Implement the Solution
Solution Implementation and Verification
Is there enough information to help us find a solution? If not, what information do we need?
What is the difference between a quick fix and a successful solution?
What is my immediate goal?
Some suggested monitoring techniques are:
Tickler file
Compliance reports
Group meetings
Individual meetings
Customer/user interviews
Surveys and written questionnaires
Quality control spot checks
Walk through or role play
Trend graph
Checkpoints on action plan
Personal inspection of all work
Budget controls
What could go wrong?
How can you prevent this from happening?
How will we fix it if it does happen?
Implementing the Solution
How can real problems be approached and analyzed in ways that lead to practical solutions?
What distinguishes effective solutions from ineffective ones?
Is the problem stated objectively using only the facts?
Is the scope of the problem limited enough for the group to handle?
Will all who read it understand the same meaning of the problem?
Does the statement include "implied causes" or "implied solutions?"
Has the "desired state" been described in measurable terms?
Do you have a target date identified?
What resources are needed for the solution to work?
What do we have to do to accomplish our proposed course of action?
Who will be responsible for implementing the proposed plan?
When can our group reasonably expect results?
What unplanned events or accidents are likely to jeopardize our actions?
What people should we consult who can help us with our proposal?
What people should we consult who could threaten our proposal?
How well did the group assess the problem or decision?
How well did the group identify its goal?
How well did the group identify the positive consequences of the solutions under consideration?
How well did the group identify the negative consequences of the solutions under consideration?
Did the group draw reasonable conclusions from available information?
What role will others play in evaluating progress during implementation?
How will you know if the implementation is on track?
How will you know when to implement the contingency plan?
Who makes the decision?
Has the goal been reached?
Are plans in place to ensure the problem does not recur?
Implement the Solution
How effective is the solution?
Did it achieve what I wanted?
What consequences (good and bad) did it have in my situation?
Working through basic problem-solving processes
To approach most problems you will need to:
1. Define the task clearly. What exactly is required?
2. Set priorities. What must be done first? What can be left until later?
3. Develop an appropriate strategy: what steps must you take to address the task?
4. Use experience from similar problems: what do you already know or what have you already done that would offer a starting place or guidance on how to approach the current problem?
5. Set targets: what steps must you accomplish by when? How will you know you have achieved each target? How will you measure your progress?
6. Develop an action plan. List all the steps necessary to achieve each target. Identify the best order for accomplishing each step and a deadline for each.
7. Get started. Do not wait until the last minute, start early on the tasks that you can begin straight away. Keep yourself focused and motivated.
8. Monitor your performance against targets and indicators. Check regularly whether you are meeting your targets and revise your action plan accordingly.
9. Evaluate your performance. How well did you achieve your targets? What did you learn that will be of use to you for future problems and tasks?
Elaborating the problem to find the best solution
Research shows that people who spend more time at the beginning working out exactly what a task involves have a better chance of success. This is referred to as 'elaborating the problem'. The most important process in problem-solving is in 'defining the task'.
It is worth spending time reflecting on what kind of problem it is, how it is like other problems you have encountered, and what different options there might be for approaching the task. A less successful approach is to launch in too quickly, without undertaking the initial reflection and preparation.
Once you have done that, weigh up different solutions. Consider lots of options for how to approach the task or solve the problem. Don't dive in without a good plan. It will take time to weigh up the advantages and challenges of each possible solution. Work towards the best solution by:
1. Knowing what would make a 'best possible solution' How far is this feasible in your circumstances?
2. Working to the deadline. Avoid solutions that cannot be met by the deadline.
3. Discussing your ideas with others. Find out how other people have approached similar problems.
4. Researching your options. Look for hidden advantages and flaws. What has been tried and failed before?
5. Evaluating and costing options. Can you afford them? Do you have the right resources for each?
6. Checking your expertise. Do you have the right expertise and skills? Could you develop these in time?
7. Giving your mind time to 'play' with and mull over different options.
Evaluating the process
•How well did it work?
•What would have led to a better outcome?
•What else needs to be done?
•How far you met deadlines and budgets (where relevant).
•How far did the solution meet the task requirements or the needs of the client?
•What feedback have you received from others? What does this tell you about your performance?
Writing up the problem
Have you ever thought of yourself as a problem solver?
Generation of Alternative Solutions
What have I done in this situation in the past, and how well has that worked?