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5042 N Winthrop Ave # 237 Chicago, Illinois 60640 Phone:(773)561-6102 Fax:(773)337-9107 February 7, 2012 Police Department 5400 North Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL 60625 Dear Sir or Madam: How should police verify the findings in case they are called for involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility? This example will help you understand. The counselor and supervisor do not understand the issue and write an involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility. A person comes in front of the police and makes a statement. The counselor and others did not understand the issues. You did not understand the issues. The police do not understand the issues, and write that the person was in the middle of the road speaking his mind. What is the truth and reality? He came outside the room of the counselor and made a statement. The counselor and others did not understand the issues. You did not understand the issues. Police did not verify the findings by asking relevant questions. Police should have asked these questions: Have they understood you correctly? Have I/we understood you correctly? What are the issues? They did not understand your issues properly: Is that correct? Questions that police needs to ask those asking for involuntary admission of someone to a psychiatric facility: Can you reach a correct diagnosis and treatment of a human being? What is the diagnosis of this patient? How did your reach this diagnosis? What do you understand by intentional enforced harms? Is this a case of intentional enforced harms? If yes, this needs solutions and remedies. This person cannot qualify for involuntary admission to psychiatric facility. We need to put a system in place so that this does not happen again. How many police officers are associated with your location? What is their profile? What is the area of service? Can I have e-mail communication with a few of your officers? What do the police officers know about psychiatry and policing? |