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Document Types in English language
What are the types of documents in English language?
    What is an agenda?
    What does an agenda look like?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What questions should be answered before you write a book?
    How do you write a book?
    Here are further guidelines.
Documentation (Manuals)
    What technical processes or mechanical systems need documentation (a manual)?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What is a dictionary?
    What is an encyclopedia?
    Here are further guidelines.
Electronic mail
    How should you write an electronic mail?
    Write an electronic mail similar to a letter.
    Here are further guidelines.
    How are E-books better than books on shelves?
    Here are further guidelines.
Educational resources on the Internet
    What are various examples of useful educational resources on the Internet?
    How do you measure usefulness of an educational resource on the Internet?
    Here are further guidelines.
Hypertext document
    How is a hypertext document different than a postal document?
    Here are further guidelines.
Instructions and procedures
    How are manufacturing instructions and procedures manuals different than service manuals?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What are interrogatories?
    Who writes most interrogatories?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What is a journal?
    What are the types of journal?
    Here are further guidelines.
Literature reviews
    What is a literature review?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What are the different formats of letters?
    What are the different types of letters?
    Here are further guidelines.
    How does linguistics help in understanding and learning other languages?
    Here are further guidelines.
Meeting documents
    What questions should be answered before, during, and after the meeting?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.
Medical records
    What does medical records documentation look like?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.
News reports
    What does a news report look like?
    Here are further guidelines.
Oral Presentations
    How will you compare and contrast written documents and oral presentations?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.
Press releases

    Here are further guidelines.
Progress Report
    What are various types of progress reports?
    Here are further guidelines.
    What should you include in your profile?
    Relevant skills, activities, and accomplishments.
    More questions can be asked to get more details.
    Here are further guidelines.
Public Notice
    What are the types of public notices?
    Where should public notices be displayed?
    What questions should be answered before issuing a public notice?
    Here are further guidelines.
Research Documents
    How should you present your research?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.
Recreational website
    How is a recreational website different than educational resource?
    Here are further guidelines.
Specifications (Manufacturing)

    Here are further guidelines.
Statement of purpose
    What is a Statement of Purpose in the context of admission to various courses?
    Here are further guidelines.
Schools, colleges, and universities on the Internet
    What do schools, colleges, and universities look like on the Internet?
    What can be displayed about schools, colleges, and universities on the Internet?
    Factual educational text, graphics, animation, and video.
    Here are further guidelines.
Style guides
    Who writes theses?
    Here are further guidelines.