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Apply for Academic Admission
Last Updated: April 14, 2015
Applicant information

How have these questions been organized?
Questions relevant to your individual profile.
Questions relevant to the profession you plan to pursue.
Once you answer questions relevant to your individual profile, then you will get questions relevant to the profession you plan to pursue.
Question 1

What is your name?


First Name:______________

Last Name:______________
Question 2

Where and when were you born?

Question 3

Where did you go to high school?

Question 4

What subjects did you study?

Question 5

What are you interested in studying?


Question 6

What is your mailing address?




JavaScript Form Validation Question 7

What is your Email address?

Question 8

Which language do you use with your parents, relatives, and teachers?


Which language should you use with parents, relatives, and teachers?

English language
Question 9

Are you interested in any one of these courses: Certificate Course, Refresher Course, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, M. Phil, Master's Degree or a Ph.D. program?
A to Z Degree Fields

M (any other combination).
The first "M" indicates a master's degree.
The letter(s) following the M represent a discipline or degree area.
For example, M Acc is Master of Accountancy.

Proposed Program of Study


Non Degree Course______________

Check the nondegree instructions.
Question 10

What would you like to be?

In what specific major field of study or subject are you interested?
For example:
Teacher training, medicine, engineering, law, maintenance, administration.


Should police training be done at a law college or a separate entity?
Ideally, police training should be done at a law college.

Take a look at this.
Question 11

How would you rate your English language skills on a scale of 1-10?


If you rate yourself as 10, you should be able to answer all English language questions.
Question 12

Where were you born?
In what faith tradition were you raised?


a) Check any of the following that applied in your family during your youth:

___ Family Problems
___ Separation
___ Affairs
___ Eating Disorder
___ Alcohol Abuse
___ Drug Abuse
___Verbal Abuse
___ Sexual Abuse
___ Physical Abuse
___ School Problems
___ Emotional Problems
___ Medical Illness
___ Death
___ Suicide
___ Legal Troubles

b) Check any of the following that applied in your environment during your youth:

___ Political Turmoil
___ Election Frauds
___ Weapons Proliferation
___ Unfair Competition
___ Corrupt Administration
___ Incompetent, Corrupt Judiciary
___ Psychological, Physical Torture

b) How did your family express care and affection?


c) How did your family express anger and manage conflict?


d) How did your family manage anxiety and stress?

Question 13

Why do you want to go to university?






Question 14

How are you a unique student?

Question 15

Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Any idea what you might be?

Question 16

Do you or have you participated in any after school/college activities?

Question 17

What is your strongest attribute as a student?

Question 18

As a student, how do you think you need to improve?

Question 19

Have you ever used, or possessed any illegal drug, or narcotic?

Question 20

    a) Have you ever used alcohol?


    b) What did you try first? When did you try first? Where did you try first?


    c) Have you ever tried to smoke? Do you smoke now?


    d) With whom and in which kind of circumstances did it happen?


    e) Who smokes in your family? (Father, mother, sister, or brother)


    f) Do they smoke at your house or they go outside?


    g) Do you have a friend who smokes?

Question 21

In Case referred by employer, Precise letter
What is expected of you?
How do they prefer to measure your performance?






Question 22

In what state do you plan to work after completion?



In certain situations, you can get educated while you work.
Question 23

Who from your family or relatives should be contacted in case of an emergency?


Question 24

What is the profile, mailing address, contact information of such people or establishment?


Question 25

In what state/province do you currently live?

Question 26

How long have you lived there? (In years)

Question 27

Number of years of formal education your mother or father (whichever is the highest) has completed:


Question 28

Number of years of formal education you have completed:


Question 29

What has been your mailing address from the time of your birth until now?


Question 30

What skills do you have relevant to computers?



If you do not have skills relevant to computers, you will need to go through basic computer education before taking any other course or academic degree.
Question 31

Do you have a computer with Internet connection at home or home office?


Question 32

Is there a location near where you live where you can get basic computer education?



If you do not have a computer or there is no nearby location for basic computer education, insist that the state administration provide such resources, which Qureshi University(www.qureshiuniversity.com) will guide.

Here are further guidelines.
Question 33

What type of degree are you interested in?



Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
Question 34

What is good human character?

Question 35

What is good human behavior?

Question 36

How important is religion?



I consider myself a spiritual person.
___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain
Question 37

What is your religious preference?


Question 38

Do you pray? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Occasionally
Question 39

Do you meditate? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Occasionally
Question 40

What is your family ancestry?
What is the profile of your family?











This should include grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brothers, sisters, cousins, other relatives, spouse, and children, if any.

If you have any difficulty in describing your family, here are various guidelines.
What best describes your family?
I do not know anything about my family.
I was brought up by foster parents.
I was an abandoned child.
I became a victim of a criminal conspiracy while I was a child.(What are the details?)
I have a court endorsed guardian.
I have a brief description of my family. (What are the details of my family?)
My parents are not alive.
My parents are alive and I communicate with them regularly.
Question 41

What state, region, and continent did your mother and father come from?

Question 42

What was the religion of your mother and father?

Question 43

Why is asking about family essential?

Question 44

Who is your leader?

Question 45

What is the difference between a leader, a dictator, an incompetent person, and a cult member?

Question 46

What type of education do you think is feasible for you?
Internet education.
Distance education (courses are mailed to you).
Face-to-face, in-person discussions.
Combination of all of the above.

Question 47

How long do you think it will take you to get educated in the field of study you have chosen?


You have to estimate the approximate number of years of study.
This will be followed by specific recommendations.
In case you have underestimated or overestimated number of years this is going to take you.
Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
Health status

Question 48

How would you describe your health status relevant to your age?

100% mentally fit.
100% physically fit.
Question 49

Do you have any problems with activities mentioned below relevant to your age?

Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)
Performing manual tasks
Getting started after sleep
Question 50

What are your learning goals among these listed goals?
Abilities/skills improvement.
Professional education.
Products development.
Subjects education.
Services improvement.

Question 51

Which subjects are you interested in?
These are basic questions.
There are many more.

Once you answer and submit properly these responses, then you will get course-specific or academic degree-specific questions for academic admission to specific courses you have chosen or academic degree.
Statement of Purpose

Letter of Reference

Applicant information

First Name:______________

Last Name:______________

Proposed Program of Study


Date of birth:______________

Place of birth:______________

Recommender information

First Name:______________

Last Name: ______________





Address ______________




What questions should the recommender answer?

To what extent do you recommend this applicant in his/her proposed field of study?

___ Strongly recommend
___ Recommend
___ Recommend with reservation

Describe the comparison group you are using




Has this individual truthfully answered all questions enumerated above?


Is this individual always truthful?


Does this individual answer questions truthfully to the best of your knowledge and ability of this individual?


In case you submit any documents.
Retain receipts/copies of all your emails.
Retain receipts of all postal mail.
Anyone found blocking communication at any level will face consequences.

If you can't pay for your education; if the administration for any reason isn't willing to sponsor your education, there is free education for you at Qureshi University.
From any corner of the world.
We process most applications within a few days. In fact, if you have not heard from us within 3 weeks of having sent us your application form then you should e-mail the University (admin@qureshiuniversity.com) so that we can investigate. Please provide us with your full name and address; tell us which course you applied for and when and how you sent your application (by airmail, online form or e-mail).
How should you submit an Application for Admission to the Graduate College of Qureshi University?

There are three methods to submit an Application for Admission to the Graduate College of Qureshi University:
1. Paste these questions in the space below with answers to questions and submit.

2. Answer these questions and submit through email to admin@qureshiuniversity.com.

3. You can use postal mail as well.

Out of these three methods, make sure you submit through two methods.
Immigration Acts

Why have some immigration acts, directives, and statutes become obsolete?
Technology, advanced skills and knowledge have made various immigration acts, directives, and statutes obsolete.
Here is an example.
In 2000, it was impossible to educate students in America, while being in Asia.
In 2000, it was impossible to educate students in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, while being in America.
In 2010, it is possible for students in America to be educated from Asia.
In 2010, it is possible for students in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or Australia to be educated from America.
Take a look at www.qureshiuniversity.com and www.humanservicesglobe.com.
Do they need 1-20 visa or student's visa?
Can this be done without moving away from the region?

Does this prove that existing immigration acts, directives, statute have become obsolete?

How has a work or employment visa become obsolete?
Before 1990, people used to get workers from other regions or abroad, ranging from English teachers, principals, English editing services, computer programmers, and various other workers. Nowadays, work can be performed through the Internet from another state or region of the world.
Is work or employment visa applicable to this scenario?
No. In this scenario, remuneration can be an issue.
If you would like to be affiliated with Qureshi University, you should e-mail, do regular postal or telephone correspondence every day and meet so that you regularly remain up to date.

These are basic questions.
There are many more.