Most bodybuilders will admit to not putting as much care an attention to training their leg workouts as opposed to their chest workouts or back workouts, and I am no exception to this. But having strong leg
muscles gives you an all round strength and lets face it, makes you look good in a pair of jeans.
Probably the reason so many of us hate training legs is because we cant show them off like we can the arms or chest, secondly leg training is tough and requires a lot of energy and focus. It is a shame, because a strong set of legs will give you power which can be useful for running, ball sports such as soccer and the best sport of all football!
The Legs Consists of Four Primary Muscles
1. Quadriceps Femoris - The quadriceps femoris is located on the front of the thighs, its the largest muscle group in the legs and consists of 4 prevailing muscles (hence the name quadriceps). The quadriceps are responsible for running, jogging, walking, squats and general stability of the body, including stability of the knee joints.
2. Hamstrings – The hamstrings are situated behind
the thigh, connecting at the back of the knee to the hips. They are
actually made up of 3 muscles: Biceps femoris, semitendinosus and
semimembranosus. The hamstrings primary functions are flexion of the
knee (as in lifting your heel towards your buttocks) and extension of
the hips (moving your leg to the rear).
3. Calf – The calf muscles are situated at the back
of the lower leg, comprising of two muscles: Gastrocnemius (upper calf)
and soleus (lower calf). The calf muscles are responsible for
plantarflex the feet, for use with running or jumping (simply put its
when you raise upwards from your calf by standing on your toes).
4. Tibialis Anterior – The tibialis anterior is the muscle that is situated at the front of the lower leg, covering the tibia bone. The Tibialis is responsible for dorsiflexion of the feet (simply put its moving your toes towards your lower leg).
Quadriceps Femoris Workouts
Barbell Squats
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris, hamstrings & gluteus maximus
Exercise Difficulty: 10/10
Leg Presses
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris & hamstrings
Exercise Difficulty: 9/10
Front Barbell Squats
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris & hamstrings
Exercise Difficulty: 8.5/10
One Legged Dumbbell Squats
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris
Exercise Difficulty: 8/10
Barbell Lunges
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris, hamstrings & gluteus maximus
Exercise Difficulty: 7.5/10
Barbell Hack Squat
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris & hamstrings
Exercise Difficulty: 7/10
Sissy Squats
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris
Exercise Difficulty: 7/10
Leg Extensions
Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps Femoris
Exercise Difficulty: 6.5/10
Hamstrings Workouts
Straight Leg Deadlift
Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings, spinal erectors
Exercise Difficulty: 9/10
Lying Hamstring Curls
Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings
Exercise Difficulty: 8/10
Standing Hamstring Curls
Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings
Exercise Difficulty: 7.5/10
Calf Workouts
Standing Calf Raises
Muscles Targeted: Calfs
Exercise Difficulty: 10/10
Seated Calf Raises
Muscles Targeted: Calfs
Exercise Difficulty: 9/10
Tibialis Workouts
Reverse Calf Raises
Muscles Targeted: Tibialis Anterior
Exercise Difficulty: 10/10