List of Adverbs

This list of adverbs should help you to understand adverbs a little better. For a more in-depth look at adverbs, see the adverb page.

Quick Refresher: Adverbs are words that describe - or modify - verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

They tell us how, when, where, to what extent, and why.

Adverbs that tell us How?

A: absentmindedly, adoringly, awkwardly

B: beautifully, briskly, brutally

C: carefully, cheerfully, competitively

E: eagerly, effortlessly, extravagantly

G: girlishly, gracefully, grimly

L: lazily, lifelessly, loyally

Q: quietly, quickly, quizzically

R: really, recklessly, remorsefully, ruthlessly

S: savagely, sloppily, so, stylishly

U: unabashedly, unevenly, urgently

W: well, wishfully, worriedly

Adverbs that tell us When?

A: after, afterwards, annually

B: before

D: daily

N: never, now

S: soon, still

T: then, today, tomorrow

W: weekly, when

Y: yesterday

Adverbs that tell us Where?

A: abroad, anywhere, away

E: everywhere

H: here, home

I: in, inside

O: out, outside

S: somewhere

T: there

U: underground, upstairs

Adverbs that tell us To what extent?

E: extremely

N: not (this includes n't)

Q: quite

R: rather, really

T: terribly, too

V: very

Comparative and Superlative Adverbs

Don't know what this means? See the adverbs page to learn more about this.

Positive Comparative Superlative
badly worse worst
carefully more carefully most carefully
little less least
much more most
soon sooner soonest
well better best

For the mother lode list of adverbs, check out this site.

How Do You Diagram Adverbs?

Seeing a list of adverbs is a great way to learn what an adverb is.

Sentence diagramming can teach you what an adverb does.

Sentence diagramming is a visual way to show how the words in a sentence are related to each other.

You already know that adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Diagramming will show this to you.

Adverbs are diagrammed on a slanted line underneath the word that they modify.

diagramming nouns

Isn't that cool?!

You can learn more about diagramming by going to the English grammar exercise page which will take you step by step through diagramming.

Read the list of adverbs? Click here to learn more about them.

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