What is the title of this resource?
Assessment of a patient by a physician.
The King's University
Assessment of patient.
Assessment of patient with specific complaint.
What are the types of assessment of a patient?
How to Take a Medical History
History Taking

Medical history
Emergency and Nonemergency Situations
  1. Emergency

  2. Non-Emergency

    Physical Examination Quick Reference Guide
    Testing for Human Blood
    Diagnosis and treatment by a physician is process of investigation.

    Medical history

    Emergency health assessment on the spot.

    Assessment in medical emergency situation.
    Analysis of complaints, incidents, issues, and problems.
    What should be your first question in case a patient is referred to you?

    Questions that must be answered.

    Where is the patient now?
    How old is the patient?
    What is the gender of the patient?
    Who is reporting this emergency?
    What seems to be the complaint?
    What seems to be the problem?

    Glasgow Coma scale analysis.

    First, analyze Glasgow Coma scale, then analyze vital signs including consciousness.

    When was the patient normal?
    Can the patient open both eyes spontaneously?
    Can the patient talk or make noise relevant to age?
    Can the patient walk or move extremities relevant to age?

    If yes, Glasgow Coma scale is 15.
    Glasgow Coma scale of 15 means the patient is not in a coma.
    The patient can have less serious medical issues.
    Go ahead with vital signs, including consciousness.

    How do you proceed if a person is in a coma?
    Find the cause of the coma.
    Treat the underlying cause.
    Identify the causes of the coma and fix the underlying causes.
    Here are further guidelines.

    Glasgow Coma scale of 15 means the patient is not in a coma.
    The patient can have less serious medical issues.

    Take a look at this.
    What seems to be the issue or issues?
    When did it start?
    How did it start?
    Where did it start?
    How much time has elapsed from the start of the emergency until now?
    What is the location?
    Where is it? For example, is the stress or pain in the head, in the chest, in the abdomen, or in any other location?
    What makes it worse?
    What reduces it?
    What will happen if you continue having this?
    What will happen if you do not have this?
    What have you done so far for this?
    What do you think causes it?
    What do I think caused it?
    What needs to be done to verify what caused it?
    Has patient taken any medication or substance before this issue?
    Has any specific thing happened that led to this issue?
    Is this troubling your everyday activity?
    How is this troubling your everyday activity?
    Does one individual or many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
    How many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
    Is it a medical emergency?


    In what type of setting does this patient need treatment?


    Do any recent causes lead to this problem; for example, trauma, missed medication, inadequate survival needs, stress, or other issue?


    What are further details?


    Does any past medical history lead to this problem?


    Is there any recent history within past few minutes or hours of any of the following:
    1.Unconsciousness at a public location.
    2.Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    4.Survival needs issues.


    What problems, complaints, incidents, and issues need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment?
    1. Unconsciousness at a public location.
    2. Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    3. Trauma

    4. Burns

    5. Drowning

    6. Seizures

    7. Survival Needs

    8. Human Pregnancy Emergencies
        Maliciously impregnated (medico-legal case that needs emergency contraception).
        Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery

    If there is even one recent history of the above, on the spot diagnosis and treatment is required.

    How do you know if this is a medical emergency or medical nonemergency?
    Unconsciousness at a public location, sudden unconsciousness at home, trauma, survival needs issues, seizures, burns, drowning, pregnancy emergencies need on-the-spot evaluation and treatment.

    In the medical emergency room, treatment if patient has any of these:

    Is the victim's condition life or limb threatening?


    Could the victim's condition worsen and become life or limb-threatening on the way to the hospital?


    Could moving the victim cause further injury?


    Would distance or traffic conditions cause a delay in getting the victim to the hospital?


    What have been his activities for the last 10 years?


    Does the individual use or abuse any of these substances?


    Is the individual on any medication?


    Is it a medical emergency?


    Does this need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment?


    What is the most likely diagnosis?


    What do you think causes it?


    Why do you think this happened?


    What is the diagnosis?


    In what setting/location does this medical condition need treatment?
    Treatment required on the spot.
    Treatment required in the medical emergency room.
    Treatment required in the intensive care unit.
    Treatment required in the ward.
    Treatment required in the operating room.
    Treatment required at home.
    Treatment required Internet health care.
    Treatment required in OPD consultation.

    What treatment do you recommend for this patient?


    What are other treatment options for this patient?
    No other treatment option.
    Other treatment options are enumerated.


    What will happen if you do not diagnose and treat a medical emergency properly?
    It can lead to death.
    It can lead to disability.
    It can lead to other harms.
    It can lead to medical malpractice.
    It can lead to legal malpractice.
    All accused suspects listed are charged.


    Medical history
    What questions should a physician on duty ask at the beginning of a patient’s assessment?

    Where is the patient now?


    What seems to be the issue or issues?


    What assessment type does the patient need at this point?


    What category of human medical condition is this?


    Is this case a medical emergency or medical non-emergency?


    Types of patient assessments.

    What are the types of patient assessments?
    Emergency health assessment on the spot.
    Emergency health assessment in a medical emergency room.
    Emergency health assessment in an intensive care unit.
    Emergency health assessment for pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium for women of childbearing age.
    Emergency medicolegal case of human.
    Non-emergency medicolegal case of human.
    Detailed health assessment for patient.
    Follow-up health assessment.
    New issue that does not need an emergency assessment.
    Personality disorders screening

    What type of issue can a person have?
    Medical Emergency (survival issues, medicolegal issues, critical issues, post-medical emergency, medical emergencies that need ER consultation)
    Medical nonemergency.
    Nonmedical emergency.
    Non medical issue that is not an emergency.

    What best describes the issue?


    Medical emergency
    Medical nonemergency
    Medicolegal case
    Nonmedical issue

    Nonmedical issues means patient has an issue; at the same time, a professional other than a physician has to bring solutions or remedies.

    Is this a medical emergency or medical nonemergency?


    How do you know if this is a medical emergency or medical nonemergency?
    Unconsciousness at a public location, sudden unconsciousness at home, trauma, survival needs issues, seizures, burns, drowning, pregnancy emergencies need on-the-spot evaluation and treatment.

    In the medical emergency room, treatment if patient has any of these:


    What is the diagnosis?


    What category of human medical condition is this?
    1. Behavioral, mental, and neurodevelopmental disorders of human.

    2. Blood and blood-forming organs diseases, immune mechanism diseases of human.

    3. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period of human.

    4. Circulatory system diseases of human.

    5. Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities of human.

    6. Digestive system diseases of human.

    7. Ear and mastoid process diseases of human.

    8. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases of human.

    9. External causes of morbidity of human.

    10. Eye and adnexa diseases of human.

    11. Factors influencing health status and contact with health services of human.

    12. Genitourinary system diseases of human.

    13. Infectious and parasitic diseases of human.

    14. Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes of human.

    15. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases of human.

    16. Medicolegal case of human.

    17. Neoplasms of human.

    18. Nervous system diseases of human.

    19. Old age-related issues of human.

    20. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium of child-bearing age of women.

    21. Respiratory system diseases of human.

    22. Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases of human.

    23. Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified of human.


    Individual Treatment Plans

    What is the best location to further treat this medical condition?


    On the spot
    Emergency medical room
    Intensive care unit
    Hospital ward
    Home healthcare

    What is the treatment plan?



    Assessment of a patient by a physician.
    Annual health assessment.
    Administrative Issues
    Assessment in medical emergency situation.
    Assessment in medical nonemergency situation.
    Examples of patient profile.
    Human medical conditions
    International classification of diseases or medical conditions with ICD10 numbers.
    Vital Signs
    Planned medical procedures
    Past medical procedures audit
    Physician guide to physician or physicians
    Symptoms specific to category of medical issues.
    Internet guidelines for patient.
    Interview with a physician

    Detailed health assessment for patient.

    Assessment of a patient by a physician.
    There is no single, correct way to take a history; with time you will develop your own style; however, one effective and commonly used sequence comprises:
    1. Get the patient’s profile, and understand his/her issues before you see the patient.

    2. Introduce yourself if you do not know the patient.

    3. Patient profile

    4. Get the chief complaint.

    5. History of presenting complaint (HPC)

    6. Family History

    7. General Assessment

    8. Social history (medicine)

    9. Past medical history

    10. Checklist of symptoms

    11. Medical History for Drug Use

    12. Review of systems (ROS)

    13. Summary of history

    14. Ideas, concerns, and expectations

    15. Patient questions/feedback

    16. Physical Exam Check Lists

    17. Diagnosis

    18. Individual Treatment Plans
    Where is the patient now?


    What seems to be the issue or issues?


    The answer to this question can be from patient or others.

    What are the sources of these facts?


    Legal guardian
    Community resident
    Healthcare provider
    Administrator or police
    If other, specify

    Has anyone already created a profile of the patient?


    Where is the profile of the patient?


    Is it a medical or nonmedical issue?


    What are medical and nonmedical issues?
    Human healthcare complaint, issue, problem, concern is a medical issue.
    Utility fault (water, electricity, or gas) and similar concerns are nonmedical issues.

    Who has established these guidelines?
    Doctor Asif Qureshi

    Introduce yourself if you do not know the patient.

    Here is an example.

    Hello, I am Doctor Asif Qureshi.
    I have a few questions about your health.

    How are you feeling now?
    Cam you describe issues you have now?
    What best describes your health issues or any other issues now?
    What is the day, date, time, and location these questions are answered by the patient?

    Nurse can ask like this.
    I have few questions from Doctor Asif Qureshi.

    Can you describe issues you have now?

    If the patient cannot answer, who can answer questions on behalf of him or her?

    Get the chief complaint.

    What is bothering you right now?


    How can I help you?


    What are you feeling right now?


    What other issues do you have now?


    Once the category of medical condition is identified through medical history, further questions are needed relevant to the category of medical condition.

    Patient profile
    What should I know about you?

    Questions relevant to the patient.

    Where is the patient now?


    What is the name and date of birth of the patient?


    How old is the patient?


    What seems to be the problem?


    What type of patient assessment does this individual need?


    Get the chief complaint.

    "What is bothering you right now? how can we help you?" Clarify if needed. "What are you feeling right now?" Survey for other problems. "What else?" Focus on the most important problem first. -
    Explore the main problem in more detail.

    This can be summarized by the mnemonic O.P.Q.R.S.T.: -
    Onset: "how long has it been going on?"
    Palliation/Provocation: "what makes it better or worse?"
    Quality: "what does it feel like?"
    Region/Radiation: "where is the pain? does the pain travel anywhere?
    Symptoms/Severity: "what other feelings or sensations do you get? how bad is the headache?"
    Timing: maintain the narrative thread. "What happened first? ...then what?..." Find out the context of the medical problem. "Is the pain continuous, repeating, or sporadic?"
    Patient Health Profile

    Family History
    Has any family member suffered from a similar problem?


    Do you know of any illnesses that run in your family?


    Has any member of your family died before the age of 60?


    Social history (medicine)
    What jobs have you done since starting work?


    What did these jobs involve?


    How do you spend your time when you are not at work?


    Where do you live? What is your house like?


    Are you able to do all the activities that you need to be able to do?


    Who lives with you at home?


    Have you had children? Any worries or illness with them?


    How many sexual partners have you had? Male? Female?


    Have you ever smoked? Ever been a heavy drinker?


    Ideas, concerns, and expectations
    What have you thought might be causing your symptoms?


    Is there anything in particular that concerns you?


    What have you been told about your illness?


    What do you expect to happen while you are in hospital?


    Do you expect any difficulties in coping when you go home?


    Do you have any questions you would like me to pass on to the medical or nursing staff?


    Past medical history
    Have you had any similar episodes in the past?


    What investigations have you had in the past? X-rays? Scans?


    What were the results of your previous tests?


    Have you had any other medical problems or conditions?


    Have you had any serious illness in the past?


    Have you been in hospital before?


    Have you had any operations?


    Have you ever had a blood transfusion?



    What injuries or accidents have you had in the past?


    When and where have you travelled abroad?


    Have you ever had any of the following conditions: asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/angina/heart attack/stroke/diabetes/epilepsy/rheumatic fever/blood clot in the leg or lung/tuberculosis (TB)/jaundice/high blood pressure/high blood cholesterol?


    What medications do you actually take?


    What ‘over-the-counter’ drugs or herbal remedies do you use?


    Do you take low-dose aspirin? Vitamin pills?


    Do you take the oral contraceptive pill? HRT (hormone replacement therapy)?


    Have your medications changed at all recently?


    How often do you forget to take your tablets?


    Have any medicines ever upset you? If so, how?


    What exactly happens when you take that medication?


    Are you allergic to anything? – Hay fever? Asthma? Eczema?


    Review of Systems: Screen for symptoms in each body system that have not already been discussed.

    Review of Systems: Screen for symptoms in each body system that have not already been discussed.
    •Skin: any skin problems? rash? itch? sores? moles?
    •Eyes: eye problems? vision loss? itchy eyes? blurry vision? double vision?
    •Ears, nose, mouth, sinuses, and throat: any trouble with your hearing, ears, mouth, sinuses, or throat?
    •Lungs: any lung or breathing problems? coughs? chest pain?
    •Heart: heart problems? racing heart? skipping beats?
    •Digestive: stomach problems? stomach pain? nausea? vomiting? diarrhea? constipation? bloating? blood in stool?
    •Genitourinary: trouble with urinating? unusual color or smell? sexual problems?
    •Hematologic: easy bruising or bleeding?
    •Endocrine: feeling too cold or too hot compared to others? excessive thirst, hunger, or urination?
    •Musculoskeletal: problem with your joints or muscles, such as pain, swelling, weakness?
    •Neurological: weakness, numbness, or tingling in arms or legs? problem with walking or balance? memory problems? headaches? seizures?
    •Psychiatric: anxiety? depression? suicidal or homicidal urges? repetitive thoughts or acts?

    Summary of history Complete your history by reviewing what the patient has told you. Repeat back the important points so that the patient can correct you if there are any misunderstandings or errors. You should also address what the patient thinks is wrong with them and what they are expecting/hoping for from the consultation. A good acronym for this is ICE – Ideas, Concerns and Epectations.

    What type of issue can a person have?
    Medical Emergency (survival issues, medicolegal issues, critical issues, post-medical emergency, medical emergencies that need ER consultation)
    Medical nonemergency.
    Nonmedical emergency.
    Non medical issue that is not an emergency.

    What best describes the issue?


    Medical emergency
    Medical nonemergency
    Medicolegal case
    Nonmedical issue

    Nonmedical issues means patient has an issue; at the same time, a professional other than a physician has to bring solutions or remedies.

    Is this a medical emergency or medical nonemergency?


    How do you know if this is a medical emergency or medical nonemergency?
    Unconsciousness at a public location, sudden unconsciousness at home, trauma, survival needs issues, seizures, burns, drowning, pregnancy emergencies need on-the-spot evaluation and treatment.

    In the medical emergency room, treatment if patient has any of these:


    What is the diagnosis?


    What category of human medical condition is this?
    1. Behavioral, mental, and neurodevelopmental disorders of human.

    2. Blood and blood-forming organs diseases, immune mechanism diseases of human.

    3. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period of human.

    4. Circulatory system diseases of human.

    5. Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities of human.

    6. Digestive system diseases of human.

    7. Ear and mastoid process diseases of human.

    8. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases of human.

    9. External causes of morbidity of human.

    10. Eye and adnexa diseases of human.

    11. Factors influencing health status and contact with health services of human.

    12. Genitourinary system diseases of human.

    13. Infectious and parasitic diseases of human.

    14. Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes of human.

    15. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases of human.

    16. Medicolegal case of human.

    17. Neoplasms of human.

    18. Nervous system diseases of human.

    19. Old age-related issues of human.

    20. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium of child-bearing age of women.

    21. Respiratory system diseases of human.

    22. Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases of human.

    23. Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified of human.


    Individual Treatment Plans

    What is the best location to further treat this medical condition?


    On the spot
    Emergency medical room
    Intensive care unit
    Hospital ward
    Home healthcare

    What is the treatment plan?


    Comprehensive patient assessment.
    A comprehensive patient assessment takes many weeks in many sessions.

    Questions that should be answered about procedures relevant to human health care.

    Planned medical procedures
    What is the name of the medical procedure that needs to be done?
    Why is there need for this medical procedure?
    How will this medical procedure improve the life of the individual?
    What is the diagnosis of the individual?
    Who among physician diagnosed the individual?
    How did the physician reach this diagnosis?

    Past medical procedures audit

    What is the name of medical procedure that was done?
    Why was there need for this medical procedure?
    How did this medical procedure improve the life of the individual?
    What was the diagnosis of the individual?

    Procedures relevant to human health care.

    What are other terms for procedures relevant to human health care?
    Procedure classes for ICD-10-PCS
    Medical procedures & medical tests A-Z list

    What seems to be the issue?


    What symptom category is this?


    What more questions are required to be answered relevant to this issue?


    This depends on the symptom category.

    Symptoms specific to category of medical issues.
    What category of human symptom or symptoms is this?
    Behavioral medical conditions symptoms
    Blood and blood-forming organs disease symptoms
    Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period human P00-P96 ICD 10
    Circulatory system diseases human symptoms
    Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities human symptoms
    Digestive system diseases human symptoms
    Ear and mastoid process diseases human symptoms
    Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases human symptoms
    External causes of morbidity human symptoms
    Eye and adnexa diseases human symptoms
    Factors influencing health status and contact with health services human symptoms
    Genitourinary system diseases human symptoms
    Infectious and parasitic diseases human symptoms
    Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes human symptoms
    Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases human symptoms
    Medicolegal case complaints
    Neoplasms huma symptoms
    Nervous system diseases human symptoms
    Old age-related issues symptoms
    Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium of women symptoms
    Respiratory system diseases human symptoms
    Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases human symptoms
    Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified human symptoms

    International classification of human diseases.
    International classification of diseases or medical conditions with ICD10 numbers.
    What is displayed at this resource?
    International classification of diseases or medical conditions with ICD10 numbers.

    What is the latest version of the international classification of human diseases.
    ICD 10 Stands for International Classification of Diseases version 10.

    How has international classification of diseases or medical conditions been categorized?
    1. Behavioral, mental, and neurodevelopmental disorders of human.

    2. Blood and blood-forming organs diseases, immune mechanism diseases of human.

    3. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period of human.

    4. Circulatory system diseases of human.

    5. Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities of human.

    6. Digestive system diseases of human.

    7. Ear and mastoid process diseases of human.

    8. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases of human.

    9. External causes of morbidity of human.

    10. Eye and adnexa diseases of human.

    11. Factors influencing health status and contact with health services of human.

    12. Genitourinary system diseases of human.

    13. Infectious and parasitic diseases of human.

    14. Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes of human.

    15. Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases of human.

    16. Medicolegal case of human.

    17. Neoplasms of human.

    18. Nervous system diseases of human.

    19. Old age-related issues of human.

    20. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium of child-bearing age of women.

    21. Respiratory system diseases of human.

    22. Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases of human.

    23. Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified of human.

    General Assessment
    Build (thin, obese, emaciated, etc.)
    Radial Pulse
    Blood Pressure (sitting, standing, and lying if related to current illness or over age 50)
    Speech (descriptive terms include: fast, slurred, thick, articulate, speaks no English, absence of speech)
    Emotion (descriptive terms include slightly nervous, comatose, calm, etc.)
    Stated Aged Versus Apparent Age (documentation would read “appears chronological age” or “stated age 40, looks 50”)

    What is a Medical History?
    What is a Medical History Form?
    What are the types of assessment of a patient?
    How many types of human health care assessment are there?
    There are 18 types of human health care nonemergency assessment and 15 types of human health care, emergency assessment in various human healthcare settings.

    What is an assessment of a patient?
    Patient assessment is the term used to describe the process of identification of the condition, needs, abilities, and genuine preferences of a patient.
    Who should ideally do an assessment of a patient?
    The physician should ideally do an assessment of the patient.

    Questions relevant to the patient.

    Where is the patient now?

    What is the name and date of birth of the patient?

    What seems to be the problem?

    What type of patient assessment does this individual need?

    What are the types of assessment of a patient?
    1. Abilities assessment (physical, mental, professional abilities assessment).

    2. Abilities assessment (physical, mental).

    3. Abilities assessment (professional).

    4. Annual health assessment.

    5. Assessment of patient with specific complaint or problem.

    6. Assessment for anesthesia (nonemergency).

    7. Comprehensive patient assessment.
      Comprehensive patient assessment (nonemergency)

    8. Follow-up patient assessment.

    9. Genuine preferences assessment.

    10. Medicolegal case.

    11. Needs assessment.

    12. Nonemergency medicolegal case assessment

    13. New Patient Consultation

    14. Oppressor screening

    15. Patient 60-second assessment in stress.

    16. Patient been referred by you to others.

    17. Patient been referred to you by others.

    18. Patient-focused history and physical exam.

    19. The new problem is not a medical emergency.

    Emergency Assessment

    1. A medical emergency with an individual victim.

    2. Assessment for anesthesia (emergency).

    3. Comprehensive patient assessment (ICU).

    4. Comprehensive patient assessment (emergency)

    5. Critical care progress assessment of patient in 60 seconds.

    6. Emergency comprehensive patient assessment

    7. Emergency medicolegal case assessment

    8. Newborn assessment in 5 minutes.

    9. Needs assessment.

    10. Patient 10-minutes assessment in a medical emergency room.

    11. Patient 60-second assessment by call center/Internet/telemedicine.

    12. Patient 10-minutes assessment in a medical emergency room.

    13. Patient 60-second assessment in trauma.

    14. Patient 60-second on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.

    15. Patient 60-second assessment in crisis.

    16. Problem that is a medical emergency (In case of a medical emergency, your local emergency service is the first responder. Guidelines for your local emergency responder are at this location: http:www.qureshiuniversity.com/emergencyworld.html).

    What should a physician be aware of in the state and outside the state?
    In addition to an individualized assessment of patients, a physician should serve in public health emergencies and public health nonemergencies.

    Do not lie during an individualized assessment.
    If you lied during an individualized assessment or someone else persuaded you to lie, correct immediately with the truth and apology, and face other consequences.
    Do not hide the truth.

    Who needs health care assessment?
    Normal human beings need health care assessment to maintain good health.
    Any individual with any specific healthcare complaint.

    What are various types of assessment?
    What are the types of patient assessment?

    Individual person assessments relevant to health care.
    Natural or manmade calamity/disaster assessment due to floods or similar harms in the state or outside the state.

    What should be available relevant to an individual person for assessment?
    Biodata should be available relevant to an individual person. After biodata of an individual person is available, assessment becomes quicker.
    If biodata is not available, at least an identity card should be available.
    Assessment in medical emergency situation.
    Assessment in medical nonemergency situation.
    Assessment of a patient in various healthcare settings.

    Checklist of symptoms

    Weight change
    Low mood
    Fevers/night sweats
    Heat/cold intolerance
    Change in appearance


    Chest pain
    Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea


    Swallowing difficulty
    Nausea and vomiting
    Abdominal pain
    Change in bowel habit
    Change in colour/consistency of motions


    Change in colour/smell of urine
    Prostatic symptoms
    Urethral/vaginal discharge
    Menstrual difficulties
    Postmenstrual bleeding
    Sexual difficulties

    Central nervous system

    Fits/faints/funny turns
    Sensory symptoms
    Changes in taste/smell
    Hearing disturbance
    Visual disturbance
    Speech disturbance


    Loss of joint function

    What is wrong with existing physicians around the world?
    Existing physicians around the world are not able to do proper health care assessment in various human healthcare settings.

    Existing physicians are not able to reach correct diagnoses and treatment in various human healthcare settings.

    What is a patient?
    A person who requires medical care.

    What type of individual requires medical care?
    A normal individual requires medical care.
    A harmed individual requires medical care.
    A person who has any medical condition requires medical care.
    If a highly experienced physician guides others, including other physicians, it is normal that the physician also needs medical care for himself or herself at least for stress. For example, internationally renowned Doctor Asif Qureshi guides all medical specialties, including 611 professions, and occasionally feels stressed.

    Stress is the diagnosis.
    If stress is ignored, this can cause an acute stress reaction.

    What are the types of assessment of a patient?
    There are at least seven types of assessment of as an individual in a human healthcare setting.

    A physician or a counselor must be able to answer this question.
    What type of patient assessment does this individual need?

    Abilities assessment (physical, mental).
    How should you answer these questions?
    Answer to the best of your ability and knowledge.

    What should you write if a question is not applicable to you?
    This is not applicable to me at this point.

    Question 1

    What is your Email address?

    Question 2

    What is the name of the individual who needs doctor consultation?

    Question 3

    What is the date of birth of the individual who needs doctor consultation?

    Question 4


    What is your mailing address?

    Question 5

    What was your mailing address from birth until now?

    Question 6

    Where is the patient now?

    Question 7

    Where do you live now?
    How long have you lived at this address?

    Question 8

    How long do you plan to live at this address?

    Question 9

    What is your contact information including current mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and any other details, and person to contact in case of emergency?

    Question 10

    What is the gender of the patient?
    What best describes the patient?:
    Question 11

    In general, how is your physical and mental health?

    Question 12

    What is your telephone number?

    Question 13

    Have you been in the hospital in the last month?


    Question 14

    Do you have health problems that you need help with right away?

    Question 15

    Do you have any appointments scheduled with doctors or other specialists?

    Question 16

    Screening for survival needs

    Do you have enough of these resources from the state?
    Health care
    Consumer goods

    Do you need any of these resources to be enhanced?

    Question 17

    What are the issues?

    Question 18

    Do you need extra help to access services, such as a wheelchair ramp, a computer screen reader or large print materials?

    Question 19

    What is the number on your medical card?
    A medical card number is usually a nine digit number.

    Question 20

    What state or entity has issued this medical card?

    Question 21

    What is troubling you?

    Question 22

    How old is the patient?

    Question 23

    What languages can you understand?

    Question 24

    What are the sources of medical history?

    Question 25

    Where are you located now?

    Question 26

    Is your complete medical history ready?
    Do you have a physician referral?
    Don't know

    Question 27

    Who is writing answers to these questions?

    The patient.
    Someone else on behalf of patient.

    If someone else is answering these questions on behalf of the patient, how are you related to the patient?
    Case manager
    Primary care physician
    If other, specify.

    Question 28

    Have you gone through the Internet human healthcare guidelines? Take a look at this http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/internethealthcareservices.html, public health guidelines, http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/publichealthworld.html patient education guidelines http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/patienteducation.html at mentioned resource?

    Question 29

    Do you think your issue or issues have not been answered at this resource and need individualized doctor consultation?

    Question 30

    What type of doctor consultation is required?
    Ambulatory human health care
    Adolescent girls’ consultation
    Community health center evaluation
    Critical care consultation (anesthesiology)
    Coroner investigations
    Cardiology consultation
    Dermatology consultation
    Disability consultation
    Dental consultation
    Emergency medicine consultation
    Endocrinology consultation
    Forensic medicine consultation
    Gastroenterology consultation
    Geriatrics consultation
    Hematology consultation
    Internet healthcare consultation
    Medical negligence consultation
    Nephrology consultation
    Neurology consultation
    Oncology consultation
    Ophthalmology consultation
    Orthopedics consultation
    Otorhinolaryngology consultation
    Obstetrics & Gynecology consultation
    Primary care physician consultation
    Pediatrics consultation
    Psychiatry consultation
    Pulmonary medicine consultation
    Physical medicine & Rehabilitation consultation
    Public health guidelines
    Radiology & nuclear medicine consultation
    Surgical consultation
    Women's health consultation

    Question 31

    Impairment Rating and Disability Determination
    Health status

    How would you describe your health status relevant to your age?
    100% mentally fit.
    100% physically fit.

    Question 32

    Do you have any problems with activities mentioned below relevant to your age?

    Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)
    Performing manual tasks
    Getting started after sleep
    Annual health assessment.
    Encourage everyone to have an annual health assessment from a competent medical doctor able to answer relevant questions via e-mail, telephone, fax, postal mail, or face-to-face and able to reach a correct diagnosis and treatment in various health care settings.

    Why do you need an annual health assessment?
    Most medical emergencies can be prevented with a proper annual health assessment and treatment by a competent medical doctor.

    Most medical disabilities can be prevented or cured with an annual health assessment by a competent medical doctor.

    Most medical conditions can be diagnosed and cured with a proper annual health assessment by a competent medical doctor.

    The quality of health can be enhanced with a proper annual health assessment and treatment by a competent medical doctor.

    Every state must assign 200 patients to a competent medical doctor able to answer relevant questions and reach a correct diagnosis and treatment for primary health care that includes an annual health assessment.

    Every medical doctor must update the state department of health with relevant findings.

    The state department of health must maintain medical records of patients.
    A medical doctor can prolong the life of a person at least up to 90 years with a good quality of life. A medical doctor cannot sustain a person beyond 90-95 years of life.
    Questions for professional regulators in the state.
    Questions for health care providers or medical doctors.
    Questions for residents or patients.
    Medicolegal case.
    Do you know what is a medicolegal case?


    What is a medicolegal case?


    What are examples of medicolegal cases?


    Needs Assessment
    What is needs assessment?
    Human rights have to be the main focus of needs assessment.

    Needs assessment can be at an individual level and/or a community level.

    A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions.

    Needs assessment has to be done in all human healthcare settings.

    How do you proceed with a needs assessment?
    Gather data to define needs.
    Identify concerns.
    Identify and analyze the causes.
    List consequences if the cause is not removed.
    Enter a rating (low, medium, high) of the difficulty of correcting the problem.
    Decide on priorities.
    Identify possible solutions and/or remedies.
    Prepare a plan.

    In what situations are needs assessments required?
    Emergency needs assessment.
    Nonemergency needs assessment.
    Problem or complaint-oriented assessment.
    Is there a difference between needs assessment and survival needs assessment?

    What is the difference between needs assessment and survival needs assessment?
    Needs assessment is a big entity.
    Within needs assessment is survival needs assessment.
    Take a look at this.
    These are the questions to be answered in survival needs assessment.

    Take a look at this.
    These are the questions to be answered in detailed needs assessment.

    No competent primary care physicians exist in the community.
    This is a need of an individual.
    This may not be an emergency; however, need of an individual is a need.

    What do I feel needs to be included in needs assessment?
    Needs assessment has to be done under the supervision of a physician.
    A care coordinator, physician assistant, counselor, or nurse can do a needs assessment under supervision of a physician.

    What aspects of a needs assessment are important to its success?
    Relevant questions and truthful answers.

    What steps are involved in conducting a needs assessment?
    Questions to be asked in needs assessment.

    What questions should be asked in needs assessment?

    What are your needs?


    What is the name of individual whose needs assessment has to be done?

    What is the date of birth of the individual whose needs assessment is to be done?


    What is the profile of the individual?


    Your profile.
    Your social support network.
    Your health care provider’s profile.
    Activities of everyday living assessment.
    Your survival needs details.

    How does a profile look?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Are these survival needs or nonsurvival needs?


    Do you think these are emergency or nonemergency needs?


    What department in the state has a duty to resolve these issues?


    What needs to be done immediately?


    What can be done later?

    New Patient Consultation
    Profile from birth until now
    If your profile is available, you do not need to answer these questions.
    If your profile is not maintained with me, you need to answer these questions.
    If you have difficulty elaborating your profile, you can be helped with sample examples.
    Annual health assessment of a child
    1. What is the name of the individual who needs doctor consultation?

    2. ------------------------------------

    3. What is the date of birth of the individual who needs doctor consultation?

    4. ------------------------------------

    5. Can I get a copy of your photo identity card?

    6. ------------------------------------

    7. Are you a new patient?

    8. ------------------------------------

    9. What is the reason for consultation?

    10. ------------------------------------

    11. What is your reason for visit?

    12. ------------------------------------

    13. What is your Email address?

    14. ------------------------------------

    15. What is your mailing address?

    16. ------------------------------------

    17. What was your mailing address from birth until now?

    18. ------------------------------------

    19. Where is the patient now?

    20. ------------------------------------

    21. Where do you live now?

    22. ------------------------------------

    23. How long have you lived at this address?

    24. ------------------------------------

    25. How long do you plan to live at this address?

    26. ------------------------------------

    27. What is your contact information including current mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and any other details, and person to contact in case of emergency?

    28. ------------------------------------

    29. What is the gender of the patient?

    30. ------------------------------------

    31. What best describes the patient?
      Adolescent boy
      Adolescent girl

    32. ------------------------------------

    33. In general, how is your physical and mental health?

    34. ------------------------------------

    35. What is your telephone number?

    36. ------------------------------------

    37. Have you been in the hospital in the last month?

    38. ------------------------------------

    39. Does the individual have any of this?
      Intentional enforced harms from others.
      Human rights violations from others.

      If yes, fix these issues immediately.

    40. ------------------------------------

    41. How do you know an individual has stress, intentional enforced harms from others, or human rights violations from others?

    42. ------------------------------------

      Ask questions relevant to stress, intentional enforced harms from others, Or human rights violations from others.

      Questions relevant to stress.

    43. What is troubling you at present?

    44. ------------------------------------

    45. What is troubling you from the past or about the future?

    46. ------------------------------------

      Questions relevant to intentional enforced harms from others.

    47. Who has harmed you in the past or present or is likely to harm you in the future?

    48. ------------------------------------

      Questions relevant to human rights violations from others.

    49. Do you know what basic human rights are?

    50. ------------------------------------

    51. What best describes your human rights violations from others?

    52. Date:________________________________

      Referred by:_________________________



      Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:__________________

      Referring Physician, if different from above:_______________________

      Emergency Contact Name:______________



      Your Height:_________________________

      Your Weight:_________________________

    53. What seems to be the problem?

    54. ------------------------------------

    55. What is the reason for consultation?

    56. ------------------------------------

    57. Are you a new patient?

    58. ------------------------------------

    59. Do you have health problems that you need help with right away?

    60. ------------------------------------

    61. Do you have any appointments scheduled with doctors or other specialists?

    62. ------------------------------------

      Screening for survival needs

    63. Do you have enough of these resources from the state?
      Health care
      Consumer goods
    64. Do you need any of these resources to be enhanced?

    65. ------------------------------------

    66. What are the issues?

    67. ------------------------------------

    68. Do you need extra help to access services, such as a wheelchair ramp, a computer screen reader or large print materials?

    69. ------------------------------------

    70. What is the number on your medical card? A medical card number is usually a nine digit number.

    71. ------------------------------------

    72. What state or entity has issued this medical card?

    73. ------------------------------------

    74. What is troubling you?

    75. ------------------------------------

    76. How old is the patient?

    77. ------------------------------------

    78. What languages can you understand?

    79. ------------------------------------

    80. What are the sources of medical history?

    81. ------------------------------------

    82. Where are you located now?

    83. ------------------------------------

    84. Is your complete medical history ready?
      Do you have a physician referral?
      Don't know

    85. ------------------------------------

    86. Who is writing answers to these questions?
      The patient.
      Someone else on behalf of patient.

    87. ------------------------------------

    88. If someone else is answering these questions on behalf of the patient, how are you related to the patient?
      Case manager
      Primary care physician
      If other, specify.

    89. ------------------------------------

    90. Have you gone through the Internet human healthcare guidelines?
      Take a look at this http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/internethealthcareservices.html, public health guidelines, http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/publichealthworld.html patient education guidelines http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/patienteducation.html at mentioned resource?

    91. ------------------------------------

    92. Do you think your issue or issues have not been answered at this resource and need individualized doctor consultation?

    93. ------------------------------------

    94. What type of doctor consultation is required?
      Ambulatory human health care
      Adolescent girls’ consultation
      Community health center evaluation
      Critical care consultation (anesthesiology)
      Coroner investigations
      Cardiology consultation
      Dermatology consultation
      Disability consultation
      Dental consultation
      Emergency medicine consultation
      Endocrinology consultation
      Forensic medicine consultation
      Gastroenterology consultation
      Geriatrics consultation
      Hematology consultation
      Internet healthcare consultation
      Medical negligence consultation
      Nephrology consultation
      Neurology consultation
      Oncology consultation
      Ophthalmology consultation
      Orthopedics consultation
      Otorhinolaryngology consultation
      Obstetrics & Gynecology consultation
      Primary care physician consultation
      Pediatrics consultation
      Psychiatry consultation
      Pulmonary medicine consultation
      Physical medicine & Rehabilitation consultation
      Public health guidelines
      Radiology & nuclear medicine consultation
      Surgical consultation
      Women's health consultation

    95. ------------------------------------

    96. Impairment Rating and Disability Determination Health status

      How would you describe your health status relevant to your age?
      100% mentally fit.
      100% physically fit.

    97. ------------------------------------

    98. Do you have any problems with activities mentioned below relevant to your age?
      Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)
      Performing manual tasks
      Getting started after sleep

    Oppressor screening
    How do you know a person is harmful or a gang member?


    He or she has disregard for human rights of others.
    He or she has harmed others and is likely going to harm others.
    He or she has prejudice toward good charactered, well-behaved individuals.
    A harmful individual will not have proper answers to questions relevant to good character, good behavior, or human rights.

    What type of individual goes to jail or has involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility?


    Is there an oppressor/harmful individual in the community?


    How has/is this individual harming others?


    How is this individual likely to continue to harm others?


    Is he or she acting alone or is a gang member?


    Who are among the other gang members?

    Primary Health Care
    What is primary health care?
    A health care resource advertises capabilities of screening hypertension and diabetes. That is not primary health care. That is quackery.

    Such activities are planned on April 20, 2012, at Near North Center, Chicago, Illinois.
    Heartland Alliance Chicago, Illinois, also is involved in similar quackery.

    Asian Human Services has declared an annual health fair on April 25, 2012, in Chicago, Illinois, to screen specific medical conditions.

    Can so many residents be screened for so many medical conditions in one day by a few medical doctors?
    No, they cannot.

    How many residents should be assigned to a medical doctor for primary health care?
    One handred patients per medical doctor.

    What should a health care resource be able to provide in primary health care?
    From time to time, you will be asked to issue a Healthcare screening certificate. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/healthcarescreeningcertificate.html
    Needs Assessment
      Emergency needs assessment.
      Nonemergency needs assessment.
      Problem or complaint-oriented assessment
    Refer residents or patients to other physicians with relevant abilities.

    Here are further guidelines.
    JavaScript Form Validation
    Question 1

    What is your Email address?
    Question 2

    What is the name of the individual who needs doctor consultation?
    Question 3

    What is the date of birth of the individual who needs doctor consultation?
    Question 4


    What is your mailing address?
    Question 5

    What was your mailing address from birth until now?
    Question 6

    Where is the patient now?
    Question 7

    Where do you live now?
    How long have you lived at this address?
    Question 8

    How long do you plan to live at this address?
    Question 9

    What is your contact information including current mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and any other details, and person to contact in case of emergency?
    Question 10

    What is the gender of the patient?
    What best describes the patient?:
    Question 11

    In general, how is your physical and mental health?
    Question 12

    What is your telephone number?
    Question 13

    Have you been in the hospital in the last month?
    Question 14

    Do you have health problems that you need help with right away?
    Question 15

    Do you have any appointments scheduled with doctors or other specialists?
    Question 16

    Screening for survival needs

    Do you have enough of these resources from the state?
    Health care
    Consumer goods

    Do you need any of these resources to be enhanced?
    Question 17

    What are the issues?
    Question 18

    Do you need extra help to access services, such as a wheelchair ramp, a computer screen reader or large print materials?
    Question 19

    What is the number on your medical card?
    A medical card number is usually a nine digit number.
    Question 20

    What state or entity has issued this medical card?

    Question 21

    What is troubling you?
    Question 22

    How old is the patient?
    Question 23

    What languages can you understand?
    Question 24

    What are the sources of medical history?
    Question 25

    Where are you located now?
    Question 26

    Is your complete medical history ready?
    Question 27

    Who is writing answers to these questions?
    The patient.
    Someone else on behalf of patient.

    If someone else is answering these questions on behalf of the patient, how are you related to the patient?
    Case manager
    Primary care physician
    If other, specify.
    I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.

    These are basic questions.
    There are many more.

    Once the above listed relevant questions about comprehensive patient assessment are answered and received, you will get another questions list relevant to age, gender, location, problems, or issues, if any.

    This will be followed by specific recommendations.
    The reference resource for medical doctors.
    The reference resource for human health care.
    What is included in the reference resource for medical doctors?
    What is included in the reference resource for health care?
    Here are further guidelines.
    Comprehensive patient assessment (nonemergency)

    What are the types of comprehensive patient assessment (nonemergency)?
    Age 1-12 years, comprehensive Health assessment of a child.
    Age 12–18 years, comprehensive health assessment of adolescent girl (teen).
    Age 12–18 years, comprehensive health assessment of adolescent boy.
    Age 65 years or older, comprehensive geriatric assessment.

    Comprehensive health assessment usually takes three sessions of 30 minutes on various days. If medical history is transmitted via email, fax, or postal mail, the duration can be less.

    What are the types of follow-up patient assessment?
    60-second progress assessment in an emergency room.
    60-second progress assessment in a hospital ward.
    60-second progress assessment in OPD.
    60-second progress assessment by email, telephone, fax, or postal mail.
    One-page discharge summary from hospital.

    What are the types of emergency patient assessment?
    Newborn assessment in 5 minutes.
    Patient 60-second assessment in stress.
    Patient 60-second assessment in crisis.
    Critical care progress assessment of patient in 60 seconds.
    Comprehensive patient assessment (emergency).
    Comprehensive patient assessment (ICU).

    Age 1-12 years, comprehensive health assessment of a child.

    Age 1-12 years, comprehensive health assessment of a child.

    What is the mailing address of individual/individuals’ source/sources of this medical history?


    How is this individual related to the child?


    Where does this child (with name, date of birth mentioned) live at this point?


    How long has the child lived at this location?


    Who is the caregiver for the child at this location?


    What is the profile of the caregiver at this location?


    What best describes the caregiver for this individual?
    Foster mother
    Foster father
    Legal guardian
    Other (specify)


    Feeding History

    Who feeds the child every day?


    Has the caregiver taken parenting classes?


    What food does the child get every day?


    How many times is the child fed every day?


    How long does the child’s feeding last?


    Developmental History

    Do you know the birth weight of this child?


    What was the birth weight of this child?


    What is the weight record of the child every six months after birth?


    What is the record of the yearly length of the child?


    What are recommendations to other medical colleges?
    Various medical colleges start with anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pediatrics, ear nose & throat, forensic medicine, ophthalmology, preventive and social medicine and end with medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology.

    They must start directly with a medical condition. Each medical condition should be enumerated in at least 40 questions and answers with relevant anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and preventive concepts.
    What human anatomy should one know relevant to this medical condition?
    What human physiology should one know relevant to this medical condition?
    What human biochemistry should one know relevant to this medical condition?
    What human microbiology should one know relevant to this medical condition?

    If one needs these questions and answers, Qureshi University is willing to provide them.

    Healthcare Education

    What will happen if you do not follow these guidelines?
    Your students will have problems in the real world.

    Doctors educated at your resource will not be able to answer relevant questions in the real world.

    Sooner or later, your students will complain that they were educated with substandard curriculum.

    The focus of your resource should be preparing students to solve real-world issues, problems, and complaints relevant to human health in the real world.

    These recommendations are for all regions of the world.

    What should you know about various recognitions or accreditation?
    If you declare that you have completed you education from a recognized resource with certification, board certifications, licensure, professional memberships, and real-world education but you are not able to answer relevant questions, your education is of no use.

    Set up a resource on the Internet in question-and-answer format in the English language that displays questions and answers that you know. This will be one proof of your competence.

    If you procure your education from another resource, declare that you have done so.

    Here are further guidelines.
    Grants and perks required to enhance these programs.
    Emergency Medicine/Global Medicine
    Medical Emergency
    Patient assessment
    Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment
    What are the types of patient assessment?
    Patient 60-second assessment by call center/Internet/telemedicine.
    Patient 60-second on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.
    Patient 60-second assessment in trauma.
    Patient 10-minutes assessment in a medical emergency room.
    Patient-focused history and physical exam.
    Comprehensive patient assessment.

    What is a medical emergency?
    If a human being has any problem, symptom, complaint, or situation listed below, it is a medical emergency.

    What best describes the problem, symptom, complaint, or situation in the list?


    What type of assessment does this patient need?


    What will happen if this medical condition is left without treatment?


    The individual can die.
    The individual can have a disability.
    The individual can have severe pain.
    The individual can have irreparable harm.

    Does this situation need a doctor?


    What should be displayed on an emergency medical record?
    Details of the patient.
    Details of the diagnosing and treating medical doctor.

    Details of the patient.

    What should be your first question in case a patient is referred to you?

    Patient 60-second assessment by call center/Internet/telemedicine.

    Where is the patient now?


    How old is the patient?


    What is the gender of the patient?


    Who is reporting this emergency?


    What are the sources of medical history?


    Patient not responding to medical history questions.
    Community member.
    Police officer.
    Referral from medical doctor.

    How much time has elapsed from the start of the emergency until now?


    Does one individual or many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?


    How many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?


    A medical emergency with an individual victim.
    A multiple casualty incident.
    Do you think this is a multiple causality incident?
    If it is a multiple causality incident, the guidelines are different.

    Vital Signs
    Check vital signs, mobility, and survival needs.

    Consciousness of a human being has to be included in vital signs.

    Vital Signs

    Consciousness, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature.

    Consciousness is extremely essential in reaching a correct diagnosis and treatment.

    What are the vital signs on the date and time of diagnosis and treatment?

    Date: Time: Consciousness: Pulse: Blood pressure: Respiratory rate: Temperature:
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    How do you categorize the condition of the patient?



    Is this an emergency?


    What is the category of this emergency?


    Is this a medical emergency?


    In what type of setting does this patient need treatment?

    Here are various examples.
    Critical care
    Coroner investigations
    Emergency room health care
    Emergency call center
    Hospital ward
    Home health care
    Internet human health care services
    Labor, delivery, and recovery rooms
    Medicolegal cases
    On-the-spot diagnosis and treatment
    Operating rooms

    Who has the duty to manage this emergency?


    What best describes this human emergency?


    Medical emergency
    Surgical emergency
    Trauma emergency
    Pediatric emergency
    Obstetrical/gynecological emergency
    Medico legal case
    Patient assessment
    Patient 60-second on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.

    What problems, complaints, incidents, and issues need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment?
    Unconsciousness at a public location.
    Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    Survival Needs
    Human Pregnancy Emergencies
    Here are further guidelines.
    What is the reason for consultation?


    What seems to be the problem?


    How much time has elapsed from the start of the emergency until now?


    Does one individual or many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?


    How many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?


    What best describes your problem?


    Patient Name:________________________

    Referred by:_________________________

    Mailing Address:_____________________


    Your Email Address:__________________

    Date of Birth:_______________________

    Gender: Male Female

    Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:__________________

    Emergency Contact Name:______________



    Your Height:_________________________

    Your Weight:_________________________


    Black/African American
    Pacific Islander


    Can the patient talk?
    Can the patient respond to verbal questions accurately?
    Can the patient do spontaneous eye opening?
    Does the patient respond to painful stimulus?
    Is the patient conscious, oriented in time, space, and person?
    Conscious means able to see, hear, and talk.
    In pediatric patients younger than six months of age, the ability to make any verbal noise or cry is equivalent to talking.

    What is the location of patient at the point of the medical emergency?
    Can the patient talk relevant to age?
    Can the patient walk relevant to age?
    Are consciousness, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate normal relevant to age?
    What is the cause of the existing emergency medical scenario?

    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.

    Emergency medical history

    What questions should you ask in emergency medical history?

    Survival Needs
    Details of the diagnosing and treating medical doctor.

    What is the name, date of birth, phone number, and other contact information of the person diagnosing and treating this patient?


    What is the date and time you are diagnosing and treating this patient?


    What is the location of the patient at the time you are diagnosing and treating this patient?


    What best describes the location of diagnosis and treatment of this case?
    1. On-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.
    2. Emergency room diagnosis and treatment.
    3. In the hospital diagnosis and treatment.
    4. Long-distance health care advice.
    5. Other
    Can you reach a correct diagnosis and treatment of a human being?


    What is the diagnosis of this patient?


    How did your reach this diagnosis?


    What is the treatment for this patient?


    Does the patient need to be transferred to a medical emergency room?


    In America up to February 12, 2012, most emergency medical records did not have these facts.

    In what emergency medical category do you fit the condition of the patient you are diagnosing and treating on this date and time?

    Undetermined, Good, Fair, Serious, Critical.

    If on-the-spot diagnosis of a patient declared in serious or critical condition, arrange a bed in the Intensive Care unit.

    Date of Examination:_________________________

    Physician Name:_________________________

    Physician Address:_________________________

    Is it a Medical Emergency?


    In what type of setting does this patient need treatment?


    Do any recent causes lead to this problem; for example, trauma, missed medication, inadequate survival needs, stress, or other issue?


    What are further details?


    Does any past medical history lead to this problem?


    Is there any recent history within past few minutes or hours of any of the following:
    1.Unconsciousness at a public location.
    2.Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    4.Survival needs issues.


    If there is even one recent history of the above, on the spot diagnosis and treatment is required.

    Is the victim's condition life or limb threatening?


    Could the victim's condition worsen and become life or limb-threatening on the way to the hospital?


    Could moving the victim cause further injury?


    Does the victim need the skills or equipment of paramedics or emergency medical technicians?


    Would distance or traffic conditions cause a delay in getting the victim to the hospital?


    What have been his activities for the last 10 years?


    Does the individual use or abuse any of these substances?


    Is the individual on any medication?


    Questions doctor on duty needs to answer.

    Is it a medical emergency?


    What is the diagnosis?


    In what setting/location does this medical condition need treatment?
    Treatment required on the spot.
    Treatment required in the medical emergency room.
    Treatment required in the intensive care unit.
    Treatment required in the ward.
    Treatment required in the operating room.
    Treatment required at home.
    Treatment required Internet health care.
    Treatment required in OPD consultation.


    What treatment do you recommend for this patient?


    What are other treatment options for this patient?
    No other treatment option.
    Other treatment options are enumerated.


    How do you do a quick assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a conscious patient?
    Are you the person reporting a medical emergency for yourself?
    How do you do a quick assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of an unconscious patient?
    Are all vital signs normal? Can the person move relevant to age? Has the person been provided with survival resources? Does the person or caregiver complaint of anything? Are these justified complaints?

    Medical emergencies.
    What are examples of emergency relevant to an individual?
    What are various symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, and histories that should raise suspicion of a medical emergency?

    There are at least 143 such symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, histories, and scenarios.
    Agitated Patient (Acute stress reaction.)
    Attempted suicide.
    Attempted homicide.
    Abdominal Pain.(Stomach pain)
    Altered sensorium.
    Any sudden or severe pain.
    Animal bites (may require rabies or tetanus shot).
    Armed Robbery.
    Allergic reactions.
    Breathing difficulties.
    Behavior that is dangerous to self or others and cannot be managed.
    Bleeding from any orifice or any part of human body that will not stop.
    Bleeding which does not stop after applying pressure.
    Being beaten by someone.
    Bloody Sputum
    Broken bones.
    Behavior-related emergencies.
    Change in mental status (such as unusual behavior, confusion, and difficulty arousing).
    Changes in vision.
    Chest pain.
    Cough with fever.
    Coughing up or vomiting blood.
    Confusion or changes in mental status
    Cuts and abrasions.
    Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure lasting two minutes or more.
    Difficulty breathing.
    Difficulty speaking.
    Difficulty getting up.
    Difficulty in passing urine.
    Difficulty in passing feces.
    Domestic Violence
    Drowning or near drowning
    Dental emergencies.
    Emergency diagnosis and treatment in neonatal period.
    Emergency diagnosis and treatment after neonatal period.
    Earaches and ear infections.
    Electrical injury shock.
    Emergency Food
    Environmental factors (hostile environment).
    Foreign bodies in nose or ears.
    Fainting or loss of consciousness.
    Fainting, sudden dizziness, weakness, seizure.
    Feeling of committing suicide or murder.
    Fever with breathlessness.
    Functional impairment (not taking care of self. inability to gain relevant skills and knowledge relevant to age).
    Human Rights Violations
    Head or spine injury.
    Head injury.
    Human Pregnancy Emergencies
    Hypothermia - frostbite.
    Head pain that lasts longer than five minutes.
    Intentional enforced harms.
    Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility
    Loss of consciousness.
    Loss of consciousness not related to a seizure
    Loosening of social inhibitions.
    Likely to be harmful to self or others.
    Low abdominal pain.
    Medicine overdose.
    Major burns.
    Medicolegal cases
    No pulse
    Poisoning including overdoses of medication.
    Persistent or severe vomiting.
    Persistent unexplained fever even with Tylenol use.
    Puncture wounds.
    Personality disorders (harmful to others). Panic attacks.
    Psychosis(delusions, hallucinations, catatonia, thought disorder, loss of contact with reality).
    Pregnancy-related emergencies.
    Possible serious bone fractures.
    Survival Needs
    Suicidal feelings.
    Surgical Emergencies
    Significant trauma (to the head, stomach, chest)
    Seizure lasting over five minutes or continuous seizures
    Severe asthmatic attack when prescribed medications do not work
    Severe injuries as a result of accidents such as broken bones
    Severe reactions to a medication with difficulty breathing or itching.
    Severe reactions to insect bites or other previously unknown allergic reactions
    Sore throat & fever
    Severe neck or back injury.
    Sexual intercourse due to conspiracy.
    Severe or persistent vomiting.
    Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
    Severe headache.
    Severe burns.
    Severe pain in any part of the body that does not subside.
    Serious drug reactions with psychiatric or non-psychiatric medications.
    Syncope or unconsciousness.
    Sudden or severe pain.
    Sudden loss of vision.
    Suicidal or homicidal feelings.
    Sudden asthma attack that does not stop.
    Sudden numbness or not being able to move an arm, leg, or one side of the body.
    Sever headache with fever or vomiting.
    Sudden injury or trauma due to a motor vehicle crash, burns, smoke inhalation, near drowning, wound, etc.
    Substance abuse.
    Sudden severe pain anywhere in the body.
    Sudden dizziness, weakness, or change in vision.
    Swallowing a poisonous substance.
    Shock symptoms, e.g., confusion, disorientation, cool/clammy, pale skin.
    Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
    Stroke or suspected stroke (paralysis, numbness, confusion)
    Trauma with unconsciousness.
    Trauma with cuts, sprains, or abrasions.
    Trauma with open fracture.
    Trauma with pain on mobility.
    Trauma with swelling.
    Unable to detect breathing
    Unconsciousness with diabetes.
    Unconsciousness at a public location.
    Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    Unable to move
    Uncontrolled bleeding
    Upper abdominal pain.
    Uncontrolled bleeding.
    Unusual abdominal pain.
    Unusual or persistent abdominal pain.
    Unexplained stupor, drowsiness or disorientation.
    Violence or other rapid changes in behavior.
    Vomiting or coughing blood.
    Vomiting and diarrhea.
    What will happen if you do not diagnose and treat a medical emergency properly?
    It can lead to death.
    It can lead to disability.
    It can lead to other harms.
    It can lead to medical malpractice.
    It can lead to legal malpractice.

    Annual health assessment.
    Yearly health assessment
    Annual health assessment

    What are the details of the problems or complaints you had in past one year?


    What are the details of the problems or complaints you think you will face in the years ahead?


    Do you have enough survival needs?


    What are details of your survival needs for next year?


    When was your last annual health assessment done?


    Who did your last annual health assessment?


    What were the findings?


    What were the recommendations?


    Did the recommendations help?


    Was it an annual health assessment or evaluation of a new problem?


    When did you last see a medical doctor?


    Did you see a medical doctor for an annual health assessment or a new problem?


    What seemed to be the problem?


    What was the diagnosis and treatment?


    What is the name and contact information of the medical doctor who gave you this diagnosis and treatment?


    How are you feeling today?


    Do you have any problems today?


    What seems to be the problem?






    Did you know that 90% of doctor visits are for stress related symptoms?


    What do you know about stress?


    What are the sources of medical history?


    Patient not responding to medical history questions.
    Community member.
    Police officer.
    Referral from medical doctor.

    Where is the patient now?


    Where do you live now?


    What is your telephone number?


    What is your e-mail address or fax number?


    Who has your medical record?


    Can I get a copy of your medical record?


    If you do not have a medical record and need to be my patient, a new medical record needs to be created.
    This will take a few weeks.
    You need to forward details about yourself.
    This will be followed by various specific questions. What best describes your problem?


    What is the reason for consultation?


    The new problem is not a medical emergency.
    Follow-up medical consultation.
    Problem that is a medical emergency (In case of a medical emergency, your local emergency service is the first responder. Guidelines for your local emergency responder are at this location: http:www.qureshiuniversity.com/emergencyworld.html).
    Patient Education
    Annual health assessment.
    Patient been referred to you by others.
    Patient been referred by you to others.
    These are basic questions.
    There are many more.

    One copy of your yearly health assessment goes to the state department of health.
    One copy of your yearly health assessment remains with your primary care physician.
    Referred by:_________________________

    How long have you known the patient?


    What are the details of the primary health care physician of a resident/patient?

    Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:__________________




    Here are helpful guidelines to describe your primary physician.

    I do not have a primary health care physician.
    My primary health care physician is not able to answer relevant questions via e-mail, fax, phone, postal mail, or face-to-face.
    There are no competent primary care physicians in the area I am living.
    I need a primary health care physician able to reach a correct diagnosis and treat me in various health care settings, and able to answer relevant questions via e-mail, fax, postal mail, and face-to-face.
    Emergency Contact Name:______________

    Phone: _______________________

    Email Address: _______________________

    What is included in a yearly health assessment?
    Survival needs screening.
    Life stressors screening.
    History from birth until now if not recorded previously.
    Vision and hearing screening.
    Any new complaints/problems.
    Activities of everyday living, housekeeping, mobility screening.
    Personality disorders screening
    Screening physical exam.
    What are findings about other medical doctors and health care providers?
    Most of the medical doctors claiming to be highly specialized health care providers up to March 30, 2013 did not provide this type of yearly health assessment.

    All medical doctors and health care providers are required to provide this type of quality yearly health assessment.

    They should not call themselves specialists without at least quality yearly health assessment.

    What type of health care screening is usually done but is not helpful and sometimes is harmful due to wrong results/false positives?
    Cancer screening, PPD test, Elisa tests, etc.

    Is this type of health care screening useful?

    Write down any symptoms you're having, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the consultation. Note when your symptoms bother you most — for example, if your symptoms tend to get worse at certain times of the day, during certain seasons, or when you're exposed to cold air, pollen or other triggers.




    Write down key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.


    Make a list of all medications, vitamins and supplements that you're taking.Take a family member or friend along, if possible. Sometimes it can be difficult to recall all the information provided to you during an appointment. Someone who accompanies you may remember something that you missed or forgot.


    Write down questions to ask your doctor.

    Annual Physical Exam: The Basics

    Date of Examination:_________________________

    Physician Name:_________________________

    Physician Address:_________________________
    (For women only)
    Are you pregnant or breast feeding? _____________________
    Date of your last menstrual period: ______________________
    How many children do you have? ______________________
    How were they delivered? ______________________

    Human Vital Signs

    1. Consciousness:_________________________

    2. Pulse rate:_________________________

    3. Blood pressure:_________________________

    4. Respiration rate:_________________________

    5. Body temperature:_________________________

    6. Emotion:_________________________

    Vital Signs. These are some vital signs checked by your doctor:
    Blood pressure: less than 120 over 80 is a normal blood pressure. Doctors define high blood pressure (hypertension) as 140 over 90 or higher.
    Heart rate: Values between 60 and 100 are considered normal. Many healthy people have heart rates slower than 60, however.
    Respiration rate: Around 16 is normal. Breathing more than 20 times per minute can suggest heart or lung problems.
    Temperature: 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the average, but healthy people can have resting temperatures slightly higher or lower.

    Vision & Hearing Screening



    Waist, hip circumferences:_________________________


      Calculate the body mass index (BMI = wt (kg) ÷ ht(m2)
      < 20 BMI Low body weight
      20 to 25 BMI Healthy weight for most people
      >25 to 27 BMI Weight may lead to health problems
      27 to 29 BMI Overweight. Associated with increase in morbidity and mortality.
      > 30 BMI Obese


    Oral Cavity:_________________________


    Lymph Nodes:_________________________






    Female Physical Exam:_________________________

    Male Physical Exam:_________________________

    Extremities / Musculoskeletal:_________________________





    Laboratory Tests

    Complete blood count

    Chemistry panel

    Urinalysis (UA)

    Prescription Here are further guidelines.
    Administrative Issues
    Common Medical Emergencies
    Dispatching for an emergency
    Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment
    Emergency Diagnosis Code
    Emergency medical record
    Emergency Department record
    Emergency medical responder
    Emergency medical record
    Emergency Medicine
    Health Care
    List of medical emergencies
    Medico legal cases
    Patient assessment
    Surgical Emergencies
    Symptoms & Signs A-Z List
    State Offices and Agencies of Emergency Management
    What are various symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, and histories that should raise suspicion of a medical emergency?
    How are most patients categorized in American triage locations up to February 12, 2012?

    Immediately life threatening
    Urgent, but not immediately life threatening
    Less urgent

    How should patients be categorized around the world, including in America, in case of a medical emergency?
    Undetermined, Good, Fair, Serious, Critical.

    Fair, serious, or critical will always get a medical diagnosis that needs emergency treatment.

    This can be only done by an emergency medical doctor able to reach the correct diagnosis and provide treatment.

    Is there a difference between emergency and non-emergency medical diagnosis?
    Yes, there is.

    What is the difference between non-emergency and emergency medical diagnosis?
    This example will make you understand.
    Diabetes is a non-emergency medical diagnosis.
    Diabetes with hyperosmolar coma or diabetic ketoacidosis is an emergency medical diagnosis.

    What is the role of www.qureshiuniversity.com/medicalemergencyworld.html in a medical emergency?
    Guide the following:
    Doctor in a medical emergency.
    Emergency responder in a medical emergency.
    Emergency call center in a medical emergency.
    Watcher, relative, or acquaintance of the victim in a medical emergency.
    Victim himself or herself in a medical emergency.
    Guide the state department of health worldwide.
    When Is It Really an Emergency?
    What types of patients get admitted to emergency room (ER), operating Room (OR), intensive care unit (ICU), and hospital wards and need Internet health care or outpatient (OPD) health care?
    Patient assessment
    A medical emergency with an individual victim.
    Critical and noncritical medical emergency

    How do you differentiate between critical and noncritical medical emergency?
    How does a doctor conclude a situation is not a medical emergency?

    All these functions should be normal relevant to age.

    Answers to these questions will determine if this is a medical emergency.

    All these functions should be normal relevant to age.

    Is the patient able to talk normally?


    Is the patient able to move his or her extremities normally?


    Is the patient able to walk normally?


    Are vital signs like consciousness (able to hear, see, talk), pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature relevant to age normal?


    Are survival needs — food, clothing, housing, health care, transportation, communications, etc. – available from the state?


    Is it correct that the patient is not agitated or sleepy?


    Is it correct that the patient is not having acute functional loss or abbreation?


    Is it correct that the patient is not in acute pain?


    Is it correct that patient does not have a history of recent harms relevant to symptoms?


    Is it correct that the patient is not a danger to him/herself or others?


    Is it correct in the case of a female of child-bearing age who is not pregnant or does not having pregnancy-related complications if pregnant, and is not in labor if pregnant, or no post-delivery complications if she has delivered?


    Is it correct that there is no woman’s sexual exploitation situation?


    Is it correct that there is not a situation in which the individual does not know the whereabouts of family members?


    Is it correct that there is not a situation of a child who does not have a caregiver?


    (If the answer to any one of these questions is no, this is a critical medical emergency.)
    If yes, it is not a critical medical emergency.
    If the answers to all these questions are yes, this is not a critical medical emergency.

    If the answer to any one question is no, this is a critical medical emergency.
    Here is another method to differentiate between critical and noncritical medical emergency.

    What best describes this medical emergency situation?
    Individual survival needs — food, clothing, housing, health care, transportation, communications, etc. – are not available from the state.
    The patient is not able to talk normally.
    The patient is not able to move his or her extremities normally.
    The patient is not able to walk normally.
    The patient’s vital signs, like consciousness (able to hear, see, talk), pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature relevant to age are not normal.
    The patient is agitated or sleepy.
    The patient is having acute functional loss or abbreation.
    The patient is in acute pain.
    The patient has a history of new problems/complaints with recent harms relevant to symptoms.
    The patient is a danger to him/herself or others.
    The patient is a female of child-bearing age who needs medical termination of pregnancy.
    The patient has pregnancy-related complications.
    This is a woman’s sexual exploitation situation.
    This is an individual does not know the whereabouts of family members.
    This is a situation involving a child who does not have a caregiver.
    This is a situation with symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, or history that has been elaborated in the list of symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, or history of medical emergencies.
    (If the answer to any one of questions is yes, this is a medical emergency.)

    What recommendations do you have relevant to individualized issues presented?

    How should you conduct an assessment of patient?

    Questions relevant to the patient.

    Where is the patient now?


    What is the name and date of birth of the patient?


    What are the vital signs on the date and time of diagnosis and treatment?

    Blood pressure:
    Respiratory rate:

    How do you categorize the condition of the patient?



    What are further plans relevant to the individual?


    Treatment at home.
    Treatment in a hospital.
    Treatment in a critical care unit.
    Medication details.

    Who is the treating doctor?


    When did the treating doctor last see the patient?


    What is the treatment?

    Here are further guidelines.

    What are examples of emergency relevant to an individual?
    What are various symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, and histories that should raise suspicion of a medical emergency?

    There are at least 143 such symptoms, signs, statements, questions, issues, histories, and scenarios.
    Agitated Patient (Acute stress reaction.)
    Attempted suicide.
    Attempted homicide.
    Abdominal Pain.(Stomach pain)
    Altered sensorium.
    Any sudden or severe pain.
    Animal bites (may require rabies or tetanus shot).
    Armed Robbery.
    Allergic reactions.
    Breathing difficulties.
    Behavior that is dangerous to self or others and cannot be managed.
    Bleeding from any orifice or any part of human body that will not stop.
    Bleeding which does not stop after applying pressure.
    Being beaten by someone.
    Bloody Sputum
    Broken bones.
    Behavior-related emergencies.
    Change in mental status (such as unusual behavior, confusion, and difficulty arousing).
    Changes in vision.
    Chest pain.
    Cough with fever.
    Coughing up or vomiting blood.
    Confusion or changes in mental status
    Cuts and abrasions.
    Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure lasting two minutes or more.
    Difficulty breathing.
    Difficulty speaking.
    Difficulty getting up.
    Difficulty in passing urine.
    Difficulty in passing feces.
    Domestic Violence
    Drowning or near drowning
    Dental emergencies.
    Emergency diagnosis and treatment in neonatal period.
    Emergency diagnosis and treatment after neonatal period.
    Earaches and ear infections.
    Electrical injury shock.
    Emergency Food
    Environmental factors (hostile environment).
    Foreign bodies in nose or ears.
    Fainting or loss of consciousness.
    Fainting, sudden dizziness, weakness, seizure.
    Feeling of committing suicide or murder.
    Fever with breathlessness.
    Functional impairment (not taking care of self. inability to gain relevant skills and knowledge relevant to age).
    Human Rights Violations
    Head or spine injury.
    Head injury.
    Human Pregnancy Emergencies
    Hypothermia - frostbite.
    Head pain that lasts longer than five minutes.
    Intentional enforced harms.
    Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility
    Loss of consciousness.
    Loss of consciousness not related to a seizure
    Loosening of social inhibitions.
    Likely to be harmful to self or others.
    Low abdominal pain.
    Medicine overdose.
    Major burns.
    Medicolegal cases
    No pulse
    Poisoning including overdoses of medication.
    Persistent or severe vomiting.
    Persistent unexplained fever even with Tylenol use.
    Puncture wounds.
    Personality disorders (harmful to others). Panic attacks.
    Psychosis(delusions, hallucinations, catatonia, thought disorder, loss of contact with reality).
    Pregnancy-related emergencies.
    Possible serious bone fractures.
    Survival Needs
    Suicidal feelings.
    Significant trauma (to the head, stomach, chest)
    Seizure lasting over five minutes or continuous seizures
    Severe asthmatic attack when prescribed medications do not work
    Severe injuries as a result of accidents such as broken bones
    Severe reactions to a medication with difficulty breathing or itching.
    Severe reactions to insect bites or other previously unknown allergic reactions
    Sore throat & fever
    Severe neck or back injury.
    Sexual intercourse due to conspiracy.
    Severe or persistent vomiting.
    Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
    Severe headache.
    Severe burns.
    Severe pain in any part of the body that does not subside.
    Serious drug reactions with psychiatric or non-psychiatric medications.
    Syncope or unconsciousness.
    Sudden or severe pain.
    Sudden loss of vision.
    Suicidal or homicidal feelings.
    Sudden asthma attack that does not stop.
    Sudden numbness or not being able to move an arm, leg, or one side of the body.
    Sever headache with fever or vomiting.
    Sudden injury or trauma due to a motor vehicle crash, burns, smoke inhalation, near drowning, wound, etc.
    Substance abuse.
    Sudden severe pain anywhere in the body.
    Sudden dizziness, weakness, or change in vision.
    Swallowing a poisonous substance.
    Shock symptoms, e.g., confusion, disorientation, cool/clammy, pale skin.
    Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
    Stroke or suspected stroke (paralysis, numbness, confusion)
    Trauma with unconsciousness.
    Trauma with cuts, sprains, or abrasions.
    Trauma with open fracture.
    Trauma with pain on mobility.
    Trauma with swelling.
    Unable to detect breathing
    Unconsciousness with diabetes.
    Unconsciousness at a public location.
    Sudden unconsciousness at home.
    Unable to move
    Uncontrolled bleeding
    Upper abdominal pain.
    Uncontrolled bleeding.
    Unusual abdominal pain.
    Unusual or persistent abdominal pain.
    Unexplained stupor, drowsiness or disorientation.
    Violence or other rapid changes in behavior.
    Vomiting or coughing blood.
    Vomiting and diarrhea.
    If this is not a medical emergency, it can be a medical disability or prolonged intentional enforced harms.
    Is there any medical disability, non-emergency problem or prolonged intentional enforced harms? If yes, a follow-up is required via e-mail, call, postal mail, or a doctor’s appointment.

    Abilities assessment (professional).
    The King's University

    I am Asif Qureshi.
    I am the founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party.

    About the Founder

    Al Hajj Harb bo zerab Zile le Illahi Maqdoom Mohmed Asif Syed Qureshi,
    doctorate in philosophy.

    How should you forward your profile?
    Here is a sample profile.
    If your profile is available, then we can speak on the telephone or have a face-to-face meeting.

    Fitness for duty

    Questions of lawful fitness or safety for specific profession. Gen __________ to be new ______ Governor

    The formal announcement in this regard is likely to be made in a week’s time.

    I need to make sure you are fit for this job.

    Questions you need to answer.

    What profession do you identify with?
    What is your job description?
    What do you think is your duty or role in this job?
    What is your department affiliation relevant to essential departments in the state?
    How would you rate your English language ability on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best?
    Have you written any book or books in the English language useful to school, college, or university education?
    How many books have you authored in English language up to now?
    What is good human character?
    What is good human behavior?
    How do you define state economy?
    How do you define a state budget?
    What are the essential ingredients of an economy?
    What aren't essential ingredients of the economy?
    What is the Essential Commodities Act?
    What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act?
    What are the basic human rights?
    How do you think you can help me/people?
    What are the five categories of law in the state?
    What are the elements of effective case management?
    How do you define justice?
    How do you evaluate quality of the judicial system in the state?
    Do you know about state planning and development?
    What do you know about state planning and development?
    Where is it displayed?
    Do you understand english language?
    What standard and reference of the English language do you follow?
    Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed?
    What is your political affiliation?
    What is economy?
    What is budget?
    What are the rights of a civilized human being?
    Who is a civilized human being?
    Where did you go to high school?v Where did you go to college?
    What subjects did you study?
    How old are you?
    What is your mailing address?

    Questions relevant to assets.

    What are your assets?
    What are the locations of his assets?
    Did you have these assets in 1980?
    What were your assets in 1980?
    What are your assets in 2014?
    How did you accumulate your assets after 1980?
    What are the assets of his relatives and friends?
    Where are they located?

    Questions relevant to legal competence.

    What are the five categories of law in the state?
    What are the essential departments in every state?
    What legal skills should a lawyer have?
    How many criminal offenses are there?
    What are various criminal offenses?
    These are basic essential questions.
    There are many more.

    What can be reasons a person is not fit for specific work/duty/profession?
    Personality disorder (liar, etc).
    Harmful to self or others.
    Lack of knowledge of specific profession.
    Insufficient knowledge of specific profession.
    Criminal traits.
    Disability; after reasonable adjustment an individual cannot fulfill expected standard of service/profession.
    Lack of desire for public service.

    Recommendations you will get.

    This individual is fit for this job.
    This individual is not fit for this job.

    E-mail, call, fax, or forward postal mail if you have any questions.

    This is Asif Qureshi founder Qureshi University and Global Democratic party at your service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Al Hajj Harb bo zerab Zile le Illahi Maqdoom Mohmed Asif Syed Qureshi, doctorate in philosophy.

    Here are further guidelines.

    Here are further guidelines.
    Follow-up patient assessment.
    How often should there be follow-up?
    Where should the patient come for follow-up?
    What are examples of various human health care settings?
    1. Ambulatory human health care

    2. Community health center

    3. Critical care

    4. Coroner investigations

    5. Emergency room health care

    6. Emergency call center

    7. Education of new medical students

    8. Education of existing medical doctors

    9. Functional Capacity Evaluation & Disability

    10. Hospital ward

    11. Home health care

    12. Internet human health care services

    13. Labor, delivery, and recovery rooms

    14. Medicolegal cases

    15. Medical Emergency

    16. On-the-spot diagnosis and treatment

    17. Operating rooms

    18. Public health

    19. Patient education

    20. Rehabilitation Services

    21. Research

    22. State health care administrative issues

    23. Space Medicine
    What are the types of doctor consultation?
    1. Ambulatory human health care

    2. Adolescent girls consultation

    3. Community health center

    4. Critical care consultation (Anesthesiology)

    5. Coroner investigations

    6. Cardiology consultation

    7. Dermatology consultation

    8. Disability consultation

    9. Dental consultation

    10. Emergency medicine consultation

    11. Endocrinology consultation

    12. Forensic medicine consultation

    13. Gastroenterology consultation

    14. Geriatrics consultation

    15. Hematology consultation

    16. Internet healthcare consultation

    17. Medical negligence consultation

    18. Nephrology consultation

    19. Neurology consultation

    20. Oncology consultation

    21. Ophthalmology consultation

    22. Orthopedics consultation

    23. Otorhinolaryngology consultation

    24. Obstetrics & Gynecology consultation

    25. Primary care physician consultation

    26. Pediatrics consultation

    27. Psychiatry consultation

    28. Pulmonary medicine consultation

    29. Physical medicine & Rehabilitation consultation

    30. Public health guidelines

    31. Radiology & Nuclear Medicine consultation

    32. Surgical consultation

    33. Women's health consultation
    Who will answer your questions and concerns?
    Doctor Asif Qureshi.

    How does this doctor consultation work?
    If you have any questions or concerns, forward them to Doctor Asif Qureshi.
    You will get answers to your questions and concerns within 24 hours.
    If workload is increased, answers may be delayed.
    You will be updated ahead of time of increase in work load.
    What are examples of various human health care settings?
    Ambulatory human health care
    Community health center
    Critical care
    Coroner investigations
    Emergency room health care
    Emergency call center
    Education of new medical students
    Education of existing medical doctors
    Functional Capacity Evaluation & Disability
    Hospital ward
    Home health care
    Internet human health care services
    Labor, delivery, and recovery rooms
    Medicolegal cases
    Medical Emergency
    On-the-spot diagnosis and treatment
    Operating rooms
    Public health
    Patient education
    Rehabilitation Services
    State health care administrative issues
    Space Medicine
    Here are further guidelines.
    What best describes the patient?
    Adolescent girl
    Adolescent boy
    What do you have to do before a patient or individual from the public seeks individualized doctor consultation?

    Has this issue been explained at the public health level?
    Take a look at this.

    Has this issue been explained in patient education?
    Take a look at this.

    If yes, you need to go through these facts.

    If no, you need to seek individualized doctor consultation.

    A doctor should first try to resolve health issues at the public health level or patient education.

    If the public health level or patient education does not resolve your issues, individualized doctor consultation is required.

    What should you expect from a doctor during individualized consultation?
    1. Obtaining a complete medical history.
    2. Verifying the obtained complete medical history.
    3. Reviewing patient records.
    4. Performing physical examinations.
    5. Medical test recommendations.
    6. Monitoring in various settings.
    7. Treatment/recommendations.
    What are the various methods of completing a medical history?
    You need to complete the options listed.
    You need to answer relevant questions.
    Depending on the situation, more questions can be asked.

    How healthy are you?
    How can various emergencies be prevented in the state and outside the state?
    Enhance various essential departments in the state.
    Take all nonemergency complaints and issues seriously.
    Resolve nonemergency complaints and issues immediately before they become an emergency.
    If you ignore nonemergency complaints and issues, this can become an emergency.
    This is relevant to comprehensive patient assessment.
    A doctor should know all of these types of consultations.
    A doctor cannot declare that he/she is able to diagnose and treat only psychiatric medical conditions.
    Physical Examination
    Medical Record

    Assessment for anesthesia (nonemergency).
    Assessment for anesthesia (emergency).

    How do you do an assessment for anesthesia (nonemergency and emergency)?

    When was your first menstrual period?

    When was your most recent menstrual period?

    What was the longest time between menstrual periods in the last year?

    Medical Record

    Interview with a physician
    Are you a physician?
    What type of physician are you?
    Can you guide a physician?
    What type of physician or physicians can you guide?
    How many types of physicians can you guide?
    How many other professions can you guide in addition to physicians, for example teachers, lawyers, engineers? What resources on Internet do you utilize for continuing education being a physician?
    What resources have you authored that are displayed on Internet being guide to specific physician or physicians?

    What type of physician or physicians can you guide?
    1. Physician primary care
    2. Physician intensive care unit
    3. Physician medical emergency room
    4. Physician medical emergency responder
    5. Physician surgeon medical emergency
    6. Physician surgeon elective surgery
    7. Physician anesthetist medical emergency
    8. Physician guide to physician or physicians
    9. Physician hospitalist (takes care of patients in hospital)
    10. Physician forensic psychiatry
    11. Physician forensic pathology
    12. Physician guide to other physicians through Internet
    Answer should be at least one of the physicians on the list.
    If a physician can guide all of above listed, it is proof of extraordinary intellectual abilities.

    Human medical conditions
    What should a medical doctor know about a medical condition?

    What is it?
    What causes it?
    What are the risk factors?
    What's normal?
    How is it diagnosed?
    What are the types of this medical condition?
    What are the symptoms?
    What are the signs?
    What are the clinical findings?
    What are the lab or investigation findings?
    What are the workable treatment options?
    What is the best setting or location to treat this medical condition?
    What do you think can help?
    When is counseling required?
    When is medication required?
    How long should medication last?
    What type of medication is available?
    When is surgical intervention indicated?
    How could this be prevented?

    Examples of patient profile.
    Why patient profile needs to be created?
    From birth until now, medical history is essential for correct diagnosis and treatment.

    Community-based patient profile.
    Detainees’ patient profile.

    How should a community-based patient profile and detainee patient profile look?
    Community-based patient profile should look like this.
    How should you elaborate your profile?
    What should I know about you?
    Patient Profile

    New Patient Consultation

    Medical emergency

    First Name: ---------
    Last Name:
    Favourite Name(Nickname):---------
    Address: Mailing Address:
    - City:
    Email Address:
    Location of Residence:
    Activities of everyday living: Sedintry life/Active Life
    Anthropometric measurements: Height: 169 cms 5.5 feet
    Weight: 54 kgs 118.8 lbs
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Body mass index
    Annual health assessment:On November 8, 2012 annual health assessment was done.
    Annual Physical Examinations:
    Address from birth until now:
    Additional Information: (Elaborate on any section of this Individual's Profile)
    Appointment Scheduling Instructions:
    Scheduling an appointment
    Canceling an existing appointment
    Modify an existing appointment
    Next Appointment Date
    Click on the box for appointment types and select the appropriate option:
    a. Routine Labs
    b. Drug Screen
    c. Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
    d. Pediatric Draw
    Contact Information:
    Complaint or issue type:
    Chief Complaint:
    Children: No
    Complaint/reason for consultation: Cough on November 8, 2012.
    Children: Yes
    Current Medications schedule:
    Current diet:
    Current treatments:
    Date of Birth: -
    Date of last yearly assessment/physical exam:
    Date of last blood tests:
    Duties, if any:
    Date of last physical/annual exam:
    Date of last blood tests:
    Emergency issues, if any:
    Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Name:
    Email Address:
    Educational level:
    English Ability: None, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
    Emergency Contact Name: Phone:
    Email Address:
    Emergency medical record:
    Emergency Department record:
    Food likes/dislikes:
    Fun and relaxation interests:
    Follow-up medical consultation: November 9, 2012 (Cancelled)Advised oral medication instead of injection verbally
    Next consultation November 17, 2012
    Family History:
    Family structure or size:
    Final Diagnosis:
    Geographic Preferences:
    General Physical Status: Walks:
    Help Needed with Mobility:
    Transfers: Fall Risk:
    Fracture Risk:
    Health Calculators:
    Habits: Drinking: No
    Smoking: No
    Hospitalization records: Date and Time of Admission:
    Health Status: Health Issues (Describe limitations in daily activity, minimum required care by nurse or physician, frequency of ______, etc):
    Immunization Record: Tetanus
    Pneumonia Vaccine
    Flu Vaccine
    Hepatitis B Vaccine Other
    Identity Card:
    Internet health care resource for the resident:
    Location of Residence:
    Last updated: November 8, 2015
    Completed By:
    Date Completed:
    Living situation:
    Law applicable to specific scenarios:
    Location of individual at this point:
    Languages abilities:
    Likes/dislikes:What I don't like:
    Spiritual wants/interests:
    Other significant interests/preferences:
    The important people in my life are:
    My dreams for the future are:
    What most people like about me best:
    What I like best about others:
    My gifts and talents are:
    Medical history: Present history
    Medical Record:
    Medical record correction:
    Medical doctor to medical doctor communication about patient:
    Mental status examination:Normal
    Medications: Current Medications:Inhaler, Oral steriods(November 10, 2012)
    Reason for Taking:
    Doctor: __________
    Date Started:
    Medical emergency resource for the resident:
    Major Achievements:
    Name and contact information: First Name:
    Last Name:
    Contact Information: Telephone:
    Your Email Address:
    Normal day:
    Other Languages: -
    Outpatient medical services record:
    Personal Profile: Key Skills:
      Interpersonal skills
      Planning & organising
      Problem solving
    General skills:
    Technical skills:
    Management skills:
    Language skills:
    Other languages skills:
    Primary Language Understood:
    Primary Means of Expression:
    Primary health care physician for the resident:
    Physical fitness:
    Past History:
    Personality questions:
    Physical examination:
    Vitals: Consciousness is extremely essential in reaching a correct diagnosis and treatment. Consciousness, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature. Review of systems
    Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:
    Products or services abilities:
    Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:
    Protective devices/medical equipment: (If Other)
    Relationship status:
    Referred by:
    Religion/spirituality/beliefs: Muslim
    Referred by: Mailing Address:
    State and outside state travel:
    Self Help Skills Status: Eating:
    Medication Administration:
    Services and Supports Needed:
    Social Interests:
    Surgical history:
    Special needs:
    State ID Card:
    Travel history:
    Work interests:
    Medical Record
    What goals do you have for your consultation today?
    Primary Care


    What are the sources of medical history?
    Patient not responding to medical history questions.
    Community member.
    Police officer.
    Referral from medical doctor.

    Detainee patient profile should look like this.

    Name of patient: Samia Qazi
    Address: Central Jail, Srinagar, Kashmir.
    Diagnosis: Antisocial personality disorder.
    Diagnosis last updated: November 11, 2015
    Physician diagnosing and treating for public interest: Doctor Asif Qureshi.
    Treatment Plan: Imprisonment.
    Antipsychotic medication.
    Weekly review with community updates.
    Further custodial interrogation.

    Physical Examination Quick Reference Guide
    General Physical Examination
    Examination of the cardiovascular system, including auscultation of the heart.
    Examination of the respiratory system.
    Examination of the abdomen.
    Checking for hernia and lumps in the groin and scrotum.
    Examining lumps.
    Neurological history and examination.
    Competence at orthopaedic examination, which should include back examination, neurological examination of the lower limbs for knee and hip history and examination purposes, shoulder examination, and assessment of ankle injuries.
    Examination of tender, hot swollen joints.
    Gynaecological history and examination.
    Breast lumps and breast examination.
    Peripheral pulses.
    ENT examination.
    Examination of the eye.
    Mental state examination.
    General Physical Examination

    General appearance
    ?Pre-exam checklist: WIPE:
    • Wash your hands
    • Introduce yourself to pt
    • Position pt
    • Expose the area
    ?Always examine from the R side of the pt.
    ?Ask pt. if tenderness anywhere, before start touching them.
    ?Skin colors. See Skin Colors Reference.

    Posture, weight, body shape
    ?If pt. enters, examine gait.
    ?Posture, stature, height..
    ?Obesity [BMI = kg/m^2. Normal <25].
    ?Limb amputations, deformities.
    ?Physique expected for age.


    ?Sunken orbits.
    ?Mucus membrane dryness.
    ?Skin turgor [pinch skin: normal returns immediately].
    ?Postural hypotension [less BP when sit, stand].
    ?Peripheral perfusion [press nose, time capillary return].
    ?Examine weight loss over hours.

    Vital signs

    ?Often logged on ward chart.
    ?See Taking Vital Signs Reference.


    ?Nail signs.
    ?Nail fold.
    ?See Nails Reference.


    • Palmar erythema (cirrhosis, polycythaemia, pregnancy).
    • Pigmentation of crease (Addison's, but normal in asians, blacks).
    • Pallor of palmar crease. Better results if hyperextend fingers, or stretch skin on either side of crease (anemia).
    • Dupuytren's contracture [fibrosis, contracture of palm's fascia] (liver dz, epilepsy, trauma, elderly).
    • Herberdens, Bouchards (OA).
    • Swollen PIP, distal PIP spared (RA).


    ?Hair: deficiency, excess.
    ?Facial hallmarks (Down's, Grave's, acromegaly, Cushing's, etc).
    ?Teeth: nicotine stains.

    Examination tips

    ?Initial examination is from the foot of the bed.
    ?Always ask if any part tender, before touching pt.
    ?Watch pt's head as palpate, to look for pain flinches.
    ?Percussion is R middle finger hitting middle of middle phalynx of L middle finger.
    ?To measure circumference of limbs, choose the bony landmark on each, measure down the correct distance, then take the circumference at that point.

    General Systems Review


    ?Chest pain, pressure
    ?Shortness of breath, exertion required
    ?Lie flat or use pillows, how many pillows
    ?Awoke breathless at night
    ?Noticed heart racing, aware of heartbeat
    ?Ankle swelling
    ?Cold/ blue hands, feet


    ?Cough: sputum, blood
    ?Shortness of breath, wheeze
    ?Snore loudly, apnea
    ?Fever, night sweats
    ?Recent chest X-ray
    ?Breast: lumps, bleeding, masses, discharge


    ?Weight, appetite changes
    ?Abdominal pain or discomfort
    ?Bloating, distention
    ?Nausea, vomiting: contents
    ?Bowel habits: change, number
    ?Incontinence, constipation/ diarrhea
    ?Stool: colour, blood/ black, consistency, mucous


    ?Vision, hearing, speech troubles
    ?Dizziness, vertigo
    ?Faints, seizures, blackouts
    ?Weakness, numbness
    ?Sleep disturbances
    ?Ataxia, tremors
    ?Concentration, memory


    ?Frequency, dysuria, nocturia
    ?Genitourinary pain, discomfort
    ?Hesitancy, dribbling
    ?Changes to quantity, colour
    ?Blood in urine
    ?Genital rashes, lumps
    ?Sex life problems
    ?Pain, bleeding in periods


    ?Prefer hot or cold weather
    ?Hand trembling
    ?Neck swelling
    ?Skin, hair, voice changes


    ?Colour changes


    ?Bruise easily, difficulty stopping bleeds
    ?Lumps under arms, neck, loin
    ?Clots in legs, lungs
    ?Fevers, shakes, shivers


    ?Joints: pain, stiffness, swollen
    ?Variation in joint pain during day
    ?Fingers painful/ blue in cold
    ?Dry mouth, red eyes
    ?Skin rash
    ?Back, neck pain
    Anything else you think I should know?
    Here are further guidelines.

    Who has established these resources?
    Doctor Asif Qureshi
    Doctor Asif Qureshi can guide all types of physicians. In addition to physicians, Doctor Asif Qureshi can guide a teacher, lawyer, engineer, and other executives in the state and outside the state.

    Diagnosis and treatment by a physician is process of investigation.
    Questions doctor on duty needs to answer.

    Is it a medical emergency?


    What is the diagnosis?


    How did you reach this diagnosis?


    In what setting/location does this medical condition need treatment?

    Treatment required on the spot.
    Treatment required in the medical emergency room.
    Treatment required in the intensive care unit.
    Treatment required in the ward.
    Treatment required in the operating room.
    Treatment required at home.
    Treatment required Internet health care.
    Treatment required in OPD consultation.


    What treatment do you recommend for this patient?


    What are other treatment options for this patient?

    No other treatment option.
    Other treatment options are enumerated.


    What should a medical emergency physician know about any medical condition?
    What is it?
    What causes it?
    What are the risk factors?
    What's normal?
    How is it diagnosed?
    What are the complications?
    What are the symptoms?
    What are the signs?
    What are the clinical findings?
    What are the lab or investigation findings?
    What are the workable treatment options?
    How could this be prevented?
    Here are further guidelines.
    Last Updated: August 11, 2023