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What questions should you answer before you manufacture an aircraft engine? What is the purpose, use, and mission of aircraft for which this engine needs to be utilized? What should be the manufacturing label of an aircraft engine? Made in Illinois. Made in Kashmir. Made in Karnataka. Made in North America. Made in Asia. All of the above. What are various uses of aircraft? Passenger Cargo Military Intelligence What should you enumerate about an aircraft engine? | ||||||||
Aircraft engine materials | ||||||||
Aircraft engine calculations | ||||||||
Aircraft engine uses | ||||||||
Aircraft engine types | ||||||||
Aircraft engine specifications
| ||||||||
Aircraft engine manufacturing resources | ||||||||
Aircraft engine manufacturing process | ||||||||
Aircraft Engine Thrust
| ||||||||
Aircraft engine tests during manufacture | ||||||||
Aircraft engine testing facilities | ||||||||
Aircraft engine manufacturing workers | ||||||||
Aircraft engine manufacturing products and services | ||||||||
Aircraft engine tests during test flight before being put into service. | ||||||||
Aircraft engine tests while in service | ||||||||
Aircraft engine tests after being overhauled | ||||||||
Aircraft Engine Vocabulary | ||||||||
Aircraft engine specifications (by manufacturer) | ||||||||
Aircraft Engine Design | ||||||||
Glossary of Aeronautics Terms | ||||||||
Aircraft engine controls | ||||||||
Aircraft Combustion | ||||||||
Aircraft Noise | ||||||||
Aircraft Wings | ||||||||
A Basic Flight Simulator Tutorial | ||||||||
Belly landing (gear-up landing) What do you understand by a flight crew carrying out a gear-up landing? | ||||||||
Combustion | ||||||||
Engine Placement | ||||||||
Earth's atmosphere | ||||||||
Engine Weight Model | ||||||||
Fighter jet | ||||||||
Titanium | ||||||||
Jet engine | ||||||||
List of aircraft engines | ||||||||
Mass Flow Rate | ||||||||
Mach Number | ||||||||
Nozzle | ||||||||
Octane rating
| ||||||||
Other Military Gas Turbine Engines | ||||||||
Propulsion Index | ||||||||
Picture List of Gas Turbine Engines | ||||||||
Power Turbine | ||||||||
Parts of a Jet Engine | ||||||||
Standard enthalpy change of formation (data table) | ||||||||
Speed of sound | ||||||||
Titanium | ||||||||
Types of Turbines | ||||||||
Types of Gas Turbines | ||||||||
What is the role of a tail in an aircraft?
What are uses of engines in an aircraft? What is the role of wings in an aircraft? What is the process involved in the functioning of an aircraft turbofan engine? How much pressure increase is caused by the compressor before it delivers air to combustion or the burner? What happens to the starter and igniters once an aircraft engine has started? How is energy utilized generated by turbine in aircraft engine? What various equations are utilized in an aircraft jet engine? What is the purpose of aircraft you are manufacturing? What types of aircraft are required worldwide as of November 1, 2011? What is the difference between cargo or passenger aircraft engine, helicopter engine, satellite rocket engine, and fighter jet engine? | ||||||||
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Construction Materials | ||||||||
1. What are the four forces that act on an aircraft? 2. What are three things that determine the weight of an airplane? 3. What are two things that determine the thrust of an airplane? 4. A high thrust to weight ratio means that the aircraft will have high _____________and a high _______________. 5. If the thrust to weight ratio is greater than 1, this means the aircraft will be able to ______________________________. 6. Which of your four aircraft from the table above had the greatest thrust to engine weight ratio? 7. Which of your four aircraft had the greatest thrust to aircraft weight ratio? 8. Was your answer the same for questions 6 and 7? Why or why not? 9. Explain what a ratio is in your own words. 10. Write a few sentences summarizing this activity and what you learned from it. | |||||||| |