer of the Adrenal Cortex ( Adreno Cortical Carcinoma / Adreno

  2117. Cancer of the Anus (Anal Cancer)

  2118. Cancer Of The Bladder (Bladder Cancer)

  2119. Cancer of the Blood ( Leukemia / Blood Cancer )

  2120. Cancer Of The Blood (Leukemia)

  2121. Cancer Of The Bone (Bone Cancer Overview)

  2122. Cancer of the Brain (Brain Cancer)

  2123. Cancer Of The Breast (Breast Cancer (Facts, Stages))

  2124. Cancer of the Cervix (Cervical Cancer)

  2125. Cancer of the Colon (Colon Cancer)

  2126. Cancer Of The Colon And The Rectum (Colon Cancer)

  2127. Cancer of the Endometrium ( Endometrial Cancer )

  2128. Cancer Of The Endometrium (Uterine Cancer)

  2129. Cancer Of The Esophagus (Esophageal Cancer)

  2130. Cancer of the Gallbladder ( Gallbladder Cancer )

  2131. Cancer of the Gallbladder (Gallbladder Cancer)

  2132. Cancer of the Head and Neck (Head and Neck Cancer)

  2133. Cancer Of The Kidney (Kidney Cancer)

  2134. Cancer Of The Larynx (Larynx Cancer)

  2135. Cancer of the Nasopharynx (Nasopharyngeal Cancer)

  2136. Cancer Of The Ovary (Ovarian Cancer)

  2137. Cancer Of The Pancreas (Pancreatic Cancer)

  2138. Cancer of the Penis (Penis Cancer)

  2139. Cancer of the Peritoneum (Mesothelioma)

  2140. Cancer of the Pleura (Mesothelioma)

  2141. Cancer of the Salivary Gland (Salivary Gland Cancer)

  2142. Cancer of the Skin ( Skin Cancer )

  2143. Cancer Of The Skin (Skin Cancer Overview)

  2144. Cancer Of The Stomach ( Gastric Cancer )

  2145. Cancer Of The Stomach (Stomach Cancer)

  2146. Cancer of the Sympathetic Nervous System (Neuroblastoma)

  2147. Cancer Of The Testicle (Testicular Cancer)

  2148. Cancer of the Testis (Testicular Cancer)

  2149. Cancer of the Thyroid (Thyroid Cancer)

  2150. Cancer of the Urinary Bladder (Bladder Cancer)

  2151. Cancer Of The Uterus (Uterine Cancer)

  2152. Cancer of the Vagina (Vaginal Cancer)

  2153. Cancer of Thyroid ( Thyroid Cancer )

  2154. Cancer of Uterus ( Uterine Cancer / Endometrial Cancer / Cancer of the Endometrium )

  2155. Cancer Pain

  2156. Cancer Prevention

  2157. Cancer Survival (Surviving Cancer)

  2158. Cancer, Inflammatory Breast (Breast Cancer (Facts, Stages))

  2159. Cancer|Paranasal Sinuses )

  2160. Cancerous - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  2161. Cancrum oris

  2162. Candida Infection, Children (Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children)

  2163. Candida Vaginitis (Yeast Infection in Women and Men)

  2164. Candidiasis, candidal

  2165. Candidid

  2166. Candidosis - see Candidiasis

  2167. Candiru infection or infestation

  2168. Canities (premature)

  2169. Canker (mouth) (sore)

  2170. Canker Sores

  2171. Cannabinosis

  2172. Cannabis ( Marijuana )

  2173. Canton fever

  2174. Cantrell's syndrome

  2175. Capillariasis (intestinal)

  2176. Capillary - see condition

  2177. Caplan's syndrome - see Rheumatoid, lung

  2178. Capsule - see condition

  2179. Capsule Endoscopy

  2180. Capsulitis (joint) - see also Enthesopathy

  2181. Caput

  2182. Car Sick (Motion Sickness (Sea Sickness, Car Sickness))

  2183. Car sickness

  2184. Carapata (disease)

  2185. Carate - see Pinta

  2186. Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity ( Obesity and Carbohydrates )

  2187. Carbon lung

  2188. Carbuncle

  2189. Carbunculus - see Carbuncle

  2190. Carcinoembryonic Antigen

  2191. Carcinoid (tumor) - see Tumor, carcinoid

  2192. Carcinoid Syndrome

  2193. Carcinoid Tumor (Carcinoid Syndrome)

  2194. Carcinoid Tumors | Carcinoid Syndrome

  2195. Carcinoidosis

  2196. Carcinoma (malignant) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

  2197. Carcinoma of the Breast ( Breast Cancer )

  2198. Carcinoma of the Larynx (Larynx Cancer)

  2199. Carcinoma of the Ovary (Ovarian Cancer)

  2200. Carcinoma of the Thyroid (Thyroid Cancer)

  2201. Carcinoma-in-situ - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site

  2202. Carcinomaphobia

  2203. Carcinomatosis

  2204. Carcinosarcoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  2205. Cardia, cardial - see condition

  2206. Cardiac - see also condition

  2207. Cardiac Arrest (Sudden Cardiac Death)

  2208. Cardiac Catheterization

  2209. Cardiac Catheterization ( Coronary Angiogram )

  2210. Cardiac Markers

  2211. Cardiac Stress Test (Exercise Stress Test)

  2212. Cardialgia - see Pain, precordial

  2213. Cardiectasis - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

  2214. Cardiochalasia

  2215. Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (Pulmonary Edema)

  2216. Cardiolipin Antibody (Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

  2217. Cardiomalacia

  2218. Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa

  2219. Cardiomegaly - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

  2220. Cardiomyoliposis

  2221. Cardiomyopathy

  2222. Cardiomyopathy (Dilated)

  2223. Cardiomyopathy (familial) (idiopathic)

  2224. Cardiomyopathy (Hypertrophic)

  2225. Cardiomyopathy (Restrictive)

  2226. Cardionephritis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

  2227. Cardionephropathy - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

  2228. Cardionephrosis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

  2229. Cardiopathia nigra

  2230. Cardiopathy - see also Disease, heart

  2231. Cardiopericarditis - see Pericarditis

  2232. Cardiophobia

  2233. Cardiorenal - see condition

  2234. Cardiorrhexis - see Infarct, myocardium

  2235. Cardiosclerosis - see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

  2236. Cardiosis - see Disease, heart

  2237. Cardiospasm (esophagus) (reflex) (stomach)

  2238. Cardiostenosis - see Disease, heart

  2239. Cardiosymphysis

  2240. Cardiovascular - see condition

  2241. Carditis (acute) (bacterial) (chronic) (subacute)

  2242. Care (of) (for) (following)

  2243. Care, Prenatal (Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests)

  2244. Caregiver Guide for Alzheimer's Patients (Alzheimer's Disease Patient Caregiver Guide)

  2245. Caregiving

  2246. Caries

  2247. Caring for a Continent Ileostomy

  2248. Caring for an Alzheimer's Patient (Alzheimer's Disease Patient Caregiver Guide)

  2249. Caring for Teeth With Braces or Retainers

  2250. Caring for Your Dentures

  2251. Carious teeth - see Caries, dental

  2252. Carneous mole

  2253. Carnitine insufficiency

  2254. Carotid Artery Disease

  2255. Carotid body or sinus syndrome

  2256. Carotidynia

  2257. Carotinemia (dietary)

  2258. Carotinosis (cutis) (skin)

  2259. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  2260. Carpal tunnel syndrome - see Syndrome, carpal tunnel

  2261. Carpenter's syndrome

  2262. Carpopedal spasm - see Tetany

  2263. Carr-Barr-Plunkett syndrome

  2264. Carrier (suspected)

  2265. Carrion's disease

  2266. Carter's relapsing fever (Asiatic)

  2267. Cartilage - see condition

  2268. Cartoon Character SpongyBob unsuitable for kids ( SpongeBob Unsuitable for Kids - Study )

  2269. Caruncle (inflamed)

  2270. Cascade stomach

  2271. Caseation lymphatic gland (tuberculous)

  2272. Cassidy (-Scholte) syndrome (malignant carcinoid)

  2273. Castellani's disease

  2274. Castration, traumatic, male

  2275. Casts in urine

  2276. Cat

  2277. CAT Scan

  2278. Cat Scratch Disease

  2279. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) | Cat Scratch Fever ( Bartonellosis )

  2280. Catabolism, senile

  2281. Catalepsy (hysterical)

  2282. Cataplexy (idiopathic) - see - Narcolepsy

  2283. Cataplexy (Narcolepsy)

  2284. Cataract - Introduction

  2285. Cataract (cortical) (immature) (incipient)

  2286. Cataract in Detail

  2287. Cataract Surgery

  2288. Cataracta - see also Cataract

  2289. Cataracts

  2290. Cataracts and Diabetes (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  2291. Catarrh, catarrhal (acute) (febrile) (infectious) (inflammation) - see also condition

  2292. Catatonia (schizophrenic)

  2293. Catatonic Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  2294. Catatonic

  2295. Catha.i (Khat)

  2296. Cathartic Colon (Melanosis Coli)

  2297. Cat-scratch - see also Abrasion

  2298. Cauda equina - see condition

  2299. Cauda Equina Syndrome

  2300. Cauliflower Ear

  2301. Cauliflower ear

  2302. Causalgia (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

  2303. Causalgia (upper limb)

  2304. Causes of Hair Loss ( Hair Loss-Causes )

  2305. Caustic burn - see Corrosion, by site

  2306. Cavare's disease (familial periodic paralysis)

  2307. Cave-in, injury

  2308. Cavernitis (penis)

  2309. Cavernositis

  2310. Cavernous - see condition

  2311. Cavernous Hemangioma (Hepatic Hemangioma)

  2312. Cavitation of lung - see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary

  2313. Cavities

  2314. Cavities, dental - see Caries, dental

  2315. Cavity

  2316. Cavovarus foot, congenital

  2317. Cavus foot (congenital)

  2318. Cazenave's disease

  2319. CBC (Complete Blood Count)

  2320. CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen)

  2321. Cecitis

  2322. Cecum - see condition

  2323. Celebrating Life: Positivity and Rejoicing

  2324. Celiac

  2325. Celiac Disease ( Celiac Sprue / Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy )

  2326. Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy)

  2327. Celiac Sprue ( Celiac Disease / Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy )

  2328. Celiac Sprue (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  2329. Cell (s) - see also condition

  2330. Cells, Stem (Stem Cells)

  2331. Cellulite

  2332. Cellulite Treatment

  2333. Cellulitis Cellulitis (diffuse) (phlegmonous) (septic) (suppurative)

  2334. Cementoblastoma, benign - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  2335. Cementoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  2336. Cementoperiostitis - see Periodontitis

  2337. Cementosis

  2338. Central auditory processing disorder

  2339. Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS)

  2340. Central pain syndrome

  2341. Central Sleep Apnea (Sleep Apnea)

  2342. Cephalematocele, cephal (o)

  2343. Cephalematoma, cephalhematoma (calcified)

  2344. Cephalgia ( Headache )

  2345. Cephalgia, cephalalgia - see also Headache

  2346. Cephalic - see condition

  2347. Cephalitis - see Encephalitis

  2348. Cephalocele - see Encephalocele

  2349. Cephalohematoma (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  2350. Cephalomenia

  2351. Cephalopelvic - see condition

  2352. Cerclage (with cervical incompetence) - see Incompetence, cervix, in pregnancy

  2353. Cerebellitis - see Encephalitis

  2354. Cerebellum, cerebellar - see condition

  2355. Cerebral - see condition

  2356. Cerebral Palsy

  2357. Cerebritis - see Encephalitis

  2358. Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome

  2359. Cerebromalacia - see Softening, brain

  2360. Cerebroside lipidosis

  2361. Cerebroside Lipidosis Syndrome (Gaucher Disease)

  2362. Cerebrospasticity (congenital)

  2363. Cerebrospinal - see condition

  2364. Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke Symptoms and Treatment)

  2365. Cerebrum - see condition

  2366. Ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal

  2367. Cerumen (accumulation) (impacted)

  2368. Cervical - see also condition

  2369. Cervical Biopsy (Colposcopy)

  2370. Cervical Cancer

  2371. Cervical Cancer ( Cancer of Cervical )

  2372. Cervical Cancer Screening Test (Pap Smear)

  2373. Cervical Cancer Test (Cervista HPV Test)

  2374. Cervical Cap (Barrier Methods of Birth Control)

  2375. Cervical Disc (Degenerative Disc)

  2376. Cervical Dysplasia

  2377. Cervical Dystonia ( Torticollis / Stiff Neck / Wryneck )

  2378. Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Cervical (Cervical Dysplasia)

  2379. Cervical Mucus Method to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  2380. Cervical Radiculopathy (Radiculopathy)

  2381. Cervical Spondylosis ( Degenerative neck disease )

  2382. Cervicalgia

  2383. Cervican Cancer Screening and Pap smear ( Pap smear and Cervical Cancer Screening )

  2384. Cervicitis (acute) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (senile (atrophic)) (subacute) (with ulceration)

  2385. Cervicocolpitis (emphysematosa) (see also Cervicitis)

  2386. Cervista HPV Test

  2387. Cervista HPV Test (Cervista HPV Test)

  2388. Cervix - see condition

  2389. Cervix Cancer (Cervical Cancer)

  2390. Cesarean Birth (C-Section (Cesarean Birth))

  2391. Cesarean delivery, previous, affecting management of pregnancy

  2392. Céstan (-Chenais)

  2393. Céstan-Raymond syndrome

  2394. Cestode infestation

  2395. Cestodiasis

  2396. CF (Cystic Fibrosis)

  2397. CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  2398. Chabert's disease

  2399. Chacaleh

  2400. Chafing

  2401. Chagas' (-Mazza) disease (chronic)

  2402. Chagas Disease

  2403. Chagres fever B50.9

  2404. Chairridden

  2405. Chalasia (cardiac sphincter)

  2406. Chalazion

  2407. Chalcosis - see also Disorder, globe, degenerative, chalcosis

  2408. Chalicosis (pulmonum)

  2409. Chancre (any genital site) (hard) (hunterian) (mixed) (primary) (seronegative) (seropositive) (syphilitic)

  2410. Chancroid (anus) (genital) (penis) (perineum) (rectum) (urethra) (vulva)

  2411. Chancroid (STDs in Men Overview)

  2412. Chandler's disease (osteochondritis dissecans, hip) - see Osteochondritis, dissecans, hip

  2413. Change (s) (in) (of) - see also Removal

  2414. Change in Stool Color (Stool Color Changes)

  2415. Change of Life (Menopause)

  2416. Changes in Poop Color (Stool Color Changes)

  2417. Changing sleep-work schedule, affecting sleep

  2418. Changuinola fever

  2419. Chapping skin

  2420. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis or syndrome

  2421. Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease

  2422. Charcot's

  2423. Charlatanry (Quackery Arthritis)

  2424. Charley-horse (quadriceps)

  2425. Charlouis' disease - see Yaws

  2426. Charting Fertility Pattern (Trying to Conceive)

  2427. Chat (Khat)

  2428. Cheadle's disease

  2429. Checking (of)

  2430. Check-up - see Examination

  2431. Chédiak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) syndrome (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules)

  2432. Cheek - see condition

  2433. Cheek Implant (Chin, Cheek, and Jaw Implants)

  2434. Cheese itch

  2435. Cheese-washer's lung

  2436. Cheese-worker's lung

  2437. Cheilitis (acute) (angular) (catarrhal) (chronic) (exfoliative) (gangrenous) (glandular) (infectional) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (vesicular)

  2438. Cheilodynia

  2439. Cheiloschisis - see Cleft, lip

  2440. Cheilosis (angular)

  2441. Cheiromegaly

  2442. Cheiropompholyx

  2443. Cheloid - see Keloid

  2444. Chemical burn - see Corrosion, by site

  2445. Chemical Burns (Burns)

  2446. Chemical Peel

  2447. Chemo Infusion and Chemoembolization of Liver

  2448. Chemo Prevention of Skin Cancer in Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids ( Skin Cancer - Chemo Prevention in Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids / Transplant Patients - Chemo Prevent )

  2449. Chemodectoma - see Paraganglioma, nonchromaffin

  2450. Chemosis, conjunctiva - see Edema, conjunctiva

  2451. Chemotherapy

  2452. Chemotherapy (session) (for)

  2453. Chemotherapy Drugs ( Drugs - Chemotherapy )

  2454. Chemotherapy Treatment for Breast Cancer

  2455. Cherubism

  2456. Chess Enhances Mental Ability - FIDE Trainer Speaks ( Mental Ability Enhanced by Chess - FIDE Trainer Speaks )

  2457. Chest - see condition

  2458. Chest Pain

  2459. Chest Pain; Chest Tightness; Chest pressure; Chest Discomfort

  2460. Chest X-ray

  2461. Chewing Tobacco (Smokeless Tobacco)

  2462. Cheyne-Stokes breathing (respiration)

  2463. CHF (Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Overview)

  2464. Chiari's

  2465. Chicken pox shingles ( Shingles / Herpes Zoster / Post Herpetic Neuralgia )

  2466. Chickenpox - see Varicella

  2467. Chickenpox ( Varicella )

  2468. Chickenpox (Varicella)

  2469. Chickpea for the Soul!

  2470. Chiclero ulcer or sore

  2471. Chigger (infestation)

  2472. Chiggers (Bites)

  2473. Chignon (disease)

  2474. Chikungunya

  2475. Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon ( Vaccine Against Chikungunya Virus / New Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon )

  2476. Chilaiditi's syndrome (subphrenic displacement, colon)

  2477. Chilblain (s) (lupus)

  2478. Chilblains (Frostbite)

  2479. Child

  2480. Child Abuse Facts

  2481. Child Behavior Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  2482. Child Health (Children's Health)

  2483. Child Intusussception

  2484. Childbirth - see Delivery

  2485. Childbirth Class Options

  2486. Childbirth Pain Relief (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  2487. Child-Hernia, Hydrocele ( Hernia / Hydrocele in Children )

  2488. Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior

  2489. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

  2490. Childhood

  2491. Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

  2492. Childhood Arthritis ( Oligoarthritis / Arthritis In Children / Juvenile Arthritis )

  2493. Childhood Arthritis (Juvenile Arthritis)

  2494. Childhood Asthma ( Asthma in Children )

  2495. Childhood Immunization ( Vaccination for Children )

  2496. childhood immunization schedule (Childhood Vaccination Schedule)

  2497. Childhood Obesity

  2498. Childhood Obesity ( Obesity and Children )

  2499. Childhood Vaccination Schedule

  2500. Child-Pyloric stenosis ( Pyloric Stenosis in Children )

  2501. Children and Acid Reflux (GERD in Infants and Children)

  2502. Children and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD in Infants and Children)

  2503. Children and GERD (GERD in Infants and Children)

  2504. Children and Lead Poisoning ( Lead Poisoning in Children )

  2505. Children Asthma (Asthma in Children)

  2506. Children, Abdominal Migraine (Abdominal Migraines in Children and Adults)

  2507. Children, Autism (Autism and Communication)

  2508. Children, Dementia (Dementia)

  2509. Children, Night Sweats (Night Sweats)

  2510. Children, Seizures (Febrile Seizures)

  2511. Children, Separation Anxiety (Separation Anxiety)

  2512. Children, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  2513. Children's Cough Causes and Treatments

  2514. Children's Fracture (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  2515. Children's Health

  2516. Chili Pepper - Health Benefits ( Exploring the Benefits of Chili Pepper / Health Benefits of Chili Pepper )

  2517. Chill (s)

  2518. Chilomastigiasis

  2519. Chimera 46,XX/46,XY

  2520. Chin - see condition

  2521. Chin, Cheek, and Jaw Implants

  2522. Chionophobia

  2523. Chitral fever

  2524. Chlamydia ( Trachomatis )

  2525. Chlamydia (Chlamydia in Women Overview)

  2526. Chlamydia in Women Overview

  2527. Chlamydia Test ( Screening for Chlamydial Infection )

  2528. Chlamydia Trachomatis ( Chlamydia )

  2529. Chlamydia, chlamydial

  2530. Chlamydiosis - see Chlamydia

  2531. Chloasma (skin) (idiopathic) (symptomatic)

  2532. Chloride (Electrolytes)

  2533. Chloroma

  2534. Chlorosis

  2535. Chlorotic anemia

  2536. Chocolate cyst (ovary)

  2537. Choked

  2538. Chokes (resulting from bends)

  2539. Choking sensation

  2540. Cholamandalam Health Insurance Policies ( Health Insurance-Cholamandalam )

  2541. Cholangiectasis

  2542. Cholangiocarcinoma

  2543. Cholangiohepatitis

  2544. Cholangiohepatoma

  2545. Cholangiolitis (acute) (chronic) (extrahepatic) (gangrenous) (intrahepatic)

  2546. Cholangioma

  2547. Cholangitis (ascending) (primary) (recurrent) (sclerosing) (secondary) (stenosing) (suppurative)

  2548. Cholecystectasia

  2549. Cholecystectomy

  2550. Cholecystitis (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  2551. Cholecystitis

  2552. Cholecystogram (Oral Cholecystogram)

  2553. Cholecystolithiasis - see Calculus, gallbladder

  2554. Choledochal Cysts

  2555. Choledochitis (suppurative)

  2556. Choledocholith - see Calculus, bile duct

  2557. Choledocholithiasis (common duct) (hepatic duct) - see Calculus, bile duct

  2558. Cholelithiasis (cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) - see Calculus, gallbladder

  2559. Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)

  2560. Cholemia - see also Jaundice

  2561. Choleperitoneum, choleperitonitis

  2562. Cholera

  2563. Cholera - Antibiotics may be Beneficial

  2564. Cholera (Asiatic) (epidemic) (malignant)

  2565. Cholerine - see Cholera

  2566. Cholescintigraphy

  2567. Cholestasis

  2568. Cholesteatoma (ear) (middle) (with reaction)

  2569. Cholesteatosis, diffuse

  2570. Cholesteremia

  2571. Cholesterin in vitreous - see Deposit, crystalline

  2572. Cholesterol

  2573. Cholesterol - The Enigma Chemical

  2574. Cholesterol Management

  2575. Cholesterol, High

  2576. Cholesterolemia (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (pure)

  2577. Cholesterolosis, cholesterosis (gallbladder)

  2578. Cholocolic fistula

  2579. Choluria

  2580. Chondritis

  2581. Chondroblastoma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

  2582. Chondrocalcinosis

  2583. Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis or anthelicis - see Perichondritis, ear

  2584. Chondrodysplasia

  2585. Chondrodystrophy, chondrodystrophia (familial) (fetalis) (hypoplastic)

  2586. Chondroectodermal dysplasia

  2587. Chondrogenesis imperfecta

  2588. Chondrolysis

  2589. Chondroma - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, benign

  2590. Chondromalacia (systemic)

  2591. Chondromalacia Patella (Patellofemoral Syndrome)

  2592. Chondromatosis - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, uncertain behavior

  2593. Chondromyxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

  2594. Chondro-osteodysplasia (Morquio-Brailsford type)

  2595. Chondro-osteodystrophy

  2596. Chondro-osteoma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  2597. Chondropathia tuberosa

  2598. Chondrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

  2599. Chondrosarcoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  2600. Choose The Right Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs for Allergy ( OTC Drugs for Allergy )

  2601. Choosing a Toothbrush

  2602. Choosing a Toothpaste

  2603. Chordae & Papillary Muscles Repair (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  2604. Chordee (nonvenereal)

  2605. Chorditis (fibrinous) (nodosa) (tuberosa)

  2606. Chordoma - see Neoplasm, vertebral (column), malignant

  2607. Chordoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  2608. Chorea (chronic) (gravis) (posthemiplegic) (senile) (spasmodic)

  2609. Chorea, Huntington (Huntington Disease)

  2610. Choreoathetosis (paroxysmal)

  2611. Chorioadenoma (destruens)

  2612. Chorioamnionitis

  2613. Chorioangioma

  2614. Choriocarcinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  2615. Chorioencephalitis (acute) (lymphocytic) (serous)

  2616. Chorioepithelioma - see Choriocarcinoma

  2617. Choriomeningitis (acute) (lymphocytic) (serous)

  2618. Chorionepithelioma - see Choriocarcinoma

  2619. Chorionic Villus Sampling

  2620. Chorioretinitis - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal

  2621. Chorioretinopathy, central serous

  2622. Choroid - see condition

  2623. Choroideremia

  2624. Choroiditis - see Chorioretinitis

  2625. Choroiditis (Uveitis)

  2626. Choroidopathy - see Disorder, choroid

  2627. Choroidoretinitis - see Chorioretinitis

  2628. Choroidoretinopathy, central serous - see Chorioretinopathy, central serous

  2629. Christian-Weber disease

  2630. Christmas disease

  2631. Chromaffinoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  2632. Chromatopsia - see Deficiency, color vision

  2633. Chromhidrosis, chromidrosis

  2634. Chromoblastomycosis - see Chromomycosis

  2635. Chromoconversion

  2636. Chromomycosis

  2637. Chromophytosis

  2638. Chromosome - see condition by chromosome involved

  2639. Chromosome 1p36 Deletion Syndrome (1p36 Deletion Syndrome)

  2640. Chromotrichomycosis

  2641. Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder

  2642. Chronic - see condition

  2643. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  2644. Chronic Bronchitis

  2645. Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema (Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Colds)

  2646. Chronic Compartment Syndrome (Compartment Syndrome)

  2647. Chronic Constipation Finds New Treatment ( Linoclotide to Treat Chronic Constipation )

  2648. Chronic Cough

  2649. Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  2650. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  2651. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( Fatigue Syndrome - Chronic )

  2652. Chronic Granulomatous Disease | Chronic Granulomatous Disorder ( Bridges–Good Syndrome / Quie Syndrome )

  2653. Chronic Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B)

  2654. Chronic Insomnia (Insomnia)

  2655. Chronic Interstitial Pneumonitis (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  2656. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia ( Lymphocytic Leukemia - Chronic )

  2657. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Leukemia)

  2658. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Leukemia)

  2659. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia | Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia ( Myeloid Leukemia - Chronic / Leukemia - Chronic Myeloid )

  2660. Chronic Neck Pain (Neck Pain)

  2661. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease))

  2662. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD )

  2663. Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance (POT Syndrome)

  2664. Chronic Pain

  2665. Chronic Pain Management (Pain Management)

  2666. Chronic Pain Treatment (Pain Management)

  2667. Chronic Pancreatitis (Pancreatitis)

  2668. Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  2669. Chronic Prostatitis (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  2670. Chronic Prostatitis Without Infection (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  2671. Chronic Renal Failure ( Renal Failure - Chronic )

  2672. Chronic Renal Insufficiency (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  2673. Chronic Rhinitis

  2674. Chronic Ulcerative Colitis (Ulcerative Colitis)

  2675. Churg-Strauss Syndrome

  2676. Chyle cyst, mesentery

  2677. Chylocele (nonfilarial)

  2678. Chylomicronemia (fasting) (with hyperprebetalipoproteinemia)

  2679. Chylopericardium

  2680. Chylothorax (nonfilarial)

  2681. Chylous - see condition

  2682. Chyluria (nonfilarial)

  2683. Cicatricial (deformity) - see Cicatrix

  2684. Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) - see also Scar

  2685. Cider Vinegar: The Controversial Health Tonic )

  2686. CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy )

  2687. Cigarette Smoking - A Silent Killer ( Smoking Cigarette - A Silent Killer )

  2688. Ciguatera Poisoning

  2689. CIN - see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, cervix

  2690. Cinchonism - see Deafness, ototoxic

  2691. Circadian Rhythm (Biorhythms)

  2692. Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Disorders

  2693. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Delayed Sleep Phase Type

  2694. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Jet Lag Type

  2695. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Shift Work Type

  2696. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Unspecified Type

  2697. Circle of Willis - see condition

  2698. Circular - see condition

  2699. Circulating anticoagulants - see also - Disorder, hemorrhagic

  2700. Circulation

  2701. Circulatory system - see condition

  2702. Circulus senilis (cornea) - see Degeneration, cornea, senile

  2703. Circumcision

  2704. Circumcision (in absence of medical indication) (ritual) (routine)

  2705. Circumcision

  2706. Circumcision The Surgical Procedure

  2707. Circumscribed - see condition

  2708. Circumvallate placenta

  2709. Cirrhosis

  2710. Cirrhosis, cirrhotic (hepatic) (liver)

  2711. Cistern, subarachnoid

  2712. Citrulline Antibody

  2713. Citrullinemia

  2714. Citrullinuria

  2715. Civatte's disease or poikiloderma

  2716. CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)

  2717. Clam digger's itch

  2718. Clammy skin

  2719. Clap - see Gonorrhea

  2720. Clap ( Gonorrhea )

  2721. Clap (Gonorrhea In Women)

  2722. Clarke-Hadfield syndrome (pancreatic infantilism)

  2723. Clark's paralysis

  2724. Classes, Childbirth (Childbirth Class Options)

  2725. Classical Leigh's Disease (Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease))

  2726. Clastothrix

  2727. Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome

  2728. Claude's disease or syndrome

  2729. Claudicatio venosa intermittens

  2730. Claudication

  2731. Claudication, intermittent

  2732. Claustrophobia

  2733. Clavus (infected)

  2734. Clawfoot (congenital)

  2735. Clawhand (acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, clawhand

  2736. Clawtoe (congenital)

  2737. Clay Colored Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  2738. Clay Colored Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  2739. Clay eating - see Pica

  2740. Cleansing of artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening

  2741. Cleft (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure

  2742. Cleft Lip: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  2743. Cleft Lips or Cleft Palates - Steroids in Pregnancy Not Necessarily Responsible

  2744. Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip

  2745. Cleft Palate: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  2746. Cleidocranial Dysostosis (Cleidocranial Dysplasia)

  2747. Cleidocranial dysostosis

  2748. Cleidocranial Dysplasia

  2749. Cleidocranial Dysplasia ( Rubber Man / Marie-Sainton disease / Mutational Dysostosis )

  2750. Cleptomania

  2751. Click Murmur Syndrome (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  2752. Clicking hip (newborn)

  2753. Clicking in the Ear (Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears))

  2754. Climacteric (female) - see also Menopause

  2755. Clinging Behavior in Children (Separation Anxiety)

  2756. Clinical research investigation (clinical trial) (control subject) (normal comparison) (participant)

  2757. Clinical Trials

  2758. Clinical Trials - Different Phases of the trial

  2759. Clinical Trials ( Drug Trials )

  2760. Clinical Trials ( Drug Trials- The Past and The Future )

  2761. Clinical Trials for Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer Clinical Trials)

  2762. Clinical Trials for Parkinson's Disease (Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials)

  2763. Clitoral Therapy Device

  2764. Clitoris - see condition

  2765. CLL (Leukemia)

  2766. Cloaca (persistent)

  2767. Clonorchiasis, clonorchis infection (liver)

  2768. Clonus

  2769. Closed Angle Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  2770. Closed bite

  2771. Closed Neural Tube Defect (Spina Bifida and Anencephaly)

  2772. Clostridium (C.)

  2773. Clostridium Difficile (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  2774. Clostridium Difficile Colitis

  2775. Closure

  2776. Clot (blood) - see also Embolism

  2777. Clot, Blood (Blood Clots)

  2778. Clothes - Summer Tips

  2779. Clouded state

  2780. Cloudy antrum, antra

  2781. Clouston's (hidrotic)

  2782. Club Drugs

  2783. Club Foot ( Talipes Equinovarus / Talipes )

  2784. Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis

  2785. Clubbing of finger (s) (nails)

  2786. Clubfinger

  2787. Clubfoot (congenital)

  2788. Clubhand (congenital) (radial)

  2789. Clubnail

  2790. Clump, kidney

  2791. Clumsiness, clumsy child syndrome

  2792. Cluster B Antisocial Personality Disorder (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  2793. Cluster Headaches

  2794. Cluttering

  2795. Clutton's joints

  2796. CML (Leukemia)

  2797. CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2798. CMT1 (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2799. CMT2 (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2800. CMT3 (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2801. CMT4 (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2802. CMTX (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  2803. CMV (Cytomegalovirus (CMV))

  2804. CNB (Breast Biopsy)

  2805. CO2 (Electrolytes)

  2806. Coagulation, intravascular (diffuse) (disseminated) - see also Defibrination syndrome

  2807. Coagulopathy - see also Defect, coagulation

  2808. Coalition

  2809. Coalminer's

  2810. Coalworker's lung or pneumoconiosis

  2811. Coarctation

  2812. Coated tongue

  2813. Coats' Disease

  2814. Coats' disease (exudative retinopathy) - see Retinopathy, exudative

  2815. Cocaine and Crack Abuse

  2816. Cocaine Abuse

  2817. Cocaine Dependence

  2818. Cocaine Intoxication

  2819. Cocaine Intoxication Delirium

  2820. Cocaine Withdrawal

  2821. Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  2822. Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder

  2823. Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  2824. Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  2825. Cocaine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  2826. Cocaine-Induced Sleep Disorder

  2827. Cocaine-Related Disorder NOS

  2828. Cocainism - see Dependence, drug, cocaine

  2829. Coccidioidomycosis

  2830. Coccidioidosis - see Coccidioidomycosis

  2831. Coccidiosis (intestinal)

  2832. Coccydynia

  2833. Coccydynia, coccygodynia

  2834. Coccyx - see condition

  2835. Cockayne's syndrome

  2836. Cocked up toe - see Deformity, toe, specified NEC

  2837. Cock's peculiar tumor

  2838. Codman's tumor - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  2839. Coenurosis

  2840. Coffee, Caffeine and Your Health

  2841. Coffee-worker's lung

  2842. Cogan's syndrome

  2843. Cognitive Disorder NOS

  2844. Communication Disorder NOS

  2845. Conduct Disorder, Adolescent Onset Type

  2846. Conduct Disorder, Childhood Onset Type

  2847. Conversion Disorder

  2848. Coitus, painful (female)

  2849. Colas are Bad For Health in the Long Run

  2850. Cold (Common Cold)

  2851. COLD (COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease))

  2852. Cold Antibodies (Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia)

  2853. Cold Exposure (Hypothermia (Extended Exposure to Cold))

  2854. Cold Globulins (Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia)

  2855. Cold Injury (Frostbite)

  2856. Cold

  2857. Cold Sores ( Fever Blisters / Herpes Labialis / Recurrent Herpes Labialis )

  2858. Cold Weather-Related Injuries (Frostbite)

  2859. Cold, Flu, Allergy

  2860. Colds and Emphysema (Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Colds)

  2861. Coldsore

  2862. Colibacillosis

  2863. Colic

  2864. Colic (bilious) (infantile) (intestinal) (recurrent) (spasmodic)

  2865. Colicystitis - see Cystitis

  2866. Colitis

  2867. Colitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (noninfective) (hemorrhagic) - see also Enteritis

  2868. Colitis Diet (Ulcerative Colitis Diet)

  2869. Colitis From Antibiotics (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  2870. Colitis Surgery (Ulcerative Colitis Surgery)

  2871. Colitis, Collagenous (Lymphocytic Colitis)

  2872. Colitis, Crohn's (Crohn's Disease)

  2873. Colitis, Lymphocytic (Lymphocytic Colitis)

  2874. Colitis, Microscopic (Lymphocytic Colitis)

  2875. Colitis, Ulcerative (Ulcerative Colitis)

  2876. Collagen and Injectable Fillers

  2877. Collagen Vascular Disease (Connective Tissue Disease)

  2878. Collagenosis, collagen disease (nonvascular) (vascular)

  2879. Collagenous Colitis (Lymphocytic Colitis)

  2880. Collagenous Sprue (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  2881. Collapse Lung (Pneumothorax)

  2882. Collapse

  2883. Collateral - see also condition

  2884. Colle’s Fracture ( Broken Wrist )

  2885. Colles' fracture

  2886. Collet (-Sicard)

  2887. Collier's asthma or lung

  2888. Collodion baby

  2889. Colloid nodule (of thyroid) (cystic)

  2890. Coloboma (iris)

  2891. Coloenteritis - see Enteritis

  2892. Colon - see condition

  2893. Colon Cancer

  2894. Colon Cancer Prevention

  2895. Colon Cancer Screening

  2896. Colon Cancer, Familial (Gardner Syndrome)

  2897. Colon Polyps

  2898. Colon Polyps ( Polyps in Colon )

  2899. Colon Resection (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  2900. Colonization

  2901. Colonoscopy

  2902. Colonoscopy, Virtual (Virtual Colonoscopy)

  2903. Coloptosis

  2904. Color Blindness

  2905. Color blindness - see Deficiency, color vision

  2906. Colo-rectal Cancer - Management ( Management of Colo-rectal Cancer )

  2907. Colorectal Cancer (Colon Cancer)

  2908. Colorectal Cancer | Cancer-Colorectal

  2909. Colorectal Cancer Screening ( Screening for Colorectal Cancer )

  2910. Colorectal Cancer Screening with Colonoscopy ( Screening with Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer )

  2911. Colorectal Cancer Screening with Double-Contrast Barium Enema ( Double-contrast Barium Enema in Colorectal Cancer Screening )

  2912. Colorectal Cancer Screening with Flexible Sigmoidoscopy ( Flexible Sigmoidoscopy )

  2913. Colors and Moods ( Moods and Colors )

  2914. Colostomy

  2915. Colostomy (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  2916. Colostomy: A Patient's Perspective

  2917. Colpitis (acute) - see Vaginitis

  2918. Colpocele

  2919. Colpocystitis - see Vaginitis

  2920. Colposcopy

  2921. Colpospasm

  2922. Column, spinal, vertebral - see condition

  2923. Coma

  2924. Coma, Myxedema (Myxedema Coma)

  2925. Comatose - see Coma

  2926. Combat Fatigue (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

  2927. Combat fatigue

  2928. Combination of Biologics With Traditional Therapy Beneficial in Psoriasis ( Psoriasis - Combining Biologics With Traditional Therapy )

  2929. Combined - see condition

  2930. Combined ADHD (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  2931. Comedo, comedones (giant)

  2932. Comedocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, breast, malignant

  2933. Comedomastitis - see Ectasia, mammary duct

  2934. Comminuted fracture - code as Fracture, closed

  2935. Comminuted Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  2936. Commissurotomy (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  2937. commom cold (Chronic Rhinitis)

  2938. Common Cold

  2939. Commotio, commotion (current)

  2940. Communicating Hydrocele (Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular))

  2941. Communicating Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  2942. Communication

  2943. Communication and Autism (Autism and Communication)

  2944. Compartment Syndrome

  2945. Compartment syndrome (deep) (posterior) (traumatic)

  2946. Compensation

  2947. Complaint - see also Disease

  2948. Complete - see condition

  2949. Complete Blood Count

  2950. Complete Dentures (Dentures)

  2951. Complex

  2952. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

  2953. Complex Tics (Tourette Syndrome)

  2954. Complication (s) (from) (of)

  2955. Complications of Pregnancy ( Pregnancy and Complications )

  2956. Compound Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  2957. Compressed air disease

  2958. Compressed Nerve (Pinched Nerve Overview)

  2959. Compression

  2960. Compression Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  2961. Compression of Spinal Nerves (Radiculopathy)

  2962. Compression of the Nerves in the Spine (Radiculopathy)

  2963. Compulsion, compulsive

  2964. Compulsive Overeating (Binge Eating Disorder)

  2965. Compulsive Sexual Behavior ( Sex Addiction / Sexual Dependency / Hypersexuality / Nymphomania / Sexual Compulsivity )

  2966. Compulsive Sexual Behavior / Sexual Compulsivity )

  2967. Compulsive, Obsessive Disorder (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))

  2968. Computed Tomography | CT Scan

  2969. Computer Related Injuries ( Injuries - Computer Related )

  2970. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan)

  2971. Concato's disease (pericardial polyserositis)

  2972. Concavity chest wall

  2973. Concealed penis

  2974. Conceive, Trying to (Trying to Conceive)

  2975. Conception (Trying to Conceive)

  2976. Concern (normal)

  2977. Concrescence (teeth)

  2978. Concretio cordis

  2979. Concretion - see also Calculus

  2980. Concussion (brain) (cerebral) (current)

  2981. Concussion of the Brain (Brain Concussion)

  2982. Condition - see Disease

  2983. Conditions arising in the perinatal period - see Newborn, affected by

  2984. Condom (Birth Control Methods)

  2985. Condoms

  2986. Condoms And Contraception

  2987. Conduct disorder - see Disorder, conduct

  2988. Conduct Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  2989. Condyloma

  2990. Conflagration - see also Burn

  2991. Conflict (with) - see also Discord

  2992. Confluent - see condition

  2993. Confusion, confused

  2994. Confusional arousals

  2995. Congelation

  2996. Congenital - see also condition

  2997. Congenital Absence of Brain (Anencephaly)

  2998. Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon (Hirschsprung Disease)

  2999. congenital AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation)

  3000. Congenital Bronchiectasis (Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital))

  3001. Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation Of The Lung

  3002. Congenital Defects (Birth Defects)

  3003. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

  3004. Congenital Dysplastic Angiectasia (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  3005. Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (Porphyria)

  3006. Congenital Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  3007. Congenital Heart Disease

  3008. Congenital Heart Disease – Septal Defects ( Septal Defect-Congenital Heart Disease )

  3009. Congenital Heart Murmur (Heart Murmur)

  3010. Congenital Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  3011. Congenital Kyphosis (Kyphosis)

  3012. Congenital Lymphedema (Lymphedema)

  3013. Congenital Malformations (Birth Defects)

  3014. Congenital Methemoglobinemia (Methemoglobinemia)

  3015. Congenital Poikiloderma (Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)

  3016. Congestion, congestive

  3017. Congestive - see Congestion

  3018. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Overview

  3019. Congestive Heart Failure (Congestive Cardiac Failure)

  3020. Congo Fever | Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)

  3021. Conical

  3022. Conization, Cervix (Colposcopy)

  3023. Conjoined twins

  3024. Conjugal maladjustment

  3025. Conjunctiva - see condition

  3026. Conjunctivitis ( Pink Eye )

  3027. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

  3028. Conjunctivitis (staphylococcal) (streptococcal)

  3029. Conjunctivochalasis

  3030. Connective tissue - see condition

  3031. Connective Tissue Disease

  3032. Conn's syndrome

  3033. Conradi (-Hunermann)

  3034. Consanguinity

  3035. Conscious simulation (of illness)

  3036. Consecutive - see condition

  3037. Consolidation lung (base) - see Pneumonia, lobar

  3038. Constipation

  3039. Constipation (atonic) (neurogenic) (simple) (spastic)

  3040. Constipation in Adults Health

  3041. Constitutional - see also condition

  3042. Constitutional Hepatic Dysfunction (Gilbert Syndrome)

  3043. Constitutionally substandard

  3044. Constriction - see also Stricture

  3045. Constrictive - see condition

  3046. Consultation

  3047. Consumption - see Tuberculosis

  3048. Consumption (Tuberculosis (TB) Facts)

  3049. Contact (with) - see also Exposure (to)

  3050. Contact Dermatitis

  3051. Contact Dermatitis (Allergy)

  3052. Contact Lenses: Colored, Soft, Hard, Toric & Bifoc

  3053. Contamination, food - see Intoxication, foodborne

  3054. Continent Ileostomy (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  3055. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis ( Dialysis / Haemodialysis )

  3056. Contraception (Birth Control Methods)

  3057. Contraception, contraceptive

  3058. Contraceptive (Birth Control Methods)

  3059. Contraceptive Measures After Unprotected Sex

  3060. Contraceptive Patch ( Birth Control Patch )

  3061. Contraceptive Pills ( Birth Control Pills )

  3062. Contraceptive Sponge (Barrier Methods of Birth Control)

  3063. Contraction (s)

  3064. Contractions, Braxton-Hicks (Braxton Hicks Contractions)

  3065. Contracture Of Hand (Dupuytren Contracture)

  3066. Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorder ( Iodine Deficiency Disorder-Control )

  3067. Controversial Health Tonic - Apple Cider Vinegar ( Apple )

  3068. Contusion (Bruises)

  3069. Contusion (skin surface intact)

  3070. Conus (congenital) (any type)

  3071. Conversion hysteria, neurosis or reaction

  3072. Converter, tuberculosis (test reaction)

  3073. Conviction (legal)

  3074. Convulsion (Seizure)

  3075. Convulsions ( Fits / Epilepsy )

  3076. Convulsions (idiopathic) - see also Seizure(s)

  3077. Convulsive - see also Convulsions

  3078. Cooleys Anemia (Beta Thalassemia)

  3079. Cooley's anemia

  3080. Coolie itch

  3081. Cooper's

  3082. COPD ( Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease )

  3083. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

  3084. COPD (COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease))

  3085. Coping With Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer and Coping With Stress)

  3086. Copper Storage Disease ( Wilson’s Disease / Hepatolenticular Degeneration )

  3087. Copperhead Snake Bite (Snake Bite)

  3088. Copra itch

  3089. Coprolalia (Tourette Syndrome)

  3090. Coprophagy

  3091. Coprophobia

  3092. Coproporphyria, hereditary

  3093. Cor

  3094. Corbus' disease (gangrenous balanitis)

  3095. Cord - see also condition

  3096. Cord Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  3097. Cordis ectopia

  3098. Corditis (spermatic)

  3099. Core Needle Breast Biopsy (Breast Biopsy)

  3100. Corectopia

  3101. Cori's disease (glycogen storage)

  3102. Corkhandler's disease or lung

  3103. Corkscrew esophagus

  3104. Corkworker's disease or lung

  3105. Corn - Crunchy Munch ( Munch On Crunchy Corn! )

  3106. Corn (infected)

  3107. Cornea - see also condition

  3108. Corneal Disease

  3109. Corneal Ulcer

  3110. Corneal Ulcer ( Ulcer-Corneal )

  3111. Cornelia de Lange syndrome

  3112. Corns

  3113. Cornu cutaneum

  3114. Cornual gestation or pregnancy

  3115. Coronary (artery) - see condition

  3116. Coronary Angiogram

  3117. Coronary Angiogram ( Cardiac Catheterization )

  3118. Coronary Angioplasty

  3119. Coronary Angioplasty | Coronary Balloon Angioplasty ( Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty )

  3120. Coronary Artery Bypass (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

  3121. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

  3122. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting(CABG)

  3123. Coronary Artery Disease (Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease))

  3124. Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD)

  3125. Coronary Atherosclerosis (Heart Attack Pathology: Photo Essay)

  3126. Coronary Health associated with Dietary Folate ( Can Dietary Folate Reduce Stroke Risk? Not Always / Says a Study )

  3127. Coronary Occlusion (Heart Attack Pathology: Photo Essay)

  3128. Coronavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  3129. Corpora - see also condition

  3130. Corpulence - see Obesity

  3131. Corpus - see condition

  3132. Corpus Callosotomy (Surgical Options for Epilepsy)

  3133. Corrected transposition

  3134. Corrosion (injury) (acid) (caustic) (chemical) (lime) (external) (internal)

  3135. Corrosive burn - see Corrosion

  3136. Corsican fever - see Malaria

  3137. Cortical - see condition

  3138. Cortical Cancer / Adrenal Cortex Cancer )

  3139. Cortical Dementia (Dementia)

  3140. Cortico-adrenal - see condition

  3141. Corticobasal Degeneration (Dementia)

  3142. Cortisone Injection

  3143. Cortisone Shot (Cortisone Injection)

  3144. Coryza (acute)

  3145. Cosmetic Allergies

  3146. Cosmetic Surgery - Lipoplasty (Lipoplasty (Ultrasonic Assisted))

  3147. Cosmetic Surgery - Liposuction ( Liposuction / Fat Loss Surgery - Liposuction )

  3148. Cosmetic Surgery (Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery))

  3149. Cosmetic Surgery and the Risk Factors ( Designer Body - Risk Factors )

  3150. Cosmetic Surgery, Chemical Peel (Chemical Peel)

  3151. Cosmetic Surgery, Collagen Injections (Collagen and Injectable Fillers)

  3152. Cosmetic Surgery, Dermabrasion (Dermabrasion)

  3153. Cosmetic Surgery, Lip Augmentation (Lip Augmentation)

  3154. Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction (Liposuction)

  3155. Cosmetic Surgery, Neck Lift (Neck Lift Cosmetic Surgery)

  3156. Costen's Syndrome (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) )

  3157. Costen's syndrome or complex

  3158. Costiveness - see Constipation

  3159. Costochondritis ( Tietzes Syndrome )

  3160. Costochondritis and Tietze Syndrome

  3161. Costochondritis

  3162. Costs, Prenatal (Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests)

  3163. Cot Death ( Sudden Infant Death Syndrome )

  3164. Cot death

  3165. Cotard's syndrome

  3166. Cotia virus

  3167. Cotton wool spots (retinal)

  3168. Cottonmouth Snake Bite (Snake Bite)

  3169. Cotungo's disease - see Sciatica

  3170. Cough (affected) (chronic) (epidemic) (nervous)

  3171. Cough (Chronic Cough)

  3172. Cough Causes and Treatment in Children (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  3173. Cough in Children (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  3174. Cough in Kids (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  3175. Cough Treatment in Children (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  3176. Cough, Chronic (Chronic Cough)

  3177. Coughing (Chronic Cough)

  3178. Coughs (Chronic Cough)

  3179. Counceling, Genetic (Genetic Counseling)

  3180. Counseling (for)

  3181. Counseling for Genetic ( Genetic Counseling )

  3182. Counter-Social Behavior (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  3183. Coupled rhythm

  3184. Couvelaire syndrome or uterus (complicating delivery)

  3185. Cow’s Milk: A Boon From The Animal World

  3186. Cowperitis - see Urethritis

  3187. Cowper's gland - see condition

  3188. Cowpox

  3189. Coxa

  3190. Coxalgia, coxalgic (nontuberculous) - see also Pain, joint, hip

  3191. Coxitis - see Monoarthritis, hip

  3192. Coxsackie (virus) (infection)

  3193. Coxsackie Virus

  3194. CP (Cerebral Palsy)

  3195. CPAP (Sleep Apnea)

  3196. CPPD (Pseudogout)

  3197. Crabs (Pubic Lice (Crabs))

  3198. Crabs, meaning pubic lice

  3199. Crack baby

  3200. Cracked nipple

  3201. Cracked tooth

  3202. Cradle Cap ( Seborrheic Dermatitis / Dandruff )

  3203. Cradle cap

  3204. Craft neurosis

  3205. Cramp (s)

  3206. Cramps Of Muscle (Muscle Cramps)

  3207. Cramps, Heat (Heat Cramps)

  3208. Cramps, Menstrual (Menstrual Cramps)

  3209. Cranial - see condition

  3210. Cranial Dystonia (Dystonia)

  3211. Craniocleidodysostosis

  3212. Craniofenestria (skull)

  3213. Craniolacunia (skull)

  3214. Craniopagus

  3215. Craniopathy, metabolic

  3216. Craniopharyngeal - see condition

  3217. Craniopharyngioma (Brain Tumor)

  3218. Craniopharyngioma

  3219. Craniorachischisis (totalis)

  3220. Cranioschisis

  3221. Craniostenosis

  3222. Craniosynostosis

  3223. Craniotabes (cause unknown)

  3224. Cranium - see condition

  3225. Craw-craw - see Onchocerciasis

  3226. C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP)

  3227. Creaking joint - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC

  3228. Creatinine Blood Test

  3229. Creeping

  3230. Crenated tongue

  3231. Creotoxism

  3232. Crepitus

  3233. Crescent or conus choroid, congenital

  3234. Crest syndrome ( Scleroderma | | Systemic Sclerosis / Progressive systemic sclerosis / Localized scleroderma )

  3235. CREST syndrome

  3236. Cretin, cretinism (congenital) (endemic) (nongoitrous) (sporadic)

  3237. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

  3238. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome (with dementia)

  3239. crib death (SIDS)

  3240. Crib death

  3241. Cribriform hymen

  3242. Cri-du-chat syndrome

  3243. Crigler-Najjar disease or syndrome

  3244. Crigler-Najjar Syndrome

  3245. Crime, victim of

  3246. Crimean hemorrhagic fever

  3247. Criminalism

  3248. Crisis

  3249. Crocq's disease (acrocyanosis)

  3250. Crohn Disease (Crohn's Disease)

  3251. Crohn Disease, Intestinal Problems (Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Intestinal Problems)

  3252. Crohn’s Disease ( Regional Enteritis )

  3253. Crohn's Colitis (Crohn's Disease)

  3254. Crohn's Disease

  3255. Crohn's disease - see Enteritis, regional

  3256. Crohns Disease (Crohn's Disease)

  3257. Crooked Nose (Deviated Septum)

  3258. Crooked septum, nasal

  3259. Cross Eyed (Strabismus)

  3260. Cross syndrome

  3261. Crossbite (anterior) (posterior)

  3262. Cross-eye - see Strabismus, convergent concomitant

  3263. Croup

  3264. Croup, croupous (catarrhal) (infectious) (inflammatory) (nondiphtheritic)

  3265. Crouzon's disease

  3266. Crowding, tooth, teeth, fully erupted

  3267. CRP (C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP))

  3268. CRST syndrome

  3269. Cruchet's disease

  3270. Cruelty in children - see also Disorder, conduct

  3271. Crural ulcer - see Ulcer, lower limb

  3272. Crush, crushed, crushing

  3273. Crusta lactea

  3274. Crusts

  3275. Crutch paralysis - see Injury, brachial plexus

  3276. Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis, disease or syndrome

  3277. Cruveilhier's atrophy or disease

  3278. Crying (constant) (continuous) (excessive)

  3279. Cryofibrinogenemia

  3280. Cryoglobulinemia (Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia)

  3281. Cryoglobulinemia (essential) (idiopathic) (mixed) (primary) (purpura) (secondary) (vasculitis)

  3282. Cryotherapy

  3283. Cryptitis (anal) (rectal)

  3284. Cryptococcosis

  3285. Cryptococcosis, cryptococcus (infection) (neoformans)

  3286. Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  3287. Cryptopapillitis (anus)

  3288. Cryptophthalmos

  3289. Cryptorchid, cryptorchism, cryptorchidism

  3290. Cryptosporidiosis

  3291. Cryptostromosis

  3292. Crystalluria

  3293. Crystals (Hydroxyapatite)

  3294. CSA (Sleep Apnea)

  3295. CSD (Cat Scratch Disease)

  3296. C-Section (Cesarean Birth)

  3297. CT Colonosopy (Virtual Colonoscopy)

  3298. CT Coronary Angiogram

  3299. CT Scan (CAT Scan)

  3300. CT Scans Most Sensitive in Diagnosing Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

  3301. CT, Ultrafast (Electron Beam Computerized Tomography)

  3302. CTD (Connective Tissue Disease)

  3303. Cubitus

  3304. CUC (Ulcerative Colitis)

  3305. Cultural deprivation or shock

  3306. Cumulative Trauma Disorder (Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs))

  3307. Curling esophagus

  3308. Curling's ulcer - see Ulcer, peptic, acute

  3309. Current Management

  3310. Curschmann (-Batten) (-Steinert)

  3311. Curse, Ondine's - see Apnea, sleep

  3312. Curvature

  3313. Curved Spine (Scoliosis)

  3314. Cushingoid due to steroid therapy

  3315. Cushing's

  3316. Cushing's Syndrome

  3317. Cusp, Carabelli - omit code

  3318. Cut (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  3319. Cut (external) - see also Laceration

  3320. Cutaneous - see also condition

  3321. Cutaneous Papilloma (Skin Tag)

  3322. Cutaneous Porphyria (Porphyria)

  3323. Cutis - see also condition

  3324. Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds

  3325. Cutting Teeth (Teething)

  3326. CVA (Stroke Symptoms and Treatment)

  3327. CVD (Connective Tissue Disease)

  3328. CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling)

  3329. CVS (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS))

  3330. Cyanosis

  3331. Cyanotic heart disease

  3332. Cycle

  3333. Cyclencephaly

  3334. Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS)

  3335. Cyclical vomiting - see also Vomiting, cyclical

  3336. Cycling Benefits ( How Cycling can Benefit You )

  3337. Cyclitis - see also Iridocyclitis

  3338. Cyclitis (Uveitis)

  3339. Cycloid personality

  3340. Cyclophoria

  3341. Cyclopia, cyclops

  3342. Cyclopism

  3343. Cyclospora Infection (Cyclosporiasis)

  3344. Cyclosporiasis

  3345. Cyclothymia

  3346. Cyclothymic Disorder

  3347. Cyclothymic personality

  3348. Cyclotropia

  3349. Cylindrical Bronchiectasis (Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital))

  3350. Cylindroma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  3351. Cylindruria

  3352. Cynanche

  3353. Cynophobia

  3354. Cynorexia

  3355. Cyphosis - see Kyphosis

  3356. Cyprus fever - see Brucellosis

  3357. Cyst

  3358. Cyst (colloid) (mucous) (simple) (retention)

  3359. Cyst, Eyelid (Chalazion)

  3360. Cystadenocarcinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  3361. Cystadenofibroma

  3362. Cystadenoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  3363. Cystathionine synthase deficiency

  3364. Cystathioninemia

  3365. Cystathioninuria

  3366. Cystic - see also condition

  3367. Cystic Acne (Boils)

  3368. Cystic Breast (Fibrocystic Breast Condition)

  3369. Cystic Bronchiectasis (Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital))

  3370. Cystic Fibrosis

  3371. Cystic Fibrosis ( Fibrocystic Disease )

  3372. Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas (Cystic Fibrosis)

  3373. Cystic Fibrosis Test (Sweat Chloride Test)

  3374. Cysticercosis

  3375. Cysticercosis of Brain ( Neurocysticercosis )

  3376. Cysticercosis, cysticerciasis

  3377. Cysticercus cellulose infestation - see Cysticercosis

  3378. Cystinosis (malignant)

  3379. Cystinuria

  3380. Cystitis

  3381. Cystitis (exudative) (hemorrhagic) (septic) (suppurative)

  3382. Cystitis (Urinary Tract Infection)

  3383. Cystocele (Fallen Bladder)

  3384. Cystocele (-urethrocele)

  3385. Cystolithiasis

  3386. Cystoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  3387. Cystoplegia

  3388. Cystoptosis

  3389. Cystopyelitis - see Pyelonephritis

  3390. Cystorrhagia

  3391. Cystosarcoma Phyllodes (Breast Cancer (Facts, Stages))

  3392. Cystosarcoma phyllodes

  3393. Cystoscopy

  3394. Cystoscopy and Ureteroscopy

  3395. Cystostomy

  3396. Cystourethritis - see Urethritis

  3397. Cystourethrocele - see also Cystocele

  3398. Cysts and Tumours ( Tumours and Cysts )

  3399. Cysts of the Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  3400. Cysts, Choledochal (Choledochal Cysts)

  3401. Cysts, Kidney (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  3402. Cysts, Ovary (Ovarian Cysts)

  3403. Cysts, Pancreatic Inflammatory (Pancreatic Cysts)

  3404. Cysts, True Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  3405. Cytomegalic inclusion disease

  3406. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

  3407. Cytomegalovirus infection

  3408. Cytomycosis (reticuloendothelial)

  3409. Cytopenia

  3410. Czerny's disease (periodic hydrarthrosis of the knee) - see Effusion, joint, knee

  3411. D & C (Dilation and Curettage)

  3412. Da Costa's syndrome

  3413. Daae (-Finsen) disease (epidemic pleurodynia)

  3414. Dabney's grip

  3415. Dacryoadenitis, dacryadenitis

  3416. Dacryocystitis

  3417. Dacryocystoblenorrhea - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, chronic

  3418. Dacryocystocele - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes

  3419. Dacryolith, dacryolithiasis

  3420. Dacryoma - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes

  3421. Dacryopericystitis - see Dacryocystitis

  3422. Dacryops

  3423. Dacryostenosis - see also Stenosis, lacrimal

  3424. Dacryostenosis ( Blocked Tear Duct )

  3425. Dactylitis

  3426. Dactylolysis spontanea (ainhum)

  3427. Dactylosymphysis

  3428. DAF Syndrome ( Sphingomyelinase Deficiency | Sphingomyelin Lipidosis / Niemann-Pick Disease )

  3429. Damage

  3430. Dana-Putnam syndrome (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) - see Degeneration, combined

  3431. Danbolt (-Cross) syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica)

  3432. Dance Therapy Empowers People With Special Needs at RASA ( RASA’s Dance Therapy Empowers People With Special Needs )

  3433. Dandruff ( Seborrheic Dermatitis / Cradle Cap )

  3434. Dandruff (Seborrhea)

  3435. Dandruff

  3436. Dandy Fever (Dengue Fever)

  3437. Dandy Walker Syndrome

  3438. Dangers of Cosmic Radiation - Travel Tips

  3439. Dangers of Secondhand Smoke (Secondhand Smoke)

  3440. Danlos' syndrome

  3441. Darier (-White) disease (congenital)

  3442. Darier-Roussy sarcoid

  3443. Darling's disease or histoplasmosis

  3444. Darwin's tubercle

  3445. Date Rape Drug Detector Discovered

  3446. Date Rape Drugs

  3447. Dawson's (inclusion body)

  3448. De Beurmann (-Gougerot)

  3449. De la Tourette's syndrome

  3450. De Lange's syndrome

  3451. De Morgan's spots (senile angiomas)

  3452. De Quervain's

  3453. De Quervain's Tenosynovitis

  3454. De Toni-Fanconi (-Debré)

  3455. Dead

  3456. Deaf nonspeaking NEC

  3457. Deafmutism (acquired) (congenital)

  3458. Deafness

  3459. Deafness (acquired) (complete) (hereditary) (partial)

  3460. Dealing with Menopause symptoms through lifestyle changes

  3461. Dealing with Pollen Allergy ( How to Dealing with Pollen Allergy )

  3462. Death (cause unknown) (of) (unexplained) (unspecified cause)

  3463. Death in Young Due to Blunt Trauma

  3464. Death, Sudden Cardiac (Sudden Cardiac Death)

  3465. Debility (chronic) (general) (nervous)

  3466. Débove's disease (splenomegaly)

  3467. Decaffeination ( Caffeine )

  3468. Decalcification

  3469. Decalcification (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  3470. Decapsulation, kidney

  3471. Decay

  3472. Deciduitis (acute)

  3473. Decline (general) - see Debility

  3474. Decoding HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar ( HbA1c Blood Sugar Test / Diabetes HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar )

  3475. Decompensation

  3476. Decompression sickness

  3477. Decrease (d)

  3478. Decreased Platelet Production (Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count))

  3479. Decubitus (ulcer) - see Ulcer, pressure, by site

  3480. Deep Brain Stimulation

  3481. Deep Skin Infection (Cellulitis)

  3482. Deep Vein Thrombosis

  3483. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

  3484. Deepening acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip

  3485. Defect, defective

  3486. Deferentitis

  3487. Defibrillator (Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator)

  3488. Defibrination (syndrome)

  3489. Deficiency Disease, Phenylalanine Hydroxylase (Phenylketonuria)

  3490. Deficiency, deficient

  3491. Deficiency, Iron (Iron and Iron Deficiency)

  3492. Deficit - see also Deficiency

  3493. Deflection

  3494. Defluvium

  3495. Deformed Ear (Cauliflower Ear)

  3496. Deformity

  3497. Degeneration, degenerative

  3498. Degenerative Disc

  3499. Degenerative Disease ( Osteoarthrosis )

  3500. Degenerative neck disease ( Cervical Spondylosis )

  3501. Degenerative Spondylolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  3502. Deglutition

  3503. Deglutition (Swallowing)

  3504. Degos' disease

  3505. Dehiscence (of)

  3506. Dehydration

  3507. Déjérine-Roussy syndrome

  3508. Déjérine-Sottas disease or neuropathy (hypertrophic)

  3509. Déjérine-Thomas atrophy

  3510. Delay, delayed

  3511. Delerium Psychosis (ICU Psychosis)

  3512. Delirium Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  3513. Delirium NOS

  3514. Deletion (s)

  3515. Delusional Disorder

  3516. Delinquency (juvenile) (neurotic)

  3517. Delinquent immunization status

  3518. Delirium, delirious (acute or subacute) (not alcohol- or drug-induced) (with dementia)

  3519. Delivery (childbirth) (labor)

  3520. Delivery Devices - Insulin ( Insulin Delivery Devices )

  3521. Delivery of a Baby (Labor and Delivery)

  3522. Delusions (paranoid) - see Disorder, delusional

  3523. Dementia

  3524. Dementia (degenerative (primary)) (old age) (persisting)

  3525. Dementia Pugilistica (Dementia)

  3526. Dementia, Binswanger's Disease (Binswanger's Disease)

  3527. Dementia Due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

  3528. Dementia Due to Head Trauma

  3529. Dementia Due to HIV Disease

  3530. Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease

  3531. Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease

  3532. Dementia Due to Pick's Disease

  3533. Dementia Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  3534. Dementia NOS

  3535. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, Uncomplicated

  3536. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Delirium

  3537. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Delusions

  3538. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Depressed Mood

  3539. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, Uncomplicated

  3540. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Delirium

  3541. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Delusions

  3542. Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Depressed Mood

  3543. Demineralization, bone - see Osteoporosis

  3544. Demodex folliculorum (infestation)

  3545. Demophobia

  3546. Demoralization

  3547. Demyelination, demyelinization

  3548. Dengue - Waterborne ( Hemorrhagic Fever - Waterborne )

  3549. Dengue (classical) (fever)

  3550. Dengue Fever

  3551. Dengue Shock Syndrome ( Dengue / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever / Shock Syndrome )

  3552. Dennie-Marfan syphilitic syndrome

  3553. Dens evaginatus, in dente or invaginatus

  3554. Dense breasts

  3555. Density

  3556. Dental - Loose Teeth ( Teeth - Loose Teeth / Loose Teeth )

  3557. Dental - see also condition

  3558. Dental (Fillings)

  3559. Dental Anesthesia ( Anesthesia Dental )

  3560. Dental Bonding

  3561. Dental Braces

  3562. Dental Bridges (Bridges)

  3563. Dental Care (Teeth and Gum Care)

  3564. Dental Care for Babies

  3565. Dental Check-Up ( Oral health care )

  3566. Dental Crowns

  3567. Dental Implants

  3568. Dental Injuries

  3569. Dental Lasers (Lasers in Dental Care)

  3570. Dental Sealants

  3571. Dental Surgery (Oral Surgery)

  3572. Dental Veneers

  3573. Dental X-Rays

  3574. Dental X-Rays: When to Get Them

  3575. Dentia praecox

  3576. Denticles (pulp)

  3577. Dentigerous cyst

  3578. Dentin

  3579. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

  3580. Dentinoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  3581. Dentition (syndrome)

  3582. Dentures

  3583. Dependence (on) (syndrome)

  3584. Dependency

  3585. Dependent Personality Disorder

  3586. Depersonalization Disorder

  3587. Depressive Disorder NOS

  3588. Depersonalization (in neurotic state) (neurotic) (syndrome)

  3589. Depletion

  3590. Deployment (current) (military)

  3591. Depolarization, premature

  3592. Deposit

  3593. Depraved appetite - see Pica

  3594. Depressed

  3595. Depression

  3596. Depression – A Holistic Approach ( Holistic Management for Depression )

  3597. Depression - Does it Kill Your Heart? ( Does Depression Kill Your Heart? )

  3598. Depression (acute) (mental)

  3599. Depression During Holidays (Holiday Depression And Stress)

  3600. Depression in Teenagers (Teen Depression)

  3601. Depression in the Elderly

  3602. Depression-Adolescent ( Adolescent Depression )

  3603. Depressive Disorder (Depression)

  3604. Depressive Episodes (Bipolar Disorder)

  3605. Deprivation

  3606. Derangement

  3607. Dercum's disease

  3608. Derealization (neurotic)

  3609. Dermabrasion

  3610. Dermagraphics (Permanent Makeup (Micropigmentation))

  3611. Dermal - see condition

  3612. Dermaphytid - see Dermatophytosis

  3613. Dermatitis (Eczema Facts)

  3614. Dermatitis (eczematous)

  3615. Dermatoarthritis, lipoid

  3616. Dermatochalasis, eyelid

  3617. Dermatofibroma (lenticulare) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  3618. Dermatofibrosarcoma (pigmented) (protuberans) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

  3619. Dermatographia

  3620. Dermatolysis (exfoliativa) (congenital)

  3621. Dermatomegaly NEC

  3622. Dermatomucosomyositis

  3623. Dermatomycosis

  3624. Dermatomyositis (acute) (chronic) - see also Dermatopolymyositis

  3625. Dermatomyositis (Polymyositis)

  3626. Dermatoneuritis of children - see Poisoning, mercury

  3627. Dermatophilosis

  3628. Dermatophytid

  3629. Dermatophytide - see Dermatophytosis

  3630. Dermatophytosis (epidermophyton) (infection) (Microsporum) (tinea) (Trichophyton)

  3631. Dermatopolymyositis

  3632. Dermatopolyneuritis - see Poisoning, mercury

  3633. Dermatorrhexis

  3634. Dermatosclerosis - see also Scleroderma

  3635. Dermatosis

  3636. Dermographia, dermographism

  3637. Dermoid (cyst) - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  3638. Dermopathy

  3639. Dermophytosis - see Dermatophytosis

  3640. Descemetocele

  3641. Descemet's membrane - see condition

  3642. Descending - see condition

  3643. Descending Aorta Dissection (Aortic Dissection)

  3644. Descensus uteri - see Prolapse, uterus

  3645. Desert

  3646. Desertion (newborn) - see Maltreatment

  3647. Designer Body - Risk Factors ( Cosmetic Surgery and the Risk Factors )

  3648. Desmoid (extra-abdominal) (tumor) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  3649. Despondency

  3650. Desquamation, skin

  3651. Destruction, destructive - see also Damage

  3652. Destructiveness - see also Disorder, conduct

  3653. Desultory labor

  3654. Desynchronosis (Jet Lag)

  3655. Detached Retina (Retinal Detachment)

  3656. Detachment

  3657. Detect HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers with Hercept Test ( Method to Detect HER2 Protein in Breast anc Gastri Cancer / Hercep Test for the Detection of HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers )

  3658. Detecting Hearing Loss in Children

  3659. Detergent asthma

  3660. Deterioration

  3661. Detox diet ( Diet - Detox Diet )

  3662. Deuteranomaly (anomalous trichromat)

  3663. Deuteranopia (complete) (incomplete)

  3664. Developmental Coordination Disorder

  3665. Development

  3666. Developmental - see condition

  3667. Developmental Coordination Disorder (Learning Disability)

  3668. Developmental Disorders, Pervasive (Pervasive Development Disorders)

  3669. Developmental Disturbances of the Tongue ( Tongue Abnormalities )

  3670. Developmental Reading Disorder ( Dyslexia )

  3671. Developmental Screening

  3672. Devergie's disease (pityriasis rubra pilaris)

  3673. Deviated Septum

  3674. Deviation (in)

  3675. Device

  3676. Devic's disease

  3677. Devic's Syndrome

  3678. Devic's Syndrome (Devic's Syndrome)

  3679. Devil's

  3680. Devitalized tooth

  3681. Devonshire colic - see Poisoning, lead

  3682. DEXA (Bone Density Scan)

  3683. Dextraposition, aorta

  3684. Dextrinosis, limit (debrancher enzyme deficiency)

  3685. Dextrocardia (true)

  3686. Dextrotransposition, aorta

  3687. d-glycericacidemia

  3688. Dhat syndrome

  3689. Dhobi itch

  3690. Di George's syndrome

  3691. Di Guglielmo's disease

  3692. Diabesity ( Fighting with Lifestyle Changes )

  3693. Diabetes

  3694. Diabetes - Bilberry Lowers Insulin Demand

  3695. Diabetes - Caring for Children and Adolescents

  3696. Diabetes - Essentials ( Essentials for Diabetes )

  3697. Diabetes - Foot Care ( Foot Care - Diabetes )

  3698. Diabetes - Gestational ( Gestational Diabetes )

  3699. Diabetes - Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG)

  3700. Diabetes – The Alarming Facts

  3701. Diabetes - Type 2 ( Type 2 Diabetes / Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) / Adult-Onset Diabetes )

  3702. Diabetes and Cataracts (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  3703. Diabetes and Diet

  3704. Diabetes and Exercise ( Exercise and Diabetes )

  3705. Diabetes and Eye Problems

  3706. Diabetes and Glaucoma (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  3707. Diabetes and Kidney Disease

  3708. Diabetes and Kidney Dysfunction Worsen Prognosis Post Heart Attack ( Kidney Dysfunction and Diabetes can together increase the Chances of Death post Heart Attack )

  3709. Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Can be predicted by Increase in Liver Enzymes ( Pre-diabetes and Diabetes associated with an Increase in Liver Enzymes / Liver Enzymes can Predict Pre-diabetes and Diabetes )

  3710. Diabetes and Retinopathy (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  3711. Diabetes and Sex (Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes)

  3712. Diabetes and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages )

  3713. Diabetes and Urinary Problems (Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes)

  3714. Diabetes Day – ‘This Sugar Ain’t So Sweet’

  3715. Diabetes Drugs (Diabetes Treatment)

  3716. Diabetes During Pregnancy (Gestational Diabetes)

  3717. Diabetes HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar ( Decoding HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar / HbA1c Blood Sugar Test )

  3718. Diabetes Insipidus

  3719. Diabetes Medications (Diabetes Treatment)

  3720. Diabetes Mellitus

  3721. Diabetes Prevention

  3722. Diabetes Screening ( Screening for Diabetes )

  3723. Diabetes Treatment

  3724. Diabetes Type 2 and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages ( Type 2

  3725. Diabetes Urine Tests (Urine Tests for Diabetes)

  3726. Diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) (sugar)

  3727. Diabetes: Caring for Your Diabetes at Special Time

  3728. Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  3729. Diabetic Diet

  3730. Diabetic Diet ( Torture or Not-Diabetic Diet )

  3731. Diabetic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  3732. Diabetic Focal Neuropathy (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  3733. Diabetic Foot Problems (Foot Problems (Diabetes))

  3734. Diabetic Home Care and Monitoring

  3735. Diabetic Hyperglycemia (Hyperglycemia)

  3736. Diabetic Kidney Disease | Diabetic Nephropathy

  3737. Diabetic Neuropathy

  3738. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  3739. Diabetic Proximal Neuropathy (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  3740. Diabetic Retinopathy

  3741. Diabetic Retinopathy (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  3742. Diabetics (Type I) with poor Blood Sugar Control More prone to Heart failure ( Heart Failure More Common in Type 1 Diabetics With Poor Blood Sugar Control )

  3743. Diacyclothrombopathia

  3744. Diagnosis deferred

  3745. Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II

  3746. Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I

  3747. Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS

  3748. Disorder of Written Expression

  3749. Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS

  3750. Dissociative Amnesia

  3751. Dissociative Disorder NOS

  3752. Dissociative Fugue

  3753. Dissociative Identity Disorder

  3754. Diagnosis of Prenatal ( Prenatal Diagnosis / Antenatal Counselling )

  3755. Dialysis

  3756. Dialysis ( Haemodialysis / Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis )

  3757. Dialysis (intermittent) (treatment)

  3758. Diamond-Blackfan anemia (congenital hypoplastic)

  3759. Diamond-Gardener syndrome (autoerythrocyte sensitization)

  3760. Diaper Dermatitis ( Diaper Rash )

  3761. Diaper Dermatitis (Diaper Rash)

  3762. Diaper Rash

  3763. Diaper Rash ( Diaper Dermatitis )

  3764. Diaphoresis (excessive)

  3765. Diaphragm - see condition

  3766. Diaphragm (Birth Control Methods)

  3767. Diaphragm, Birth Control (Barrier Methods of Birth Control)

  3768. Diaphragmalgia

  3769. Diaphragmatitis, diaphragmitis

  3770. Diaphysial aclasis

  3771. Diaphysitis - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

  3772. Diarrhea

  3773. Diarrhea, diarrheal (disease) (infantile) (inflammatory)

  3774. Diarrhea, Travelers (Traveler's Diarrhea)

  3775. Diastasis

  3776. Diastema, tooth, teeth, fully erupted

  3777. Diastematomyelia

  3778. Diataxia, cerebral

  3779. Diathesis

  3780. Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis (juvenile) (talus) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

  3781. Dibothriocephalus, dibothriocephaliasis (latus) (infection) (infestation)

  3782. Dicephalus, dicephaly

  3783. Dichotomy, teeth

  3784. Dichromat, dichromatopsia (congenital) - see Deficiency, color vision

  3785. Dichuchwa

  3786. Dicroceliasis

  3787. Didelphia, didelphys - see Double uterus

  3788. Didymytis

  3789. Diet - Atkins Diet ( Atkins Diet )

  3790. Diet - Cabbage Diet ( Cabbage Diet )

  3791. Diet - Detox Diet ( Detox diet )

  3792. Diet - Low Calorie ( Low Calorie Diet )

  3793. Diet - Low Carbohydrate ( Low Carbohydrate Diet )

  3794. Diet - Low Cholesterol ( Low Cholesterol Diet - PUFA & MUFA )

  3795. Diet - Macrobiotic ( Macrobiotic Diet )

  3796. Diet - Mediterranean Diet ( Mediterranean Diet )

  3797. Diet - South Beach ( South Beach Diet )

  3798. Diet - Zone Diet ( Zone Diet )

  3799. Diet and Gout ( Gout and Diet )

  3800. Diet and High Blood Pressure ( High Blood Pressure-Diet )

  3801. Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Weight Loss

  3802. Diet During Pregnancy ( Pregnancy And Diet )

  3803. Diet For Anemia In Pregnancy And What Foods To Avoid ( Anemia In Pregnancy – Diet to be Taken Food to Avoid )

  3804. Diet for Blood Group ( Blood Group Diet )

  3805. Diet for Kidney stones ( Kidney Stones-Diet )

  3806. Diet Guidelines for Healthy Snacking ( Healthy Snacking - Diet Guidelines )

  3807. Diet Pills ( Pills for Diet )

  3808. Diet, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  3809. Diet, Lifestyle and Heart Disease

  3810. Diet, Nutrition and Supplements for Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis ( Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis- Diet / Nutrition and Supplements )

  3811. Diet, Ulcerative Colitis (Ulcerative Colitis Diet)

  3812. Dietary

  3813. Dietary Supplements (Vitamins and Calcium Supplements)

  3814. Dietl's crisis

  3815. Diet-Macrobiotic Diet ( Macrobiotic Diet )

  3816. Diet-Negative Calorie Diet ( Negative Calorie Diet )

  3817. Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic)

  3818. Difficile, Clostridium (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  3819. Difficult, difficulty (in)

  3820. Difficulty in Swallowing (Achalasia)

  3821. Difficulty Swallowing (Swallowing)

  3822. Difficulty Trying to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  3823. Diffuse - see condition

  3824. Diffuse Astrocytomas (Adult Brain Tumors)

  3825. Diffuse Fibrosing Alveolitis (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  3826. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

  3827. DiGeorge's syndrome (thymic hypoplasia)

  3828. Digestive - see condition

  3829. Digestive System (The Digestion Process (Organs and Functions))

  3830. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase disease (DPD)

  3831. Diktyoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  3832. Dilaceration, tooth

  3833. Dilatation

  3834. Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy (Dilated))

  3835. Dilated, dilation - see Dilatation

  3836. Dilation and Curettage

  3837. Diminished, diminution

  3838. Diminuta taenia

  3839. Dimitri-Sturge-Weber disease

  3840. Dimple

  3841. Dioctophyme renalis (infection) (infestation)

  3842. Dioxins and Related Compounds ( Effect of Dioxins on Health )

  3843. Dipetalonemiasis

  3844. Diphallus

  3845. Diphtheria

  3846. Diphtheria, diphtheritic (gangrenous) (hemorrhagic)

  3847. Diphyllobothriasis (intestine)

  3848. Diplacusis

  3849. Diplegia (upper limbs)

  3850. Diplococcus, diplococcal - see condition

  3851. Diplopia ( Double Vision )

  3852. Diplopia (Double Vision)

  3853. Diplopia

  3854. Dipsomania

  3855. Dipylidiasis

  3856. Direction, teeth, abnormal, fully erupted

  3857. Dirofilariasis

  3858. Dirt-eating child

  3859. Disability of Learning Mathematics ( Learning Disabilities - Mathematics / Dyscalculia )

  3860. Disability of Learning Mathematics )

  3861. Disability, disabilities

  3862. Disability, Learning (Learning Disability)

  3863. Disappearance of family member

  3864. Disarticulation - see Amputation

  3865. Disaster Information (First Aid)

  3866. Disc (Degenerative Disc)

  3867. Discharge (from)

  3868. Discitis (Low Back Pain)

  3869. Discitis, diskitis

  3870. Discogram

  3871. Discoid

  3872. Discoid Lupus (Systemic Lupus)

  3873. Discoloration

  3874. Discomfort

  3875. Discontinuity, ossicles, ear

  3876. Discord (with)

  3877. Discordant connection

  3878. Discrepancy

  3879. Discrimination

  3880. Disease Prevention (Prevention)

  3881. Disease Prevention in Men

  3882. Disease Prevention in Women

  3883. Disease Prevention, Health Living (Healthy Living)

  3884. Disease, Behcet's (Behcet's Syndrome)

  3885. Disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Disease)

  3886. Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome

  3887. Disease, Gallbladder (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  3888. Disease, Graves' (Graves' Disease)

  3889. Disease, Leigh's (Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease))

  3890. Disease, Marfan (Marfan Syndrome)

  3891. Disease, Meniere's (Meniere Disease)

  3892. Disease, Mitochondiral (Mitochondrial Disease)

  3893. Disease, Parkinson's (Parkinson's Disease)

  3894. Disease, Thyroid (Thyroid Disorders)

  3895. Diseases - Genetic Testing ( Genetic Testing of Diseases )

  3896. Diseases - Geriatry-Related ( Geriatry-Related Diseases )

  3897. Disequilibrium of Aging (Vertigo Overview)

  3898. Disfigurement (due to scar)

  3899. Disgerminoma - see Dysgerminoma

  3900. DISH (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis)

  3901. DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) - see Hyperostosis, ankylosing

  3902. Disinsertion, retina - see Detachment, retina

  3903. Dislocatable hip, congenital

  3904. Dislocated Shoulder

  3905. Dislocation (articular)

  3906. Disorder (of) - see also Disease

  3907. Disorder of Written Expression (Learning Disability)

  3908. Disorder, Antisocial Personality (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  3909. Disorder, Asperger (Asperger Syndrome)

  3910. Disorder, Mitochondrial (Mitochondrial Disease)

  3911. Disorders, Sleep (Sleep)

  3912. Disorders, Sleep in Children (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  3913. Disorientation

  3914. Displacement, displaced

  3915. Disproportion

  3916. Disruptio uteri - see Rupture, uterus

  3917. Disruption (of)

  3918. Dissatisfaction with

  3919. Dissecting - see condition

  3920. Dissection

  3921. Dissection, Aorta (Aortic Dissection)

  3922. Disseminated - see condition

  3923. Dissociation

  3924. Dissociative Identity Disorder

  3925. Dissociative reaction, state

  3926. Dissolution, vertebra - see Osteoporosis

  3927. Distal Monosomy 1p36 (1p36 Deletion Syndrome)

  3928. Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) ( Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) / Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) )

  3929. Distension, distention

  3930. Distoma hepaticum infestation

  3931. Distomiasis

  3932. Distomolar (fourth molar)

  3933. Disto-occlusion (Division I) (Division II)

  3934. Distortion (s) (congenital)

  3935. Distress

  3936. Distribution vessel, atypical

  3937. Districhiasis

  3938. Disturbance (s) - see also Disease

  3939. Disturbed Nocturnal Sleep (Narcolepsy)

  3940. Diuresis

  3941. Divers - Travel Tips

  3942. Diver's palsy, paralysis or squeeze

  3943. Diversion Surgery, Bowel (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  3944. Diverticular Disease (Diverticulosis)

  3945. Diverticulitis (acute)

  3946. Diverticulitis (Diverticulosis)

  3947. Diverticulosis

  3948. Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

  3949. Diverticulum, diverticula (multiple)

  3950. Diverticulum, Duodenal (Duodenal Diverticulum)

  3951. Division

  3952. Divisum, Pancreas (Pancreas Divisum)

  3953. Dix-Hallpike neurolabyrinthitis - see Neuronitis, vestibular

  3954. Dizziness (Dizzy)

  3955. Dizziness Health

  3956. Dizziness

  3957. DMAC (disseminated mycobacterium avium- intracellulare complex)

  3958. DNR (do not resuscitate)

  3959. Do’s & Don’ts During Pregnancy and Antenatal Care ( Pregnancy and Antenatal Care – Do’s & Don’ts )

  3960. Doan-Wiseman syndrome (primary splenic neutropenia) - see Agranulocytosis

  3961. Dobutamine (Exercise Stress Test)

  3962. Dobutamine Stress Test For Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  3963. Doehle-Heller aortitis Diabetes

  3964. Dog bite - see Bite

  3965. Dog Bite Treatment

  3966. Dohle body panmyelopathic syndrome

  3967. Dolichocephaly

  3968. Dolichocolon

  3969. Dolichostenomelia - see Syndrome, Marfan's

  3970. Domestic Violence

  3971. Donation of Blood ( Blood Donation )

  3972. Donohue's syndrome

  3973. Donor (organ or tissue)

  3974. Donovanosis

  3975. Dorsalgia

  3976. Dorsopathy

  3977. Double

  3978. Double Balloon Endoscopy (Balloon Endoscopy)

  3979. Double Vision

  3980. Double Vision ( Diplopia )

  3981. Double-Contrast Barium Enema )

  3982. Double-contrast Barium Enema in Colorectal Cancer Screening ( Colorectal Cancer Screening with Douche, Vaginal (Vaginal Douche (Douching))

  3983. Douching and Urniation Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  3984. Douglas' pouch, cul-de-sac - see condition

  3985. Down Syndrome ( Trisomy 21 / 'Up Syndrome' )

  3986. Down Syndrome Overview

  3987. Down syndrome

  3988. Doxycycline Does Not Improve Symptoms in Osteoarthritis

  3989. DPD (dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency)

  3990. Dracontiasis

  3991. Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm Disease)

  3992. Dracunculiasis, dracunculosis

  3993. Drainage Bags for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  3994. Dream state, hysterical

  3995. Drepanocytic anemia - see Disease, sickle-cell

  3996. Dresbach's syndrome (elliptocytosis)

  3997. Dreschlera (hawaiiensis) (infection)

  3998. Dressler's syndrome

  3999. Drift, ulnar - see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm

  4000. Drinking (alcohol)

  4001. Drinking Problems in Teens (Alcohol and Teens)

  4002. Drinking Promotes Weight Loss? ( Weight Loss Promoted by Moderate Drinking / Moderate Drinking Promotes Weight Loss? )

  4003. Drip, postnasal (chronic)

  4004. Driving and Alcohol ( Alcohol and Driving ) Drooping EyelId ( Ptosis )

  4005. Droop

  4006. Drop (in)

  4007. Dropped heart beats

  4008. Dropsy, dropsical - see also Hydrops

  4009. Drowned, drowning (near)

  4010. Drowning

  4011. Drowsiness

  4012. Drug

  4013. Drug Abuse

  4014. Drug Abuse ( Psychoactive Substances / Substance Abuse )

  4015. Drug Abuse in Teens (Teen Drug Abuse)

  4016. Drug Addiction (Drug Abuse)

  4017. Drug Addiction in Teens (Teen Drug Abuse)

  4018. Drug Allergies

  4019. Drug Dangers, Pregnancy (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  4020. Drug Detox

  4021. Drug Induced Liver Disease

  4022. Drug Infusion (IV Drug Infusion)

  4023. Drug Resistance – Antibiotic or Antimicrobial Resistance

  4024. Drug Resistance (Antibiotic Resistance)

  4025. Drug Toxicity

  4026. Drug Trials ( Clinical Trials )

  4027. Drug Trials- The Past and The Future ( Clinical Trials )

  4028. Drug-Induced Birth Defects ( Birth Defects - Induced by Drugs )

  4029. Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis XDR-TB (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB))

  4030. Drugs - Chemotherapy ( Chemotherapy Drugs )

  4031. Drugs Banned ( Banned Drugs / List of Banned Drugs )

  4032. Drugs Causing Sexual Problems

  4033. Drugs for Diabetes (Diabetes Treatment)

  4034. Drugs for Heart Attack (Heart Attack Treatment)

  4035. Drugs for High Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Treatment)

  4036. Drugs In Impotence ( Impotence-Drugs )

  4037. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation ( Pregnancy and Lactation - Drugs )

  4038. Drugs, Teratogenic (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  4039. Drunkenness (without dependence)

  4040. Drusen

  4041. Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Macular Degeneration)

  4042. Dry Eye Syndrome (Dry Eyes)

  4043. Dry Eyes

  4044. Dry Mouth

  4045. Dry Skin

  4046. Dry Skin ( Skin Disorder / Xerosis )

  4047. Dry Socket Overview

  4048. Dry, dryness - see also condition

  4049. Dryness, Vaginal (Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy)

  4050. DSAP

  4051. Dual X-ray Absorptometry (Bone Density Scan)

  4052. Duane's syndrome

  4053. DUB (Vaginal Bleeding)

  4054. Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome

  4055. Dubois' disease (thymus gland)

  4056. Dubowitz' syndrome

  4057. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy ( Muscular Dystrophy )

  4058. Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy

  4059. Duchenne-Griesinger disease

  4060. Duchenne's

  4061. Ducrey's chancre

  4062. Duct, ductus - see condition

  4063. Duhring's disease (dermatitis herpetiformis)

  4064. Dullness, cardiac (decreased) (increased)

  4065. Dumb ague - see Malaria

  4066. Dumbness - see Aphasia

  4067. Dum-Dum Fever ( Leishmaniasis / Kala-Azar )

  4068. Dumdum fever

  4069. Dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy)

  4070. Duodenal Biliary Drainage

  4071. Duodenal Diverticulum

  4072. Duodenal Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer)

  4073. Duodenitis (nonspecific) (peptic)

  4074. Duodenocholangitis - see Cholangitis

  4075. Duodenum, duodenal - see condition

  4076. Duplay's bursitis or periarthritis - see Tendinitis, calcific, shoulder

  4077. Duplication, duplex - see also Accessory

  4078. Dupré's disease (meningism)

  4079. Dupuytren Contracture

  4080. Dupuytren's contraction or disease

  4081. Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease

  4082. Durotomy (inadvertent) (incidental)

  4083. Duroziez's disease (congenital mitral stenosis)

  4084. Dutton's relapsing fever (West African)

  4085. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  4086. Dwarfism (Achondroplasia)

  4087. Dwarfism

  4088. Dwarfism, Campomelic (Campomelic Dysplasia)

  4089. DXA Scan (Bone Density Scan)

  4090. Dyke-Young anemia (secondary) (symptomatic)

  4091. Dysacusis - see Abnormal, auditory perception

  4092. Dysadrenocortism

  4093. Dysarthria

  4094. Dysautonomia (familial)

  4095. Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

  4096. Dyssomnia NOS

  4097. Dysthymic Disorder

  4098. Dysbarism

  4099. Dysbasia

  4100. Dysbetalipoproteinemia (familial)

  4101. Dyscalculia ( Learning Disabilities - Mathematics /

  4102. Dyscalculia

  4103. Dyschezia

  4104. Dyschondroplasia (with hemangiomata)

  4105. Dyschromia (skin)

  4106. Dyscollagenosis

  4107. Dyscranio-pygo-phalangy

  4108. Dyscrasia

  4109. Dysendocrinism

  4110. Dysentery, dysenteric (catarrhal) (diarrhea) (epidemic) (hemorrhagic) (infectious) (sporadic) (tropical)

  4111. Dysequilibrium

  4112. Dysesthesia

  4113. Dysfibrinogenemia (congenital)

  4114. Dysfunction

  4115. Dysfunctional Thyroid Screening Tests ( Thyroid Screening Tests / Screening Tests for Thyroid Dysfunction )

  4116. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (Vaginal Bleeding)

  4117. Dysgenesis

  4118. Dysgerminoma

  4119. Dysgeusia (Taste Disorders)

  4120. Dysgeusia

  4121. Dysgraphia

  4122. Dyshidrosis, dysidrosis

  4123. Dyskaryotic cervical smear

  4124. Dyskeratosis

  4125. Dyskinesia

  4126. Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy (Cerebral Palsy)

  4127. Dyslalia (developmental)

  4128. Dyslexia

  4129. Dyslexia ( Developmental Reading Disorder )

  4130. Dyslexia

  4131. Dyslipidemia

  4132. Dysmaturity - see also Light for dates

  4133. Dysmenorrhea ( Painful Menstruation / Menstrual Pain ) Dyspepsia ( Indigestion )

  4134. Dysmenorrhea (essential) (exfoliative)

  4135. Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps)

  4136. Dysmetabolic Syndrome (Metabolic Syndrome)

  4137. Dysmetabolic syndrome X

  4138. Dysmetria

  4139. Dysmorphism (due to)

  4140. Dysmorphophobia (nondelusional)

  4141. Dysnomia

  4142. Dysorexia

  4143. Dysostosis

  4144. Dyspareunia (female)

  4145. Dyspepsia

  4146. Dysphagia

  4147. Dysphagocytosis, congenital

  4148. Dysphasia

  4149. Dysphonia

  4150. Dysphoria, postpartal

  4151. Dyspituitarism

  4152. Dysplasia - see also Anomaly

  4153. Dysplasia of the Esophagus (Barrett's Esophagus)

  4154. Dysplasia, Campomelic (Campomelic Dysplasia)

  4155. Dysplasia, Cervical (Cervical Dysplasia)

  4156. Dysplastic Spondylolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  4157. Dyspnea (nocturnal) (paroxysmal)

  4158. Dyspraxia

  4159. Dysproteinemia

  4160. Dysreflexia, autonomic

  4161. Dysrhythmia

  4162. Dyssomnia - see Disorder, sleep

  4163. Dyssynergia

  4164. Dysthymia

  4165. Dysthyroidism

  4166. Dystocia

  4167. Dystonia

  4168. Dystonia Musculorum Deformans (Dystonia)

  4169. Dystonic movements

  4170. Dystrophia Myotonica ( Myotonic Dystrophy )

  4171. Dystrophy, dystrophia

  4172. Dysuria

  4173. E. Coli

  4174. E. Coli (E. Coli 0157:H7)

  4175. EA (Endometrial Ablation)

  4176. Eagle-Barrett Syndrome ( Triad syndrome / Prune Belly Syndrome )

  4177. Eales' disease

  4178. Ear - see also condition

  4179. Ear Ache (Ear Infection)

  4180. Ear Blockage ( Wax Blockage )

  4181. Ear Cracking Sounds (Eustachian Tube Problems)

  4182. Ear Hematoma (Hematoma)

  4183. Ear Infection

  4184. Ear Infection Middle (Ear Infection)

  4185. Ear Ringing (Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears))

  4186. Ear Tube Problems (Eustachian Tube Problems)

  4187. Ear Tubes

  4188. Ear Wax

  4189. Ear, Cosmetic Surgery (Otoplasty)

  4190. Ear, Object In (Objects Or Insects In Ear)

  4191. Ear, Swimmer's (Otitis Externa)

  4192. Earache

  4193. Early Childhood Caries (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  4194. Early satiety

  4195. Early Versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Adults ( Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Adults )

  4196. Earthquake Supplies Kit and Emergency Preparedness

  4197. Earthquakes

  4198. Eat Well Otherwise the Brain Will Start Eating Itself!

  4199. Eating Disorder - Anorexia Nervosa ( Anorexia Nervosa )

  4200. Eating Disorder - Bulimia Nervosa ( Bulimia Nervosa )

  4201. Eating Disorder NOS

  4202. Eating, Binge (Binge Eating Disorder)

  4203. Eating, Emotional (Emotional Eating)

  4204. Eaton-Lambert syndrome - see Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton

  4205. Eberth's disease (typhoid fever)

  4206. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF)

  4207. Ebola virus disease

  4208. Ebstein's anomaly or syndrome (heart)

  4209. EBV Infectious Mononucleosis ( Infectious Mononucleosis / Pfeiffer’s disease / Filatov’s disease )

  4210. Eccentro-osteochondrodysplasia

  4211. Ecchondroma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  4212. Ecchondrosis

  4213. Ecchymosis

  4214. ECG (Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG))

  4215. Echinococciasis - see Echinococcus

  4216. Echinococcosis - see Echinococcus

  4217. Echinococcosis | Echinococcal disease ( Hydatid disease )

  4218. Echinococcus (infection)

  4219. Echinorhynchiasis

  4220. Echinostomiasis

  4221. Echo (Echocardiogram)

  4222. Echocardiogram

  4223. Echogram (Ultrasound)

  4224. Echolalia

  4225. Echolalia (Tourette Syndrome)

  4226. Echovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  4227. Eclampsia

  4228. Eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (with hypertension)

  4229. Eclampsia, Pregnancy (Pregnancy: Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)

  4230. Economic circumstances affecting care

  4231. Economo's disease

  4232. ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)

  4233. Ectasia, ectasis

  4234. Ecthyma

  4235. Ectocardia

  4236. Ectodermal dysplasia (anhidrotic)

  4237. Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis

  4238. Ectopic Endometrial Implants (Endometriosis)

  4239. Ectopic Pregnancy

  4240. Ectopic, ectopia (congenital)

  4241. Ectromelia

  4242. Ectropion

  4243. Eczema

  4244. Eczema ( Skin Disorder - Atopic Dermatitis / Atopic Dermatitis )

  4245. Eczema (acute) (chronic) (erythematous) (fissum) (rubrum) (squamous) - see also Dermatitis

  4246. Eczema Facts

  4247. Eczematid

  4248. Eddowes (-Spurway)

  4249. Edema

  4250. Edema, edematous (infectious) (pitting) (toxic)

  4251. Edema, Pulmonary (Pulmonary Edema)

  4252. Edentulism - see Absence, teeth, acquired

  4253. Edible Flowers for Health ( Flower Power for Your Health )

  4254. EDS (Narcolepsy)

  4255. Edsall's disease

  4256. Educational handicap

  4257. Edward's syndrome - see Trisomy, 18

  4258. EEG - Electroencephalogram

  4259. Effect (s) (of) (from) - see Effect, adverse NEC

  4260. Effect of Dioxins on Health ( Dioxins and Related Compounds )

  4261. Effect of Psoriasis and Its Treatment on Pregnancy ( Does Psoriasis affect Pregnancy? )

  4262. Effect of Seaweeds on Blood Pressure in Children ( Can Seaweeds Reduce Blood Pressure? / Blood Pressure Can be Reduced by Seaweeds )

  4263. Effect of Types of Food on Child and Adolescent Obesity ( Obesity - Effect of Types of Food on Children )

  4264. Effect, adverse

  4265. Effects of Placebo: Rare Insights ( Placebo Effects: Rare Insights )

  4266. Effects of Secondhand Smoke (Secondhand Smoke)

  4267. Effects, late - see Sequelae

  4268. Effluvium

  4269. Effort syndrome (psychogenic)

  4270. Effusion

  4271. Effusion, Pleural (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  4272. EGG (Electrogastrogram)

  4273. Egg shell nails

  4274. Egyptian splenomegaly

  4275. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  4276. Ehrlichiosis

  4277. Eichstedt's disease

  4278. Eight Day Measles (Measles (Rubeola))

  4279. Eisenmenger's

  4280. Ejaculate Blood (Blood In Semen)

  4281. Ejaculation

  4282. Ejaculation - Premature ( Premature Ejaculation (PE) )

  4283. Ekbom's syndrome (restless legs)

  4284. EKG (Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG))

  4285. Ekman's syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera)

  4286. Elastic skin

  4287. Elastofibroma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4288. Elastoma (juvenile)

  4289. Elastomyofibrosis

  4290. Elastosis

  4291. Elbow - see condition

  4292. Elbow Pain

  4293. Elderly and Fluids & Electrolytes ( Fluid and

  4294. Electric current, electricity, effects (concussion) (fatal) (nonfatal) (shock)

  4295. Electric feet syndrome

  4296. Electrical Burns (Burns)

  4297. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

  4298. Electroconvulsive Therapy

  4299. Electrocution

  4300. Electroencephalogram (EEG - Electroencephalogram)

  4301. Electrogastrogram

  4302. Electrolysis

  4303. Electrolyte Abnormalities Common in Elderly )

  4304. Electrolyte imbalance

  4305. Electrolytes

  4306. Electromyogram

  4307. Electron Beam Computerized Tomography

  4308. Electrophysiology Test

  4309. Electroretinography

  4310. Electrothermal Therapy (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

  4311. Elemental Mercury Exposure (Mercury Poisoning)

  4312. Elemental Mercury Poisoning (Mercury Poisoning)

  4313. Elephantiasis (nonfilarial)

  4314. Elephantiasis Congenita Angiomatosa (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  4315. Elevated Calcium (Hyperparathyroidism)

  4316. Elevated Calcium Levels (Hypercalcemia)

  4317. Elevated Eye Pressure (Glaucoma)

  4318. Elevated Homocysteine (Homocysteine)

  4319. Elevated Red Blood Cell Count (Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count))

  4320. Elevated, elevation

  4321. Elfin Facies Syndrome (Williams Syndrome)

  4322. Elfin Facies With Hypercalcemia (Williams Syndrome)

  4323. ELISA Tests

  4324. Elliptocytosis (congenital) (hereditary)

  4325. Ellison-Zollinger syndrome

  4326. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (chondroectodermal dysplasia)

  4327. Elongated, elongation (congenital) - see also Distortion

  4328. Eltor cholera

  4329. Emaciation (due to malnutrition)

  4330. Embadomoniasis

  4331. Embedded tooth, teeth

  4332. Embolic - see condition

  4333. Embolism - Pulmonary - Outpatient Treatment: Study ( Pulmonary Embolism and Outpatient Treatment: Study )

  4334. Embolism (multiple) (paradoxical)

  4335. Embolism, Pulmonary (Pulmonary Embolism)

  4336. Embolus - see Embolism

  4337. Embolus, Pulmonary (Pulmonary Embolism)

  4338. Embryoma - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  4339. Embryonic

  4340. Embryonic Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  4341. Embryopathia

  4342. Embryotoxon

  4343. Emergency Hurricane Preparedness (Hurricane Preparedness)

  4344. Emergency Medicine

  4345. Emesis - see Vomiting

  4346. EMG (Electromyogram)

  4347. Emotional Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  4348. Emotional Eating

  4349. Emotional lability

  4350. Emotionality, pathological

  4351. Emotogenic disease - see Disorder, psychogenic

  4352. Emphysema (atrophic) (bullous) (chronic) (interlobular) (lung) (obstructive) (pulmonary) (senile) (vesicular)

  4353. Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Colds

  4354. Emphysema, Inherited (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  4355. Empty nest syndrome

  4356. Empyema (acute) (chest) (double) (pleura) (supradiaphragmatic) (thorax)

  4357. Empyema (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  4358. Empyting Study, Gastric (Gastric Emptying Study)

  4359. En coup de sabre lesion

  4360. Enamel pearls

  4361. Enameloma

  4362. Enanthema, viral

  4363. Encephalitis (chronic) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (nonepidemic) (spurious) (subacute)

  4364. Encephalitis and Meningitis

  4365. Encephalocele

  4366. Encephalocystocele - see Encephalocele

  4367. Encephaloduroarteriomyosynangiosis (EDAMS)

  4368. Encephalomalacia (brain) (cerebellar) (cerebral) - see Softening, brain

  4369. Encephalomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis

  4370. Encephalomeningocele - see Encephalocele

  4371. Encephalomeningomyelitis - see Meningoencephalitis

  4372. Encephalomyelitis - see also Encephalitis

  4373. Encephalomyelitis (Encephalitis and Meningitis)

  4374. Encephalomyelocele - see Encephalocele

  4375. Encephalomyelomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis

  4376. Encephalomyelopathy

  4377. Encephalomyeloradiculitis (acute)

  4378. Encephalomyeloradiculoneuritis (acute) (Guillain-Barré)

  4379. Encephalomyeloradiculopathy

  4380. Encephalopathia hyperbilirubinemica, newborn

  4381. Encephalopathy

  4382. Encephalopathy (acute)

  4383. Encephalorrhagia - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

  4384. Encephalosis, posttraumatic

  4385. Enchondroma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

  4386. Enchondromatosis (cartilaginous) (multiple)

  4387. Encopresis

  4388. Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence

  4389. Encopresis, Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence

  4390. Encounter (with health service) (for)

  4391. Encystment - see Cyst

  4392. End Stage Renal Disease (Kidney Failure)

  4393. Endarteritis (bacterial, subacute) (infective)

  4394. Endemic - see condition

  4395. Endocarditis

  4396. Endocarditis (chronic) (marantic) (nonbacterial) (thrombotic) (valvular)

  4397. Endocarditis Infection ( Infective Endocarditis )

  4398. Endocardium, endocardial - see also condition

  4399. Endocervicitis - see also Cervicitis

  4400. Endocrine - see condition

  4401. Endocrinopathy, pluriglandular

  4402. Endodontic

  4403. Endodontitis

  4404. Endomastoiditis - see Mastoiditis

  4405. Endometrial Ablation

  4406. Endometrial Biopsy

  4407. Endometrial Biopsy ( Biopsy - Endometrial )

  4408. Endometrial Cancer ( Cancer of the Endometrium )

  4409. Endometrial Cancer (Uterine Cancer)

  4410. Endometrial Cancer Prevention

  4411. Endometrial Implants (Endometriosis)

  4412. Endometrioma

  4413. Endometriosis

  4414. Endometritis (decidual) (nonspecific) (purulent) (senile) (atrophic) (suppurative)

  4415. Endometrium - see condition

  4416. Endomyocardiopathy, South African

  4417. Endomyocarditis - see Endocarditis

  4418. Endomyofibrosis

  4419. Endomyometritis - see Endometritis

  4420. Endopericarditis - see Endocarditis

  4421. Endoperineuritis - see Disorder, nerve

  4422. Endophlebitis - see Phlebitis

  4423. Endophthalmia - see Endophthalmitis, purulent

  4424. Endophthalmitis (acute) (infective) (metastatic) (subacute)

  4425. Endosalpingioma

  4426. Endosalpingiosis

  4427. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP)

  4428. Endoscopic Ultrasound

  4429. Endoscopy, Balloon (Balloon Endoscopy)

  4430. Endoscopy, Capsule (Capsule Endoscopy)

  4431. Endosteitis - see Osteomyelitis

  4432. Endothelioma, bone - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  4433. Endotheliosis (hemorrhagic infectional)

  4434. Endotoxemia - code to condition

  4435. Endotracheal Intubation

  4436. Endotrachelitis - see Cervicitis

  4437. End-Stage Renal Disease (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  4438. Enema, Barium (Barium Enema)

  4439. Eneuresis (Bedwetting)

  4440. Engelmann (-Camurati)

  4441. English disease - see Rickets

  4442. Engman's disease

  4443. Engorgement

  4444. Engorgement: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  4445. Enhancement, Lip (Lip Augmentation)

  4446. Enlarged Male Breasts (Gynecomastia)

  4447. Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

  4448. Enlargement, enlarged - see also Hypertrophy

  4449. Enophthalmos

  4450. Enostosis

  4451. Entamebic, entamebiasis - see Amebiasis

  4452. Entanglement

  4453. Enteralgia - see Pain, abdominal

  4454. Enteric - see condition

  4455. Enteritis (acute) (diarrheal) (hemorrhagic) (noninfective) (septic)

  4456. Enteritis (Crohn's Disease)

  4457. Enterobiasis

  4458. Enterobiasis (Pinworm Infection)

  4459. Enterobius vermicularis (infection) (infestation)

  4460. Enterocele - see also Hernia, abdomen

  4461. Enterocolitis - see also Enteritis

  4462. Enterogastritis - see Enteritis

  4463. Enteropathy

  4464. Enteroperitonitis - see Peritonitis

  4465. Enteroptosis

  4466. Enterorrhagia

  4467. Enteroscopy, Balloon (Balloon Endoscopy)

  4468. Enterospasm - see also Syndrome, irritable, bowel

  4469. Enterostenosis - see also Obstruction, intestine

  4470. Enterostomy

  4471. Enterotoxigenic E. Coli (Traveler's Diarrhea)

  4472. Enterovirulent E. Coli (EEC)

  4473. Enterovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  4474. Enthesopathy (peripheral)

  4475. Entomophobia

  4476. Entomophthoromycosis

  4477. Entrance, air into vein - see Embolism, air

  4478. Entrapment, nerve - see Neuropathy, entrapment

  4479. Entrapped Nerve (Pinched Nerve Overview)

  4480. Entropion (eyelid) (paralytic)

  4481. Enucleated eye (traumatic, current)

  4482. Enuresis

  4483. Enuresis ( Bedwetting )

  4484. Enuresis (Encopresis)

  4485. Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

  4486. Enuresis in Children (Urinary Incontinence in Children)

  4487. Environmental Birth Defects ( Birth Defects- Environmental )

  4488. Eosinopenia - see Agranulocytosis

  4489. Eosinophilia (allergic) (hereditary) (idiopathic) (secondary)

  4490. Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome

  4491. Eosinophilic Esophagitis

  4492. Eosinophilic Fasciitis

  4493. Ependymal Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  4494. Ependymitis (acute) (cerebral) (chronic) (granular) - see Encephalomyelitis

  4495. Ependymoblastoma

  4496. Ependymoma (Brain Tumor)

  4497. Ependymoma (epithelial) (malignant)

  4498. Ependymopathy

  4499. Ephelides (Freckles)

  4500. Ephelis (Freckles)

  4501. Ephelis, ephelides

  4502. Epiblepharon (congenital)

  4503. Epicanthus, epicanthic fold (eyelid) (congenital)

  4504. Epicondylitis (Elbow Pain)

  4505. Epicondylitis (elbow)

  4506. Epicystitis - see Cystitis

  4507. Epidemic - see condition

  4508. Epidemic Parotitis (Mumps)

  4509. Epidermidalization, cervix - see Dysplasia, cervix

  4510. Epidermis, epidermal - see condition

  4511. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

  4512. Epidermolysis

  4513. Epidermophytid - see Dermatophytosis

  4514. Epidermophytosis (infected) - see Dermatophytosis

  4515. Epididymis - see condition

  4516. Epididymitis (acute) (nonvenereal) (recurrent) (residual)

  4517. Epididymitis (Testicular Disorders)

  4518. Epididymo-orchitis - see also Epididymitis

  4519. Epidural - see condition

  4520. Epidural Block for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  4521. Epidural Steroid Injection

  4522. Epigastric Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  4523. Epigastrium, epigastric - see condition

  4524. Epigastrocele - see Hernia, ventral

  4525. Epigenetics

  4526. Epiglottis - see condition

  4527. Epiglottitis, epiglottiditis (acute)

  4528. Epignathus Q89.4 Epilepsia partialis continua - see also Kozhevnikof's epilepsy

  4529. Epilepsy ( Fits / Convulsions )

  4530. Epilepsy (Seizure)

  4531. Epilepsy Surgery (Surgical Options for Epilepsy)

  4532. Epilepsy Surgery, Children (Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery)

  4533. Epilepsy Surgery, Multiple Subpial Transection (Multiple Subpial Transection)

  4534. Epilepsy Test (EEG - Electroencephalogram)

  4535. Epilepsy Treatment

  4536. Epilepsy, epileptic, epilepsia (attack) (cerebral) (convulsion) (fit) (seizure)

  4537. Epiloia

  4538. Epimenorrhea

  4539. Epipharyngitis - see Nasopharyngitis

  4540. Epiphora

  4541. Epiphyseal arrest - see Arrest, epiphyseal

  4542. Epiphyseolysis, epiphysiolysis - see Osteochondropathy

  4543. Epiphysitis - see also Osteochondropathy

  4544. Epiplocele - see Hernia, abdomen

  4545. Epiploitis - see Peritonitis

  4546. Epiplosarcomphalocele - see Hernia, umbilicus

  4547. Episcleritis (suppurative)

  4548. Episiotomy

  4549. Episode

  4550. Epispadias (female) (male)

  4551. Episplenitis

  4552. Epistaxis ( Nose Bleed / Bleeding Nose )

  4553. Epistaxis (multiple)

  4554. Epistaxis (Nosebleed)

  4555. Epithelioma (malignant) - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  4556. Epitheliomatosis pigmented

  4557. Epitheliopathy, multifocal placoid pigment

  4558. Epithelium, epithelial - see condition

  4559. Epituberculosis (with atelectasis) (allergic)

  4560. EPO (Erythropoietin)

  4561. Eponychia

  4562. Epstein-Barr Virus (Infectious Mononucleosis)

  4563. Epstein's

  4564. Epulis (gingiva) (fibrous) (giant cell)

  4565. Equilibrium (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  4566. Equinia

  4567. Equinovarus (congenital) (talipes)

  4568. Equivalent

  4569. Eradicate Quackery, Save Lives ( Quackery )

  4570. Erb (-Duchenne) paralysis (birth injury) (newborn)

  4571. Erb-Goldflam disease or syndrome

  4572. Erb's

  4573. ERCP

  4574. Erdheim's syndrome (acromegalic macrospondylitis)

  4575. Erectile Dysfunction ( Impotence )

  4576. Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence)

  4577. Erectile Dysfunction (Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence))

  4578. Erectile Dysfunction, Testosterone (Testosterone Therapy to Treat ED)

  4579. Erection, painful (persistent) - see Priapism

  4580. ERG (Electroretinography)

  4581. Ergonomics for Back Pain ( Back Pain at Workplace: Prevention and Exercises )

  4582. Ergosterol deficiency (vitamin D)

  4583. Ergotism - see also Poisoning, food, noxious, plant

  4584. Eros-CDT (Clitoral Therapy Device)

  4585. Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica

  4586. Erosion

  4587. Erotomania

  4588. Error

  4589. Eructation

  4590. Eruption

  4591. Erysipelas (Cellulitis)

  4592. Erysipelas (gangrenous) (infantile) (newborn) (phlegmonous) (suppurative)

  4593. Erysipeloid

  4594. Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)

  4595. Erythema Migrans (Lyme Disease)

  4596. Erythema, erythematous (infectional) (inflammation)

  4597. Erythematous, erythematosus - see condition

  4598. Erythermalgia (primary)

  4599. Erythralgia

  4600. Erythrasma

  4601. Erythredema (polyneuropathy) - see Poisoning, mercury

  4602. Erythremia (acute)

  4603. Erythroblastopenia - see also Aplasia, red cell

  4604. Erythroblastophthisis

  4605. Erythroblastosis (fetalis) (newborn)

  4606. Erythrocyanosis (crurum)

  4607. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (Sedimentation Rate)

  4608. Erythrocythemia - see Erythremia

  4609. Erythrocytosis (megalosplenic) (secondary)

  4610. Erythroderma (secondary) - see also Erythema

  4611. Erythrodysesthesia, palmar plantar (PPE)

  4612. Erythrogenesis imperfecta

  4613. Erythroleukemia

  4614. Erythromelalgia

  4615. Erythrophagocytosis

  4616. Erythropheresis (Hemapheresis)

  4617. Erythrophobia

  4618. Erythroplakia, oral epithelium, and tongue

  4619. Erythroplasia (Queyrat)

  4620. Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (Porphyria)

  4621. Erythropoietin

  4622. Escherichia Coli (E. Coli 0157:H7)

  4623. Escherichia coli (E. coli)

  4624. ESDR (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  4625. Esophageal Cancer

  4626. Esophageal Manometry

  4627. Esophageal Motility Study (Esophageal Manometry)

  4628. Esophageal pH Monitoring

  4629. Esophageal pH Test (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  4630. Esophageal Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD))

  4631. Esophageal Ring (Schatzki Ring)

  4632. Esophageal Web (Schatzki Ring)

  4633. Esophagismus

  4634. Esophagitis

  4635. Esophagitis (acute) (alkaline) (chemical) (chronic) (infectional) (necrotic) (peptic) (postoperative)

  4636. Esophagitis, Eosinophilic (Eosinophilic Esophagitis)

  4637. Esophagocele

  4638. Esophagomalacia

  4639. Esophagospasm

  4640. Esophagostenosis

  4641. Esophagostomiasis

  4642. Esophagotracheal - see condition

  4643. Esophagus - see condition

  4644. Esophagus Cancer (Esophageal Cancer)

  4645. Esophagus Dysplasia (Barrett's Esophagus)

  4646. Esophagus, Barrett's (Barrett's Esophagus)

  4647. Esophoria

  4648. Esotropia - see Strabismus, convergent concomitant

  4649. Espundia

  4650. ESR (Sedimentation Rate)

  4651. Essential - see condition

  4652. Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia

  4653. Essential Tremor (Tremor)

  4654. Essentials for Diabetes ( Diabetes - Essentials )

  4655. Esthesioneuroblastoma

  4656. Esthesioneurocytoma

  4657. Esthesioneuroepithelioma

  4658. Esthiomene

  4659. Estimating Breast Cancer Risk

  4660. Estivo-autumnal malaria (fever)

  4661. Estrangement (marital)

  4662. Estriasis - see Myiasis

  4663. Estrogen Replacement (Hormone Therapy)

  4664. Estrogen Replacement Therapy (Hormone Therapy)

  4665. ET (Hormone Therapy)

  4666. ETEC (Traveler's Diarrhea)

  4667. Ethanolism - see Alcoholism

  4668. Etherism - see Dependence, drug, inhalant

  4669. Ethmoid, ethmoidal - see condition

  4670. Ethmoiditis (chronic) (nonpurulent) (purulent) - see also Sinusitis, ethmoidal

  4671. Ethylism - see Alcoholism

  4672. Eulenburg's disease (congenital paramyotonia)

  4673. Eumycetoma

  4674. Eunuchoidism

  4675. European blastomycosis - see Cryptococcosis

  4676. EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound)

  4677. Eustachian - see condition

  4678. Eustachian Tube Problems

  4679. Evaluation (for) (of)

  4680. Evans syndrome

  4681. Evening Primrose Oil ( Oil - Evening Primrose Oil )

  4682. Event, apparent life threatening in newborn and infant (ALTE)

  4683. Eventration - see also Hernia, ventral

  4684. Eversion

  4685. Evidence

  4686. Evisceration

  4687. Evulsion - see Avulsion

  4688. Ewing Sarcoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  4689. Ewing's sarcoma or tumor - - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  4690. Exam, Breast (Breast Self Exam)

  4691. Exam, Pelvic (Pelvic Exam)

  4692. Examination (for) (following) (general) (of) (routine)

  4693. Exanthem Subitum (Roseola)

  4694. Exanthem, exanthema - see also Rash

  4695. Excess, excessive, excessively

  4696. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (Narcolepsy)

  4697. Excessive Sleepiness (Hypersomnia)

  4698. Excessive Sleepiness Disorder ( Hypersomnia / Idiopathic Hypersomnia )

  4699. Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

  4700. Excessive Tearing ( Watery Eyes )

  4701. Excessive Vaginal Bleeding (Vaginal Bleeding)

  4702. Excision Breast Biopsy (Breast Biopsy)

  4703. Excitability, abnormal, under minor stress (personality disorder)

  4704. Excitation

  4705. Excitement

  4706. Excoriation (traumatic) - see also Abrasion

  4707. Exercise

  4708. Exercise - Walking ( Walking As An Exercise )

  4709. Exercise and Activity

  4710. Exercise and Diabetes ( Diabetes and Exercise )

  4711. Exercise and Fitness ( Fitness and Exercise )

  4712. Exercise and Vitamins for Heart Attack Prevention (Vitamins & Exercise)

  4713. Exercise Cardiac Stress Test (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  4714. Exercise Reduces Mortality in People with Metabolic Syndrome ( Regular Exercise Reduces Mortality in People with Metabolic Syndrome / Physical Activity Reduces Mortality in People With Metabolic Syndrome )

  4715. Exercise Stress Test

  4716. Exercise Stress Test ( Treadmill Test )

  4717. Exercise To Gain Weight ( Weight Gain Exercise )

  4718. Exercise-Induced Asthma

  4719. Exercises and Massages )

  4720. Exercises and Massages During Pregnancy ( Pregnancy - Exercises to Grow Taller ( Height - Grow Taller Exercises / Grow Taller Exercises )

  4721. Exfoliation

  4722. Exfoliative - see condition

  4723. Exhalation (Lungs Design And Purpose)

  4724. Exhaustion, exhaustive (physical NEC)

  4725. Exhaustion, Heat (Heat Exhaustion)

  4726. Exhibitionism

  4727. Exhibitionism (Paraphilia)

  4728. Exocervicitis - see Cervicitis

  4729. Exomphalos

  4730. Exophoria

  4731. Exophthalmos

  4732. Exostosis - see also Disorder, bone

  4733. Exotropia - see Strabismus, divergent concomitant

  4734. Explanation of

  4735. Exploring the Benefits of Chili Pepper ( Chili Pepper - Health Benefits / Health Benefits of Chili Pepper )

  4736. Exposure (to) - see also Contact, with

  4737. Exposure to Extreme Cold (Hypothermia (Extended Exposure to Cold))

  4738. Exposure to Mold (Mold Exposure)

  4739. Expressive Language Disorder

  4740. Expressive Language Disorder (Learning Disability)

  4741. Exsanguination - see Hemorrhage

  4742. Exstrophy

  4743. Extensive - see condition

  4744. Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB)

  4745. External Catheters for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  4746. External Otitis (Otitis Externa)

  4747. Extra - see also Accessory

  4748. Extrasystoles (supraventricular)

  4749. Extratemporal Cortical Resection

  4750. Extrauterine gestation or pregnancy - - see Pregnancy, by site

  4751. Extravasation

  4752. Extreme Cold Exposure (Hypothermia (Extended Exposure to Cold))

  4753. Extreme Homesickness in Children (Separation Anxiety)

  4754. Extreme Water Loss (Dehydration)

  4755. Extreme-Flex ( Hypermobility Syndrome / Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome | Hyperlaxity )

  4756. Extremity - see condition, limb

  4757. Extrophy - see Exstrophy

  4758. Extroversion

  4759. Extruded tooth (teeth)

  4760. Extrusion

  4761. Exudate

  4762. Exudative - see condition

  4763. Ex-vacuo Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  4764. Eye Allergy

  4765. Eye Bruise (Black Eye)

  4766. Eye Care

  4767. Eye Disorder - Glaucoma ( Glaucoma )

  4768. Eye Drops for Allergy ( Allergy Eye Drops )

  4769. Eye Floaters

  4770. Eye Pressure Measurement (Tonometry)

  4771. Eye Problems and Diabetes (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  4772. Eye Redness (Pink Eye)

  4773. Eye Strain

  4774. Eye Surgery - LASIK ( LASIK Eye Surgery )

  4775. Eye Twitching - Blepharospasm ( Blepharospasm - Eye Twitching )

  4776. Eye, Black (Black Eye)

  4777. Eye, eyeball, eyelid - see condition

  4778. Eyebrow Lift (Brow Lift Cosmetic Surgery)

  4779. Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers

  4780. Eyelid Cyst (Chalazion)

  4781. Eyelid Problems ( Problems in Eyelid )

  4782. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery))

  4783. Eyestrain - see Disturbance, vision, subjective

  4784. Eyeworm disease of Africa

  4785. Faber's syndrome (achlorhydric anemia)

  4786. Fabry (-Anderson)

  4787. Fabry's Disease

  4788. Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia)

  4789. Face Lift

  4790. Face Ringworm (Ringworm)

  4791. Facet Degeneration (Low Back Pain)

  4792. Facial Agnosia (Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia))

  4793. Facial Nerve Problems

  4794. Faciocephalalgia, autonomic - see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic

  4795. Fact Sheet on Food Poisoning ( Poisoning - Fact Sheet on Food Poisoning )

  4796. Factitious Disorder NOS

  4797. Factitious Disorder With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms

  4798. Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms

  4799. Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms

  4800. Factitious Disorders

  4801. Factor (s)

  4802. Fahr disease (of brain)

  4803. Fahr Volhard disease (of kidney)

  4804. Fainting

  4805. Fainting (fit)

  4806. Fallen arches - see Deformity, limb, flat foot

  4807. Falling, falls (repeated)

  4808. Fallopian

  4809. Fallopian Tube Pregnancy (Ectopic Pregnancy)

  4810. Fallopian Tube Removal (Hysterectomy)

  4811. Fallot's

  4812. False - see also condition

  4813. False Labor (Braxton Hicks Contractions)

  4814. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (Gardner Syndrome)

  4815. Familial Hibernation Syndrome (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  4816. Familial Intestinal Polyposis (Gardner Syndrome)

  4817. Familial Multiple Polyposis (Gardner Syndrome)

  4818. Familial Multiple Polyposis Syndrome (Gardner Syndrome)

  4819. Familial Nonhemolytic Jaundice (Gilbert Syndrome)

  4820. Familial Polyposis Coli (Gardner Syndrome)

  4821. Familial Polyposis Syndrome (Gardner Syndrome)

  4822. Familial Turner Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  4823. Family Planning (Birth Control Methods)

  4824. Family Violence (Domestic Violence)

  4825. Family, familial - see also condition

  4826. Famine (effects of)

  4827. FANA (Antinuclear Antibody)

  4828. Fanconi (-de Toni)(-Debré)

  4829. Fanconi's anemia (congenital pancytopenia)

  4830. FAP (Gardner Syndrome)

  4831. Farber's disease or syndrome

  4832. Farcy

  4833. Farmer's

  4834. Farsightedness

  4835. Farsightedness - see Hypermetropia

  4836. Farting (Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence))

  4837. Fascia - see condition

  4838. Fasciculation

  4839. Fasciitis

  4840. Fascioliasis

  4841. Fasciolopsis, fasciolopsiasis (intestinal)

  4842. Fascioscapulohumeral myopathy

  4843. Fast Heart Beat (Palpitations Overview)

  4844. Fast pulse

  4845. Fasting - Benefits

  4846. Fat

  4847. Fat Loss and Glycemic Control With Omega 6 Fatty Acids in Post Menopausal Diabetic Women ( Post Menopausal Diabetic Women - Fat loss and Glycemic Control with Omega 6 Fatty Acids )

  4848. Fat Loss Surgery - Liposuction ( Liposuction / Cosmetic Surgery - Liposuction )

  4849. Fatherhood Adds Years to Life - Study ( Men with Kids may have Longer Life Span / Infertile Men more likely to die of Heart-related Problems / Heart disease risk higher among Childless Men )

  4850. Fatigue From Cancer (Cancer Fatigue)

  4851. Fatigue Syndrome - Chronic ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome )

  4852. Fatness - see Obesity

  4853. Fatty - see also condition

  4854. Fatty Liver

  4855. Fauces - see condition

  4856. Fauchard's disease (periodontitis) - see Periodontitis

  4857. Faucitis

  4858. Favism (anemia)

  4859. Favus - see Dermatophytosis

  4860. Fazio-Londe disease or syndrome

  4861. Fear complex or reaction

  4862. Fear of - see Phobia

  4863. Fear of Flying - During Travel

  4864. Fear of Open Spaces (Agoraphobia)

  4865. Feared complaint unfounded

  4866. Febrile Fits | Febrile Convulsions

  4867. Febrile Seizures

  4868. Febris, febrile - see also Fever

  4869. Fecal

  4870. Fecal Incontinence

  4871. Fecal Occult Blood Tests

  4872. Fecalith (impaction)

  4873. Fede's disease

  4874. Feeble rapid pulse due to shock following injury

  4875. Feeble-minded

  4876. Feeding

  4877. Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood

  4878. Feeling (of)

  4879. Feeling Baby Kick (Fetal Movement: Feeling Baby Kick Week-by-Week)

  4880. Feeling Dry - Travel Tips

  4881. Feer's disease - see Poisoning, mercury

  4882. Feet - see condition

  4883. Feet Sweating, Excessive (Hyperhidrosis)

  4884. Feet, Swollen (Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet)

  4885. Feigned illness

  4886. Feil-Klippel syndrome (brevicollis)

  4887. Feinmesser's (hidrotic)

  4888. Felinophobia

  4889. Felty's Syndrome

  4890. Female Condom (Barrier Methods of Birth Control)

  4891. Female Dyspareunia Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  4892. Female genital cutting status - see Female genital mutilation status (FGM)

  4893. Female genital mutilation status (FGM)

  4894. Female Health (Women's Health)

  4895. Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  4896. Female Orgasm (Sexual (Sex) Problems in Women)

  4897. Female Orgasmic Disorder

  4898. Female Pseudo-Turner Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  4899. Female Reproductive System

  4900. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

  4901. Female Sexual Dysfunction ( Sexual Dysfunction - Female )

  4902. Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment (Clitoral Therapy Device)

  4903. Femur, femoral - see condition

  4904. Fenestration, fenestrated - see also Imperfect, closure

  4905. Fernell's disease (aortic aneurysm)

  4906. Ferriprox to Treat Excess Iron ( Oral Drug Ferriprox Approved to Treat Excess Iron / Novel Treatment for Thalassemia )

  4907. Ferritin Blood Test

  4908. Fertile eunuch syndrome

  4909. Fertility (Infertility)

  4910. Fertility Awareness (Trying to Conceive)

  4911. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

  4912. Fetal Facial Expressions Key to Healthy Brain Function? ( Can Brain Function of Foetus be Predicted by Facial Expression? )

  4913. Fetal Movement: Feeling Baby Kick Week-by-Week

  4914. Fetal Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  4915. Fetid

  4916. Fetishism

  4917. Fetishism (Paraphilia)

  4918. Fetus, fetal - see also condition

  4919. Fever (inanition) (of unknown origin) (persistent) (with chills) (with rigor)

  4920. Fever Blisters ( Cold Sores / Herpes Labialis / Recurrent Herpes Labialis )

  4921. Fever-induced Seizure (Febrile Seizures)

  4922. Fiber in Diet Reduces Plant Cholesterol Absorption When Taken With Cholesterol Lowering Tablets

  4923. Fiber Up Your Meals ( Meals with Fiber Content )

  4924. Fibrillation

  4925. Fibrillation (Atrial Fibrillation)

  4926. Fibrin

  4927. Fibrinogenolysis - see Fibrinolysis

  4928. Fibrinogenopenia

  4929. Fibrinolysis (hemorrhagic) (acquired)

  4930. Fibrinopenia (hereditary)

  4931. Fibrinopurulent - see condition

  4932. Fibrinous - see condition

  4933. Fibroadenoma

  4934. Fibroadenosis, breast (chronic) (cystic) (diffuse) (periodic) (segmental)

  4935. Fibroangioma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  4936. Fibrochondrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

  4937. Fibrocystic

  4938. Fibrocystic Breast Condition

  4939. Fibrocystic Breast Disease (Fibrocystic Breast Condition)

  4940. Fibrocystic Disease ( Cystic Fibrosis )

  4941. Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas (Cystic Fibrosis)

  4942. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva - - see Myositis, ossificans, rogressiva

  4943. Fibroelastosis (cordis) (endocardial) (endomyocardial)

  4944. Fibroid (tumor) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4945. Fibroids (Uterine Fibroids)

  4946. Fibroids in Uterus ( Uterine Fibroids )

  4947. Fibrolipoma - see Lipoma

  4948. Fibroliposarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  4949. Fibroma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4950. Fibromatosis

  4951. Fibromyalgia

  4952. Fibromyalgia Facts

  4953. Fibromyoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4954. Fibromyositis

  4955. Fibromyxolipoma

  4956. Fibromyxoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4957. Fibromyxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  4958. Fibro-odontoma, ameloblastic - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  4959. Fibro-osteoma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  4960. Fibroplasia, retrolental

  4961. Fibropurulent - see condition

  4962. Fibrosarcoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  4963. Fibrosarcoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  4964. Fibrosclerosis

  4965. Fibrosis, fibrotic

  4966. Fibrositis (Fibromyalgia Facts)

  4967. Fibrositis (periarticular)

  4968. Fibrothorax

  4969. Fibrotic - see Fibrosis

  4970. Fibrous - see condition

  4971. Fibrous dysplasia of the bone ( Bone - Fibrous dysplasia )

  4972. Fibroxanthoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  4973. Fibroxanthosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  4974. Fiedler's

  4975. Fifth Disease

  4976. Fight Flab with Brown Fat ( Brown Fat to Fight Flab )

  4977. Fighting Diabesity with Lifestyle Changes ( Diabesity )

  4978. Filaria ( Mosquito Disease - Filaria )

  4979. Filaria, filarial, filariasis - see Infestation, filarial

  4980. Filatov’s disease ( Infectious Mononucleosis / EBV Infectious Mononucleosis / Pfeiffer’s disease )

  4981. Filatov's disease - see Mononucleosis, infectious

  4982. File-cutter's disease - see Poisoning, lead

  4983. Filling defect

  4984. Fillings

  4985. Fimbrial cyst

  4986. Findings, abnormal, inconclusive, without diagnosis - see also Abnormal

  4987. Fine Needle Aspiration Breast Biopsy (Breast Biopsy)

  4988. Fine Prints - Health Insurance Policy ( Health Insurance Policies - Fine Prints )

  4989. Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Thyroid

  4990. Finger - see condition

  4991. Finger, Broken (Broken Finger)

  4992. Fingernail Fungus (Fungal Nails)

  4993. Fire (Burns)

  4994. Fire, Saint Anthony's - see Erysipelas

  4995. Fire-setting

  4996. First Aid

  4997. First Aid for Seizures

  4998. First Degree Burns (Burns)

  4999. First Degree Heart Block (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  5000. First Trimester of Pregnancy (Pregnancy)

  5001. Fish Food-Advantages ( Advantages of Eating Fish Foods )

  5002. Fish Health Benefits ( Health Benefits of Fish )

  5003. Fish hook stomach

  5004. Fish Malodor Syndrome (Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria))

  5005. Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria)

  5006. Fish Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

  5007. Fish Poisoning, Ciguatera (Ciguatera Poisoning)

  5008. Fish Tank Granuloma (Mycobacterium Marinum)

  5009. Fish Toxin, Ciguatera (Ciguatera Poisoning)

  5010. Fish-handler's Nodules (Mycobacterium Marinum)

  5011. Fishmeal-worker's lung

  5012. Fish-Odor Syndrome ( Trimethylaminuria )

  5013. Fissure, fissured

  5014. Fistula (cutaneous)

  5015. Fit

  5016. Fitness and Exercise ( Exercise and Fitness )

  5017. Fitness and Weight Loss Enhanced by Walking ( Weight Loss and Fitness Enhanced by Walking / Walking for Fitness and Weight Loss )

  5018. Fitness Through Density Training Program

  5019. Fitness: Exercise for a Healthy Heart

  5020. Fits ( Epilepsy / Convulsions )

  5021. Fitting (and adjustment) (of)

  5022. Fitzhugh-Curtis syndrome

  5023. Fitz's syndrome (acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis)

  5024. Fixation

  5025. Flabby ridge

  5026. Flaccid - see also condition

  5027. Flail

  5028. Flajani's disease - see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse)

  5029. Flap, liver

  5030. Flash, Hot (Hot Flashes)

  5031. Flashbacks (residual to hallucinogen use)

  5032. Flat

  5033. Flat Nipple: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  5034. Flatau-Schilder disease

  5035. Flatback syndrome

  5036. Flattening

  5037. Flatulence

  5038. Flatulence (Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence))

  5039. Flatus

  5040. Flax-dresser's disease

  5041. Flea bite - see Injury, bite, by site, superficial, insect

  5042. Flecks, glaucomatous (subcapsular) - see Cataract, complicated

  5043. Fleischer (-Kayser) ring (cornea)

  5044. Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infection (Necrotizing Fasciitis)

  5045. Fleshy mole

  5046. Flexibilitas cerea - see Catalepsy

  5047. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

  5048. Flexion

  5049. Flexner-Boyd dysentery

  5050. Flexner's dysentery

  5051. Flexure - see Flexion

  5052. Flight Emergencies - Care in the Sky - During Travel

  5053. Flight Fatigue (Jet Lag)

  5054. Flint murmur (aortic insufficiency)

  5055. Floater, vitreous - see Opacity, vitreous

  5056. Floating

  5057. Floating Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  5058. Flooding

  5059. Floor - see condition

  5060. Floppy Valve Syndrome ( Mitral Valve Prolapse / Ballooning Mitral Valve Syndrome )

  5061. Flu - see also Influenza

  5062. Flu (Influenza)

  5063. Flu Complications for Health Compromised People (Treating the Flu In People With Health Risks)

  5064. Flu in People With Health Risks (Treating the Flu In People With Health Risks)

  5065. Flu Shot Pregnancy (Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects and Safety)

  5066. Flu Shot Pregnancy Side Effects (Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects and Safety)

  5067. Flu Vaccination

  5068. Flu, Stomach (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  5069. Flu, Swine (Swine Flu)

  5070. Fluctuating blood pressure

  5071. Fluent Aphasia (Aphasia)

  5072. Fluid

  5073. Fluid in the Abdominal Cavity (Ascites)

  5074. Fluid in the Chest (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  5075. Fluid in the Lungs (Pulmonary Edema)

  5076. Fluid on the Brain (Hydrocephalus)

  5077. Fluid on the Lungs (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  5078. Flukes NEC - see also Infestation, fluke

  5079. Fluor (vaginalis)

  5080. Fluorescent Antinuclear Antibody (Antinuclear Antibody)

  5081. Fluorosis

  5082. Flush (Hot Flashes)

  5083. Flush syndrome

  5084. Flushing

  5085. Flutter

  5086. FNAB (Breast Biopsy)

  5087. FNHTR (febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction)

  5088. Focal Neuropathy, Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  5089. Focal Seizure (Seizure)

  5090. Fochier's abscess - code by site under Abscess

  5091. Focus, Assmann's - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

  5092. Fogo selvagem

  5093. Foix-Alajouanine syndrome

  5094. Fold, folds (anomalous) - see also Anomaly, by site

  5095. Folfirinox- Drug Combination Prolongs Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Patients ( Pancreatic Cancer - Folfirinox Drug Combination Prolongs Survival )

  5096. Folie à deux

  5097. Follicle

  5098. Follicular - see condition

  5099. Follicular Adenoma (Thyroid) (Thyroid Nodules)

  5100. Follicular Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer)

  5101. Folliculitis

  5102. Folliculitis (superficial)

  5103. Folliculome lipidique

  5104. Folling Disease (Phenylketonuria)

  5105. Følling's disease

  5106. Folling's Disease (Phenylketonuria)

  5107. Follow-up - see Examination, follow-up

  5108. Fong's syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia)

  5109. Food

  5110. Food - Bamboo ( Bamboo Food )

  5111. Food - Genetically Modified ( Genetically Modified Food )

  5112. Food Additives ( Additives of Food )

  5113. Food Allergies - Types ( Types of Food Allergies )

  5114. Food Allergy

  5115. Food and Beverages Combination: Role in Influencing Satiety

  5116. Food Labels - Decoded ( Label Lingo on Food Items: Decoded )

  5117. Food Poisoning

  5118. Food Preservatives - How Safe Are They? ( Preservatives for Food -How Safe Are They? )

  5119. Food Stuck in Throat (Schatzki Ring)

  5120. Foods - Organic Foods ( Organic Foods )

  5121. Foods - Processed ( Processed Foods )

  5122. Foods During Pregnancy (Pregnancy: Your Guide to Eating Right)

  5123. Foods that Gives You Sparkling Eyes ( Sparkling Eyes - How to Get with Healthy Diet / Healthy Diet For Sparkling Eyes )

  5124. Foot - see condition

  5125. Foot Care - Diabetes ( Diabetes - Foot Care )

  5126. Foot Fungus (Athlete's Foot)

  5127. Foot Pain

  5128. Foot Problems (Diabetes)

  5129. Foot Problems, Diabetes (Foot Problems (Diabetes))

  5130. Foot, Broken (Broken Foot)

  5131. Foot, Gangrene (Foot Problems (Diabetes))

  5132. Foot, Swollen (Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet)

  5133. Foramen ovale (nonclosure) (patent) (persistent)

  5134. Forbes' glycogen storage disease

  5135. Fordyce-Fox disease

  5136. Fordyce's disease (mouth)

  5137. Forearm - see condition

  5138. Foreign body

  5139. Foreign Object in Ear (Objects Or Insects In Ear)

  5140. Forestier disease (Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis)

  5141. Forestier's disease (rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis)

  5142. Formation

  5143. Formication

  5144. Formula Feeding (Breastfeeding)

  5145. Fort Bragg fever

  5146. Fossa - see also condition

  5147. Foster-Kennedy syndrome

  5148. Fothergill's

  5149. Foul breath

  5150. Foul Breath (Bad Breath)

  5151. Foul Vaginal Odor (Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment))

  5152. Foundling

  5153. Fournier disease or gangrene

  5154. Fourth

  5155. Foville's (peduncular)

  5156. Fox (-Fordyce) disease (apocrine miliaria)

  5157. Fracture

  5158. Fracture Hematoma (Hematoma)

  5159. Fracture of Knee Cap ( Knee Cap Fracture )

  5160. Fracture, burst - see Fracture, traumatic, by site

  5161. Fracture, Children (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  5162. Fracture, chronic - see Fracture, pathological

  5163. Fracture, Growth Plate (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  5164. Fracture, insufficiency - see Fracture, pathologic, by site

  5165. Fracture, pathological (pathologic) - see also Fracture, traumatic

  5166. Fracture, Teenager (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  5167. Fracture, Toe (Broken Toe)

  5168. Fracture, traumatic (abduction) (adduction) (separation) - see also Fracture, pathological T14.8

  5169. Fragile X Syndrome

  5170. Fragile, fragility

  5171. Fragilitas

  5172. Fragments, cataract (lens)

  5173. Frailty (frail)

  5174. Frambesia (Yaws)

  5175. Frambesia, frambesial (tropica) - see also Yaws

  5176. Frambeside

  5177. Frambesioma

  5178. Franceschetti-Klein (-Wildervanck)

  5179. Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein Syndrome (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  5180. Francis' disease - see Tularemia

  5181. Franklin disease

  5182. Frank's essential thrombocytopenia

  5183. Fraser's syndrome

  5184. FRAXA (Fragile X Syndrome)

  5185. Freckle (s)

  5186. Freckles

  5187. Frederickson's hyperlipoproteinemia, type

  5188. Freeman Sheldon syndrome

  5189. Freeze Nerves (Cryotherapy)

  5190. Freezing - see also Effect, adverse, cold

  5191. Freiberg's disease (infraction of metatarsal head or osteochondrosis) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

  5192. Frei's disease

  5193. Fremitus, friction, cardiac

  5194. Frenum, frenulum

  5195. Frequency micturition (nocturnal)

  5196. Frey's syndrome

  5197. Friction

  5198. Friderichsen-Waterhouse syndrome or disease

  5199. Friedländer's B (bacillus) - see also condition

  5200. Friedreich's

  5201. Frigidity

  5202. Fröhlich's syndrome

  5203. Frontal - see also condition

  5204. Frontotemporal Dementia (Dementia)

  5205. Frostbite

  5206. Frostbite (superficial)

  5207. Frostnip (Frostbite)

  5208. Frotteurism

  5209. Frotteurism (Paraphilia)

  5210. Frozen - see also Effect, adverse, cold

  5211. Fructokinase deficiency

  5212. Fructose 1,6 diphosphatase deficiency

  5213. Fructosuria (benign) (essential)

  5214. Fruits to Help Lower Blood Pressure ( Blood Pressure Help by Fruits )

  5215. Fuchs'

  5216. Fuchs' Dystrophy (Corneal Disease)

  5217. Fucosidosis

  5218. Fugue

  5219. Fulminant, fulminating - see condition

  5220. Functional - see also condition

  5221. Functional Dyspepsia (Dyspepsia)

  5222. Functional Heart Murmur (Heart Murmur)

  5223. Functional Hemispherectomy (Surgical Options for Epilepsy)

  5224. Functioning Adenoma (Hyperthyroidism)

  5225. Functioning, intellectual, borderline

  5226. Fundoplication

  5227. Fundus - see condition

  5228. Fungal Arthritis

  5229. Fungal Infections: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  5230. Fungal Meningitis

  5231. Fungal Nails

  5232. Fungemia NOS

  5233. Fungus, fungous

  5234. Funiculitis (acute) (chronic) (endemic)

  5235. Funnel

  5236. FUO (fever of unknown origin)

  5237. Furfur

  5238. Furrier's lung

  5239. Furrowed

  5240. Furuncle

  5241. Furunculosis - see Furuncle

  5242. Fused - see Fusion, fused

  5243. Fusion, fused (congenital)

  5244. Fusion, Lumbar (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion)

  5245. Fusospirillosis (mouth) (tongue) (tonsil)

  5246. Fussy baby

  5247. Future Generali Insurance ( Health Insurance - Future Generali )

  5248. G6PD (G6PD Deficiency)

  5249. G6PD Deficiency

  5250. GAD (Anxiety)

  5251. Gain in weight (abnormal) (excessive) - see also Weight, gain

  5252. Gain Weight and Quitting Smoking (Weight Control and Smoking Cessation)

  5253. Gaisböck's disease (polycythemia hypertonica)

  5254. Gait abnormality

  5255. Galactocele (breast)

  5256. Galactokinase deficiency

  5257. Galactophoritis

  5258. Galactorrhea

  5259. Galactosemia (classic) (congenital)

  5260. Galactosuria

  5261. Galacturia

  5262. Galeazzi's fracture

  5263. Galen's vein - see condition

  5264. Galeophobia

  5265. Gall Bladder Pain (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  5266. Gall duct - see condition

  5267. Gallbladder - see also condition

  5268. Gallbladder Cancer

  5269. Gallbladder Cancer ( Cancer of the Gallbladder )

  5270. Gallbladder Disease (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  5271. Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain)

  5272. Gallbladder Scan (Cholescintigraphy)

  5273. Gallbladder x-ray (Oral Cholecystogram)

  5274. Gallop rhythm

  5275. Gallstone (colic) (cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) - see also Calculus, gallbladder

  5276. Gallstones

  5277. Gallstones

  5278. Gambling

  5279. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (Infertility)

  5280. Gammopathy (of undetermined significance [MGUS])

  5281. Gamna's disease (siderotic splenomegaly)

  5282. Gamophobia

  5283. Gampsodactylia (congenital)

  5284. Gamstorp's disease (adynamia episodica hereditaria)

  5285. Gandy-Nanta disease (siderotic splenomegaly)

  5286. Gang

  5287. Gangliocytoma

  5288. Ganglioglioma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  5289. Ganglion

  5290. Ganglion (compound) (diffuse) (joint) (tendon (sheath))

  5291. Ganglion Cysts - Ganglion Wrist

  5292. Ganglioneuroblastoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

  5293. Ganglioneuroma

  5294. Ganglioneuromatosis

  5295. Ganglionitis

  5296. Gangliosidosis

  5297. Gangosa

  5298. Gangrene, gangrenous (connective tissue) (dropsical) (dry) (moist) (skin) (ulcer) - see also Necrosis I96

  5299. Ganister disease

  5300. Ganser Snydrome (Factitious Disorders)

  5301. Ganser's syndrome (hysterical)

  5302. Gardasil HPV Vaccine

  5303. Gardening and Horticultural Therapy for the Young and the Old

  5304. Gardner Syndrome

  5305. Gardner-Diamond syndrome (autoerythrocyte sensitization)

  5306. Gardnerella vaginosis (Bacterial Vaginosis)

  5307. Gargoylism

  5308. Garlic for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension ( Hypertension - Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure / Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure )

  5309. Garré's disease, osteitis (sclerosing) - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

  5310. Garrod's pad, knuckle

  5311. Gartner's duct

  5312. Gas (Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence))

  5313. Gas

  5314. GAS Test (Rapid Strep Test)

  5315. Gastralgia - see also Pain, abdominal

  5316. Gastrectasis

  5317. Gastric - see condition

  5318. Gastric Banding Surgery (Lap Band Surgery (Gastric Banding))

  5319. Gastric Bypass Surgery

  5320. Gastric Cancer ( Cancer Of The Stomach )

  5321. Gastric Cancer (Stomach Cancer)

  5322. Gastric Emptying Study

  5323. Gastric Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer)

  5324. Gastrinoma

  5325. Gastritis

  5326. Gastritis (simple)

  5327. Gastrocarcinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, stomach

  5328. Gastrocolic - see condition

  5329. Gastrodisciasis, gastrodiscoidiasis

  5330. Gastroduodenitis

  5331. Gastrodynia - see Pain, abdominal

  5332. Gastroenteritis (acute) (chronic) (noninfectious) - see also Enteritis

  5333. Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu)

  5334. Gastroenteropathy - see also Gastroenteritis

  5335. Gastroenteroptosis

  5336. Gastroesophageal laceration- hemorrhage syndrome

  5337. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

  5338. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Test (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  5339. Gastrointestinal - see condition

  5340. Gastrojejunal - see condition

  5341. Gastrojejunitis - see also Enteritis

  5342. Gastrojejunocolic - see condition

  5343. Gastroliths

  5344. Gastromalacia

  5345. Gastroparalysis

  5346. Gastroparesis

  5347. Gastropathy

  5348. Gastroptosis

  5349. Gastrorrhagia

  5350. Gastroschisis

  5351. Gastroschisis (congenital)

  5352. Gastroscopy

  5353. Gastrospasm (neurogenic) (reflex)

  5354. Gastrostaxis - see Gastritis, with bleeding

  5355. Gastrostenosis

  5356. Gastrostomy

  5357. Gastrosuccorrhea (continuous) (intermittent)

  5358. Gatophobia

  5359. Gaucher Disease

  5360. Gaucher's disease or splenomegaly (adult) (infantile)

  5361. GD (Gaucher Disease)

  5362. Gee (-Herter)(-Thaysen) disease (nontropical sprue)

  5363. Gélineau's syndrome

  5364. Gemination, tooth, teeth

  5365. Gemistocytoma

  5366. Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults

  5367. Gender Identity Disorder in Children

  5368. Gender Identity Disorder NOS

  5369. General Anesthesia ( Anesthesia-General )

  5370. General, generalized - see condition

  5371. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  5372. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Anxiety)

  5373. Generalized Seizure (Seizure)

  5374. Genetic

  5375. Genetic - Birth Defect ( Birth Defect - Genetic )

  5376. Genetic Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  5377. Genetic Counseling

  5378. Genetic Counseling ( Counseling for Genetic )

  5379. Genetic Disease

  5380. Genetic Disorder (Genetic Disease)

  5381. Genetic Emphysema (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  5382. Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer

  5383. Genetic Testing of Diseases ( Diseases - Genetic Testing )

  5384. Genetically Modified Food ( Food - Genetically Modified )

  5385. Genetics of Male Infertility ( Male Infertility - Genetics )

  5386. Genital - see condition

  5387. Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) )

  5388. Genital Herpes ( Herpes Infections in Genital Area ) GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease)

  5389. Genital Herpes (STDs in Men Overview)

  5390. Genital Herpes In Women

  5391. Genital Herpes in Women Overview

  5392. Genital Pain (Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia))

  5393. Genital Warts in Men (Genital Warts in Men (HPV Virus))

  5394. Genital Warts in Men (HPV Virus)

  5395. Genital Warts In Women

  5396. Genito-anorectal syndrome

  5397. Genitourinary system - see condition

  5398. Genu

  5399. Geographic Tongue (Tongue Problems)

  5400. Geographic tongue

  5401. Geophagia - see Pica

  5402. Geotrichosis

  5403. Gephyrophobia

  5404. Gerbode defect

  5405. GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD))

  5406. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

  5407. GERD in Infants and Children

  5408. GERD Surgery (Fundoplication)

  5409. GERD Test (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  5410. GERD: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  5411. Gerhardt's

  5412. Geriatry-Related Diseases ( Diseases - Geriatry-Related )

  5413. Germ Cell Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  5414. German Measles

  5415. German measles - see also Rubella

  5416. Germinoblastoma (diffuse)

  5417. Germinoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  5418. Gerontoxon - see Degeneration, cornea, senile

  5419. Gerstmann's syndrome

  5420. Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS)

  5421. Gestation (period) - see also Pregnancy

  5422. Gestational

  5423. Gestational Carrier (Infertility)

  5424. Gestational Diabetes

  5425. Gestational Diabetes ( Diabetes - Gestational )

  5426. Getting Pregnant (Trying to Conceive)

  5427. Ghon tubercle, primary infection

  5428. Ghost

  5429. Ghoul hand

  5430. GI Bleeding (Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding))

  5431. Gianotti-Crosti disease

  5432. Giant

  5433. Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) ( Temporal Arteritis ) Giardiasis

  5434. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (Eye Allergy)

  5435. Giant Platelet Syndrome (Bernard-Soulier Disease)

  5436. Giardia Lamblia

  5437. Giardiasis (Giardia Lamblia)

  5438. Giardiasis

  5439. Gibert's disease or pityriasis

  5440. Giddiness

  5441. Gierke's disease (glycogenosis I)

  5442. GIFT (Infertility)

  5443. Gigantism (cerebral) (hypophyseal) (pituitary)

  5444. Gilbert Syndrome

  5445. Gilbert's Disease (Gilbert Syndrome)

  5446. Gilbert's disease or syndrome

  5447. Gilchrist's disease

  5448. Gilford-Hutchinson disease

  5449. Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (Tourette Syndrome)

  5450. Gilles de la Tourette's disease or syndrome (motor-verbal tic)

  5451. Gingivitis ( Periodontitis / Gum Disease )

  5452. Gingivitis (Gum Disease)

  5453. Gingivitis

  5454. Gingivoglossitis

  5455. Gingivopericementitis - see Periodontitis

  5456. Gingivosis - see Gingivitis, chronic

  5457. Gingivostomatitis

  5458. Ginseng ( Alternative Medicine - Ginseng )

  5459. Gland, glandular - see condition

  5460. Glanders

  5461. Glands, Swollen Lymph (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  5462. Glands, Swollen Nodes (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  5463. Glandular Fever (Infectious Mononucleosis)

  5464. Glanzmann (-Naegeli)

  5465. Glasgow coma scale

  5466. Glass-blower's disease (cataract) - see Cataract, specified NEC

  5467. Glasses (Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers)

  5468. Glaucoma

  5469. Glaucoma ( Eye Disorder - Glaucoma )

  5470. Glaucoma and Diabetes (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  5471. Glaucoma

  5472. Glaucomatous flecks (subcapsular) - see Cataract, complicated

  5473. Glazed tongue

  5474. Gleet (gonococcal)

  5475. Glénard's disease

  5476. Glioblastoma (Adult Brain Tumors)

  5477. Glioblastoma (multiforme)

  5478. Glioma - Brain Tumor ( Brain Tumor - Glioma )

  5479. Glioma (Brain Tumor)

  5480. Glioma (malignant)

  5481. Gliomatosis cerebri

  5482. Glioneuroma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  5483. Gliosarcoma

  5484. Gliosis (cerebral)

  5485. Glisson's disease - see Rickets

  5486. Global Warming - Health Effects ( Health Effects of Global Warming )

  5487. Globinuria

  5488. Globus (hystericus)

  5489. Glomangioma

  5490. Glomangiomyoma

  5491. Glomangiosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  5492. Glomerular

  5493. Glomerulitis - see Glomerulonephritis

  5494. Glomerulonephritis

  5495. Glomerulonephritis - see also Nephritis

  5496. Glomerulonephritis Types ( Types of Glomerulonephritis )

  5497. Glomerulopathy - see Glomerulonephritis

  5498. Glomerulosclerosis - see also Sclerosis, renal

  5499. Glory of Snake Gourd ( Snake Gourd Glory )

  5500. Glossagra

  5501. Glossalgia

  5502. Glossitis (chronic superficial) (gangrenous) (Moeller's)

  5503. Glossocele

  5504. Glossodynia

  5505. Glossoncus

  5506. Glossopathy

  5507. Glossophytia

  5508. Glossoplegia

  5509. Glossoptosis

  5510. Glossopyrosis

  5511. Glossotrichia

  5512. Glossy skin

  5513. Glottis - see condition

  5514. Glottitis - see also Laryngitis

  5515. Glucagonoma

  5516. Glucocerebrosidase Deficiency (Gaucher Disease)

  5517. Glucoglycinuria

  5518. Glucose Tolerance Test

  5519. Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PD Deficiency)

  5520. Glucose-galactose malabsorption

  5521. Glucosyl Cerebroside Lipidosis (Gaucher Disease)

  5522. Glucosylceramide Beta-glucosidase Deficiency (Gaucher Disease)

  5523. Glue

  5524. Glutaric aciduria

  5525. Gluten Enteropathy (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  5526. Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy ( Celiac Disease / Celiac Sprue )

  5527. Glycemic Index (GI)

  5528. Glycinemia

  5529. Glycinuria (renal) (with ketosis)

  5530. Glycogen

  5531. Glycogenosis (diffuse) (generalized) - see also Disease, glycogen storage

  5532. Glycogenosis Type 2 ( Pompe Disease / Acid Maltase Deficiency )

  5533. Glycopenia

  5534. Glycosuria

  5535. Gnathostoma spinigerum (infection) (infestation), gnathostomiasis (wandering swelling)

  5536. Goiter (Hypothyroidism)

  5537. Goiter (plunging) (substernal)

  5538. Goiter-deafness syndrome

  5539. Goldberg syndrome

  5540. Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome

  5541. Goldblatt's hypertension or kidney

  5542. Goldenhar (-Gorlin)

  5543. Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome

  5544. Goldscheider's disease

  5545. Goldstein's disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia)

  5546. Golfer's elbow - see Epicondylitis, medial

  5547. Golfers Elbow (Elbow Pain)

  5548. Gonadoblastoma

  5549. Gonecystitis - see Vesiculitis

  5550. Gongylonemiasis

  5551. Goniosynechiae - see Adhesions, iris, goniosynechiae

  5552. Gonococcemia

  5553. Gonococcus, gonococcal (disease) (infection) - see also condition

  5554. Gonocytoma

  5555. Gonorrhea ( Clap )

  5556. Gonorrhea (acute) (chronic)

  5557. Gonorrhea (Gonorrhea In Women)

  5558. Gonorrhea In Women

  5559. Good Parenting Can Help You Cope with Your Child’s Tantrums ( Can You Cope with Your Children’s Tantrums? )

  5560. Goodall's disease

  5561. Goodpasture's syndrome

  5562. Gopalan's syndrome (burning feet)

  5563. Gorlin-Chaudry-Moss syndrome

  5564. Gottron's papules

  5565. Gougerot-Blum syndrome (pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis)

  5566. Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome (confluent reticulate papillomatosis)

  5567. Gougerot's syndrome (trisymptomatic)

  5568. Gouley's syndrome (constrictive pericarditis)

  5569. Goundou

  5570. Gout

  5571. Gout (Gouty Arthritis)

  5572. Gout and Diet ( Diet and Gout )

  5573. Gout, chronic - see also Gout, gouty

  5574. Gout, gouty (acute) (attack) (flare) - see also Gout, chronic

  5575. Gower's

  5576. Grade, Tumor (Tumor Grade)

  5577. Gradenigo's syndrome - see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute

  5578. Graefe's disease - see Strabismus, paralytic, ophthalmoplegia, progressive

  5579. Graft-versus-host disease

  5580. Grain mite (itch)

  5581. Grainhandler's disease or lung

  5582. Grains

  5583. Grand mal - see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

  5584. Grand Mal Seizure (Seizure)

  5585. Grand multipara status only (not pregnant)

  5586. Granite worker's lung

  5587. Granular - see also condition

  5588. Granulation tissue (abnormal) (excessive)

  5589. Granulocytopenia (Neutropenia)

  5590. Granulocytopenia (primary) (malignant) - see Agranulocytosis

  5591. Granuloma

  5592. Granuloma Tropicum (Yaws)

  5593. Granulomatosis

  5594. Granulomatous Enteritis (Crohn's Disease)

  5595. Granulomatous tissue (abnormal) (excessive)

  5596. Granulomatous Vasculitis (Wegener's Granulomatosis)

  5597. Granulosis rubra nasi

  5598. Graphite fibrosis (of lung)

  5599. Graphospasm

  5600. Grating scapula

  5601. Gravel (urinary) - see Calculus, urinary

  5602. Graves' Disease

  5603. Graves' disease - see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter

  5604. Graves Disease ( Hyperthyroidism / Thyroiditis )

  5605. Gravis - see condition

  5606. Grawitz tumor

  5607. Gray syndrome (newborn)

  5608. Grayness, hair (premature)

  5609. Green Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  5610. Green sickness

  5611. Green Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  5612. Greenfield's disease

  5613. Greenstick fracture - code as Fracture, by site

  5614. Greenstick Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  5615. Grey Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  5616. Grey Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  5617. Grey syndrome (newborn)

  5618. Grey Vaginal Discharge (Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment))

  5619. Grief

  5620. Griesinger's disease

  5621. Grinder's lung or pneumoconiosis

  5622. Grinding, teeth

  5623. Grip

  5624. Grippe, grippal - see also Influenza

  5625. Grisel's disease

  5626. Groin - see condition

  5627. Grooved tongue

  5628. Ground itch

  5629. Group B Strep

  5630. Grover's disease or syndrome

  5631. Grow as tall as you want ( Increase your height / Height - Grow as tall as you want )

  5632. Grow Taller

  5633. Grow Taller Exercises ( Height - Grow Taller Exercises / Exercises to Grow Taller )

  5634. Growing pains, children

  5635. Growth (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) - see also Neoplasm

  5636. Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries

  5637. Gruby's disease

  5638. GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test)

  5639. Gubler-Millard paralysis or syndrome

  5640. Guerin-Stern syndrome

  5641. Guidance, insufficient anterior (occlusal)

  5642. Guillain-Barré disease or syndrome

  5643. Guillain-Barre Syndrome

  5644. Guinea Worm Disease

  5645. Guinea worms (infection) (infestation)

  5646. Guinon's disease (motor-verbal tic)

  5647. Gull's disease

  5648. Gum - see condition

  5649. Gum Disease

  5650. Gum Disease - Bleeding Gums ( Bleeding Gums )

  5651. Gum Disease ( Gingivitis / Periodontitis )

  5652. Gum Problems

  5653. Gum Recession | Gingival Recession ( Receding Gums )

  5654. Gumboil

  5655. Gumma (syphilitic)

  5656. Gunn's syndrome

  5657. Gunshot wound - see also Wound, open

  5658. Gut Pain (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  5659. Guttate Psoriasis (Psoriasis)

  5660. Gynandrism

  5661. Gynandroblastoma

  5662. Gynecological examination (periodic) (routine)

  5663. Gynecomastia

  5664. Gynephobia

  5665. Gyrate scalp

  5666. H (Hartnup's)

  5667. H pylori (Helicobacter Pylori)

  5668. H&H (Hematocrit)

  5669. H1N1 Influenza Virus (Swine Flu)

  5670. Haas' disease or osteochondrosis (juvenile) (head of humerus) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

  5671. Habit, habituation

  5672. Haemodialysis ( Dialysis / Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis )

  5673. Haemophilus (H.)

  5674. Haff disease - see Poisoning, mercury

  5675. Hageman's factor defect, deficiency or disease

  5676. Haglund's disease or osteochondrosis (juvenile) (os tibiale externum) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

  5677. Hailey-Hailey disease

  5678. Hair - see also condition

  5679. Hair Analysis: Your hair tells the truth about you… but not all of it

  5680. Hair Care Guide - Summer Tips

  5681. Hair Loss

  5682. Hair Loss - Balding Premature ( Premature Balding - Hair Loss )

  5683. Hair Loss - Prevention ( Top Tips for Hair Loss Prevention )

  5684. Hair Loss ( Loss of Hair )

  5685. Hair Loss and Thinning - The Latest Treatments ( Latest Treatments of Hair Loss and Thinning )

  5686. Hair Loss in Men ( Loss of Hair in Men )

  5687. Hair Loss in Women ( Loss of Hair in Women )

  5688. Hair Loss-Causes ( Causes of Hair Loss )

  5689. Hair Removal

  5690. Hair Replacement for Men ( Men - Hair Replacement )

  5691. Hair Replacement for Women ( Women - Hair Replacement )

  5692. Hair Restoration ( Restoration of Hair )

  5693. Hairball in stomach

  5694. Hair-pulling, pathological (compulsive)

  5695. Hairy black tongue

  5696. Hairy Cell Leukemia (Leukemia)

  5697. Half vertebra

  5698. Halitosis ( Oral Malodor / Bad Breath )

  5699. Halitosis (Bad Breath)

  5700. Halitosis

  5701. Hallerman-Streiff syndrome

  5702. Hallervorden-Spatz disease

  5703. Hallopeau's acrodermatitis or disease

  5704. Hallucination

  5705. Hallucinogen Abuse

  5706. Hallucinogen Dependence

  5707. Hallucinogen Intoxication

  5708. Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium

  5709. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

  5710. Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  5711. Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder

  5712. Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  5713. Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  5714. Hallucinogen-Related Disorder NOS

  5715. Hallucinosis (chronic)

  5716. Hallux

  5717. Hallux Valgus (Bunions)

  5718. Halo, visual

  5719. Hamartoma, hamartoblastoma

  5720. Hamartosis

  5721. Hamburger Disease (E. Coli 0157:H7)

  5722. Hamman-Rich Syndrome (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  5723. Hamman-Rich syndrome

  5724. Hammer toe (acquired) - see also Deformity, toe, hammer toe

  5725. Hamstring Cramp (Muscle Cramps)

  5726. Hamstring Injury

  5727. Hand - see condition

  5728. Hand Foot Mouth (Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Syndrome)

  5729. Hand Ringworm (Ringworm)

  5730. Hand Surgery (Joint Replacement Surgery Of The Hand)

  5731. Hand Sweating, Excessive (Hyperhidrosis)

  5732. Hand-foot syndrome

  5733. Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Syndrome

  5734. Handicap, handicapped

  5735. Hand-Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome

  5736. Hanging (asphyxia) (strangulation) (suffocation) - see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat

  5737. Hangnail - see also Cellulitis, digit

  5738. Hangover (alcohol)

  5739. Hanhart's syndrome

  5740. Hanot-Chauffard (-Troisier)

  5741. Hanot's cirrhosis or disease

  5742. Hansen’s Disease ( Skin Disease - Leprosy / Leprosy )

  5743. Hansen's disease - see Leprosy

  5744. Hantaan virus disease (Korean hemorrhagic fever)

  5745. Hantavirus disease (with renal manifestations) (Dobrava) (Puumala) (Seoul)

  5746. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

  5747. HAPE (Pulmonary Edema)

  5748. Happy puppet syndrome

  5749. Harada's disease or syndrome

  5750. Hard Measles (Measles (Rubeola))

  5751. Hard of Hearing (Deafness)

  5752. Hardening

  5753. Hardening of the Arteries (Heart Attack Pathology: Photo Essay)

  5754. Harelip (complete) (incomplete) - see Cleft, lip

  5755. Harlequin (newborn)

  5756. Harley's disease

  5757. Harmful Effects and Benefits-Ultra-Violet Radiation ( Ultra-Violet Radiation-Harmful Effects and Benefits )

  5758. Harmful use (of)

  5759. Harris' lines - see Arrest, epiphyseal

  5760. Harsh Voice (Hoarseness)

  5761. Hartnup's disease

  5762. Harvester's lung

  5763. Harvesting ovum for in vitro fertilization

  5764. Hashimoto Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)

  5765. Hashimoto's disease or thyroiditis

  5766. Hashimoto's Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  5767. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

  5768. Hashitoxicosis (transient)

  5769. Hassal-Henle bodies or warts (cornea)

  5770. Haut mal - see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

  5771. Haverhill fever

  5772. Hay Fever

  5773. Hay fever - see also Fever, hay

  5774. Hay Fever [377] (Chronic Rhinitis)

  5775. Hayem-Widal syndrome

  5776. Haygarth's nodes

  5777. Haymaker's lung

  5778. Hazards of Radiation and its Effects on HumanBody ( Radiation Hazards and its Effects on Human Body )

  5779. Hb (abnormal)

  5780. Hb (Hemoglobin)

  5781. HbA1c Blood Sugar Test ( Decoding HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar / Diabetes HbA1c Test for Blood Sugar )

  5782. HbS Disease ( Sickle Cell Anemia )

  5783. HBV Disease (Hepatitis B)

  5784. Hct (Hematocrit)

  5785. HCV (PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction))

  5786. HCV Disease (Hepatitis C)

  5787. HCV PCR (PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction))

  5788. HD (Hirschsprung Disease)

  5789. HDL Cholesterol (Cholesterol Management)

  5790. Head - see condition

  5791. Head and Neck Cancer

  5792. Head Cold (Common Cold)

  5793. Head Injury

  5794. Head Injury ( Brain Injury )

  5795. Head Lice

  5796. Headache

  5797. Headache - Migraine ( Migraine )

  5798. Headache ( Cephalgia )

  5799. Headache

  5800. Headache, Sinus (Sinus Headache)

  5801. Headache, Spinal (Spinal Headaches)

  5802. Headache, Tension (Tension Headache)

  5803. Headaches in Children

  5804. Healing Mind and Body - Raga Therapy ( Raga Therapy for Healing Mind and Body )

  5805. Health and Disease of Nails ( Nails - Health and Disease )

  5806. Health and the Workplace

  5807. Health Benefits of Bananas ( Bananas Health Benefits )

  5808. Health Benefits of Chili Pepper ( Exploring the Benefits of Chili Pepper / Chili Pepper - Health Benefits )

  5809. Health Benefits of Fish ( Fish Health Benefits )

  5810. Health Benefits of Magical Millets ( Magical Millets for Your Health )

  5811. Health Care Proxy (Advance Medical Directives)

  5812. Health Effects of Global Warming ( Global Warming - Health Effects )

  5813. Health Facts - Watermelon ( WaterMelon: Top Five ‘Refreshing and Nourishing‘ Health Facts / Watermelon Health Facts )

  5814. Health Hazards of Smoking Cigarettes ( Smoking Cigarette - Health Hazards )

  5815. Health Precautions Before, During and After Travel - During Travel

  5816. Health Screening for Men between 40 and 64 years of Age ( Medical Screening for Men between 40 and 64 years of Age )

  5817. Health Screening for Women between 40 and 60 years of Age ( Screening for Women between 40 and 60 years ) Health Screening Tests - Importance ( Importance of Health Screening Tests )

  5818. Health Screening Tests for Men (Disease Prevention in Men)

  5819. Health Tips – Quick and Easy ( Top Thirty Quick and Easy

  5820. Health Tips / Quick and Easy Health Tips )

  5821. Health, Reproductive (Reproductive Health)

  5822. Health, Sexual (Sexual Health Overview)

  5823. Healthy

  5824. Healthy Diet For Sparkling Eyes ( Sparkling Eyes - How to Get with Healthy Diet / Foods that Gives You Sparkling Eyes )

  5825. Healthy Living

  5826. Healthy Snacking - Diet Guidelines ( Diet Guidelines for Healthy Snacking )

  5827. Hearing (Deafness)

  5828. Hearing Aids

  5829. Hearing examination

  5830. Hearing Impairment (Deafness)

  5831. Hearing Testing of Newborns (Newborn Infant Hearing Screening)

  5832. Hearing Tests in Newborns ( Screening for Hearing Loss in Newborns )

  5833. Heart - see condition

  5834. Heart Attack

  5835. Heart Attack - Prevention ( What Is A Heart Attack / How To Prevent Heart Attacks )

  5836. Heart Attack - Prevention )

  5837. Heart Attack | Heart Attack-Know How | Heart Attack - About

  5838. Heart Attack and Atherosclerosis Prevention

  5839. Heart Attack in Women

  5840. Heart Attack Pathology: Photo Essay

  5841. Heart Attack Prevention: Exercise and Vitamins (Vitamins & Exercise)

  5842. Heart Attack Treatment

  5843. Heart beat

  5844. Heart Block (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  5845. Heart Bypass (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)

  5846. Heart Day 2009 - "Work With Heart" ( World Heart Day 2009 - "Work With Heart" )

  5847. Heart Disease - Lifestyle Paths ( Lifestyle Paths to Heart Disease )

  5848. Heart Disease - New Biomarker ( New Biomarker for Heart Disease? )

  5849. Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease)

  5850. Heart Disease and Smoking (Smoking and Heart Disease)

  5851. Heart Disease and Stress (Stress and Heart Disease)

  5852. Heart Disease in Women (Heart Attack in Women)

  5853. Heart disease risk higher among Childless Men ( Men with Kids may have Longer Life Span / Infertile Men more likely to die of Heart-related Problems / Fatherhood Adds Years to Life - Study )

  5854. Heart Disease, Testing For (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  5855. Heart Failure

  5856. Heart Failure More Common in Type 1 Diabetics With Poor Blood Sugar Control ( Diabetics (Type I) with poor Blood Sugar Control More prone to Heart failure )

  5857. Heart Inflammation (Myocarditis)

  5858. Heart Lead Extraction

  5859. Heart Murmur

  5860. Heart Palpitation (Palpitations Overview)

  5861. Heart Rhythm Disorders

  5862. Heart Transplant

  5863. Heart Valve Disease

  5864. Heart Valve Disease Treatment

  5865. Heart Valve Infection (Endocarditis)

  5866. Heart: How the Heart Works

  5867. Heartbeat Irregular (Arrhythmia (Irregular Heartbeat))

  5868. Heartburn (Reflux)

  5869. Heartburn in Infants and Children (GERD in Infants and Children)

  5870. Heartburn

  5871. Heat (effects)

  5872. Heat Cramps

  5873. Heat Exhaustion

  5874. Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Health

  5875. Heat Rash

  5876. Heat Related Illness, Heat Exhaustion (Heat Exhaustion)

  5877. Heat Stroke

  5878. Heat-Related Illnesses (Hyperthermia)

  5879. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | Heavy Periods ( Menorrhagia )

  5880. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding (Vaginal Bleeding)

  5881. Heavy-for-dates NEC (infant) (4000g to 4499g)

  5882. Hebephrenia, hebephrenic (schizophrenia)

  5883. Heberden's disease or nodes (with arthropathy)

  5884. Hebra's

  5885. Heel - see condition

  5886. Heel Pain (Heel Spurs)

  5887. Heel Spurs

  5888. Heerfordt's disease

  5889. Hegglin's anomaly or syndrome

  5890. Height - Grow as tall as you want ( Increase your height / Grow as tall as you want )

  5891. Height - Grow Taller Exercises ( Grow Taller Exercises / Exercises to Grow Taller )

  5892. Heilmeyer-Schoner disease

  5893. Heine-Medin disease

  5894. Heinz body anemia, congenital

  5895. Helicobacter Pylori

  5896. Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test (Urea Breath Test)

  5897. Heliophobia

  5898. Heller's disease or syndrome

  5899. HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count)

  5900. Helminthiasis - see also Infestation, helminth Heloma

  5901. Helping children enjoy Summer's Bounty Vegetables! - Summer Tips

  5902. Hemangiectatic Hypertrophy (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  5903. Hemangioblastoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  5904. Hemangioendothelioma - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  5905. Hemangiofibroma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  5906. Hemangiolipoma - see Lipoma

  5907. Hemangioma (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  5908. Hemangioma

  5909. Hemangioma, Hepatic (Hepatic Hemangioma)

  5910. Hemangiomatosis (systemic)

  5911. Hemangiopericytoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  5912. Hemangiosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  5913. Hemapheresis

  5914. Hemarthrosis (nontraumatic)

  5915. Hematemesis

  5916. Hematidrosis

  5917. Hematinuria - see also Hemoglobinuria

  5918. Hematobilia

  5919. Hematocele

  5920. Hematochezia - see also Melena

  5921. Hematochezia (Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding))

  5922. Hematochyluria - see also Infestation, filarial

  5923. Hematocolpos (with hematometra or hematosalpinx)

  5924. Hematocornea - see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal

  5925. Hematocrit

  5926. Hematogenous - see condition

  5927. Hematoma

  5928. Hematoma (traumatic) (skin surface intact) - see also Contusion

  5929. Hematometra

  5930. Hematomyelia (central)

  5931. Hematomyelitis

  5932. Hematoperitoneum - see Hemoperitoneum

  5933. Hematophobia

  5934. Hematopneumothorax (see Hemothorax)

  5935. Hematopoiesis, cyclic

  5936. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation ( Bone Marrow Transplantation )

  5937. Hematoporphyria - see Porphyria

  5938. Hematorachis, hematorrhachis

  5939. Hematosalpinx

  5940. Hematospermia (Blood In Semen)

  5941. Hematospermia

  5942. Hematothorax (see Hemothorax)

  5943. Hematuria ( Blood in Urine )

  5944. Hematuria (Blood In Urine)

  5945. Hematuria

  5946. Hemeralopia (day blindness)

  5947. Hemi-akinesia

  5948. Hemianalgesia

  5949. Hemianencephaly

  5950. Hemianesthesia

  5951. Hemianopia, hemianopsia (heteronymous)

  5952. Hemiathetosis

  5953. Hemiatrophy

  5954. Hemiballism (us)

  5955. Hemicardia

  5956. Hemicephalus, hemicephaly

  5957. Hemichorea

  5958. Hemicolitis, left - see Colitis, left sided

  5959. Hemicrania

  5960. Hemidystrophy - see Hemiatrophy

  5961. Hemiectromelia

  5962. Hemihypalgesia

  5963. Hemihypesthesia

  5964. Hemi-inattention

  5965. Hemimelia

  5966. Hemiparalysis - see Hemiplegia

  5967. Hemiparesis - see Hemiplegia

  5968. Hemiparesthesia

  5969. Hemiparkinsonism

  5970. Hemiplegia

  5971. Hemiplegic Migraine (Migraine)

  5972. Hemisection, spinal cord - see Injury, spinal cord, by region

  5973. Hemispasm (facial)

  5974. Hemisporosis

  5975. Hemitremor

  5976. Hemivertebra

  5977. Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload)

  5978. Hemochromatosis

  5979. Hemodialysis

  5980. Hemodialysis (Dialysis)

  5981. Hemoglobin

  5982. Hemoglobin - see also condition

  5983. Hemoglobin A1c Test

  5984. Hemoglobin H Disease (Alpha Thalassemia)

  5985. Hemoglobin Level, Low (Anemia)

  5986. Hemoglobin M Disease (Methemoglobinemia)

  5987. Hemoglobinemia

  5988. Hemoglobinopathy (mixed)

  5989. Hemoglobinuria

  5990. Hemolymphangioma

  5991. Hemolysis

  5992. Hemolytic - see condition

  5993. Hemolytic Anemia (Anemia)

  5994. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

  5995. Hemopericardium

  5996. Hemoperitoneum

  5997. Hemophilia

  5998. Hemophilia (classical) (familial) (hereditary)

  5999. Hemophthalmos

  6000. Hemopneumothorax - see also Hemothorax

  6001. Hemoptysis

  6002. Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (concealed)

  6003. Hemorrhagic Colitis (E. Coli 0157:H7)

  6004. Hemorrhagic Fever - Waterborne ( Dengue - Waterborne )

  6005. Hemorrhagic Fever (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever)

  6006. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Failure (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever)

  6007. Hemorrhoidectomy, Stapled (Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy)

  6008. Hemorrhoids ( Piles )

  6009. Hemorrhoids (bleeding) (without mention of degree)

  6010. Hemorrhoids (Piles)

  6011. Hemosalpinx

  6012. Hemosiderosis (dietary)

  6013. Hemothorax (bacterial) (nontuberculous)

  6014. Henoch (-Schönlein) disease or syndrome (purpura)

  6015. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

  6016. Henpue, henpuye

  6017. Hepar lobatum (syphilitic)

  6018. Hepatalgia

  6019. Hepatic Dysfunction, Constitutional (Gilbert Syndrome)

  6020. Hepatic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  6021. Hepatic Hemangioma

  6022. Hepatic Jaundice (Jaundice in Adults)

  6023. Hepatitis - "This is Hepatitis"

  6024. Hepatitis (Viral Hepatitis)

  6025. Hepatitis A

  6026. Hepatitis B

  6027. Hepatitis B Virus (or) HBV )

  6028. Hepatitis B Virus (or) HBV Screening ( Screening for

  6029. Hepatitis C

  6030. Hepatitis Challenge and Liver Transplants in India - Liver Specialist Speaks

  6031. Hepatitis D (Viral Hepatitis)

  6032. Hepatitis Day

  6033. Hepatitis E (Viral Hepatitis)

  6034. Hepatitis G (Viral Hepatitis)

  6035. Hepatitis Immunizations

  6036. Hepatitis

  6037. Hepatitis Vaccinations (Hepatitis Immunizations)

  6038. Hepatization lung (acute) - see Pneumonia, lobar

  6039. Hepatoblastoma

  6040. Hepatocarcinoma

  6041. Hepatocholangiocarcinoma

  6042. Hepatocholangioma, benign

  6043. Hepatocholangitis

  6044. Hepatoerythropoietic Porphyria (Porphyria)

  6045. Hepatolenticular Degeneration ( Wilson’s Disease / Copper Storage Disease )

  6046. Hepatolenticular degeneration

  6047. Hepatoma (malignant)

  6048. Hepatomegaly - see also Hypertrophy, liver

  6049. Hepatoptosis

  6050. Hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery

  6051. Hepatosis

  6052. Hepatosplenomegaly

  6053. Herbs and Anti-oxidants that Fight Cancer ( Anti-oxidants and Herbs that Fight Cancer )

  6054. Herbs and Beauty - Top Ten ( Top Ten Herbs to Promote Beauty / Beauty and Herbs - Top Ten )

  6055. Herbs and Pregnancy (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  6056. Herbs for Healthy Digestion ( Wonder Herbs for those Digestion Blues )

  6057. Herbs for Weight Loss ( Weight Loss and Herbs: Pros and Cons / Pros and Cons of Herbs for Weight Loss )

  6058. Herbs that Help Lower High Blood Pressure ( Hypertension Lowered with Herbs / High Blood Pressure and Herbs )

  6059. Hercep Test for the Detection of HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers ( Method to Detect HER2 Protein in Breast anc Gastri Cancer / Detect HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers with Hercept Test )

  6060. Hereditary - see condition

  6061. Hereditary Coproporphyria (Porphyria)

  6062. Hereditary Pancreatitis (Pancreatitis)

  6063. Hereditary Polyposis Coli (Gardner Syndrome)

  6064. Hereditary Pulmonary Emphysema (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  6065. Heredodegeneration, macular - see Dystrophy, retina

  6066. Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis

  6067. Heredosyphilis - see Syphilis, congenital

  6068. Heritable Disease (Genetic Disease)

  6069. Herlitz' syndrome

  6070. Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome

  6071. Hermaphrodite, hermaphroditism (true)

  6072. Hernia

  6073. Hernia Overview

  6074. Hernia, hernial (acquired) (recurrent)

  6075. Hernia, Hiatal (Hiatal Hernia Overview)

  6076. Hernia, Hydrocele in Children ( Child-Hernia / Hydrocele )

  6077. Herniation - see also Hernia

  6078. Herpangina

  6079. Herpangina

  6080. Herpes (Genital Herpes in Women Overview)

  6081. Herpes Infections in Genital Area ( Genital Herpes )

  6082. Herpes Labialis ( Cold Sores / Fever Blisters / Recurrent Herpes Labialis )

  6083. Herpes of the Eye

  6084. herpes simplex virus (Genital Herpes in Women Overview)

  6085. Herpes Zoster ( Shingles / Post Herpetic Neuralgia / Chicken pox shingles )

  6086. Herpes Zoster (Shingles (Herpes Zoster))

  6087. Herpes, herpesvirus, herpetic

  6088. Herpesvirus (human) - see Herpes

  6089. Herpetophobia

  6090. Herrick's anemia - see Disease, sickle-cell

  6091. Hers' disease

  6092. Herter-Gee syndrome

  6093. Herxheimer's reaction

  6094. Hesitancy

  6095. Hesselbach's hernia - see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC

  6096. Heterochromia (congenital)

  6097. Heterochromia Iridis

  6098. Heterophoria - see Strabismus, heterophoria

  6099. Heterophyes, heterophyiasis (small intestine)

  6100. Heterotopia, heterotopic - see also Malposition, congenital

  6101. Heterotropia - see Strabismus

  6102. Heubner-Herter disease

  6103. Hexadactylism

  6104. HFRS (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever)

  6105. Hgb (Hemoglobin)

  6106. HGPS (Progeria Syndrome)

  6107. HGSIL (cytology finding) (high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear) (Pap smear finding)

  6108. Hiatal Hernia Overview

  6109. Hiatus Hernia

  6110. Hib Vaccine

  6111. Hibernoma - see Lipoma

  6112. Hiccoughs ( Hiccups / Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter (SDF) / Singultus )

  6113. Hiccup, hiccough

  6114. Hiccups

  6115. Hiccups ( Hiccoughs / Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter (SDF) / Singultus )

  6116. HIDA Scan (Cholescintigraphy)

  6117. Hidden penis (congenital)

  6118. Hidradenitis (axillaris) (suppurative)

  6119. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Boils)

  6120. Hidradenoma (nodular) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

  6121. Hidrocystoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  6122. High

  6123. High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (Pulmonary Edema)

  6124. High blood pressure

  6125. High Blood Pressure ( High BP / Hypertension )

  6126. High Blood Pressure and Herbs ( Hypertension Lowered with Herbs / Herbs that Help Lower High Blood Pressure )

  6127. High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease (Kidney Disease (Hypertension-Related))

  6128. High Blood Pressure Hypertension

  6129. High Blood Pressure In Pregnancy (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)

  6130. High Blood Pressure Treatment

  6131. High Blood Pressure-Diet ( Diet and High Blood Pressure )

  6132. High BP ( High Blood Pressure / Hypertension )

  6133. High Calcium Levels (Hypercalcemia)

  6134. High Cholesterol ( Hypercholesterolemia )

  6135. High Cholesterol: Frequently Asked Questions

  6136. High Density Lipoproteins

  6137. High lipid levels

  6138. High Lung Blood Pressure (Pulmonary Hypertension)

  6139. High Potassium (Hyperkalemia)

  6140. High Pulmonary Blood Pressure (Pulmonary Hypertension)

  6141. High Red Blood Cell Count (Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count))

  6142. High Triglycerides (Triglyceride Test)

  6143. Hijacking Situations and Behavior Considerations - During Travel

  6144. Hildenbrand's disease

  6145. Hilum - see condition

  6146. Hip - see condition

  6147. Hip Bursitis

  6148. Hip Pain (Hip Bursitis)

  6149. Hip Replacement

  6150. Hip Replacement (Total Hip Replacement)

  6151. Hippel's disease

  6152. Hippophobia

  6153. Hippus

  6154. Hirschsprung Disease

  6155. Hirschsprung's disease or megacolon

  6156. Hirsutism, hirsuties

  6157. Hirudiniasis

  6158. Hiss-Russell dysentery

  6159. Histidinemia, histidinuria

  6160. Histiocytoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

  6161. Histiocytosis

  6162. Histoplasmosis

  6163. History of Anaesthesia ( Anaesthesia - History )

  6164. Histrionic Personality Disorder

  6165. His-Werner disease

  6166. HIV ( AIDS )

  6167. Hives

  6168. Hives ( Utricaria )

  6169. Hives (bold) - see Urticaria

  6170. HL7 [Health Level 7]

  6171. Hoarseness

  6172. Hoarseness

  6173. Hobo

  6174. Hodgkin disease - see Lymphoma, Hodgkin

  6175. Hodgkins Disease

  6176. Hodgkins Lymphoma

  6177. Hodgson's disease

  6178. Hoffa-Kastert disease

  6179. Hoffa's disease

  6180. Hoffmann-Bouveret syndrome

  6181. Hoffmann's syndrome

  6182. Hog Flu ( Swine Flu / Swine Influenza / Pig Flu )

  6183. Hole (round)

  6184. Holiday Depression And Stress

  6185. Holiday relief care

  6186. Holistic Health and Fitness

  6187. Holistic Management for Depression ( Depression – A Holistic Approach )

  6188. Hollenhorst's plaque - see Occlusion, artery, retina

  6189. Hollow foot (congenital)

  6190. Holoprosencephaly

  6191. Holt-Oram syndrome

  6192. Home Care for Diabetics (Diabetic Home Care and Monitoring)

  6193. Home Care

  6194. Home Grown Herbs for Holistic Nutrition

  6195. Home Pregnancy Test

  6196. Home Pregnancy Tests (Pregnancy Test)

  6197. Home Safety Information: Alzheimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Disease Causes, Stages, and Symptoms)

  6198. Homesickness - see Disorder, adjustment

  6199. Homocysteine

  6200. Homocystinemia, homocystinuria

  6201. Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency

  6202. Homogentisic Acid Oxidase Deficiency (Alkaptonuria)

  6203. Homogentisic acidura (Alkaptonuria)

  6204. Homograft Valve (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  6205. Homologous serum hepatitis (prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B

  6206. Honeycomb lung

  6207. Hooded

  6208. Hookworm (anemia) (disease) (infection) (infestation)

  6209. Hordeolum (eyelid) (externum) (recurrent)

  6210. Hordeolum (Sty (Stye))

  6211. Hormonal Methods of Birth Control

  6212. Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hormone Therapy)

  6213. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

  6214. Hormone Therapy

  6215. Hormone Therapy With Radiotherapy Improves Survival of Prostate Cancer ( Prostate Cancer - Hormone Therapy With Radiotherapy Improves Survival )

  6216. Horn

  6217. Horner (-Claude Bernard)

  6218. Hornet (Insect Sting Allergies)

  6219. Horseshoe kidney (congenital)

  6220. Horton's headache or neuralgia

  6221. Hospice

  6222. Hospital hopper syndrome - see Disorder, factitious

  6223. Hospitalism in children - see Disorder, adjustment

  6224. Hostility

  6225. Hot Flashes

  6226. Hot Tub Folliculitis (Folliculitis)

  6227. Hourglass (contracture) - see also Contraction, hourglass

  6228. Household, housing circumstance affecting care

  6229. Housemaid's knee - see Bursitis, prepatellar

  6230. How clean is mineral water?? - Summer Tips

  6231. How Cycling can Benefit You ( Cycling Benefits ) How to Choose the Right Shoes for Your Baby ( Right Shoes for Your Baby - How to Choose / Baby Shoes - How to Choose )

  6232. How to Deal with a Stroke ( Stroke - How to Deal )

  6233. How to Dealing with Pollen Allergy ( Dealing with Pollen Allergy )

  6234. How to live longer ( Tips to Live Longer / Live Longer-Tips )

  6235. How To Prevent Heart Attacks ( What Is A Heart Attack /

  6236. How to Save Your Marriage ( Marriage - How to save it? )

  6237. HPA (Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency)

  6238. HPV (Genital Warts In Women)

  6239. HPV in Men (Genital Warts in Men (HPV Virus))

  6240. HRT (Hormone Therapy)

  6241. HSP (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura)

  6242. HSV (Genital Herpes in Women Overview)

  6243. Hudson (-Stähli) line (cornea) - see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior

  6244. Hughes Syndrome (Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

  6245. Human

  6246. Human Growth Hormone

  6247. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

  6248. Human Papillomavirus (Genital Warts In Women)

  6249. Human Papillomavirus Test (Cervista HPV Test)

  6250. Humanpapilloma Virus in Men (Genital Warts in Men (HPV Virus))

  6251. Humidifier lung or pneumonitis

  6252. Humiliation (experience)

  6253. Humpback (acquired) - see Kyphosis

  6254. Hunchback (acquired) - see Kyphosis

  6255. Hunger Fullness and Weight Control ( Weight Control and Hunger Fullness )

  6256. Hunger

  6257. Hungry bone syndrome

  6258. Hunner's ulcer - see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

  6259. Hunter's

  6260. Huntington Disease

  6261. Huntington's disease or chorea

  6262. Hunt's

  6263. Hurler (-Scheie)

  6264. Hurricane Kit (Hurricane Preparedness)

  6265. Hurricane Preparedness

  6266. Hurricanes (First Aid)

  6267. Hurst's disease

  6268. Hurthle cell

  6269. Hurthle Cell Adenoma (Thyroid Nodules)

  6270. HUS (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome)

  6271. Hutchinson-Boeck disease or syndrome - see Sarcoidosis

  6272. Hutchinson-Gilford disease or syndrome

  6273. Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome (Progeria Syndrome)

  6274. Hutchinson's

  6275. Hyalin plaque, sclera, senile

  6276. Hyaline membrane (disease) (lung) (pulmonary) (newborn)

  6277. Hyalinosis

  6278. Hyalitis, hyalosis, asteroid - see also Deposit, crystalline

  6279. Hydatid

  6280. Hydatid disease ( Echinococcosis | Echinococcal disease )

  6281. Hydatidiform mole (benign) (complicating pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered)

  6282. Hydatidosis - see Echinococcus

  6283. Hydradenitis (axillaris) (suppurative)

  6284. Hydradenoma - see Hidradenoma

  6285. Hydramnios

  6286. Hydrancephaly, hydranencephaly

  6287. Hydrargyrism NEC - see Poisoning, mercury

  6288. Hydrarthrosis - see also Effusion, joint

  6289. Hydration Tips for Children ! - Summer Tips

  6290. Hydremia

  6291. Hydrencephalocele (congenital) - see Encephalocele

  6292. Hydrencephalomeningocele (congenital) - see Encephalocele

  6293. Hydroa

  6294. Hydroadenitis (axillaris) (suppurative)

  6295. Hydrocalycosis - see Hydronephrosis

  6296. Hydrocele

  6297. Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular)

  6298. Hydrocele (spermatic cord) (testis) (tunica vaginalis)

  6299. Hydrocephalus

  6300. Hydrocephalus (acquired) (external) (internal) (malignant) (recurrent)

  6301. Hydrocolpos (congenital)

  6302. Hydrocystoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  6303. Hydroencephalocele (congenital) - see Encephalocele

  6304. Hydroencephalomeningocele (congenital) - see Encephalocele

  6305. Hydrogen Breath Test

  6306. Hydrohematopneumothorax - see Hemothorax

  6307. Hydromeningitis - see Meningitis

  6308. Hydromeningocele (spinal) - see also Spina bifida

  6309. Hydrometra

  6310. Hydrometrocolpos

  6311. Hydromicrocephaly

  6312. Hydromphalos (since birth)

  6313. Hydromyelia

  6314. Hydromyelocele - see Spina bifida

  6315. Hydronephrosis

  6316. Hydronephrosis ( Antenatal Counseling )

  6317. Hydronephrosis (atrophic) (early) (functionless) (intermittent) (primary) (secondary)

  6318. Hydropericarditis - see Pericarditis

  6319. Hydropericardium - see Pericarditis

  6320. Hydroperitoneum

  6321. Hydrophobia - see Rabies

  6322. Hydrophthalmos

  6323. Hydropneumohemothorax - see Hemothorax

  6324. Hydropneumopericarditis - see Pericarditis

  6325. Hydropneumopericardium - see Pericarditis

  6326. Hydropneumothorax

  6327. Hydrops

  6328. Hydropyonephrosis

  6329. Hydrorachis

  6330. Hydrorrhea (nasal)

  6331. Hydrosadenitis (axillaris) (suppurative)

  6332. Hydrosalpinx (fallopian tube) (follicularis)

  6333. Hydrothorax (double) (pleura)

  6334. Hydroureter - see also Hydronephrosis

  6335. Hydroureteronephrosis - see Hydronephrosis

  6336. Hydrourethra

  6337. Hydroxyapatite

  6338. Hydroxykynureninuria

  6339. Hydroxylysinemia

  6340. Hydroxyprolinemia

  6341. Hygiene, sleep

  6342. Hygroma (congenital) (cystic)

  6343. Hymen - see condition

  6344. Hymenolepis, hymenolepiasis (diminuta) (infection) (infestation) (nana)

  6345. Hyopgonadism, Primary (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  6346. Hyopgonadism, Secondary (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  6347. Hyopgonadism, Tertiary (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  6348. Hypalgesia

  6349. Hyperacidity (gastric)

  6350. Hyperactive, hyperactivity

  6351. Hyperactivity (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  6352. Hyperacusis

  6353. Hyperadrenalism

  6354. Hyperadrenocorticism

  6355. Hyperaldosteronism

  6356. Hyperalgesia

  6357. Hyperalimentation

  6358. Hyperaminoaciduria

  6359. Hyperammonemia (congenital)

  6360. Hyperazotemia - see Uremia

  6361. Hyperbetalipoproteinemia (familial)

  6362. Hyperbilirubinemia

  6363. Hypercalcemia

  6364. Hypercalcemia, hypocalciuric, familial

  6365. Hypercalcemia-Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis (Williams Syndrome)

  6366. Hypercalciuria, idiopathic

  6367. Hypercapnia

  6368. Hypercarotenemia, hypercarotinemia (dietary)

  6369. Hypercementosis

  6370. Hyperchloremia

  6371. Hyperchlorhydria

  6372. Hypercholesterinemia - see Hypercholesterolemia

  6373. Hypercholesterolemia ( High Cholesterol )

  6374. Hypercholesterolemia (Cholesterol Management)

  6375. Hypercholesterolemia (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (primary) (pure)

  6376. Hyperchylia gastrica, psychogenic

  6377. Hyperchylomicronemia (familial) (primary)

  6378. Hypercoagulable (state)

  6379. Hypercoagulation (state)

  6380. Hypercorticalism, pituitary-dependent

  6381. Hypercorticosolism - see Cushing's, syndrome

  6382. Hypercorticosteronism

  6383. Hypercortisolism (Cushing's Syndrome)

  6384. Hypercortisonism

  6385. Hyperekplexia

  6386. Hyperelectrolytemia

  6387. Hyperemesis

  6388. Hyperemia (acute) (passive)

  6389. Hyperesthesia (body surface)

  6390. Hyperestrogenism (drug-induced) (iatrogenic)

  6391. Hyperexplexia

  6392. Hyperfibrinolysis - see Fibrinolysis

  6393. Hyperfructosemia

  6394. Hyperfunction

  6395. Hypergammaglobulinemia

  6396. Hypergastrinemia

  6397. Hyperglobulinemia

  6398. Hyperglycemia

  6399. Hyperglycemia, hyperglycemic (transient)

  6400. Hyperglyceridemia (endogenous) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (pure)

  6401. Hyperglycinemia (non-ketotic)

  6402. Hypergonadism

  6403. Hyperheparinemia

  6404. Hyperhidrosis

  6405. Hyperhidrosis, hyperidrosis

  6406. Hyperhistidinemia

  6407. Hyperhomocysteinemia

  6408. Hyperhydroxyprolinemia

  6409. Hyperinsulinism (functional)

  6410. Hyperkalemia

  6411. Hyperkeratosis - see also Keratosis

  6412. Hyperkinesia, hyperkinetic (disease) (reaction) (syndrome) (childhood) (adolescence) - see also Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity

  6413. Hyperkinetic Impulse Disorder (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  6414. Hyperleucine-isoleucinemia

  6415. Hyperlipemia, hyperlipidemia

  6416. Hyperlipidemia (Cholesterol Management)

  6417. Hyperlipidosis

  6418. Hyperlipoproteinemia

  6419. Hyperlucent lung, unilateral

  6420. Hyperlysinemia

  6421. Hypermagnesemia

  6422. Hypermenorrhea

  6423. Hypermethioninemia

  6424. Hypermetropia (congenital)

  6425. Hypermobility Syndrome

  6426. Hypermobility Syndrome ( Extreme-Flex / Benign Joint | Hyperlaxity )

  6427. Hypermobility, hypermotility

  6428. Hypernasality

  6429. Hypernatremia

  6430. Hypernephroma (Kidney Cancer)

  6431. Hypernephroma

  6432. Hyperopia - see Hypermetropia

  6433. Hyperopia ( Long Sightedness )

  6434. Hyperorexia nervosa

  6435. Hyperornithinemia

  6436. Hyperosmia

  6437. Hyperosmolality

  6438. Hyperostosis (monomelic) - see also Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC

  6439. Hyperovarism

  6440. Hyperoxaluria (primary)

  6441. Hyperparathyroidism

  6442. Hyperpathia

  6443. Hyperperistalsis

  6444. Hyperpermeability, capillary

  6445. Hyperphagia

  6446. Hyperphenylalaninemia NEC

  6447. Hyperphenylalaninemia, Non-Phenylketonuric (Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency)

  6448. Hyperphoria (alternating)

  6449. Hyperphosphatemia

  6450. Hyperpiesis, hyperpiesia - see Hypertension

  6451. Hyperpigmentation - see also Pigmentation

  6452. Hyperpinealism

  6453. Hyperpituitarism

  6454. Hyperplasia, hyperplastic

  6455. Hyperpnea - see Hyperventilation

  6456. Hyperpotassemia

  6457. Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia (familial)

  6458. Hyperprolactinemia (Prolactinoma)

  6459. Hyperprolactinemia

  6460. Hyperprolinemia (type I) (type II)

  6461. Hyperproteinemia

  6462. Hyperprothrombinemia, causing coagulation factor deficiency

  6463. Hyperpyrexia

  6464. Hyperpyrexia, Malignant (Malignant Hyperthermia)

  6465. Hyper-reflexia

  6466. Hypersalivation

  6467. Hypersecretion

  6468. Hypersegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary

  6469. Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome ( Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder Pain Syndrome / Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) )

  6470. Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity - see also Allergy

  6471. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

  6472. Hypersexuality ( Sex Addiction / Sexual Dependency / Nymphomania / Compulsive Sexual Behavior / Sexual Compulsivity )

  6473. Hypersomnia

  6474. Hypersomnia ( Excessive Sleepiness Disorder / Idiopathic Hypersomnia )

  6475. Hypersomnia (organic) G47.10

  6476. Hypersomnia Related to ... [Indicate the Axis I or Axis II Disorder]

  6477. Hypersomnolence (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  6478. Hypersplenia, hypersplenism D73.1

  6479. Hyperstimulation, ovaries (associated with induced ovulation) N98.1

  6480. Hypersusceptibility - see Allergy

  6481. Hypertelorism (ocular) (orbital) Q75.2

  6482. Hypertension - Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure ( Garlic for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension / Can Garlic Control High Blood Pressure )

  6483. Hypertension ( High Blood Pressure / High BP )

  6484. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure Hypertension)

  6485. Hypertension and Stroke ( Aggressive Personality Types at Higher Risk of Hypertension and Stroke )

  6486. Hypertension Lowered with Herbs ( High Blood Pressure and Herbs / Herbs that Help Lower High Blood Pressure )

  6487. Hypertension Tablets - Benefits on your Health ( Blood Pressure Tablets - Benefits on your Health )

  6488. Hypertension Treatment (High Blood Pressure Treatment)

  6489. Hypertension, hypertensive (accelerated) (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant) (systemic) I10

  6490. Hypertension, Idiopathic Intracranial (Pseudotumor Cerebri)

  6491. Hypertension, Portal (Portal Hypertension)

  6492. Hypertensive Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  6493. Hypertensive Pulmonary Edema (Pulmonary Edema)

  6494. Hypertensive urgency - see Hypertension

  6495. Hyperthecosis ovary E28.8

  6496. Hyperthermia

  6497. Hyperthermia (of unknown origin) - see also Hyperpyrexia

  6498. Hyperthermia, Malignant (Malignant Hyperthermia)

  6499. Hyperthyroid (recurrent) - see Hyperthyroidism

  6500. Hyperthyroidism

  6501. Hyperthyroidism ( Thyroiditis / Graves Disease )

  6502. Hyperthyroidism (latent) (pre-adult) (recurrent)

  6503. Hypertony, hypertonia, hypertonicity

  6504. Hypertrichosis

  6505. Hypertriglyceridemia, essential

  6506. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy (Hypertrophic))

  6507. Hypertrophy, hypertrophic

  6508. Hypertropia

  6509. Hypertyrosinemia

  6510. Hyperuricemia (asymptomatic)

  6511. Hyperuricemia (Gout (Gouty Arthritis))

  6512. Hypervalinemia

  6513. Hyperventilation ( Overbreathing / Rapid deep breathing )

  6514. Hyperventilation (tetany)

  6515. Hypervitaminosis (dietary)

  6516. Hypervolemia

  6517. Hypesthesia

  6518. Hyphema

  6519. Hypnagogic Hallucinations (Narcolepsy)

  6520. Hypnagogic Sleep Paralysis (Sleep Paralysis)

  6521. HypnoBirthing for Childbirth (Childbirth Class Options)

  6522. Hypnopompic Sleep Paralysis (Sleep Paralysis)

  6523. Hypnosis for Weight Loss - Does It Work? ( Weight Loss with Hypnosis – Does It Work )

  6524. Hypoacidity, gastric

  6525. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

  6526. Hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenia

  6527. Hypoadrenocorticism

  6528. Hypoalbuminemia

  6529. Hypoaldosteronism

  6530. Hypoalphalipoproteinemia

  6531. Hypobarism

  6532. Hypobaropathy

  6533. Hypobetalipoproteinemia (familial)

  6534. Hypocalcemia

  6535. Hypochloremia

  6536. Hypochlorhydria

  6537. Hypochondria, hypochondriac, hypochondriasis (reaction)

  6538. Hypochondriasis

  6539. Hypochondrogenesis

  6540. Hypochondroplasia

  6541. Hypochromasia, blood cells

  6542. Hypocorticism ( Addison’s Disease / Hypocortisolism / Adrenal Insufficiency )

  6543. Hypocortisolism ( Addison’s Disease / Hypocorticism / Adrenal Insufficiency )

  6544. Hypodontia - see Anodontia

  6545. Hypoeosinophilia

  6546. Hypoesthesia

  6547. Hypofibrinogenemia

  6548. Hypofunction

  6549. Hypogalactia

  6550. Hypogammaglobulinemia - see also Agammaglobulinemia

  6551. Hypogenitalism (congenital) - see Hypogonadism

  6552. Hypogeusia (Taste Disorders)

  6553. Hypoglossia

  6554. Hypoglycemia

  6555. Hypoglycemia (spontaneous)

  6556. Hypogonadism

  6557. Hypohidrosis, hypoidrosis

  6558. Hypoinsulinemia, postprocedural

  6559. Hypokalemia (Low Potassium (Hypokalemia))

  6560. Hypokalemia

  6561. Hypolactasia ( Lactose Intolerance | Lactose Deficiency )

  6562. Hypoleukocytosis - see Agranulocytosis

  6563. Hypolipoproteinemia (alpha) (beta)

  6564. Hypomagnesemia

  6565. Hypomania, hypomanic reaction

  6566. Hypomenorrhea - see Oligomenorrhea

  6567. Hypomenorrhea (Vaginal Bleeding)

  6568. Hypometabolism

  6569. Hypomotility

  6570. Hyponasality

  6571. Hyponatremia

  6572. Hyponatremia

  6573. Hypo-osmolality

  6574. Hypo-ovarianism, hypo-ovarism

  6575. Hypoparathyroidism

  6576. Hypoperfusion (in)

  6577. Hypopharyngitis - see Laryngopharyngitis

  6578. Hypophoria

  6579. Hypophosphatemia, hypophosphatasia (acquired) (congenital) (renal)

  6580. Hypophyseal, hypophysis - see also condition

  6581. Hypopiesis - see Hypotension

  6582. Hypopigmentation ( Albinism / Albinos )

  6583. Hypopinealism

  6584. Hypopituitarism (juvenile)

  6585. Hypoplasia, hypoplastic

  6586. Hypopotassemia

  6587. Hypoproconvertinemia, congenital (hereditary)

  6588. Hypoproteinemia

  6589. Hypoprothrombinemia (congenital) (hereditary) (idiopathic)

  6590. Hypoptyalism

  6591. Hypopyon (eye) (anterior chamber) - see Iridocyclitis, acute, hypopyon

  6592. Hypopyrexia

  6593. Hyporeflexia

  6594. Hyposecretion

  6595. Hyposegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary

  6596. Hyposiderinemia

  6597. Hypospadias ( Birth Defect - Hypospadias )

  6598. Hypospadias

  6599. Hypospermatogenesis - see Oligospermia

  6600. Hyposplenism

  6601. Hypostasis pulmonary, passive - see Edema, lung

  6602. Hypostatic - see condition

  6603. Hyposthenuria

  6604. Hypotension ( Low Blood Pressure / Blood Pressure - Low Blood Pressure )

  6605. Hypotension (arterial) (constitutional)

  6606. Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

  6607. Hypotension, Orthostatic (Orthostatic Hypotension)

  6608. Hypotensive Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  6609. Hypothalamic Disease (Hypothyroidism)

  6610. Hypothermia (accidental)

  6611. Hypothermia (Extended Exposure to Cold)

  6612. Hypothyroidism

  6613. Hypothyroidism ( Myxoedema )

  6614. Hypothyroidism (acquired)

  6615. Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

  6616. Hypotonia, hypotonicity, hypotony

  6617. Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy (Cerebral Palsy)

  6618. Hypotrichosis - see Alopecia

  6619. Hypotropia

  6620. Hypoventilation

  6621. Hypovitaminosis - see Deficiency, vitamin

  6622. Hypovolemia

  6623. Hypoxemia

  6624. Hypoxia - see also Anoxia

  6625. Hypsarhythmia - see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

  6626. Hysteralgia, pregnant uterus

  6627. Hysterectomy

  6628. Hysterectomy, Vaginal Assisted (Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy)

  6629. Hysteria, hysterical (conversion) (dissociative state)

  6630. Hysteroepilepsy

  6631. Hysteroscopic Sterilization (Surgical Sterilization)

  6632. Hysteroscopy

  6633. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS))

  6634. IBS and Diet (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  6635. IBS Prevention (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  6636. IBS Triggers (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  6637. ICD (Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator)

  6638. Ichthyoparasitism due to Vandellia cirrhosa

  6639. Ichthyosis (congenital)

  6640. Ichthyotoxism - see Poisoning, fish

  6641. ICSI (Infertility)

  6642. Icteroanemia, hemolytic (acquired)

  6643. Icterus - see also Jaundice

  6644. Ictus solaris, solis

  6645. ICU Delerium (ICU Psychosis)

  6646. ICU Psychosis

  6647. Id reaction (due to bacteria)

  6648. Ideal Body Weight - A Massive Issue ( Massive Issue of Ideal Body Weight )

  6649. Ideation

  6650. Identity disorder (child)

  6651. Identity Problem

  6652. Idioglossia

  6653. Idiopathic - see condition

  6654. Idiopathic Endolymphatic Hydrops (Meniere Disease)

  6655. Idiopathic Facial Palsy (Facial Nerve Problems)

  6656. Idiopathic Hypersomnia ( Hypersomnia / Excessive Sleepiness Disorder )

  6657. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri)

  6658. Idiopathic Parkinsonism ( Parkinson’s Disease )

  6659. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  6660. Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension (Pulmonary Hypertension)

  6661. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)

  6662. Idiot, idiocy (congenital)

  6663. IgE asthma

  6664. IIAC (idiopathic infantile arterial calcification)

  6665. Ileitis (chronic) (noninfectious) - see also Enteritis

  6666. Ileitis (Crohn's Disease)

  6667. Ileoanal Reservoir (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  6668. Ileocolitis - see also Enteritis

  6669. Ileocolitis (Crohn's Disease)

  6670. Ileostomy

  6671. Ileostomy (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  6672. Ileostomy (Ulcerative Colitis Surgery)

  6673. Ileotyphus - see Typhoid

  6674. Ileum - see condition

  6675. Ileus (bowel) (colon) (inhibitory) (intestine)

  6676. Iliac - see condition

  6677. Iliotibial band syndrome

  6678. Illiteracy

  6679. Illness - see also Disease

  6680. Imaging Colonoscopy (Virtual Colonoscopy)

  6681. Imbalance

  6682. Imbecile, imbecility (I.Q.35-49)

  6683. Imbedding, intrauterine device

  6684. Imbibition, cholesterol (gallbladder)

  6685. Imbrication, teeth,, fully erupted

  6686. Imerslund (-Gräsbeck)

  6687. Immature - see also Immaturity

  6688. Immaturity (less than 37 completed weeks) - see also Preterm, newborn

  6689. Immersion Injury (Frostbite)

  6690. Immersion

  6691. Immobile, immobility

  6692. Immune reconstitution (inflammatory)

  6693. Immune Response Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  6694. Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP))

  6695. Immunization - see also Vaccination

  6696. Immunization for Adolescents ( Adolescents Need

  6697. Immunization, Flu (Flu Vaccination)

  6698. Immunization: Child and Adolescent Week Message )

  6699. Immunizations

  6700. Immunocytoma

  6701. Immunodeficiency

  6702. Immunotherapy (Biological Therapy)

  6703. Immunotherapy (encounter for)

  6704. Impaction, impacted

  6705. Impaired, impairment (function)

  6706. Impediment, speech

  6707. Impending

  6708. Imperception auditory (acquired) - see also Deafness

  6709. Imperfect

  6710. Imperfectly descended testis - see Cryptorchid

  6711. Imperforate (congenital) - see also Atresia

  6712. Impervious (congenital) - see also Atresia

  6713. Impetiginization of dermatoses

  6714. Impetigo

  6715. Impetigo (any organism) (any site) (circinate) (contagiosa) (simplex) (vulgaris)

  6716. Impingement (on teeth)

  6717. Impingement Syndrome

  6718. Implant, endometrial

  6719. Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator

  6720. Implantation

  6721. Implantation Bleeding During Pregnancy (Pregnancy: Bleeding During the First Trimester)

  6722. Implants, Endometrial (Endometriosis)

  6723. Importance Of BreastFeeding ( Breast Feeding - Importance )

  6724. Importance of Health Screening Tests ( Health Screening Tests - Importance )

  6725. Importance of Internet for Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes ( Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes and Internet / Internet Importance in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes )

  6726. Importance of Rural India vis-a-vis Indian Healthcare Reforms ( Rural India vis-a-vis Indian Healthcare Reforms )

  6727. Impotence ( Erectile Dysfunction )

  6728. Impotence (sexual)

  6729. Impotence-Drugs ( Drugs In Impotence )

  6730. Impression, basilar

  6731. Imprisonment, anxiety concerning

  6732. Improper care (child) (newborn) - see Maltreatment

  6733. Improperly tied umbilical cord (causing hemorrhage)

  6734. Improve Memory with Brain Exercises ( Memory Improvement with Brain Exercises / Brain Exercises to Improve Memory )

  6735. Impulse-Control Disorder

  6736. Impulsiveness (impulsive)

  6737. In Vitro Fertilization (Infertility)

  6738. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

  6739. Inability to swallow - see Aphagia

  6740. Inability to Urinate (Urinary Retention)

  6741. Inaccessible, inaccessibility

  6742. Inactive - see condition

  6743. Inadequate, inadequacy

  6744. Inanition

  6745. Inappropriate

  6746. Inattention at or after birth - see Neglect

  6747. Incarceration, incarcerated

  6748. Incidence of Cancer in Patients With Barrett’s Esophagus may be Lower Than Previously Reported ( Routine Surveillance for Cancer in Patients with Barrett’s Esophagus / especially in the absence of Dysplasia / of Doubtful Value )

  6749. Incised wound

  6750. Incision, incisional

  6751. Incisional Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  6752. Inclusion

  6753. Incompatibility

  6754. Incompetency, incompetent, incompetence

  6755. Incomplete - see also condition

  6756. Inconclusive

  6757. Incontinence of Bowel (Fecal Incontinence)

  6758. Incontinence of Urine (Urinary Incontinence)

  6759. Incontinence Products for Men (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  6760. Incontinence

  6761. Incontinence-Involuntary Loss of Urine- An impact on the daily life solution

  6762. Incontinentia pigmenti

  6763. Incoordinate, incoordination

  6764. Increase your height ( Height - Grow as tall as you want / Grow as tall as you want )

  6765. Increase, increased

  6766. Increased Interferon Stimulated Gene (ISG) Expression Linked to Neutrophil Dysfunction in ARDS ( Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Caused by Increased

  6767. Increased Splenic Sequestration (Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count))

  6768. Increased-Permeability Pulmonary Edema (ARDS)

  6769. Increta placenta

  6770. Incrustation, cornea, foreign body (lead)(zinc) - see Foreign body, cornea

  6771. Incyclophoria

  6772. Incyclotropia - see Cyclotropia

  6773. Indeterminate sex

  6774. Indigestion (acid) (bilious) (functional)

  6775. Indigestion (Dyspepsia)

  6776. Indirect - see condition

  6777. Indoor Allergens

  6778. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  6779. Induratio penis plastica

  6780. Induration, indurated

  6781. Inebriety (without dependence) - see Alcohol, intoxication

  6782. Inefficiency, kidney

  6783. Inelasticity, skin

  6784. Inequality, leg (length) (acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, unequal length

  6785. Inertia

  6786. Infancy, infantile, infantilism - see also condition

  6787. Infant (s) - see also Infancy

  6788. Infant Cough Causes (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  6789. Infant Cough Treatment (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  6790. Infant Formulas

  6791. Infant Hydrocele (Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular))

  6792. Infantile - see also condition

  6793. Infantile Acquired Aphasia (Landau-Kleffner Syndrome)

  6794. Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis ( Caffey-Silverman disease )

  6795. Infantile Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  6796. Infantile Hypercalcemia (Williams Syndrome)

  6797. Infantile Necrotizing Encephalopathy (Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease))

  6798. Infantile Spasms (Seizure)

  6799. Infantilism - see Infancy

  6800. Infants and Acid Reflux (GERD in Infants and Children)

  6801. Infants and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD in Infants and Children)

  6802. Infants and GERD (GERD in Infants and Children)

  6803. Infants, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  6804. Infants’ Injection Pain Relieved With Sugar Solutions! ( Pain Relieved with Sugar Solutions in Infants when Vaccinated with Injections )

  6805. Infarct, infarction

  6806. Infected Tooth (Abscessed Tooth Guide)

  6807. Infecting - see condition

  6808. Infection of Middle Ear ( Otitis Media / Middle Ear Infection )

  6809. Infection of the Upper Respiratory Tract (Upper Respiratory Infection)

  6810. Infection, Cryptococcus (Cryptococcosis)

  6811. Infection, Cyclospora (Cyclospora Infection (Cyclosporiasis))

  6812. Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) B99.9

  6813. Infection, Pinworms (Pinworm Infection)

  6814. Infection, Testicle (Testicular Disorders)

  6815. Infection, Urinary Tract (Urine Infection)

  6816. Infections causing Birth defects ( Birth defects - Infections )

  6817. Infectious Arthritis (Septic Arthritis)

  6818. Infectious Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  6819. Infectious Colitis (Colitis)

  6820. Infectious Disease (Anthrax)

  6821. Infectious Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  6822. Infectious Mononucleosis

  6823. Infectious Mononucleosis ( EBV Infectious Mononucleosis / Pfeiffer’s disease / Filatov’s disease )

  6824. Infective Endocarditis ( Endocarditis Infection )

  6825. Infective, infectious - see condition

  6826. Infertile Men more likely to die of Heart-related Problems ( Men with Kids may have Longer Life Span / Heart disease risk higher among Childless Men / Fatherhood Adds Years to Life - Study )

  6827. Infertility

  6828. Infertility

  6829. Infestation

  6830. Infiltrate, infiltration

  6831. Infirmity

  6832. Inflammation Of Arachnoid (Arachnoiditis)

  6833. Inflammation of the Stomach Lining (Gastritis)

  6834. Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)

  6835. Inflammation, Sclera (Scleritis)

  6836. Inflammation, Vaginal (Vaginitis Overview)

  6837. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colitis (Colitis)

  6838. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Intestinal Problems

  6839. Inflammatory Breast Cancer

  6840. Inflammatory Cysts of the Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  6841. Inflation, lung, imperfect (newborn) - see Atelectasis

  6842. Influenza

  6843. Influenza (bronchial) (epidemic) (respiratory (upper)) (unidentified influenza virus)

  6844. Influenza Immunization (Flu Vaccination)

  6845. Influenzal - see Influenza

  6846. Influenza-like disease - see Influenza

  6847. Infraction, Freiberg's (metatarsal head) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

  6848. Infraeruption of tooth (teeth)

  6849. Infusion (IV Drug Infusion FAQs)

  6850. Infusion complication, misadventure, or reaction - see Complications, infusion

  6851. Ingestion

  6852. Ingrowing

  6853. Ingrown Toenail

  6854. Inguinal - see also condition

  6855. Inguinal Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  6856. Inhalant Abuse

  6857. Inhalant Dependence

  6858. Inhalant Intoxication

  6859. Inhalant Intoxication Delirium

  6860. Inhalant-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  6861. Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder

  6862. Inhalant-Induced Persisting Dementia

  6863. Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  6864. Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  6865. Inhalant-Related Disorder NOS

  6866. Inhalation

  6867. Inhalation (Lungs Design And Purpose)

  6868. Inherited Disease (Genetic Disease)

  6869. Inherited Emphysema (Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency)

  6870. Inhibition, orgasm

  6871. Inhibitor, systemic lupus erythematosus (presence of)

  6872. Iniencephalus, iniencephaly

  6873. Injection of Soft Tissues and Joints (Cortisone Injection)

  6874. Injection, traumatic jet (air) (industrial) (water) (paint or dye)

  6875. Injection, Trigger Point (Trigger Point Injection)

  6876. Injuries - Computer Related ( Computer Related Injuries )

  6877. Injury - see also specified injury type

  6878. Injury, Growth Plate (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  6879. Inner Ear Trauma (Vertigo Overview)

  6880. Inoculation - see also Vaccination

  6881. Inorganic Arsenic (Arsenic Poisoning)

  6882. Inorganic Mercury Exposure (Mercury Poisoning)

  6883. Insanity, insane - see also Psychosis

  6884. Insect

  6885. Insect Bites and Stings (Bug Bites and Stings)

  6886. Insect in Ear (Objects Or Insects In Ear)

  6887. Insect Sting Allergies

  6888. Insensitivity

  6889. Insertion

  6890. Insipidus (Diabetes Insipidus)

  6891. Insolation (sunstroke)

  6892. Insomnia

  6893. Insomnia (organic)

  6894. Insomnia Related to ... [Indicate the Axis I or Axis II Disorder]

  6895. Inspiration

  6896. Inspissated bile syndrome (newborn)

  6897. Instability

  6898. Institutional syndrome (childhood)

  6899. Institutionalization, affecting child

  6900. Instructions for Sinus Surgery (Sinus Surgery)

  6901. Insufficiency, insufficient

  6902. Insufflation, fallopian

  6903. Insular - see condition

  6904. Insulin Delivery Devices ( Delivery Devices - Insulin )

  6905. Insulin Pump For Diabetes Mellitus

  6906. Insulin Resistance

  6907. Insulinoma

  6908. Insuloma - see Insulinoma

  6909. Intensive Care Unit Psychosis (ICU Psychosis)

  6910. Interactive Sports Helps to Make ADD kids Smart ( All Play Makes Kids With Learning Disability Smart )

  6911. Interference

  6912. Interferon Stimulated Gene (ISG) Expression when WBC’s dysfunction

  6913. Intermediate Uveitis (Uveitis)

  6914. Intermenstrual - see condition

  6915. Intermittent - see condition

  6916. Intermittent Claudication (Claudication)

  6917. Intermittent Explosive Disorder

  6918. Internal - see condition

  6919. Internal Bleeding

  6920. Internal Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  6921. International Women’s Day

  6922. Internet Importance in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes ( Importance of Internet for Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes / Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes and Internet )

  6923. Interrogation

  6924. Interruption

  6925. Interstitial - see condition

  6926. Interstitial Cystitis

  6927. Interstitial Cystitis ( Bladder Pain Syndrome / Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome / Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) )

  6928. Intertrigo

  6929. Intertrigo

  6930. Intervenous Infusion (IV Drug Infusion FAQs)

  6931. Intervertebral disc - see condition

  6932. Intestinal Adhesion (Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue))

  6933. Intestinal Gas (Belching, Bloating, Flatulence)

  6934. Intestine, intestinal - see condition

  6935. Intimacy (Sexual Health Overview)

  6936. Intimate Partner Abuse (Domestic Violence)

  6937. Intolerance

  6938. Intoxicated NEC (without dependence) - see Alcohol, intoxication

  6939. Intoxication

  6940. Intra-abdominal Hematoma (Hematoma)

  6941. Intracranial - see condition

  6942. Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri)

  6943. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (Infertility) Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Nneoplasm, Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  6944. Intrahepatic gallbladder

  6945. Intraligamentous - see condition

  6946. Intramuscular Electromyogram (Electromyogram)

  6947. Intramuscular Hematoma (Hematoma)

  6948. Intrathoracic - see also condition

  6949. Intrauterine Adhesions (Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue))

  6950. Intrauterine contraceptive device

  6951. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

  6952. Intrauterine Insemination (Infertility)

  6953. Intravenous Cholangiogram

  6954. Intraventricular - see condition

  6955. Intrinsic deformity - see Deformity

  6956. Intubation (Endotracheal Intubation)

  6957. Intubation, difficult or failed

  6958. Intumescence, lens (eye) (cataract) - see Cataract

  6959. Intussusception

  6960. Intussusception (bowel) (colon) (enteric) (ileocecal) (ileocolic) (intestine) ( rectum)

  6961. Invagination (bowel, colon, intestine or rectum)

  6962. Inverse Psoriasis (Psoriasis)

  6963. Inversion

  6964. Inverted Nipple: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  6965. Investigation - see also Examination

  6966. Involuntary movement, abnormal

  6967. Involution, involutional - see also condition

  6968. Iodine Deficiency Disorder-Control ( Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorder )

  6969. Ionizing Radiation Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  6970. IPF (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  6971. IPMN, Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  6972. iPSCs (Stem Cells)

  6973. IR, Insulin Resistance (Insulin Resistance)

  6974. IRDS (type I)

  6975. Irideremia

  6976. Iridis rubeosis - see Disorder, iris, vascular

  6977. Iridochoroiditis (panuveitis) - see Panuveitis

  6978. Iridocyclitis

  6979. Iridocyclochoroiditis (panuveitis) - see Panuveitis

  6980. Iridodialysis

  6981. Iridodonesis

  6982. Iridoplegia (complete) (partial) (reflex)

  6983. Iridoschisis

  6984. Iris - see also condition

  6985. Iritis

  6986. Iritis - see also Iridocyclitis

  6987. Iron - see condition

  6988. Iron & Folate Deficiency - Anemia in Pregnancy ( Anemia in Pregnancy - Iron & Folate Deficiency Anemia )

  6989. Iron and Iron Deficiency

  6990. Iron Deficiency Anemia (Anemia)

  6991. Iron Overload

  6992. Iron-miner's lung

  6993. Irradiated enamel (tooth, teeth)

  6994. Irradiation effects, adverse

  6995. Irreducible, irreducibility - see condition

  6996. Irregular, irregularity

  6997. Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( Spastic Colon )

  6998. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  6999. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention

  7000. Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children

  7001. Irritable, irritability

  7002. Irritation

  7003. Ischemic Colitis (Colitis)

  7004. Ischemic Nephropathy (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  7005. Ischemic Priapism (Priapism (Penis Disorder))

  7006. Ischemic Renal Disease (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  7007. Ischial Bursitis (Hip Bursitis)

  7008. Ischial spine - see condition

  7009. Ischialgia - see Sciatica

  7010. Ischiopagus

  7011. Ischium, ischial - see condition

  7012. Ischuria

  7013. Iselin's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

  7014. Islands of

  7015. Islet Cell Transplantation

  7016. Islet cell tumor, pancreas

  7017. Isoimmunization NEC - see also Incompatibility

  7018. Isolated Systolic High Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Hypertension)

  7019. Isolation, isolated

  7020. Isoleucinosis

  7021. Isomerism atrial appendages (with asplenia or polysplenia)

  7022. Isosporiasis, isosporosis

  7023. Isovaleric acidemia

  7024. Issue of

  7025. Isthmic Spondylolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  7026. Itch

  7027. Itch, itching - see also Pruritus

  7028. Itching ( Pruritus )

  7029. Itching, Anal (Anal Itching)

  7030. ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP))

  7031. IUD

  7032. IUD (Birth Control Methods)

  7033. IUI (Infertility)

  7034. IV Drug Infusion FAQs

  7035. IVC (Intravenous Cholangiogram)

  7036. Ivemark's syndrome (asplenia with congenital heart disease)

  7037. IVF (Infertility)

  7038. Ivory bones

  7039. Ixodiasis NEC

  7040. Jaccoud's syndrome - see Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic

  7041. Jackson's

  7042. Jacquest Erythema (Diaper Rash)

  7043. Jacquet Dermatitis (Diaper Rash)

  7044. Jacquet's dermatitis (diaper dermatitis)

  7045. Jadassohn-Pellizari's disease or anetoderma

  7046. Jadassohn's

  7047. Jaffe-Lichtenstein (-Uehlinger) - see Dysplasia, fibrous, bone NEC

  7048. Jakob-Creutzfeldt Disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)

  7049. Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease or syndrome - see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome

  7050. Jaksch-Luzet disease

  7051. Jamaican

  7052. Janet's disease

  7053. Janiceps

  7054. Jansky-Bielschowsky amaurotic idiocy

  7055. Japanese Encephalitis

  7056. Jaundice (yellow)

  7057. Jaundice in Adults

  7058. Jaundice in NewBorn ( Neonatal Jaundice )

  7059. Jaundice in Pregnancy (Jaundice in Adults)

  7060. Jaundice: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  7061. Jaw - see condition

  7062. Jaw Bone Diseases And Pagets ( Pagets And Jaw Bone Diseases )

  7063. Jaw Clenching ( Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia

  7064. Jaw Implant (Chin, Cheek, and Jaw Implants)

  7065. Jaw-winking phenomenon or syndrome

  7066. Jealousy

  7067. Jejunitis - see Enteritis

  7068. Jejunostomy status

  7069. Jejunum, jejunal - see condition

  7070. Jensen's disease - see Inflammation, chorioretinal, focal, juxtapapillary

  7071. Jerks, myoclonic

  7072. Jervell-Lange-Nielsen syndrome

  7073. Jet Lag

  7074. Jet lag - Travel Tips

  7075. Jeune's disease

  7076. Jigger disease

  7077. Job Health (Health and the Workplace)

  7078. Job Stress (Health and the Workplace)

  7079. Job's syndrome (chronic granulomatous disease)

  7080. Jock Itch

  7081. Joint - see also condition

  7082. Joint Aspiration

  7083. Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (Hypermobility Syndrome)

  7084. Joint Injection (Cortisone Injection)

  7085. Joint Replacement of Hip (Total Hip Replacement)

  7086. Joint Replacement of Knee (Total Knee Replacement)

  7087. Joint Replacement Surgery Of The Hand

  7088. Joint Tap (Joint Aspiration)

  7089. Jordan's anomaly or syndrome

  7090. Joseph-Diamond-Blackfan anemia (congenital hypoplastic)

  7091. JRA (Juvenile Arthritis)

  7092. Jumpers Knee (Knee Bursitis)

  7093. Jungle yellow fever

  7094. Jüngling's disease - see Sarcoidosis

  7095. Juvenile - see condition

  7096. Juvenile Arthritis

  7097. Juvenile Arthritis ( Oligoarthritis / Arthritis In Children / Childhood Arthritis )

  7098. Juvenile Bone Health

  7099. Juvenile Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

  7100. Kahler's disease

  7101. Kakke

  7102. Kala-Azar ( Leishmaniasis / Dum-Dum Fever )

  7103. Kala-azar

  7104. Kallmann's syndrome

  7105. Kanner's syndrome (autism) - see Psychosis, childhood

  7106. Kaposi's

  7107. Kartagener's syndrome or triad (sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus)

  7108. Karyotype

  7109. Kaschin-Beck disease - see Disease, Kaschin-Beck

  7110. Kat (Khat)

  7111. Katayama's disease or fever

  7112. Kawasaki Disease

  7113. Kawasaki Syndrome (Kawasaki Disease)

  7114. Kawasaki's syndrome

  7115. Kayser-Fleischer ring (cornea) (pseudosclerosis)

  7116. Kaznelson's syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia)

  7117. Kearns-Sayre syndrome

  7118. Kedani fever

  7119. Kegel Exercises for Men

  7120. Kegel Exercises for Women

  7121. Kelis

  7122. Kelly (-Patterson) syndrome (sideropenic dysphagia)

  7123. Keloid

  7124. Keloid, cheloid

  7125. Keloma

  7126. Kenya fever

  7127. Kerasin Histiocytosis (Gaucher Disease)

  7128. Kerasin Lipoidosi (Gaucher Disease)

  7129. Kerasin Thesaurismosis (Gaucher Disease)

  7130. Keratectasia - see also Ectasia, cornea

  7131. Keratectomy (LASIK Eye Surgery)

  7132. Keratectomy, Photorefractive (Photorefractive Keratectomy)

  7133. Keratinization of alveolar ridge mucosa

  7134. Keratinized residual ridge mucosa

  7135. Keratitis

  7136. Keratitis (nodular) (nonulcerative) (simple) (zonular)

  7137. Keratoacanthoma

  7138. Keratocele - see Descemetocele

  7139. Keratoconjunctivitis

  7140. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Dry Eyes)

  7141. Keratoconus

  7142. Keratocyst (dental) (odontogenic) - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  7143. Keratoderma, keratodermia (congenital) (palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical)

  7144. Keratodermatocele - see Descemetocele

  7145. Keratoglobus

  7146. Keratohemia - see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal

  7147. Keratoiritis - see also Iridocyclitis

  7148. Keratoma

  7149. Keratomalacia

  7150. Keratomegaly

  7151. Keratomycosis

  7152. Keratopathy

  7153. Keratoplasty Eye Surgery (ALK)

  7154. Keratoscleritis, tuberculous

  7155. Keratosis

  7156. Kerato-uveitis - see Iridocyclitis

  7157. Kerion (celsi)

  7158. Kernicterus

  7159. Kernicterus (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  7160. Kernicterus of newborn (not due to isoimmunization)

  7161. Kerunoparalysis

  7162. Keshan disease

  7163. Ketoacidosis

  7164. Ketonuria

  7165. Ketosis NEC

  7166. Kew Garden fever

  7167. Key Hole Surgery ( Paediatric Laparoscopic Surgery )

  7168. Khat

  7169. Kidney - see condition

  7170. Kidney Cancer

  7171. Kidney Day

  7172. Kidney Dialysis (Hemodialysis)

  7173. Kidney Disease (Hypertension-Related)

  7174. Kidney Disease and Diabetes (Diabetes and Kidney Disease)

  7175. Kidney Disease, High Blood Pressure Related (Kidney Disease (Hypertension-Related))

  7176. Kidney Disease, Hypertensive (Kidney Disease (Hypertension-Related))

  7177. Kidney Dysfunction and Diabetes can together increase the Chances of Death post Heart Attack ( Diabetes and Kidney Dysfunction Worsen Prognosis Post Heart Attack )

  7178. Kidney Dysplasia

  7179. Kidney Failure

  7180. Kidney Failure and Diabetes (Diabetes and Kidney Disease)

  7181. Kidney Failure due to Melamine Toxicity ( Melamine Adulteration in Milk and Milk Products | Melamine Toxicity and Kidney Failure )

  7182. Kidney Failure Treatment (Hemodialysis)

  7183. Kidney Function (Creatinine Blood Test)

  7184. Kidney Infection

  7185. Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer Prevents Osteoporosis

  7186. Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer Protects Bone Health ( Osteoporosis Prevented by Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer )

  7187. Kidney Stones ( Stones in Kidney / Renal Stones )

  7188. Kidney Stones in Children ( Renal Stones in Children )

  7189. Kidney Stones-Diet ( Diet for Kidney stones )

  7190. Kidney Swelling (Hydronephrosis)

  7191. Kidney Transplant (Kidney Failure)

  7192. Kidney Transplantation ( Organ Transplantation - Kidney )

  7193. Kidney, Cysts (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  7194. Kid's Cough (Children's Cough Causes and Treatments)

  7195. Kids' Health (Children's Health)

  7196. Kids With ADHD Learning Disability - Handling With Care ( ADHD Learning Disability – Advice from Occupational Therapist )

  7197. Kienböck's disease - see also Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, carpal lunate

  7198. Killer Cold Virus (Adenovirus Infection, Ad14)

  7199. Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) - see Diabetes, Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) disease

  7200. Kimura disease

  7201. Kinesio Tape

  7202. Kink, kinking

  7203. Kinnier Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)

  7204. Kissing spine

  7205. Kit, Earthquake (Earthquake Supplies Kit and Emergency Preparedness)

  7206. Klatskin's tumor

  7207. Klauder's disease

  7208. Klebs' disease - see also Glomerulonephritis

  7209. Klebsiella (K.)

  7210. Klein (e)

  7211. Kleine-Levin Syndrome

  7212. Kleptomania

  7213. Kleptomania

  7214. Klinefelter Syndrome

  7215. Klinefelter's Syndrome

  7216. Klinefelter's syndrome

  7217. Klippel-Feil deficiency, disease, or syndrome (brevicollis)

  7218. Klippel's disease

  7219. Klippel-Trenaunay (-Weber)

  7220. Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome

  7221. KLS (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  7222. Klumpke (-Déjerine) palsy, paralysis (birth) (newborn)

  7223. Knee - see condition

  7224. Knee Bursitis

  7225. Knee Cap Fracture ( Fracture of Knee Cap )

  7226. Knee Injury and Meniscus Tears

  7227. Knee Pain Facts

  7228. Knee Replacement ( Replacement of Knee )

  7229. Knee Replacement (Total Knee Replacement)

  7230. Knock knee (acquired)

  7231. Knot (s)

  7232. Knotting (of)

  7233. Knuckle pad (Garrod's)

  7234. Koch's

  7235. Koch-Weeks' conjunctivitis - see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

  7236. Köebner's syndrome

  7237. Köenig's disease (osteochondritis dissecans) - see Osteochondritis, dissecans

  7238. Köhler-Pellegrini-Steida disease or syndrome (calcification, knee joint) - see Bursitis, tibial collateral

  7239. Köhler's disease Koilonychia

  7240. Kojevnikov's, epilepsy - see Kozhevnikof's epilepsy

  7241. Koplik's spots

  7242. Kopp's asthma

  7243. Korsakoff's (Wernicke) disease, psychosis or syndrome (alcoholic)

  7244. Korsakow's disease, psychosis or syndrome - see Korsakoff's disease

  7245. Kostmann's disease or syndrome (infantile genetic agranulocytosis) - see Agranulocytosis

  7246. Kozhevnikof's epilepsy

  7247. Krabbe's

  7248. Kraepelin-Morel disease - see Schizophrenia

  7249. Kraft-Weber-Dimitri disease

  7250. Kraurosis

  7251. Kreotoxism

  7252. Krukenberg Tumor (Stomach Cancer)

  7253. Krukenberg's

  7254. KTS (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  7255. KTW (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  7256. Kufs' disease

  7257. Kugelberg-Welander disease

  7258. Kuhnt-Junius degeneration - see also Degeneration, macula

  7259. Kümmell's disease or spondylitis - see Spondylopathy, traumatic

  7260. Kupffer cell sarcoma

  7261. Kuru

  7262. Kussmaul's

  7263. Kwashiorkor

  7264. Kyasanur Forest disease

  7265. Kyphoscoliosis, kyphoscoliotic (acquired) - see also Scoliosis

  7266. Kyphosis

  7267. Kyphosis, kyphotic (acquired)

  7268. Kyrle disease

  7269. Label Lingo on Food Items: Decoded ( Food Labels - Decoded )

  7270. Labia, labium - see condition

  7271. Labile

  7272. Labioglossal paralysis

  7273. Labium leporinum - see Cleft, lip

  7274. Labor and Delivery ( Pregnancy Labor )

  7275. Labor, False (Braxton Hicks Contractions)

  7276. Labor, Pain Relief Options (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  7277. Labored breathing - see Hyperventilation

  7278. Labyrinthitis (circumscribed) (destructive) (diffuse) (inner ear) (latent) (purulent) (suppurative) - see also subcategory H83.0

  7279. Labyrinthitis (Vertigo Overview)

  7280. Laceration

  7281. Lack of Energy (Fatigue)

  7282. Lack of Iron (Iron and Iron Deficiency)

  7283. Lacrimal - see condition

  7284. Lacrimation, abnormal - see Epiphora

  7285. Lacrimonasal duct - see condition

  7286. Lactase Deficiency (Lactose Intolerance)

  7287. Lactation Infertility (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  7288. Lactation, lactating (breast) (puerperal, postpartum)

  7289. Lactic Acidosis (MELAS Syndrome)

  7290. Lacticemia, excessive

  7291. Lactose Intolerance

  7292. Lactose Intolerance | Lactose Deficiency ( Hypolactasia )

  7293. Lactose Tolerance Test

  7294. Lactose Tolerance Test for Infants (Stool Acidity Test)

  7295. Lacunar skull

  7296. Laennec's cirrhosis

  7297. Lafora's disease - see Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic

  7298. Lag, lid (nervous) - see Retraction, lid

  7299. Lagophthalmos (eyelid) (nervous)

  7300. Laki-Lorand factor deficiency - see Defect, coagulation, specified type NEC

  7301. Lalling

  7302. Lamaz Technique for Childbirth (Childbirth Class Options)

  7303. Lambert-Eaton syndrome - see Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton

  7304. Lambliasis (Giardia Lamblia)

  7305. Lambliasis, lambliosis

  7306. Lambliosis (Giardia Lamblia)

  7307. Landau-Kleffner Syndrome

  7308. Landau-Kleffner syndrome - see Epilepsy, specified NEC

  7309. Landouzy-Déjérine dystrophy or facioscapulohumeral atrophy

  7310. Landouzy's disease (icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis)

  7311. Landry-Guillain-Barré, syndrome or paralysis

  7312. Landry's disease or paralysis

  7313. Lane's

  7314. Langdon Down syndrome - see Trisomy, 21

  7315. Lap Band Surgery (Gastric Banding)

  7316. Laparoscopic Liver Biopsy (Liver Biopsy)

  7317. Laparoscopic Supra Cervical Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  7318. Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy

  7319. Laparoscopy

  7320. Laparoscopy-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  7321. Lapsed immunization schedule status

  7322. Large

  7323. Large Cell Volume (Anemia)

  7324. Large Nipples: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  7325. Large-for-dates NEC (infant) (4000g to 4499g)

  7326. Larsen-Johansson disease orosteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

  7327. Larsen's syndrome (flattened facies and multiple congenital dislocations)

  7328. Larva migrans

  7329. Laryngeal - see condition

  7330. Laryngeal Cancer (Larynx Cancer)

  7331. Laryngeal Cancer|Laryngeal Carcinoma ( Cancer of Larynx / Throat Cancer

  7332. Laryngeal Carcinoma (Larynx Cancer)

  7333. Laryngismus (stridulus)

  7334. Laryngitis

  7335. Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (fibrinous) (infective) (infiltrative) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (septic) (subglottic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) J04.0

  7336. Laryngitis, Reflux (Reflux Laryngitis)

  7337. Laryngocele (congenital) (ventricular)

  7338. Laryngofissure

  7339. Laryngomalacia (congenital)

  7340. Laryngopharyngitis (acute)

  7341. Laryngoplegia

  7342. Laryngoptosis

  7343. Laryngospasm

  7344. Laryngostenosis

  7345. Laryngotracheitis (acute) (Infectional) (infective) (viral)

  7346. Laryngotracheobronchitis - see Bronchitis

  7347. Larynx Cancer

  7348. Larynx, laryngeal - see condition

  7349. LASEK Laser Eye Surgery

  7350. Laser Resurfacing

  7351. Laser Thermokeratoplasty (LTK Laser Eye Surgery)

  7352. Laser Vision Correction Surgery ( Surgery - Laser Vision Correction )

  7353. Lasers in Dental Care

  7354. LASIK (LASIK Eye Surgery)

  7355. LASIK Eye Surgery

  7356. LASIK Eye Surgery ( Eye Surgery - LASIK )

  7357. LASIK Surgery ( Surgery - LASIK )

  7358. Lassa fever

  7359. Lassitude - see Weakness

  7360. Late

  7361. Late effect (s) - see Sequelae

  7362. Latent - see condition

  7363. Lateral Epicondylitis (Elbow Pain)

  7364. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Syndrome (Meralgia Paresthetica)

  7365. Laterocession - see Lateroversion

  7366. Lateroflexion - see Lateroversion

  7367. Lateroversion

  7368. Latest Treatments of Hair Loss and Thinning ( Hair Loss and Thinning - The Latest Treatments )

  7369. Latex Allergy

  7370. Lathyrism - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant

  7371. Lattice Dystrophy (Corneal Disease)

  7372. Laughing Club - Can Laughter Cure Your Illness? ( Can Illness Cured by Laughter Therapy? )

  7373. Launois' syndrome (pituitary gigantism)

  7374. Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis

  7375. Laurence-Moon (-Bardet)

  7376. LAVH (Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy)

  7377. Lax, laxity - see also Relaxation

  7378. Laxative Abuse (Melanosis Coli)

  7379. Laxative habit

  7380. Laxatives For Constipation

  7381. Layman’s Guide to Understanding Medical Specialists ( Medical Specialists - Layman’s Guide to Understand )

  7382. Lazy Eye ( Amblyopia )

  7383. Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

  7384. Lazy leukocyte syndrome

  7385. LDL Cholesterol (Cholesterol Management)

  7386. Lead miner's lung J63.6

  7387. Lead Poisoning

  7388. Lead Poisoning in Children ( Children and Lead Poisoning )

  7389. Leak, leakage

  7390. Leaky heart - see Endocarditis

  7391. Learn About Sleep ( Sleep - About )

  7392. Learning defect (specific)

  7393. Learning Disabilities - Mathematics ( Dyscalculia / Disability of Learning Mathematics )

  7394. Learning Disability

  7395. learning disability (Dyslexia)

  7396. Learning Disorder NOS

  7397. Leather bottle stomach

  7398. Leber's

  7399. Lebrikizumab treats Asthma Successfully ( Asthma Treated Successfully With Lebrikizumab )

  7400. Lederer's anemia

  7401. Leeches (external) - see Hirudiniasis

  7402. LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure)

  7403. Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

  7404. Leg - see condition

  7405. Leg Blood Clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  7406. Leg Cramps (Muscle Cramps)

  7407. Legg (-Calvé)

  7408. Legionellosis

  7409. Legionnaire Disease (Legionnaire Disease and Pontiac Fever)

  7410. Legionnaire Disease and Pontiac Fever

  7411. Legionnaires'

  7412. Legs, Restless (Restless Leg Syndrome)

  7413. Leigh's disease

  7414. Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease)

  7415. Leiner's disease

  7416. Leiofibromyoma - see Leiomyoma

  7417. Leiomyoblastoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  7418. Leiomyofibroma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  7419. Leiomyoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  7420. Leiomyoma, leiomyomatosis (intravascular) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  7421. Leiomyosarcoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  7422. Leishmaniasis

  7423. Leishmaniasis ( Kala-Azar / Dum-Dum Fever )

  7424. Leishmaniasis

  7425. Leishmanoid, dermal - see also Leishmaniasis, cutaneous

  7426. Lenegre's disease

  7427. Lengthening, leg - see Deformity, limb, unequal length

  7428. Lennert's lymphoma - see Lymphoma, Lennert's

  7429. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

  7430. Lens - see condition

  7431. Lenticonus (anterior) (posterior) (congenital)

  7432. Lenticular degeneration, progressive

  7433. Lentigines (Freckles)

  7434. Lentiglobus (posterior) (congenital)

  7435. Lentigo (congenital)

  7436. Lentigo (Freckles)

  7437. Lentivirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  7438. Leontiasis

  7439. Lepothrix

  7440. Lepra - see Leprosy

  7441. Leprechaunism

  7442. Leprosy ( Skin Disease - Leprosy / Hansen’s Disease )

  7443. Leprosy

  7444. Leptocytosis, hereditary

  7445. Leptomeningitis (chronic) (circumscribed) (hemorrhagic) (nonsuppurative) - see Meningitis

  7446. Leptomeningopathy

  7447. Leptospiral - see condition

  7448. Leptospirochetal - see condition

  7449. Leptospirosis

  7450. Leptospirosis ( Weil’s Disease )

  7451. Leptospirosis

  7452. Leptus dermatitis

  7453. Leriche's syndrome (aortic bifurcation occlusion)

  7454. Leri's pleonosteosis

  7455. Leri-Weill syndrome

  7456. Lermoyez' syndrome - see Vertigo, peripheral NEC

  7457. Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

  7458. Leser-Trélat disease

  7459. Lesion (s) (nontraumatic)

  7460. Lesionectomy

  7461. Lesions on the Brain (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  7462. Lethargic - see condition

  7463. Lethargy

  7464. Letterer-Siwe's disease

  7465. Leucopenia | Leukocytopenia

  7466. Leukapheresis (Hemapheresis)

  7467. Leukemia

  7468. Leukemia - Acute Myeloid ( Myeloid Leukemia-Acute / Acute Myeloid Leukemia )

  7469. Leukemia - Chronic Myeloid ( Myeloid Leukemia - Chronic / Chronic Myeloid Leukemia | Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia )

  7470. Leukemia ( Cancer of the Blood / Blood Cancer )

  7471. Leukemia, leukemic

  7472. Leukemoid reaction - see also Reaction, leukemoid

  7473. Leukoaraiosis (hypertensive)

  7474. Leukoariosis - see Leukoaraiosis

  7475. Leukocoria - see Disorder, globe, degenerated condition, leucocoria

  7476. Leukocytopenia

  7477. Leukocytosis

  7478. Leukoderma (Vitiligo)

  7479. Leukoderma, leukodermia NEC

  7480. Leukodystrophy

  7481. Leukoedema, oral epithelium

  7482. Leukoencephalitis

  7483. Leukoencephalopathy - see also Encephalopathy

  7484. Leukoerythroblastosis

  7485. Leukokeratosis - see also Leukoplakia

  7486. Leukokraurosis vulva (e)

  7487. Leukoma (cornea) - see also Opacity, cornea

  7488. Leukomalacia, cerebral, newborn

  7489. Leukomelanopathy, hereditary

  7490. Leukonychia (punctata) (striata)

  7491. Leukopathia (Vitiligo)

  7492. Leukopathia unguium

  7493. Leukopenia (Neutropenia)

  7494. Leukopenia

  7495. Leukopenic - see condition

  7496. Leukopheresis (Hemapheresis)

  7497. Leukoplakia

  7498. Leukorrhea

  7499. Leukosarcoma

  7500. Levocardia (isolated)

  7501. Levotransposition

  7502. Lev's disease or syndrome (acquired complete heart block)

  7503. Levulosuria - see Fructosuria

  7504. Levurid

  7505. Lewy body (ies) (dementia) (disease)

  7506. Lewy Body Dementia (Dementia)

  7507. Leyden-Moebius dystrophy

  7508. Leydig cell

  7509. Leydig-Sertoli cell tumor

  7510. LGSIL (Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of)

  7511. Liar, pathologic

  7512. Libido

  7513. Libman-Sacks disease

  7514. Lice (Head Lice)

  7515. Lice (infestation)

  7516. Lichen

  7517. Lichen Planus

  7518. Lichen Sclerosus

  7519. Lichenification

  7520. Lichenoides tuberculosis (primary)

  7521. Lichtheim's disease or syndrome - see Degeneration, combined

  7522. Lie Detector – What Lies Beneath

  7523. Lien migrans

  7524. Lifestyle and Breast Cancer ( Breast Cancer and Lifestyle )

  7525. Lifestyle And Osteoporosis ( Osteoporosis And Lifestyle )

  7526. Lifestyle Approach - Osteoporosis Management in Women ( Osteoporosis Management in Women - Lifestyle Approach )

  7527. Lifestyle Modification: No Big Deal! ( Modification of Lifestyle: No Big Deal! )

  7528. Lifestyle Paths to Heart Disease ( Heart Disease - Lifestyle Paths )

  7529. Ligament - see condition

  7530. Light

  7531. Light-for-dates (infant)

  7532. Lightheadedness (Dizziness (Dizzy))

  7533. Lightning (effects) (stroke) (struck by)

  7534. Lightwood-Albright syndrome

  7535. Lightwood's disease or syndrome (renal tubular acidosis)

  7536. Lignac (-de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debré)

  7537. Ligneous thyroiditis

  7538. Like Yourself or Others: It may be in Your Genes ( Your genes your choices )

  7539. Likoff's syndrome

  7540. Limb - see condition

  7541. Limbic epilepsy personality syndrome

  7542. Limitation, limited

  7543. Lindau (-von Hippel)

  7544. Line (s)

  7545. Linea corneae senilis - see Change, cornea, senile

  7546. Lingua

  7547. Lingual - see condition

  7548. Linguatulosis

  7549. Linitis (gastric)

  7550. Linoclotide to Treat Chronic Constipation ( Chronic Constipation Finds New Treatment )

  7551. Lip - see condition

  7552. Lip Augmentation

  7553. Lip Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  7554. Lip Sucking (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  7555. Lipedema - see Edema

  7556. Lipemia - see also Hyperlipidemia

  7557. Lipid Panel (Triglyceride Test)

  7558. Lipid Profile Screening ( Screening for Lipid Profiles )

  7559. Lipidosis

  7560. Lipoadenoma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  7561. Lipoblastoma - see Lipoma

  7562. Lipoblastomatosis - see Lipoma

  7563. Lipochondrodystrophy

  7564. Lipochrome histiocytosis (familial)

  7565. Lipodermatosclerosis - see Varix, leg, with, inflammation

  7566. Lipodystrophia progressiva

  7567. Lipodystrophy (progressive)

  7568. Lipofibroma - see Lipoma

  7569. Lipofuscinosis, neuronal (with ceroidosis)

  7570. Lipogranuloma, sclerosing

  7571. Lipogranulomatosis

  7572. Lipoid - see also condition

  7573. Lipoid histiocytosis (Gaucher Disease)

  7574. Lipoidemia - see Hyperlipidemia

  7575. Lipoidosis - see Lipidosis

  7576. Lipoma

  7577. Lipomatosis

  7578. Lipomyoma - see Lipoma

  7579. Lipomyxoma - see Lipoma

  7580. Lipomyxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  7581. Lipoplasty (Ultrasonic Assisted)

  7582. Lipoprotein metabolism disorder

  7583. Lipoprotein Panel (Triglyceride Test)

  7584. Lipoproteinemia

  7585. Liposarcoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  7586. Liposculpture (Liposuction)

  7587. Liposuction

  7588. Liposuction ( Fat Loss Surgery - Liposuction / Cosmetic Surgery - Liposuction )

  7589. Liposynovitis prepatellaris

  7590. Lipping, cervix

  7591. Lipschütz disease or ulcer

  7592. Lipuria

  7593. Lisfranc Fracture (Broken Foot)

  7594. Lisping

  7595. Lissauer's paralysis

  7596. Lissencephalia, lissencephaly

  7597. List of Banned Drugs

  7598. Listeriosis, listerellosis

  7599. Lithemia

  7600. Lithiasis - see Calculus

  7601. Lithosis

  7602. Lithuria

  7603. Litigation, anxiety concerning

  7604. Little leaguer's elbow - see Epicondylitis, medial

  7605. Little Person (Achondroplasia)

  7606. Little's disease

  7607. Littre's

  7608. Littritis - see Urethritis

  7609. Live Donor Kidney Transplantation - Improving the Short and Long Term Results

  7610. Live Longer-Tips ( Tips to Live Longer / How to live longer )

  7611. Livedo (annularis) (racemosa) (reticularis)

  7612. Liver - see condition

  7613. Liver Biopsy

  7614. Liver Biopsy ( Biopsy of Liver )

  7615. Liver Blood Tests

  7616. Liver Cancer ( Cancer of Liver )

  7617. Liver Cirrhosis (Cirrhosis)

  7618. Liver Cirrhosis Biliary ( Biliary Cirrhosis )

  7619. Liver Disease

  7620. Liver Disease-Alcoholic ( Alcoholic Liver Disease )

  7621. Liver Enzymes (Liver Blood Tests)

  7622. Liver Enzymes can Predict Pre-diabetes and Diabetes ( Pre-diabetes and Diabetes associated with an Increase in Liver Enzymes / Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Can be predicted by Increase in Liver Enzymes )

  7623. Liver Resection

  7624. Liver Spots (Freckles)

  7625. Liver Transplant

  7626. Liver Transplantation ( Organ Transplantation - Liver )

  7627. Living alone (problems with)

  7628. Living Healthy (Healthy Living)

  7629. Living Will (Advance Medical Directives)

  7630. LKS (Landau-Kleffner Syndrome)

  7631. Lloyd's syndrome - see Adenomatosis, endocrine

  7632. Loa loa, loaiasis, loasis

  7633. Lobar - see condition

  7634. Lobe Resection (Surgical Options for Epilepsy)

  7635. Lobomycosis

  7636. Lobo's disease

  7637. Lobotomy syndrome

  7638. Lobstein (-Ekman)

  7639. Lobstein Syndrome ( Osteogenesis Imperfecta )

  7640. Lobster-claw hand

  7641. Lobulation (congenital) - see also Anomaly, by site

  7642. Lobule, lobular - see condition

  7643. Local Anaesthesia ( Anaesthesia - Local )

  7644. Local Anesthesia for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  7645. Local Treatment of Acne may be more effective with Newer Combinations ( Newer Fixed-dose Combinations in the Treatment of Acne )

  7646. Local, localized - see condition

  7647. Localized scleroderma ( Scleroderma | | Systemic Sclerosis / Progressive systemic sclerosis / Crest syndrome )

  7648. Localized scleroderma / Crest syndrome )

  7649. Locked twins causing obstructed labor

  7650. Locked-in state

  7651. Locking

  7652. Lockjaw - see Tetanus

  7653. Lockjaw (Tetanus)

  7654. Loeys-Dietz Syndrome

  7655. Löffler's

  7656. Loiasis (with conjunctival infestation) (eyelid)

  7657. Lone Star fever

  7658. Long

  7659. Long Sightedness ( Hyperopia )

  7660. Longitudinal stripes or grooves, nails

  7661. Long-term (current) (prophylactic) drug therapy (use of)

  7662. Long-term Insomnia (Insomnia)

  7663. Look Alike / Sound Alike (SALA or LASA) Drugs ( Sound Alike / Look Alike (LASA or SALA ) Drugs )

  7664. Loop

  7665. Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure

  7666. Loose - see also condition

  7667. Loose Stool (Diarrhea)

  7668. Loose Teeth ( Teeth - Loose Teeth / Dental - Loose Teeth )

  7669. Loosening

  7670. Looser-Milkman (-Debray)

  7671. Lop ear (deformity)

  7672. Lorain (-Levi)

  7673. Lordosis

  7674. Losing Fat Aesthetically: Inch Loss and Body Toning

  7675. Loss Of Consciousness (Fainting)

  7676. Loss of Hair ( Hair Loss )

  7677. Loss of Hair in Men ( Hair Loss in Men )

  7678. Loss of Hair in Women ( Hair Loss in Women )

  7679. Loss of Memory ( Memory Loss / Amnesia )

  7680. Loss of Menstrual Periods (Amenorrhea)

  7681. Loss of Smell ( Anosmia )

  7682. Loss of Voice (Hoarseness)

  7683. Loss of Water (Dehydration)

  7684. Lou Gehrig's Disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

  7685. Louis-Bar syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia)

  7686. Louping ill (encephalitis)

  7687. Louse, lousiness - see Lice

  7688. Low

  7689. Low Back Pain

  7690. Low Back Pain (Low Back Pain)

  7691. Low Birth Weight and Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  7692. Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycemia)

  7693. Low Blood Pressure

  7694. Low Blood Pressure ( Hypotension / Blood Pressure - Low Blood Pressure )

  7695. Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

  7696. Low Calorie Diet ( Diet - Low Calorie )

  7697. Low Carbohydrate Diet ( Diet - Low Carbohydrate )

  7698. Low Cell Volume (Anemia)

  7699. Low Cholesterol Diet - PUFA & MUFA ( Diet - Low Cholesterol )

  7700. Low Heamoglobin ( Anemia )

  7701. Low Hemoglobin Level (Anemia)

  7702. Low Milk Supply: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  7703. Low Platelet Count (Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count))

  7704. Low Potassium (Hypokalemia)

  7705. Low Red Blood Cell Count (Anemia)

  7706. Low Saturated Fat and Low Cholesterol Diet

  7707. Low Sodium Levels in the Blood (Hyponatremia)

  7708. Low Testosterone (Low T)

  7709. Low Thyroid Hormone (Hypothyroidism) Low Vitamin D Levels Could Cause Liver Disease ( Vitamin D Deficiency Could Cause Liver Disease )

  7710. Low White Blood Cell Count (Neutropenia)

  7711. Low-density-lipoprotein-type (LDL)

  7712. Lower GI (Barium Enema)

  7713. Lower GI Bleeding (Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding))

  7714. Lower Left Abdominal Pain (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  7715. Lower Right Abdominal Pain (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  7716. Lower Urinary Tract Infection (Kidney Infection)

  7717. Lowe's syndrome

  7718. Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome

  7719. Low-T (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  7720. LP (Lumbar Puncture)

  7721. LSD reaction (acute) (without dependence)

  7722. L-shaped kidney

  7723. LTK Laser Eye Surgery

  7724. Ludwig's angina or disease

  7725. Lues (venerea) - see Syphilis

  7726. Luetscher's syndrome (dehydration)

  7727. Lumbago, lumbalgia

  7728. Lumbar - see condition

  7729. Lumbar Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  7730. Lumbar Pain - Traction Treatment ( Traction For Lumbar Pain )

  7731. Lumbar Pain (Low Back Pain)

  7732. Lumbar Puncture

  7733. Lumbar Radiculopathy (Radiculopathy)

  7734. Lumbar Spinal Fusion (Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion)

  7735. Lumbar Stenosis

  7736. Lumbar Strain (Low Back Pain)

  7737. Lumbarization, vertebra, congenital

  7738. Lumbermen's itch

  7739. Lump - see Mass

  7740. Lumpectomy (Breast Biopsy)

  7741. Lumps in Breast ( Breast Lumps )

  7742. Lumps in Breast-Screening ( Breast Lumps-Screening )

  7743. Lumpy Breasts (Fibrocystic Breast Condition)

  7744. Lunacy - see Psychosis

  7745. Lung - see condition

  7746. Lung Biopsy ( Biopsy of Lung )

  7747. Lung Cancer

  7748. Lung Cancer ( Cancer of Lungs )

  7749. Lung cancer can be detected by Sniffer dogs ( Trained Sniffer Dogs Help to Screen Lung Cancer )

  7750. Lung Cancer Screening ( Screening for Lung Cancer )

  7751. Lung Cancer Treatment - Sirolimus ( Sirolimus - Lung Cancer Treatment )

  7752. Lung Collapse (Pneumothorax)

  7753. Lung Tuberculosis ( Tuberculosis / Pulmonary Tuberculosis / TB )

  7754. Lungs Design And Purpose

  7755. Lungs, Fluid (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  7756. Lupoid (miliary)

  7757. Lupus

  7758. Lupus Anticoagulant (Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

  7759. Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD))

  7760. Luteinoma

  7761. Lutembacher's disease or syndrome (atrial septal defect with mitral stenosis)

  7762. Luteoma

  7763. Lutz (-Splendore-de Almeida) - see Paracoccidioidomycosis

  7764. Luxation - see also Dislocation

  7765. Lycanthropy

  7766. Lyell's syndrome

  7767. Lyme Disease

  7768. Lymph

  7769. Lymph Node (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  7770. Lymph Node Biopsy, Sentinel (Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy)

  7771. Lymph, Swollen Glands (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  7772. Lymph, Swollen Nodes (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  7773. Lymphadenitis

  7774. Lymphadenoid goiter

  7775. Lymphadenopathy (generalized)

  7776. Lymphadenosis

  7777. Lymphangiectasis

  7778. Lymphangiectatic elephantiasis, nonfilarial

  7779. Lymphangioendothelioma

  7780. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

  7781. Lymphangioma

  7782. Lymphangiomyoma

  7783. Lymphangiomyomatosis

  7784. Lymphangiosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  7785. Lymphangitis

  7786. Lymphapheresis (Hemapheresis)

  7787. Lymphatic (vessel) - see condition

  7788. Lymphatism

  7789. Lymphectasia

  7790. Lymphedema

  7791. Lymphedema (acquired) - see also Elephantiasis

  7792. Lymphoblastic - see condition

  7793. Lymphoblastic Leukemia -Acute ( Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia )

  7794. Lymphoblastoma (diffuse) - see Lymphoma, lymphoblastic (diffuse)

  7795. Lymphocele

  7796. Lymphocytic

  7797. Lymphocytic Colitis

  7798. Lymphocytic Leukemia - Chronic ( Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia )

  7799. Lymphocytic Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism)

  7800. Lymphocytoma, benign cutis

  7801. Lymphocytopenia

  7802. Lymphocytosis (symptomatic)

  7803. Lymphoepithelioma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  7804. Lymphogranuloma (malignant) - see also Lymphoma, Hodgkin

  7805. Lymphogranulomatosis (malignant) - see also Lymphoma, Hodgkin

  7806. Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic (familial)

  7807. Lymphoid - see condition

  7808. Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkins ( Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma )

  7809. Lymphoma (of) (malignant)

  7810. Lymphoma, Hodgkins (Hodgkins Disease)

  7811. Lymphomas (Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas)

  7812. Lymphomatosis - see Lymphoma

  7813. Lymphopathia venereum, veneris

  7814. Lymphopenia

  7815. Lymphopheresis (Hemapheresis)

  7816. Lymphoplasmacytic leukemia - see Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic, B-cell type

  7817. Lymphoproliferation, X-linked disease

  7818. Lymphoreticulosis, benign (of inoculation)

  7819. Lymphorrhea

  7820. Lymphosarcoma (diffuse) - see also Lymphoma

  7821. Lymphostasis

  7822. Lypemania - see Melancholia

  7823. Lysine and hydroxylysine metabolism disorder

  7824. Lyssa - see Rabies

  7825. M2 Antigen (Antimitochondrial Antibodies)

  7826. Macacus ear

  7827. Maceration, wet feet, tropical (syndrome)

  7828. MacLeod's syndrome

  7829. Macrobiotic Diet ( Diet - Macrobiotic )

  7830. Macrocephalia, macrocephaly

  7831. Macrocheilia, macrochilia (congenital)

  7832. Macrocolon - see also Megacolon

  7833. Macrocornea

  7834. Macrocytic - see condition

  7835. Macrocytosis

  7836. Macrodactylia, macrodactylism (fingers) (thumbs)

  7837. Macrodontia

  7838. Macrogenia

  7839. Macrogenitosomia (adrenal) (male) (praecox)

  7840. Macroglobulinemia (idiopathic) (primary)

  7841. Macroglossia (congenital)

  7842. Macrognathia, macrognathism (congenital) (mandibular) (maxillary)

  7843. Macrogyria (congenital)

  7844. Macrohydrocephalus - see Hydrocephalus

  7845. Macromastia - see Hypertrophy, breast

  7846. Macrophthalmos

  7847. Macropsia

  7848. Macrosigmoid

  7849. Macrospondylitis , acromegalic

  7850. Macrostomia (congenital)

  7851. Macrotia (external ear) (congenital)

  7852. Mactrocytic Anemia (Anemia)

  7853. Macula

  7854. Maculae ceruleae

  7855. Macular Degeneration

  7856. Macular Degeneration ( Age Related Macular Degeneration )

  7857. Macular Stains (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  7858. Maculopathy, toxic - see Degeneration, macula, toxic

  7859. Mad Cow Disease

  7860. Madarosis (eyelid)

  7861. Madelung's

  7862. Madness - see Psychosis

  7863. Madrid Resolution on Organ Donation and Transplantation ( Transplantation and Madrid Resolution on Organ Donation )

  7864. Madura

  7865. Maduromycosis

  7866. Maffucci's syndrome

  7867. Magic Feeling of Being A Mother ( Motherhood Magic )

  7868. Magical Millets for Your Health ( Health Benefits of Magical Millets )

  7869. Magnesium metabolism disorder - see Disorder, metabolism, magnesium

  7870. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  7871. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)

  7872. Magnifying Glasses (Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers)

  7873. Main en griffe (acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, clawhand

  7874. Maintenance (encounter for)

  7875. Majocchi's

  7876. Major - see condition

  7877. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Full Remission

  7878. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Partial Remission

  7879. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Mild

  7880. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate

  7881. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe With Psychotic Features

  7882. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  7883. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Unspecified

  7884. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Full Remission

  7885. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Partial Remission

  7886. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Mild

  7887. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate

  7888. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe With Psychotic Features

  7889. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features

  7890. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified

  7891. Mal de los pintos - see Pinta

  7892. Mal de mer

  7893. Malabar itch (any site)

  7894. Malabsorption in Elderly - Pancreatic Insufficiency as Cause

  7895. Malabsorption

  7896. Malacia, bone (adult)

  7897. Malacoplakia

  7898. Malacosteon, juvenile - see Rickets

  7899. Maladaptation - see Maladjustment

  7900. Maladie de Roger

  7901. Maladjustment

  7902. Malaise

  7903. Malakoplakia - see Malacoplakia

  7904. Malaria - Detailed

  7905. Malaria - Overview

  7906. Malaria Facts

  7907. Malaria, malarial (fever)

  7908. Malassez's disease (cystic)

  7909. Malassimilation

  7910. Maldescent, testis

  7911. Maldevelopment - see also Anomaly

  7912. Male Breast Cancer

  7913. Male Breasts (Gynecomastia)

  7914. Male Dyspareunia Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  7915. Male Erectile Disorder

  7916. Male Erectile Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  7917. Male Health (Mens Health)

  7918. Male Hydrocele (Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular))

  7919. Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to...[Indicate the Medical Condition]

  7920. Male Infertility - Genetics ( Genetics of Male Infertility )

  7921. Male Medicine (Mens Health)

  7922. Male Menopause

  7923. Male Menopause ( Andropause / Menopuase - Male )

  7924. Male Orgasm (Sexual (Sex) Problems in Men)

  7925. Male Orgasmic Disorder

  7926. Male Turner Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  7927. Male type pelvis

  7928. Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly

  7929. Malformation-Ano Rectal ( Ano Rectal Malformation )

  7930. Malfunction - see also Dysfunction

  7931. Malherbe's tumor - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  7932. Malibu disease

  7933. Malignancy - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  7934. Malignancy (Cancer)

  7935. Malignant - see condition

  7936. Malignant Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  7937. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  7938. Malignant Giant Call Tumor (Bone Cancer Overview)

  7939. Malignant Hyperpyrexia (Malignant Hyperthermia)

  7940. Malignant Hyperthermia

  7941. Malignant Melanoma (Melanoma)

  7942. Malignant Mesothelioma

  7943. Malignant Tumor (Cancer)

  7944. Malingerer, malingering

  7945. Malingering

  7946. Mallet finger (acquired) - see Deformity, finger, mallet finger

  7947. Malleus

  7948. Mallory's bodies

  7949. Mallory-Weiss syndrome

  7950. Malnutrition - The Big Leap )

  7951. Malnutrition

  7952. Malnutrition to Obesity - The Big Leap

  7953. Malocclusion (teeth)

  7954. Malposition

  7955. Malposture

  7956. Malrotation

  7957. Malta fever - see Brucellosis

  7958. Maltreatment

  7959. Maltworker's lung

  7960. Malunion, fracture - see Fracture, by site

  7961. Mammary Gland (Breast Anatomy)

  7962. Mammillitis

  7963. Mammitis - see Mastitis

  7964. Mammogram

  7965. Mammogram (examination)

  7966. Mammogram in Breast Cancer Screening ( Breast Cancer Screening using Mammogram )

  7967. Mammography (Mammogram)

  7968. Mammoplasia

  7969. Man / Mutational Dysostosis )

  7970. Management of Colo-rectal Cancer ( Colo-rectal Cancer - Management )

  7971. Mandibulofacial Dysostosis ( Treacher Collins syndrome )

  7972. Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  7973. Mangled - see specified injury by site

  7974. Mania (Depression)

  7975. Mania (monopolar) - see also Disorder, mood, manic episode

  7976. Manic Depressive (Bipolar Disorder)

  7977. Manic-depressive insanity, psychosis, or syndrome - see Disorder, bipolar

  7978. Mannosidosis

  7979. Manometry, Esophageal (Esophageal Manometry)

  7980. Mansonelliasis, mansonellosis

  7981. Manson's

  7982. Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity - Vigorous Physical Activity ( Vigorous Physical Activity - A Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity / Obesity - Childhood Prevention )

  7983. Manual - see condition

  7984. Map-Dot-Fingerprint Dystrophy (Corneal Disease)

  7985. Maple-bark-stripper's lung (disease)

  7986. Maple-syrup-urine disease

  7987. Marable's syndrome (celiac artery compression)

  7988. Marasmus

  7989. Marburg virus disease

  7990. Marchesani (-Weill)

  7991. Marchiafava (-Bignami)

  7992. Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome

  7993. Marcus Gunn's syndrome

  7994. Marfan Syndrome

  7995. Marfan's syndrome - see Syndrome, Marfan's

  7996. Marfan's Syndrome (Marfan Syndrome)

  7997. Marie-Bamberger disease - see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified NEC

  7998. Marie-Charcot-Tooth neuropathic muscular atrophy

  7999. Marie's

  8000. Marie-Sainton disease ( Cleidocranial Dysplasia / Rubber

  8001. Marie-Sainton Syndrome (Cleidocranial Dysplasia)

  8002. Marie-Strümpell arthritis, disease or spondylitis - see Spondylitis, ankylosing

  8003. Marijuana

  8004. Marijuana ( Cannabis )

  8005. Marion's disease (bladder neck obstruction)

  8006. Marital conflict

  8007. Mark

  8008. Marker heterochromatin - see Extra, marker chromosomes

  8009. Maroon Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  8010. Maroon Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  8011. Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (mild) (severe)

  8012. Marrow (Bone Marrow)

  8013. Marrow (bone)

  8014. Marrow Transplant (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant)

  8015. Marseilles fever

  8016. Marsh fever - see Malaria

  8017. Marshall's (hidrotic)

  8018. Marsh's disease (exophthalmic goiter)

  8019. Martin-Bell Syndrome (Fragile X Syndrome)

  8020. Mary Jane, Marijuana (Marijuana)

  8021. Masculinization (female)

  8022. Masculinovoblastoma

  8023. Masochism (sexual)

  8024. Mason's lung

  8025. Mass

  8026. Massive - see condition

  8027. Massive Issue of Ideal Body Weight ( Ideal Body Weight - A Massive Issue )

  8028. Mast cell

  8029. Mastalgia

  8030. Masters-Allen syndrome

  8031. Mastitis ( Breast Infection )

  8032. Mastitis (acute) (diffuse) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)

  8033. Mastititis: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  8034. Mastocytoma

  8035. Mastocytosis

  8036. Mastodynia

  8037. Mastoid - see condition

  8038. Mastoidalgia

  8039. Mastoiditis (coalescent) (hemorrhagic) (suppurative)

  8040. Mastopathy, mastopathia

  8041. Mastoplasia, mastoplastia

  8042. Masturbation

  8043. Masturbation (excessive)

  8044. Maternal care (for) - see Pregnancy (complicated by) (management affected by)

  8045. Matheiu's disease (leptospiral jaundice)

  8046. Mathematics Disorder

  8047. Mathematics Disorder (Learning Disability)

  8048. Mauclaire's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, metacarpal

  8049. Maxcy's disease

  8050. Maxilla, maxillary - see condition

  8051. Maxillary Sinus Cancer|Paranasal Sinuses ( Cancer of Maxillary Sinus|Paranasal Sinuses )

  8052. May (-Hegglin)

  8053. Mayday! - During Travel

  8054. McArdle (-Schmid)(-Pearson) disease (glycogen storage)

  8055. McCune-Albright syndrome

  8056. MCH (Complete Blood Count)

  8057. MCHC (Complete Blood Count)

  8058. McQuarrie's syndrome (idiopathic familial hypoglycemia)

  8059. MCTD (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)

  8060. MCV (Complete Blood Count)

  8061. Meadow's syndrome

  8062. Meals with Fiber Content ( Fiber Up Your Meals )

  8063. Mean Cell Hemoglobin (Complete Blood Count)

  8064. Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration (Complete Blood Count)

  8065. Mean Cell Volume (Complete Blood Count)

  8066. Mean Platelet Volume (Complete Blood Count)

  8067. Measles ( Rubeola )

  8068. Measles (black) (hemorrhagic) (suppressed)

  8069. Measles (Rubeola)

  8070. Meatal Stenosis

  8071. Meatitis, urethral - see Urethritis

  8072. Meatus, meatal - see condition

  8073. Meat-wrappers' asthma

  8074. Mechanical Valve (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  8075. Meckel-Gruber syndrome

  8076. Meckel's diverticulitis, diverticulum (displaced) (hypertrophic)

  8077. Meconium

  8078. Medial Epicondylitis (Elbow Pain)

  8079. Median - see also condition

  8080. Mediastinal shift

  8081. Mediastinitis (acute) (chronic)

  8082. Mediastinopericarditis - see also Pericarditis

  8083. Mediastinum, mediastinal - see condition

  8084. Medicaiton Damage to Inner Ear (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  8085. Medical Causes of Menopause (Premature Menopause (Medical Procedural Causes))

  8086. Medical Pain Management (Pain Management)

  8087. Medical Screening for Men between 40 and 64 years of Age ( Health Screening for Men between 40 and 64 years of Age )

  8088. Medical Specialists - Layman’s Guide to Understand ( Layman’s Guide to Understanding Medical Specialists )

  8089. Medication Infusion (IV Drug Infusion FAQs)

  8090. Medication-Induced Movement Disorder NOS

  8091. Medication-Induced Postural Tremor

  8092. Medications and Pregnancy (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  8093. Medications for Asthma (Asthma Medications)

  8094. Medications for Diabetes (Diabetes Treatment)

  8095. Medications for Heart Attack (Heart Attack Treatment)

  8096. Medications for High Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Treatment)

  8097. Medications for Menstrual Cramps (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  8098. Medications for Premenstrual Syndrome (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  8099. Medicine poisoning - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

  8100. Meditation [Meditation Therapy] )

  8101. Meditation: Just For The Mind?

  8102. Meditation-Benefits [ Meditation Therapy] ( Benefits of Mediterranean

  8103. Mediterranean Anemia (Beta Thalassemia)

  8104. Mediterranean Diet ( Diet - Mediterranean Diet )

  8105. Medulla - see condition

  8106. Medullary Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer)

  8107. Medullary cystic kidney

  8108. Medullated fibers

  8109. Medulloblastoma

  8110. Medulloblastoma (Brain Tumor)

  8111. Medulloepithelioma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  8112. Medullomyoblastoma

  8113. Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

  8114. Megacolon (acquired) (functional) (not Hirschsprung's disease) (in)

  8115. Megacolon (Hirschsprung Disease)

  8116. Megaesophagus (functional)

  8117. Megalencephaly

  8118. Megalerythema (epidemic)

  8119. Megaloappendix

  8120. Megalocephalus, megalocephaly NEC

  8121. Megalocornea

  8122. Megalocytic anemia

  8123. Megalodactylia (fingers) (thumbs) (congenital)

  8124. Megaloduodenum

  8125. Megaloesophagus (functional)

  8126. Megalogastria (acquired)

  8127. Megalophthalmos

  8128. Megalopsia

  8129. Megalosplenia - see Splenomegaly

  8130. Megaloureter

  8131. Megarectum

  8132. Megasigmoid

  8133. Megaureter

  8134. Megavitamin-B6 syndrome

  8135. Megrim - see Migraine

  8136. Meibomian

  8137. Meibomian Cyst (Chalazion)

  8138. Meibomitis - see Hordeolum

  8139. Meige-Milroy disease (chronic hereditary edema)

  8140. Meige's syndrome

  8141. Melalgia, nutritional

  8142. Melamine Adulteration in Milk and Milk Products |

  8143. Melamine Toxicity and Kidney Failure ( Kidney Failure due to Melamine Toxicity )

  8144. Melancholia

  8145. Melanemia

  8146. Melanoameloblastoma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  8147. Melanoblastoma - see Melanoma

  8148. Melanocarcinoma - see Melanoma

  8149. Melanocytoma, eyeball

  8150. Melanocytosis, neurocutaneous

  8151. Melanoderma, melanodermia

  8152. Melanodontia, infantile

  8153. Melanodontoclasia

  8154. Melanoepithelioma - see Melanoma

  8155. Melanoma

  8156. Melanoma (malignant)

  8157. Melanosarcoma - see also Melanoma

  8158. Melanosis Coli

  8159. Melanosis

  8160. Melanuria

  8161. MELAS Syndrome

  8162. MELAS syndrome

  8163. Melasma

  8164. Melena

  8165. Meleney's

  8166. Melioidosis

  8167. Melioidosis

  8168. Melitensis, febris

  8169. Melkersson (-Rosenthal)

  8170. Mellitus, diabetes - see Diabetes

  8171. Melony delight!! - Summer Tips

  8172. Melorheostosis (bone) - see Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC

  8173. Meloschisis

  8174. Melotia

  8175. Membrana

  8176. Membranacea placenta

  8177. Membranaceous uterus

  8178. Membrane (s) - see also condition

  8179. Membranitis - see Chorioamnionitis

  8180. Memory disturbance, lack or loss - see also Amnesia

  8181. Memory Improvement with Brain Exercises ( Improve Memory with Brain Exercises / Brain Exercises to Improve Memory )

  8182. Memory Loss ( Loss of Memory / Amnesia )

  8183. Memory Loss (Dementia)

  8184. Men - Hair Replacement ( Hair Replacement for Men )

  8185. Men, Disease Prevention (Disease Prevention in Men)

  8186. Men, Health Screening for Men (Disease Prevention in Men)

  8187. Men, Night Sweats (Night Sweats)

  8188. Men’s Fairness Cream - Does it Work? ( Fairness Cream for Men - Does it Work? )

  8189. Menadione deficiency

  8190. Menarche

  8191. Mendacity, pathologic

  8192. Mendelson's syndrome (due to anesthesia)

  8193. Ménétrier's disease or syndrome

  8194. Meniere’s Disease

  8195. Ménière's disease, syndrome or vertigo

  8196. Meningeal Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  8197. Meninges, meningeal - see condition

  8198. Meningioma - see also Neoplasm, meninges, benign

  8199. Meningioma (Brain Tumor)

  8200. Meningiomatosis (diffuse) - see Neoplasm, meninges, uncertain behavior

  8201. Meningism - see Meningismus

  8202. Meningismus (infectional) (pneumococcal)

  8203. Meningitis

  8204. Meningitis (basal) (basic) (brain) (cerebral) (cervical) (congestive) (diffuse) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (membranous) (metastatic) (nonspecific) (pontine) (progressive) (simple) (spinal) (subacute) (sympathetic) (toxic) G03.9

  8205. Meningitis Meningococcus (Meningococcemia)

  8206. Meningocele (Spina Bifida and Anencephaly)

  8207. Meningocele (spinal) - see also Spina bifida

  8208. Meningocerebritis - see Meningoencephalitis

  8209. Meningococcemia

  8210. Meningococcus (Meningococcemia)

  8211. Meningococcus, meningococcal - see also condition

  8212. Meningoencephalitis - see also Encephalitis

  8213. Meningoencephalocele - see also Encephalocele

  8214. Meningoencephalomyelitis - see also Meningoencephalitis

  8215. Meningoencephalomyelopathy

  8216. Meningoencephalopathy

  8217. Meningomyelitis - see also Meningoencephalitis

  8218. Meningomyelocele - see also Spina bifida

  8219. Meningomyelocele (Spina Bifida and Anencephaly)

  8220. Meningomyeloneuritis - see Meningoencephalitis

  8221. Meningoradiculitis - see Meningitis

  8222. Meningovascular - see condition

  8223. Meniscus Tear (Torn Meniscus)

  8224. Menkes' disease or syndrome

  8225. Menometrorrhagia

  8226. Menopause

  8227. Menopause and Sex

  8228. Menopause, Hot Flashes (Hot Flashes)

  8229. Menopause, menopausal (asymptomatic)

  8230. Menopuase - Weight Gain ( Weight Gain After Menopause )

  8231. Menorrhagia ( Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | Heavy Periods )

  8232. Menorrhagia (primary)

  8233. Menorrhagia (Vaginal Bleeding)

  8234. Menostaxis

  8235. Mens Health

  8236. Men's Sexual Health (Sexual Health Overview)

  8237. Menses, retention

  8238. Menstrual - see Menstruation

  8239. Menstrual Cramps

  8240. Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide

  8241. Menstrual Cycle (Menstruation)

  8242. Menstrual Migraine (Migraine)

  8243. Menstrual Pain ( Dysmenorrhea / Painful Menstruation )

  8244. Menstruation

  8245. Mental - see also condition

  8246. Mental Ability Enhanced by Chess - FIDE Trainer Speaks ( Chess Enhances Mental Ability - FIDE Trainer Speaks )

  8247. Mental Disorder NOS Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  8248. Mental Health (Psychology)

  8249. Mental Illness

  8250. Mental Illness in Children

  8251. Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified

  8252. Meralgia Paresthetica

  8253. Meralgia paresthetica

  8254. Mercurial - see condition

  8255. Mercurialism

  8256. Mercury Poisoning

  8257. Merkel cell tumor - see Carcinoma, Merkel cell

  8258. Merocele - see Hernia, femoral

  8259. Meromelia

  8260. MERRF syndrome (myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fiber)

  8261. MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)

  8262. Merzbacher-Pelizaeus disease

  8263. Mesaortitis - see Aortitis

  8264. Mesarteritis - see Arteritis

  8265. Mesencephalitis - see Encephalitis

  8266. Mesenchymoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

  8267. Mesenteritis

  8268. Mesentery, mesenteric - see condition

  8269. Mesiodens, mesiodentes

  8270. Mesio-occlusion

  8271. Mesocolon - see condition

  8272. Mesonephroma (malignant) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  8273. Mesophlebitis - see Phlebitis

  8274. Mesostromal dysgenesia

  8275. Mesothelioma

  8276. Mesothelioma (malignant)

  8277. Metabolic Defects-Birth Defects ( Birth Defects-Metabolic )

  8278. Metabolic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  8279. Metabolic Syndrome

  8280. Metagonimiasis

  8281. Metagonimus infestation (intestine)

  8282. Metallic Mercury Poisoning (Mercury Poisoning)

  8283. Metamorphopsia

  8284. Metaplasia

  8285. Metastasis, metastatic

  8286. Metastatic Brain Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  8287. Metastrongyliasis

  8288. Metatarsal Fracture (Broken Foot)

  8289. Metatarsalgia

  8290. Metatarsus, metatarsal - see also condition

  8291. Methadone use

  8292. Methemoglobinemia

  8293. Methemoglobinuria - see Hemoglobinuria

  8294. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA Infection)

  8295. Methioninemia

  8296. Method to Detect HER2 Protein in Breast anc Gastri Cancer ( Hercep Test for the Detection of HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers / Detect HER2 Protein in Breast and Gastric Cancers with Hercept Test )

  8297. Methylmalonic acidemia

  8298. Methylmercury Exposure (Mercury Poisoning)

  8299. Metritis (catarrhal) (hemorrhagic) (septic) (suppurative) - see also Endometritis

  8300. Metropathia hemorrhagica

  8301. Metroperitonitis - see Peritonitis, pelvic, female

  8302. Metrorrhagia (Vaginal Bleeding)

  8303. Metrorrhagia

  8304. Metrorrhexis - see Rupture, uterus

  8305. Metrosalpingitis

  8306. Metrostaxis

  8307. Metrovaginitis - see Endometritis

  8308. Meyer-Schwickerath and Weyers syndrome

  8309. Meynert's amentia (nonalcoholic)

  8310. MFD1 (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  8311. MHS (Malignant Hyperthermia)

  8312. MI (Heart Attack Pathology: Photo Essay)

  8313. Mibelli's disease (porokeratosis)

  8314. Mice, joint - see Loose, body, joint

  8315. Micrencephalon, micrencephaly

  8316. Microalbuminuria

  8317. Microaneurysm, retinal - see also Disorder, retina, microaneurysms

  8318. Microangiopathy (peripheral)

  8319. Microcalcifications, breast

  8320. Microcephalus, microcephalic, microcephaly

  8321. Microcephaly

  8322. Microcheilia

  8323. Microcolon (congenital)

  8324. Microcornea (congenital)

  8325. Microcytic - see condition

  8326. Microcytic Anemia (Anemia)

  8327. Microdeletions NEC

  8328. Microdermabrasion

  8329. Microdontia

  8330. Microdrepanocytosis

  8331. Microembolism

  8332. Microencephalon

  8333. Microfilaria streptocerca infestation - see Onchocerciasis

  8334. Microgastria (congenital)

  8335. Microgenia

  8336. Microgenitalia, congenital

  8337. Microglioma - see Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin, specified NEC

  8338. Microglossia (congenital)

  8339. Micrognathia, micrognathism (congenital) (mandibular) (maxillary)

  8340. Microgyria (congenital)

  8341. Microinfarct of heart - see Insufficiency, coronary

  8342. Microlentia (congenital)

  8343. Microlithiasis, alveolar, pulmonary

  8344. Micromastia

  8345. Micromyelia (congenital)

  8346. Micropenis

  8347. Microphakia (congenital)

  8348. Microphthalmos, microphthalmia (congenital)

  8349. Micropigmentation (Permanent Makeup (Micropigmentation))

  8350. Micropsia

  8351. Microscopic Colitis (Lymphocytic Colitis)

  8352. Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA)

  8353. Microscopic polyangiitis (polyarteritis)

  8354. Microsporidiosis

  8355. Microsporon furfur infestation

  8356. Microsporosis - see also Dermatophytosis

  8357. Microstomia (congenital)

  8358. Microtia (congenital) (external ear)

  8359. Microtropia v Microvillus inclusion disease (MVD) (MVID)

  8360. Micturition

  8361. Mid plane - see condition

  8362. Middle

  8363. Middle Ear Infection ( Otitis Media / Infection of Middle Ear )

  8364. Miescher's elastoma

  8365. Mietens' syndrome

  8366. Migraine

  8367. Migraine ( Headache - Migraine )

  8368. Migraine (idiopathic)

  8369. Migraine Headache (Migraine)

  8370. Migraine, Abdominal (Abdominal Migraines in Children and Adults)

  8371. Migrant, social

  8372. Migration, anxiety concerning

  8373. Migratory, migrating - see also condition

  8374. Mikity-Wilson disease or syndrome

  8375. Mikulicz' disease or syndrome

  8376. Mild Headache Health

  8377. Mild Mental Retardation

  8378. Miliaria (Heat Rash)

  8379. Miliaria

  8380. Miliaria Profunda (Heat Rash)

  8381. Miliaria Ruba (Heat Rash)

  8382. Miliary - see condition

  8383. Milium

  8384. Milk

  8385. Milk - Pasteurization ( Pasteurization of milk )

  8386. Milk - Types ( Types of Milk )

  8387. Milk Alergy (Lactose Intolerance)

  8388. Milk Tolerance Test (Lactose Tolerance Test)

  8389. Milk-alkali disease or syndrome

  8390. Milk-leg (deep vessels) (nonpuerperal) - see Embolism, vein, lower extremity

  8391. Milkman's disease or syndrome

  8392. Milky urine - see Chyluria

  8393. Millard-Gubler (-Foville)

  8394. Millar's asthma

  8395. Miller Fisher syndrome

  8396. Mills' disease - see Hemiplegia

  8397. Millstone maker's pneumoconiosis

  8398. Milroy's disease (chronic hereditary edema)

  8399. Minamata disease

  8400. Mind the Spine, the Chiropractic Way ( Chiropractic Way - Mind the Spine )

  8401. Miners' asthma or lung

  8402. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spinal Fusion

  8403. Mini-Stroke (Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke))

  8404. Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome - see Spherocytosis

  8405. Minor - see condition

  8406. Minor's disease (hematomyelia)

  8407. Minot's disease (hemorrhagic disease)

  8408. Minot-von Willebrand-Jurgens disease or syndrome (angiohemophilia)

  8409. Minus (and plus) hand (intrinsic) - see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm

  8410. Miosis (pupil)

  8411. Mirizzi's syndrome (hepatic duct stenosis)

  8412. Mirra (Khat)

  8413. Mirror writing

  8414. Misadventure (of) (prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see also Complications

  8415. Miscarriage ( Spontaneous Abortion )

  8416. Miscarriage

  8417. Misdirection, aqueous

  8418. Misperception, sleep state

  8419. Misplaced, misplacement

  8420. Missed

  8421. Missing - see Absence

  8422. Misuse of drugs

  8423. Mitchell's disease (erythromelalgia)

  8424. Mite (s) (infestation)

  8425. Mitochondrial Disease

  8426. Mitochondrial Disorders (Mitochondrial Disease)

  8427. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy (MELAS Syndrome)

  8428. Mitochondrial Myopathies (Mitochondrial Disease)

  8429. Mitral - see condition

  8430. Mitral Valve Prolapse

  8431. Mitral Valve Prolapse ( Ballooning Mitral Valve Syndrome / Floppy Valve Syndrome )

  8432. Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Replacement ( Replacement of Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Mitral Valve )

  8433. Mitral Valve Stenosis And Mitral Valve Replacement ( Replacement of Mitral Valve Stenosis And Mitral Valve )

  8434. Mittelschmerz

  8435. Mixed - see condition

  8436. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

  8437. Mixed Cryoglobulinemia (Essential Mixed Cryoglobulinemia)

  8438. Mixed Gliomas (Adult Brain Tumors)

  8439. Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder

  8440. Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder (Learning Disability)

  8441. MNGIE (Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy)

  8442. Mobile, mobility

  8443. Mobitz heart block (atrioventricular)

  8444. Mobitz I (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  8445. Mobitz II (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  8446. Moderate Mental Retardation

  8447. Modification of Lifestyle

  8448. Moebius, Möbius

  8449. Moeller's glossitis

  8450. Mohr's syndrome (Types I and II) Q87.0 Mola destruens

  8451. Mohs Surgery

  8452. Molar pregnancy

  8453. Molarization of premolars

  8454. Mold Exposure

  8455. Molding, head (during birth)

  8456. Mole (pigmented) - see also Nevus

  8457. Molimen, molimina (menstrual)

  8458. Molluscum contagiosum (epitheliale)

  8459. Molluscum Contagiosum Facts

  8460. Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, disease, or sclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

  8461. Mondini's malformation (cochlea)

  8462. Mondor's disease

  8463. Monge's disease

  8464. Monilethrix (congenital)

  8465. Monilia Infection, Children (Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children)

  8466. Moniliasis - see also Candidiasis

  8467. Monitoring (encounter for)

  8468. Monitoring, Esophageal pH Test (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  8469. Monkey malaria

  8470. Monkeypox

  8471. Monkeypox

  8472. Mono (Infectious Mononucleosis)

  8473. Monoarthritis

  8474. Monoblastic - see condition

  8475. Monochromat (ism), monochromatopsia (acquired) (congenital)

  8476. Monocytic - see condition

  8477. Monocytopenia

  8478. Monocytosis (symptomatic)

  8479. Monomania - see Psychosis

  8480. Mononeuritis

  8481. Mononeuropathy

  8482. Mononucleosis (Infectious Mononucleosis)

  8483. Mononucleosis, infectious

  8484. Monoplegia

  8485. Monorchism, monorchidism

  8486. Monosomy - see also Deletion, chromosome

  8487. Monosomy 1p36 Syndrome (1p36 Deletion Syndrome)

  8488. Monster, monstrosity (single)

  8489. Monteggia's fracture (-dislocation)

  8490. MOOBS (Gynecomastia)

  8491. Mood Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  8492. Mood Disorder NOS

  8493. Mood Swing Disorder ( Bipolar Disorder )

  8494. Moods and Colors ( Colors and Moods )

  8495. Mooren's ulcer (cornea) - see Ulcer, cornea, Mooren's

  8496. Moore's syndrome - see Epilepsy, specified NEC

  8497. Mooser-Neill reaction

  8498. Mooser's bodies

  8499. Morbilli - see Measles

  8500. Morbilli (Measles (Rubeola))

  8501. Morbus - see also Disease

  8502. Morel (-Stewart)(-Morgagni)

  8503. Morel-Kraepelin disease - see Schizophrenia

  8504. Morel-Moore syndrome

  8505. Morgagni's

  8506. Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome

  8507. Morgagni-Stokes-Adams syndrome

  8508. Morgagni-Turner (-Albright)

  8509. Moria

  8510. Morning after Pill (Contraceptive Measures After Unprotected Sex)

  8511. Moron

  8512. Morphea

  8513. Morphinism (without remission)

  8514. Morphinomania (without remission)

  8515. Morquio (-Ullrich)(-Brailsford) - see Mucopolysaccharidosis

  8516. Mortification (dry) (moist) - see Gangrene

  8517. Morton's metatarsalgia (neuralgia)(neuroma) (syndrome)

  8518. Morton's Neuroma

  8519. Morvan's disease or syndrome

  8520. Mosaicism, mosaic (autosomal) (chromosomal)

  8521. Moschowitz' disease

  8522. Mosquito Disease - Filaria ( Filaria )

  8523. Mosquito Diseases

  8524. Mother yaw

  8525. Motherhood Magic ( Magic Feeling of Being A Mother )

  8526. Motility Study, Antro-duodenal (Antro-duodenal Motility Study)

  8527. Motility, Esophageal Study (Esophageal Manometry)

  8528. Motion Sickness - Travel Tips

  8529. Motion sickness (from travel, any vehicle) (from roundabouts or swings)

  8530. Motion Sickness (Sea Sickness, Car Sickness)

  8531. Mottled, mottling, teeth (enamel) (endemic) (nonendemic)

  8532. Mounier-Kuhn syndrome

  8533. Mountain

  8534. Mouse, joint - see Loose, body, joint

  8535. Mouth - see condition

  8536. Mouth Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  8537. Mouth Guards

  8538. Mouth Sores (Canker Sores)

  8539. Mouth Ulcers ( Ulcers in Mouth )

  8540. Movable

  8541. Movement Disorder of the Limbs (Restless Leg Syndrome)

  8542. Movements, dystonic

  8543. Moyamoya disease

  8544. MPV (Complete Blood Count)

  8545. MRI Scan

  8546. MRSA – The Super Bug ( Super Bug - MRSA )

  8547. MRSA (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

  8548. MRSA Infection

  8549. MS (Multiple Sclerosis (MS))

  8550. MS, Alternative and Complementary Therapies (Alternative Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis)

  8551. MSSA (Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus)

  8552. Mucha-Habermann disease

  8553. Mucinosis (cutaneous) (focal) (papular) (reticular erythematous) (skin)

  8554. Mucinous Cyst Adenomas, Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  8555. Mucocele

  8556. Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome (Kawasaki Disease)

  8557. Mucolipidosis

  8558. Mucopolysaccharidosis

  8559. Mucormycosis

  8560. Mucormycosis

  8561. Mucositis (ulcerative)

  8562. Mucositis necroticans agranulocytica - see Agranulocytosis

  8563. Mucous - see also condition

  8564. Mucous Colitis (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS))

  8565. Mucous in poop (Stool Color Changes)

  8566. Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis)

  8567. Mucoviscidosis

  8568. Mucoviscidosis of the Pancreas (Cystic Fibrosis)

  8569. Mucus

  8570. Mucus Inspection Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  8571. Muguet

  8572. Mulberry molars (congenital syphilis)

  8573. Müllerian mixed tumor

  8574. Multicystic kidney (development)

  8575. Multifactorial Birth Defects ( Birth Defect - Multifactorial )

  8576. Multi-infarct Dementia, Binswanger's Type (Binswanger's Disease)

  8577. Multinodular Goiter (Thyroid Nodules)

  8578. Multiparity (grand)

  8579. Multipartita placenta

  8580. Multiple Myeloma

  8581. Multiple Myeloma ( Plasma Cell Myeloma )

  8582. Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)

  8583. Multiple Sclerosis

  8584. Multiple Sclerosis - Treatment and Modify

  8585. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  8586. Multiple Subpial Transection

  8587. Multiple, multiplex - see also condition

  8588. Multiples: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  8589. Multipotent Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  8590. Mumps

  8591. Mumu - see also Infestation, filarial

  8592. Munch On Crunchy Corn! ( Corn - Crunchy Munch )

  8593. Munchausen Syndrome

  8594. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

  8595. Münchhausen's syndrome - see Disorder, factitious

  8596. Münchmeyer's syndrome - see Myositis, ossificans, progressiva

  8597. Mural - see condition

  8598. Murder

  8599. Murmur (cardiac) (heart) (organic)

  8600. Murmur, Congenital (Heart Murmur)

  8601. Murmur, Heart (Heart Murmur)

  8602. Murri's disease (intermittent hemoglobinuria)

  8603. Muscle Cramps

  8604. Muscle Pain

  8605. Muscle Spasms

  8606. Muscle, muscular - see also condition

  8607. Muscular Dystrophy

  8608. Muscular Dystrophy ( Duchenne )

  8609. Musculoneuralgia - see Neuralgia

  8610. Musculoskeletal Pain (Pain Management: Musculoskeletal Pain)

  8611. Mushrooming hip - see Derangement, joint, specified NEC, hip

  8612. Mushroom-workers' (pickers')

  8613. Mutation (s)

  8614. Mutational Dysostosis ( Cleidocranial Dysplasia / Rubber Man / Marie-Sainton disease ) Mutational Dysostosis )

  8615. Mutism - see also Aphasia

  8616. MVD (microvillus inclusion disease)

  8617. MVID (microvillus inclusion disease)

  8618. MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  8619. Myalgia

  8620. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  8621. Myasthenia

  8622. Myasthenia Gravis

  8623. Myasthenia Gravis

  8624. Myasthenic

  8625. Mycelium infection

  8626. Mycetismus - see Poisoning, food, noxious, mushroom

  8627. Mycetoma

  8628. Myclonic Seizure (Seizure)

  8629. Mycobacteriosis - see Mycobacterium

  8630. Mycobacterium Marinum

  8631. Mycobacterium, mycobacterial (infection)

  8632. Mycoplasma (M.)

  8633. Mycosis, mycotic

  8634. Mydriasis (pupil)

  8635. Myelatelia

  8636. Myelinolysis, pontine, central

  8637. Myelitis (acute) (ascending) (childhood) (chronic) (descending) (diffuse) (disseminated) (idiopathic) (pressure) (progressive) (spinal cord) (subacute) - see also Encephalitis

  8638. Myeloblastic - see condition

  8639. Myeloblastoma

  8640. Myelocele - see Spina bifida

  8641. Myelocystocele - see Spina bifida

  8642. Myelocytic - see condition

  8643. Myelodysplasia

  8644. Myelodysplastic syndrome

  8645. Myeloencephalitis - see Encephalitis

  8646. Myelofibrosis

  8647. Myelogenous - see condition

  8648. Myeloid - see condition

  8649. Myeloid Leukemia - Chronic ( Leukemia - Chronic Myeloid / Chronic Myeloid Leukemia | Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia ) Myeloid Leukemia-Acute ( Leukemia - Acute Myeloid / Acute Myeloid Leukemia )

  8650. Myelokathexis

  8651. Myeloleukodystrophy

  8652. Myelolipoma - see Lipoma

  8653. Myeloma (Multiple Myeloma)

  8654. Myeloma (multiple)

  8655. Myelomalacia

  8656. Myelomatosis

  8657. Myelomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis

  8658. Myelomeningocele ( Birth Defects - Myelomeningocele ) Myocardial Infarction - Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Reduce the Risk ( Can Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Reduce the Risk of Myocardial Infarction )

  8659. Myelomeningocele (spinal cord) - see Spina bifida

  8660. Myelo-osteo-musculodysplasia hereditaria

  8661. Myelopathic

  8662. Myelopathy (spinal cord)

  8663. Myelophthisis

  8664. Myeloradiculitis

  8665. Myeloradiculodysplasia (spinal)

  8666. Myelosarcoma

  8667. Myelosclerosis

  8668. Myelosis

  8669. MYH-associated Polyposis (Gardner Syndrome)

  8670. Myiasis (cavernous)

  8671. Myoadenoma, prostate - see Hyperplasia, prostate

  8672. Myoblastoma

  8673. Myocardial - see condition

  8674. Myocardial Biopsy

  8675. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)

  8676. Myocardial Infarction Treatment (Heart Attack Treatment)

  8677. Myocardiopathy (congestive) (constrictive) (familial) (hypertrophic nonobstructive) (idiopathic) (infiltrative) (obstructive) (primary) (restrictive) (sporadic) - see also Cardiomyopathy I42.9

  8678. Myocarditis

  8679. Myocarditis (with arteriosclerosis)(chronic)(fibroid) (interstitial) (old) (progressive) (senile) I51.4

  8680. Myocardium, myocardial - see condition

  8681. Myocardosis - see Cardiomyopathy

  8682. Myoclonus, myoclonic, myoclonia (familial) (essential) (multifocal) (simplex)

  8683. Myocytolysis

  8684. Myodiastasis - see Diastasis, muscle

  8685. Myoendocarditis - see Endocarditis

  8686. Myoepithelioma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  8687. Myofascial Pain (Muscle Pain)

  8688. Myofasciitis (acute) - see Myositis

  8689. Myofibroma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  8690. Myofibromatosis

  8691. Myofibrosis

  8692. Myofibrositis

  8693. Myoglobulinuria, myoglobinuria (primary)

  8694. Myogram (Electromyogram)

  8695. Myokymia, facial

  8696. Myolipoma - see Lipoma

  8697. Myoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  8698. Myomalacia

  8699. Myometritis - see Endometritis

  8700. Myometrium - see condition

  8701. Myonecrosis, clostridial

  8702. Myopathies, Mitochondrial (Mitochondrial Disease)

  8703. Myopathy

  8704. Myopericarditis - see also Pericarditis

  8705. Myopia

  8706. Myopia ( Short Sightedness / Nearsightedness )

  8707. Myopia (axial) (congenital)

  8708. Myosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  8709. Myosis (pupil)

  8710. Myositis (Polymyositis)

  8711. Myositis

  8712. Myospasia impulsiva

  8713. Myotonia (acquisita) (intermittens)

  8714. Myotonic Dystrophy ( Dystrophia Myotonica )

  8715. Myotonic pupil - see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil

  8716. Myriapodiasis

  8717. Myringitis

  8718. Myringotomy (Ear Tubes)

  8719. Mysophobia

  8720. Myths and Facts of Orgasm ( Orgasm – Myths and Facts ) Myxoedema ( Hypothyroidism )

  8721. Mytilotoxism - see Poisoning, fish

  8722. Myxadenitis labialis

  8723. Myxedema (adult) (idiocy) (infantile) (juvenile) - see also Hypothyroidism

  8724. Myxedema Coma

  8725. Myxochondrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

  8726. Myxofibroma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  8727. Myxofibrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  8728. Myxolipoma

  8729. Myxoliposarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  8730. Myxoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  8731. Myxomatous Mitral Valve (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  8732. Myxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  8733. Naegeli's

  8734. Naegleria Infection

  8735. Naegleriasis (with meningoencephalitis)

  8736. Naffziger's syndrome

  8737. NAFLD (Fatty Liver)

  8738. Naga sore - see Ulcer, skin

  8739. Nägele's pelvis

  8740. Nail - see also condition

  8741. Nail Fungus (Fungal Nails)

  8742. Nails - Health and Disease ( Health and Disease of Nails )

  8743. Nanism, nanosomia - see Dwarfism

  8744. Nanophyetiasis

  8745. Nanukayami

  8746. Napkin Dermatitis (Diaper Rash)

  8747. Napkin Rash (Diaper Rash)

  8748. Napkin rash

  8749. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  8750. Narcolepsy

  8751. Narcosis

  8752. Narcotics for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  8753. Narcotism - see Dependence

  8754. NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis pigmentosa)

  8755. Narrowing - see also Stenosis

  8756. Narrowness, abnormal, eyelid

  8757. Nasal - see condition

  8758. Nasal Airway Surgery

  8759. NASH (Fatty Liver)

  8760. Nasolachrymal, nasolacrimal - see condition

  8761. Nasopharyngeal - see also condition

  8762. Nasopharyngeal Cancer

  8763. Nasopharyngitis (acute) (infective) (streptococcal) (subacute)

  8764. Nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal - see condition

  8765. Natal tooth, teeth

  8766. Natural Methods of Birth Control

  8767. Nausea (without vomiting)

  8768. Nausea and Vomiting

  8769. Nausea Medicine (Antiemetics)

  8770. Navel - see condition

  8771. NCV (Nerve Conduction Velocity Test)

  8772. NDM-1

  8773. Neapolitan fever - see Brucellosis

  8774. Near drowning

  8775. Nearsightedness - see Myopia

  8776. Nearsightedness ( Short Sightedness / Myopia )

  8777. Near-syncope

  8778. Nebula, cornea - see Opacity, cornea

  8779. Nebulizer for Asthma

  8780. Necator americanus infestation

  8781. Necatoriasis

  8782. Neck - see condition

  8783. Neck Cancer (Head and Neck Cancer)

  8784. Neck Injury (Whiplash)

  8785. Neck Lift Cosmetic Surgery

  8786. Neck Pain

  8787. Neck Strain (Whiplash)

  8788. Necrobiosis

  8789. Necrolysis, toxic epidermal

  8790. Necrophilia

  8791. Necropsy ( Autopsy / Post-Mortem Examination / Obduction )

  8792. Necropsy (Autopsy)

  8793. Necrosis, necrotic (ischemic) - see also Gangrene

  8794. Necrospermia - see Infertility, male

  8795. Necrotising Enterocolitis

  8796. Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants )

  8797. Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants Prevented by Probiotics ( Probiotics Useful in Preventing

  8798. Necrotizing Fasciitis

  8799. Negative Calorie Diet ( Diet-Negative Calorie Diet )

  8800. Neglect

  8801. Neglect of Child

  8802. Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim)

  8803. Neisserian infection NEC - see Gonococcus

  8804. Nelaton's syndrome

  8805. Nelson's syndrome

  8806. Nematodiasis (intestinal)

  8807. Neonatal - see also Newborn

  8808. Neonatal Jaundice ( Jaundice in NewBorn )

  8809. Neonatal Jaundice (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  8810. Neonatorum - see condition

  8811. Neoplasm (Cancer)

  8812. Neoplasm, neoplastic - see also Table of Neoplasms

  8813. Neoplasm, Thymomic (Thymoma)

  8814. Neovascularization

  8815. Nephralgia

  8816. Nephritis, nephritic (albuminuric) (azotemic) (congenital) (disseminated) (epithelial) (familial) (focal) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (nonsuppurative, excretory) (uremic) N05.9

  8817. Nephroblastoma (epithelial) (mesenchymal)

  8818. Nephrocalcinosis

  8819. Nephrocystitis, pustular - see Nephritis, tubulo-interstitial

  8820. Nephrolithiasis (congenital) (pelvis) (recurrent) - see also Calculus, kidney

  8821. Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones)

  8822. Nephroma

  8823. Nephronephritis - see Nephrosis

  8824. Nephronophthisis

  8825. Nephropathia epidemica

  8826. Nephropathy - see also Nephritis

  8827. Nephropathy, Hypertensive (Kidney Disease (Hypertension-Related))

  8828. Nephroptosis

  8829. Nephropyosis - see Abscess, kidney

  8830. Nephrorrhagia

  8831. Nephrosclerosis (arteriolar)(arteriosclerotic) (chronic) (hyaline) - see also Hypertension, kidney

  8832. Nephrosis, nephrotic (Epstein's) (syndrome) (congenital)

  8833. Nephrosonephritis, hemorrhagic (endemic)

  8834. Nephrostomy

  8835. Nerve - see also condition

  8836. Nerve Blocks

  8837. Nerve Compression (Pinched Nerve Overview)

  8838. Nerve Conduction Velocity Test

  8839. Nerve Disease and Bladder Control

  8840. Nerve Entrapment (Pinched Nerve Overview)

  8841. Nerve Freezing (Cryotherapy)

  8842. Nerve, Pinched (Pinched Nerve Overview)

  8843. Nerves

  8844. Nervous - see also condition

  8845. Nervous Tic ( Trigeminal Neuralgia )

  8846. Nervousness

  8847. Nesidioblastoma

  8848. Nettleship's syndrome

  8849. Neumann's disease or syndrome

  8850. Neuralgia, neuralgic (acute)

  8851. Neurapraxia - see Injury, nerve

  8852. Neurasthenia

  8853. Neurilemmoma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  8854. Neurilemmosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

  8855. Neurinoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  8856. Neurinomatosis - see Neoplasm, nerve, uncertain behavior

  8857. Neuritis (rheumatoid)

  8858. Neuroastrocytoma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  8859. Neuroavitaminosis

  8860. Neuroblastoma

  8861. Neurocardiogenic Syncope (Fainting)

  8862. Neurochorioretinitis - see Chorioretinitis

  8863. Neurocirculatory asthenia

  8864. Neurocysticercosis ( Cysticercosis of Brain )

  8865. Neurocysticercosis

  8866. Neurocytoma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  8867. Neurodermatitis (Atopic Dermatitis)

  8868. Neurodermatitis (circumscribed) (circumscripta) (local)

  8869. Neuroencephalomyelopathy, optic

  8870. Neuroepithelioma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  8871. Neurofibroma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  8872. Neurofibromatosis (multiple) (nonmalignant)

  8873. Neurofibrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

  8874. Neurogenic - see also condition

  8875. Neuroglioma - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  8876. Neurolabyrinthitis (of Dix and Hallpike) - see Neuronitis, vestibular

  8877. Neurolathyrism - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant

  8878. Neuroleprosy

  8879. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

  8880. Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia

  8881. Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia

  8882. Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

  8883. Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia

  8884. Neuroma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  8885. Neuroma, Morton's (Morton's Neuroma)

  8886. Neuromyalgia - see Neuralgia

  8887. Neuromyasthenia (epidemic) (postinfectious)

  8888. Neuromyelitis

  8889. Neuromyopathy

  8890. Neuromyotonia (Isaacs)

  8891. Neuronevus - see Nevus

  8892. Neuronitis

  8893. Neuroparalytic - see condition

  8894. Neuropathic Pain (Nerve Pain)

  8895. Neuropathy (Peripheral Neuropathy)

  8896. Neuropathy, Autonomic Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  8897. Neuropathy, Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  8898. Neuropathy, Diabetic Peripheral (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  8899. Neuropathy, Focal Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  8900. Neuropathy, neuropathic

  8901. Neuropathy, Peripheral (Peripheral Neuropathy)

  8902. Neuropathy, Proximal Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  8903. Neurophthisis - see also Disorder, nerve

  8904. Neuroretinitis - see Chorioretinitis

  8905. Neuroretinopathy, hereditary optic

  8906. Neurosarcoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

  8907. Neurosclerosis - see Disorder, nerve

  8908. Neurosis, neurotic

  8909. Neurospongioblastosis diffusa

  8910. Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (gumma) (late) (latent) (recurrent) (relapse)

  8911. Neurothekeoma - see Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  8912. Neurotic - see Neurosis

  8913. Neurotoxemia - see Toxemia

  8914. Neutroclusion

  8915. Neutropenia

  8916. Neutropenia, neutropenic (chronic) (genetic) (idiopathic) (immune) (infantile) (malignant) (pernicious) (splenic) D70.9

  8917. Neutrophilia, hereditary giant

  8918. Nevocarcinoma - see Melanoma

  8919. Nevus

  8920. New Biomarker for Heart Disease? ( Heart Disease - New Biomarker )

  8921. New Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon ( Vaccine Against Chikungunya Virus / Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon )

  8922. New Drug Briakinumab May Be the Answer for Psoriasis ( Briakinumab is effective in Psoriasis )

  8923. New Wonder Drug ( Statins )

  8924. Newborn (infant) (liveborn) (singleton)

  8925. Newborn Infant Hearing Screening

  8926. Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice)

  8927. Newborn Score (Apgar Score)

  8928. Newcastle conjunctivitis or disease

  8929. Newer Fixed-dose Combinations in the Treatment of Acne ( Local Treatment of Acne may be more effective with Newer Combinations )

  8930. Newer Treatments to Avert Tuberculosis in HIV Infected Adults ( Tuberculosis prevention in HIV Infected Adults )

  8931. Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

  8932. Nezelof's syndrome (pure alymphocytosis) D81.4

  8933. NHL (Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas)

  8934. Niacin (amide)

  8935. Nicolas (-Durand)

  8936. Nicotine

  8937. Nicotine - see Tobacco

  8938. Nicotine Dependence

  8939. Nicotine Replacement Therapy During Pregnancy (Smoking During Pregnancy)

  8940. Nicotine Withdrawal

  8941. Nicotine-Related Disorder NOS

  8942. Nicotinic acid deficiency

  8943. Niemann-Pick Disease ( Sphingomyelinase Deficiency | Sphingomyelin Lipidosis / DAF Syndrome )

  8944. Niemann-Pick disease or syndrome

  8945. Night Sweats

  8946. Night Sweats in Children (Night Sweats)

  8947. Night Sweats in Men (Night Sweats)

  8948. Night Sweats in Women (Night Sweats)

  8949. Nightmare Disorder

  8950. Nightmares

  8951. Nightmares (REM sleep type)

  8952. Nipple - see condition

  8953. Nipple (Breast Anatomy)

  8954. Nisbet's chancre

  8955. Nishimoto (-Takeuchi)

  8956. NISP (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  8957. Nitritoid crisis or reaction - see Crisis, nitritoid

  8958. Nitrosohemoglobinemia

  8959. Nitrous Oxide for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  8960. Njovera

  8961. NLV (Norovirus Infection)

  8962. NMO (Devic's Syndrome)

  8963. No Diagnosis on Axis II

  8964. No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I

  8965. Nocardiosis, nocardiasis

  8966. Nocturia

  8967. Nocturnal - see condition

  8968. Nocturnal Eneuresis (Bedwetting)

  8969. Nocturnal Leg Cramps

  8970. Nodal rhythm

  8971. Node (s) - see also Nodule

  8972. Nodule (s)

  8973. Nodule, Thyroid (Thyroid Nodules)

  8974. Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Its Prevention

  8975. Noma (gangrenous) (hospital) (infective)

  8976. Nomad, nomadism

  8977. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (Fatty Liver)

  8978. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (Fatty Liver)

  8979. Nonalcoholic Steatonecrosis (Fatty Liver)

  8980. Nonautoimmune hemolytic anemia

  8981. Noncancerous Colloid Thyroid Nodule (Thyroid Nodules)

  8982. Noncardiac Pulmonary Edema (ARDS)

  8983. Non-cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (Pulmonary Edema)

  8984. Nonclosure - see also Imperfect, closure

  8985. Non-Communicating Hydrocele (Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular))

  8986. Non-communicating Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  8987. Noncompliance With Treatment

  8988. Noncompliance

  8989. Nondescent (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital

  8990. Nondevelopment

  8991. Nonengagement

  8992. Nonexanthematous tick fever

  8993. Nonexpansion, lung (newborn)

  8994. Nonfunctioning

  8995. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NEC - see Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin

  8996. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma ( Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkins )

  8997. Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas

  8998. Nonimplantation, ovum

  8999. Non-Inflammatory Cysts of the Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9000. Noninsufflation, fallopian tube

  9001. Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) ( Type 2 Diabetes / Diabetes - Type 2 / Adult-Onset Diabetes )

  9002. Non-Ischemic Priapism (Priapism (Penis Disorder))

  9003. Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia

  9004. Nonne-Milroy syndrome

  9005. Nonovulation

  9006. Nonpatent fallopian tube

  9007. Non-Phenylketonuric Hyperphenylalaninemia (Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency)

  9008. Nonpneumatization, lung NEC

  9009. Nonrotation - see Malrotation

  9010. Nonsecretion, urine - see Anuria

  9011. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Ulcers

  9012. Nontropical Sprue (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  9013. Non-Tropical Sprue (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  9014. Non-ulcer dyspepsia (Dyspepsia)

  9015. Nonunion

  9016. Nonvisualization, gallbladder

  9017. Nonvital, nonvitalized tooth

  9018. Non-working side interference

  9019. Noonan Syndrome

  9020. Noonan-Ehmke Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  9021. Noonan's syndrome

  9022. Normal Cell Volume (Anemia)

  9023. Normal Labor and Delivery (Labor and Delivery)

  9024. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)

  9025. Normal Tension Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  9026. Normocytic Anemia (Anemia)

  9027. Normocytic anemia (infectional) due to blood loss (chronic)

  9028. Norovirus (Norovirus Infection)

  9029. Norovirus Infection

  9030. Norrie's disease (congenital)

  9031. North American blastomycosis

  9032. Norwalk-Like Virus (Norovirus Infection)

  9033. Norwegian itch

  9034. Nose Bleed ( Epistaxis / Bleeding Nose )

  9035. Nose Bleed (Nosebleed)

  9036. Nose Inflammation (Chronic Rhinitis)

  9037. Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

  9038. Nose, nasal - see condition

  9039. Nosebleed

  9040. Nose-picking

  9041. Nosomania

  9042. Nosophobia

  9043. Nostalgia

  9044. Notch of iris

  9045. Notching nose, congenital (tip)

  9046. Nothnagel's

  9047. Novel Treatment for Thalassemia ( Oral Drug Ferriprox Approved to Treat Excess Iron / Ferriprox to Treat Excess Iron )

  9048. Novy's relapsing fever

  9049. Noxious

  9050. NREM Sleep (Sleep)

  9051. NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Ulcers)

  9052. Nucleus pulposus - see condition

  9053. Numbness

  9054. Nummular Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

  9055. Nuns' knee - see Bursitis, prepatellar

  9056. Nursemaid's elbow

  9057. Nursing (Breastfeeding)

  9058. Nursing Bottle Syndrome (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  9059. Nursing Caries (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  9060. Nursing Strike: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  9061. Nutcracker esophagus

  9062. Nutmeg liver

  9063. Nutrient element deficiency

  9064. Nutrition deficient or insufficient - see also Malnutrition

  9065. Nutrition Facts-Why Do We Eat ( Why Do We Eat-Nutrition Facts )

  9066. Nutritional stunting

  9067. Nyctalopia (night blindness) - see Blindness, night

  9068. Nycturia

  9069. Nymphomania ( Sex Addiction / Sexual Dependency / Hypersexuality / Compulsive Sexual Behavior / Sexual Compulsivity )

  9070. Nymphomania

  9071. Nystagmus

  9072. Obduction ( Autopsy / Post-Mortem Examination / Necropsy )

  9073. Obermeyer's relapsing fever (European)

  9074. Obese (Obesity (Weight Loss))

  9075. Obesity

  9076. Obesity - Childhood Prevention ( Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity - Vigorous Physical Activity / Vigorous Physical Activity - A Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity )

  9077. Obesity - Effect of Types of Food on Children ( Effect of Types of Food on Child and Adolescent Obesity )

  9078. Obesity - Will Phentermine Plus Topiramate Emerge as a Novel Treatment? ( Can Phenetermine Plus Topiramte Emerge as a Novel Treatment for Obesity )

  9079. Obesity (Weight Loss)

  9080. Obesity and Carbohydrates ( Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity )

  9081. Obesity and Children ( Childhood Obesity )

  9082. Obesity and Malnutrition - The Big Leap ( Malnutrition to Obesity - The Big Leap )

  9083. Obesity

  9084. Objects Or Insects In Ear

  9085. Oblique - see condition

  9086. Obliteration

  9087. Observation (following) (for) (without need for further medical care)

  9088. Obsession, obsessional state

  9089. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  9090. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Radiosurgery Gifts Hope

  9091. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis or reaction

  9092. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

  9093. Obstetric embolism, septic - see Embolism, obstetric, septic

  9094. Obstetrical trauma (complicating delivery)

  9095. Obstipation - see Constipation

  9096. Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive

  9097. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Sleep Apnea)

  9098. Obturator - see condition

  9099. Occlusal wear, teeth

  9100. Occlusio pupillae - see Membrane, pupillary

  9101. Occlusion, occluded

  9102. Occult

  9103. Occult Fecal Blood Test (Fecal Occult Blood Tests)

  9104. Occulta (Spina Bifida and Anencephaly)

  9105. Occupational Asthma

  9106. Occupational Problem

  9107. Occupational Therapy for Arthritis (Arthritis Physical and Occupational Therapy)

  9108. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))

  9109. Ochlophobia - see Agoraphobia

  9110. Ochronosis (Alkaptonuria)

  9111. Ochronosis (endogenous)

  9112. OCPs (Hormonal Methods of Birth Control)

  9113. Ocular Migraine (Migraine)

  9114. Ocular muscle - see condition

  9115. Ocular Surface Disease (Dry Eyes)

  9116. Oculogyric crisis or disturbance

  9117. Oculomotor syndrome

  9118. Oculopathy

  9119. Oddi's sphincter spasm

  9120. Odontalgia

  9121. Odontiasis (Teething)

  9122. Odontoameloblastoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  9123. Odontoclasia

  9124. Odontodysplasia, regional

  9125. Odontogenesis imperfecta

  9126. Odontoma (ameloblastic) (complex) (compound) (fibroameloblastic) - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  9127. Odontomyelitis (closed) (open)

  9128. Odontorrhagia

  9129. Odontosarcoma, ameloblastic

  9130. Oesophageal Atresia ( Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula (TOF) )

  9131. Oestriasis - see Myiasis

  9132. OGTT (Glucose Tolerance Test)

  9133. Oguchi's disease

  9134. Ohara's disease - see Tularemia

  9135. Oidiomycosis - see Candidiasis

  9136. Oidium albicans infection - see Candidiasis

  9137. Oil - Evening Primrose Oil ( Evening Primrose Oil )

  9138. Old (previous)

  9139. Old age (without mention of debility) R54 Olfactory - see condition

  9140. Oligemia - see Anemia

  9141. Oligoarthritis ( Arthritis In Children / Childhood Arthritis / Juvenile Arthritis )

  9142. Oligoastrocytoma

  9143. Oligocythemia

  9144. Oligodendroblastoma

  9145. Oligodendroglial Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  9146. Oligodendroglioma

  9147. Oligodendroglioma (Brain Tumor)

  9148. Oligodontia - see Anodontia

  9149. Oligoencephalon

  9150. Oligohidrosis

  9151. Oligohydramnios

  9152. Oligohydrosis

  9153. Oligomenorrhea

  9154. Oligophrenia - see also Disability, intellectual

  9155. Oligospermia

  9156. Oligotrichia - see Alopecia

  9157. Oliguria

  9158. Olive Oil and Its Benefits ( Benefits of Olive Oil ) Ombudsman - Health Insurance ( Health Insurance - Ombudsman )

  9159. Ollier's disease

  9160. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  9161. Omenotocele - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

  9162. Omentitis - see Peritonitis

  9163. Omentum, omental - see condition

  9164. Omphalitis (congenital) (newborn)

  9165. Omphalocele Q79.2 Omphalomesenteric duct, persistent

  9166. Omphalorrhagia, newborn

  9167. Omsk hemorrhagic fever

  9168. Onanism (excessive)

  9169. Onchocerciasis

  9170. Onchocerciasis, onchocercosis

  9171. Oncocytoma - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  9172. Oncovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  9173. Ondine's curse - see Apnea, sleep

  9174. Oneirophrenia

  9175. Onychauxis

  9176. Onychia - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9177. Onychitis - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9178. Onychocryptosis (Ingrown Toenail)

  9179. Onychocryptosis

  9180. Onychodystrophy

  9181. Onychogryphosis, onychogryposis

  9182. Onycholysis

  9183. Onychomadesis

  9184. Onychomalacia

  9185. Onychomycosis (finger) (toe)

  9186. Onychomycosis (Fungal Nails)

  9187. Onycho-osteodysplasia

  9188. Onychophagia

  9189. Onychophosis

  9190. Onychoptosis

  9191. Onychorrhexis

  9192. Onychoschizia

  9193. Onyxis (finger) (toe)

  9194. Onyxitis - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9195. Oophorectomy (Hysterectomy)

  9196. Oophoritis (cystic) (infectional) (interstitial)

  9197. Oophorocele

  9198. Opacity, opacities

  9199. Opalescent dentin (hereditary)

  9200. Open Angle Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  9201. Open, opening

  9202. Operational fatigue

  9203. Operative - see condition

  9204. Operculitis - see Periodontitis

  9205. Operculum - see Break, retina

  9206. Ophiasis

  9207. Ophthalmia - see also Conjunctivitis

  9208. Ophthalmitis - see Ophthalmia

  9209. Ophthalmocele (congenital)

  9210. Ophthalmoneuromyelitis

  9211. Ophthalmoplegia - see also Strabismus, paralytic

  9212. Opioid (s)

  9213. Opioid Abuse

  9214. Opioid Dependence

  9215. Opioid Intoxication

  9216. Opioid Intoxication Delirium

  9217. Opioid Withdrawal

  9218. Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder

  9219. Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  9220. Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  9221. Opioid-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  9222. Opioid-Induced Sleep Disorder

  9223. Opioid-Related Disorder NOS

  9224. Opisthognathism

  9225. Opisthorchiasis (felineus) (viverrini) B66.0 Opitz' disease

  9226. Opiumism - see Dependence, drug, opioid

  9227. Oppenheim's disease

  9228. Oppenheim-Urbach disease (necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum)

  9229. Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  9230. Optic nerve - see condition

  9231. Optic Neuritis

  9232. Optic Neuropathy (Glaucoma)

  9233. Optogenetics and Its Clinical Applications ! Opsins In Evolution and Clinical Applications

  9234. Oral Cancer

  9235. Oral Cancer ( Cancer of Oral )

  9236. Oral Candiasis, Children (Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children)

  9237. Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)

  9238. Oral Care (Teeth and Gum Care)

  9239. Oral Cholecystogram

  9240. Oral Drug Ferriprox Approved to Treat Excess Iron ( Novel Treatment for Thalassemia / Ferriprox to Treat Excess Iron )

  9241. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (Glucose Tolerance Test)

  9242. Oral Health and Bone Disease

  9243. Oral health care ( Dental Check-Up )

  9244. Oral Health Problems in Children

  9245. Oral Malodor ( Halitosis / Bad Breath )

  9246. Oral Moniliasis, Children (Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children)

  9247. Oral Surgery

  9248. Orbit - see condition

  9249. Orchioblastoma

  9250. Orchitis (gangrenous) (nonspecific) (septic) (suppurative)

  9251. Orf (virus disease)

  9252. Organ Transplantation - Kidney ( Kidney Transplantation )

  9253. Organ Transplantation - Liver ( Liver Transplantation )

  9254. Organic - see also condition

  9255. Organic Arsenic (Arsenic Poisoning)

  9256. Organic Foods ( Foods - Organic Foods )

  9257. Organic Mercury Exposure (Mercury Poisoning)

  9258. Organophosphorus Poisoning ( Poisoning of Organophosphorus )

  9259. Orgasm

  9260. Orgasm – Myths and Facts ( Myths and Facts of Orgasm )

  9261. Orgasm, Female (Sexual (Sex) Problems in Women)

  9262. Orgasm, Male (Sexual (Sex) Problems in Men)

  9263. Oriental

  9264. Orifice - see condition

  9265. Origin of both great vessels from right ventricle

  9266. Ormond's disease (with ureteral obstruction)

  9267. Ornithine metabolism disorder

  9268. Ornithinemia (Type I) (Type II)

  9269. Ornithosis

  9270. Orotaciduria, oroticaciduria (congenital) (hereditary) (pyrimidine deficiency)

  9271. Orthodontics

  9272. Orthodontics (Dental Braces)

  9273. Orthopnea

  9274. Orthopoxvirus

  9275. Orthorexia Nervosa

  9276. Orthostatic Hypotension

  9277. Orthotics

  9278. Os, uterus - see condition

  9279. OSA (Sleep Apnea)

  9280. Osgood-Schlatter Disease

  9281. Osgood-Schlatter disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

  9282. Osler (-Weber)

  9283. Osler's nodes

  9284. Osmidrosis

  9285. Osseous - see condition

  9286. Ossification

  9287. Osteitis - see also Osteomyelitis

  9288. Osteitis Deformans (Paget's Disease)

  9289. Osteoarthritis - Stem Cell Treatment

  9290. Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis- Diet, Nutrition and Supplements ( Diet / Nutrition and Supplements for Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis )

  9291. Osteoarthritis

  9292. Osteoarthropathy (hypertrophic)

  9293. Osteoarthrosis ( Degenerative Disease )

  9294. Osteoarthrosis (degenerative) (hypertrophic) (joint) - see also Osteoarthritis

  9295. Osteoblastoma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  9296. Osteochondritis - see also Osteochondropathy, by site

  9297. Osteochondritis Dissecans

  9298. Osteochondroarthrosis deformans endemica - see Disease, Kaschin-Beck

  9299. Osteochondrodysplasia

  9300. Osteochondrodystrophy

  9301. Osteochondrolysis - see Osteochondritis, dissecans

  9302. Osteochondroma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  9303. Osteochondromatosis

  9304. Osteochondromyxosarcoma - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  9305. Osteochondropathy

  9306. Osteochondrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  9307. Osteochondrosis - see also Osteochondropathy, by site

  9308. Osteoclastoma

  9309. Osteodynia - see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC

  9310. Osteodystrophy

  9311. Osteofibroma - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

  9312. Osteofibrosarcoma - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  9313. Osteogenesis Imperfecta ( Lobstein Syndrome )

  9314. Osteogenesis imperfecta

  9315. Osteogenic - see condition

  9316. Osteohypertrophic Nevus Flammeus (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome)

  9317. Osteolysis

  9318. Osteoma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

  9319. Osteomalacia (Osteodystrophy)

  9320. Osteomalacia

  9321. Osteomyelitis

  9322. Osteomyelitis (general) (infective) (localized) (neonatal) (purulent) (septic) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) (suppurative) (with periostitis)

  9323. Osteomyelofibrosis

  9324. Osteomyelosclerosis

  9325. Osteonecrosis (Aseptic Necrosis)

  9326. Osteonecrosis

  9327. Osteo-onycho-arthro-dysplasia

  9328. Osteo-onychodysplasia, hereditary

  9329. Osteopathia condensans disseminata

  9330. Osteopathy - see also Osteomyelitis, Osteonecrosis, Osteoporosis

  9331. Osteopenia

  9332. Osteoperiostitis - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

  9333. Osteopetrosis (familial)

  9334. Osteophyte

  9335. Osteophytes (Bone Spurs)

  9336. Osteopoikilosis

  9337. Osteoporosis

  9338. Osteoporosis (female) (male)

  9339. Osteoporosis And Lifestyle ( Lifestyle And Osteoporosis )

  9340. Osteoporosis Day – ‘Stand Tall - Speak Out For Your Bones’ ( World Osteoporosis Day – ‘Stand Tall - Speak Out For Your Bones’ )

  9341. Osteoporosis Management in Women - Lifestyle Approach ( Lifestyle Approach - Osteoporosis Management in Women )

  9342. Osteoporosis Prevented by Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer ( Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer Prevents Osteoporosis | Kidney Preserving Surgery for Kidney Cancer Protects Bone Health )

  9343. Osteoporosis Screening ( Screening for Osteoporosis )

  9344. Osteopsathyrosis (idiopathica)

  9345. Osteoradionecrosis, jaw (acute) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative) (upper)

  9346. Osteosarcoma (any form) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

  9347. Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer Overview)

  9348. Osteosclerosis

  9349. Osteosclerotic anemia

  9350. Osteosis

  9351. Ostium

  9352. Ostrum-Furst syndrome

  9353. OT for Arthritis (Arthritis Physical and Occupational Therapy)

  9354. Otalgia

  9355. OTC Asthma Treatments (Asthma: Over The Counter Treatment)

  9356. OTC Drugs for Allergy ( Choose The Right Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs for Allergy )

  9357. OTC Medication and Pregnancy (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  9358. Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse

  9359. Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence

  9360. Other (or Unknown) Substance Intoxication

  9361. Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal

  9362. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  9363. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Delirium

  9364. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

  9365. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

  9366. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia

  9367. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  9368. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  9369. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  9370. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

  9371. Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorder NOS

  9372. Other Conduct Disorder

  9373. Other Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  9374. Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  9375. Otitis (acute)

  9376. Otitis Externa

  9377. Otitis Media ( Middle Ear Infection / Infection of Middle Ear )

  9378. Otoacoustic Emission (Newborn Infant Hearing Screening)

  9379. Otocephaly

  9380. Otolith syndrome

  9381. Otomycosis (diffuse)

  9382. Otoplasty

  9383. Otoporosis - see Otosclerosis

  9384. Otorrhagia (nontraumatic)

  9385. Otorrhea

  9386. Otosclerosis (general)

  9387. Otospongiosis - see Otosclerosis

  9388. Ototoxicity (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  9389. Otto's disease or pelvis

  9390. Outcome of delivery

  9391. Outlet - see condition

  9392. Ovalocytosis (congenital) (hereditary) - see Elliptocytosis

  9393. Ovarian - see Condition

  9394. Ovarian Cancer

  9395. Ovarian Cancer ( Cancer of Ovary )

  9396. Ovarian Carcinoma (Ovarian Cancer)

  9397. Ovarian Cysts

  9398. Ovariocele

  9399. Ovaritis (cystic) - see Oophoritis

  9400. Ovary Cysts (Ovarian Cysts)

  9401. Ovary Removal (Hysterectomy)

  9402. Ovary, ovarian - see also condition

  9403. Overactive - see also Hyperfunction

  9404. Overactive Bladder

  9405. Overactivity

  9406. Overbite (deep) (excessive) (horizontal) (vertical)

  9407. Overbreathing - see Hyperventilation

  9408. Overconscientious personality

  9409. Overdevelopment - see Hypertrophy

  9410. Overdistension - see Distension

  9411. Overdose, overdosage (drug) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

  9412. Overeating

  9413. Overexertion (effects) (exhaustion)

  9414. Overexposure (effects)

  9415. Overfeeding - see Overeating

  9416. Overfill, endodontic

  9417. Overgrowth, bone - see Hypertrophy, bone

  9418. Overhanging of dental restorative material (unrepairable)

  9419. Overheated (places) (effects) - see Heat

  9420. Overheating (Hyperthermia)

  9421. Overjet (excessive horizontal)

  9422. Overlaid, overlying (suffocation) - see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat

  9423. Overlap, excessive horizontal (teeth)

  9424. Overlapping toe (acquired) - see also Deformity, toe, specified NEC

  9425. Overload

  9426. Overnutrition - see Hyperalimentation

  9427. Overproduction - see also Hypersecretion

  9428. Overprotection, child by parent

  9429. Overriding

  9430. Overstrained

  9431. Oversupply of Milk: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  9432. Overuse Syndrome (Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs))

  9433. Overuse, muscle NEC

  9434. Overweight (Obesity (Weight Loss))

  9435. Overweight

  9436. Overworked

  9437. Oviduct - see condition

  9438. Ovotestis

  9439. Ovulation

  9440. Ovulation (cycle)

  9441. Ovulation Indicator Testing Kits (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  9442. Ovulation Method to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  9443. Ovum - see condition

  9444. Owren's disease or syndrome (parahemophilia)

  9445. Ox heart - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

  9446. Oxalosis

  9447. Oxaluria

  9448. Oximetry

  9449. Oxycephaly, oxycephalic

  9450. Oxygen and Cabin Pressure - Travel Tips

  9451. Oxyuriasis

  9452. Oxyuris vermicularis (infestation)

  9453. Ozena

  9454. Ozone Irritation - Travel Tips

  9455. Pacemaker

  9456. Pachyderma, pachydermia

  9457. Pachydermatocele (congenital)

  9458. Pachydermoperiostosis - see also Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified type NEC

  9459. Pachygyria

  9460. Pachymeningitis (adhesive) (basal) (brain) (cervical) (chronic)(circumscribed) (external) (fibrous) (hemorrhagic) (hypertrophic) (internal) (purulent) (spinal) (suppurative) - see Meningitis]

  9461. Pachyonychia (congenital)

  9462. Pacinian tumor - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  9463. PACs (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  9464. PAD (Peripheral Vascular Disease)

  9465. Pad, knuckle or Garrod's

  9466. Pads for Urinary Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  9467. Paediatric Emergencies-Urology ( Urology Paediatric Emergencies )

  9468. Paediatric Laparoscopic Surgery ( Key Hole Surgery )

  9469. Paediatric Osteomalacia ( Rickets )

  9470. Paediatric Plastic Surgery ( Plastic Surgery - Paediatric )

  9471. Paget Disease of the Nipple (Paget's Disease of The Nipple)

  9472. Pagets And Jaw Bone Diseases ( Jaw Bone Diseases And Pagets )

  9473. Paget's Disease

  9474. Pagets disease of the breast ( Breast and Pagets Disease )

  9475. Paget's Disease of The Nipple

  9476. Paget-Schroetter syndrome

  9477. PAH Deficiency (Phenylketonuria)

  9478. Pain (Chronic Pain)

  9479. Pain (s) - see also Painful

  9480. Pain Care to Improve Quality of Life

  9481. Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition

  9482. Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors

  9483. Pain in Lower Right Abdomen (Appendicitis)

  9484. Pain In Muscle (Muscle Pain)

  9485. Pain in the Chest (Chest Pain)

  9486. Pain in the Feet (Foot Pain)

  9487. Pain in the Head (Headache)

  9488. Pain in the Hip (Hip Bursitis)

  9489. Pain in the Tooth ( Toothache / Aching Tooth )

  9490. Pain Management

  9491. Pain Management: Musculoskeletal Pain

  9492. Pain Neck (Neck Pain)

  9493. Pain Relief for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  9494. Pain Relieved with Sugar Solutions in Infants when Vaccinated with Injections ( Infants’ Injection Pain Relieved With Sugar Solutions! )

  9495. Pain, Ankle (Ankle Pain and Tendinitis)

  9496. Pain, Cancer (Cancer Pain)

  9497. Pain, Elbow (Elbow Pain)

  9498. Pain, Gallbladder (Gallbladder Pain (Gall Bladder Pain))

  9499. Pain, Heel (Heel Spurs)

  9500. Pain, Knee (Knee Pain Facts)

  9501. Pain, Lower Right Abdomen (Appendicitis)

  9502. Pain, Nerve (Neuropathic Pain (Nerve Pain))

  9503. Pain, Scrotum (Testicular Disorders)

  9504. Pain, Stomach (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  9505. Pain, Tailbone (Coccydynia)

  9506. Pain, Tooth (Toothache Overview)

  9507. Pain, Vaginal (Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia))

  9508. Pain, Whiplash (Whiplash)

  9509. Painful - see also Pain

  9510. Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) ( Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder Pain Syndrome / Hypersensitive Bladder Syndrome )

  9511. Painful Menstruation ( Dysmenorrhea / Menstrual Pain )

  9512. Painter's colic T56.0 Palate - see condition

  9513. Palate Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  9514. Palatoplegia

  9515. Palatoschisis - see Cleft, palate

  9516. Palilalia

  9517. Palliative care

  9518. Pallor

  9519. Palm Sweating, Excessive (Hyperhidrosis)

  9520. Palmar - see also condition

  9521. Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis (Hyperhidrosis)

  9522. Palpitations (heart)

  9523. Palpitations And Arrhythmias ( Arrhythmias And Palpitations )

  9524. Palpitations Overview

  9525. Palsy - see also Paralysis

  9526. Palsy, Bell's (Facial Nerve Problems)

  9527. Palsy, Cerebral (Cerebral Palsy)

  9528. Paludism - see Malaria

  9529. PAN (Polyarteritis Nodosa)

  9530. Panangiitis

  9531. Panaris, panaritium - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9532. Panarteritis nodosa

  9533. Pancake heart

  9534. Pancarditis (acute) (chronic)

  9535. Pancoast's syndrome or tumor

  9536. Pancolitis (Ulcerative Colitis)

  9537. Pancolitis, ulcerative (chronic)

  9538. Pancreas Cancer (Pancreatic Cancer)

  9539. Pancreas Divisum

  9540. Pancreas Fibrocystic Disease (Cystic Fibrosis)

  9541. Pancreas True Cysts (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9542. Pancreas, Inflammatory Cysts (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9543. Pancreas, Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Nneoplasm (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9544. Pancreas, IPMN (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9545. Pancreas, Mucinous Cyst Adenomas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9546. Pancreas, Non-Inflammatory Cysts (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9547. Pancreas, pancreatic - see condition

  9548. Pancreas, Pseudocysts (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9549. Pancreas, Serous Cyst Adenomas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9550. Pancreas, Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor (Pancreatic Cysts)

  9551. Pancreatic Cancer

  9552. Pancreatic Cancer - Folfirinox Drug Combination Prolongs Survival ( Folfirinox- Drug Combination Prolongs Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Patients )

  9553. Pancreatic Cancer ( Cancer of Pancreas )

  9554. Pancreatic Cystic Fibrosis (Cystic Fibrosis)

  9555. Pancreatic Cysts

  9556. Pancreatic Divisum (Pancreas Divisum)

  9557. Pancreatitis

  9558. Pancreatitis (annular) (apoplectic) (calcareous) (edematous) (hemorrhagic) (malignant) (recurrent) (subacute) (suppurative)

  9559. Pancreatoblastoma - see Neoplasm, pancreas, malignant

  9560. Pancreolithiasis

  9561. Pancytolysis

  9562. Pancytopenia (acquired)

  9563. Panencephalitis, subacute, sclerosing

  9564. Panhematopenia

  9565. Panhemocytopenia

  9566. Panhypogonadism

  9567. Panhypopituitarism

  9568. Panic Attack (Panic Disorder)

  9569. Panic Disorder

  9570. Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia

  9571. Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia

  9572. Panmyelopathy, familial, constitutional

  9573. Panmyelophthisis

  9574. Panmyelosis (acute) (with myelofibrosis)

  9575. Panner's disease - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

  9576. Panneuritis endemica

  9577. Panniculitis (nodular) (nonsuppurative)

  9578. Panniculitis, Idiopathic Nodular (Weber-Christian Disease)

  9579. Panniculus adiposus (abdominal)

  9580. Pannus (allergic) (cornea) (degenerativus) (keratic)

  9581. Panophthalmitis

  9582. Pansinusitis (chronic) (hyperplastic) (nonpurulent) (purulent)

  9583. Panuveitis (sympathetic)

  9584. Panuveitis (Uveitis)

  9585. Panvalvular disease

  9586. Pap Test (Pap Smear)

  9587. Papanicolaou smear, cervix

  9588. Papillary Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer)

  9589. Papilledema (choked disc)

  9590. Papillitis

  9591. Papilloma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  9592. Papillomata, multiple, of yaws

  9593. Papillomatosis - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

  9594. Papillomavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  9595. Papillomavirus, Human Test (Cervista HPV Test)

  9596. Papillon-Léage and Psaume syndrome

  9597. Papule (s)

  9598. Papulosis

  9599. Papyraceous fetus

  9600. Para-albuminemia

  9601. Paracephalus

  9602. Parachute mitral valve

  9603. Paracoccidioidomycosis

  9604. Paradentosis

  9605. Para-esophageal Hiatal Hernia (Hiatal Hernia Overview)

  9606. Paraffinoma

  9607. Paraganglioma

  9608. Parageusia

  9609. Paragonimiasis

  9610. Paragranuloma, Hodgkin - see Lymphoma, Hodgkin, classical, specified NEC

  9611. Parahemophilia - see also Defect, coagulation

  9612. Parakeratosis

  9613. Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete)

  9614. Paramedial urethrovesical orifice

  9615. Paramenia

  9616. Parametritis - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory

  9617. Parametrium, parametric - see condition

  9618. Paramnesia - see Amnesia

  9619. Paramolar

  9620. Paramyloidosis

  9621. Paramyoclonus multiplex

  9622. Paramyotonia (congenita)

  9623. Parangi - see Yaws

  9624. Paranoia (querulans)

  9625. Paranoid

  9626. Paranoid Personality Disorder

  9627. Paraparesis - see Paraplegia

  9628. Paraphasia

  9629. Paraphilia

  9630. Paraphilia NOS

  9631. Paraphimosis (congenital)

  9632. Paraphrenia, paraphrenic (late)

  9633. Paraplegia (lower)

  9634. Parapoxvirus

  9635. Paraproteinemia

  9636. Parapsoriasis

  9637. Parasitic - see also condition

  9638. Parasitic Gastroenteritis (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  9639. Parasitism

  9640. Parasitophobia

  9641. Parasomnia ( Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching )

  9642. Parasomnia

  9643. Parasomnia NOS

  9644. Parasomnias - Part II ( Sleep Walking / Sleep Disorders )

  9645. Paraspadias

  9646. Paraspasmus facialis

  9647. Parasuicide (attempt)

  9648. Parathyroid gland - see condition

  9649. Parathyroid tetany

  9650. Parathyroidectomy

  9651. Paratrachoma

  9652. Paratyphilitis - see Appendicitis

  9653. Paratyphoid (fever) - see Fever, paratyphoid

  9654. Paratyphus - see Fever, paratyphoid

  9655. Paraurethral duct

  9656. Paraurethritis - see also Urethritis

  9657. Paravaccinia NEC

  9658. Paravaginitis - see Vaginitis

  9659. Parencephalitis - see also Encephalitis

  9660. Parent-child conflict - see Conflict, parent-child

  9661. Parent-Child Relational Problem

  9662. Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Adults ( Early Versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Adults )

  9663. Parenting

  9664. Parenting a Child With ADHD

  9665. Parenting Children with ADHD (Parenting a Child With ADHD)

  9666. Parenting Classes (Pregnancy: Birthing and Parenting Classes)

  9667. Parents to Raise their Child Right

  9668. Paresis - see also Paralysis

  9669. Paresthesia - see also Disturbance, sensation

  9670. Paretic - see condition

  9671. Parinaud's

  9672. Parkinson Disease (Parkinson's Disease)

  9673. Parkinson’s Disease ( Idiopathic Parkinsonism )

  9674. Parkinsonism (idiopathic) (primary)

  9675. Parkinsonism (Parkinson's Disease)

  9676. Parkinson's Disease

  9677. Parkinsons Disease (Parkinson's Disease)

  9678. Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials

  9679. Parkinson's disease, syndrome or tremor - see Parkinsonism

  9680. Parkinson's Disease: Eating Right

  9681. Parodontitis - see Periodontitis

  9682. Parodontosis

  9683. Paronychia - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9684. Parorexia (psychogenic)

  9685. Parosmia

  9686. Parotid gland - see condition

  9687. Parotitis, parotiditis (allergic)(nonspecific toxic) (purulent) (septic) (suppurative) - see also Sialoadenitis

  9688. Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  9689. Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)

  9690. Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachydardia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  9691. Parrot fever

  9692. Parrot's disease (early congenital syphilitic pseudoparalysis)

  9693. Parry-Romberg Syndrome

  9694. Parry's disease or syndrome

  9695. Pars planitis - see Cyclitis

  9696. Parsonage (-Aldren)

  9697. Parson's disease (exophthalmic goiter)

  9698. Partial Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  9699. Partial Dentures (Dentures)

  9700. Partial Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  9701. Particolored infant

  9702. Partner Relational Problem

  9703. Parturition - see Delivery

  9704. Parulis

  9705. Parvovirus (Fifth Disease)

  9706. Parvovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  9707. Pasini and Pierini's atrophoderma

  9708. Passage

  9709. Passive - see condition

  9710. Pasteurella septica

  9711. Pasteurellosis - see Infection, Pasteurella

  9712. Pasteurization of milk ( Milk - Pasteurization )

  9713. PAT (paroxysmal atrial tachycardia)

  9714. PAT (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  9715. Patau's syndrome - see Trisomy, 13

  9716. Patched Leaflets (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  9717. Patches

  9718. Patellar - see condition

  9719. Patellofemoral Syndrome

  9720. Patent - see also Imperfect, closure

  9721. Patent Ductus Arteriosus

  9722. Paternity Testing - Whose Baby Is It Anyway? ( DNA Testing - Whose Baby Is It Anyway? )

  9723. Paterson (-Brown)(-Kelly)

  9724. Pathologic Spondylolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  9725. Pathologic, pathological - see also condition

  9726. Pathological Gambling

  9727. Pathology (of) - see Disease

  9728. Pattern, sleep-wake, irregular

  9729. Patulous - see also Imperfect, closure (congenital)

  9730. Pause, sinoatrial

  9731. Paxton's disease

  9732. PBSCs (Stem Cells)

  9733. PCI (Coronary Angioplasty)

  9734. PCO (Polycystic Ovary)

  9735. PCOD (Polycystic Ovary)

  9736. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

  9737. PCV7 (Pneumococcal Vaccination)

  9738. PDC-E2 Antigen (Antimitochondrial Antibodies)

  9739. PDD (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) FAQs)

  9740. PDT (Photodynamic Therapy)

  9741. Pearl (s)

  9742. Pearl-worker's disease - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

  9743. Pectenosis

  9744. Pectoral - see condition

  9745. Pectus

  9746. Pedatrophia

  9747. Pederosis

  9748. Pediactric Hydrocele (Hydrocele (Pediatric, Testicular))

  9749. Pediatric Arthritis (Juvenile Arthritis)

  9750. Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery

  9751. Pediatric Febrile Seizures (Febrile Seizures)

  9752. Pediatrics (Children's Health)

  9753. Pediculosis (Head Lice)

  9754. Pediculosis (infestation)

  9755. Pediculus (infestation) - see Pediculosis

  9756. Pedophilia

  9757. Pedophilia (Paraphilia)

  9758. Pedophilia

  9759. PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)

  9760. Peg-shaped teeth

  9761. Pelade - see Alopecia, areata

  9762. Pelger-Huët anomaly or syndrome

  9763. Peliosis (rheumatica)

  9764. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

  9765. Pellagra (alcoholic) (with polyneuropathy)

  9766. Pellagra-cerebellar-ataxia-renal aminoaciduria syndrome

  9767. Pellegrini (-Stieda) - see Bursitis, tibial collateral

  9768. Pellizzi's syndrome

  9769. Pel's crisis

  9770. Pelvic - see also condition

  9771. Pelvic Adhesions (Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue))

  9772. Pelvic Hematoma (Hematoma)

  9773. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  9774. Pelvic Pain in Women ( Women’s Pelvic Pain )

  9775. Pelviolithiasis - see Calculus, kidney

  9776. Pelviperitonitis - see also Peritonitis, pelvic

  9777. Pelvis - see condition or type

  9778. Pemphigoid

  9779. Pemphigoid, Bullous (Bullous Pemphigoid)

  9780. Pemphigus

  9781. Pendred's syndrome

  9782. Pendulous

  9783. Penetrating wound - see also Puncture

  9784. Penicillosis

  9785. Penile Cancer (Penis Cancer)

  9786. Penile Clamps for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  9787. Penis Disorders

  9788. Penis Prosthesis

  9789. Penitis

  9790. Pentalogy of Fallot

  9791. Pentasomy X syndrome

  9792. Pentosuria (essential)

  9793. Peptic Ulcer

  9794. Peptic Ulcer ( Ulcer in Peptic )

  9795. Peptic Ulcer Disease ( Acid Peptic Disease )

  9796. Percreta placenta

  9797. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Coronary Angioplasty)

  9798. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy

  9799. Percutaneous Ethanol Injection of Liver

  9800. Percutaneous Liver Biopsy (Liver Biopsy)

  9801. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty ( Coronary Angioplasty | Coronary Balloon Angioplasty )

  9802. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (Coronary Angioplasty)

  9803. Peregrinating patient - see Disorder, factitious

  9804. Perforation, perforated (nontraumatic) (of)

  9805. Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens

  9806. Periappendicitis (acute) - see Appendicitis

  9807. Periarteritis nodosa (disseminated) (infectious) (necrotizing)

  9808. Periarthritis (joint) - see also Enthesopathy

  9809. Periarthrosis (angioneural) - see Enthesopathy

  9810. Pericapsulitis, adhesive (shoulder) - see Capsulitis, adhesive

  9811. Pericarditis

  9812. Pericarditis (with decompensation) (with effusion)

  9813. Pericardium, pericardial - see condition

  9814. Pericellulitis - see Cellulitis

  9815. Pericementitis (chronic) (suppurative) - see also Periodontitis

  9816. Perichondritis

  9817. Periclasia

  9818. Pericoronitis

  9819. Pericoronitis - see Periodontitis

  9820. Pericystitis

  9821. Peridiverticulitis (intestine)

  9822. Periendocarditis - see Endocarditis

  9823. Periepididymitis

  9824. Perifolliculitis

  9825. Perihepatitis

  9826. Perilabyrinthitis (acute)

  9827. Perilymphatic Fistula (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  9828. Perimeningitis - see Meningitis

  9829. Perimenopause (Menopause)

  9830. Perimetritis - see Endometritis

  9831. Perimetrosalpingitis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  9832. Perineocele

  9833. Perinephric, perinephritic - see condition

  9834. Perinephritis - see also Infection, kidney

  9835. Perineum, perineal - see condition

  9836. Perineuritis NEC - see Neuralgia

  9837. Period, Menstrual (Menstruation)

  9838. Periodic - see condition

  9839. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

  9840. Periodic Somnolence and Morbid Hunger (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  9841. Periodic Vomiting (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS))

  9842. Periodontitis ( Gingivitis / Gum Disease )

  9843. Periodontitis (chronic) (complex) (compound) (local) (simplex)

  9844. Periodontitis (Gum Disease)

  9845. Periodontoclasia

  9846. Periodontosis (juvenile)

  9847. Periods - see also Menstruation

  9848. Perionychia - see also Cellulitis, digit

  9849. Perioophoritis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  9850. Periorchitis

  9851. Periosteum, periosteal - see condition

  9852. Periostitis (albuminosa) (circumscribed) (diffuse) (infective) (monomelic) - see also Osteomyelitis

  9853. Periostosis (hyperplastic) - see also Disorder, bone, specified type NEC

  9854. Peripartum

  9855. Peripheral Arterial Disease (Peripheral Vascular Disease)

  9856. Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant

  9857. Peripheral Blood Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  9858. Peripheral Neuropathy

  9859. Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  9860. Peripheral Vascular Disease

  9861. Periphlebitis - see Phlebitis

  9862. Periproctitis

  9863. Periprostatitis - see Prostatitis

  9864. Perirectal - see condition

  9865. Perirenal - see condition

  9866. Perisalpingitis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  9867. Perisplenitis (infectional)

  9868. Peristalsis, visible or reversed

  9869. Peritendinitis - see Enthesopathy

  9870. Peritoneal Cancer ( Cancer of Peritoneal )

  9871. Peritoneum, peritoneal - see condition

  9872. Peritonitis (adhesive) (bacterial) (fibrinous) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (localized) (perforative) (primary) (with adhesions) (with effusion) K65.9

  9873. Peritonsillar - see condition

  9874. Peritonsillitis

  9875. Perityphlitis

  9876. Periureteritis

  9877. Periurethral - see condition

  9878. Periurethritis (gangrenous) - see Urethritis

  9879. Periuterine - see condition

  9880. Perivaginitis - see Vaginitis

  9881. Perivasculitis, retinal

  9882. Perivasitis (chronic)

  9883. Perivesiculitis (seminal) - see Vesiculitis

  9884. Perlèche NEC

  9885. Permanent Makeup (Micropigmentation)

  9886. Pernicious - see condition

  9887. Pernicious Anemia

  9888. Pernio, perniosis

  9889. Perpetrator (of abuse) - see Index to External Causes of Injury, Perpetrator

  9890. Persecution

  9891. Perseveration (tonic)

  9892. Persistence, persistent (congenital)

  9893. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) ( Persistent Persistent Motor Hyperactivity (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  9894. Persistent Pubertal Gynecomastia (Gynecomastia)

  9895. Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) ( Persistent Person (with)

  9896. Personality (disorder)

  9897. Personality Change Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

  9898. Personality Disorder

  9899. Personality Disorder NOS

  9900. Personality Disorder, Antisocial (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  9901. Personality Types ( Types of Personality )

  9902. Perthes' disease - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

  9903. Pertussis

  9904. Pertussis - see also Whooping cough

  9905. Pertussis ( Whooping Cough )

  9906. Pervasive Development Disorders

  9907. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) FAQs)

  9908. Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS

  9909. Perversion, perverted

  9910. Pervious, congenital - see also Imperfect, closure

  9911. Pes (congenital) - see also Talipes

  9912. Pest, pestis - see Plague

  9913. Petechia, petechiae

  9914. Petechial typhus

  9915. Peter's anomaly

  9916. Petit mal seizure - see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

  9917. Petit Mal Seizure (Seizure)

  9918. Petit's hernia - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

  9919. Petrellidosis

  9920. Petrositis

  9921. Pets and Hurricanes (Hurricane Preparedness)

  9922. Peutz-Jeghers disease or syndrome

  9923. Peyronie's Disease (Curvature of the Penis)

  9924. Peyronie's disease

  9925. Pfeiffer’s disease ( Infectious Mononucleosis / EBV Infectious Mononucleosis / Filatov’s disease )

  9926. Pfeiffer's disease - see Mononucleosis, infectious

  9927. PFS (Patellofemoral Syndrome)

  9928. PH - Medical Treatment ( Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) / B Prostate Enlargement- Medical Treatment )

  9929. PH Monitoring, Esophageal (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  9930. Phagedena (dry) (moist) (sloughing) - see also Gangrene

  9931. Phagedenic - see condition

  9932. Phakic Intraocular Lenses

  9933. Phakoma

  9934. Phakomatosis - see also specific eponymous syndromes

  9935. Phantom Limb Syndrome

  9936. Phantom limb syndrome (without pain)

  9937. Pharmacologic Stress Test For Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  9938. Pharyngeal pouch syndrome

  9939. Pharyngitis (acute) (catarrhal)(gangrenous) (infective) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pseudomembranous) (simple) (subacute) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (viral)

  9940. Pharyngitis (Sore Throat (Pharyngitis))

  9941. Pharyngoconjunctivitis, viral

  9942. Pharyngolaryngitis (acute)

  9943. Pharyngoplegia

  9944. Pharyngotonsillitis, herpesviral

  9945. Pharyngotracheitis, chronic

  9946. Pharynx, pharyngeal - see condition

  9947. Phase of Life Problem

  9948. Phases of the Sexual Response (Sexual Response Cycle (Phases of Sexual Response))

  9949. Phencyclidine Abuse

  9950. Phencyclidine Dependence

  9951. Phencyclidine Intoxication

  9952. Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium

  9953. Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  9954. Phencyclidine-Induced Mood Disorder

  9955. Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  9956. Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  9957. Phencyclidine-Related Disorder NOS

  9958. Phenomenon

  9959. Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency Disease (Phenylketonuria)

  9960. Phenylketonuria

  9961. Pheochromoblastoma

  9962. Pheochromocytoma

  9963. Pheohyphomycosis - see Chromomycosis

  9964. Pheomycosis - see Chromomycosis

  9965. Pheresis (Hemapheresis)

  9966. Pheromones

  9967. Philippine Hemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever)

  9968. Phimosis ( Tight Foreskin )

  9969. Phimosis (congenital) (due to infection)

  9970. Phimosis and Paraphimosis (Penis Disorders)

  9971. Phlebectasia - see also Varix

  9972. Phlebitis (infective) (pyemic) (septic) (suppurative)

  9973. Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis

  9974. Phlebofibrosis

  9975. Phleboliths

  9976. Phlebopathy

  9977. Phlebosclerosis

  9978. Phlebothrombosis - see also Thrombosis

  9979. Phlebotomus fever

  9980. Phlegmasia

  9981. Phlegmon - see Abscess

  9982. Phlegmonous - see condition

  9983. Phlyctenulosis (allergic) (keratoconjunctivitis) (nontuberculous) - see also Keratoconjunctivitis

  9984. Phobia, phobic

  9985. Phobias

  9986. Phocas' disease - see Mastopathy, cystic

  9987. Phocomelia

  9988. Phonological Disorder

  9989. Phonological Disorder (Learning Disability)

  9990. Phoria

  9991. Phosphate-losing tubular disorder

  9992. Phosphatemia

  9993. Phosphaturia

  9994. Phospholipid Antibody Syndrome (Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

  9995. Photodermatitis (sun)

  9996. Photodynamic Therapy

  9997. Photokeratitis

  9998. Photophobia

  9999. Photophthalmia - see Photokeratitis

  10000. Photopsia

  10001. Photorefractive Keratectomy

  10002. Photoretinitis - see Retinopathy, solar

  10003. Photos of Smoker's Lung (Smoker's Lung: Pathology Photo Essay)

  10004. Photosensitivity, photosensitization (sun)

  10005. Photosensitizing Drugs (Sun-Sensitive Drugs (Photosensitivity to Drugs))

  10006. Phrenitis - see Encephalitis

  10007. Phrynoderma (vitamin A deficiency)

  10008. Phthiriasis (pubis)

  10009. Phthirus infestation - see Phthiriasis

  10010. Phthisis - see also Tuberculosis

  10011. Phycomycosis - see Zygomycosis

  10012. Physalopteriasis

  10013. Physical Abuse of Adult (if by partner)

  10014. Physical Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner)

  10015. Physical Abuse of Adult (if focus of attention is on victim)

  10016. Physical Abuse of Child

  10017. Physical Abuse of Child (if focus of attention is on victim)

  10018. Physical restraint status

  10019. Physical Therapy for Arthritis (Arthritis Physical and Occupational Therapy)

  10020. Physiologic Jaundice (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  10021. Physiotherapy

  10022. Physiotherapy - Types ( Types of Physiotherapy )

  10023. Phytobezoar

  10024. Pian - see Yaws

  10025. Pianoma

  10026. Pica

  10027. Pick Disease

  10028. Picking, nose

  10029. Pick-Niemann disease - see Niemann-Pick disease or syndrome

  10030. Pick's

  10031. Pick's Disease (Pick Disease)

  10032. Pickwickian syndrome

  10033. Pictures of Smoker's Lung (Smoker's Lung: Pathology Photo Essay)

  10034. PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

  10035. Piebaldism (Vitiligo)

  10036. Piebaldism

  10037. Piedra (beard) (scalp)

  10038. Pierre Robin deformity or syndrome

  10039. Pierre Robin Syndrome ( Bird Facies )

  10040. Pierson's disease or osteochondrosis

  10041. Pig Flu ( Swine Flu / Swine Influenza / Hog Flu )

  10042. Pig-bel

  10043. Pigmentary Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  10044. Pigmentation (abnormal) (anomaly)

  10045. Pigmented Birthmarks (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  10046. Pigmented Colon (Melanosis Coli)

  10047. PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)

  10048. Piles - see also Hemorrhoids

  10049. Pills for Diet ( Diet Pills )

  10050. Pili

  10051. Pill (Birth Control Methods)

  10052. Pill roller hand (intrinsic) - see Parkinsonism

  10053. Pilocytic Astrocytomas (Adult Brain Tumors)

  10054. Pilomatrixoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  10055. Pilonidal - see condition

  10056. Pimple

  10057. Pimples ( Acne / Zits )

  10058. Pimples (Acne)

  10059. Pinched nerve - see Neuropathy, entrapment

  10060. Pinched Nerve Overview

  10061. Pindborg tumor - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

  10062. Pineal Astrocytic Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  10063. Pineal body or gland - see condition

  10064. Pineal Parenchymal Tumors (Adult Brain Tumors)

  10065. Pineal Tumor (Brain Tumor)

  10066. Pinealoblastoma

  10067. Pinealoma

  10068. Pineoblastoma

  10069. Pineocytoma

  10070. Pinguecula

  10071. Pingueculitis

  10072. Pinhole meatus - see also Stricture, urethra

  10073. Pink Eye ( Conjunctivitis )

  10074. Pinkus' disease (lichen nitidus)

  10075. Pinky, Broken Finger (Broken Finger)

  10076. Pinpoint

  10077. Pins and needles

  10078. Pinta

  10079. Pintids

  10080. Pinworm (disease) (infection) (infestation)

  10081. Pinworm Infection

  10082. Pinworm Test

  10083. Piroplasmosis

  10084. Pistol wound - see Gunshot wound

  10085. Pitchers' elbow - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, elbow

  10086. Pithecoid pelvis

  10087. Pithiatism

  10088. Pitted - see Pitting

  10089. Pitting - see also Edema

  10090. Pituitary gland - see condition

  10091. Pituitary Injury (Hypothyroidism)

  10092. Pituitary-snuff-taker's disease

  10093. Pityriasis (capitis)

  10094. Pityriasis Rosea

  10095. PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  10096. PKU (Phenylketonuria)

  10097. Placebo Effects: Rare Insights ( Effects of Placebo: Rare Insights )

  10098. Placenta, placental - see Pregnancy, complicated by (care of) (management affected by), specified condition

  10099. Placentitis

  10100. Plagiocephaly

  10101. Plague

  10102. Plan B Contraception (Contraceptive Measures After Unprotected Sex)

  10103. Planning, family

  10104. Plant Thorn Synovitis

  10105. Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Spurs)

  10106. Plaque (s) Plasmacytoma

  10107. Plaque Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  10108. Plasma Cell Myeloma ( Multiple Myeloma )

  10109. Plasmacytopenia

  10110. Plasmacytosis

  10111. Plasmapheresis (Hemapheresis)

  10112. Plaster ulcer - see Ulcer, pressure, by site

  10113. Plastic Surgery - Paediatric ( Paediatric Plastic Surgery )

  10114. Plastic Surgery (Cosmetic Surgery)

  10115. Plastic Surgery, Collagen Injections (Collagen and Injectable Fillers)

  10116. Plastic Surgery, Neck Lift (Neck Lift Cosmetic Surgery)

  10117. Plateau iris syndrome (post-iridectomy) (postprocedural) (without glaucoma) H21.82

  10118. Platelet Count (Complete Blood Count)

  10119. Platelet Count, Low (Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count))

  10120. Plateletcytapheresis (Hemapheresis)

  10121. Plateletpheresis (Hemapheresis)

  10122. Platybasia

  10123. Platyonychia (congenital)

  10124. Platypelloid pelvis

  10125. Platyspondylisis

  10126. Plaut (-Vincent) - see also Vincent's

  10127. Plethora

  10128. Pleura, pleural - see condition

  10129. Pleural Effusion

  10130. Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung)

  10131. Pleural Fluid (Pleural Effusion (Fluid In the Chest or On Lung))

  10132. Pleuralgia

  10133. Pleurisy

  10134. Pleurisy (acute) (adhesive) (chronic) (costal) (diaphragmatic) (double) (dry) (fibrinous) (fibrous) (interlobar) (latent) (plastic) (primary) (residual) (sicca) (sterile) (subacute) (unresolved) R09.1

  10135. Pleuritis (Pleurisy)

  10136. Pleuritis sicca - see Pleurisy

  10137. Pleurobronchopneumonia - see Pneumonia, broncho- Pleurodynia

  10138. Pleuropericarditis - see also Pericarditis

  10139. Pleuropneumonia (acute) (bilateral) (double) (septic) - see also Pneumonia J18.8

  10140. Pleuro-pneumonia-like-organism (PPLO)

  10141. Pleurorrhea - see Pleurisy, with effusion

  10142. Plexitis, brachial

  10143. Plica

  10144. Plicated tongue

  10145. PLMD (Periodic Limb Movement Disorder)

  10146. Plug

  10147. Plugged Ducts: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  10148. Plumbism

  10149. Plummer's disease

  10150. Plummer-Vinson syndrome

  10151. Pluricarential syndrome of infancy

  10152. Pluripotent Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  10153. Plus (and minus) hand (intrinsic) - see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm

  10154. PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD))

  10155. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

  10156. PMS Medications (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  10157. Pneumathemia - see Air, embolism

  10158. Pneumatic hammer (drill)

  10159. Pneumatocele (lung)

  10160. Pneumatosis

  10161. Pneumaturia

  10162. Pneumoblastoma - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

  10163. Pneumocephalus

  10164. Pneumococcal Immunization (Pneumococcal Vaccination)

  10165. Pneumococcal Vaccination

  10166. Pneumococcemia

  10167. Pneumococcus, pneumococcal - see condition

  10168. Pneumoconiosis

  10169. Pneumoconiosis (due to) (inhalation of)

  10170. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

  10171. Pneumocystis jiroveci (pneumonia)

  10172. Pneumocystosis (with pneumonia)

  10173. Pneumohemopericardium

  10174. Pneumohemothorax

  10175. Pneumohydropericardium - see Pericarditis

  10176. Pneumohydrothorax - see Hydrothorax

  10177. Pneumomediastinum

  10178. Pneumomycosis

  10179. Pneumonia

  10180. Pneumonia (acute) (double) (migratory) (purulent) (septic) (unresolved)

  10181. Pneumonia Facts

  10182. Pneumonic - see condition

  10183. Pneumonitis (acute) (primary) - see also Pneumonia

  10184. Pneumonoconiosis - see Pneumoconiosis

  10185. Pneumoparotid

  10186. Pneumopathy NEC

  10187. Pneumopericarditis - see also Pericarditis

  10188. Pneumopericardium - see also Pericarditis

  10189. Pneumophagia (psychogenic)

  10190. Pneumopleurisy, pneumopleuritis - see also Pneumonia

  10191. Pneumopyopericardium

  10192. Pneumopyothorax - see Pyopneumothorax

  10193. Pneumorrhagia - see also Hemorrhage, lung

  10194. Pneumothorax

  10195. Pneumothorax NOS

  10196. Podagra - see also Gout

  10197. Podencephalus

  10198. Poikilocytosis

  10199. Poikiloderma Atrophicans with Cataract (Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)

  10200. Poikiloderma Congenita (Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)

  10201. Poikiloderma Congenitale of Rothmund-Thomson (Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)

  10202. Poikiloderma

  10203. Poikilodermatomyositis

  10204. Pointed ear (congenital)

  10205. Poison Control Centers

  10206. Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

  10207. Poison ivy, oak, sumac or other plant dermatitis (allergic) (contact)

  10208. Poisoning - Fact Sheet on Food Poisoning ( Fact Sheet on Food Poisoning )

  10209. Poisoning (acute) - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals

  10210. Poisoning of Organophosphorus ( Organophosphorus Poisoning )

  10211. Poisoning, Arsenic (Arsenic Poisoning)

  10212. Poisoning, Ciguatera (Ciguatera Poisoning)

  10213. Poisoning, Lead (Lead Poisoning)

  10214. Poisoning, Mercury (Mercury Poisoning)

  10215. Poisoning, Ricin (Ricin)

  10216. Poisoning, Thallium (Thallium)

  10217. Poisonous Snake Bites (Snake Bite)

  10218. Poker spine - see Spondylitis, ankylosing

  10219. Poland Syndrome

  10220. Polioencephalitis (acute) (bulbar)

  10221. Polioencephalomyelitis (acute) (anterior)

  10222. Polioencephalopathy, superior hemorrhagic

  10223. Poliomeningoencephalitis - see Meningoencephalitis

  10224. Poliomyelitis (acute) (anterior) (epidemic)

  10225. Poliomyelitis | Polio

  10226. Poliosis (eyebrow) (eyelashes)

  10227. Pollakiuria

  10228. Pollen (Hay Fever)

  10229. Pollinosis

  10230. Pollitzer's disease

  10231. Pollution Increases the Risk to Heart Ailments ( Can Air Pollution Result in Heart Attacks? )

  10232. Polyadenitis - see also Lymphadenitis

  10233. Polyalgia

  10234. Polyangiitis

  10235. Polyarteritis

  10236. Polyarteritis Nodosa

  10237. Polyarthralgia - see Pain, joint

  10238. Polyarthritis, polyarthropathy - see also Arthritis

  10239. Polyarthrosis

  10240. Polycarential syndrome of infancy

  10241. Polychondritis (atrophic) (chronic) - see also Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC

  10242. Polychondritis (Relapsing Polychondritis)

  10243. Polycoria

  10244. Polycystic (disease)

  10245. Polycystic Kidney Disease

  10246. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( Polycystic ovary disease )

  10247. Polycystic Ovary

  10248. Polycystic ovary disease ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome )

  10249. Polycystic Renal Disease (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

  10250. Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count)

  10251. Polycythemia (secondary)

  10252. Polycythemia Vera (Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count))

  10253. Polycytosis cryptogenica

  10254. Polydactylism, polydactyly

  10255. Polydipsia

  10256. Polydystrophy, pseudo-Hurler

  10257. Polyembryoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  10258. Polyglandular

  10259. Polyhydramnios

  10260. Polymastia

  10261. Polymenorrhea (Vaginal Bleeding)

  10262. Polymenorrhea

  10263. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction))

  10264. Polymyalgia

  10265. Polymyositis

  10266. Polymyositis (acute) (chronic) (hemorrhagic)

  10267. Polyneuritis, polyneuritic - see also Polyneuropathy

  10268. Polyneuropathy (peripheral)

  10269. Polyopia

  10270. Polyorchism, polyorchidism

  10271. Polyosteoarthritis - see also Osteoarthritis, generalized

  10272. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia

  10273. Polyotia

  10274. Polyp, polypus

  10275. Polypapilloma Tropicum (Yaws)

  10276. Polyphagia

  10277. Polyploidy

  10278. Polypoid - see condition

  10279. Polyposis - see also Polyp

  10280. Polyposis Coli (Gardner Syndrome)

  10281. Polyps, Colon (Colon Polyps)

  10282. Polyps, Rectal (Colon Polyps)

  10283. Polyps, Uterus (Uterine Fibroids)

  10284. Polyradiculitis - see Polyneuropathy

  10285. Polyradiculoneuropathy (acute) (postinfective) (segmentally demyelinating)

  10286. Polyserositis

  10287. Polysplenia syndrome

  10288. Polysubstance Dependence

  10289. Polysyndactyly - see also Syndactylism, syndactyly

  10290. Polytrichia

  10291. Polyunguia

  10292. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

  10293. Polyuria

  10294. Pompe Disease ( Glycogenosis Type 2 / Acid Maltase Deficiency )

  10295. Pompe's disease (glycogen storage)

  10296. Pompholyx

  10297. Poncet's disease (tuberculous rheumatism)

  10298. Pond fracture - see Fracture, skull

  10299. Ponos

  10300. Pons, pontine - see condition

  10301. Pontiac Fever (Legionnaire Disease and Pontiac Fever)

  10302. Poop That Floats (Stool Color Changes)

  10303. Poop with Mucous (Stool Color Changes)

  10304. Popliteal Cyst (Baker Cyst)

  10305. Popping of Ears - Travel Tips

  10306. Poradenitis, nostras inguinalis or venerea

  10307. Porencephaly (congenital) (developmental) (true)

  10308. Porocephaliasis

  10309. Porokeratosis

  10310. Poroma, eccrine - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  10311. Porphyria

  10312. Porphyria (South African)

  10313. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (Porphyria)

  10314. Porphyrinuria - see Porphyria

  10315. Porphyruria - see Porphyria

  10316. Port wine nevus, mark, or stain

  10317. Portal - see condition

  10318. Portal Hypertension

  10319. Port-wine Stains (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  10320. Posadas-Wernicke disease

  10321. Post Herpetic Neuralgia ( Shingles / Herpes Zoster / Chicken pox shingles )

  10322. Post Menopausal Diabetic Women - Fat loss and Glycemic Control with Omega 6 Fatty Acids ( Fat Loss and Glycemic Control With Omega 6 Fatty Acids in Post Menopausal Diabetic Women )

  10323. Post Menopause (Menopause)

  10324. Post Mortem Examination (Autopsy)

  10325. Post Nasal Drip (Chronic Rhinitis)

  10326. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  10327. Postcardiotomy syndrome

  10328. Postcaval ureter

  10329. Postcholecystectomy syndrome

  10330. Postclimacteric bleeding

  10331. Postcommissurotomy syndrome

  10332. Postconcussional syndrome

  10333. Postcontusional syndrome

  10334. Postcricoid region - see condition

  10335. Post-dates (40-42 weeks) (pregnancy) (mother)

  10336. Postencephalitic syndrome

  10337. Posterior - see condition

  10338. Posterior Urethral Valve (PUV)

  10339. Posterolateral sclerosis (spinal cord) - see Degeneration, combined

  10340. Postexanthematous - see condition

  10341. Postfebrile - see condition

  10342. Postgastrectomy dumping syndrome

  10343. Posthemiplegic chorea - see Monoplegia

  10344. Posthemorrhagic anemia (chronic)

  10345. Post-Hepatic Jaundice (Jaundice in Adults)

  10346. Postherpetic Neuralgia

  10347. Postherpetic neuralgia (zoster)

  10348. Posthitis

  10349. Postimmunization complication or reaction - see Complications, vaccination

  10350. Postinfectious - see condition

  10351. Postlaminectomy syndrome NEC

  10352. Postleukotomy syndrome

  10353. Postmastectomy lymphedema (syndrome)

  10354. Postmaturity, postmature (over 42 weeks)

  10355. Postmeasles complication NEC - see also condition

  10356. Postmenopausal

  10357. Post-Mortem Examination ( Autopsy / Obduction / Necropsy )

  10358. Postnasal drip

  10359. Postnatal - see condition

  10360. Postoperative (postprocedural) - see Complication, postoperative

  10361. Postoperative Pancreatitis (Pancreatitis)

  10362. Postpancreatectomy hyperglycemia

  10363. Postpartum - see Puerperal

  10364. Postpartum Depression

  10365. Postpartum Psychosis (Postpartum Depression)

  10366. Postpartum Thyroiditis (Thyroiditis)

  10367. Postphlebitic syndrome - see Syndrome, postthrombotic

  10368. Post-pill Amenorrhea (Amenorrhea)

  10369. Postpolio (myelitic)

  10370. Post-Polio Syndrome

  10371. Postpoliomyelitic - see also condition

  10372. Postprocedural - see also Postoperative

  10373. Postschizophrenic depression

  10374. Postsurgery status - see also Status (post)

  10375. Post-term (40-42 weeks) (pregnancy) (mother)

  10376. Post-traumatic brain syndrome, nonpsychotic

  10377. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

  10378. Post-typhoid abscess

  10379. Postural Kyphosis (Kyphosis)

  10380. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POT Syndrome)

  10381. Postures, hysterical

  10382. Postvaccinal reaction or complication - see Complications, vaccination

  10383. Postvalvulotomy syndrome

  10384. Post-Vietnam Syndrome (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

  10385. Postviral Fatigue Syndrome (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  10386. POT Syndrome

  10387. Pot, Marijuana (Marijuana)

  10388. Potain's

  10389. Potassium (Electrolytes)

  10390. Potassium, Low (Low Potassium (Hypokalemia))

  10391. POTS (POT Syndrome)

  10392. Potter's

  10393. Pott's

  10394. Pouch

  10395. Pouchitis

  10396. Poultrymen's itch

  10397. Power of Attorney (Advance Medical Directives)

  10398. Poxvirus NEC

  10399. PPD (Postpartum Depression)

  10400. PPD Skin Test (Tuberculosis Skin Test (PPD Skin Test))

  10401. PPDs (Pervasive Development Disorders)

  10402. Prader Willi Syndrome (Prader-Willi Syndrome)

  10403. Prader-Willi Syndrome

  10404. Praecox Lymphedema (Lymphedema)

  10405. Pre Eclampsia ( Pregnancy Induced Hypertension / Toxemia )

  10406. Preauricular appendage or tag

  10407. Prebetalipoproteinemia (acquired) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (primary) (secondary)

  10408. Pre-Cancerous Lesions

  10409. Precipitate labor or delivery

  10410. Preclimacteric bleeding (menorrhagia)

  10411. Precocious

  10412. Precocious Puberty | Premature Puberty

  10413. Precocity, sexual (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male)

  10414. Precordial pain

  10415. Predeciduous teeth

  10416. Pre-diabetes and Diabetes associated with an Increase in Liver Enzymes ( Liver Enzymes can Predict Pre-diabetes and Diabetes / Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Can be predicted by Increase in Liver Enzymes )

  10417. Prediabetes, prediabetic

  10418. Predislocation status of hip at birth

  10419. Pre-eclampsia

  10420. Prednisolone plus N-Acetylcysteine in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis: Does the Combination improve Survival? ( N-Acetylcysteine Does Not Improve Survival in Prednisolone-treated Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis )

  10421. Preeclampsia (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)

  10422. Pre-eruptive color change, teeth, tooth

  10423. Pre-excitation atrioventricular conduction

  10424. Preexcitation Syndrome (Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome)

  10425. Preglaucoma

  10426. Pregnancy

  10427. Pregnancy - Anemia ( Anemia in Pregnancy )

  10428. Pregnancy - Exercises and Massages ( Exercises and Massages During Pregnancy )

  10429. Pregnancy (single) (uterine) - see also Delivery and Puerperal

  10430. Pregnancy and Antenatal Care – Do’s & Don’ts ( Do’s & Don’ts During Pregnancy and Antenatal Care )

  10431. Pregnancy and Asthma ( Asthma During Pregnancy: Its Symptoms / Effects and Medication )

  10432. Pregnancy and Complications ( Complications of Pregnancy )

  10433. Pregnancy And Diet ( Diet During Pregnancy )

  10434. Pregnancy and Lactation - Drugs ( Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation )

  10435. Pregnancy and Shingles (Shingles and Pregnancy)

  10436. Pregnancy and Smoking (Smoking During Pregnancy)

  10437. Pregnancy Basics

  10438. Pregnancy Drug Dangers

  10439. Pregnancy Exercises for Safe Delivery and Fit Motherhood

  10440. Pregnancy Flu Shot Risks (Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects and Safety)

  10441. Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects (Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects and Safety)

  10442. Pregnancy Induced Diabetes (Gestational Diabetes)

  10443. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

  10444. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension ( Pre Eclampsia / Toxemia )

  10445. Pregnancy Labor ( Labor and Delivery )

  10446. Pregnancy Test

  10447. Pregnancy -Trimester ( Trimester of pregnancy )

  10448. Pregnancy Ultrasound (Prenatal Ultrasound)

  10449. Pregnancy With Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer During Pregnancy)

  10450. Pregnancy With Hypothyroidism (Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy)

  10451. Pregnancy, Ectopic (Ectopic Pregnancy)

  10452. Pregnancy, High Blood Pressure (Pregnancy: Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)

  10453. Pregnancy, Jaundice (Jaundice in Adults)

  10454. Pregnancy, Trying to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  10455. Pregnancy, Tubal (Ectopic Pregnancy)

  10456. Pregnancy: 1st Trimester (Pregnancy)

  10457. Pregnancy: 2nd Trimester (Pregnancy)

  10458. Pregnancy: Birthing and Parenting Classes

  10459. Pregnancy: Bleeding During the First Trimester

  10460. Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth

  10461. Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  10462. Pregnancy: Placenta Previa

  10463. Pregnancy: Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

  10464. Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests

  10465. Pregnancy: Quad Marker Screening Test (Quad Marker Screen Test)

  10466. Pregnancy: Swine Flu and the H1N1 Vaccine

  10467. Pregnancy: Your Guide to Eating Right

  10468. Pregnant women - Be Warned When using Ibuprofen ( Warning to Pregnant Women on Use of Ibuprofen )

  10469. Pregnant Women Should Minimize Usage of Electrical Devices ( Asthma Risk in Offspring with Use of Electrical Devices During Pregnancy )

  10470. Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes and Internet ( Importance of Internet for Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes / Internet Importance in Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes )

  10471. Pre-Hepatic Jaundice (Jaundice in Adults)

  10472. Preiser's disease - see Osteonecrosis, secondary, due to, trauma, metacarpus

  10473. Pre-kwashiorkor - see Malnutrition, severe

  10474. Preleukemia (syndrome) D46.9

  10475. Preluxation, hip, congenital Q65.6

  10476. Premature - see also condition

  10477. Premature Atrial Contractions (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  10478. Premature Balding - Hair Loss ( Hair Loss - Balding Premature )

  10479. Premature Ejaculation

  10480. Premature Ejaculation (PE) ( Ejaculation - Premature )

  10481. Premature Infant: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  10482. Premature Menopause (Medical Procedural Causes)

  10483. Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)

  10484. Premature Ventricular Contraction (Premature Ventricular Contractions)

  10485. Prematurity NEC (less than 37 completed weeks) - see Preterm, newborn

  10486. Premenstrual

  10487. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  10488. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

  10489. Premenstrual Syndrome Medications (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  10490. Premolarization, cuspids

  10491. Prenatal

  10492. Prenatal Care (Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests)

  10493. Prenatal Diagnosis ( Diagnosis of Prenatal / Antenatal Counselling )

  10494. Prenatal Diagnosis (Amniocentesis)

  10495. Prenatal Tests (Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests)

  10496. Prenatal Ultrasound

  10497. Preoperative questions (Surgery Questions)

  10498. Preparatory care for subsequent treatment NEC

  10499. Prepare for a Hurricane (Hurricane Preparedness)

  10500. Prepartum - see condition

  10501. Preponderance, left or right ventricular

  10502. Prepuce - see condition

  10503. PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome)

  10504. Presbycardia

  10505. Presbycusis ( Age-related Hearing Loss )

  10506. Presbycusis, presbyacusia

  10507. Presbyesophagus

  10508. Presbyophrenia

  10509. Presbyopia

  10510. Presbyopia

  10511. Prescription of contraceptives (initial)

  10512. Presenile - see also condition

  10513. Presentation, fetal - see Delivery , complicated by, malposition

  10514. Preservatives for Food -How Safe Are They? ( Food Preservatives - How Safe Are They? )

  10515. Prespondylolisthesis (congenital)

  10516. Pressure

  10517. Pre-syncope

  10518. Preterm

  10519. Preterm Infant Learn to Speak Fast If Parents Converse With Them ( Can Parents Conversation help Preterm infant to learn speak fast? )

  10520. Prevent DVT - Travel Tips

  10521. Prevent Hearing Loss (Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Its Prevention)

  10522. Preventing a Stroke (Stroke Prevention)

  10523. Prevention

  10524. Prevention of cancer (Cancer Prevention)

  10525. Prevention of Diabetes (Diabetes Prevention)

  10526. Prevention of Disease in Women (Disease Prevention in Women)

  10527. Prevention of Flu During Pregnancy (Pregnancy Flu Shot Side Effects and Safety)

  10528. Prevention, Atherosclerosis & Heart Attack (Heart Attack and Atherosclerosis Prevention)

  10529. Prevention, Heart Attack & Atherosclerosis (Heart Attack and Atherosclerosis Prevention)

  10530. Prevention, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  10531. Preventive Mastectomy

  10532. Previa

  10533. Priapism

  10534. Prickling sensation (skin)

  10535. Prickly Heat (Heat Rash)

  10536. Prickly heat

  10537. Primarily Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  10538. Primarily Inattentive ADHD (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  10539. Primary - see condition

  10540. Primary Amenorrhea (Amenorrhea)

  10541. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)

  10542. Primary Dementia (Dementia)

  10543. Primary Hyopgonadism (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  10544. Primary Hypersomnia

  10545. Primary Insomnia

  10546. Primary Lymphedema (Lymphedema)

  10547. Primary Polycythemia (Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count))

  10548. Primary Progressive Aphasia (Pick Disease)

  10549. Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (Pulmonary Hypertension)

  10550. Primigravida

  10551. Primipara

  10552. Primus varus (bilateral)

  10553. PRIND (Prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit)

  10554. Pringle's disease (tuberous sclerosis) Q85.1 Prinzmetal angina

  10555. Prizefighter ear - see Cauliflower ear

  10556. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)

  10557. Probiotics - Support System for the Gut ( Support System for the Gut - Probiotics )

  10558. Probiotics Useful in Preventing Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants ( Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants Prevented by Probiotics )

  10559. Problem (with) (related to)

  10560. Problem Sleepiness

  10561. Problem Swallowing (Swallowing)

  10562. Problems in Eyelid ( Eyelid Problems )

  10563. Problems Trying to Conceive (Trying to Conceive)

  10564. Problems With Dental Fillings

  10565. Procedure (surgical)

  10566. Processed Foods ( Foods - Processed )

  10567. Procidentia (uteri)

  10568. Proctalgia

  10569. Proctitis (Ulcerative Colitis)

  10570. Proctitis

  10571. Proctocele Proctocolitis, mucosal - see Rectosigmoiditis, ulcerative

  10572. Proctoptosis

  10573. Proctorrhagia K62.5 Proctosigmoiditis

  10574. Proctospasm

  10575. Product Recalls

  10576. Products for Incontinence in Men (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  10577. Profichet's disease - see Disorder, soft tissue, specified type NEC

  10578. Profound Mental Retardation

  10579. Profunda, Miliaria (Heat Rash)

  10580. Progeria (Progeria Syndrome)

  10581. Progeria

  10582. Progeria of Childhood (Progeria Syndrome)

  10583. Progeria Syndrome

  10584. Progeria: 'Stranger in the Mirror'

  10585. Prognathism (mandibular) (maxillary)

  10586. Progonoma (melanotic) - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  10587. Progressive - see condition

  10588. Progressive Dementia (Dementia)

  10589. Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy (Parry-Romberg Syndrome)

  10590. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

  10591. Progressive systemic sclerosis ( Scleroderma | | Systemic Sclerosis / Localized scleroderma / Crest syndrome )

  10592. Prolactin (Prolactinoma)

  10593. Prolactinoma

  10594. Prolapse of Uterus ( Uterine Prolapse )

  10595. Prolapse, prolapsed

  10596. Prolapsing Mitral Valve (Mitral Valve Prolapse)

  10597. Prolapsus, female

  10598. Proliferation (s)

  10599. Proliferative - see condition

  10600. Prolonged Nighttime Sleep (Hypersomnia)

  10601. Prolonged, prolongation (of)

  10602. Prominence, prominent

  10603. Promiscuity - see High, risk, sexual behavior

  10604. Pronation

  10605. Prophylactic

  10606. Prophylactic Mastectomy (Preventive Mastectomy)

  10607. Propionic acidemia

  10608. Proptosis (ocular) - see also Exophthalmos

  10609. Prosecution, anxiety concerning

  10610. Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia))

  10611. Prosopagnosia

  10612. Prostadynia

  10613. Prostate Biopsy ( Biopsy of Prostate )

  10614. Prostate Cancer - Abiraterone Acetate Provides More Treatment Options

  10615. Prostate Cancer - Hormone Therapy With Radiotherapy Improves Survival ( Hormone Therapy With Radiotherapy Improves Survival of Prostate Cancer )

  10616. Prostate Cancer - Surgery May be More Effective Than Watchful Waiting ( Surgery May be More Effective Than Watchful Waiting in Prostate Cancer )

  10617. Prostate Cancer - Treatment Options ( Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer / Cancer of Prostate - Treatment Options )

  10618. Prostate Cancer ( Cancer of Prostate )

  10619. Prostate Cancer Pill Brings Hope ( Cancer of Prostate Pill Brings Hope )

  10620. Prostate Cancer Screening Prostate Cancer Screening ( Screening for Prostate Cancer )

  10621. Prostate Cancer Screening Gets Questioned

  10622. Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

  10623. Prostate Inflammation (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  10624. Prostate Problem Warning Signs

  10625. Prostate Specific Antigen

  10626. Prostate Specific Antigen (Prostate Specific Antigen)

  10627. Prostate Specific Antigen [PSA] | Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

  10628. Prostate, prostatic - see condition

  10629. Prostatism - see Hyperplasia, prostate

  10630. Prostatitis (congestive) (suppurative) (with cystitis)

  10631. Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland)

  10632. Prostatocystitis

  10633. Prostatodynia (Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland))

  10634. Prostatorrhea

  10635. Prostatosis

  10636. Prosthetic Limbs ( Artificial Limbs )

  10637. Prostration

  10638. Protanomaly (anomalous trichromat)

  10639. Protanopia (complete) (incomplete)

  10640. Protection (against) (from) - see Prophylactic

  10641. Protein

  10642. Protein Supplements for Muscle Building and Health ( Supplements of Protein for Muscle Building and Health )

  10643. Proteinemia

  10644. Proteinosis

  10645. Proteinuria

  10646. Proteolysis, pathologic

  10647. Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii)

  10648. Prothrombin gene mutation

  10649. Proton Beam Therapy of Liver

  10650. Protoporphyria, erythropoietic

  10651. Protozoal - see also condition

  10652. Protrusion, protrusio

  10653. Proximal Neuropathy, Diabetic (Diabetic Neuropathy)

  10654. Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) ( Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) / Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) )

  10655. Prune belly (syndrome)

  10656. Prune Belly Syndrome ( Triad syndrome / Eagle-Barrett Syndrome )

  10657. Prurigo (ferox) (gravis) (Hebrae) (Hebra's) (mitis) (simplex)

  10658. Pruritus ( Itching )

  10659. Pruritus Ani (Anal Itching)

  10660. Pruritus, pruritic (essential)

  10661. PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

  10662. Pseudarthrosis, pseudoarthrosis (bone) - see Nonunion, fracture

  10663. Pseudoaneurysm - see Aneurysm

  10664. Pseudoangina (pectoris) - see Angina

  10665. Pseudoangioma

  10666. Pseudoarteriosus

  10667. Pseudoarthrosis - see Pseudarthrosis

  10668. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA)

  10669. Pseudochromhidrosis

  10670. Pseudocirrhosis, liver, pericardial

  10671. Pseudocowpox

  10672. Pseudocoxalgia

  10673. Pseudocroup

  10674. Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome, alcohol-induced

  10675. Pseudocyesis

  10676. Pseudocyst

  10677. Pseudocysts of the Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  10678. Pseudoelephantiasis neuroarthritica

  10679. Pseudoexfoliation, capsule (lens) - see Cataract, specified NEC

  10680. Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (Folliculitis)

  10681. Pseudofolliculitis barbae

  10682. Pseudoglioma

  10683. Pseudogout

  10684. Pseudogynecomastia (Gynecomastia)

  10685. Pseudohemophilia (Bernuth's) (hereditary) (type B)

  10686. Pseudohermaphroditism

  10687. Pseudo-Hurler's polydystrophy

  10688. Pseudohydrocephalus

  10689. Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (Erb's)

  10690. Pseudohypertrophy, muscle

  10691. Pseudohypoparathyroidism

  10692. Pseudoinsomnia

  10693. Pseudoleukemia, infantile D64.89 Pseudomembranous - see condition

  10694. Pseudomelanosis Coli (Melanosis Coli)

  10695. Pseudomembranous Colitis (Clostridium Difficile Colitis)

  10696. Pseudomeningocele (cerebral) (infective) (post-traumatic)

  10697. Pseudomenses (newborn)

  10698. Pseudomenstruation (newborn)

  10699. Pseudomonas

  10700. Pseudomyotonia

  10701. Pseudomyxoma peritonei

  10702. Pseudoneuritis, optic (nerve) (disc) (papilla)

  10703. Pseudo-obstruction intestine (acute) (chronic) (idiopathic) (intermittent secondary) (primary)

  10704. Pseudopapilledema

  10705. Pseudoparalysis

  10706. Pseudopelade

  10707. Pseudophakia

  10708. Pseudopolyarthritis, rhizomelic

  10709. Pseudopolycythemia

  10710. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism

  10711. Pseudopterygium

  10712. Pseudoptosis (eyelid) - see Blepharochalasis

  10713. Pseudopuberty, precocious

  10714. Pseudorickets (renal)

  10715. Pseudorubella

  10716. Pseudosclerema, newborn

  10717. Pseudosclerosis (brain)

  10718. Pseudotetanus - see Convulsions

  10719. Pseudotetany

  10720. Pseudotruncus arteriosus

  10721. Pseudotuberculosis

  10722. Pseudotumor

  10723. Pseudotumor Cerebri

  10724. Pseudo-Ullrich-Turner Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  10725. Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum

  10726. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

  10727. Psilosis (sprue) (tropical)

  10728. Psittacosis

  10729. Psoitis

  10730. Psoriasis

  10731. Psoriasis - Combining Biologics With Traditional Therapy ( Combination of Biologics With Traditional Therapy Beneficial in Psoriasis )

  10732. Psoriasis ( Skin Disease - Psoriasis )

  10733. Psoriatic Arthritis

  10734. PSVT (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  10735. Psychasthenia

  10736. Psychiatric disorder or problem

  10737. Psychiatric disorders

  10738. Psychoactive Substances ( Substance Abuse / Drug Abuse )

  10739. Psychogenic - see also condition

  10740. Psychological and behavioral factors affecting medical condition

  10741. Psychological Changes

  10742. Psychological Changes In Pregnancy | Pregnancy

  10743. Psychological Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  10744. Psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic - see also Neurosis

  10745. Psychopathy, psychopathic

  10746. Psychosexual identity disorder of childhood

  10747. Psychosis (Schizophrenia)

  10748. Psychosis, ICU (ICU Psychosis)

  10749. Psychosis, psychotic

  10750. Psychosomatic - see Disorder, psychosomatic

  10751. Psychosyndrome, organic

  10752. Psychotherapy

  10753. Psychotic Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition], With Delusions

  10754. Psychotic Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition], With Hallucinations

  10755. Psychotic Disorder NOS

  10756. Psychotic Disorder, Brief (Brief Psychotic Disorder)

  10757. Psychotic Disorders

  10758. Psychotic episode due to or associated with physical condition

  10759. PT for Arthritis (Arthritis Physical and Occupational Therapy)

  10760. PTCA (Coronary Angioplasty)

  10761. Pterygium (eye)

  10762. Ptilosis (eyelid) - see Madarosis

  10763. Ptomaine (poisoning) - see Poisoning, food

  10764. Ptosis - see also Blepharoptosis

  10765. Ptosis ( Drooping EyelId )

  10766. PTP

  10767. PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

  10768. Ptyalism (periodic)

  10769. Ptyalolithiasis

  10770. Pubarche, precocious

  10771. Pubertal Gynecomastia (Gynecomastia)

  10772. Pubertas praecox

  10773. Puberty

  10774. Puberty (development state)

  10775. Pubic Crabs (Pubic Lice (Crabs))

  10776. Pubic Lice (Crabs)

  10777. Puckering, macula - see Degeneration, macula, puckering

  10778. Pudenda, pudendum - see condition

  10779. Pudendal Block for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  10780. Puente's disease (simple glandular cheilitis)

  10781. Puerperal, puerperium (complicated by, complications)

  10782. Puerperium - see Puerperal

  10783. Puffy Ankle (Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet)

  10784. Puffy Feet (Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet)

  10785. Pugilistica, Dementia (Dementia)

  10786. Pulmolithiasis

  10787. Pulmonary - see condition Pulpitis (acute) (anachoretic) (chronic) (hyperplastic) (irreversible) (putrescent) (reversible) (suppurative) (ulcerative)

  10788. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

  10789. Pulmonary Cancer (Lung Cancer)

  10790. Pulmonary Edema

  10791. Pulmonary Embolism

  10792. Pulmonary Fibrosis

  10793. Pulmonary Hypertension

  10794. Pulmonary Tuberculosis ( Tuberculosis / Lung Tuberculosis / TB )

  10795. Pulmonic Heart Valve Replacement (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  10796. Pulpless tooth

  10797. Pulse

  10798. Pulse Oximetry (Oximetry)

  10799. Pulseless Disease (Takayasu Disease)

  10800. Pulsus alternans or trigeminus

  10801. Pump for Insulin (Insulin Pump For Diabetes Mellitus)

  10802. Punch drunk

  10803. Punctum lacrimale occlusion - see Obstruction, lacrimal

  10804. Puncture

  10805. Puncture (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  10806. PUO (pyrexia of unknown origin)

  10807. Pupillary membrane (persistent)

  10808. Pupillotonia - see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil

  10809. Purpura

  10810. Purpuric spots

  10811. Purulent - see condition

  10812. Pus

  10813. Push Endoscopy

  10814. Pustular Psoriasis (Psoriasis)

  10815. Pustular rash

  10816. Pustule (nonmalignant)

  10817. Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris

  10818. Putnam (-Dana) - see Degeneration, combined

  10819. Putrescent pulp (dental)

  10820. PUVA Therapy (Photochemotherapy)

  10821. PVC (Premature Ventricular Contractions)

  10822. PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease)

  10823. PXE (Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum)

  10824. Pyarthritis, pyarthrosis - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic Pyelectasis - see Hydronephrosis

  10825. Pycnodysostosis

  10826. Pyelitis (congenital) (uremic) - see also Pyelonephritis

  10827. Pyelocystitis - see Pyelonephritis

  10828. Pyelonephritis - see also Nephritis, tubulo-interstitial

  10829. Pyelonephritis (Kidney Infection)

  10830. Pyelonephrosis (obstructive)

  10831. Pyelophlebitis

  10832. Pyeloureteritis cystica

  10833. Pyemia, pyemic (fever) (infection) (purulent) - see also Sepsis

  10834. Pygopagus

  10835. Pyknodysostosis (Pycnodysostosis)

  10836. Pyknoepilepsy (idiopathic) - see Pyknolepsy

  10837. Pyknolepsy

  10838. Pylephlebitis

  10839. Pyle's syndrome

  10840. Pylethrombophlebitis

  10841. Pylethrombosis

  10842. Pyloric Stenosis in Children ( Child-Pyloric stenosis )

  10843. Pyloritis

  10844. Pylorospasm (reflex)

  10845. Pylorus, pyloric - see condition

  10846. Pyoarthrosis - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic

  10847. Pyocele

  10848. Pyocolpos - see Vaginitis

  10849. Pyocystitis

  10850. Pyoderma, pyodermia

  10851. Pyodermatitis

  10852. Pyogenic - see condition

  10853. Pyohydronephrosis

  10854. Pyometra, pyometrium, pyometritis - see Endometritis

  10855. Pyomyositis (tropical) - see Myositis, infective

  10856. Pyonephritis

  10857. Pyonephrosis

  10858. Pyo-oophoritis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  10859. Pyo-ovarium - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  10860. Pyopericarditis, pyopericardium

  10861. Pyophlebitis - see Phlebitis

  10862. Pyopneumopericardium

  10863. Pyopneumothorax (infective)

  10864. Pyosalpinx, pyosalpingitis - see also Salpingo-oophoritis

  10865. Pyothorax

  10866. Pyoureter

  10867. Pyramidopallidonigral syndrome

  10868. Pyrexia (of unknown origin)

  10869. Pyroglobulinemia NEC

  10870. Pyromania

  10871. Pyromania

  10872. Pyrosis

  10873. Pyuria (bacterial)

  10874. Q Fever

  10875. Q Fever | Query Fever

  10876. Q fever A78

  10877. Qat (Khat)

  10878. Quackery ( Eradicate Quackery / Save Lives )

  10879. Quackery Arthritis

  10880. Quad Marker Screen Test

  10881. Quadricuspid aortic valve

  10882. Quadrilateral fever

  10883. Quadriparesis - see Quadriplegia Quadriplegia

  10884. Quadruplet, pregnancy - see Pregnancy, quadruplet

  10885. Quarrelsomeness

  10886. Queensland fever

  10887. Quervain's disease

  10888. Queyrat's erythroplasia

  10889. Quick and Easy Health Tips ( Top Thirty Quick and Easy Health Tips / Health Tips – Quick and Easy )

  10890. Quie Syndrome ( Chronic Granulomatous Disease | Chronic Granulomatous Disorder / Bridges–Good Syndrome )

  10891. Quincke's disease or edema

  10892. Quinsy (gangrenous)

  10893. Quintan fever

  10894. Quintuplet, pregnancy - see Pregnancy, quintuplet

  10895. Quitting Smoking (Smoking and Quitting Smoking)

  10896. Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain (Weight Control and Smoking Cessation)

  10897. Rabbit fever - see Tularemia

  10898. Rabbit Fever (Tularemia)

  10899. Rabies

  10900. Rachiocentesis (Lumbar Puncture)

  10901. Rachischisis - see Spina bifida

  10902. Rachitic - see also condition

  10903. Rachitis, rachitism (acute) (tarda) - see also Rickets

  10904. Racoon Eyes (Brain Concussion)

  10905. Radial nerve - see condition

  10906. Radiation

  10907. Radiation Hazards and its Effects on Human Body ( Hazards of Radiation and its Effects on HumanBody )

  10908. Radiation Therapy

  10909. Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer

  10910. Radical Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  10911. Radiculitis (pressure) (vertebrogenic) - see Radiculopathy

  10912. Radiculomyelitis - see also Encephalitis

  10913. Radiculopathy

  10914. Radiculopathy

  10915. Radiodermal burns (acute, chronic, or occupational) - see Burn

  10916. Radiodermatitis

  10917. Radiofrequency Ablation

  10918. Radioisotope Scan ( Scanning - Radioisotope Scan )

  10919. Radionuclide Stress Test (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  10920. Radiotherapy

  10921. Radiotherapy (Radiation Therapy)

  10922. Radiotherapy session

  10923. Radon Symptoms, Poisoning, Tests, Cancer Causes

  10924. Raga Therapy for Healing Mind and Body ( Healing Mind and Body - Raga Therapy )

  10925. Rage, meaning rabies - see Rabies

  10926. Ragpicker's disease

  10927. Ragsorter's disease

  10928. Raillietiniasis

  10929. Railroad neurosis

  10930. Railway spine

  10931. Rake teeth, tooth

  10932. Rales

  10933. Ramifying renal pelvis

  10934. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

  10935. Ramsay-Hunt disease or syndrome - see also Hunt's disease

  10936. Ranula

  10937. Rape (Sexual Assault)

  10938. Rapid deep breathing ( Hyperventilation / Overbreathing )

  10939. Rapid Eye Movement Behaviour Disorder ( REM Behavior Disorder )

  10940. Rapid Heart Beat (Palpitations Overview)

  10941. Rapid Strep Test

  10942. Rarefaction, bone - see Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC

  10943. RAS (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  10944. RASA’s Dance Therapy Empowers People With Special Needs ( Dance Therapy Empowers People With Special Needs at RASA )

  10945. Rash

  10946. Rash (toxic)

  10947. Rash, Heat (Heat Rash)

  10948. Rasmussen aneurysm - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

  10949. Rasmussen encephalitis

  10950. Raspy Voice (Hoarseness)

  10951. Rat-bite fever

  10952. Rathke's pouch tumor

  10953. Rattlesnake Bite (Snake Bite)

  10954. Raymond (-Céstan)

  10955. Raynaud's disease, phenomenon or syndrome (secondary)

  10956. Raynaud's Phenomenon

  10957. Razor Burn Folliculitis (Folliculitis)

  10958. RBC (Complete Blood Count)

  10959. RDS (newborn) (type I)

  10960. RDW (Complete Blood Count)

  10961. Reaction - see also Disorder

  10962. Reactive airway disease - see Asthma

  10963. Reactive Arthritis

  10964. Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood

  10965. Reactive depression - see Reaction, depressive

  10966. Reading Disorder

  10967. Reading Disorder (Learning Disability)

  10968. Rearrangement

  10969. Recalcitrant patient - see Noncompliance

  10970. Recall (Product Recalls Home Page)

  10971. Recanalization, thrombus - see Thrombosis

  10972. Receding Gums ( Gum Recession | Gingival Recession )

  10973. Recent Advances in the Management of Breast Cancer ( Breast Cancer Management: Recent Advances )

  10974. Recession, receding

  10975. Recklinghausen disease Q85.01

  10976. Reclus' disease (cystic) - see Mastopathy, cystic

  10977. Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs)

  10978. Recrudescent typhus (fever)

  10979. Recruitment, auditory

  10980. Rectal Cancer (Colon Cancer)

  10981. Rectal Itching (Anal Itching)

  10982. Rectal Polyps (Colon Polyps)

  10983. Rectalgia

  10984. Rectitis

  10985. Rectocele

  10986. Rectosigmoid junction - see condition

  10987. Rectosigmoiditis

  10988. Rectourethral - see condition

  10989. Rectovaginal - see condition

  10990. Rectovesical - see condition

  10991. Rectum Cancer (Anal Cancer)

  10992. Rectum, rectal - see condition

  10993. Recurrent - see condition

  10994. Recurrent Herpes Labialis ( Cold Sores / Fever Blisters / Herpes Labialis )

  10995. Red Blood Cell Enzyme Defects (Jaundice) (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  10996. Red Blood Cell Membrane Defects (Jaundice) (Newborn Jaundice (Neonatal Jaundice))

  10997. Red bugs

  10998. Red Cell Count (Complete Blood Count)

  10999. Red Cell Distribution Width (Complete Blood Count)

  11000. Red Eye (Pink Eye)

  11001. Red Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  11002. Red Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  11003. Red tide - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals

  11004. Red Tongue (Tongue Problems)

  11005. Red-cedar lung or pneumonitis

  11006. Reduced

  11007. Reduction Mammaplasty Surgery ( Breast Reduction Surgery )

  11008. Redundant, redundancy

  11009. Reduplication - see Duplication

  11010. Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour - Which is the better option? ( Better Flour - Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour! )

  11011. Reflex

  11012. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)

  11013. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome

  11014. Reflux (Heartburn (Reflux))

  11015. Reflux Esophagitis

  11016. Reflux

  11017. Reflux Laryngitis

  11018. Reforming, artificial openings - see Attention to, artificial, opening

  11019. Refractive error - see Disorder, refraction

  11020. Refsum's disease or syndrome

  11021. Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering ( Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine )

  11022. Regional - see condition

  11023. Regional Anesthesia for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  11024. Regional Enteritis (Crohn's Disease)

  11025. Regular Exercise Reduces Mortality in People with Metabolic Syndrome ( Physical Activity Reduces Mortality in People With Metabolic Syndrome / Exercise Reduces Mortality in People with Metabolic Syndrome )

  11026. Regulating Body Temperature in a Burns Patient ( Burns patient and Regulating Body Temperature )

  11027. Regurgitation

  11028. Rehabilitation for Broken Back (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  11029. Rehabilitation for Cervical Fracture (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  11030. Rehabilitation for Lumbar Fracture (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  11031. Rehabilitation for Spinal Cord Injury (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  11032. Rehabilitation for Vertebral Fracture (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  11033. Reichmann's disease or syndrome

  11034. Reifenstein syndrome

  11035. Reinsertion, contraceptive device

  11036. Reiter Disease (Reactive Arthritis)

  11037. Reiter’s Syndrome | Reactive Arthritis

  11038. Reiter's disease, syndrome, or urethritis

  11039. Rejection

  11040. Relapsing Febrile Nodular Panniculitis Syndrome (Weber-Christian Disease)

  11041. Relapsing fever

  11042. Relapsing Polychondritis

  11043. Relational Problem NOS

  11044. Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition

  11045. Relationship

  11046. Relaxation

  11047. Release from prison, anxiety concerning

  11048. Religious or Spiritual Problem

  11049. REM Behavior Disorder ( Rapid Eye Movement Behaviour Disorder )

  11050. REM Sleep (Sleep)

  11051. Remains

  11052. Remdies for Seasonal Allergy Relief ( Seasonal Allergy Relief - Remedies )

  11053. Remedies for Menstrual Cramps (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  11054. Remedies for PMS (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  11055. Remittent fever (malarial)

  11056. Remnant

  11057. Removal of Ear Wax (Ear Wax)

  11058. Ren

  11059. Renal - see condition

  11060. Renal Artery Occlusion (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  11061. Renal Artery Stenosis

  11062. Renal Cancer (Kidney Cancer)

  11063. Renal Disease (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  11064. Renal Failure - Chronic ( Chronic Renal Failure )

  11065. Renal Failure (Kidney Failure)

  11066. Renal Failure-Acute ( Acute Renal Failure )

  11067. Renal Stones ( Stones in Kidney / Kidney Stones )

  11068. Renal Stones (Kidney Stones)

  11069. Renal Stones in Children ( Kidney Stones in Children )

  11070. Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) ( Proximal Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) )

  11071. Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or syndrome

  11072. Reninoma

  11073. Renon-Delille syndrome

  11074. Renovascular Disease (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  11075. Renovascular Hypertension (Renal Artery Stenosis)

  11076. Reovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  11077. Repeated falls NEC

  11078. Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs)

  11079. Repetitive Stress Injuries (Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs))

  11080. Replaced chromosome by dicentric ring

  11081. Replacement by artificial or mechanical device or prosthesis

  11082. Replacement of Knee ( Knee Replacement )

  11083. Replacement of Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Mitral Valve ( Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Replacement )

  11084. Replacement of Mitral Valve Stenosis And Mitral Valve ( Mitral Valve Stenosis And Mitral Valve Replacement ) Respiratory Diseases

  11085. Reproductive Health

  11086. Request for expert evidence

  11087. Research Trials (Clinical Trials)

  11088. Resection, Liver (Liver Resection)

  11089. Resective Epilepsy Surgery (Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery)

  11090. Reserve, decreased or low

  11091. Residual - see also condition

  11092. Resistance, Antibiotic (Antibiotic Resistance)

  11093. Resistance, resistant (to)

  11094. Resorption

  11095. Respiration

  11096. Respiration (Lungs Design And Purpose)

  11097. Respiratory - see also condition

  11098. Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) )

  11099. Respiratory Syncytial Virus

  11100. Respite care

  11101. Response (drug)

  11102. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

  11103. Restless Leg Syndrome

  11104. Restless legs (syndrome)

  11105. Restlessness

  11106. Restoration (of)

  11107. Restoration of Hair ( Hair Restoration )

  11108. Restorative material (dental)

  11109. Restriction of housing space

  11110. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy (Restrictive))

  11111. Rests, ovarian, in fallopian tube

  11112. Restzustand (schizophrenic)

  11113. Retained - see also Retention

  11114. Retardation

  11115. Retching - see Vomiting

  11116. Retention - see also Retained

  11117. Reticular erythematous mucinosis

  11118. Reticulation, dust - see Pneumoconiosis

  11119. Reticulocytosis

  11120. Reticuloendotheliosis

  11121. Reticulohistiocytoma (giant-cell)

  11122. Reticuloid, actinic

  11123. Reticulosis (skin)

  11124. Retina, retinal - see also condition

  11125. Retinal Detachment

  11126. Retinal Migraine (Migraine)

  11127. Retinitis - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal

  11128. Retinitis Pigmentosa

  11129. Retinitis Pigmentosa And Congenital Deafness (Usher Syndrome)

  11130. Retinoblastoma

  11131. Retinochoroiditis - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal

  11132. Retinopathy (background)

  11133. Retinopathy and Diabetes (Diabetes and Eye Problems)

  11134. Retinoschisis

  11135. Retortamoniasis

  11136. Retractile testis

  11137. Retraction

  11138. Retrobulbar - see condition

  11139. Retrocecal - see condition

  11140. Retrocession - see Retroversion

  11141. Retrodisplacement - see Retroversion

  11142. Retroflection, retroflexion - see Retroversion

  11143. Retrognathia, retrognathism (mandibular) (maxillary)

  11144. Retrograde menstruation

  11145. Retrolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  11146. Retroperineal - see condition

  11147. Retroperitoneal - see condition

  11148. Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Treatment Using Corticosteroid ( Steroids for Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis )

  11149. Retroperitonitis

  11150. Retropharyngeal - see condition

  11151. Retroplacental - see condition

  11152. Retroposition - see Retroversion

  11153. Retroprosthetic membrane

  11154. Retrosternal thyroid (congenital)

  11155. Retroversion, retroverted

  11156. Retrovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere

  11157. Retrusion, premaxilla (developmental)

  11158. Rett Syndrome

  11159. Rett's disease or syndrome

  11160. Rett's Disorder

  11161. Reverse peristalsis

  11162. Reye Syndrome

  11163. Reye’s Syndrome

  11164. Reye-Johnson Syndrome (Reye Syndrome)

  11165. Reye's syndrome

  11166. RF (Rheumatoid Factor)

  11167. RFA Therapy of Liver (Radiofrequency Ablation)

  11168. Rh (factor)

  11169. Rhabdomyolysis (idiopathic)

  11170. Rhabdomyoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  11171. Rhabdomyosarcoma

  11172. Rhabdomyosarcoma (any type) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  11173. Rhabdosarcoma - see Rhabdomyosarcoma

  11174. Rhesus (factor) - see Rh, incompatibility

  11175. Rheumatic (acute) (subacute) (chronic)

  11176. Rheumatic Fever

  11177. Rheumatism (articular) (neuralgic) (nonarticular)

  11178. Rheumatoid - see also condition

  11179. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  11180. Rheumatoid Arthritis ( Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis )

  11181. Rheumatoid Disease (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

  11182. Rheumatoid Factor

  11183. Rhinitis (atrophic) (catarrhal) (chronic) (croupous) (fibrinous) (granulomatous) (hyperplastic) (hypertrophic) (membranous) (obstructive) (purulent) (suppurative) (ulcerative) J31.0

  11184. Rhinitis (Chronic Rhinitis)

  11185. Rhinoantritis (chronic) - see Sinusitis, maxillary

  11186. Rhinodacryolith - see Dacryolith

  11187. Rhinolith (nasal sinus)

  11188. Rhinomegaly

  11189. Rhinopharyngitis (acute) (subacute) - see also Nasopharyngitis

  11190. Rhinophyma

  11191. Rhinoplasty

  11192. Rhinorrhea

  11193. Rhinosalpingitis - see Salpingitis, eustachian

  11194. Rhinoscleroma

  11195. Rhinosporidiosis

  11196. Rhinovirus infection NEC

  11197. Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata

  11198. Rhupus (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)

  11199. Rhythm

  11200. Rhythm (Biorhythms)

  11201. Rhythm Method (Birth Control Methods)

  11202. Rhytidosis facialis

  11203. Rib - see also condition

  11204. Rib Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  11205. Rib Inflammation (Costochondritis and Tietze Syndrome)

  11206. Riboflavin deficiency

  11207. Rice bodies - see also Loose, body, joint

  11208. Richter syndrome - see Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic, B-cell type

  11209. Richter's hernia - see Hernia, abdomen, with obstruction

  11210. Ricin

  11211. Ricinism - see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant

  11212. Rickets

  11213. Rickets ( Paediatric Osteomalacia )

  11214. Rickets (active) (acute) (adolescent) (chest wall) (congenital) (current) (infantile) (intestinal)

  11215. Rickettsial disease

  11216. Rickettsialpox (Rickettsia akari)

  11217. Rickettsiosis

  11218. Rider's bone - see Ossification, muscle, specified NEC

  11219. Ridge, alveolus - see also condition

  11220. Ridged ear, congenital

  11221. Riedel's

  11222. Rieger's anomaly or syndrome

  11223. Riehl's melanosis

  11224. Rietti-Greppi-Micheli anemia

  11225. Rieux's hernia - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

  11226. Riga (-Fede)

  11227. Riggs' disease - see Periodontitis

  11228. Right middle lobe syndrome

  11229. Rigid, rigidity - see also condition

  11230. Rigors

  11231. Riley-Day syndrome

  11232. RIND (reversible ischemic neurologic deficit)

  11233. Ring (s)

  11234. Ringed hair (congenital)

  11235. Ringing In The Ear (Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears))

  11236. Ringworm

  11237. Ringworm

  11238. Rise, venous pressure

  11239. Risk, suicidal

  11240. Risks of Smoking During Pregnancy (Smoking During Pregnancy)

  11241. Ritter's disease

  11242. Rivalry, sibling

  11243. Rivalta's disease

  11244. River blindness

  11245. RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome)

  11246. RMDs (Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs))

  11247. Road Rash (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  11248. Robert's pelvis

  11249. Robin (-Pierre)

  11250. Robinow-Silvermann-Smith syndrome

  11251. Robinson's (hidrotic)

  11252. Robles' disease

  11253. Rocky Mountain (spotted)

  11254. Roetheln - see Rubella

  11255. Roger's disease

  11256. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses (gallbladder)

  11257. Rolando's fracture (displaced)

  11258. Romano-Ward (prolonged QT interval)

  11259. Romberg's disease or syndrome

  11260. Roof, mouth - see condition

  11261. Root Canal

  11262. Rosacea

  11263. Rosary, rachitic

  11264. Rose

  11265. Rosenbach's erysipeloid

  11266. Rosenthal's disease or syndrome

  11267. Roseola

  11268. Roseola Infantilis (Roseola)

  11269. Roseola Infantum (Roseola)

  11270. Ross River disease or fever

  11271. Rossbach's disease

  11272. Rostan's asthma (cardiac) - see Failure, ventricular, left

  11273. Rotation

  11274. Rotator Cuff

  11275. Rotator Cuff Injury

  11276. Rotavirus

  11277. Rotes Quérol disease or syndrome - see Hyperostosis, ankylosing

  11278. Roth (-Bernhardt) - see Meralgia paraesthetica

  11279. Rothmund (-Thomson)

  11280. Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome

  11281. Rotor's disease or syndrome

  11282. Round

  11283. Roussy-Lévy syndrome

  11284. Routine Eye Examination ( Screening Test - Routine Eye Examination )

  11285. Routine Surveillance for Cancer in Patients with Barrett’s Esophagus, especially in the absence of Dysplasia, of Doubtful Value ( Incidence of Cancer in Patients With Barrett’s Esophagus may be Lower Than Previously Reported )

  11286. Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company ( Health Insurance-Royal

  11287. RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

  11288. RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

  11289. RT PCR (PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction))

  11290. RTS (Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)

  11291. RU-486 Pill (Contraceptive Measures After Unprotected Sex)

  11292. Ruba, Miliaria (Heat Rash)

  11293. Rubber Man ( Cleidocranial Dysplasia / Marie-Sainton disease /

  11294. Rubbers (Condoms)

  11295. Rubella (German Measles)

  11296. Rubella (German measles)

  11297. Rubeola ( Measles )

  11298. Rubeola (meaning measles) - see Measles

  11299. Rubeola (Measles (Rubeola))

  11300. Rubeosis, iris - see Disorder, iris, vascular

  11301. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome

  11302. Rudimentary (congenital) - see also Agenesis

  11303. Ruled out condition - see Observation, suspected

  11304. Rumination Disorder

  11305. Rumination

  11306. Runeberg's disease

  11307. Runny nose

  11308. Rupia (syphilitic)

  11309. Rupture, ruptured

  11310. Ruptured Achilles Tendon (Achilles Tendon Rupture)

  11311. Russell-Silver syndrome

  11312. Rust's disease (tuberculous cervical spondylitis)

  11313. Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith syndrome

  11314. Rytand-Lipsitch syndrome I44.2 S Saber, sabre shin or tibia (syphilitic)

  11315. Sac lacrimal - see condition

  11316. Saccharomyces infection

  11317. Saccharopinuria

  11318. Saccular - see condition

  11319. Saccular Bronchiectasis (Bronchiectasis (Acquired, Congenital))

  11320. Sacculation

  11321. Sachs' amaurotic familial idiocy or disease

  11322. Sachs-Tay disease

  11323. Sacks-Libman disease

  11324. Sacralgia

  11325. Sacralization

  11326. Sacrodynia

  11327. Sacroiliac joint - see condition

  11328. Sacroiliac Joint Pain

  11329. Sacroiliitis NEC

  11330. Sacrum - see condition

  11331. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD))

  11332. Saddle

  11333. Sadism (sexual)

  11334. Sadness, postpartal

  11335. Sadomasochism

  11336. SAE (Binswanger's Disease)

  11337. Saemisch's ulcer (cornea) - see Ulcer, cornea, central

  11338. Safe and Healthy (fire crackers)Diwali / Diwali - TTop Ten Tips for safe and Healthy )

  11339. Safe Sex

  11340. Safety Information: Alzheimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Disease Causes, Stages, and Symptoms)

  11341. Sahib disease

  11342. Sailors' skin

  11343. Saint

  11344. Saint Johns Wort

  11345. Salaam

  11346. Salicylism

  11347. Salivary duct or gland - see condition

  11348. Salivary Gland Cancer ( Cancer of Salivary Gland )

  11349. Salivation, excessive

  11350. Salmonella - see Infection, Salmonella

  11351. Salmonella Enteritis ( Salmonellosis )

  11352. Salmonellosis ( Salmonella Enteritis )

  11353. Salmonellosis

  11354. Salpingitis (catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic)

  11355. Salpingocele

  11356. Salpingo-Oophorectomy (Hysterectomy)

  11357. Salpingo-oophoritis (catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative)

  11358. Salpingo-ovaritis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  11359. Salpingoperitonitis - see Salpingo-oophoritis

  11360. Salzmann's nodular dystrophy - see Degeneration, cornea, nodular

  11361. Sampson's cyst or tumor

  11362. San Joaquin (Valley)

  11363. Sandblaster's asthma, lung or pneumoconiosis

  11364. Sander's disease (paranoia)

  11365. Sandfly fever

  11366. Sandhoff's disease

  11367. Sanfilippo (Type B) (Type C) (Type D)

  11368. Sanger-Brown ataxia

  11369. Sao Paulo fever or typhus

  11370. SAPHO Syndrome

  11371. Saponification, mesenteric

  11372. Sarcocele (benign)

  11373. Sarcocystosis

  11374. Sarcoepiplocele - see Hernia Sarcoepiplomphalocele

  11375. Sarcoid - see also Sarcoidosis

  11376. Sarcoidosis

  11377. Sarcoidosis ( Besnier - Boeck disease )

  11378. Sarcoidosis

  11379. Sarcoma (of) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  11380. Sarcomatosis

  11381. Sarcosinemia

  11382. Sarcosporidiosis (intestinal)

  11383. SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome )

  11384. Satiety, early

  11385. Saturnine - see condition

  11386. Saturnism

  11387. Satyriasis

  11388. Sauriasis - see Ichthyosis

  11389. SBE (subacute bacterial endocarditis)

  11390. SBS (Shaken Baby Syndrome (Abusive Head Trauma))

  11391. Scabies

  11392. Scabies (any site)

  11393. Scabs

  11394. Scaglietti-Dagnini syndrome

  11395. Scald - see Burn

  11396. Scalenus anticus (anterior)

  11397. Scales

  11398. Scaling, skin

  11399. Scalp - see condition

  11400. Scalp Hematoma (Hematoma)

  11401. Scalp Psoriasis

  11402. Scalp Ringworm (Ringworm)

  11403. Scan, Thyroid (Thyroid Scan)

  11404. Scanning - Radioisotope Scan ( Radioisotope Scan )

  11405. Scapegoating affecting child

  11406. Scaphocephaly

  11407. Scapulalgia

  11408. Scapulohumeral myopathy

  11409. Scar Tissue in the Abdomen (Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue))

  11410. Scar, Excessive (Keloid)

  11411. Scar, scarring - see also Cicatrix

  11412. Scarabiasis

  11413. Scarlatina (anginosa) (maligna) (ulcerosa)

  11414. Scarlet fever (albuminuria) (angina)

  11415. Scars

  11416. Schamberg's disease (progressive pigmentary dermatosis)

  11417. Schatzki Ring

  11418. Schatzki's ring (acquired) (esophagus) (lower)

  11419. Schaufenster krankheit

  11420. Schaumann's

  11421. Scheie's syndrome

  11422. Schenck's disease

  11423. Scheuermann's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

  11424. Scheuermann's Kyphosis (Kyphosis)

  11425. Schilder (-Flatau)

  11426. Schilling-type monocytic leukemia

  11427. Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia - see Mastopathy, cystic

  11428. Schistosoma infestation - see Infestation, Schistosoma

  11429. Schistosomiasis

  11430. Schizencephaly

  11431. Schizoaffective Disorder

  11432. Schizoaffective psychosis

  11433. Schizodontia

  11434. Schizoid Personality Disorder

  11435. Schizoid personality

  11436. Schizophrenia

  11437. Schizophrenia - Family Intervention

  11438. Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type

  11439. Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type

  11440. Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type

  11441. Schizophrenia, Residual Type

  11442. Schizophrenia, schizophrenic

  11443. Schizophrenia, Undifferentiated Type

  11444. Schizophreniform Disorder

  11445. Schizothymia (persistent)

  11446. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

  11447. Schlatter-Osgood disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

  11448. Schlatter's tibia - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

  11449. Schmidt's syndrome (polyglandular, autoimmune)

  11450. Schmincke's carcinoma or tumor - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

  11451. Schmitz (-Stutzer)

  11452. Schmorl's disease or nodes

  11453. Schneiderian

  11454. Scholte's syndrome (malignant carcinoid)

  11455. Scholz (-Bielchowsky-Henneberg)

  11456. Schönlein (-Henoch) disease or purpura (primary) (rheumatic)

  11457. Schonlein-Henoch Purpura (Henoch-Schonlein Purpura)

  11458. Schottmuller's disease

  11459. Schroeder's syndrome (endocrine hypertensive)

  11460. Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome

  11461. Schultze's type acroparesthesia, simple

  11462. Schultz's disease or syndrome - see Agranulocytosis

  11463. Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheim disease

  11464. Schwannoma - see also Neoplasm, nerve, benign

  11465. Schwannoma (Brain Tumor)

  11466. Schwannomatosis

  11467. Schwartz (-Jampel)

  11468. Schwartz-Bartter syndrome

  11469. Schweniger-Buzzi anetoderma

  11470. Sciatic - see condition

  11471. Sciatic Neuralgia (Sciatica)

  11472. Sciatic Neuritis (Sciatica)

  11473. Sciatica

  11474. Sciatica (infective)

  11475. Scimitar syndrome

  11476. Sclera - see condition

  11477. Sclera Inflammation (Scleritis)

  11478. Sclerectasia

  11479. Scleredema

  11480. Sclerema (adiposum) (edematosum) (neonatorum) (newborn)

  11481. Scleriasis - see Scleroderma

  11482. Scleritis

  11483. Scleritis

  11484. Sclerochoroiditis

  11485. Scleroconjunctivitis - see Scleritis

  11486. Sclerocystic ovary syndrome

  11487. Sclerodactyly, sclerodactylia

  11488. Scleroderma | | Systemic Sclerosis ( Progressive systemic sclerosis /

  11489. Scleroderma, sclerodermia (acrosclerotic) (diffuse) (generalized) (progressive) (pulmonary) - see also Sclerosis, systemic

  11490. Sclerokeratitis

  11491. Scleroma nasi

  11492. Scleromalacia (perforans)

  11493. Scleromyxedema

  11494. Sclérose en plaques

  11495. Sclerosing Cholangitis

  11496. Sclerosis, sclerotic

  11497. Scoliosis

  11498. Scoliosis (acquired) (postural)

  11499. Scoliotic pelvis

  11500. Scorbutus, scorbutic - see also Scurvy

  11501. Scotoma (arcuate) (Bjerrum) (central) (ring) - see also Defect, visual field, localized, scotoma

  11502. Scrape (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  11503. Scratch - see Abrasion

  11504. Scratchy throat

  11505. Screening (for)

  11506. Screening Cancer (Cancer Detection)

  11507. Screening for Blood Pressure ( Blood Pressure Screening )

  11508. Screening for Breast Cancer with Clinical Breast Examination ( Breast Cancer Screening with Clinical Breast Examination )

  11509. Screening for Chlamydial Infection ( Chlamydia Test )

  11510. Screening For Colon Cancer (Colon Cancer Screening)

  11511. Screening for Colorectal Cancer ( Colorectal Cancer Screening )

  11512. Screening for Diabetes ( Diabetes Screening )

  11513. Screening for Hearing Loss in Newborns ( Hearing Tests in Newborns )

  11514. Screening for Hepatitis B Virus (or) HBV ( Hepatitis B Virus (or) HBV Screening )

  11515. Screening for HIV (AIDS) Infection ( HIV (AIDS) Infection - Screening )

  11516. Screening for Lipid Profiles ( Lipid Profile Screening )

  11517. Screening for Lung Cancer ( Lung Cancer Screening )

  11518. Screening for Osteoporosis ( Osteoporosis Screening )

  11519. Screening for Prostate Cancer ( Prostate Cancer Screening )

  11520. Screening for Prostate Cancer (Prostate Cancer Screening)

  11521. Screening for Women between 40 and 60 years ( Health Screening for Women between 40 and 60 years age )

  11522. Screening Test - Routine Eye Examination ( Routine Eye Examination )

  11523. Screening Test, Quad Marker (Quad Marker Screen Test)

  11524. Screening Tests for Thyroid Dysfunction ( Thyroid Screening Tests / Dysfunctional Thyroid Screening Tests )

  11525. Screening Tests for Tuberculosis ( Tuberculosis Screening Tests )

  11526. Screening with Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer ( Colorectal Cancer Screening with Colonoscopy )

  11527. Scrofula, scrofulosis (tuberculosis of cervical lymph glands)

  11528. Scrofulide (primary) (tuberculous)

  11529. Scrofuloderma, scrofulodermia (any site) (primary)

  11530. Scrofulosus lichen (primary) (tuberculous)

  11531. Scrofulous - see condition

  11532. Scrotal tongue

  11533. Scrotum - see condition

  11534. Scrotum Pain (Testicular Disorders)

  11535. Scurvy, scorbutic

  11536. Sea Sick (Motion Sickness (Sea Sickness, Car Sickness))

  11537. Sealpox

  11538. Seasickness

  11539. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  11540. Seasonal Allergy Relief - Remedies ( Remdies for Seasonal Allergy Relief )

  11541. Seatworm (infection) (infestation)

  11542. Sebaceous - see also condition

  11543. Seborrhea

  11544. Seborrhea, seborrheic

  11545. Seborrheic Dermatitis ( Cradle Cap / Dandruff )

  11546. Seckel's syndrome

  11547. Seclusion, pupil - see Membrane, pupillary

  11548. Second Degree Burns (Burns)

  11549. Second Degree Heart Block (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  11550. Second hand tobacco smoke exposure (acute) (chronic)

  11551. Second Trimester of Pregnancy (Pregnancy)

  11552. Secondary

  11553. Secondary Amenorrhea (Amenorrhea)

  11554. Secondary Dementias (Dementia)

  11555. Secondary Glaucoma (Glaucoma)

  11556. Secondary Hyopgonadism (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  11557. Secondary Lymphedema (Lymphedema)

  11558. Secondary Polycythemia (Polycythemia (High Red Blood Cell Count))

  11559. Secondhand Smoke

  11560. Secondhand Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy (Smoking During Pregnancy)

  11561. Secretion

  11562. Section

  11563. Sed Rate (Sedimentation Rate)

  11564. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse

  11565. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence

  11566. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication

  11567. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication Delirium

  11568. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal

  11569. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Delirium

  11570. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder

  11571. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder

  11572. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

  11573. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Dementia

  11574. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions

  11575. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations

  11576. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

  11577. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sleep Disorder

  11578. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorder NOS

  11579. Sedimentation Rate

  11580. see Spondylitis, ankylosing

  11581. Seeds: Nutrient Packed Germs of Life

  11582. Seeing Spots (Eye Floaters)

  11583. Segawa's Dystonia (Dystonia)

  11584. Segmentation, incomplete (congenital) - see also Fusion

  11585. Seitelberger's syndrome (infantile neuraxonal dystrophy)

  11586. Seizure

  11587. Seizure (s) - see also Convulsions

  11588. Seizure First Aid (First Aid for Seizures)

  11589. Seizure Surgery, Children (Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery)

  11590. Seizure Test (EEG - Electroencephalogram)

  11591. Seizure, Febrile (Febrile Seizures)

  11592. Seizure, Fever-induced (Febrile Seizures)

  11593. Seizures in Children (Febrile Seizures)

  11594. Seizures Symptoms and Types

  11595. Selective Mutism

  11596. Selenium deficiency, dietary

  11597. Self Breast Exam (Breast Self Exam)

  11598. Self Exam (Breast Cancer Follow-Up Self-Exam)

  11599. Self Examination of Testicular ( Testicular Self Examination )

  11600. Self Gratification, Sexual (Masturbation)

  11601. Self-damaging behavior (life-style)

  11602. Self-harm (attempted)

  11603. Self-mutilation (attempted)

  11604. Self-poisoning

  11605. Semantic Dementia (Pick Disease)

  11606. Semen, Blood (Blood In Semen)

  11607. SEMG (Electromyogram)

  11608. Semicoma

  11609. Semimembranosus Muscle (Hamstring Injury)

  11610. Seminal vesiculitis

  11611. Seminoma

  11612. Semitendinosus Muscle (Hamstring Injury)

  11613. Senear-Usher disease or syndrome

  11614. Senectus

  11615. Senescence (without mention of psychosis)

  11616. Senile, senility - see also condition

  11617. Senility (Dementia)

  11618. Senior Sex

  11619. Sensation

  11620. Sensibility disturbance (cortical) (deep) (vibratory)

  11621. Sensitive, sensitivity - see also Allergy

  11622. Sensitiver Beziehungswahn

  11623. Sensitization, auto-erythrocytic

  11624. Sensory Integration Dysfunction (Learning Disability)

  11625. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

  11626. Separation

  11627. Separation Anxiety

  11628. Separation Anxiety Disorder

  11629. Sepsis

  11630. Sepsis (generalized) (unspecified organism)

  11631. Septal Defect-Congenital Heart Disease ( Congenital Heart Disease – Septal Defects )

  11632. Septal Hematoma (Hematoma)

  11633. Septate - see Septum

  11634. Septic - see condition

  11635. Septic Arthritis

  11636. Septicemia (Sepsis)

  11637. Septicemia | Sepsis

  11638. Septicemia

  11639. Septoplasty (Nasal Airway Surgery)

  11640. Septorhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty)

  11641. Septum, Deviated (Deviated Septum)

  11642. Septum, septate (congenital) - see also Anomaly, by site

  11643. Sequelae (of) - see also condition

  11644. Sequestration - see also Sequestrum

  11645. Sequestrum

  11646. Sequoiosis lung or pneumonitis

  11647. Serology for syphilis

  11648. Seroma - see also Hematoma

  11649. Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

  11650. Seropurulent - see condition

  11651. Serositis, multiple

  11652. Serous - see condition

  11653. Serous Cyst Adenomas, Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  11654. Serous Otitis Media (Ear Infection)

  11655. Sertoli cell

  11656. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

  11657. Serum

  11658. Sesamoiditis

  11659. Sever Condition

  11660. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

  11661. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS))

  11662. Severe Mental Retardation

  11663. Severe sepsis

  11664. Sever's disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

  11665. Sex

  11666. Sex Addiction ( Sexual Dependency / Hypersexuality / Nymphomania /

  11667. Sex and Aging (Senior Sex)

  11668. Sex and Menopause (Menopause and Sex)

  11669. Sex Education For Teens ( Teens Sex Education )

  11670. Sextuplet pregnancy - see Pregnancy, sextuplet

  11671. Sexual

  11672. Sexual (Sex) Problems in Men

  11673. Sexual (Sex) Problems in Women

  11674. Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by partner)

  11675. Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner)

  11676. Sexual Abuse of Adult (if focus of attention is on victim)

  11677. Sexual Abuse of Child

  11678. Sexual Abuse of Child (if focus of attention is on victim)

  11679. Sexual Addiction

  11680. Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes

  11681. Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) )

  11682. Sexual Aversion Disorder

  11683. Sexual Compulsivity ( Sex Addiction / Sexual Dependency / Hypersexuality / Nymphomania / Compulsive Sexual Behavior )

  11684. Sexual Dependency ( Sex Addiction / Hypersexuality / Nymphomania / Compulsive Sexual Behavior / Sexual Compulsivity )

  11685. Sexual Deviance

  11686. Sexual Disorder NOS

  11687. Sexual Dysfunction - Female ( Female Sexual Dysfunction )

  11688. Sexual Dysfunction - Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Important in Breast Cancer Patients ( Breast Cancer - Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction Important in Breast Cancer Patients )

  11689. Sexual Dysfunction NOS

  11690. Sexual Health Overview

  11691. Sexual Masochism

  11692. Sexual Masochism (Paraphilia)

  11693. Sexual Maturation (Puberty)

  11694. Sexual Relationships (Sexual Health Overview)

  11695. Sexual Response Cycle (Phases of Sexual Response)

  11696. Sexual Sadism

  11697. Sexual Sadism (Paraphilia)

  11698. Sexual Self Gratification (Masturbation)

  11699. Sexuality, pathologic - see Deviation, sexual

  11700. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs In Women)

  11701. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy (STDs)

  11702. Sézary disease

  11703. SGOT Test (Liver Blood Tests)

  11704. SGPT Test (Liver Blood Tests)

  11705. Shadow, lung

  11706. Shaken Baby Syndrome (Abusive Head Trauma)

  11707. Shaking palsy or paralysis - see Parkinsonism

  11708. Shallowness, acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip

  11709. Shared Psychotic Disorder

  11710. Shaver's disease

  11711. Sheath (tendon) - see condition

  11712. Sheathing, retinal vessels

  11713. Shedding

  11714. Sheehan's disease or syndrome

  11715. Shelf, rectal

  11716. Shell Shock (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

  11717. Shell teeth

  11718. Shellshock (current)

  11719. Shield kidney

  11720. Shift

  11721. Shifting sleep-work schedule (affecting sleep)

  11722. Shiga (-Kruse)

  11723. Shiga's bacillus

  11724. Shigella (dysentery) - see Dysentery, bacillary

  11725. Shigella Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  11726. Shigella Infection

  11727. Shigella Infection ( Bacillary Dysentery / Shigellosis )

  11728. Shigellosis ( Bacillary Dysentery )

  11729. Shigellosis ( Bacillary Dysentery / Shigella Infection )

  11730. Shigellosis

  11731. Shin Splints

  11732. Shingles - see Herpes, zoster

  11733. Shingles ( Herpes Zoster / Post Herpetic Neuralgia / Chicken pox shingles )

  11734. Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

  11735. Shingles and Pregnancy

  11736. Shipyard disease or eye

  11737. Shirodkar suture, in pregnancy - see Pregnancy, complicated by, incompetent cervix

  11738. Shock

  11739. Shock Lung (ARDS)

  11740. Shock

  11741. Shock Syndrome ( Dengue / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever / Dengue )

  11742. Shoemaker's chest

  11743. Short Sightedness ( Nearsightedness / Myopia )

  11744. Short Stature (Achondroplasia)

  11745. Short, shortening, shortness

  11746. Shortsightedness - see Myopia

  11747. Short-term Insomnia (Insomnia)

  11748. Shoshin (acute fulminating beriberi) Shoulder - see condition

  11749. Shoulder Bursitis

  11750. Shoulder Pain (Shoulder Bursitis)

  11751. Shovel-shaped incisors

  11752. Shower, thromboembolic - see Embolism

  11753. Shriram General Insurance Company ( Health Insurance - Shriram General Insurance )

  11754. Shulman's Syndrome (Eosinophilic Fasciitis)

  11755. Shunt

  11756. Shutdown, renal

  11757. Shy-Drager syndrome

  11758. SI Joint Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain)

  11759. Sialadenitis, sialadenosis (any gland) (chronic) (periodic) (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis

  11760. Sialectasia

  11761. Sialidosis

  11762. Sialitis, silitis (any gland) (chronic) (suppurative) - see Sialoadenitis

  11763. Sialoadenitis (any gland) (periodic) (suppurative)

  11764. Sialoadenopathy

  11765. Sialoangitis - see Sialoadenitis

  11766. Sialodochitis (fibrinosa) - see Sialoadenitis

  11767. Sialodocholithiasis

  11768. Sialolithiasis

  11769. Sialometaplasia, necrotizing

  11770. Sialorrhea - see also Ptyalism

  11771. Sialosis

  11772. Siamese twin

  11773. Sibling Relational Problem

  11774. Sibling rivalry

  11775. Sicard's syndrome

  11776. Sicca Syndrome (Sjogren's Syndrome)

  11777. Sicca syndrome

  11778. Sick

  11779. Sick-euthyroid syndrome

  11780. Sickle Cell

  11781. Sickle Cell Anemia ( HbS Disease )

  11782. Sickle-cell

  11783. Sicklemia - see also Disease, sickle-cell

  11784. Sickness

  11785. Sickness, Motion (Motion Sickness (Sea Sickness, Car Sickness))

  11786. Sideropenia - see Anemia, iron deficiency

  11787. Siderosilicosis

  11788. Siderosis (lung)

  11789. SIDS

  11790. Siemens' syndrome (ectodermal dysplasia)

  11791. Sighing

  11792. Sight Day

  11793. Sigmoid - see also condition

  11794. Sigmoiditis - see also Enteritis

  11795. Sigmoidoscopy (Flexible Sigmoidoscopy)

  11796. Sign Language

  11797. Sign Language, American (Sign Language)

  11798. Signing for Language (Sign Language)

  11799. Silent Stroke (Stroke Symptoms and Treatment)

  11800. Silent Thyroiditis (Thyroiditis)

  11801. Silfversköld's syndrome

  11802. Silicone Joint Replacement (Joint Replacement Surgery Of The Hand)

  11803. Silicosiderosis

  11804. Silicosis

  11805. Silicosis, silicotic (simple) (complicated)

  11806. Silicotuberculosis

  11807. Silo-fillers' disease

  11808. Silver's syndrome

  11809. Simian malaria

  11810. Simmonds' cachexia or disease

  11811. Simons' disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy)

  11812. Simple Tics (Tourette Syndrome)

  11813. Simple Ways to Stay Fit

  11814. Simple, simplex - see condition

  11815. Simulation, conscious (of illness)

  11816. Simultanagnosia (asimultagnosia)

  11817. Simvastatin and Ezetimibe Combination Fights High Cholesterol in Kidney Disease Patients

  11818. Sin Nombre virus disease (Hantavirus) (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome)

  11819. Sinding-Larsen disease or osteochondrosis - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

  11820. Singapore hemorrhagic fever

  11821. Singer's node or nodule

  11822. Single

  11823. Single Balloon Endoscopy (Balloon Endoscopy)

  11824. Singultus ( Hiccups / Hiccoughs / Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter (SDF) )

  11825. Singultus

  11826. Sinus - see also Fistula

  11827. Sinus Bradycardia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  11828. Sinus Headache

  11829. Sinus Surgery

  11830. Sinus Tachycardia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  11831. Sinusitis

  11832. Sinusitis (accessory) (chronic) (hyperplastic) (nasal) (nonpurulent) (purulent)

  11833. Sinusitis (Sinusitis)

  11834. Sinusitis [476] (Chronic Rhinitis)

  11835. Sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus (syndrome) (triad)

  11836. Sipple's syndrome

  11837. Sirenomelia (syndrome)

  11838. Siriasis

  11839. Sirkari's disease

  11840. Sirolimus - Lung Cancer Treatment ( Lung Cancer Treatment - Sirolimus )

  11841. Siti

  11842. Situation, psychiatric

  11843. Situational

  11844. Situs inversus or transversus (abdominalis) (thoracis)

  11845. SIV (Swine Flu)

  11846. Sixth Disease (Roseola)

  11847. Sixth disease

  11848. Sjögren-Larsson syndrome

  11849. Sjogren's Syndrome

  11850. Sjögren's syndrome or disease - see Sicca syndrome

  11851. Skeletal - see condition

  11852. Skene's gland - see condition

  11853. Skenitis - see Urethritis

  11854. Skerljevo

  11855. Skevas-Zerfus disease - see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone

  11856. Skin - see also condition

  11857. Skin Abscess ( Boils )

  11858. Skin Abscess (Boils)

  11859. Skin Biopsy

  11860. Skin Biopsy ( Biopsy - Skin )

  11861. Skin Boils (Boils)

  11862. Skin Cancer - Chemo Prevention in Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids ( Chemo Prevention of Skin Cancer in Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids / Transplant Patients - Chemo Prevent )

  11863. Skin Cancer ( Cancer of the Skin )

  11864. Skin Cancer Overview

  11865. Skin Cancer Vaccine - A Silver Lining ( Vaccine Hope for Skin Cancer )

  11866. Skin Disease - Leprosy ( Leprosy / Hansen’s Disease )

  11867. Skin Disease - Psoriasis ( Psoriasis )

  11868. Skin Disease or Dermatology - Overview

  11869. Skin Disorder - Atopic Dermatitis ( Eczema / Atopic Dermatitis )

  11870. Skin Disorder ( Dry Skin / Xerosis )

  11871. Skin Health - Summer Tips

  11872. Skin Infection (Impetigo)

  11873. Skin Inflammation (Eczema Facts)

  11874. Skin Injury - Burns ( Burns )

  11875. Skin Itching (Itch)

  11876. Skin Pigmentation Problems (Birthmarks and Other Skin Pigmentation Problems)

  11877. Skin Self Examination|Screening - Self Examination Skin

  11878. Skin Tag

  11879. Skin Test For Allergy

  11880. Skin, Laser Resurfacing (Laser Resurfacing)

  11881. Skipped Heart Beats (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  11882. Skull Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  11883. Slap Cheek (Fifth Disease)

  11884. Slate-dressers' or slate-miners' lung

  11885. SLE (Systemic Lupus)

  11886. Sleep

  11887. Sleep - About ( Learn About Sleep )

  11888. Sleep Aids (Sleep Aids And Stimulants)

  11889. Sleep Aids And Stimulants

  11890. Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens

  11891. Sleep Apnea

  11892. Sleep Disorder

  11893. Sleep Disorder (Sleep Apnea)

  11894. Sleep Disorder : Restless Legs Syndrome

  11895. Sleep Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition], Hypersomnia Type

  11896. Sleep Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition], Insomnia Type

  11897. Sleep Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition], Mixed Type

  11898. Sleep Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition], Parasomnia Type

  11899. Sleep Disorder, Periodic Limb Movement (Periodic Limb Movement Disorder)

  11900. Sleep Disorder: Insomnia

  11901. Sleep Disorder: Narcolepsy

  11902. Sleep Disorder: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

  11903. Sleep Disorder: Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

  11904. Sleep Disorder:Sleep Problems in Children

  11905. Sleep Disorders ( Parasomnias - Part II / Sleep Walking )

  11906. Sleep Disorders (Sleep)

  11907. Sleep Disorders and Acupuncture ( Acupuncture for Sleep Disorders )

  11908. Sleep Disorders in Elderly ( Ageing and Sleep )

  11909. Sleep Disorders: A Prelude

  11910. Sleep Disturbances In Women

  11911. Sleep Eating Disorders

  11912. Sleep hygiene

  11913. Sleep Hygiene (Insomnia)

  11914. Sleep Paralysis

  11915. Sleep Problems (Sleep)

  11916. Sleep Related Breathing Disorders

  11917. Sleep Stimulants (Sleep Aids And Stimulants)

  11918. Sleep Talking, Sleep Terrors and Nightmares

  11919. Sleep Terror Disorder

  11920. Sleep Walking ( Parasomnias - Part II / Sleep Disorders )

  11921. Sleep Walking ( Somnambulism )

  11922. Sleepiness (Problem Sleepiness)

  11923. Sleepiness, Excessive Daytime (Hypersomnia)

  11924. Sleeping Beauty Syndrome (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  11925. Sleeping sickness - see Sickness, sleeping

  11926. Sleeping sickness ( Trypanosomiasis )

  11927. Sleeplessness - see Insomnia

  11928. Sleep-wake schedule disorder

  11929. Sleepwalking

  11930. Sleepwalking Disorder

  11931. Sleepy During the Day (Problem Sleepiness)

  11932. Sliding Hiatal Hernia (Hiatal Hernia Overview)

  11933. Slim disease (in HIV infection)

  11934. Slipped, slipping

  11935. Slocumb's syndrome

  11936. Sloughing (multiple) (phagedena) (skin) - see also Gangrene

  11937. Slow

  11938. Slowing, urinary stream

  11939. Sluder's neuralgia (syndrome)

  11940. Slurred, slurring speech

  11941. Small (ness)

  11942. Small bowel atresia

  11943. Small Bowel Endoscopy (Balloon Endoscopy)

  11944. Small Head (Microcephaly)

  11945. Small Intestinal Endoscopy (Balloon Endoscopy)

  11946. Small Intestine Biopsy ( Biopsy-Small Intestine )

  11947. Small Intestine Resction (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  11948. Small-and-light-for-dates - see Small for dates

  11949. Small-for-dates (infant)

  11950. Smallpox

  11951. Smearing, fecal

  11952. Smell Disorders

  11953. Smelly Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  11954. Smelly Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  11955. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome

  11956. Smith's fracture

  11957. Smoke, Secondhand (Secondhand Smoke)

  11958. Smokeless Tobacco

  11959. Smoker - see Dependence, drug, nicotine

  11960. Smoker's

  11961. smokers cough (Chronic Bronchitis)

  11962. Smoker's Lung Pictures (Smoker's Lung: Pathology Photo Essay)

  11963. Smoker's Lung: Pathology Photo Essay

  11964. Smoking

  11965. Smoking (Smoking and Quitting Smoking)

  11966. Smoking among Women ( Rise in Tobacco Usage in Women )

  11967. Smoking And Cancer ( Cancer And Smoking )

  11968. Smoking and Heart Disease

  11969. Smoking and Quitting Smoking

  11970. Smoking And Tobacco

  11971. Smoking Cessation (Smoking and Quitting Smoking)

  11972. Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain (Weight Control and Smoking Cessation)

  11973. Smoking Cigarette - A Silent Killer ( Cigarette Smoking - A Silent Killer )

  11974. Smoking Cigarette - Health Hazards ( Health Hazards of Smoking Cigarettes )

  11975. Smoking During Pregnancy

  11976. Smoking, Marijuana (Marijuana)

  11977. Smothering spells

  11978. Snaggle teeth, tooth

  11979. Snake Bite

  11980. Snake Gourd Glory ( Glory of Snake Gourd )

  11981. Snakebite (Snake Bite)

  11982. Snakebites - The RIGHT Way to Deal

  11983. Snakebites (Snake Bite)

  11984. Snapping

  11985. Sneddon-Wilkinson disease or syndrome (sub-corneal pustular dermatosis)

  11986. Sneezing (Hay Fever)

  11987. Sneezing (intractable)

  11988. Sniffing

  11989. Sniffles

  11990. Snoring

  11991. Snoring Surgery (Somnoplasty)

  11992. Snow blindness - see Photokeratitis

  11993. Snuff (Smokeless Tobacco)

  11994. Snuffles (non-syphilitic)

  11995. Social

  11996. Social Phobia

  11997. Sociopathic Personality Disorder (Antisocial Personality Disorder)

  11998. Sodium (Electrolytes)

  11999. Sodium, Low Levels in the Blood (Hyponatremia)

  12000. Sodoku

  12001. Soemmerring's ring - see Cataract, secondary

  12002. Soft - see also condition

  12003. Softening

  12004. Solar Keratosis (Actinic Keratosis)

  12005. Sole Sweating, Excessive (Hyperhidrosis)

  12006. Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of the Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  12007. Solitary

  12008. Solvent abuse - see Abuse, drug, inhalant

  12009. Somatization Disorder

  12010. Somatization reaction, somatic reaction - see Disorder, somatoform

  12011. Somatoform Disorder NOS

  12012. Somnambulism ( Sleep Walking )

  12013. Somnambulism (Sleepwalking)

  12014. Somnambulism

  12015. Somnolence

  12016. Somnoplasty

  12017. Sonne dysentery

  12018. Sonogram (Ultrasound)

  12019. Soor

  12020. Sore

  12021. Sore Nipples: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  12022. Sore Throat (Pharyngitis)

  12023. Sores, Canker (Canker Sores)

  12024. Soto's syndrome (cerebral gigantism)

  12025. Sound Alike / Look Alike (LASA or SALA ) Drugs ( Look Alike / Sound South Beach Diet ( Diet - South Beach )

  12026. Southeast Asian Hemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever)

  12027. Soy ( Soya - A Holy Food )

  12028. Soya - A Holy Food ( Soy )

  12029. Spacing

  12030. Spade-like hand (congenital)

  12031. Spading nail

  12032. Spanish collar

  12033. Sparganosis

  12034. Sparkling Eyes - How to Get with Healthy Diet ( Healthy Diet For Sparkling Eyes / Foods that Gives You Sparkling Eyes )

  12035. Spasm (s) - see also condition

  12036. Spasmodic - see condition

  12037. Spasmodic Torticollis (Dystonia)

  12038. Spasmophilia - see Tetany

  12039. Spasmus nutans

  12040. Spastic Cerebral Palsy (Cerebral Palsy)

  12041. Spastic Colitis (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS))

  12042. Spastic Colon ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome )

  12043. Spastic Colon (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS))

  12044. Spastic, spasticity - see also Spasm

  12045. Speaker's throat

  12046. Special Needs and Assistance During Flight - During Travel

  12047. Specific Phobia

  12048. Specific, specified - see condition

  12049. Speech

  12050. Speech and Autism (Autism and Communication)

  12051. Speech Disorder (Stuttering)

  12052. Spencer's disease

  12053. Spens' syndrome (syncope with heart block)

  12054. Sperm counts (fertility testing)

  12055. Spermatic cord - see condition

  12056. Spermatocele

  12057. Spermatocystitis

  12058. Spermatocytoma

  12059. Spermatorrhea

  12060. Spermicides (Barrier Methods of Birth Control)

  12061. Sphacelus - see Gangrene

  12062. Sphenoidal - see condition

  12063. Sphenoiditis (chronic) - see Sinusitis, sphenoidal

  12064. Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia

  12065. Sphericity, increased, lens (congenital)

  12066. Spherocytosis (congenital) (familial) (hereditary)

  12067. Spherophakia

  12068. Sphincter - see condition

  12069. Sphincteritis, sphincter of Oddi - see Cholangitis

  12070. Sphingolipidosis

  12071. Sphingomyelinase Deficiency | Sphingomyelin Lipidosis ( Niemann-Pick Disease / DAF Syndrome )

  12072. Sphingomyelinosis

  12073. Spicule tooth

  12074. Spider

  12075. Spider Bites (Black Widow and Brown Recluse)

  12076. Spider Veins (Varicose Veins)

  12077. Spiegler-Fendt

  12078. Spielmeyer-Vogt disease

  12079. Spigelian Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  12080. Spina bifida (aperta)

  12081. Spina Bifida and Anencephaly

  12082. Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia ( Anesthesia-Spinal and Epidural )

  12083. Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation

  12084. Spinal Epidural for Childbirth (Pregnancy: Pain Relief Options for Birth)

  12085. Spinal Headaches

  12086. Spinal Lumbar Stenosis (Lumbar Stenosis)

  12087. Spinal Nerve Compression (Radiculopathy)

  12088. Spinal Puncture (Lumbar Puncture)

  12089. Spinal Stenosis (Lumbar Stenosis)

  12090. Spinal Tap (Lumbar Puncture)

  12091. Spindle, Krukenberg's - see Pigmentation, cornea, posterior

  12092. Spine Curvature (Scoliosis)

  12093. Spine, spinal - see condition

  12094. Spiradenoma (eccrine) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  12095. Spiral Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  12096. Spirillosis

  12097. Spirillum

  12098. Spirochetal - see condition

  12099. Spirochetosis

  12100. Spirometrosis

  12101. Spirulina -The Wonder Food ( Wonder Food - Spirulina )

  12102. Spitting blood - see Hemoptysis

  12103. Splanchnoptosis

  12104. Spleen, splenic - see condition

  12105. Splenectasis - see Splenomegaly

  12106. Splenitis (interstitial) (malignant) (nonspecific)

  12107. Splenocele

  12108. splenomegaly, Gaucher (Gaucher Disease)

  12109. Splenomegaly, splenomegalia (Bengal) (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) (tropical)

  12110. Splenopathy

  12111. Splenoptosis

  12112. Splenosis

  12113. Splinter - see Foreign body, superficial, by site

  12114. Split Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)

  12115. Split, splitting

  12116. Spondylarthrosis - see Spondylosis

  12117. Spondylitis (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

  12118. Spondylitis (chronic) - see also Spondylopathy, inflammatory

  12119. Spondyloarthropathy (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

  12120. Spondylolisthesis

  12121. Spondylolisthesis (acquired) (degenerative)

  12122. Spondylolysis (acquired)

  12123. Spondylolysis (Low Back Pain)

  12124. Spondylopathy

  12125. Spondylosis

  12126. Sponge

  12127. Sponge (Birth Control Methods)

  12128. SpongeBob Unsuitable for Kids - Study ( Cartoon Character SpongyBob unsuitable for kids )

  12129. Sponge-diver's disease - see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone

  12130. Spongioblastoma (any type) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  12131. Spongioneuroblastoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  12132. Spongy Degeneration of the Nervous System (Canavan Disease)

  12133. Spontaneous - see also condition

  12134. Spontaneous Abortion ( Miscarriage )

  12135. Spontaneous Pneumothorax (Pneumothorax) Spoon nail

  12136. Sporadic - see condition

  12137. Sporadic Swine Influenza A Virus (Swine Flu)

  12138. Sporothrix schenckii infection - see Sporotrichosis

  12139. Sporotrichosis

  12140. Sports Injuries - Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy to Treat

  12141. Spotted fever - see Fever, spotted

  12142. Spotting During Pregnancy (Pregnancy: Bleeding During the First Trimester)

  12143. Spousal Abuse (Domestic Violence)

  12144. Sprain (joint) (ligament)

  12145. Sprain, Neck (Whiplash)

  12146. Sprengel's deformity (congenital)

  12147. Sprouts the Super Food – “Powerhouse of Nutrients”

  12148. Sprue (Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy))

  12149. Sprue (tropical)

  12150. Spur, bone - see also Enthesopathy

  12151. Spur, Heel (Heel Spurs)

  12152. Spurway's syndrome

  12153. Sputum

  12154. Squamous - see also condition

  12155. Squamous Cell Cancer of the Skin ( Cancer of Squamous Cells )

  12156. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Skin Cancer Overview)

  12157. Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion, Cervical (Cervical Dysplasia)

  12158. Squashed nose

  12159. Squeeze, diver's

  12160. Squint - see also Strabismus

  12161. St. Hubert's disease

  12162. Stab - see also Laceration

  12163. Stafne's cyst or cavity

  12164. Stage N1 Sleep (Sleep)

  12165. Stage N2 Sleep (Sleep)

  12166. Stage N3 Sleep (Sleep)

  12167. Staggering gait

  12168. Staghorn calculus - see Calculus, kidney

  12169. Stähli's line (cornea) (pigment) - see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior

  12170. Stain, staining

  12171. Stale Fish Syndrome (Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria))

  12172. Stammering - see also Disorder, fluency

  12173. Stammering ( Stuttering )

  12174. Standstill

  12175. Stannosis

  12176. Stanton's disease - see Melioidosis

  12177. Staph (Staph Infection)

  12178. Staph Infection

  12179. Staphylitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) K12.2

  12180. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

  12181. Staphylococcemia

  12182. Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph Infection)

  12183. Staphylococcus, staphylococcal - see also condition

  12184. Staphyloma (sclera)

  12185. Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

  12186. Stargardt's disease - see Dystrophy, retina

  12187. Starvation (inanition) (due to lack of food)

  12188. Stasis

  12189. Statins ( New Wonder Drug )

  12190. STD In Men (STDs in Men Overview)

  12191. STD In Women (Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs In Women))

  12192. STDs In Men (STDs in Men Overview)

  12193. STDs in Men Overview

  12194. STDs In Women (Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs In Women))

  12195. Steam burn - see Burn

  12196. Steatocystoma multiplex

  12197. Steatohepatitis (nonalcoholic) (NASH)

  12198. Steatoma

  12199. Steatorrhea (chronic)

  12200. Steatosis (Fatty Liver)

  12201. Steatosis

  12202. Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease or syndrome

  12203. Steinbrocker's syndrome

  12204. Steinert's disease

  12205. Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (Polycystic Ovary)

  12206. Stein-Leventhal syndrome

  12207. Stein's syndrome

  12208. Stem Cell Banks - Hope for a Healthier Humanity

  12209. Stem Cell Transplant (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant)

  12210. Stem Cells

  12211. Stem Cells - Cord Blood

  12212. Stem Cells - Fundamentals

  12213. Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering for Tooth Regeneration ( Tooth Regeneration: A Reality of Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering )

  12214. STEMI - see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation

  12215. Stenocardia

  12216. Stenocephaly

  12217. Stenosing Tenosynovitis (Trigger Finger)

  12218. Stenosis, Lumbar (Lumbar Stenosis)

  12219. Stenosis, Spinal (Lumbar Stenosis)

  12220. Stenosis, stenotic (cicatricial) - see also Stricture

  12221. Stent jail

  12222. Stents (Coronary Angioplasty)

  12223. Stercolith (impaction)

  12224. Stercoraceous, stercoral ulcer

  12225. Stereotypic Movement Disorder

  12226. Stereotypies NEC

  12227. Sterility - see Infertility

  12228. Sterilization - see Encounter (for), sterilization

  12229. Sterilization, Hysteroscopic (Surgical Sterilization)

  12230. Sterilization, Surgical (Surgical Sterilization)

  12231. Sternalgia - see Angina

  12232. Sternopagus

  12233. Sternum bifidum

  12234. Steroid

  12235. Steroid Injection, Epidural (Epidural Steroid Injection)

  12236. Steroid Withdrawal

  12237. Steroids for Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis ( Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Treatment Using Corticosteroid ) Stiff Neck ( Torticollis / Wryneck / Cervical Dystonia )

  12238. Steroids to Treat Arthritis

  12239. Stevens-Johnson disease or syndrome

  12240. Stewart-Morel syndrome

  12241. Sticker's disease

  12242. Sticky eye - see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

  12243. Sticky Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  12244. Stieda's disease - see Bursitis, tibial collateral

  12245. Stiff Lung (ARDS)

  12246. Stiff neck - see Torticollis

  12247. Stiff-man syndrome

  12248. Stiffness, joint NEC

  12249. Stiff-Person Syndrome

  12250. Stigmata congenital syphilis

  12251. Stillbirth

  12252. Still-Felty syndrome - see Felty's syndrome

  12253. Still's Disease

  12254. Stills Disease (Still's Disease)

  12255. Still's disease or syndrome (juvenile)

  12256. Stimulation, ovary

  12257. Sting (venomous) (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by animal or substance, poisoning

  12258. Stings and Bug Bites (Bug Bites and Stings)

  12259. Stinky Breath (Bad Breath)

  12260. Stinky Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  12261. Stinky Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  12262. Stippled epiphyses

  12263. Stitch

  12264. Stitches

  12265. Stokes' disease

  12266. Stokes-Adams disease or syndrome

  12267. Stokvis (-Talma)

  12268. Stoma malfunction

  12269. Stomach - see condition

  12270. Stomach Ache (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  12271. Stomach Bypass (Gastric Bypass Surgery)

  12272. Stomach Cancer

  12273. Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  12274. Stomach Lining Inflammation (Gastritis)

  12275. Stomach Pain (Gastritis)

  12276. Stomach Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer)

  12277. Stomach Upset (Dyspepsia)

  12278. Stomatitis (denture) (ulcerative)

  12279. Stomatocytosis

  12280. Stomatomycosis

  12281. Stone (s) - see also Calculus

  12282. Stone in Urinary Tract - Management & Prevention ( Kidney Stones / Renal

  12283. Stonecutter's lung

  12284. Stonemason's asthma, disease, lung or pneumoconiosis

  12285. Stones / Bladder Stones / Ureteric Stones Nephrolithiasis )

  12286. Stones in Kidney ( Renal Stones / Kidney Stones )

  12287. Stool Acidity Test

  12288. Stool Blood Test (Fecal Occult Blood Tests)

  12289. Stool Color Changes

  12290. Stool Test ( Testing of Stool )

  12291. Stool Test, Acid (Stool Acidity Test)

  12292. Stoppage

  12293. Storm, thyroid - see Thyrotoxicosis

  12294. Strabismus

  12295. Strabismus (congenital) (nonparalytic)

  12296. Strabismus Treatment, Botox (Botox Treatment) Strain

  12297. Strain, Neck (Whiplash)

  12298. Strained Voice (Hoarseness)

  12299. Straining, on urination

  12300. Strand, vitreous - see Opacity, vitreous, membranes and strands

  12301. Strangulation, strangulated - see also Asphyxia, traumatic

  12302. Strangury

  12303. Straw itch

  12304. Strawberry

  12305. Strawberry (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  12306. Strawberry Tongue (Tongue Problems)

  12307. Streak (s)

  12308. Strep Throat (GAS)

  12309. Strep Throat Infection Test (Rapid Strep Test)

  12310. Strephosymbolia

  12311. Streptobacillary fever

  12312. Streptobacillosis

  12313. Streptobacillus moniliformis

  12314. Streptococcus, Group A Test (Rapid Strep Test)

  12315. Streptococcus, streptococcal - see also condition

  12316. Streptomycosis

  12317. Streptotrichosis

  12318. Stress

  12319. Stress and Heart Disease

  12320. Stress and the Gender Divide

  12321. Stress Control (Stress Management Techniques)

  12322. Stress Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  12323. Stress Incontinence

  12324. Stress Incontinence - Management

  12325. Stress Management Techniques

  12326. Stress Reduction (Stress Management Techniques)

  12327. Stress Tests For Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease Screening Tests (CAD))

  12328. Stress Throat Test, Rapid (Rapid Strep Test)

  12329. Stress Ulcer Medications: Overuse and Misuse ( Treatment of Stress Ulcers )

  12330. Stress, Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer and Coping With Stress)

  12331. Stretching, nerve - see Injury, nerve

  12332. Striae albicantes, atrophicae or distensae (cutis)

  12333. Stricture - see also Stenosis

  12334. Stridor

  12335. Stridulous - see condition

  12336. Stroke

  12337. Stroke - How to Deal ( How to Deal with a Stroke )

  12338. Stroke - How To Prevent

  12339. Stroke (apoplectic) (brain) (embolic) (ischemic) (paralytic) (thrombotic)

  12340. Stroke Outcomes Can be Improved Significantly by Simple Protocols

  12341. Stroke Prevention

  12342. Stroke Symptoms and Treatment

  12343. Stroke, Heat (Heat Stroke)

  12344. Stroke-like Episodes (MELAS Syndrome)

  12345. Stromatosis, endometrial

  12346. Strongyloidiasis, strongyloidosis

  12347. Strophulus pruriginosus

  12348. Struck by lightning - see Lightning

  12349. Structural - Birth Defect ( Birth Defect - Structural Defects ) Stuttering ( Stammering )

  12350. Struma - see also Goiter Strumipriva cachexia

  12351. Strümpell-Marie spine - Strümpell-Westphal pseudosclerosis

  12352. Stuart deficiency disease (factor X)

  12353. Stuart-Prower factor deficiency (factor X)

  12354. Student's elbow - see Bursitis, elbow, olecranon

  12355. Study, Gastric Emptying (Gastric Emptying Study)

  12356. Stump - see Amputation

  12357. Stunting, nutritional

  12358. Stupor (catatonic)

  12359. Sturge (-Weber) (-Dimitri) (-Kalischer)

  12360. Stuttering

  12361. Sty (Stye)

  12362. Sty, stye (external) (internal) (meibomian) (zeisian) - see Hordeolum

  12363. Subacidity, gastric

  12364. Subacute - see condition

  12365. Subacute Thyroiditis (Thyroiditis)

  12366. Subarachnoid - see condition

  12367. Subclinical Hypothyroidism (Hypothyroidism)

  12368. Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

  12369. Subcortical - see condition

  12370. Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy (Binswanger's Disease)

  12371. Subcortical Dementia (Dementia)

  12372. Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease (Binswanger's Disease)

  12373. Subcostal syndrome, nerve compression - see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified site NEC

  12374. Subcutaneous, subcuticular - see condition

  12375. Subdural - see condition

  12376. Subendocardium - see condition

  12377. Subependymoma

  12378. Suberosis

  12379. Subglossitis - see Glossitis

  12380. Subhemophilia

  12381. Subinvolution

  12382. Sublingual - see condition

  12383. Sublinguitis - see Sialoadenitis

  12384. Subluxatable hip

  12385. Subluxation - see also Dislocation

  12386. Submaxillary - see condition

  12387. Submersion (fatal) (nonfatal)

  12388. Submucous - see condition

  12389. Subnormal, subnormality

  12390. Subphrenic - see condition

  12391. Subpial Transection (Multiple Subpial Transection)

  12392. Subscapular nerve - see condition

  12393. Subseptus uterus

  12394. Subsiding appendicitis

  12395. Substance Abuse ( Psychoactive Substances / Drug Abuse )

  12396. Substance Abuse (Drug Abuse)

  12397. Substance Abuse in Teens (Teen Drug Abuse)

  12398. Substernal thyroid

  12399. Substitution disorder

  12400. Subtentorial - see condition

  12401. Subthyroidism (acquired) - see also Hypothyroidism

  12402. Subungual Hematoma (Hematoma)

  12403. Succenturiate placenta

  12404. Sucking thumb, child (excessive)

  12405. Suction Assisted Lipoplasty (Lipoplasty (Ultrasonic Assisted))

  12406. Sudamen, sudamina

  12407. Sudanese kala-azar

  12408. Sudden

  12409. Sudden Cardiac Death

  12410. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( Cot Death )

  12411. Sudecks Atrophy (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome)

  12412. Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome - see Algoneurodystrophy

  12413. Suffocation - see Asphyxia, traumatic

  12414. Sugar

  12415. Sugar Test (Glucose Tolerance Test)

  12416. Sugar: Time to Look beyond Its Sweetness

  12417. Suicide

  12418. Suicide Prevention

  12419. Suicide, suicidal (attempted)

  12420. Suipestifer infection - see Infection, salmonella

  12421. Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia (acquired) (with methemoglobinemia)

  12422. Sumatran mite fever

  12423. Summer - see condition

  12424. Summer Fun - Summer Tips

  12425. Summer safety tips for Children - Summer Tips

  12426. Sun and your skin - Summer Tips

  12427. Sun Protection and Sunscreens

  12428. Sunburn and Sun Poisoning

  12429. Sunburn

  12430. SUNCT (short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing) G44.059

  12431. Sundaram General Insurance Company )

  12432. Sunglasses (Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers)

  12433. Sunken acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip

  12434. Sunscreen and Sun Protection (Sun Protection and Sunscreens)

  12435. Sun-Sensitive Drugs (Photosensitivity to Drugs)

  12436. Sun-Sensitizing Drugs (Sun-Sensitive Drugs (Photosensitivity to Drugs))

  12437. Sunstroke

  12438. Super Broccoli to Fight Cancer

  12439. Super Bug - MRSA ( MRSA – The Super Bug )

  12440. Super Foods

  12441. Superfecundation - see Pregnancy, multiple

  12442. Superfetation - see Pregnancy, multiple

  12443. Superficial Thrombophlebitis (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  12444. Superfood Pomegranate for Beauty and Wellness ( Pomegranate for Beauty and Wellness )

  12445. Superinvolution (uterus)

  12446. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

  12447. Supernumerary (congenital) Supplemental teeth

  12448. Supplements (Vitamins and Calcium Supplements)

  12449. Supplements and Pregnancy (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  12450. Supplements for Muscle Building and Health )

  12451. Supplements of Protein for Muscle Building and Health ( Protein Support System for the Gut - Probiotics ( Probiotics - Support System for the Gut )

  12452. Suppression

  12453. Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition

  12454. Suppurative Fasciitis (Necrotizing Fasciitis)

  12455. Supracervical Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  12456. Supraeruption of tooth (teeth)

  12457. Supraglottitis

  12458. Suprarenal (gland) - see condition

  12459. Suprascapular nerve - see condition

  12460. Suprasellar - see condition

  12461. Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis Syndrome (Williams Syndrome)

  12462. Supraventricular Tachycardia, Paroxysmal (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  12463. Surface Echo (Echocardiogram)

  12464. Surface Electromyogram (Electromyogram)

  12465. Surfer's knots or nodules

  12466. Surfer's Nodules (Mycobacterium Marinum)

  12467. Surgery - Laser Vision Correction ( Laser Vision Correction Surgery )

  12468. Surgery - LASIK ( LASIK Surgery )

  12469. Surgery Breast Biopsy (Breast Biopsy)

  12470. Surgery, Bowel Resection (Bowel Diversion Surgery Ileostomy, Colostomy)

  12471. Surgery, Gastric Banding (Lap Band Surgery (Gastric Banding))

  12472. Surgery, Lap Band (Lap Band Surgery (Gastric Banding))

  12473. Surgery, Sinus (Sinus Surgery)

  12474. Surgery, Ulcerative Colitis (Ulcerative Colitis Surgery)

  12475. Surgical

  12476. Surgical Menopause (Premature Menopause (Medical Procedural Causes))

  12477. Surgical Options for Epilepsy

  12478. Surgical Sterilization

  12479. Surrogacy (Infertility)

  12480. Surveillance (of) (for) - see also Observation

  12481. Surviving Cancer

  12482. Susceptibility to disease, genetic

  12483. Suspected condition, ruled out - see also Observation, suspected

  12484. Suspended uterus

  12485. Suttering Priapism (Priapism (Penis Disorder))

  12486. Sutton's nevus

  12487. Suture

  12488. Sutures (Stitches)

  12489. Swab inadvertently left in operation wound - see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure

  12490. Swallowed, swallowing

  12491. Swallowing

  12492. Swallowing Problems (Swallowing)

  12493. Swan-neck deformity (finger) - see Deformity, finger, swan-neck

  12494. Swearing, compulsive

  12495. Sweat Chloride Test

  12496. Sweat Test (Sweat Chloride Test)

  12497. Sweat, sweats

  12498. Sweating At Night (Night Sweats)

  12499. Sweating, excessive

  12500. Sweeley-Klionsky disease

  12501. Sweet's disease or dermatosis

  12502. Swelling Of Tissues (Edema)

  12503. Swift (-Feer)

  12504. Swimmer's

  12505. Swimming in the head

  12506. Swimming Pool Granuloma (Mycobacterium Marinum)

  12507. Swine Flu

  12508. Swine Flu ( Swine Influenza / Hog Flu / Pig Flu )

  12509. Swine Influenza ( Swine Flu / Hog Flu / Pig Flu )

  12510. Swollen - see Swelling

  12511. Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet

  12512. Swollen Gums

  12513. Swollen Kidney (Hydronephrosis)

  12514. Swollen Lymph Glands (Swollen Lymph Nodes)

  12515. Swollen Lymph Nodes

  12516. Swyer syndrome

  12517. Sycosis

  12518. Sydenham's chorea - see Chorea, Sydenham's

  12519. Sylvatic yellow fever

  12520. Sylvest's disease

  12521. Symblepharon

  12522. Symond's syndrome

  12523. Sympathetic - see condition

  12524. Sympatheticotonia

  12525. Sympathicoblastoma

  12526. Sympathogonioma - see Sympathicoblastoma

  12527. Symphalangy (fingers) (toes)

  12528. Symptom Evaluation of Breast Lumps in Women ( Breast Lumps in Women - Symptom Evaluation )

  12529. Symptom Evaluation of Tinnitus ( Tinnitus Symptom Evaluation )

  12530. Symptoms NEC

  12531. Symptoms of Seizures (Seizures Symptoms and Types)

  12532. Symptothermal Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  12533. Sympus

  12534. Syncephalus

  12535. Synchondrosis

  12536. Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter (SDF) ( Hiccups / Hiccoughs / Singultus )

  12537. Synchysis (scintillans) (senile) (vitreous body)

  12538. Syncope (Fainting)

  12539. Syncope (near) (pre-)

  12540. Syndactylism, syndactyly

  12541. Syndrome - see also Disease

  12542. Syndrome X (Metabolic Syndrome)

  12543. Syndrome, Asperger (Asperger Syndrome)

  12544. Syndrome, Behcet's (Behcet's Syndrome)

  12545. Syndrome, Campomelic (Campomelic Dysplasia)

  12546. Syndrome, Cauda Equina (Cauda Equina Syndrome)

  12547. Syndrome, Compartment (Compartment Syndrome)

  12548. Syndrome, Cyclic Vomiting (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS))

  12549. Syndrome, Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  12550. Syndrome, Hemolytic Uremic (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome)

  12551. Syndrome, Kleine-Levin (Kleine-Levin Syndrome)

  12552. Syndrome, Leigh's (Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease))

  12553. Syndrome, Loeys-Dietz (Loeys-Dietz Syndrome)

  12554. Syndrome, Marfan (Marfan Syndrome)

  12555. Syndrome, Prader-Willi (Prader-Willi Syndrome)

  12556. Syndrome, Restless Legs (Restless Leg Syndrome)

  12557. Syndrome, Stiff-Person (Stiff-Person Syndrome)

  12558. Synechia (anterior) (iris) (posterior) (pupil) - see also Adhesions, iris

  12559. Synesthesia

  12560. Syngamiasis, syngamosis

  12561. Synodontia

  12562. Synorchidism, synorchism

  12563. Synostosis (congenital)

  12564. Synovial Cyst (Ganglion)

  12565. Synovial sarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  12566. Synovioma (malignant) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  12567. Synoviosarcoma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

  12568. Synovitis - see also Tenosynovitis

  12569. Syphilid

  12570. Syphilis

  12571. Syphilis (STDs in Men Overview)

  12572. Syphilis in Women Overview

  12573. Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired)

  12574. Syphiloma

  12575. Syphilophobia

  12576. Syringadenoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

  12577. Syringobulbia

  12578. Syringocystadenoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  12579. Syringoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

  12580. Syringomyelia

  12581. Syringomyelitis - see Encephalitis

  12582. Syringomyelocele - see Spina bifida

  12583. Syringopontia

  12584. System, systemic - see also condition

  12585. Systemic Lupus

  12586. Systemic Lupus (Systemic Lupus)

  12587. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  12588. Systemic Onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Still's Disease)

  12589. Tabacism, tabacosis, tabagism - see also Poisoning, tobacco

  12590. Tabardillo

  12591. Tabes, tabetic

  12592. Taboparalysis

  12593. Taboparesis (remission)

  12594. TAC (trigeminal autonomic cephalgia)

  12595. Tache noir

  12596. Tachyalimentation

  12597. Tachyarrhythmia, tachyrhythmia - see Tachycardia Tachycardia

  12598. Tachycardia (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  12599. Tachycardia, Paroxysmal Atrial (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  12600. Tachycardia, Paroxysmal Supraventricular (Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT))

  12601. Tachygastria

  12602. Tachypnea

  12603. TACO (transfusion associated circulatory overload)

  12604. Taenia (infection) (infestation)

  12605. Taeniasis (intestine) - see Taenia

  12606. Tag (hypertrophied skin) (infected)

  12607. Tahyna fever

  12608. Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia)

  12609. Tailor's Bunion (Bunions)

  12610. Takahara's disease

  12611. Takayasu Arteritis

  12612. Takayasu Arteritis (Takayasu Disease)

  12613. Takayasu Disease

  12614. Takayasu's disease or syndrome

  12615. Taking Dental Medications

  12616. Talcosis (pulmonary)

  12617. Talipes ( Equinovarus / Club Foot )

  12618. Talipes (congenital)

  12619. Talipes Equinovarus ( Talipes / Club Foot )

  12620. Tall stature, constitutional

  12621. Talma's disease

  12622. Talon noir S90.3- Tamponade, heart

  12623. Tanapox (virus disease)

  12624. Tangier disease

  12625. Tantrum, child problem

  12626. Tapeworm (infection) (infestation) - see Infestation, tapeworm

  12627. Tapeworm Infections

  12628. Tapia's syndrome

  12629. TAR (thrombocytopenia with absent radius)

  12630. Tarral-Besnier disease

  12631. Tarry Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  12632. Tarsal Cyst (Chalazion)

  12633. Tarsal tunnel syndrome - see Syndrome, tarsal tunnel

  12634. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

  12635. Tarsalgia - see Pain, limb, lower

  12636. Tarsitis (eyelid)

  12637. Tartar (teeth) (dental calculus)

  12638. Taste Disorders

  12639. Tattoo (mark)

  12640. Tattoo Removal

  12641. Tattoos – A Body Art

  12642. Tauri's disease

  12643. Taurodontism

  12644. Taussig-Bing syndrome

  12645. Taybi's syndrome

  12646. Tay-Sachs amaurotic familial idiocy or disease

  12647. TB ( Tuberculosis / Pulmonary Tuberculosis / Lung Tuberculosis )

  12648. TB (Tuberculosis (TB) Facts)

  12649. TBI (Brain Damage: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment)

  12650. TBI (traumatic brain injury)

  12651. Teacher's node or nodule

  12652. Tear Cancer ( Basal Cell Cancer of the Skin | Basal Cell Carcinoma / Rodent Ulcer )

  12653. Tear In the Aorta (Aortic Dissection)

  12654. Tear, torn (traumatic) - see also Laceration

  12655. Tear-stone - see Dacryolith

  12656. Teen Addiction (Teen Drug Abuse)

  12657. Teen Depression

  12658. Teen Drug Abuse

  12659. Teen Intimate Partner Abuse (Domestic Violence)

  12660. Teenage Behavior Disorders (Mental Health (Psychology))

  12661. Teenage Drinking (Alcohol and Teens)

  12662. Teenage Sexuality (Puberty)

  12663. Teenagers

  12664. Teenager's Fracture (Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries)

  12665. Teenagers, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  12666. Teens and Alcohol (Alcohol and Teens)

  12667. Teens Sex Education ( Sex Education For Teens )

  12668. Teeth - Loose Teeth ( Loose Teeth / Dental - Loose Teeth )

  12669. Teeth - see also condition

  12670. Teeth and Gum Care

  12671. Teeth Clenching ( Bruxism / Tooth Grinding / Jaw Clenching / Parasomnia )

  12672. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

  12673. Teeth Whitening

  12674. Teething

  12675. Teething (syndrome)

  12676. Telangiectasia, telangiectasis (verrucous)

  12677. Telangiectasias (Varicose Veins)

  12678. Telemonitoring

  12679. Telephone scatologia

  12680. Telescoped bowel or intestine

  12681. Temperature

  12682. Temple - see condition

  12683. Temporal - see condition

  12684. Temporal Arteritis ( Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) )

  12685. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (Seizure)

  12686. Temporal Lobe Resection

  12687. Temporary Loss Of Consciousness (Fainting)

  12688. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) )

  12689. Temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome

  12690. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) )

  12691. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

  12692. Temporosphenoidal - see condition

  12693. Tendency

  12694. Tenderness, abdominal

  12695. Tendinitis Shoulder (Rotator Cuff)

  12696. Tendinitis, Rotator Cuff (Rotator Cuff)

  12697. Tendinitis, tendonitis - see also Enthesopathy

  12698. Tendon - see condition

  12699. Tendosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis

  12700. Tenesmus (rectal)

  12701. Tennis Elbow

  12702. Tennis elbow - see Epicondylitis, lateral

  12703. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

  12704. Tenonitis - see also Tenosynovitis

  12705. Tenontosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis

  12706. Tenontothecitis - see Tenosynovitis

  12707. Tenophyte - see Disorder, synovium, specified type NEC

  12708. Tenosynovitis - see also Synovitis

  12709. Tenovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis

  12710. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

  12711. Tension

  12712. Tension Headache

  12713. Tentorium - see condition

  12714. Teratencephalus

  12715. Teratism

  12716. Teratoblastoma (malignant) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  12717. Teratocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  12718. Teratogenic Drugs (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  12719. Teratogens, Drug (Pregnancy Drug Dangers)

  12720. Teratoma (solid) - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  12721. Terminal Ileitis (Crohn's Disease)

  12722. Ternidens diminutus infestation

  12723. Ternidensiasis

  12724. Terror (s) night (child)

  12725. Terrorism, victim of

  12726. Terry's syndrome

  12727. Tertiary - see condition

  12728. Tertiary Hyopgonadism (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  12729. Test for Lactose Intolerance (Lactose Tolerance Test)

  12730. Test, Esophageal pH (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  12731. Test, Ferritin (Ferritin Blood Test)

  12732. Test, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  12733. Test, GERD (Esophageal pH Monitoring)

  12734. Test, Homocysteine (Homocysteine)

  12735. Test, HPV (Cervista HPV Test)

  12736. Test, Pap (Pap Smear)

  12737. Test, Quad Marker Screening (Quad Marker Screen Test)

  12738. Test, tests, testing (for)

  12739. Test, Triglycerides (Triglyceride Test)

  12740. Testicle Cancer (Testicular Cancer)

  12741. Testicle Infection (Testicular Disorders)

  12742. Testicle Pain (Testicular Disorders)

  12743. Testicle Tumor (Testicular Disorders)

  12744. Testicle, testicular, testis - see also condition

  12745. Testicular Cancer

  12746. Testicular Cancer ( Cancer of Testicles )

  12747. Testicular Disorders

  12748. Testicular Self Examination ( Self Examination of Testicular )

  12749. Testicular Torsion (Testicular Disorders)

  12750. Testing of Stool ( Stool Test )

  12751. Testis Cancer (Testicular Cancer)

  12752. Testosterone Therapy to Treat ED

  12753. Testosterone, Low (Low Testosterone (Low T))

  12754. Tests During Third Trimester of Pregnancy (Third Trimester Tests During Pregnancy)

  12755. Tests for Diabetes (Urine Tests for Diabetes)

  12756. Tests, Pregnancy (Pregnancy Test)

  12757. Tests, Prenatal (Pregnancy: Prenatal Care and Tests)

  12758. Tetanic Contractions (Tetanus)

  12759. Tetanic Spasms (Tetanus)

  12760. Tetanus

  12761. Tetanus, tetanic (cephalic) (convulsions)

  12762. Tetany (due to)

  12763. Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency

  12764. Tetralogy of Fallot

  12765. Tetraplegia (chronic) - see also Quadriplegia

  12766. Thai Hemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever)

  12767. Thailand hemorrhagic fever

  12768. Thalassanemia - see Thalassemia

  12769. Thalassemia

  12770. Thalassemia (anemia) (disease)

  12771. Thalassemia (Beta Thalassemia)

  12772. Thalassemia Major (Beta Thalassemia)

  12773. Thalassemia Minor (Beta Thalassemia)

  12774. Thallium

  12775. Thanatophoric dwarfism or short stature

  12776. Thaysen-Gee disease (nontropical sprue)

  12777. Thaysen's disease

  12778. The Digestion Process (Organs and Functions)

  12779. The Minipill (Hormonal Methods of Birth Control)

  12780. The Pill (Hormonal Methods of Birth Control)

  12781. Thecal Puncture (Lumbar Puncture)

  12782. Thecoma

  12783. Thelarche, premature

  12784. Thelaziasis

  12785. Thelitis

  12786. Therapeutic - see condition

  12787. Therapy

  12788. Thermic - see condition

  12789. Thermography (abnormal) - see also Abnormal, diagnostic imaging

  12790. Thermoplegia

  12791. Thesaurismosis, glycogen - see Disease, glycogen storage

  12792. Thiamin deficiency

  12793. Thiaminic deficiency with beriberi

  12794. Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome - see Sclerosis, systemic

  12795. Thickening

  12796. Thigh - see condition

  12797. Thinning Hair (Hair Loss)

  12798. Thinning vertebra - see Spondylopathy, specified NEC

  12799. Third Degree Burns (Burns)

  12800. Third Degree Heart Block (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  12801. Third Trimester of Pregnancy (Pregnancy)

  12802. Third Trimester Tests During Pregnancy

  12803. Thirst, excessive

  12804. Thomsen disease

  12805. Thoracic - see also condition

  12806. Thoracic Disc (Degenerative Disc)

  12807. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

  12808. Thoracic Radiculopathy (Radiculopathy)

  12809. Thoracogastroschisis (congenital)

  12810. Thoracopagus

  12811. Thorax - see condition

  12812. Thorn Arthritis (Plant Thorn Synovitis)

  12813. Thorn's syndrome

  12814. Thorson-Björck syndrome

  12815. Threadworm (infection) (infestation)

  12816. Threatened

  12817. Three-day fever

  12818. Threshers' lung

  12819. Thrix annulata (congenital)

  12820. Throat - see condition

  12821. Throat Cancer ( Laryngeal Cancer|Laryngeal Carcinoma / Cancer of Larynx )

  12822. Throat, Strep (Strep Throat (GAS))

  12823. Throbbing in the Ear (Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears))

  12824. Thrombasthenia (Glanzmann) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary)

  12825. Thromboangiitis

  12826. Thromboarteritis - see Arteritis

  12827. Thromboasthenia (Glanzmann) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary)

  12828. Thrombocytasthenia (Glanzmann)

  12829. Thrombocythemia (essential) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (primary)

  12830. Thrombocytopathy (dystrophic) (granulopenic)

  12831. Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count)

  12832. Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic

  12833. Thrombocytosis, essential

  12834. Thromboembolism - see Embolism

  12835. Thrombopathy (Bernard-Soulier)

  12836. Thrombopenia - see Thrombocytopenia

  12837. Thrombophilia

  12838. Thrombophlebitis (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  12839. Thrombophlebitis

  12840. Thrombosis, thrombotic (bland) (multiple) (progressive) (silent) (vessel)

  12841. Thrombus - see Thrombosis

  12842. Thrush - see also Candidiasis

  12843. Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children

  12844. Thumb - see also condition

  12845. Thumb Sucking

  12846. Thumb Sucking (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  12847. Thymiosis (Yaws)

  12848. Thymitis

  12849. Thymoma

  12850. Thymoma (benign) D15.0 Thymus, thymic (gland) - see condition

  12851. Thymomic Neoplasm (Thymoma)

  12852. Thyrocele - see Goiter

  12853. Thyroglossal - see also condition

  12854. Thyroid (gland) (body) - see also condition

  12855. Thyroid Blood Tests

  12856. Thyroid Cancer

  12857. Thyroid Cancer ( Cancer of Thyroid )

  12858. Thyroid Carcinoma (Thyroid Cancer)

  12859. Thyroid Cyst (Thyroid Nodules)

  12860. Thyroid Disorders

  12861. Thyroid Goiter (Thyroid Nodules)

  12862. Thyroid Hormone High (Hyperthyroidism)

  12863. Thyroid Hormone Low (Hypothyroidism)

  12864. Thyroid Needle Biopsy (Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Thyroid)

  12865. Thyroid Nodules

  12866. Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibody Test (Thyroid Peroxidase Test)

  12867. Thyroid Peroxidase Test

  12868. Thyroid Scan

  12869. Thyroid Screening Tests ( Screening Tests for Thyroid Dysfunction / Dysfunctional Thyroid Screening Tests )

  12870. Thyroiditis

  12871. Thyroiditis ( Hyperthyroidism / Graves Disease )

  12872. Thyroiditis

  12873. Thyroiditis, Hashimoto's (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)

  12874. Thyroiditis, Postpartum (Thyroiditis)

  12875. Thyroiditis, Silent (Thyroiditis)

  12876. Thyroiditis, Subacute (Thyroiditis)

  12877. Thyrolingual duct, persistent

  12878. Thyromegaly

  12879. Thyrotoxic

  12880. Thyrotoxicosis (Hyperthyroidism)

  12881. Thyrotoxicosis (recurrent)

  12882. TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke))

  12883. Tibetan Cure: Exhibition and Free Consultation on Tibetan Medical Treatment

  12884. Tibia vara - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

  12885. Tic (disorder)

  12886. Tic Disorder NOS

  12887. Tick-borne - see condition

  12888. Ticks

  12889. Tics (Tourette Syndrome)

  12890. Tietze (Costochondritis and Tietze Syndrome)

  12891. Tietze's disease or syndrome

  12892. Tietzes Syndrome ( Costochondritis )

  12893. Tight Foreskin ( Phimosis )

  12894. Tight, tightness

  12895. Tilting vertebra - see Dorsopathy, deforming, specified NEC

  12896. Tilt-table Test

  12897. Timeline of Baby Movement (Fetal Movement: Feeling Baby Kick Week-by-Week)

  12898. Timidity, child

  12899. Tine Test (Tuberculosis Skin Test (PPD Skin Test))

  12900. Tinea (intersecta) (tarsi)

  12901. Tinea barbae (Ringworm)

  12902. Tinea capitis (Ringworm)

  12903. Tinea corporis (Ringworm)

  12904. Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch)

  12905. Tinea faciei (Ringworm)

  12906. Tinea manus (Ringworm)

  12907. Tinea Pedis ( Athletes Foot )

  12908. Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot)

  12909. Tinea Unguium (Fungal Nails)

  12910. Tingling sensation (skin)

  12911. Tin-miner's lung

  12912. Tinnitus

  12913. Tinnitus (audible) (aurium) (subjective)

  12914. Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)

  12915. Tinnitus Symptom Evaluation ( Symptom Evaluation of Tinnitus )

  12916. Tipped tooth (teeth)

  12917. Tipping

  12918. TIPS (Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt)

  12919. Tips For Parents - Bullying at School ( Bullying at School - Tips For Parents )

  12920. Tips for Parents to Raise their Child Right ( Parental Tips to Raise Your Child Right )

  12921. Tips For Schools - Bullying at School ( Bullying at School - Tips For Schools )

  12922. Tips to Live Longer ( Live Longer-Tips / How to live longer )

  12923. Tired All The Time (TATT) Syndrome

  12924. Tiredness (Fatigue)

  12925. Tiredness

  12926. Tissue - see condition

  12927. Tissue and Organ Transplantation ( Transplantation of Organs and Tissues )

  12928. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine ( Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering )

  12929. TMAU (Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria))

  12930. TMAuria (Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria))

  12931. TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) )

  12932. TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) )

  12933. TNF (Biological Therapy)

  12934. Tobacco (nicotine)

  12935. Tobacco, Chewing (Smokeless Tobacco)

  12936. Tocopherol deficiency

  12937. Toddlers, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  12938. Todd's

  12939. Toe - see condition

  12940. Toe, Broken (Broken Toe)

  12941. Toenail Fungus (Fungal Nails)

  12942. Toenails, Ingrown (Ingrown Toenail)

  12943. Toilet Substitutes for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  12944. Toilet, artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening

  12945. Tokelau (ringworm)

  12946. Tollwut - see Rabies

  12947. Tommaselli's disease

  12948. Tomography, Computerized Axial (CAT Scan)

  12949. Tongue - see also condition

  12950. Tongue Abnormalities ( Developmental Disturbances of the Tongue ) Tonsillitis

  12951. Tongue Cancer (Oral Cancer)

  12952. Tongue Problems

  12953. Tonic Contractions (Tetanus)

  12954. Tonic pupil - see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil

  12955. Tonic Seizure (Seizure)

  12956. Tonic Spasms (Tetanus)

  12957. Tonic-Clonic Seizure (Seizure)

  12958. Toni-Fanconi syndrome (cystinosis)

  12959. Tonometry

  12960. Tonsil - see condition

  12961. Tonsillectomy

  12962. Tonsillitis (acute) (catarrhal) (croupous) (follicular) (gangrenous) (infective) (lacunar) (lingual) (malignant) (membranous) (parenchymatous) (phlegmonous) (pseudomembranous) (purulent) (septic) (subacute) (suppurative) (toxic) (ulcerative) (vesicular) (viral) J03.90

  12963. Tonsils (Adenoids and Tonsils)

  12964. Tonsils and Adenoids (Adenoids and Tonsils)

  12965. Tooth Damage (Dental Injuries)

  12966. Tooth Decay

  12967. Tooth Decay (Cavities)

  12968. Tooth Discoloration

  12969. Tooth Grinding ( Bruxism / Jaw Clenching / Teeth Clenching / Parasomnia )

  12970. Tooth Pain (Toothache Overview)

  12971. Tooth Regeneration: A Reality of Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering ( Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering for Tooth Regeneration )

  12972. Tooth, Infected (Abscessed Tooth Guide)

  12973. Tooth, teeth - see condition

  12974. Toothache ( Pain in the Tooth / Aching Tooth )

  12975. Toothache

  12976. Toothache Overview

  12977. Toothpastes (Choosing a Toothpaste)

  12978. Top Five Tips to Fight That Extra Flab - Battle of the Bulge ( Battle of the Bulge - Top Five Tips to Fight That Extra Flab )

  12979. Top Health Tips to Overcome Tiredness

  12980. Top Ten Herbs to Promote Beauty ( Herbs and Beauty - Top Ten / Beauty and Herbs - Top Ten )

  12981. Top Thirty Quick and Easy Health Tips ( Quick and Easy Health Tips / Health Tips – Quick and Easy )

  12982. Top Tips for Hair Loss Prevention ( Hair Loss - Prevention )

  12983. Topagnosis

  12984. Tophi - see Gout, chronic

  12985. TORCH infection - see Infection, congenital

  12986. Torn - see Tear

  12987. Torn ACL

  12988. Torn Meniscus

  12989. Tornadoes (First Aid)

  12990. Tornwaldt's cyst or disease

  12991. Torsion

  12992. Torsion Dystonia (Dystonia)

  12993. Torsion, Testicle (Testicular Disorders)

  12994. Torticollis ( Stiff Neck / Wryneck / Cervical Dystonia )

  12995. Torticollis (Dystonia)

  12996. Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic)

  12997. Tortipelvis

  12998. Tortuous

  12999. Torture or Not-Diabetic Diet ( Diabetic Diet )

  13000. Torture, victim of

  13001. Torula, torular (histolytica) (infection) - see Cryptococcosis

  13002. Torulosis - see Cryptococcosis

  13003. Torus (mandibularis) (palatinus)

  13004. Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (Hysterectomy)

  13005. Total Hip Replacement

  13006. Total Knee Replacement

  13007. Totipotent Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  13008. Tounge Thrusting (Oral Health Problems in Children)

  13009. Touraine's syndrome

  13010. Tourette Syndrome

  13011. Tourette's Disorder

  13012. Tourette's syndrome

  13013. Tourniquet syndrome - see Constriction, external, by site

  13014. Tower skull

  13015. Toxemia ( Pre Eclampsia / Pregnancy Induced Hypertension )

  13016. Toxemia (Pregnancy: Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)

  13017. Toxemia

  13018. Toxemica cerebropathia psychica (nonalcoholic)

  13019. Toxic (poisoning) - see also condition

  13020. Toxic Multinodular Goiter (Hyperthyroidism)

  13021. Toxicemia - see Toxemia

  13022. Toxicity - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

  13023. Toxicology Autospy (Autopsy)

  13024. Toxicosis - see also Toxemia

  13025. Toxin, Ciguatera (Ciguatera Poisoning)

  13026. Toxinfection, gastrointestinal

  13027. Toxocariasis

  13028. Toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis (acquired)

  13029. Toxoplasmosis

  13030. tPA (rtPA)

  13031. TPO Test (Thyroid Peroxidase Test)

  13032. TPOAb Test (Thyroid Peroxidase Test)

  13033. Trabeculation, bladder

  13034. Trach Tube (Endotracheal Intubation)

  13035. Trachea - see condition

  13036. Tracheitis (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (septal) (suppurative) (viral) J04.10

  13037. Trachelitis (nonvenereal) - see Cervicitis

  13038. Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula (TOF) ( Oesophageal Atresia )

  13039. Tracheobronchial - see condition

  13040. Tracheobronchitis (15 years of age and above) - see also Bronchitis

  13041. Tracheobronchomegaly

  13042. Tracheobronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho-

  13043. Tracheocele (external) (internal)

  13044. Tracheomalacia

  13045. Tracheopharyngitis (acute)

  13046. Tracheostenosis

  13047. Tracheostomy

  13048. Trachoma

  13049. Trachoma, trachomatous

  13050. Traction For Lumbar Pain ( Lumbar Pain - Traction Treatment )

  13051. Traction, vitreomacular

  13052. Train sickness

  13053. Trait (s)

  13054. Tramp

  13055. Trance

  13056. Transabdominal Ultrasound (Prenatal Ultrasound)

  13057. Transaminasemia

  13058. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

  13059. Transection

  13060. Transection, Multiple Subpial (Multiple Subpial Transection)

  13061. Transfusion

  13062. Transfusion, Blood (Blood Transfusion)

  13063. Transient (meaning homeless) - see also condition

  13064. Transient Insomnia (Insomnia)

  13065. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke)

  13066. Transient Tic Disorder

  13067. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt

  13068. Translocation

  13069. Translucency, iris - see Degeneration, iris

  13070. Transmission of chemical substances through the placenta - see Absorption, chemical, through placenta

  13071. Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization (TMR)

  13072. Transparency, lung, unilateral

  13073. Transplant (ed) (status)

  13074. Transplant Patients - Chemo Prevent ( Chemo Prevention of Skin Cancer in

  13075. Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids / Skin Cancer - Chemo Prevention in Transplant Recipients Using Systemic Retinoids )

  13076. Transplant, Heart (Heart Transplant)

  13077. Transplantation and Madrid Resolution on Organ Donation ( Madrid Resolution on Organ Donation and Transplantation )

  13078. Transplantation of Organs and Tissues ( Tissue and Organ Transplantation )

  13079. Transplants, ovarian, endometrial

  13080. Transposed - see Transposition

  13081. Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital

  13082. Transsexualism

  13083. Transvaginal Ultrasound (Prenatal Ultrasound)

  13084. Transvenous Liver Biopsy (Liver Biopsy)

  13085. Transverse - see also condition

  13086. Transverse Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  13087. Transvestic Fetishism

  13088. Transvestism, transvestitism (dual-role)

  13089. Transvestitism (Paraphilia)

  13090. Trapped placenta (with hemorrhage)

  13091. Trauma (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

  13092. Trauma Care and Accident ( Accident and Trauma Care )

  13093. Trauma, traumatism - see also Injury

  13094. Traumatic - see also condition

  13095. Traumatic Brain Injury (Brain Damage: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment)

  13096. Traumatic Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  13097. Traumatic Spondylolisthesis (Spondylolisthesis)

  13098. Travel Anxiety - Travel Tips

  13099. Travel Medicine

  13100. Traveler's Diarrhea

  13101. Traveling to America - During Travel

  13102. Treacher Collins Syndrome

  13103. Treacher Collins syndrome ( Mandibulofacial Dysostosis )

  13104. Treacher Collins syndrome

  13105. Treacher Collins-Franceschetti Syndrome (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  13106. Treadmill Stress Test (Exercise Stress Test)

  13107. Treadmill Test ( Exercise Stress Test )

  13108. Treating the Flu In People With Health Risks

  13109. Treatment / Prostate Enlargement- Medical Treatment )

  13110. Treatment for Diabetes (Diabetes Treatment)

  13111. Treatment for Dog Bite (Dog Bite Treatment)

  13112. Treatment for Heart Attack (Heart Attack Treatment)

  13113. Treatment for High Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure Treatment)

  13114. Treatment for Menstrual Cramps (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  13115. Treatment for PMS (Menstrual Cramps and PMS Medication Guide)

  13116. Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury (Spinal Cord Injury: Treatments and Rehabilitation)

  13117. Treatment of Back Pain may be More Clinical as Well as Cost-Effective If Stratified Approach is Used ( Better Back Pain Management using Stratified Approach According to Prognosis )

  13118. Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) ( BPH - Medical

  13119. Treatment of Root Canal ( Root Canal Treatment )

  13120. Treatment of Stress Ulcers ( Stress Ulcer Medications: Overuse and Misuse )

  13121. Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer ( Prostate Cancer - Treatment Options / Cancer of Prostate - Treatment Options )

  13122. Treatment, Hot Flashes (Hot Flashes)

  13123. Treitz's hernia - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

  13124. Trematode infestation - see Infestation, fluke

  13125. Trematodiasis - see Infestation, fluke

  13126. Trembling paralysis - see Parkinsonism

  13127. Tremor (s)

  13128. Trench

  13129. Trench Foot (Frostbite)

  13130. Treponema pallidum infection - see Syphilis

  13131. Treponematosis

  13132. Triad

  13133. Triad syndrome ( Prune Belly Syndrome / Eagle-Barrett Syndrome )

  13134. Trichiasis (eyelid)

  13135. Trichinella spiralis (infection) (infestation)

  13136. Trichinellosis (Trichinosis)

  13137. Trichinellosis, trichiniasis, trichinelliasis, trichinosis

  13138. Trichinosis

  13139. Trichobezoar

  13140. Trichocephaliasis, trichocephalosis

  13141. Trichocephalus infestation

  13142. Trichoclasis

  13143. Trichoepithelioma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

  13144. Trichofolliculoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  13145. Tricholemmoma - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

  13146. Trichomoniasis

  13147. Trichomycosis

  13148. Trichophytid, trichophyton infection - see Dermatophytosis

  13149. Trichophytobezoar

  13150. Trichophytosis - see Dermatophytosis

  13151. Trichoptilosis

  13152. Trichorrhexis (nodosa) (invaginata)

  13153. Trichosis axillaris

  13154. Trichosporosis nodosa

  13155. Trichostasis spinulosa (congenital)

  13156. Trichostrongyliasis, trichostrongylosis (small intestine)

  13157. Trichostrongylus infection

  13158. Trichotillomania

  13159. Trichromat, trichromatopsia, anomalous (congenital)

  13160. Trichuriasis

  13161. Trichuris trichiura (infection) (infestation) (any site)

  13162. Trick (Trichomoniasis)

  13163. Tricuspid (valve) - see condition

  13164. Tricuspid Heart Valve Replacement (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  13165. Trifid - see also Accessory

  13166. Trifocals (Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers)

  13167. Trigeminal Neuralgia

  13168. Trigeminal neuralgia - see Neuralgia, trigeminal

  13169. Trigeminal Neuralgia ( Nervous Tic )

  13170. Trigeminy

  13171. Trigger Finger

  13172. Trigger finger (acquired)

  13173. Trigger Point Injection

  13174. Triggers, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers, Prevention)

  13175. Triglyceride Test

  13176. Trigonitis (bladder) (chronic) (pseudomembranous)

  13177. Trigonocephaly

  13178. Trilocular heart - see Cor triloculare

  13179. Trimester of pregnancy ( Pregnancy -Trimester )

  13180. Trimethylaminuria ( Fish-Odor Syndrome )

  13181. Trimethylaminuria

  13182. Tripartite placenta

  13183. Triphalangeal thumb

  13184. Triple - see also Accessory

  13185. Triplegia

  13186. Triplet (newborn) - see also Newborn, triplet

  13187. Triplication - see Accessory

  13188. Triploidy

  13189. Trismus (Tetanus)

  13190. Trismus

  13191. Trisomy (syndrome)

  13192. Trisomy 21 ( Down Syndrome / 'Up Syndrome' )

  13193. Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome Overview)

  13194. Tritanomaly, tritanopia

  13195. Trochanteric Bursitis (Hip Bursitis)

  13196. Trombiculosis, trombiculiasis, trombidiosis

  13197. Trophedema (congenital) (hereditary)

  13198. Trophoblastic disease - see also Mole, hydatidiform

  13199. Tropholymphedema

  13200. Trophoneurosis NEC

  13201. Tropical - see condition

  13202. Trouble - see also Disease

  13203. Trousseau's syndrome (thrombophlebitis migrans)

  13204. Truancy, childhood

  13205. True Cysts, Pancreas (Pancreatic Cysts)

  13206. Truncus

  13207. Trunk - see condition

  13208. Trying to Conceive

  13209. Trypanosomiasis

  13210. Trypanosomiasis ( Sleeping sickness )

  13211. Tschat (Khat)

  13212. T-shaped incisors

  13213. Tsutsugamushi (disease) (fever)

  13214. Tubal Embryo Transfer (Infertility)

  13215. Tubal Ligation (Surgical Sterilization)

  13216. Tubal Pregnancy (Ectopic Pregnancy)

  13217. Tube, tubal, tubular - see condition

  13218. Tubercle - see also Tuberculosis

  13219. Tuberculid, tuberculide (indurating, subcutaneous) (lichenoid) (miliary) (papulonecrotic) (primary) (skin)

  13220. Tuberculoma - see also Tuberculosis

  13221. Tuberculosis ( Pulmonary Lung TB )

  13222. Tuberculosis (TB)

  13223. Tuberculum

  13224. Tuberosity, enitre maxillary

  13225. Tuberous sclerosis (brain)

  13226. Tubes Tied (Surgical Sterilization)

  13227. Tubes, Ear Problems (Eustachian Tube Problems)

  13228. Tubo-ovarian - see condition

  13229. Tuboplasty, after previous sterilization

  13230. Tubotympanitis, catarrhal (chronic) - see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

  13231. Tularemia

  13232. Tularensis conjunctivitis

  13233. Tumefaction - see also Swelling

  13234. Tummy Tuck ( Abdominoplasty)

  13235. Tummy Tuck (Liposuction)

  13236. Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty

  13237. Tumor - see also Neoplasm, unspecified behavior, by site

  13238. Tumor Grade

  13239. Tumor in Brain ( Brain Tumor )

  13240. Tumor lysis syndrome (following antineoplastic chemotherapy) (spontaneous)

  13241. Tumor Markers - For Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis

  13242. Tumor Necrosis Factor (Biological Therapy)

  13243. Tumor, Adrenal Gland (Pheochromocytoma)

  13244. Tumor, Brain Cancer (Brain Cancer)

  13245. Tumor, Testicle (Testicular Disorders)

  13246. Tumorlet - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

  13247. Tumors, Uterine (Uterine Fibroids)

  13248. Tumours and Cysts ( Cysts and Tumours )

  13249. Tungiasis

  13250. Tunica vasculosa lentis

  13251. Tunnel Syndrome (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

  13252. Turban tumor

  13253. Turbinectomy (Nasal Airway Surgery)

  13254. Türck's trachoma

  13255. Turf Toe: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

  13256. Turner Syndrome

  13257. Turner Syndrome in Female with X chromosome (Noonan Syndrome)

  13258. Turner-Kieser syndrome

  13259. Turner-like Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  13260. Turner-like syndrome

  13261. Turner's

  13262. Turner's Phenotype, Karyotype Normal (Noonan Syndrome)

  13263. Turners Syndrome

  13264. Turner-Ullrich syndrome

  13265. Tussis convulsiva - see Whooping cough

  13266. Tweens, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  13267. Twiddler's syndrome (due to)

  13268. Twilight

  13269. Twin (newborn) - see also Newborn, twin

  13270. Twinning, teeth

  13271. Twins: Breastfeeding (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  13272. Twist, twisted

  13273. Twitching

  13274. Tylenol Liver Damage

  13275. Tylosis (acquired)

  13276. Tympanism

  13277. Tympanites (abdominal) (intestinal)

  13278. Tympanitis - see Myringitis

  13279. Tympanoplasty Tubes (Ear Tubes)

  13280. Tympanosclerosis

  13281. Tympanum - see condition

  13282. Tympany

  13283. Type 1 Aortic Dissection (Aortic Dissection)

  13284. Type 1 Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

  13285. Type 2 Aortic Dissection (Aortic Dissection)

  13286. Type 2 Diabetes ( Diabetes - Type 2 / Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) / Adult-Onset Diabetes )

  13287. Type 2 Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

  13288. Type 2 Diabetes and Kidney Disease (Diabetes and Kidney Disease)

  13289. Type 2 Diabetes and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages ( Diabetes Type 2 and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages )

  13290. Type 2 Diabetes Treatment (Diabetes Treatment)

  13291. Type A behavior pattern Z73.1

  13292. Types and Structures of Breast ( Breasts - Structures and Types )

  13293. Types of Body and Befitting Workouts ( Body Types and Befitting Workouts )

  13294. Types of Food Allergies ( Food Allergies - Types )

  13295. Types of Glomerulonephritis ( Glomerulonephritis Types )

  13296. Types of Milk ( Milk - Types )

  13297. Types of Personality ( Personality Types )

  13298. Types of Physiotherapy ( Physiotherapy - Types )

  13299. Types of Seizures (Seizures Symptoms and Types)

  13300. Types of Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  13301. Typhlitis - see Appendicitis

  13302. Typhoenteritis - see Typhoid

  13303. Typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (clinical) (fever) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) (Widal negative) A01.00

  13304. Typhoid and Paratyphoid Enteric Fevers

  13305. Typhomalaria (fever) - see Malaria

  13306. Typhomania

  13307. Typhoperitonitis

  13308. Typhus

  13309. Typhus (fever) A75.9 Tyrosinemia

  13310. Tyrosinosis

  13311. Tyrosinuria

  13312. UA (Urinalysis)

  13313. UCTD (Connective Tissue Disease)

  13314. Uhl's anomaly or disease

  13315. UI (Urinary Incontinence)

  13316. Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer)

  13317. Ulcer in Peptic ( Peptic Ulcer )

  13318. Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative Ulcerosa scarlatina

  13319. Ulcerative Colitis

  13320. Ulcerative Colitis Diet

  13321. Ulcerative Colitis Surgery

  13322. Ulcerative Colitis, Intestinal Problems (Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Intestinal Problems)

  13323. Ulcerative Proctitis (Ulcerative Colitis)

  13324. Ulcer-Corneal ( Corneal Ulcer )

  13325. Ulcers in Mouth ( Mouth Ulcers )

  13326. Ulcus - see also Ulcer

  13327. Ulegyria

  13328. Ulerythema

  13329. Ullrich (-Bonnevie)(-Turner)

  13330. Ullrich-Feichtiger syndrome

  13331. Ullrich-Noonan Syndrome (Noonan Syndrome)

  13332. Ulnar - see condition

  13333. Ulorrhagia, ulorrhea

  13334. Ultrafast CT (Electron Beam Computerized Tomography)

  13335. Ultrasonography (Ultrasound)

  13336. Ultrasound

  13337. Ultrasound During Pregnancy (Prenatal Ultrasound)

  13338. Ultrasound of the Heart (Echocardiogram)

  13339. Ultra-Violet Radiation-Harmful Effects and Benefits ( Harmful Effects and Benefits-Ultra-Violet Radiation )

  13340. Umbilical Cord Stem Cells (Stem Cells)

  13341. Umbilical Hernia (Hernia Overview)

  13342. Umbilicus, umbilical - see condition

  13343. Unacceptable

  13344. Uncinaria americana infestation

  13345. Uncinariasis

  13346. Uncongenial work

  13347. Unconscious (ness) - see Coma

  13348. Under observation - see Observation

  13349. Underachievement in school

  13350. Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

  13351. Underage Drinking (Alcohol and Teens)

  13352. Underarm Sweating, Excessive (Hyperhidrosis)

  13353. Underdevelopment - see also Undeveloped

  13354. Underdosing - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals, categories

  13355. Underfeeding, newborn

  13356. Underfill, endodontic

  13357. Underimmunization status

  13358. Undernourishment - see Malnutrition

  13359. Undernutrition - see Malnutrition

  13360. Underpads for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  13361. Underweight

  13362. Underwood's disease

  13363. Undescended - see also Malposition, congenital

  13364. Undescended Testis

  13365. Undeveloped, undevelopment - see also Hypoplasia

  13366. Undiagnosed (disease)

  13367. Undifferentiated Attention Deficit Disorder (13 Tips for Parenting a Teen with ADHD)

  13368. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)

  13369. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder

  13370. Undulant fever - see Brucellosis

  13371. Unequal length (acquired) (limb) - see also Deformity, limb, unequal length

  13372. Unextracted dental root

  13373. Unguis incarnatus L60.0 Unhappiness

  13374. Unicornate uterus

  13375. Unilateral - see also condition

  13376. Unilocular heart

  13377. Union, abnormal - see also Fusion

  13378. Universal mesentery

  13379. Unrepairable overhanging of dental restorative materials

  13380. Unsatisfactory

  13381. Unselfish Genes

  13382. Unsoundness of mind - see Psychosis

  13383. Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic)

  13384. Unstable

  13385. Unsteadiness on feet

  13386. Untruthfulness, child problem

  13387. Unusual Vaginal Bleeding (Vaginal Bleeding)

  13388. Unverricht (-Lundborg) - see Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic

  13389. Unwanted pregnancy

  13390. Up Syndrome ( Down Syndrome / Trisomy 21 )

  13391. Upbringing, institutional

  13392. Upper GI Bleeding (Blood in the Stool (Rectal Bleeding))

  13393. Upper GI Series

  13394. Upper Left Abdominal Pain (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  13395. Upper respiratory - see condition

  13396. Upper Respiratory Infection

  13397. Upper Right Abdominal Pain (Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment))

  13398. Upper Urinary Tract Infection (Kidney Infection)

  13399. Upper UTI (Kidney Infection)

  13400. Upset

  13401. Upset Stomach (Dyspepsia)

  13402. Urachus - see also condition

  13403. Urbach-Oppenheim disease (necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum)

  13404. Urbach's lipoid proteinosis

  13405. Urbach-Wiethe disease

  13406. Urban yellow fever

  13407. Urea

  13408. Urea Breath Test

  13409. Uremia, uremic

  13410. Uremic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  13411. Ureter, ureteral - see condition

  13412. Ureteralgia

  13413. Ureterectasis - see Hydroureter

  13414. Ureteric Stones Nephrolithiasis ( Stone in Urinary Tract - Management & Prevention / Kidney Stones / Renal Stones / Bladder Stones )

  13415. Ureteritis

  13416. Ureterocele

  13417. Ureterolith, ureterolithiasis - see Calculus, ureter

  13418. Ureteroscopy for Stone

  13419. Ureterostomy

  13420. Urethra, urethral - see condition

  13421. Urethral Cancer

  13422. Urethral Stricture

  13423. Urethralgia

  13424. Urethritis (anterior) (posterior)

  13425. Urethrocele

  13426. Urethrolithiasis (with colic or infection)

  13427. Urethrorectal - see condition

  13428. Urethrorrhagia

  13429. Urethrorrhea

  13430. Urethrostomy

  13431. Urethrotrigonitis - see Trigonitis

  13432. Urethrovaginal - see condition

  13433. Urge Incontinence (Overactive Bladder)

  13434. Urgency

  13435. Urhidrosis, uridrosis

  13436. Uric Acid Elevated (Gout (Gouty Arthritis))

  13437. Uric acid in blood (increased)

  13438. Uric Acid Kidney Stones (Gout (Gouty Arthritis))

  13439. Uricacidemia (asymptomatic)

  13440. Uricemia (asymptomatic)

  13441. Uricosuria

  13442. Urinals for Incontinence (Urinary Incontinence Products for Men)

  13443. Urinalysis

  13444. Urinary - see condition

  13445. Urinary Incontinence

  13446. Urinary Incontinence After Prostate Surgery in Men - Not Helped by Pelvic Floor Exercises

  13447. Urinary Incontinence in Children

  13448. Urinary Incontinence in Women

  13449. Urinary Incontinence Products for Men

  13450. Urinary Problems and Diabetes (Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes)

  13451. Urinary Retention

  13452. Urinary Stone Disease

  13453. Urinary Stones In Children

  13454. Urinary Tract Infection

  13455. Urinary Tract Infection ( Vesico Ureteric Reflux )

  13456. Urinary Tract Infection (Urinary Tract Infection)

  13457. Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)

  13458. Urinary Tract Infections in Children

  13459. Urination

  13460. Urine

  13461. Urine Blockage in Newborns

  13462. Urine Infection

  13463. Urine Tests for Diabetes

  13464. Urine Tests for Diabetes (Urine Tests for Diabetes)

  13465. Urinemia - see Uremia

  13466. Urinoma, urethra

  13467. Uroarthritis, infectious (Reiter's) - see Reiter's disease

  13468. Urodialysis

  13469. Urolithiasis - see Calculus, urinary

  13470. Urology Paediatric Emergencies ( Paediatric Emergencies-Urology )

  13471. Uronephrosis - see Hydronephrosis

  13472. Uropathy

  13473. Urosepsis - code to condition

  13474. urothelial carcinoma (Bladder Cancer)

  13475. URT (Upper Respiratory Infection)

  13476. Urticaria (Hives)

  13477. Urticaria

  13478. Usher Syndrome

  13479. Usher-Senear disease or syndrome

  13480. Using Milk from Donor Banks (Breastfeeding: Common Breastfeeding Challenges)

  13481. Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis (Pulmonary Fibrosis)

  13482. Uta

  13483. Uterine Ablation (Endometrial Ablation)

  13484. Uterine Cancer

  13485. Uterine Cancer ( Cancer of Uterus / Endometrial Cancer / Cancer of the Endometrium )

  13486. Uterine Fibroids

  13487. Uterine Fibroids ( Fibroids in Uterus )

  13488. Uterine Growths

  13489. Uterine Prolapse ( Prolapse of Uterus )

  13490. Uterine Tumors (Uterine Fibroids)

  13491. Uteromegaly

  13492. Uterovaginal - see condition

  13493. Uterovesical - see condition

  13494. Uterus Biopsy (Endometrial Biopsy)

  13495. Uterus Cancer (Uterine Cancer)

  13496. UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

  13497. Utricaria ( Hives )

  13498. Uveal - see condition

  13499. Uveitis

  13500. Uveitis (anterior) - see also Iridocyclitis

  13501. Uveoencephalitis - see Inflammation, chorioretinal

  13502. Uveokeratitis - see Iridocyclitis

  13503. Uveoparotitis

  13504. Uvula - see condition

  13505. Uvulitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative)

  13506. Vaccination

  13507. Vaccination (prophylactic)

  13508. Vaccination and Immunization - Vaccination

  13509. Vaccination for Children ( Childhood Immunization )

  13510. Vaccination, Flu (Flu Vaccination)

  13511. Vaccination, Pneumococcal (Pneumococcal Vaccination)

  13512. Vaccinations (Immunizations)

  13513. Vaccinations, Hepatitis A and B (Hepatitis Immunizations)

  13514. Vaccinations, Travel (Travel Medicine)

  13515. Vaccine Against Chikungunya Virus ( New Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon / Chikungunya Vaccine May Enter Markets Soon )

  13516. Vaccine Hope for Skin Cancer ( Skin Cancer Vaccine - A Silver Lining )

  13517. Vaccinia (generalized) (localized)

  13518. Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy (Breast Biopsy)

  13519. Vacuum Constriction Devices (Penis Prosthesis)

  13520. Vacuum, in sinus (accessory) (nasal)

  13521. Vagabond, vagabondage

  13522. Vagabond's disease

  13523. Vagal Reaction (Fainting)

  13524. Vagina Cancer (Vaginal Cancer)

  13525. Vagina, vaginal - see condition

  13526. Vaginal Birth after C-Section (C-Section (Cesarean Birth))

  13527. Vaginal Bleeding

  13528. Vaginal Cancer

  13529. Vaginal Discharge (Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment))

  13530. Vaginal Douche (Douching)

  13531. Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy

  13532. Vaginal Hysterectomy (Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy)

  13533. Vaginal Infection, Trichomoniasis (Trichomoniasis)

  13534. Vaginal Infections ( Vaginitis )

  13535. Vaginal Inflammation (Vaginitis Overview)

  13536. Vaginal Odor (Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment))

  13537. Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia)

  13538. Vaginalitis (tunica) (testis)

  13539. Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

  13540. Vaginismus (reflex)

  13541. Vaginitis ( Vaginal Infections )

  13542. Vaginitis (acute) (circumscribed) (diffuse) (emphysematous) (nonvenereal) (ulcerative)

  13543. Vaginitis Overview

  13544. Vaginitis, Trichomoniasis (Trichomoniasis)

  13545. Vaginosis

  13546. Vaginosis - see Vaginitis

  13547. Vaginosis, Bacterial (Bacterial Vaginosis (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment))

  13548. Vagotonia

  13549. Vagrancy

  13550. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

  13551. Vagus Nerve Stimulator (Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS))

  13552. VAIN - see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, vagina

  13553. Vallecula - see condition

  13554. Valley fever

  13555. Valsuani's disease - see Anemia, obstetric

  13556. Valve, Replacement Heart (Heart Valve Disease Treatment)

  13557. Valve, valvular (formation) - see also condition

  13558. Valvular Heart Disease (Heart Valve Disease)

  13559. Valvulitis (chronic) - see Endocarditis

  13560. Valvulopathy - see Endocarditis

  13561. Van Bogaert's leukoencephalopathy (sclerosing) (subacute)

  13562. Van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein disease or syndrome

  13563. Van Buchem's syndrome

  13564. Van Creveld-von Gierke disease

  13565. Van der Hoeve (-de Kleyn)

  13566. Van der Woude's syndrome

  13567. Van Neck's disease or osteochondrosis

  13568. Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)

  13569. Vanishing lung

  13570. Vapor asphyxia or suffocation

  13571. Variance, lethal ball, prosthetic heart valve

  13572. Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

  13573. Variants, thalassemic

  13574. Variations in hair color

  13575. Varicella

  13576. Varicella ( Chickenpox )

  13577. Varicella Zoster Virus (Shingles (Herpes Zoster))

  13578. Varices - see Varix

  13579. Varices, Bleeding (Bleeding Varices)

  13580. Varicocele (scrotum) (thrombosed)

  13581. Varicose

  13582. Varicose Veins

  13583. Varicosis, varicosities, varicosity - see Varix

  13584. Variegate Porphyria (Porphyria)

  13585. Variola (major) (minor)

  13586. Varioloid

  13587. Varix (lower limb) (ruptured)

  13588. Vas deferens - see condition

  13589. Vas deferentitis

  13590. Vasa previa

  13591. Vascular - see also condition

  13592. Vascular Brain Lesions (Brain Lesions (Lesions on the Brain))

  13593. Vascular Dementia (Dementia)

  13594. Vascular Dementia, Binswanger's Type (Binswanger's Disease)

  13595. Vascular Dementia, Uncomplicated

  13596. Vascular Dementia, With Delirium

  13597. Vascular Dementia, With Delusions

  13598. Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood

  13599. Vascular Disease

  13600. Vascularization, cornea - see Neovascularization, cornea

  13601. Vasculitis

  13602. Vasculopathy, necrotizing

  13603. Vasectomy

  13604. Vasitis (nodosa)

  13605. Vasodepressor Syncope (Fainting)

  13606. Vasodilation

  13607. Vasomotor - see condition

  13608. Vasoplasty, after previous sterilization

  13609. Vasospasm (vasoconstriction)

  13610. Vasospastic - see condition

  13611. Vasovagal (Fainting)

  13612. Vasovagal attack (paroxysmal)

  13613. VATER syndrome

  13614. Vater's ampulla - see condition

  13615. VBAC (C-Section (Cesarean Birth))

  13616. vCJD (Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)

  13617. Vegetation, vegetative

  13618. Veil

  13619. Vein Clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  13620. Vein Inflammation (Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis)

  13621. Vein, venous - see condition

  13622. Veins, Spider (Varicose Veins)

  13623. Veins, Varicose (Varicose Veins)

  13624. Veldt sore - see Ulcer, skin

  13625. Velpeau's hernia - see Hernia, femoral

  13626. Venereal

  13627. Venofibrosis

  13628. Venom, venomous - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by animal or substance, poisoning

  13629. Venomous Snake Bites (Snake Bite)

  13630. Venous - see condition

  13631. Ventilation Tube (Endotracheal Intubation)

  13632. Ventilator lung, newborn

  13633. Ventral - see condition

  13634. Ventricle, ventricular - see also condition Ventriculitis (cerebral) - see also Encephalitis

  13635. Ventricular Fibrillation (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  13636. Ventricular Flutter (Heart Rhythm Disorders)

  13637. Ventricular Pre-excitation with Arrhythmia (Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome)

  13638. Ventricular Septal Defect

  13639. Ventriculostomy status

  13640. Vernal Conjunctivitis (Eye Allergy)

  13641. Vernet's syndrome

  13642. Verneuil's disease (syphilitic bursitis)

  13643. Verruca (due to HPV) (filiformis) (simplex) (viral) (vulgaris)

  13644. Verrucosities - see Verruca

  13645. Verruga peruana, peruviana

  13646. Version

  13647. Vertebra, vertebral - see condition

  13648. Vertebral Basilar Insufficiency (Vertigo Overview)

  13649. Vertebral Fracture (Broken Bone (Types of Bone Fractures))

  13650. Vertebrobasilar Migraine (Migraine)

  13651. Vertical talus (congenital)

  13652. Vertigo

  13653. Vertigo Overview

  13654. Very-low-density-lipoprotein-type (VLDL)

  13655. Vesania - see Psychosis

  13656. Vesical - see condition

  13657. Vesicle

  13658. Vesico Ureteric Reflux ( Urinary Tract Infection )

  13659. Vesicocolic - see condition

  13660. Vesicoperineal - see condition

  13661. Vesicorectal - see condition

  13662. Vesicourethrorectal - see condition

  13663. Vesicovaginal - see condition

  13664. Vesicular - see condition

  13665. Vesiculitis (seminal)

  13666. Vestibular Balance Disorders

  13667. Vestibular Migraine (Vestibular Balance Disorders)

  13668. Vestibular Neruonitis (Vertigo Overview)

  13669. Vestibulitis (ear) - see also subcategory

  13670. Vestibulopathy , acute peripheral (recurrent) - see Neuronitis, vestibular

  13671. Vestige, vestigial - see also Persistence

  13672. VHFs (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever)

  13673. Vibration

  13674. Vibriosis

  13675. Vidal's disease

  13676. Vigorous Physical Activity - A Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity ( Mantra to Prevent Childhood Obesity - Vigorous Physical Activity / Obesity - Childhood Prevention )

  13677. Villaret's syndrome

  13678. Villous - see condition

  13679. VIN - see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, vulva

  13680. Vincent's infection (angina) (gingivitis)

  13681. Vinotherapy or Wine Facials therapy for Anti-Aging Treatment ( Anti-Aging Treatment with Vinotherapy or Wine Facials )

  13682. Vinson-Plummer syndrome

  13683. Violence, physical

  13684. Violent Vomiting (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  13685. Viosterol deficiency - see Deficiency, calciferol

  13686. Vipoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

  13687. Viral Gastroenteritis (Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu))

  13688. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

  13689. Viral Hepatitis

  13690. Viremia

  13691. Virilism (adrenal)

  13692. Virilization (female) (suprarenal)

  13693. Virtual Colonoscopy

  13694. Virulent bubo

  13695. Virus, viral - see also condition

  13696. Viscera, visceral - see condition

  13697. Visceroptosis

  13698. Visible peristalsis

  13699. Vision, visual

  13700. Visual Field Test

  13701. Visual processing disorder (Learning Disability)

  13702. Vitality, lack or want of

  13703. Vitamin B-12

  13704. Vitamin B-6 Vitamin B9

  13705. Vitamin C ( Ascorbic acid )

  13706. Vitamin D Deficiency

  13707. Vitamin D Deficiency Could Cause Liver Disease ( Low Vitamin D Levels Could Cause Liver Disease )

  13708. Vitamin deficiency - see Deficiency, vitamin

  13709. Vitamin Supplements

  13710. Vitamin Supplements and Calcium ( Calcium and Vitamin Supplements )

  13711. Vitamin-F

  13712. Vitamins & Exercise

  13713. Vitamins and Calcium Supplements

  13714. Vitelline duct, persistent

  13715. Vitiligo

  13716. Vitreal corneal syndrome

  13717. Vitreoretinopathy, proliferative - see also Retinopathy, proliferative

  13718. Vitreous - see also condition

  13719. Vitreous Floaters (Eye Floaters)

  13720. Vocal cord - see condition

  13721. Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome

  13722. Vogt's disease or syndrome

  13723. Vogt-Spielmeyer amaurotic idiocy or disease

  13724. Voice

  13725. Voice Day

  13726. Volhynian fever

  13727. Volkmann's ischemic contracture or paralysis (complicating trauma)

  13728. Volvulus (bowel) (colon) (duodenum) (intestine)

  13729. Vomiting

  13730. Vomiting (Nausea and Vomiting)

  13731. Vomiting Medicine (Antiemetics)

  13732. Vomiting, Cyclic (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS))

  13733. Vomito negro - see Fever, yellow

  13734. Von Bezold's abscess - see Mastoiditis, acute

  13735. Von Economo-Cruchet disease

  13736. Von Eulenburg's disease

  13737. Von Gierke's disease

  13738. Von Hippel (-Lindau)

  13739. Von Jaksch's anemia or disease

  13740. Von Recklinghausen

  13741. Von Recklinghausen’s Disease

  13742. Von Schroetter's syndrome

  13743. Von Willebrand (-Jurgens)(-Minot)

  13744. von Willebrand Disease

  13745. Von Zumbusch's disease

  13746. Voyeurism

  13747. Voyeurism (Paraphilia)

  13748. Vrolik's disease

  13749. VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect)

  13750. Vulva - see condition

  13751. Vulvar Pain (Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia))

  13752. Vulvismus

  13753. Vulvitis (acute) (allergic) (atrophic) (hypertrophic) (intertriginous) senile)

  13754. Vulvitis (Yeast Infection in Women and Men)

  13755. Vulvodynia

  13756. Vulvodynia (Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia))

  13757. Vulvorectal - see condition

  13758. Vulvovaginitis (acute) - see Vaginitis

  13759. Waiting list, person on

  13760. Waldenström

  13761. Waldenström-Kjellberg syndrome

  13762. Walking

  13763. Walking As An Exercise ( Exercise - Walking )

  13764. Walking During Sleep (Sleepwalking)

  13765. Walking for Fitness and Weight Loss ( Weight Loss and Fitness Enhanced by Walking / Fitness and Weight Loss Enhanced by Walking )

  13766. Wall, abdominal - see condition

  13767. Wallenberg's disease or syndrome

  13768. Wallgren's disease

  13769. Wandering

  13770. War neurosis

  13771. Warning to Pregnant Women on Use of Ibuprofen ( Pregnant women - Be Warned When using Ibuprofen )

  13772. Wart (due to HPV) (filiform) (infectious) (viral)

  13773. Warthin's tumor - see Neoplasm, salivary gland, benign

  13774. Warts (Common Warts)

  13775. Warts, Genital (Genital Warts In Women)

  13776. Wasp (Insect Sting Allergies)

  13777. Wassilieff's disease

  13778. Wasting

  13779. Water

  13780. Water Borne Diseases

  13781. Water Moccasin Snake Bite (Snake Bite)

  13782. Water on the Brain (Hydrocephalus)

  13783. Waterbrash R12 Waterhouse (-Friderichsen) syndrome or disease (meningococcal)

  13784. Water-losing nephritis

  13785. Watermelon Health Facts ( WaterMelon: Top Five ‘Refreshing and Nourishing‘ Health Facts / Health Facts - Watermelon )

  13786. Watermelon Health Facts / Health Facts - Watermelon ) Watermelon stomach

  13787. Watery Eyes ( Excessive Tearing )

  13788. Watsoniasis

  13789. Wax Blockage ( Ear Blockage )

  13790. Wax in ear - see Impaction, cerumen

  13791. Wax in the Ear (Ear Wax)

  13792. Ways to Prevent Burnout ( Burnout - Kill it Before it Kills You! )

  13793. WBC (Complete Blood Count)

  13794. WBS (Williams Syndrome)

  13795. Weak, weakening, weakness (generalized)

  13796. Wear, worn (with normal or routine use)

  13797. Weather, weathered

  13798. Weaver's syndrome

  13799. Web, webbed (congenital)

  13800. Weber-Christian Disease

  13801. Weber-Cockayne syndrome (epidermolysis bullosa)

  13802. Weber-Gubler syndrome

  13803. Weber-Leyden syndrome

  13804. Weber-Osler syndrome

  13805. Weber's paralysis or syndrome

  13806. Wedge-shaped or wedging vertebra - see Collapse, vertebra NEC

  13807. Week by Week Pregnancy (Pregnancy)

  13808. Wegener's Granulomatosis

  13809. Wegener's granulomatosis or syndrome

  13810. Wegner's disease

  13811. Weight

  13812. Weight Control and Hunger Fullness ( Hunger Fullness and Weight Control )

  13813. Weight Control and Smoking Cessation

  13814. Weight Gain After Menopause ( Menopuase - Weight Gain )

  13815. Weight Gain Exercise ( Exercise To Gain Weight )

  13816. Weight Loss / Fitness and Weight Loss Enhanced by Walking )

  13817. Weight Loss and Fitness Enhanced by Walking ( Walking for Fitness and

  13818. Weight Loss and Herbs: Pros and Cons ( Pros and Cons of Herbs for Weight Loss / Herbs for Weight Loss )

  13819. Weight Loss Pills

  13820. Weight Loss Program For Men

  13821. Weight Loss Promoted by Moderate Drinking ( Moderate Drinking Promotes

  13822. Weight Loss Surgery (Lap Band Surgery (Gastric Banding))

  13823. Weight Loss with Hypnosis – Does It Work ( Hypnosis for Weight Loss - Does It Work? )

  13824. Weight Loss? / Drinking Promotes Weight Loss? )

  13825. Weightlessness (effect of)

  13826. Weil (l)

  13827. Weil’s Disease ( Leptospirosis )

  13828. Weil's disease

  13829. Weil's Syndrome (Leptospirosis)

  13830. Weingarten's syndrome

  13831. Weir Mitchell's disease

  13832. Weiss-Baker syndrome

  13833. Wells' disease

  13834. Wen - see Cyst, sebaceous

  13835. Wenckebach's block or phenomenon

  13836. Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome (muscular atrophy)

  13837. Werlhof's disease

  13838. Wermer's disease or syndrome

  13839. Werner-His disease

  13840. Werner's disease or syndrome

  13841. Wernicke-Korsakoff's syndrome or psychosis (alcoholic)

  13842. Wernicke-Posadas disease

  13843. Wernicke's

  13844. Wernicke's Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy)

  13845. West African fever

  13846. West Nile Encephalitis

  13847. West Nile Fever (West Nile Encephalitis)

  13848. Westphal-Strümpell syndrome

  13849. West's syndrome - see Epilepsy, spasms

  13850. Wet

  13851. Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Macular Degeneration)

  13852. Wet Lung (ARDS)

  13853. Wharton's duct - see condition

  13854. What Is A Heart Attack ( How To Prevent Heart Attacks / Heart Attack - Prevention )

  13855. Wheal - see Urticaria

  13856. Wheezing

  13857. Whiplash

  13858. Whiplash injury

  13859. Whipple's disease - see also subcategory

  13860. Whipworm (disease) (infection) (infestation)

  13861. Whistling face

  13862. White - see also condition

  13863. White Blood Cell Differential Count (Complete Blood Count)

  13864. White Blood Count (Complete Blood Count)

  13865. White Coat Hypertension (High Blood Pressure Hypertension)

  13866. Whitehead

  13867. Whitemore Disease (Melioidosis)

  13868. Whitlow - see also Cellulitis, digit

  13869. Whitmore's disease or fever - see Melioidosis

  13870. Whole Grains can Reduce the Risk of Developing Colorectal Cancer ( Role of Dietary Fiber in Reducing Colorectal Cancer )

  13871. Wholesome Breakfast Choices for an Ideal Start ( Breakfast Choices for an Ideal Start )

  13872. Whooping cough

  13873. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

  13874. Why Do We Eat-Nutrition Facts ( Nutrition Facts-Why Do We Eat )

  13875. Wichman's asthma

  13876. Wide cranial sutures, newborn

  13877. Widening aorta - see Ectasia, aorta

  13878. Wilkie's disease or syndrome

  13879. Wilkinson-Sneddon disease or syndrome

  13880. Willebrand (-Jürgens)

  13881. Williams Syndrome

  13882. Williams-Beuren Syndrome (Williams Syndrome)

  13883. Willige-Hunt disease or syndrome

  13884. Wilms' tumor

  13885. Wilson’s Disease ( Hepatolenticular Degeneration / Copper Storage Disease )

  13886. Wilson-Mikity syndrome

  13887. Wilson's

  13888. Window - see also Imperfect, closure

  13889. Winter - see condition

  13890. Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (Capsule Endoscopy)

  13891. Wisdom Teeth

  13892. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

  13893. Witchcraft

  13894. Withdrawal Method of Birth Control (Natural Methods of Birth Control)

  13895. Withdrawal state - see also Dependence, drug by type, with withdrawal

  13896. Witts' anemia

  13897. Witzelsucht

  13898. WMS (Williams Syndrome)

  13899. Woakes' ethmoiditis or syndrome

  13900. Wolff-Hirschorn syndrome

  13901. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome

  13902. Wolhynian fever

  13903. Wolman's disease

  13904. Womb Biopsy (Endometrial Biopsy)

  13905. Womb Cancer (Uterine Cancer)

  13906. Womb, Growths (Uterine Fibroids)

  13907. Women - Hair Replacement ( Hair Replacement for Women )

  13908. Women and Cancer ( Cancer and Women )

  13909. Women More Prone to Road Rage

  13910. Women, Heart Attack (Heart Attack in Women)

  13911. Women, Night Sweats (Night Sweats)

  13912. Women’s Day

  13913. Women’s Pelvic Pain ( Pelvic Pain in Women )

  13914. Women's Health

  13915. Womens Health ( International Day of Action for Womens Health )

  13916. Women's Medicine (Women's Health)

  13917. Women's Sexual Health (Sexual Health Overview)

  13918. Women's Wellness Exam (Pelvic Exam)

  13919. Wonder Food - Spirulina ( Spirulina -The Wonder Food )

  13920. Wonder Herbs for those Digestion Blues ( Herbs for Healthy Digestion )

  13921. Wood lung or pneumonitis

  13922. Woolly, wooly hair (congenital) (nevus)

  13923. Woolsorter's disease

  13924. Word

  13925. Work Health (Health and the Workplace)

  13926. Work Injury (Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs))

  13927. Work Stress (Health and the Workplace)

  13928. World Blood Donor Day

  13929. World Voice Day

  13930. Worm (s) (infection) (infestation) - see also Infestation, helminth

  13931. Worm-eaten soles

  13932. Worms, Pinworms (Pinworm Infection)

  13933. Worn out - see Exhaustion

  13934. Worried well

  13935. Worries

  13936. Wound (Cuts, Scrapes and Puncture Wounds)

  13937. Wound Closures (Stitches)

  13938. Wound, open

  13939. Wound, superficial - see Injury - see also specified injury type

  13940. WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome)

  13941. Wrestler's Ear (Cauliflower Ear)

  13942. Wright's syndrome

  13943. Wrinkles

  13944. Wrist - see condition

  13945. Wrist Tendinitis (De Quervain's Tenosynovitis)

  13946. Wrong drug (by accident) (given in error) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

  13947. Wry neck - see Torticollis

  13948. Wryneck ( Torticollis / Stiff Neck / Cervical Dystonia )

  13949. WS (Williams Syndrome)

  13950. Wuchereria (bancrofti)

  13951. Wuchereriasis

  13952. Wuchernde Struma Langhans

  13953. Xanthelasma (eyelid) (palpebrarum)

  13954. Xanthelasmatosis (essential)

  13955. Xanthinuria, hereditary

  13956. Xanthoastrocytoma

  13957. Xanthofibroma - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

  13958. Xanthogranuloma

  13959. Xanthoma (s), xanthomatosis (primary) (familial) (hereditary)

  13960. Xanthosis

  13961. XDR-TB, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB))

  13962. Xenophobia

  13963. Xeroderma - see also Ichthyosis

  13964. Xerophthalmia (vitamin A deficiency)

  13965. Xerosis

  13966. Xerosis ( Skin Disorder / Dry Skin )

  13967. Xerostomia

  13968. Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)

  13969. Xiphopagus

  13970. X-Linked Leigh's Disease (Leigh's Syndrome (Leigh's Disease))

  13971. XO syndrome

  13972. X-Ray

  13973. X-ray Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum (Upper GI Series)

  13974. XXXXY syndrome

  13975. XXY Chromosomes (Klinefelter Syndrome)

  13976. XXY Males (Klinefelter Syndrome)

  13977. XXY syndrome

  13978. XY Females – Women or Men

  13979. Yaba pox (virus disease)

  13980. Yatapoxvirus

  13981. Yawning

  13982. Yaws

  13983. Yeast infection - see also Candidiasis

  13984. Yeast Infection in Women and Men

  13985. Yeast Infections (Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children)

  13986. Yeast Vaginitis (Yeast Infection in Women and Men)

  13987. Yeast, Oral (Thrush)

  13988. Yellow

  13989. Yellow Fever

  13990. Yellow Fever - Safe and Effective Vaccine

  13991. Yellow Poop (Stool Color Changes)

  13992. Yellow Stools (Stool Color Changes)

  13993. Yersiniosis - see also Infection, Yersinia

  13994. Younger Children, Sleep (Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teens)

  13995. Zahorsky's syndrome (herpangina)

  13996. Zellweger's syndrome

  13997. Zenker's diverticulum (esophagus)

  13998. Ziehen-Oppenheim disease

  13999. Zieve's syndrome

  14000. ZIFT (Infertility)

  14001. Zinc

  14002. Zits ( Acne / Pimples )

  14003. Zits (Acne)

  14004. Zoledronic acid does not Improve Disease-free Survival in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Therapy ( Can Zoledronic acid Improve Survival in Breast Cancer Patients? )

  14005. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

  14006. Zona - see Herpes, zoster

  14007. Zone Diet ( Diet - Zone Diet )

  14008. Zoophobia

  14009. Zoster (herpes) - see Herpes, zoster

  14010. Zygoauromandibular Dysplasia (Treacher Collins Syndrome)

  14011. Zygomycosis

  14012. Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis)

  14013. Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (Infertility)

  14014. Zymotic - see condition
Does the World Health Organization or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders elaborate each medical condition or each human disease in at least 40 different questions and answers in the English language?

What are recommendations to the World Health Organization regarding publishing an international classification of diseases and the American Psychiatric Association publishing DSM5?
Others are doing better human health care public service than you.
Merge with other resources.

For examples: www.qureshiuniversity.com/healthcareworld.html

What are the flaws or deficiencies with the World Health Organization publishing an international classification of diseases and the American Psychiatric Association publishing DSM5?

They have not elaborated every medical condition in question-and-answer format.
They have not elaborated medical conditions in alphabetical order with number for each medical condition.
They have not elaborated on various symptoms with codes.
They have not elaborated on various medical emergencies up to September 5, 2013.
They do not reply to relevant questions due to deficiency of services.

What resource has elaborated each medical condition or human disease in 40 different questions and answers in the English language?
Take a look at this.

How are medical conditions or human diseases classified?
How should medical conditions or human diseases be classified?
What international classification of medical conditions or diseases do you follow?
Where is it displayed publicly?
When was it last updated?
When is the next update due?
How should the new recommendations be processed?
How often should classification of medical conditions or diseases be updated?

International classification of diseases

What have been recent findings?
The ICD 10 has been circulated.
Recommendations of implementation October 1, 2014.
There is a total of 60 files.
I went through them.
This needs to be modified immediately.
There are various flaws in the documents/files.

ICD 10 CM index to diseases and injuries has more medical conditions or diseases than are listed in this document.
You should have elaborated the total number of diseases or medical conditions listed.

ICD 10 CM External Cause of Injuries Index
Do not write a medical condition with sub classification _ _ _injuring'

Procedure Definition Explanation Examples

Do not use xml format.
Use html or pdf format.

What do you have to do?

What should be elaborated in international classifications of diseases relevant to a human?

Diagnosis of an emergency human.
Diagnosis of a nonemergency human.
Human health care settings.
Medications or drugs for humans.
Procedures for humans done by a doctor.
Symptoms & signs A-Z List Human.
Symptoms & signs Emergency A-Z List Human.

Questions you need to answer in modified format.

1. Alphabetical listing of human medical conditions (diagnosis).

Where is the alphabetical listing of human medical conditions (diagnosis)or diseases?
A link to specific file should be available.

2. Alphabetical listing of emergency human medical conditions (diagnosis).

Where is the alphabetical listing of emergency human medical conditions (diagnosis) or diseases?
A link to specific file should be available.

3. Alphabetical listing of various human symptoms and signs.

Where is the alphabetical listing of human symptoms and signs?
A link to specific file should be available.

4. Alphabetical listing of various human emergency symptoms and signs.

Where is the alphabetical listing of various human emergency symptoms and signs?
A link to specific file should be available.

5. Alphabetical listing of various human medical procedures.

Where is the alphabetical listing of various human medical procedures performed by a doctor?
A link to specific file should be available.

6. Alphabetical listing of various human medications or drugs.

Where is the alphabetical listing of various human medications or drugs?
A link to specific file should be available.

7. Alphabetical listing of human healthcare setting

Where are the alphabetical listing of human health care settings?
A link to specific file should be available.
Internet human health care.
Public health.

All these entities should be included in the alphabetical listing of human health care services/settings.

I have all such documents and listings.
I have answers to all these questions with relevant documents.
You have to nominate a team of doctors that will collaborate with me.

There should not be any conflict of interest with the doctors.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Here are further guidelines.
Last Updated: April 3, 2014