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Sheep Industry
How many breeds of sheep are there?
Worldwide, over 450.
Take a look at this.
What are the housing needs of sheep?
What's a simple way to provide shade for summer pasture rotation?
How do you know how much to feed a sheep?
How do you estimate the hay you need?
Which is better, square bales or round, when buying hay?
How do you determine what is good hay and what isn't?
How good is good when it comes to hay?
What about water?
How do you keep water liquid in the winter?
What is "flushing"?
How do you "flush" the sheep?
What is a breeding group?
How do you know when to put the ram with the ewes?
How long are ewes pregnant before they lamb?
How long should the ram remain with the ewes?
How can you tell when lambing will start?
What do you do during lambing?
What about after lambing?
What about ear tags, selenium, etc?
What medications are recommended to use on sheep?
How do you give a sheep a shot?


Which products are covered by the hygiene rules?
What are the HACCP principles?
Do farm operators need to introduce HACCP?
Who has the primary responsibility for hygiene and how is this verified?
Who will develop the guides to good practice?
How is traceability and marking guaranteed?
Who is responsible for meat inspection?
Is inspection of live animals possible on the farm?
Inspection on the farm by an approved veterinarian is possible.
How will meat inspection change with the new rules?

What are the farmer’s obligations when sending animals for slaughter?
What is the level of supervision in cutting plants?
Is there flexibility for businesses or traditional products?
Are there any exemptions from these hygiene rules?