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What are various examples of nouns?

Noun Type


Common Nouns name people, places or things that are not specific.man, mountain, state, ocean, country, building, cat, airline
Proper Nouns name specific people, places, or things.Walt Disney, Mount Kilimanjaro, Minnesota, Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Empire State Building, Fluffy, Sun Country
Abstract Nouns name nouns that you can't perceive with your five sense. love, wealth, happiness, pride, fear, religion, belief, history, communication
Concrete Nouns name nouns that you can perceive with your five senses.house, ocean, Uncle Mike, bird, photograph, banana, eyes, light, sun, dog, suitcase, flowers
Countable Nouns name nouns that you can count.bed, cat, movie, train, country, book, phone, match, speaker, clock, pen, David, violin
Uncountalbe Nouns name nouns that you can't count.milk, rice, snow, rain, water, food, music
Compound Nouns are made up of two or more words.tablecloth, eyeglasses, New York, photograph, daughter-in-law, pigtails, sunlight, snowflake
Collective Nouns refer to things or people as a unit.bunch, audience, flock, team, group, family, band, village
Singular Nouns name one person, place, thing, or idea.cat, sock, ship, hero, monkey, baby, match
Plural Nouns name more than one person, place, thing, or idea.cats, socks, ships, heroes, monkeys, babies, matches