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Weather News
What is weather?
Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time, day, date, and place. Most weather takes place in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

Weather is measured and described in a variety of ways by meteorologists, scientists, engineers, pilots, public, and others.

What are the basic ingredients for weather?
What is included in weather report at specific time, day, date, and place?

1. Air temperature
2. Barometric pressure
3. Humidity
4. The strength and direction of wind.
5. The types of clouds.

What does a weather report at specific time and location look like?

On Friday, January 13, 2012, at 10 pm in Chicago, Illinois, the weather details were as follows:
Temperature minus 7.2° Celsius (19° F), Light snow, Wind west direction 9 miles per hour, Barometer 29.91 in., Dew Point 12°F, Visibility 9SM, with humidity of 71%.

January 14, 2012: Sunrise 7:19 AM, Sunset 16:52 PM, Length of day 9h 33m.

Temperature should be reported in Celsius.
Fahrenheit and Kelvin create problems.
Those reporting in Fahrenheit or Kelvin should slowly adapt to Celsius.

How was weather forecasting news reported in olden days?
How should you report weather forecasting news?

Here are further guidelines.