What is a medicolegal case?
How are medicolegal cases classified?
What are various medicolegal cases a medical doctor or pediatrician can have?
Who has the duty to assist a medical doctor or pediatrician to diagnose,
treat, and manage medicolegal issues?
How is medicolegal case management different than other medical cases?
Do you know any medicolegal case that involves a medical doctor,
pediatrician, or others?
What is medical malpractice?
How is vicarious liability defined?
What is a medico legal case?
A medicolegal case means it involves medicine and law.
Punishments are required for individual(s) oppressing or harming others.
There should be adjudication, solutions, remedies, and relief to individual(s) harmed.
This is in addition to diagnosis and treatment.
How are medicolegal cases classified?
Medicolegal cases that need death investigations or autopsies. |
Medicolegal cases in which the victim is alive.
Medico legal case
Effective Case Management
What are examples of medicolegal cases?
Assault (aggravated)
Assault (simple)
All unnatural death cases.
All cases of death due to poisoning.
Attempted Murder (crime attempted)
Attempted suicide
Alcohol Intoxication
Burns and Scalds
Before holding medicolegal autopsy inquest is
Child Abuse And Neglect
Criminal investigation of sudden, unexpected, suspicious, premature, and violent deaths.
Cases of asphyxia as a result of hanging, strangulation, drowning,
Custodial deaths
Chemical injuries
Cases of trauma with suspicion of foul play
Criminal conspiracy
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
Death occurring during operation or
under anaesthesia.
Death occurring in prison, police custody, jail
custody, asylum, Borstal school.
Death certified as due to postoperative shock or
Death in the operation theatre
Death due to Snake Bite or Animal Bite
Drug overdose
Drug abuse
Dead brought to the Accident and Emergency Dept / MI Room (Found
dead) and deaths occurring within 24 hours of hospitalization without
establishment of a diagnosis
Electrical injuries
Fire Arm injuries
Forcible detention
Grievous bodily harm
Human Rights Violations
Human Pregnancy Emergencies (medicolegal case)
Institutional Sexual Assault
Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility
In exhumation cases.
Kidnapping/aggravated kidnapping
Missing person
Motor vehicle theft
Permitting sexual abuse
Sexual assault
Shooting Incident
Sudden death, where cause of death is
not known. |
Survival Needs
Suffocation etc
Sexual Offences
Traffic accidents death cases
Unlawful Restraint/aggravated unlawful restraint.
Unnatural deaths
Undiagnosed coma
Vehicular assault
Vehicle Crash
Vehicle Sabotage
1.All injury cases, circumstances of which suggests commission of offence by someone.
2.All burn injuries due to any cause.
3.All vehicular, railway, aeroplane, ship, boat, factory, construction site or other unnatural accidents where there is likelihood of death or grievous hurt.
4.Suspected or evident homicide, suicide including attempted.
5.Suspected or evident poisoning.
6.Suspected or evident sexual assaults.
7.Suspected or evident criminal abortion.
8.Unconscious cases where the cause is not natural or not clear.
9.Cases brought dead with improper history creating suspicion of an offence.
10.Cases referred by Courts or otherwise for age estimation.
11.Dead on arrival cases, or patients who die shortly after being brought to the Casualty and before a definite diagnosis could be made.
12.Any other case not falling under the above mentioned category but has legal implications.
13.Patients dying suddenly after parenteral administration of a drug or medication.
14.Patient falling down or any mishap in the Hospital, sustaining injury in the Hospital.
15.Death on Operation table.
16.Unexplained death after surgery or Interventional procedure.
17.Unexplained ICU death.
18.Patient treated and then referred from a __________ hospital with complications of surgery or delivery or bleeding, where the cause of death is unexplained.
When an autopsy is contemplated, these guidelines are to be followed to decide whether a Pathological or Medicolegal (Forensic) autopsy is to be requested:
1.Pathological Autopsy is to be requested when death is due to unexplained disease process or in cases that are rare or in cases which have academic interest.
2.Medicolegal (Forensic) Autopsy is to be requested in the above mentioned 1 to 20 circumstances.
Consent is not legally valid when given under fear, fraud or
misrepresentation of facts or is given by a person who is under 12 years.
It is advisable to take the second opinion and advice of a senior
professional colleague in all matters regarding diagnosis and
What are the parameters that determine the elements of effective case management with regard to a human being?
Address from birth until now
Complaint or issue type
Duties, if any
Emergency issues, if any
Educational level
Law applicable to specific scenarios
Location of individual at this point
Languages abilities
Normal day
State and outside state travel
Products or services abilities
These parameters determine elements of case management
What should I know about you?
How old are you?
What is your gender?
What are your assets?
What are your abilities and skills?
Do you understand, speak, read, and write the English language?
What languages can you understand, speak, read, and write?
Do you have any duties?
Who assigned you these duties?
What was your mailing address from birth until now?
Where do you live now?
How long have you lived at this address?
What is your contact information including current mailing address, telephone, e-mail, and any other details, and person to contact in case of emergency?
What profession do you identify with?
How would you rank you education level?
Is you educational level at primary school, middle school, high school, associate’s degree, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree?
What subjects have you studied?
What profession have you studied?
What are your abilities?
What services can you provide?
Have you designed or developed any products and services?
What are the issues?
Were you ever detained or jailed?
How many times and how long were you detained or jailed, and what were the reasons?
Do you think your detention and/or being put in jail was justified?
What concept of law is applicable to this scenario?
When was the last time you were hospitalized?
What were the reasons for hospitalization?
How long did the hospitalization last?
Do you think the hospitalization was justified?
Where have you travelled up to now in North America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, or Islands even for one day?
Did your parents/guardians and school raise you with liberal values, religious values, or some other values?
How were you raised?
What details should I know about you now that might later create problems for me, you, and others?
What are your goals or plans?
What best describes your English language abilities?
Are there any witnesses?
This question is important.
What did you hear and see?
Who are the witnesses?
Who are apparently involved?
Who is behind them? |
Here are further guidelines.
Here are further guidelines.
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