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![]() About the budget: How would I manage this differently? How would I write this differently? How would I say this differently? How would I do this differently? There are people mentioning millions, billions without knowing real needs, interests, and values of the people. Without knowing the answer to this question, how do you solve these problems? Prior to the budget, I would seek answers to the following questions: Do we need to set up more industries? What type of industries do we need to establish? Why do we need them? How many total residents are there in the state or continent? What are the sources of this information? What is the total requirement: food, clothing, buildings, transportation, health care, security, industry-specific education, training and development? How was the figure calculated? One governor in one part of the world mentions to submit budget issues to elected representatives. Issues were submitted to so-called elected representatives. Why wasn't there any response? Where are the solutions? Who has the duty and responsibility to educate elected representatives? Getting elected isn't enough; performance is essential. Solutions and remedies to issues are essential. How should non-performing elected representatives be replaced? What are the imports? Keep all imports in the warehouses of consumer affairs, food and public distribution. What do we grow indigenously? Keep all of them in warehouses of consumer affairs, food and public distribution. How do we distribute them? What should be the quota per person? This is the basic structure to fulfill needs, interests, values, and rights of people. After that, if a private person, party, company, cooperative, association, comes and can provide a better quality of products and with comparatively less efforts and value, it would be most welcome. I would encourage the same, reinforce the same, give incentives for the same. If you see any vacant land that can be cultivated outside the city/county limits, you can't own the land; however, you can cultivate the same. Crops, products: You can't sell on your own. You have to hand them over to consumer affairs food and public distribution. They will distribute it fairly. If consumer affairs food and public distribution isn't doing good work, you have the right to protest, claim, question. Which is better: Leave it without any yield, or grow quality crops and fruit yielding trees? The same holds true for the automobile industry. After production, distribute the same through consumer affairs, food and public distribution. Initially, one car for one family. After that, one car for each person. Quota-based distribution. |
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If you know anyone who gets involved in public affairs and doesn't know the
difference between economy and budget, ask him/her to stay away from public affairs. Q 1. What are the essential ingredients of an economy? A. Food. B. Clothing. C. Construction. D. Maintenance services. E. Health care. F. Security. G. Transportation. H. Consumer goods. I. Communications. J. Education. The concept of finance has to be replaced with a concept of economy and budget, with a quota-based allotment. Technology, management, and marketing are requirements. The Department of Finance should be abolished. A Department of Economy and Budget is essential. Q 2. What is essential is each sector, starting from the highest priority to the lowest? A. Food: Drinkable water, grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits, Consumable protein like eggs, poultry, mutton, beef, fish, milk, edible oil, sugar, salt, spices. B. Clothing: Climate-specific clothing. C. Construction: Urban planning and development, water, energy resources, building materials, buildings, roads, railways, airports, others. D. Maintenance services: Water reservoirs, food warehouses, clothing, buildings, energy resources, railways, road maintenance. E. Health care: Competent medical doctors who can offer correct diagnoses and treatment, nursing, social service, lab techs, operating theaters, intensive care units, supportive resources and services for medical doctors. Hospital Supplies. F. Security: Intelligence. G. Transportation: Railways, trucks, ships, airlines, tractors, buses, electric vehicle. H. Consumer goods: Cooking ranges, cooking utensils, refrigerators, janitorial items. I. Communications: Internet, satellite, telephone, postal service. J. Education: Industry-specific, situation-specific education training and development. Q 3. What aren't essential ingredients of the economy? A. Entertainment. B. Tourism. C. Nonessential handicrafts. D. Wildlife sanctuaries. E. Religious institutions not imparting situation-specific education. F. Non-health related sports. G. Lottery. H. Ineffective, harmful social services. I. Harmful property management burdening police, courts, health care resources. J. Banks and other institutions that try to get involved in loans, funding, financing. K. Banks that don't integrate with industry-specific, situation-specific education resources and display publicly. Department of economy and budget is essential. Q 4. What harms are involved with tourism or hospitality? A: Tied up in tourism, hospitality brings bad character, bad behavior, crime, fake currency, and monopoly. Tourism hospitality is a burden on the economy and budget of the region. Accepting, exchanging notes and currency in tourism, hospitality isn't enhancing the economy or helping budget. Q 5. What leads banks and institutions to get involved in such harmful reinforcement? A: Incompetence, lack of knowledge of economics and budget, corruption, favorable posting in return for such reinforcement, and monopoly. Matters related to converting hotels involved in harms and crimes to educational trusts. Punishment of those involved in harms. Department of economy and budget. Q: What should this department do? Q: What should the head of this department do? Answer the following questions: How many people should work in this department? Q: What about electricity, water supply? A: Free. Q: How should those working in these departments be remunerated? A: Ration card, health care, transportation, housing, consumer goods, communications card. Q: What about equipment utilized in various departments? A: Enhance indigenous industries. Import and export goods and services for other goods and services. Q: How should people get food, clothing, health care, security, transportation, consumer goods, communications, industry-specific education, training and development? A: Ration card: Already existing. Building needs: Fair housing act exists. Health card: Already existing. Transportation card: Already existing. Consumer goods: Add to ration card. Communications: Add to ration card. Education card: Some regions' education is free. Qureshi University is willing to make it free. A Department of Economy and Budget is essential. Let's examine this. I will give you a real-world example. In America, at Kinko's, one worker asked me to take a look at events. The worker pushed a button and hundreds of dollars were printed. All were the exact pattern, color, and size. They told me they will mail it to Asia if I agree. I disagreed. This is the same thing the Reserve Bank of India is doing. Why should we agree to the Reserve Bank of India? It is doing precisiely what Kinko's demonstrated. Its activity destroys the economy and budget of the region. Notes printed by the Reserve Bank of India won't enhance the economy or help the budget. Some banks try to meddle with the economy with malicious monopoly-engineered fraudulent schemes that destroy the economy and budget with fake currency, monopoly, and incompetence. Circulate these questions. Most finance secretaries, finance ministers, and heads of state don't have correct answers to these questions. What is an economy? What is a budget? What is the difference between economy and budget? They are monopoly-planted incompetent harmful people. Q: Who is harmed? A: The people. |
Here are important guidelines. |