How should a prosecuting officer be assigned duty in specific compartments? The nominated prosecuting officer should answer relevant questions publicly, then assigned duty in a specific compartment. What should you be able to answer? What is your political affiliation? Where did you go to high school? Where did you go to college? What subjects did you study? How old are you? What is economy? What is budget? How do you define state economy? How do you define a state budget? What are the essential ingredients of an economy? What is the Essential Commodities Act? What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act? What is the Fair Housing Act? What is good human character? What is good human behavior? What are the rights of a civilized human being? Who is a civilized human being? Do you know about state planning and development? What do you know about state planning and development? Where is it displayed? Do you understand english language? What standard and reference of the English language do you follow? Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed? What is your mailing address? What are your assets? Did you have these assets in 1980? What were your assets in 1980? What are your assets in 2011? How did you accumulate your assets after 1980? What are the assets of your relatives and friends? Where are they located? What are various criminal offenses? |