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![]() Hakeem Imtiaz: Do you know you have been asked to stay away from public affairs? Do you need to be warned and punished to assure that you stay away from public affairs? In 1986, Shia criminal Mehboob Ali Dar raped his classmate Sapna (Ahuja) in Karnataka. Where is she now? In 1992, Mehboob Ali Dar got a fraudulent postgraduate degree in medicine at SKIMS. On discovery, it was found that criminals like Hakeem Imtiaz had created a criminal lobby to enhance nefarious harmful interests of criminal cult members. Do rapists need to be punished or rewarded? There are vivid harms and Hakeem Imtiaz remained party to the harms. You are a Shia criminal, cult member trying to interfere in public affairs without any relevant skills and knowledge. All of his criminal cult members should be identified and punished. Do not follow any of his directives. All his directives are invalid. |