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What is an example of a violation of the essential services maintenance act?
Health care is an essential service. Monopolizing, exploiting, or depriving others of health care within the state or outside the state is a violation of the essential services maintenance act. Why are medical doctors educated at public institutions for free? The system resources are mobilized to them so that they can serve the public. State health care products and service are made available to them so that they can serve the public. Take a look at this. ![]() Did we mobilize public resources for medical doctors and the health care system to face this type of situation? All involved in this should be charged and punished for violation of the essential services maintenance act, monopoly, exploitation of oppressed, and relevant criminal offenses. Who all should be charged? Editor greater Kashmir. JK Bank (closure of JK Bank, repeated conspiracies). State department of health. Concerned medical doctors. Other involved. How should you go ahead for health care of this patient? Who is the medical doctor who has diagnosed and treated this case up to December 25, 2011? What is the mailing address of the patient? Why can't existing medical doctors and hospitals manage this case in the state? What is the response of the state department of health? What were the symptoms? What were the signs? When did the symptoms or any sign start? How did the symptoms or any sign start? Who reported the symptoms, signs, or problem? Did the medical condition interfere with daily activities? Was the medical condition corrected with any treatment? What is the diagnosis? Who diagnosed and treated her? Where and when did he or she first diagnose her? How did the doctor reach this diagnosis? Why was this treatment recommended? What would happen if this treatment was not recommended? How would events happen if this treatment was not recommended? Where is she at this point as of December 25, 2011? Who recommended the medical procedure? How will the patient improve after the medical procedure? Why was there need for surgery? What would happen if surgery was not done? Who was the treating doctor? What is his contact information? What are the goals of the treatment? Is the treatment appropriate for this diagnosis? Here are further guidelines. |