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How have educational programs been organized?
Professions Take a look at this. This resource has guidelines for more then 611 professions required in essential ingredients of the economy of every state. Products Take a look at this. This resource has guidelines for manufacturing of more than 1,222 essential products. Subjects Take a look at this. This resource has guidelines for instruction of more than 158 subjects that are available, ranging from English language, math, science, and social studies to public health, law, engineering, and education. Skills Take a look at this. This resource has guidelines for thousands of skills ranging from general purpose skills to work-specific skills. Services Take a look at this. This resource has guidelines for more than 22 essential services. Q: What is a university? A: A university is a resource of higher learning and research where people continue their education after secondary or high school. A university awards degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels as per certain criteria and curriculum. A university offers courses in specific disciplines and subjects. In olden days, people considered buildings with educational material a university. At present, some of the same or better educational materials in question-and-answer format are taught over the Internet or by post. It used to take millions and billions of dollars to establish a university. Now, there is university in a box with intellectual property. A constellation of various colleges forms a well-established university. In olden days, colleges used to be affiliated with a university that only conducted examinations and acted as registrar. With advanced technology and recent advances, things have changed. There also is an east-west difference in definition of graduates and postgraduates that needs to be standardized. Regional differences also need to be mentioned. Medicine, law, and business are considered professional colleges. Some also mention them as professional schools for reasons best known to them. We will need more competent guides and fewer titles. If guides or university title holders don't have correct answers themselves, how can they guide others? In certain parts of the world, the dean of the college is called the principal of the college. There also is a chancellor, vice chancellor, provost, registrar, trustees, etc. These titles are fast been replaced with less titles and quality education. There are at least ten fields of study, fifty subjects, which a state or any global university should offer. All courses should have global and state relevance. A board, group of people, the state service selection board, recognizes one university in the state; yet, the university in the state does not have relevant courses in question-and-answer format in the English language, and the resource person or guide cannot answer relevant questions via e-mail, postal mail, media, or face-to-face. Is a degree from such a university genuine? No, it is not. Q: What is unique about Qureshi University? Qureshi University ( contains more than 30,000 pages. These pages include more than 30 books that the founder of Qureshi University ( has authored himself in English language. If you read one page per day, it will take you 82 years to go through all the contents of Qureshi University ( Every day and every week, new contents are added. There are at least 611 various departments or fields in which professionals or workers can get educated at Qureshi University (, including teachers, engineers, medical doctors, lawyers, administrators, news editors, judges, legislators, police officers, correctional officers, entrepreneurs, governors, and other workers. Q: Who is founder of Qureshi University? Asif Qureshi Q: Who will be the successor? A: The successor should endorse the following statement. If you can't pay for your education, if the administration for any reason isn't willing to sponsor your education, there is free education for you at Qureshi University – from any corner of the world. The successor should be able to answer the following questions. What is good human character? What is good human behavior? Q: Why was there a need to establish Qureshi University? A: People are intentionally deprived of the right to education. Others failed to provide better education. Q: Do you have any recommendations for the successors of Qureshi University? A: He or she should be able to answer these questions. He or she can be at any location of the world. Q: What is a college? A: A college is a resource of higher learning offering courses in general or specific professional or vocational subjects, offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field. For example: |
Colleges |
Qureshi University College of Administrative Services |
Qureshi University College of Computer Science and Information Technology |
Qureshi University College of Pharmacology |
Qureshi University College of Agriculture |
Qureshi University College of Social Work |
Qureshi University College of Medicine |
Qureshi University College of Law |
Qureshi University College of Engineering |
Qureshi University College of Nursing |
Qureshi University College of Police Training |
Qureshi University College of Defense |
Qureshi University College of Education |
Master of Business Administration |
Master of Library and Information Science degree |
Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning |
PhD in English Language Learning |
PhD in Criminal Justice |
Veterinary College |
Industry Specific |
Work Specific |
Programs |
Q: What is an academic degree? A: An academic degree usually is awarded in recognition of the recipient having either satisfactorily completed a prescribed course of study or having conducted a scholarly endeavor deemed worthy of his or her being conferred the degree by a college or university. Q: What are the most common academic degrees awarded as of January 27, 2012? A: The most common degrees awarded today are Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees. Q: What will happen if other regions of the world do not standardize their academic standards? A: Their students will have problem in the real world. Q: What should be the focus and goals of students? A: Learning quality skills and knowledge, and learning about products and services in essential ingredients of the economy is essential. Getting an academic degree is not enough. Also, retain all knowledge learned during a course. Q: What will be included in an academic degree? A: Here is an example. The student has been able to answer 1,000 questions relevant to the academic discipline. His or her academic discipline of study was |