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"Good morning, Mr _____,"
Never use someone's first name unless they ask you to.
"Mr _____, my name is ____ ____, I'm with Human Services Globe, and I'd like to talk with you about increasing your company's market share/enlisting."
"I understand how valuable your time is, and I promise to be brief."
Make sure your product or service is a good fit with the prospect's needs.
"My company has asked me to conduct a two-question survey of ten people in our industry."
As the prospect answers your questions, listen intently, and repeat paraphrased versions of the answers. This will keep the person talking, and it should be easy to see if they qualify for a face-to-face visit.
"Would Tuesday at 10.00 a.m work for you, or is Thursday at 2:00 p.m better?"
"When's a good time for you?'
give the prospect a chance to say, " Actually, I'm busy until next week."
Before hanging up, thank the prospect again, repeat the time and date of the meeting and verify the location.

Don't intent to have sex.
Don't intent to violate any boundries.
Don't conspire in any way.
Don't harm in any way overtly or covertly.