How are his or her 10 physical functions?

How have these 10 physical functions remained for the last 12 months?

Physical Function Subscale:

1. Ascending stairs
2. Descending stairs
3. Getting out of chair
4. Remaining in standing position
5. Bending
6. Walking on flat surface
7. In/out of car
8. Shopping
9. Socks/stockings on
10. Getting out of bed
11. Socks/stockings off
12. Lying in bed
13. In/out bath
14. Sitting
15. Toileting
16. Heavy domestic duties
17. Light domestic duties

Activities of Daily Living

Bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and feeding

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

The Instrumental Activities of Daily Living survey assesses functional capabilities of older patients. The survey is based on 7 criteria: use of a phone book to dial, answer, or find someone's phone number; traveling in a car or using public transportation; shopping for food or clothes; preparing meals; doing housework; using medications properly; and managing survival resources). Each of the 7 criteria are graded as independent, assistance needed, or dependent.

Social Skills

Pain Subscale:
1. Walking on flat surface
2. Going up/down stairs
3. At night
4. Sitting/lying
5. Standing upright