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What Does a Case Manager Do?
What Kind of Work Does a Case Manager Do? What Does a Case Manager Do? Case Management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote patient safety, quality of care, and cost effective outcomes. What Kind of Work Does a Case Manager Do? Although case managers work in a lot of environments, some common elements include: Assessment, which is the process of identification of the condition/needs, abilities and preferences of the individual, which leads to the development of a plan of care. Care planning, which is a kind of health care map, including goals and preferences. The care plan defines strategies and next steps towards achieving the desired outcomes. The ultimate goal is to help individuals take control of their care and be actively involved in evaluating the experience. Alignment, which means case managers work to align all the moving parts and puts the plan into action with the individual. Evaluation/Outcomes Measurement, which tells the individual and case manager what’s working, what’s not working and what needs to be modified (plan, goals, etc.). Finally, it identifies what progress is being/has been made toward individual goals. Promotes Client Self-Determination, which means the individual learns the skills necessary to take control of their care with confidence. In other words, they know what’s wrong with them, what they need to do about it, and the value of doing so. |
Why is there a need for a weekly discussion arrangement at least for 60 minutes? This is for your well-being. This is for the well-being of residents. |
Where is the profile of the resident? What is the profile of the resident? |
Questions the supervisor of resident services of the building or area should be ready to answer at any point. How many residents have been assigned to this supervisor of resident services? How many case managers have been assigned to this supervisor of resident services? What is the profile of each case manager? What is the profile of each resident? What issues are we having at this point? What is the plan of action to resolve these issues? |
What should you know about this work?
Here are the issues elaborated in question-and-answer format. Questions you need to answer are written at the end of this document.
What do you have to do? Email. Call. Forward postal mail. Research. Arrange meetings to resolve issues. Make plans of action to resolve issues. Make justified suggestions to resolve issues. Make genuine profiles of your clients. Follow up. What is a client? Someone who uses a service that provides help or advice. A service that gets resources from the system. What if competent case managers are not around? You have to find competent case managers and assign cases to them. What if, after searching for such case managers, you do not find one? Doctor Asif Qureshi is willing to educate new case managers. 5 individuals from each entity. 5 individuals from the Community Counseling Center of Chicago. 5 individuals from Asian Human Services at this point. Case Manager Training Program Procedures for Grants and Contracts Grants Management Grants Management Manual What problem are you trying to solve? Case management What services will be provided or activities will take place? Case management training program Who will be served? Residents of the state. Residents outside the state. What are the time constraints? These examples will help you understand. From October 1, 2018, until March 11, 2019, the Community Counseling Center of Chicago at C4 Clark, 4740 North Clark Street in Chicago, IL 60640 could not provide competent case managers. From October 1, 2018, until March 11, 2019, Asian Human Services at 4753 North Broadway, Suite 700, in Chicago, IL 60640 could not provide competent case managers. Some of them even did not know what the duties of a case manager are. Doctor Asif Qureshi is willing to provide the necessary guidance. Who will provide the service? Doctor Asif Qureshi, Program Director Mailing address as of March 11, 2019: 5042 N. Winthrop Ave #237 Chicago, IL 60640 Why is the service needed? As of March 11, 2019, no competent case managers were available. Only Britney Shaw was seen trying her best to resolve issues, but she is not affiliated with C4 or Asian Human Services. Britney Shaw deserves a salary raise effective on or after March 12, 2019. Approximately how much will it cost? 1 million dollars are required for grants. What should be considered before developing the idea into a proposal? 19 years of research in Chicago, Illinois, has revealed these facts. What is the need? Competent case managers. How will this program benefit Chicago, Illinois, United States or states in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Australia? Doctor Asif Qureshi has 7 years of hospital experience as a physician and 19 years of research experience in Chicago, Illinois. Competent case managers are required in every state to address issues before they get to primary care physicians, medical emergency doctors, or similar entities, including state attorneys or similar entities. How many people will be served? 10-13 million residents of every state, directly or indirectly. What is the benefit to every state’s residents? Case managers aid and advocate for clients in the medical, legal, and/or social services fields. At least 60 residents are assigned to every case manager. What would the funds be used for? Uses of funds for 1 year:
Sources of funds: Illinois Department of Public Health Any entity nominated by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Illinois Department of Human Services. Any entity nominated by the Illinois Department of Human Services. Does the project appear to be more appropriate for public or private funding? Public government entities. Are the outcomes transferable to other populations? Yes. Similar guidelines are transferable to California, New York, and similar locations. Can the project be a prototype for other projects? Yes. After this, we have to consider primary care physicians, ER physicians, aviation, and public services, which includes at least 1000 professions, such as teachers, lawyers, engineers, and specific physicians. How will the project continue at the end of the award period? Similar guidelines can be circulated for more than 1000 different professions. What did you understand? What are the issues? What is your answer? |