A calcium and vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, which is the result of a vitamin D deficiency with inadequate calcification.
  1. What is it? Answer

  2. What causes it? Answer

  3. How many causes are there? Answer

  4. What are the risk factors? Answer

  5. What's normal? Answer

  6. How is it diagnosed? Answer

  7. What are the symptoms? Answer

  8. What are the signs? Answer

  9. What are the clinical findings? Answer

  10. What are the lab or investigation findings? Answer

  11. What is the treatment? Answer

  12. What are the workable treatment options? Answer

  13. How could this be prevented? Answer

A calcium and vitamin D deficiency causes rickets, which is the result of a vitamin D deficiency with inadequate calcification. The diagnosis is generally based on blood tests indicating low calcium, low phosphorus, and high alkaline phosphatase.
Last Updated: March 19, 2024