Tons To Pounds Conversion

How many pounds in a ton ?

Tons to pounds (T to lbs) weight conversion table shows the most common values for the quick reference. Alternatively, you may use the ton to pound converter below to convert any other values.

1 Short Ton [US] = 2 000 Pounds

1 Long Ton [UK] = 2 240 Pounds

1 Metric Ton = 2 204.62262 Pounds

Ton is a unit of mass in different measurement systems and usually mistaken with each other. The short ton (also known as net ton) equals to 2000 pounds and used in north america (united states and canada), the long ton (also known as weight ton or gross ton) is used in imperial system (UK and some of the other english speaking countries) and defined as 2240 pounds or 1016 kilograms and finally the metric ton (also known as tonne) equals to 1000 kilograms and used in metric system. The abbreviation for ton is "T".

If you are trading internationally, you must know what type of ton as a weight unit is used in that country to avoid the surprises.

Pound is a unit of mass in imperial and us customary systems. International avoirdupois pound is the most commonly used pound today and defined as 0.45359237 kilograms. Troy pound is rarely used. There are 16 ounces in a pound and 12 troy ounces in a troy pound. The abbreviations for pound are "lb", "lbs".

The table and the converter below convert from short ton [US] to pounds.

For other units of weight conversion, please go to Weight Conversion


Enter a short ton value that you want to convert into pounds and click on the "convert" button.

Short Tons to Pounds Table

Ton Pound Ton Pound Ton Pound Ton Pound
1 2000 26 52000 51 102000 76 152000
2 4000 27 54000 52 104000 77 154000
3 6000 28 56000 53 106000 78 156000
4 8000 29 58000 54 108000 79 158000
5 10000 30 60000 55 110000 80 160000
6 12000 31 62000 56 112000 81 162000
7 14000 32 64000 57 114000 82 164000
8 16000 33 66000 58 116000 83 166000
9 18000 34 68000 59 118000 84 168000
10 20000 35 70000 60 120000 85 170000
11 22000 36 72000 61 122000 86 172000
12 24000 37 74000 62 124000 87 174000
13 26000 38 76000 63 126000 88 176000
14 28000 39 78000 64 128000 89 178000
15 30000 40 80000 65 130000 90 180000
16 32000 41 82000 66 132000 100 200000
17 34000 42 84000 67 134000 125 250000
18 36000 43 86000 68 136000 150 300000
19 38000 44 88000 69 138000 175 350000
20 40000 45 90000 70 140000 200 400000
21 42000 46 92000 71 142000 250 500000
22 44000 47 94000 72 144000 300 600000
23 46000 48 96000 73 146000 500 1000000
24 48000 49 98000 74 148000 750 1500000
25 50000 50 100000 75 150000 1000 2000000
